HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-22, Page 54 hursday, jtine 2nJ, x922 • .ar st ociatal • -• . H • . . • • r • Ch N Wth Whit". Groceries i _ Like everything else groceries vary • EIS tO quality. i _ When yog. get your Groceries HERE you are safe- i i guaPcled against any loss thro' left -overs We sell i 1 •the Groceries that makes eating _ , , a = .. . a A POSITIVETLEASURE i ) BROOMS To arrive this Week, a ship. inent of Brooms of sup- erior makes .. . . _a. ...... 2. .. ...... 69c, 49c M "2 lbs. Icing aSugar,. , ,x87e 2icg:Rai.me, Seeded 1gpk4clnsswlP-25c 2. tins(elanra mon x. tin (1) Fancy Red ....... x tin Choice Pink Sahnon 18c A CHEAP DESSERT • Pure Gold Custard, T;erioca and Chocolate Pudding make a very fine dessert, are instantaneous, 2 pkg 25c BACON Another lot of very clicriceie Breakfast Bacon, prices for this week only by the piece or half piece.,....35c lb. 3 pkgs Ammonia.,for . -.25c 3 pkgs. Pearline - 25c x bar Castile Soap 14c Meeks No Rub, per cake.... . . . -..5c Borax, per pkg 5c 6 cakes Castile Soap .............25c , DONT' FORGE V THE JELLIEq' Strawberry,Raspberry, Red Currant, Lemon, -Cherry, 'Orange, Pineapple, now's the time to use them, 3...25e -Referred to Edecation Committee, R.esolution of the County of Waxer - loo, asking the Government to assume the whole, cost of Provincial High- ways. -Referred to Special CoMmittee, From W. A. McLean, Deputy Mini- ster of Highwaks, encloging a state- ment of the expenditure on the high- way from Dublin to Goderich tep to December 31st., 1921, end the distri- bution of the same as to conetruction and Maintenance,. The county's share Of 20 per cent., is $15,190.34 and the total, $es,eenee; construction, $71,983,- 81; maintenance, $3,967.23, ---Filed. From Clerk of Hamilton, enclosing pet4ion to Dominion Govermnent for a aturn to municipalities of all fines under the Criminal Code, ---Filed. From the Highways Department en- closing a statement of the amount of grant to the County, under the High- way Syetein for 1921, being $81,016.64 and distributed as follows; Provineial County Roads Road Construction $ 3,658.36 Bridges 5,223.54 Maintenance and repairs 39,738.35 Special grants 2,336.68 Total approved 5o,956.93 6o p. c. of the above - - 30,574.16 . County Roads Superintendence • $ 4:406,8o Road Construction 16,745.49 Bridges 2,605.99 lVfaintenance 81,428.69 Machinery4,041.98 Special grants 16,842.25 Total approved 126,o71.2o 40 P. e. of above S 50,428.48 Expenses re superintendent's Con- ference, $35.01;.40 per cent. of seine, $-Iteceiete, $633.64• 111 Total amount of grant, $84:3,16.64. - Filed. _ A copy of resolution of Oxford County Council opposing the act of the Provincial Legislature making it compulsory on county councils to em- ploy graduate Civil Engineers only, and asking that the ,old act be re- stored, allowing them to employ any competent person to act as County Road Superintendent. --Referred to Special Committee. Reply of the Attorney -General the communication of this Coun Council with reference to the retu of fines under the 0. T, A. to A return of the clerk as to tl distribution of the county grant $4,800 made to the Hi,gh Schools an Collegiate Institutes of the Conn and also the levy -of each school f 1922, as follows: • School -grant 'levy Tot Clinton 1o97.6o e032.16 8x29.7 Goderich 68I.5o 5462.09 6143.5 Seaforth 1430.75 8812.23 10242.9 Wingham 936.60 6154.29 7090.8 Exeter 653.55 4359.39 50129 $4800.00 31811.16 36611.1 From the Department of Highway requesting copy of agreement hetwee the county and municipalities receiv ing grants, also with reference to By law No. 4, 1921, extending the High way System in Hullett.-Filed. Request for inforination by High ways Department regarding uniform scale of wages in, the county. -Filed. From Mrs. G. a Johnston of Ver Pa, requesting a .Franento the publi library of that village. -Referred t the Executive Committee.. Recormnendation of Edu cational Committee at January meeting that a grant of $5o. be made to the Trustees' Association of the county. --Filed. Letters and bills from G., A. Glenne Kippen, Wxn. Tait and J. Riley,' re automobile accidents and claims for dainages.er-Referred to Good Roads Commisgion. Applications for the position of Manager and Matron of the House of Refuge from D. L. Bell, Kincardine; Edwin C. Case, Kippen; W. R. Estall, Montreal; Torrance Galbraith, Lon- don; W. X Lucas, Wisconsin, US.; S. T. Plum, Brussels; Robert Robert- son, Clinton; W. G, Wilson, Hensall. These were laid on the table, - From D. A, Andrews, Clinton, ask- ing for a hearing on behalf of the Beekeepers' Association. -Filed, Application from Mr. A. D. Suther- and, of Seaforth, for a grant to the iospital established in that town. ---Re_ erred to E-xecutive Committee. jailer Griffin presented his report, which was read and referred Co the County Property Committee. Ex -Warden W. R. Elliott being resent was asked to address the ouncil. Mr. Elliott spoke of the leasant clays spent in the council ming his years of service, and coin- limented the Wa-rden on his election o the honorable office. Ex -Warden McLennan, of Welling - on, was present and was asked to ad- ress the council. Mr. McLellan con- ratulated the council on their good oads, being as he said, the best he addriven over. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and lopp that the County Clerk notify le County Solicitor to immediately ave the matter of the back interest h county mortgages, especially that n No. 8, settled forthwitha-Caaried, Moved by Messrs, Miller and Ren- y that this council make a grant of re,000 to the town of Clinton to re- idd that ,portion of road on the base ne within the corporation mid ale() portion of the Bay -field road. -Sent Good Roads Commissibie On motion of Messrs. Webb and 'min the Council adjourned until ednesday morning, Wednesday Under the head of Etquiries Mr. cQuaid spoke of. the hecessity of formation to be laid on the table th regard to our standing on ex- nditures to date on the Good Roads &other branches of work that the uncil rnight more intelligently p- oach the matter of levying the rates L 5922. Mr. MoNatightari Spoke of the ne- ssity- for the same ieformation' and e need for retrenchment in our ex- nditures, Mr. Ba,eker mid thq, Warden also oke of the need of sti€11 information. Mr. Smith brought up the matter to the responsibility for removing board fence on the county highway ar the village 'of Hensel], Mr. Ir - n, Provincial Engineer, who was esent, stated that it Was the respon- ility of the comity, Parke brought up 1.116 Matter 11 - -Extra choice Cheese 22C Kraft Cheese ..--.350 Old Cheese - II- , 3oc = - . 11. • :*. This is only touching the'fringe of Our Big Specials. i _ A • i I I NO PHONE ORDER FOR SPECIALS .= rz... FRESH EGGS TAKEN IN TRADE _ THE COUNTY COUNCIL The Council met in the Council Chamber of the Court House, Gode- rich, on Tuesday, June 6th;at 3 p. pill -silent to adjournment in January, Warden Trewartha occupied the chair. The roll was called and all the members were present. The Warden addressed the Council re the matters to come before the Council at this meeting. The resignation of Mr. and Mrs. . Reynolds, from the positions of Man- ager and Matron of the House of Refuge, was to be regretted, and the appointment of successors would en- gage the attention of the Council. The other matters as to delegations thay would be present arid engage the lttention of the Council. The question of whether the High- way System should be a county, sys- tem as whole or remain as at pres- ent a party system, or part toweship and part county. The position of the county finan- cially would be discussed under the auditor' teport. The question of amending the Haw- ker's By-law to bring it up to date. In conclusion he bespoke the same co-operation of the Council this gee - son as in the January session. The following communications were read and referred to the several com- mittees of council. From Parkhill Board of Education re Huron's share of high school inain- tenance for 192e. -Referred to Educa- tion Committee. ' • From the Clerk of Weet Wawa - nosh including account re Huron's share of certain drains. -Referred to Good Roads Coirimission, From the Reeve of McKillop, re expenditures of that township on re- surfacing approaches to certain coun- ty bridges. -Referred to Road and Bridge Committee, From Judge • E. N. Lewis, request- ing the Council to place a lounge in his office. --Referred to County Pro- perty Committee. From Treasurer of Winghana Hos- pital Board, including copy of the latest Government report. -Filed,` From W. W. Dunlop, Inspector of Prisons, suggesting certain changes and improvemetets,-Referred to Coun- ty Property Committee, Correspondence including letters from Major Lawless, London; Lieut. Col. Coombe, H. C. MacLean and- W. Brydone, re the matter of the dispos- al of and location of the 1.6est Bat- talion Band instruments. -Referred to County Property Committee. From Hon. R. H. 'Grant, Minister of Education, re a conference of the county. representatives at Toronto, with reference to educational matters. ageseleseasmmemenemmeemanimmilleimmalmillelelell11111119111111119111011111111111,11:1111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111101111111 • AA. ete,e‘e Save Umiecessary Expense in Telephonm "He's not in his office just now?" How often have you put in a call for,— Say Mr, $ rown a the Robinson Machine Company — and when con- nection Was made, learned that he was out? Because you asked for Mr. Brown, it cost .you — because of the extra service we rendered — about Cl'X') more than if you had asked simply for the Rol3inson 11/a,chine Company. The majority of Long Distance users' find that if they ilut in a call for a firm — not for an individual — at the lower Station -to -Station rate; they can always get .111 t011eh at once with' the particular person they pre- fer to talk with, or with a deputy who will answer the' purpose. Our gain will come when you appreciate the 'speed and economy of Station -to -Station service. 'After 8.80 P.M. the evening. rate on Station -to -Station calls 18 only about one-half the day rate. Every, Eel Aratephohe M Long..bivitit2t6 Statiott oAM4, THE WINGHAlkf ADVANCE of dangerinte tarns, or jogs, and places on the cOtuity highway's and wanted to 'know What aetion had been taken in the matter. Mr. Patterson will be requested to report on the setae. Mr. McQuaid brought. up the matter of the shortage of witness accommo- dation and suggested that the County nPireoeptienraty, Committee report at this Messrs. Robertson McQuaid,John- ston, `holing and Spotton spoke of the discipline in force at the county jail and the Property Committee was requested to report on the same. The County Efigineer's Repert was presented and referred to the Good Roads Commission. Mr, Irwin, Provincial Engineer, ad- dressed the council with reference, particularly to the work of township organization and returns under the Highways Act and the importance of proper plans and supervision of bridge construction. • Moved by F. J. McQuaid, seconded by W. Coates, that the sincere thanks of sthie County. Council is here- by tendered to Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Holman, for the splendid banquet giv- en in honor of the members of th County Council and officials, at thei home in Goderich, on Tuesday even ing, June 6th, 1922.-Ca'rried, Moved by Messrs, Tipling an Douglas that the resignation oe Mr and Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, as Manage and Matron, respectively, of the Hous of Refuge, be accepted and that thi council regret that Mr. and Mrs. Rey nolds have decided to take this step of resigning their connection with the County Horne. -Carried, Moved by Messrs. Douglas and Naylor, that. a grant of $10 be made to each Women's Institute in the ncleitetaelety. ,-Referred to Executive Com - Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Klopp that the chairman of the Fin- ance Committee be instructed to get a statement of the different accounts, viz: Good Roads, Current Account and Sinking Fund Accounts at the present time, also the eetpenditure of these several accounts to date, as a guide to said committee in striking the county rate. -Carried. to Moved by Messrs. Gallow and Mos- ty er that Mr. Charles Robertson be rn aptiointed on the Goderich Collegiate he Board tor oaian'ee of term. -Referred to Education Committee le Moved by Messrs. Gallow and Mos - of er that whereas the amount of $1o,000 d granted by this council at the Ja.nuaro ty session to the town of Goderich for or the improvement of the connecting , link through the town of the Provin- al cial COuntyr Highway from Amberley 6 to Grand Bend, is insufficient to com- e: plete the work, that the said grant be 8 increased to $25,000. -Referred to the 9 Good Roads Commission. 4, Mr. A. E. Erwin gave a very cor- dial invitation to the county council 6 to hold their annual picnic at Bayfield this year, s Mr. Erwin moved, seconded by Mr. n Parke, that the members of this coin- - cil and their wives, hold their annual - picnic at Bayfield this year, on Friday, - June 23rd. Messrs. Tipling and-Spotton strong- - ly advocated Winghana as the place for holding the picnic and moved an amendment to that. effect. - • A vote being taken, Bayfield was o • cliTnsheeneollowing deputations were pre- sent and presented their claims: Hur- on Bee Keepers' Association; London Memorial Children's Hospital; Tres- ees' and Ratepayers' Association; Sea - forth Hospital; Agricultural Societies of the County, These several deputations were as- sured of the consideration of the Council for their representations, Moved by Messrs. MeNabb and Naylor, that the salary of the KeePe and iVratron Qf the House of Refuge be $60o and' $400 respeetively,-eeeeeee, red to Executive Committee, IVIoved by Messrs. Parke and Arm- strong that the Merriorlai Hospital of the town of SeafOrtb be given the Us- ual grant of $1,000 for maintenaoce purposes. -Sent to Executive Commit- tee, lVfoved by Messrs. Hanley and Mil- ler that the Varna. Library get the Oeual grant. --Sent to Executive Com- mittee. MOved by Messrs. McQuaid and Robertson that the Council go into committee of the whoie, to take up the matter of, Equalization of the as- sessment of the different municipali- ties of the county for the year 2922. -- carried; In committee of the whole it was moved by Messrs. Armstrong- and Mc- Quaid that the equalized assessed val- ue of the County for the year be the same as it was hi reel. This motion was adopted. Jailer Griffin was present and was e granted his request to explain certain ✓ rumors regarding laxness of discipline, - emphatically. denying all minors, but confirmed the report of the Inspector d with reference to the lack of proper . arrangements for the proper segrega- ✓ tion of prisoners. Mr. Girffin invited O the closest investigation of the work s ing of the jail. - The statement of the bank deposits at present date were as follows: General account $ 9,124.67 Highway improvement ..... , 47,851.34 Coupon account 1,336.50 EXchange account &so Sinking Fund 25,154.06 General account is,000.oci Highway improvement 5,000.00 .1) X ti 0 le 11 '$ a to iii wi pe an eo fo PC sp a ne wi $103:475.07 On motion of Messrs. Tipling and Fear the Council adjourned until Thursday. Thursday Under the head of Enquiries intro- duced by Mr. McNaughton, some dis- cussion took place as to the_ rate of interest charged and balance due on each County. mortgage.held. It was held that it would be wisdom to close up all these overdue mort- gages as sorn as possible. Mr. Robertson brought up the ques- tion of the wages rate employed by each county patrolman. Moved by Messrs. Dodds and Fear that the members of the Mothers' Allowance Local Board be -constituted as last year, viz., G. W. Holman, Goderich; A. T. Cooper, Clinton; Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler, Clinton; Mrs. W. A. McKim, Goderich; Maja R S. Hays, Seaforth.-Care i ed. - Moved by Messrs. Klopp and Mc. Naughton that Huron County Council xnemoralize all the County Councils of this province to petition the pres- ent, Government to remove the sale tax from tile used for drainage pur- poses. -Carried. Moved by Messrs. Johnston and In- glis that a grant of $xcio be made to -the Huron County Trustee and Rate- payers' Association. -Sent to Execut- ive Committee. County Property Committee. Mr, Collins raised the matter of supplying eotorty ofikars with coal, light and water. It was held that there ehould be a limit set or that each county officer should be paid a straight Salary and each officer supply hie own fuel, etc. Mr. a McEwen asked, a -rid wae granted permission th address the council, re the Ptheosed Scenic Igh- way from Sarnia north through Gode- rich. McEwen submitted a draft resolution which he asked the council to adopt. --`rhe resolution was sent to the Special Coirimittee, Moved by Messrs, Dodds and Me - Naughton that Mr. and Mrs. Robert, son of Clinton, be appointed Keeper rainedd.Matron, respectively, of the Hr - on County Home. -'rhe motion car - 'rho Executive Committee renorte and the report was taken up in cons rnittee of the whole with Mr. Rob- ertson in the- chair. Moved by Messrs. Parke and Gal - low in amendment to clause 4, that lost. Thebe $1,000. The motion was The grant to the Trustee. and Rate. payers' Association e4as struck out on e:otion of Messrs. Neeb and 'Ire wartha. 'rile report as amended was then adopted. - The Education Committee repor .r.,,teta:;d taken up eath Mr, Neel) in the chaii. The -report was adopted as talcen up with Mr. Buchanan in the a:317 Special Committee report was On motion of Messrs. Neeb and Douglas, clinic one was struck out and the report -vies then adopted. The Road and Bridge Committee re. - pored with Mr. Fear in the chair. 'I he report was adopted, The County Property Committee report was taken up with Mr. Baeker in the chair, The report was adopted. On motion of Messrs. Neeb and Paike the Council adjourned until Friday, " Friday Mr. McNabb nia.de a verbal report of the matter of the e6155 Band instru- ments in reply to a questio1 froni Dr. Gallow. In answer to an inquiry .from Mr. H.anley, Chairman Bea.vers of the Good Roads Commission, alsa Messrs. Erwin a'n'd McNabb gave an account of the Good Roads Convention. Mr. McNabb said there was a great divergence of opinion regarding the different phases of good roads con- struction, but that could be expected. On the whole, he said, there was much valuable discussion, but he thought the convention was not as good as previous Ones. - The Good Roads Commission repost was read With Mr. Klopp in the chair. The report was adopted as read. The Finance Committee report was taken up with Mr. Miller in the chair. The report was adopted. The report of the House of Refuge ormnittee was taken up with Mr. orter in the chair. The report was dopted. Mr. Seeger, on request of the War - en, went very fully into the- duties nd perquisites of Police Magistrates. Moved by Messrs. . Tipling and Dodds, that the Warden and Clerk investigate the matter of the lespon- sibility of the county regarding the different officials in the Court House, as to payment of office expenses and providing an office, etc., and report at ext meeting of counce,-Carried, Moved by Messrs. Douglas and aylor, that the Warden Clerk and r. Erwin be a committee to arrange °gramme for the county council pie - at Bayfield, on June 23rd. -Carried. I, • gi:ef>riree- di oLoyk the arke that thie conneil, reeommend the having sharp turne and jogs en C ty Road, straightened out on and' brieg in a report of the estirrt cost at the December ineetinVe „„ 1 a sMfohvaldtbil)eriv.wteasrsdres Tipling and ertson and Moser be a coninimittee, arrange for securing a room, ori in Goderich municipal building Juvenile Court Jadge, and illatee • present office °cc:nixed by Mr, Reit' and G. W. Elliott, be vaceted.---C'et e rIelVictooed by Messrs. Arinstrotig and Hanley that the special levies as per the Speeial ' Committee's Report of janttary, toer, appointed to equartztt- the. highway levies and expenditnecrs. d, of mthoevecdoilienty abneleinevdmiedentthil!,yytelaAeessTs„ Robertson and Moser that there be no special levies upon niunicinalitiee for 1922, as proposed by Comutittee Report of January, ;921. The motioir, carried, singing the National AntlIclu, the Council adjourned ..to meet the first Tuesday in December at -2.3o REPORTS OR COMMITTEES The reportR°a dosf at 411 ed 'RoBridgesadan d Bridge', Committee was as folloWs: t Re account of repairing and ,rravel- ling aproaches of Gregg's Bridge in the township of McKillop and Morris,, amounting to $25.65, we recomrriend, that this be paid. We further recommend that repairr,-, of minor importance to County Bridges and their approaches be at- tended to by the County Engineer, acd that the engineer be hereby in struct- ed to have these repairs made as SOOn as possible. A. H. Neeb, Chairman. House of Refuge The House of 'Refuge Commit:ea rp- ported as follows: Re report from Provincial Inspec- tor of the County House of Refuge, we recommen.d that the report be ac- cepted. We further recommend that (Continued from page 6) a Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Fear a that the grant of $28,000 given to Wirigham, under by-law No. 5, being too -small, 'the amount be increased to $5i,00n-Referred to Good Roads Commission. „ Moved by Messrs. Douglas and Tip - ling that the County Property Com- mittee tal& Int() cfniSiciertm the ad- p visability of painting the seats and ceiling of the council chamber and re- N decorating the walls and securing new M blinds, and have the work completed pr this year, if possible, -Referred tonic 4eNie, AP a os ra A ig a, 0 - J SW 17/411-1M1 www • j w • -6 1 owl 6 PIM_ 'KT ne iNew rayer Book The new edition just issned by authority of the General Synod of the Church of England hi Canada is now obtainable at Elliott's Book and Stationery Store. We have a comprehensive showing of the various. styles and will be pleased to have a share of your patronage. You are invited tO inspect oar stock, ot Books, Stationery, Magazinia, Town Ticket Agency Canadian National Grand Trunk Railway. Ocean ticketeivia add lines. MIMPIPIIMOMOMMHYMIN01•111. PIAMOIN111[10.110.101111•11101.1 derlt° ar a a. As iamb rose opt, or& ma..a ssor 401a, 111 it MN 18A 16 Cr ‘16 Ol V mite Sty or 02.0, e6 "441.30 vow kp Mo. IP 1:6113r 51 AI, as, .,21 20,112k M EVIR31 ikaf ta tu. ettaantereeta, • 1.1%e• .. -,ente areeeeetrta . . UttWaittt,ttn,mteszttlattIttM.\\tmett‘towatkUtftrarttWAVA: MOUNT ASS I 1.3 Of HE " THE MATTERI-1 OR.P4"OF tE NATAMISANAUMIMIZ‘ 0:!.t•I Au AN pAci IROOKikr rommtv, 44 ar.HE Alpine Club of Canada, which has done a notable work in creat- ing an interest in Caneda's great nat- ural heritage of mountain scenery in • the Canadian Bookies has eeleeted the Palliser Pass on the Great Divide, near Moune Aesiniboine for ite seven- teenth Annual Camp, -vvhieh opens on ;Wye 29, this summer. An outlying Oam,p will be placed near the summit of North Xananaskis Pass, in the sante group of peaks, about eight miles distant. The nein camp will be forty-four miles distant from Banff, but owing to the series of walking tout camps teeently established by Mr. A.. G. Wheeler, of Bente it can be comfortably reached within three days from the Alpine Club headquarters by travelling or two days to Trail Cen- tre °utile); the one day to the summit of Palliaer Pass. All outfit tad sup- plies carried by pack ponies. Main camp 4P111 be et the summit of Palliser Pass„ Asubsidiety (Amp will bs A 1.P1 M CLUB OF C4-1;ADA EXCELSIOR,n anaskis Pass, eight miles distant; both vein, beautiful Ioeations. The summit of Palliser Pass is 7200 feet above sea -level. Cale') will be in an open Alpine meadew by the shore of Belgium Lake. The pass is dentin- ated on, one side by Mt. Sit Douglas (Haig), 11,500 ft., and on the other eicle by Mt. King Albert, 9,800 ft., and is very beautiful in its surround- ings. A few miles southward lies th ine Royal Group, dominated by Mt. Xing Geo' rge 11,400 ft.; and' Mount Queen Miley, 11,100 ft, surrounded by the Royal Fami•ly of mountains, Below the Group lias the Royal Valley. The summit of North Kananaskis Paps lies at 7,000 foot; it is the centre of the British Military-Nava1 Group, At its summit 18 Lake Maude, Red. ell around are the peaks: Mt, Beatty, it. Xellicoe, Preneh, Mt. Maude, Mt. Robertson, Mt. BirdwOody, end mt. Smuts -till excellent climbs ot 10,000 feet and more, Not far to the sontli placed near tho ttth1t at North Kati- east is the French Military Gronp, venom tee evreate r ate er teem from which Mt. Joifre over 11,000 feet, rises eonspieubusly. ,.. The time will be spent in climbs and expiorations in this new territory, and a special two-day trip will be ar- ranged from the main earop at Palliser Pass, via Itimanaskis Pass, Haig Glee eier, Haig Pass, Burstall Lakes, and Burstall Pass. At Kanataskis Pass Camp, of special interest will be Law- son Lake and Turbine Canyon. Tur- bine Canyon is spanned by six or more natural bridges. ' Ilaig Glacier, and its subsidiaries, the largest ico field in this southern part of the Main Ranges, is very faseinatieg. Its ieefe/1 and that of the Beatty Glacier come right tiewn elose to the summit 'of Kanatiaskis Pass. The pass is very beautiful, and is comprised of wide, open, Alpine meadows, carpeted by ink heath and white heather and. rithant with rare )(alpine flowers. / '' A largo attendance of both Cana- dian and, American members is as. silted. *MA visitors from tile Alpine Club (England) will be present. els plienamenal camp is in preparatior,r, and Major E. 0. Wheeler, B.n., oflast year's Me Everest expedition, will be in charge of the mountaineering - The Banff to Mt. A.ssiniboine walk- ing and riabeg tour ronte ensures easy- and comfortable transportz a will enable the visiting ,enembera • e travel home via the eatreneitg Mai viol Lake, Lake Gloria, Wondor Pass, Mt, Assinthoine Valley ok the Reeks. GeldenValley, 'Citadel Bess, Healy Creek and- Bo W River, The walkina tour 'route will open. the publie 0» th 1st of .Thly, and bein • operatiot dining July, Augnat and. $eptember. Trips start from gair Claire Camp every Monday tied Thurs.. day, The elaieetive is Wonder Lodges t ssati oine, the 1Vtatterhorntiff the O.:mai:Vali Rockies. 1.1 It tire trill point el the reeently ereatedi eissiniboine Park, e' This tour ye' to the publis, and will be we]' ized this sornamsti <