HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-15, Page 4 Zia Single Copies Foltfir Cents Qpen ik;r Co Pei!: CHAUTAUQUA AT WINGIIAM ates Set For Week Of July lath to July 21st. ingbarn ker Torroght..(Jiine:.14th:.after WINGHAIVI, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 15th 192 TIM'S BEER IS WEAK Po the Editur av the Advance, Deer Sur,— • What dye tink av tidal, lads down at Toronto now, votan thiinsilves Sao° The organization meeting of Chem- extra money fer timer sarvices to the auqua guarantors was held ii the counthry? coarse it was all right council..chamber on Monday evening, fer the Tdry snimbers to get it, seein A fairly, gpbd turnout was preseet, they dre awl good mill, an raelabY Although the committee was behind aven the Grits shud hey it, as the on last year's expenses, the 1922 tcorn- mosto av thim are tharrud up an nad.e ittee are out to win with a balance. it, but than U. F. 0, fellalis don't de - The election of officers for 1922, is sarve it in army smse av the wuriud, as follows: fer, barriu three arr four av- thim, they President—Thos. Fells ail* worth it. The Tories an Grits Vice -Pres. --Mayor Elliott --- are rnoshtly expayrienced min on the Secretary—Reg. S. Williams jawb, -aa slattd be drawin mbore pay Treasurer ----A, G. Smith than a bunch av ainachoors loike thim Publicity Committee—W. J. Greer, U. F. 0, byes. Mebby the Province S. Bennett, and Rev. j. R, Peters. kin affoordeit 'awl roight, fer wid the Ticket Committee—A. G. Smith, H. rake aff on the horse races, an the B. Elliott, and R, S, Williams. profits on six million dollars worth ay ReceptionCommittee—Dr, RI' C. booze sold to the dispensha,ries,' fer Redmond, Dr. R. L Stewart and Thos. the sick paple, an the duties to be paid by the eslitate av the late Sir Jawn Chautauqua will visit Wingham Eaton, the cash will be fairly rowlin from July 15th to July 21st, and from into the treasury. 'Tisift so aisy fer the appearance ,of the program a,rare Misliter Fielding to get money. treat is in store for all who attend. Wan day I met me ould fiend Pete Chautauqua is an education for old Boggs in Charlie Lepard's sanitarium, and young. A week at' University for an whoile Pete's harsis wus bein shod the small sum of t$2,75. No one can over at Sam Young's smithy we had ,isay that the talent engaged is anything a glass arr two av beer, (wake shtuff but the very best procurable. The' but not too bad on a hot day) an got 'lectures are uplifting and entertain- talkin pollyticks. Sez Pete, "yer frind, sing. The play is always put on by the tMishter Ferguson hasn't got mann3r very best actors you will see in the U. F. 0. hoides hangin on the hack ,best theatres of New York. Altogether 1i -tete at the Parliament buildins yit," Ree's . E. J, Harris and Mr. John Chautauqua is well worth while. see he. "Shure, wisdnye be afther hev- Kelly motored to Palmerston on in him break the gaine laws?" I sez. Tuesday to attend a Baptit Conven- . "'Tis the close sayson fer pollytishuns titan. at prisint" sez L. "He' is gettin his traps elated, an his gun polished up ready ,fer whin, the sayson opens at the iiixt .ellekshnitetso lie is. Whin it is ,,overItiltt F. hoide wiIL be so cliapee they WOixttt be "'Worth' ta.kin aff," sez,- "YeIliea geftin eiccesited, Tim," EVERYBODY'S tOLUMNlie sezi `,..inebby we betther hey rnoore beer.," sei he; - A NYONE—Having green painted Cream Cans belonging totheWing; ham Creamery Co:, are kindly request- ed to have ahem returned in the next ten days as they must be Vended over r to the United Farmers' Co -Operative The Wingham Creamery Co. • le S. Bellinger, Fres, ,4•••••••...410124. PERSONALS Miss Vera Friendt spent the week- end at Elwood. Mrs. Maraailles is visiting with rela- tives in Buffalo, Miss Alva Graves is 'Visiting with Miss B. Bennett. Mrs. 12. J. 'I'indall is a visitor in Detroit this week. t. Miss Bessie Burchill spent the week -end with friends in Culross. Miss Alice Reading is enjoying a few holidays in Detroit this week. ' Mr. Arthur Law is on a busliless trip to Toronto and Hamilton this week, Mr. CO Co' McIntyre of Toronto, spent the week -eon). with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 'llafoffatt and daughter, Miss Clarice, are visiting friends in Detroit, Mrs: Jas. Edgar, Miss Frances and Mr, Arnold 'Edgar, are Visiting with friends in Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Underwood and little daughter, spent the week- end with friends in London. lvf.rs. K. R. Honeerd of Toronto, has .returned to her home after visiting with her :iter, Mrs. R. S. McGee. , Misses 13. 'Bennett and A. Imlay are visiting in Detroit this week. They took in the Greyhound excursion. ecoration At Brussels Brussels Oddfellows will hold Dec- qsration Services on Sunday, June 18th. Wingharti Citizens' Band will be in attendance. ere OG TAX—For the year 1922 in the t. II tOwn of Wingham -are due, Owners , -of dogs br harbdurers"of dogsAvill . , : pay tax ' to Collector George Allen, , or to the Town -Clerk at his officd. , Wid regaed to thina-girds at Toron- to raisin -theer ' pay, to $2000, rnebby they tink they are, worth at Iaste half as much as the Ottawa mimbirs but shure, they do be overratin thansilves. Tink av the extra ixpieses avatlaim Ottawa lads, an the nervous shtrain thim attindin pink tays- an bridge par- thies in toight boots an shwally tailed coats. Tis worth awl they get fer the jawb, an thin some as me ould brother Matt sez. Thins shwate tongued ladies at Ottawa do be awlways "gettin up funkshuns ay -seine leoind, an invoitin the counthrynnimbirs to thim, an the silly ould fools tink tis fer theer good XPER1ENCED PROTEST A NT looks arr theer mental equipmint they Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 8, are bein talcin notin av, whin loikely East Wawanosh, on County High- her ladyship's husband hes a hill goin way, Huron County. State experience troo the house inanin thousands av r -arid qualifications. Salary $ton.o.„ also dollars to him, arr mebby millions, an I board convenient. Apply at once to he nades' a few More:votes. Manny R. J. Scott, Belgrave, Ont. a good man hes been. tslipoiled by goin to Ottawa. 1 wuddn't take the jawb mesilf. How wud 1 luk sittin around the teattialars av -the Chateaa Laurier, arr callin at Riedeau 1-1al1 wid Inc whis- kers awl _shaved. aff an me earns hurt - in to bate the band? I wild rather be at home in -me Own .kitchen wid '.,ie boots aff an-nie fate on the wood box, OR SALE -8 Cedar Sills, 20 feet elapin me- ould poipe wid a shprig • long, sound, or would make god fram the broom. ' anchott posts. Also 28 planks, 2 inch Shure, Awesthe foine rains we did and about i thousand feet of Hemlock be hettin an the .counthry is lookin sheeting. Apply to R. S. McGee foiae," Me brother Matt, who hes laeen awl over the wurruld an up in an F OR SALE—Young Hogs and Sows, aeroplane seri that theer isn't a foiner .taii ages, apply to A. Geretriill, shoot ,annywhur tFae the Province R. R. a, Wingham av Ontario. What strid'the timber an mineral in the north an the fruit farra- in, dairyin, grain, growin an cattle raisin in the south, lakes an rivers full av fish awl around us, canals, railroads an wather power ivirYwhur theer is no place can bate it. "Shure ,an 'tis roight ye are, Matt" I sez, "bat 'tis too bad to hey a bunch at Toronto slipindin awl the money" sez I. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay, F OR SALE—Frame house on Leo- pold St. Apply to Harry Walton 138 Forsyth St: , Sarnia, Ont. F oR. SALE—Ford Ton Truck, 3.959 Modell iti good yepair. Maize us an offer. Merkley's Gara.ge, ,FXR SALE—Large and medinte. siz- ed' 'wooden packing cases, , King Bros. .F OR SALE—Happy Thought Range, edo'd condition.' A bargain for quiela sale. Apply to C. D. Bellinger, Diagonal Road, 1? OR SALE—A reversable White wic- ker „baby carnage. Phone sg9 or write P. 0. bOX. 127, Willgila131. BAY FOR SALE—At Lot 35, Con. 8, East Wawanosh, by auction on Wednesday, s Dine effth, 7922, at '4 o'clock, p m., sharp," 37 acres inie.-ed hay and 38 acres Timothy. .Terms are six months on approved joint notes or 3 per cent. discount for cash. T. RI Bennett, Mrs, Jas. Bone, Auctioneer Proprietor, EALED 'TENDERS—For Booth 'privilege or, privileges at the Wing - hats" park on July xst., will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday evening, June r7th. A. G. Smith, ' 13.0x 473.. 'WINE—Large Yorkshire Swine, Imported and bred by A. Getrunill, R. R. I, Wingham T yPEWRI'TER FOR SALE—Rem. ington, in good condition. Apply to • Aero Cushion Tire Co. 0 RENT—The Business College Rooms in the MacDonald Block Apply to Abner Cosens, Wingham or Dr, P. MacDonald, 228 Central Ave.,. London. ENDERS--Tendere will be receiv- ed for the construction of the Baird Drain up till June igth at one o'Olock. Lowest or any tender not necessarily Accepted, IVIarked cheque for ten per cent Of the contract price must at- atoMpany the tenders. Plans and specifications may be seat at the of- fice of the tenderSigned. Paul Powell, Wingham Clerk. Twp of Ifurnberry. trTF.D---Cabinet Makers or Car- pentere for installing interior fin- ish in street car.S. All Workdone o plate tate haSia with plenty of eni hand W ie P110 0 or tall ' U. F. O. Picnic Don't miss hearing F., W. E. Burn- aby and Mrs. Laws, Secretary of the U. F. W. 0, at the U. F. 0. Picnic -in the Teeswater Park on Thursday, June 22nd,- 'Baseball, etc Potatoes In Blossom Mr. George Wraith, Victoria St, broughttanto -our office on Thursday morning, June 8th, a pretty swell little bouquet ete, potato .blossoms. Mr. Wraith has about ninety hills ont in bloom., just four weeks' and one day after they were planted. June 8t1 is pretty early for potatoes to be in blossom, S. A. Officers Leaving • Lieut:4Hatten and Capt. Wilson, who have been in charge of the Salvation Anny at Winetharn for some time leaVe shortly to spend a vacation at their respective homes. The former in Toronto ,atie the 'latter in Perth. Both ladies have been highly esteethed and popular during their stay in town. Next Sunday, June s8th, will be thei farewell Sunday. t Clerks and Treasurers Organize A meeting of much iaterest,t,e, the Municipal clerks and treasurers of the County was held in. Goderich on day, Julie gth. The first part of the program was in the form of a picnic at Harbour Park, where the several officials with their lady friends met et noon when lunch was eerred and where a pleasant hour or two was spent. Adjourninent was „then ma,de, to a mecting its the townhall, Pre- sidedover by Co, Treas. Lane, .avtien it vva$ decided to form an assactatioe in the county of the above officials, vIth the following being appointed:a- Pres.--C. E. McDonagh Ashlield Vice-Pres.—J. E. Harevell, Stanley Lice.— A. Porterfield, E. Vvawanash TrOas.—J, Hullett Exectit (:ommitteet—The ahove ticers and Messa-,S, WLsun, Setelarth;- " sttl r ett Mrs. Geo. Swan, sr.,and IN es. J. Swan end baby, Iona, visited over the week-eed.eyith Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mrs, John BasSelleand two children, of Toronto, are visiting with her par- entsa"Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott Diag- onal Road. • e ,• -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bennett of Wingham, spent Sunday with the Jamieson Brie's., Huron Road.—Sea- forth News. Massrs., Kenneth Craigmill, Bert Whitten and. C. Rolls, of Wingham, spend the week -end in town,—Ford- wich Record. Mrs. 'Roy Callaway and baby have rettlrned to their home in ,Elo.ra. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Wm..Cha.ndler. Thelittle girl, Viola ScOtt, who Miss Effie Erskine 0 the V st line es nfdrownedmner rMorris, on sst raetuaarnd aoyn etvheen itinngd, Office staff is attendingthe wedding and a Picture of the river where she of her sister in Winnipeg-. She will was drowned. ' be away for about six weeks. Messrs. -Fred Manuel and Allen Reid motored over from Detroit in the former's riew- Ford and are visiting at their respective homes in town. Mr. W. H. Willis of Winghani, and Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Willis of' Dungan- non, spent Sunday- with i.heir mother, „Mrs. Robert Willis.—Huron Expositor Mr. and Mrs. Jas. j. Spence of Cass City, Michigan, are visitors at the lionie of Ielrs. Spence's brother, Mr, Samuel Morton, on the 6th con. of East Watwanosh. Mrs. W. S. Linklater is visiting in Toronto. - She went down oil Thurs- day to attend the graduation exercises at .the Toronto 'University, where her son, Ernest, has graduated in -medicine. Mrs, F, Hubbard and daughter -ii - law, 1VIrs. Edwin 1-lubbard and Mrs. Chas. Lapharn and daughter; Marie, of Detroit,- are spending it week at Misses and Annie Elston's, -Minnie St. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groves and son, Alvin, and Miss Edna Smith, re- turned on Sunday evening after a de- lightful motor trip to 'Courtland, New York, where they visited with Mrs. Groyes' brother, Mr, Mort Smith and family. Mr. and It\les. D. E. MacDonald, of Winghain announce the engagement of their daughter, Flora Christina, to Mr. Melbourne H. VanWyek, St, Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van- VVyck, Orangeville, wedding to take place the third week in fettle, Mr. M. H. I-larriston of Edmonton, Alta,, tvas a Welcome caller at The Advance office on Saturday. Mr. 1 -Jar - r15 Ott is an old Wa*anosli -hey, who has spent several years in the West and like all the others, who go, in- cluding Mr. A. H. 'Wilford, he is a, booster for their part of the 1)ominion, LITTLE GIRL DROWNED Walked Into Swollen River A.fter Her Hat Catherine Viola, the little daught of Mr. and, Mrs.. W. J. Scott, end lin of Morri, was drowned M a rive near' their beam on Saturday cvenin jtme loth, The little girl had gone for the cow imanediately after supper and whe she did not return a search was med Her little hat was discovered floatin down e, small stream which crosse the road .and after a diligent scare with poles and hooks the little hod was found. Her uncle, Mr. Rober Warwick jumped in and brought he out, but life had been extiect too Ion fer any hope of bringing back th 'teark of life, It is thought that he hat blew off into the water and tha she walked into the stream in an elfor Moving To New York "My. F. J. Libby, who has been ie charge of the Clinton Knitting Xfills, at Clinton, arid formee-ly of Wingham, has severed his connection with the firm anal will move to New York. Returns From Pleasant Trip Mr. A. E. Smith and sister, Miss Smith, also daughter, Miss Norah, have returned to their home on fella St., after spending the past six months in California and the West. Tlteir many friends are glad to have them back home safely and in good health. , When in Pasadena, Cale MrstSmith visited with Mr. Theo. Hall and en- joyed a long chat, A short thew after- ward when back in Pasadena Mr, Swath was Shocked to hear of Mr. Hall's death, An Up -To -Date Town The eement.work was completed on Diagonal Road on Thursday. The job looks to be a good one. A good evork was 'completed Whet the corner at Boyce's store was eta off and romided More, this little deed may bethe means of 8aving Many aceidents itt this besy career of Johe and .30 '1 StreaS. Citizens of Viet orie sired hev-c a aetitloo signed asking for to have their street from qtrtit,te Si. to, tl e bridge paved. Wingletin is crr. .1 ,'\ a 'most -up-lo-dnte town with ail Sewerage system laid and probably 1iare 1TiOitt r0.1410 Other to get it, and owing to the creek being swollen by the recent rains, she was overbalanced and .sank headlong into the water. Deceased Was in her eighth year and was an exceptionally bright little girl. - The parents have the sympathy of e-veryone in their sad bereavement, The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from the family residence to Winghane ceinetefy. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Wilson of Bluevale Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Cragg of Wingharn. The floral triblite were numerous, among them being it pillow from her little girl companions in her Sunday School class. The pallbearers were Messrs. Ern- est Thompson, • James Hynchnan, Wilfred McKague, Thos. Walker, Roy Porter, and Thomas Smith. There's a home for little children, Above the 'bright blue sky, Where Jesus reigns in glory, Aleome of pace and. joy. Winghant" Markets Fanners are receiving 20 cent's per dozen for Egg -s, 25 cents per pound for Butter and 28 cents per pound for Creani at Wingham, and Hogs ate bringing $13.50. A Garden Party The Bluevale Fanners' Club will hold a Garden Party in Bluevale, on Thursday evening, June 221 51 Sen Posters for further particulars At The Public School Biliss Mary Rathwell, Kindergarten Teacher at the Wingharn Public School has res-igued. Miss Davey will take Miss Thorne's room after the hisliclays and Miss Rebecca Arm- strong has been engaged to teach in Miss raavey's room. Miss Olive T?- ard. of Kincardine, was the (hotels of 43 applications to teach the new room, Sr, tst. and Jr. emit In all probability the present teache r's room will be utilized as a class room to save the expense of building an addition to 1he school at the present time. Wingham True Blues The ,members of Fern Lodge, No, 19, Loyal True 131ue Association, en- tertained a large number of the mem- bete from the Eastern Star Lodge, Ethel, on Friday evening. The lodge was only recently organized and was congratulated eti the:progressive work already accomplished. Two Candi- dates -were initiated 'into Fern Lodge, and after the business of the evening had been concluded, lunch was SerVed and all enjoyed a social time, Masons Elect Officers "P At the last regular meeting of Wing -Ilan -1 Lodge, A. F. & A. M. held on Tuesday 'evening, the fallowing officers were elected for the fastling year1. j. jobb 'W. M.—T,„ C. King S, W.--johrt T. Stewart Thompsort 'Chap.—Tie T, Nash See'v---R. A. COUttS 'lrrr leteKibboa . Beccroft ---W. A, Galbraith j, McGee At ditore---Dr. Gt aft SE LOCAL AND GENERAL 13, Ross, Eleettician, is stocking Radio Supplies. Goderich team defeated Zurich in the latter place on Tue.sday by a score of 3 to z We are sorry to report that Mrs, 13eckWrith is confined to her home suffering with a sprained ankle. Mr. J. D. McEwen has moved off his farm., on R 2., Wingham, to a smaller farm in Lower Wingham. Getty Party season is at hand, The Advance is well qualified to give you a popular boost by acIvertisentent and Everything on sale at Galbraith's. Underwear, Hose, Remnants and Staples continue to be sacrificed. The stock must be sold. Rev. Mr. Holmes of Wroxeter, preached in the Wingham Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cragg conducted service e in Gorrie. "Paul's Great Prayer -wish" and The tealing of the Noblemen's Son" are the subjects morning and evening re- spectively at the Baptist Cchurch next Sunday. Zurich trimmed Teeswater in Zur- ich on Friday by a score of 6 to i. Both teams were going strong at the finish. Rain stopped the game at the end of the fifth Innings. The semi-annual meeting of North Huron County L. 0. L. will be held in the Orange Hall, Winghanns on Tuesday, June 2oth, at i o'clock sharp. The rvseetere o; -the Ter"nbe,serv Ag- ricultural Society will hold their ian- nual picnic n Lower Wingham flats )WedneSclay aftern000n, Julie 21st, instead of Friday, June 23rd.• The much neeeded rains have come, and once 'again a kind Provi- dence has bestowed his goodness on the land, The farmers in this vicin- ity- are in hopes of a bumper' crop this year. On Sunday afternoon between two and three thousand people attended the unveiling of the $7,000 Soldiers Memorial at Harriston. The monu- ment bears the names of 38 -fallen heroes from town and township. The regular moat* meeting.' of the W. M, S., of_ St. Andress Presbyter- ian church will be held on Wednes- day, June 21st, at 3 o'clock. Subject, "Korea" taken by .Mrs. W. J. Hender- son. All ladies of the congregation cordially invited. Mr. A. E. Lloyd and family 'have moved to the house accross the street from their property and until recently occupied by Mr. j. A. Wallace. Mr. E. J. Mitchell is moving into the beauti- ful residence which be recently pur- chased from Mr. Lloyd. . ,William Page, for some years but- termaker at Bervie, and a brother-in- law of Mrs. Harry Hinscliffe of Wing: - ham, has had his leg amputated at the Edmonton General Hospital. Slight hopes are 'held out for his recovery, and medical Men are not sure of the ailment but his leg appears to be decayed. Pure Paris Green (guaranteed Gov- ernment Standard) Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lirrie, Hellebore, Poison- ed Bordeaux Mixture, Whale Oil Soap, etc., at loavest prices at Mitchell's Drug Store. Several of the young men of Wing - ham and vicinity left Friday morning with the 9th Grays Horse Cavalry for the annual training camp at Port El- gin. The following is a report from Port Elgin after the boys arrived. "Invasion of the town was made on June it/the by the forces of the 9th Grays Horse. Two special trains coa- veyed the men and their horses to the annual training camp which Iasts until June opth. The march was led by the Cape Croker Indian Band, closely followed by a contingent of braves from the reserve. Two hun- dred and fifty volunteers in all are encamped and long lines of horses tethered in the spacious eillibitiort grounds. The site is ideal, with plenty of room for maneuvers and only a quarter mile to the lake. The 9th Grays Horse under Major Pettigrew, of Whighana, is recruited from thq district including Wingham, Listowel, Chesley and tWiarton." Mrs. William Guest Dies A highly respected citizen of Wingham, passed out of this world of suffering to her Masters' Home, n the person of Sarah Jane Colling, eloved wife of Mr. William Guest, Deceased had been in poor health or some snonths. She was in her 551 year. ' Besides her husband she is sur- ived by 'three daughters and three ons. viz., Mrs, G. L. Bisbee, Mrs. A. E. Angus, Miss Verna and Joseph, 11 of Wingham, Fred of Guelph and -loward of Kitchener. The late Mrs. Guest waslsorn in .Ittron Township and was harried o her ttoev bereft busbatd Iforty- hree years ago, they lived on the UT con. of Huron until about tiven- ystwo years ago when the family loved to Wing'hant. \ Three sisters and three brothera ttrvive her, viz., llf.rs, Black, lcfra, etheringtot, Miss 'Retinal Coling nd Joseph all of T-Turon. Township, tat John rtow i'esiding in Vancoutter, Tile funeral will be held;rom hal- ite resideece, PleaSitet Valley, to Vingham cent e te ry on Vil ed11.E`l3do y fteritoo a. Services tiding Cioriducted - Rev. CO r,,,„. cral,..g-, B. 1..7),, pidstoi, t Winghanl Methodist. 01111111 Vi Nell the deceased lady was r. Merit to t Itterfuent roak 1a 'c ta 'I Ti011ali *a f ' nth' Grays Horse our" 1111E1111EN ebII ...eseaatesestes •00*.7.00,m0 Subscriptions: 131 111 We are pleased. to announce that 'f" -ti'' rtios Bottles, Thermo th Lunch Kits, etc, a" 11 back to pre war prices and less. We have "THERXOS 110TTI,IES" the hotti t keep liquids hottor cold for 24 hours at prices fror up to 0.60, no home with a baby or dad and geotvt up childrese going' to work or,aeheel should be withou e The ideadi "LUNCH KIT,' containing a Thermos Bottle ond receptacle for a good lunch $4.00 and up. • 1115115 LutlitfriOT • THERMOS CUPS In sets containing 4 or 6 cape. Evers- car owner elio have one of these handy -sets in his car. McKibbon's lrrug Store The Reza Druggist — Phone 3'5 ;IN MEMIOM MOMMM MiMNMEIMI111111MMIUMMAI4WMAIMA A Garden Party under the auspices of the Belmore Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Corrigan, on Friday evening, June- 16th. Miss Bessie Abell and Mr. Herb jobb of Winghani will assist -with the pro- gram. • Wedded At Winnipeg From the Winnipeg Tribune of June 5th, we clip the following mar- riage announcement which will be of interest to many of our readers as the bridegroom is well known in 'Wing - ham. Miss Viola Stevenson was married to John McGuire, on Saturday even- ing, June 3, at 8.30 p. mat the resi- dence of her father, A. P. Stevenson, Oakwood Ave. Rev. S. Poison offic- iated. The bride and bridegroom were unattended. The bride was married in a model suit of navy twill with cut work:embroidery opening over a grey georgette blouse . Her hat was a navy taffeta, with grey trimming. She wore a corsage bouquet of orchids. Mr. and Mrs, McGuire left for Banff and Paci- fic coast cities and latenevill reside ie Winnipeg. - - Died At Belgrave The death occurred at the home of her son, Mr. Joe. Miller, Belgrave, on Sunday, June reth, of Ann Howson, widow of the late Miles Miller. She was in her 9oth year and was in poor health for a iong time. She bore her affliction with true Christian -fortitude ana looked patiently forward +o the time when she would be called Home by her Lord. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon to Brandon ceme- tery. Sunday School Anniversary Siinda.y Sehool Anniversary and Flower Sunday will be observed in the Wingham Methodist Church on June x8th, Mr. Brock of Toronto, wilt speak to the children at n o'clock in the morning and again at 2.30 in the aftern000, He will speak to the young people at 7.30. At the morning ser - it children's choir of thirty voices will sing. The children will march from the basement of the church to the auditorium carrying flowers. Curries' School Anniversary At a meeting of the ratepayers ana trustees of Curries' School it was de- cided to celebrate the 5oth anniversary of the school by holding a. garden ' part3r on the evening of Friday. June 23rd., and the annual mcntc on that afternoon, Lightning- Plays Pranks Lightning 'struck the borne 'of Mr-. Robert Warwick, zndline of IVIOTriS,„ 011 Friday evening. Coming down the chimney- splitting it in two, tearing open three lengths of pipe arid tore of1. two elbows, the holt came dotve to the, floor and ripped the carpet New Matron Of County Horne Reeve Tipling inforrns us that the newly electe4 superintendent and mat- ron of the Huron County Home at Clinton are My. and Mrs. Robert Rols- erton, of Clinton. Mtg. Roberton is a former resident of Wingharn, viz , Nurse Densmore, and from people who know her we understand that shis will be a very successiul matron A Chapter Of Sorrow , Mrs. Norman Miner of Mernphas, Tenn., who has been visiting for couple of weeks at the home of Mrs. H. Davis, received a telegram on Sun- day night from. Mr. Miner askieg her to return home as he eves She left with her two boys on the next trails. and shortly aftertvard a message was received here that he Was dead. Mrs. Miner's first husband was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis and she was coining to visit at their home when she heard on the train that Mr. Davis, was dead. Mrs. Miner's visit to Wingbatn, ap- peared, to be full of shocking- incidents. She was on the train and in the coach with the returned soldier who cern- mitted suicide by cutting his throat while nearing Exeter. The news of the death of Mr. Davis and then a week or so later to receive the shock- ing news of the sudden passing of her own husband, evhorn she had left he the best of health was surely more than one woman's share of Shocking sadness and sorrow, after leaving witi. her two sons on a supposedly pleasant visit with Canadian relatives, - , . ItiM0178[161........_..(11/011.110/17.II.NOSINIMMIMMSMAIMIorM 110.,111/1/1011.1..11104111,0 .1.T2=1.1.7401491114'..20MAIAMI4SSIM41.9.0.19413MIM1LRIMII4M11-1/4.114MAIIM51001.M.V.A41575XT1APA The a -ter, th Shoe and the rice ' eet ----- Ira While, row or Ilue ek Canvas Shoes We are showing some new lines in, White Canvass , Patent Leather trimmed., a typical Greer value •in new NOVELTY WH1TES,, r Piet, sim