The Wingham Advance, 1922-06-08, Page 1• Single Copies Four Cents , WINCHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 8th NORTH HURON . EARNERS Iaold Atinual Election'Of Officers At Wi;righarn Oft Friday, Jane' end, the' 'United Feemers of Nerth Htiron .held their , annual meeting in Wingharn town hall at 2 o'clock. The following officers were elected for the ensuing yeare-- President-Wm. Rutherford. Vice -Pres:--- Sheldot Bricker. 2na. Vice -Pres. -Mrs. MeWhinney, Sec.-Treas.--R, (2. Proctor. Convenors of Municipalities Ashfield -Murdock Matheson, Mrs. _Geo, West Wawanosh-T. B. Taylor, Mrs. Had. Pentland, East Wavvanosh-Sam Morton, 1VIrs. W. C. Scott. Morris -A. Proctor, Mrs. W. aShostreed. MacDonald, Mee. N. H. Cardiff. Herivick--W. J. ,Gamble, Mrs. Albert .Gallaher. " Turriberry-Jas. McTavish, M r s. joii, Breckenridge. . Telyth-aW, Pollock, Mrs. R. Wight - 'Wroxeter -A, T. Gibson. 'Wingliam-john McCracken, Mrs. 'John McCracken; - - Brussels -Mr. A Crearer. ' .Colborne--Thos..ANilson, Mrs John Long. , Auditor-g-:-WM, Wightman and.Rus- • se' jeimyn. , • • • U. F. 0: Picnic Don't miss hearing R. W. E. Burn- aby and Mrs. Laws, Secretary of the U. F. W. O. at the 15.- F.- O. Picnic in the Teeswater. Park on. Thursday, June 22nd. Baseball, etc. ,AEVERYBODY'S COLUMN ALL ACCOUNTS OWING OLVER • ,& Beninger,Must' be settled. by' the eoth.,,aft June - or. Will go in for col, lection, ", • • • • NYONE--Having greep. painted 4.11Cream Cans belonging to the Wing- harraeCreaneery' Co., are _kindly request- ed, 'to have them returned in the next ten days as they must be handed.hver to, the TJnited Farmers' Co -Operative The Wingham...,,Creamery Co. L. S. Beninger, Pres. OG TAX -For the Year 1922 in the „ town- of Wingham are, due, owners of dogs or harbourers tif dogs will .paY'• tax to Collector George Allen, or to the. Town Clerk at his office. F OR SALE -Frame house on pold St. „Apply to Harry Walton -138 Forsyth St. . • Sarnia, Ont.' . . _ FOR SALE --Ford Ten Truck, t919 Model, in good repair. Make us an - offer. , Merkley'S Garage, FOR SL -Eight acre field of Clever, one Cow and several Leg - bore hens. Apply to '- ,Le )3e1leine, B. Line,eapposite cemetery FOR SALE --$800,00 secures River- view Farm, at -edge of . town, Horse, Cow and Heifar, Poultry, • equipment inchided, on improved road, short walk" all town advantages, 5../ acres of rich soil, 9rchard, good 8 'loomed house t barn. 'Called away, all ^$2,000. aniy $8Od cash. - Win P. Miller Strout Farrn, . Agency, *inghann Ont. FOR SALE --Young Horses and' •Ewes,AppLy to A. Genunill Route x Wingliazn 'OR SALE -Garden Cultivator as good a•s- new, Apply at The Advance: .- IF OR SALE -Seed Buckwheat, Sit- verhull at $1.e5 per bushel. Apply J. D. 13eecroft, Phone 5-614 ,Route- 3, Wingliam I OST-Gentlernan's Gold Watch and fob on Belgrave Road between 13e1 - grave and Wingham or in town. Find- er will be rewarded on leaving same at this office. p APERHANGING, PAI NTIN G, Grainiug, etc. Apply to - Phippen Bros. • POT phone orders call 3 on 625. +.10 WINE -Large Yorkshire Imported ' Swine, bred by , A. Genuaill, , -e Route 1, Wingharn YPEWRITER FOR SALE -Rem- it ington, in good condition. Apply. to Aero Cushion Tire Co. • TEACHER *ANTE D-.Applica- i tions will he received up till noon , on Tuesday, June ratli, 1022, for teatheiS for the First Dept., and the Senior First and Junior Second corn - billed. State salary expected and ex- !, petienee: J. F. Groves, / Secretary of Winghant Public School Board. I rENDERS-Tenders will be receiv. *A ed for the construction of the•Baircl Draiti up till June r9th at one o'clock. Lowest or any tender net necessarily ;incepted. Marked cheque for ten per tent of the Contract price mutt ae- toMpany the tenders. Plans and Teofications may be seen at the of- a toe of the undersigned, Paul Powell, ..., 1 Ningham Clerk, Twp of Turnberry, 1 WANTED -Cabinet Makers or Car- a penters for installing interior fin- sh in street tars. All work done On „ . piece tate basis with plenty of work tt, se hand,Write, phone or call Supt. ',-; ;anadian Brill Co,, :Limited, Preston, I's )ttte h TIM HAS A VISITOR To' the Editur av the Advance • Deer Sur:- " Shure 'tis a quare wurriild int ly, as I often say, an full av surpr es, mosht ay thirn pleasant waits a fellah only takes thim that w Whin 1 g•it up -these 'foine mare an luk out av the windy ansee no cloud in the siciey, 1 se,z to mes widont wakin the missies that it be another good day feitrthe nin the shtrateS, an if it shud ram bef noight 'twill be good fer the ere. shure it is awl roight ayther way, e is, Talkin av surproises, 1 tink we the biggest wan av our loves la wake. 'Twas in the evehing an I w sittia sliawkin an raidina the Fi Press when a tall, good lookin m came up .the walk, He wus the pi ter av rnesilf, only mebby betth dressed,' fer shure I 1,VUS t 61611 it ai an comfortable hiincshirt slaves, stockin fate wid an ould sheraw .1-1 on me head. '!Good avining,• Tim bye" he sez, so frindly that I2toug inebby he nrus a loightnin rod die penser are an Insurance. agint. -"Go avining, sur" sez I "may 1 he alth askin ye yernaate befoor we contia the conversation" -al sez. awlwa tink it woise hot ato be too free w shtrangeins, so .1 do. "Ye musht ottin fergetful, Tiia,"' he sea, --"11 to remirnber yer own brother, Mat sez he) ,boldin -out his hand, kne him thin fel- the fur'sht joint av h fore finger wus having be bittin aff by a pet coon we had wh we were byes. But the, nerve ay the lad .to say Wtts gettin fergetful, an'tne nearly tw years ercitueger' than hitt/Self; an a be ther man iviry-Way; bailie the goo clothes, an shure I had nearly fetrgo ten iyir*fial`cniiirotheet 'belee neafl sixty years since he ran away. frot home .to be a drummer, th Northern Arrnr, at 'the tonne av ih war about the naygers in the shtate an nivir so ,inuche as.- at eacratch • av Pirtaf.ranit him since at -all; at. all. - lave it to ye Mishter Editur, if it ---wu army woridher 1 didift know him: a fursht. Now wasn't that pleasant sur proise fer yer loife? An the yarns we do be bayin together, anethi•shrookes, barrin the fact thatl shrnoke a poipe an ,he sluitokes ixpinsive- cigars whielZ s an extravagance so it is.. Well, that ad has been pretty much all over the wurruld an can talk loike a shtary ook abont =tiny slitrange lands an ities an .payPles. He -has Wuidaked t minin, co/Ulu-actin,' pearl fishin, umberin an. a hundred an wan tings ometoimes makin lots av munney an ometoimes, g,oin broke. I tink now e is pyitty. well -fixed, fer he is talkin v Invert wan.ay Laek Kennedy's,foin- st care. "D'yp tink ye cad droive it latt?'-' I sez. "Cud a 'cluck shwim, int, me bye?" "Shure haten't eselmilit the mosht icy me loife droivin ars fer the leak tin years," he sez, e sezebe /oikes the looks av Wing - am, an mosht av the payple he hes een, an he tinks he will settle down ere fer a few yea.es an take aa rest, be- ar he shtarts out again. ,As tbrue. s rm. sayin it that mild feligh hasn't te slmghtest idea that he" is 'gettin on years. • He -.has hiver been married what he,has will loikely•go to my hilder some dayatudess he shad take notioft to some *Ingham „girrul, e is that young an ehmart lookin he ud pass fer fifty quoite eiey. The ily ting 'I don't loike abciute this fair is that the missus kapes insiitin at I must mind me ways a'n shpruce a bit loike Uncle Matt. ' • Wan ting I am plazed about is that att has awlways shtayed a British bject ,an theer evtli be. wan more od Tory vote' in town fer ,Targe Potton aer jawn joynt arr whoivir tht candydate at the iliac ilickshun. Did ye ivir know tings so tame as ey are at Ottawa? Shute, tis loike twilftli av July procission wid all the gs an banners.. fife an drum t at home, Yoers till nit wake, • Timothy Hay. oit ois- , if The regular monthly council. in lanys. 1\ilgayrrasEitileioldtt io)rnes11.14% Mondayevenevaleln t a members were present but 'Reeve ilf, ling. will 'The Mayor reported that Contr on or C, 'Brennan had scrapped oor old contracts and bad signed. a c pe, tract for paving at $2.50 per squ o It yard instead of the former price $2 Th e cost of each catch basin to got $3o,00. The departmeht conside sht this price very reasonable. us Mr. C. B, 'Wilkinson arid his- s •ee Howard, addressed the council ask an for $30.00 to help fix buggy and h ck- ness mrilich tumbled over the ernba er rnenteabout one hundred feet narth se• the first bridge south of town. Ab an a week and a half ago Mr, Wilkins at -met an auto here and Clalms the a: me could not get out of a. rut and he p ht ed out to let it pass when the ho h- and all went over the embankm od into about three feet of anuddy wat er Mr, Wilkinson ruined a blue suit a ue had to stand in the water for abo ys twenty inin.utes holding the hors id 'head up until the autoist secured be light and returned to his assistan ot Although Mr. Wilkinson threaten t!' legal action unless a settlement. w amade, the aeouncillors decided th is would look into, the mattey befo en coining to a decision. The matt in was referredto the street committ A communication from the Chatha .1 City council asking the council o memorialize the Ontario Legislatu requesting them to amend the Aclole a tent School Act eviterebychildrenne t- be allowed to leave school at eitereaa y ta.31titcit'nvisely decided ne lea n the matter alone as it will be. a gre e, help to the young people of :Ontar e in the years to come if they have s, stay at school until they are 16, yea ofenfiel;;"•.',ats e-aatete- aRytiata.:ega'Atq;:a-bi-Iaw to autho s ize laying of watermains on AlfredS t from Centhe to 'Frances St: prior t the putting down of permanent road was read.three times and'passecl. Tha.Citizens' Band presented the annual auditor's"- report 'shawl:ten' r ceints to amount of $897.25 and expen dituresa $824.25 for the year, •whic with the balance from last yea'r leave thein with $359.83 on hand. The re port was adopted on rnotion of Cour eillors Fothergill and Lloyd. A couple of qdestions-which shout prove of interest to many residents o the town have. been framed by th town clerk arid the answers will ap pear ie. the Municipal World and Th Advance in the near future. The have to do with the oiling of concret roads to lay the dust. It is stated that the 1-Iamilton-Toy into Highway is 'almott free fron dust because of the amount of al which drops. from the thousands o autos which pass over it daily. Moved by Councillors Greer and Haney that we chagge the Wingham Utilities Commission rent at the rate of $6.00 per month Ioe the use of offiee, in town.hall, said rent to .start July ,xst-Carried Mr. Greer in speaking to the motion said he be- lieved that everytub should stand on its own bottom and we have to .pay dearly for every item of electricity or water. The latter cost $1oo for street purposes but the Commission raised it to $15e. Mayor Elliott said the only objeation he had to -the motion was that it hadn't beet Made jautteary 1st. The 'following accounts were certi- -fied correct and ree.ornmended far pay- ment: ---Win. Reid,. supplies and work at cemetery, $2,25; R. H. Saint, team- ing, $16.00; S. Youtig, repairs to grad- er, 85e; Chas. Barber, grading $15.00; Public School Board, Advance $1000; Bell Telephone Co., tolls, etc. $32.51; Postmaster, postage, $3.00; 'Water- works Dept.,. town hall till Julie 30, 1922, 10.13;' Dornihion-Express Co., parcel, 4,0c; John Crandall, labor, $4,00; R.; Deyell, salary at cemetery, $125.00; Wm. Stokes, Sanitary duties, $121.50; J. M. Graham, window bbx, $t.75; Wingharn . High Sthool, Advance $t000.00; R. Legatt, labor $3.00; C:ampbell,- salary May $2o,00; A. Haines, labor $2.4o; J. H. Christie, groceries for Charity, $2,2,2; H. E. Lard Co,, Groceries' for Charity, $2.27; -The Colgate Press, Printing' and Advertising, $10.85; W. A, Galbraith, Salary and .expense C. Of Revision, rtZ/6;J. MacDonald, salary for May, 46,66; E. Lewis, salary for May 58.33; Rae & Thompson,, supplies, 25.o5; J. Pugh, floor at hall, $6.17; j, Mitchell, Telegrams, $2.86; W McKenzie, grading e.Pk.24,00; Cit T. R., Freight on elle,' $aeo.45; Chas. Barber, labor, $19.5oe C Brown, Time an duty $17.46; Provincial Treasurer, Amuse- ment Tan Tickets ,parle, $46,00; Pro- vincial Treasurer, Amusement Tax Tickets, park $37.0o; Payroll, work on Josephine St, $79.35; Electric Dpt. Lighting Town Hall, Fire Hall and Band Halt, $40.39; Sinking Fund; Tranefer of Interest Mortgage No. Da, $485.00; Provincial Secretary, mar- riage Licenses, $40.00; 5. W. Dodds, Insurance Premium Hall, $37.68; A. Cosens, Insurance Premium. Hall, $37.68,; Payroll, Josephine St. $72.60; Dirnthoch. streets $4590t R. Cun- ningham, labor, $x6.8o; 'C. Shackleton, street cleaning, etc„ $56,25; W, Atts- tin, labor, $2_3,.4.0; W. Guest, labor xt.40; R. Girling, street cleaning, 8.ob; A. Sanderson, street watering, teaming, etc., $1.5e.00, TOWN COUNCIL Mr. Wilkinson Asks For Damages - New Paving Contract, eet- Mg. the rip- act - the on - are .70, be red on, ing ar- nk- of out on uto ull- rse ent nd ut e's 'a ce. ed as ey re er es. to re 5 - ay •s. ve at io to rs o• s, ir e- 45 45 e a 1-I fo a tl so a oi af th uv su go Sb th a .fla lif • • Lumber .At $xo.oci ' • Mr. Isaac E. Farrend in renewing his subscription to The Advance from his llama in Sullivan', B. C., writes in part as follows; "We like the COUlltry very well and our family are here. It seems as though none of us cad do without The Advance. This -is where the fig trees are to be found and lum- ber is .plentiful. The lumber which we. bought to build our home cost tis $io per thousand. This is also the )lace for chickens, some people have housands of leghorns, which variety isby far the most plentiful. The mar - et at New Westminister is excellent and you have no difficulty in selling r buying anything you may want, Women's Institute Officers The Wingham Branch of the Wota- n's Institute held their, annual meet - ng in the town hall and elected the ollowing officers for the ensuing year, Hon. -Pres.-Mrs. 13rock and Aft's. omen, Pres. -Miss M. Anderson, 1st. Vice -Pres. -Mrs. Forbes. - 2nd. Vice -Pres. -Mrs. Cruikshank Secretary' -Mrs. j, j. Elliott. Treasurer -Mrs. Bowers. PiatiSt--IVIrs. Robinson. 'Mss Reporter--,Mte., Foibes, tower 'Committee---Mts, Young ild Mi Sg A. Hogg. BratcheDireetors-Mr, Currie, Mrs. offatt, Mrs. P, Deans, Mrs, Bteen, rs. Lirtklater. Auditors -Mrs. Swanson and M' -s, obinsort. 'rhe Secretary's and treasurer's rc. ort showed the past .,,year to be it rasperous one far thts branch. A od work aecomplished was the fume tibia of the rest room be the towtt ul Sold Draying Business Mr. J. A, McIntyre liiie disposed of his dray business to Mr. John E. Fells Who took posses,sion on Monday, Mr. 'McIaterre will tontintie :to do teams leg and the baS linet' 102 • BASEBALL DOINGS Wingham Lose To Goderich and Then Defeat Them Wmgliarn Baseball Team and fans seffered a bad defeat as the Teeswater News says "on their front lawn in the presence of their best girl" on Wed- nesdak afternoon last when the Por- ity Flottrs of Goderieli trimmed them to the tune of to to 2, We have no apologies to offer, it was simply a case of nobody at home all the way around. However the tables turned at Zurich on Saturday and the Wing-. on their city cousins from the lake. ham team reaexrsedx th: core xo to x A goodly number of Wingharn citi- zens journeyed with the ball team to Zurich on June 3rd. The Big Four tournament was successfully held there on the King's birthday, At io o'clock in the morning Teeswater and Zurich teams played in a win for the latter by a score of 8 to 3. At three o'clock in the afternoon Goderich and Wingham teams met on the diamond and the result was a win for Wing - ham by a score of eo to x, and the one .who made the run was the only Code - rich man to get as far as third base. At 5 o'elock the two winning teams, Zurich and Wingbam were again call- ed to battle for honors and at the end of nine inniugs the score was a tie 5 to 5, with the odds looking verY much' in favor of Witigharn. x x x . • - On Monday the Wingliam team were scheduled to play the Lucknow- Lochalsh boys in Lochalsh and a good game was played resulting' in a vic- tory for Wingham By- a score of 7 to 5, xxx . Lovers of Baseball should make sure to "See.yelee teams of the 'Big 'FourLeagutday in Wingilarba''nn" 14th. At -1.30 sharp the rivals of the south, Zurich, and •Goderich wilt play"; at 3.30 the rivals of the north, T•ees Water and'Winghain and at 6.30 sharp the winner's af these two games'. Poi - rowed by a Grand Open Air Concert in the park at night by Chris Pink's Famous Quartette of London, - X X r - Garnet as he looked after pitching the victorious game against Goderich in Zurich on Saturday.' • Married In U. S. A.. A wedding of interest to many read- ers of The Advance took place in Philadelphia on Wedaesday, May x7th, When Miss Mae Powell, daughter of Mr. Paul Powell, clerk of Teirnberry Township, was united. in marriage to Dr, J. L. Reynolds, of Emmett, Idaho. The happy couple have the best wish- es of the bride's,rneny friends here. Huron County Breeders The annual meeting, of the Huron County Breeden' Association, will be- held in Winghain Town Hall, on Sat- urday, June. 17th, at 1.30 p. m. M. R, W. Wade of the Live. Stock Branch is to address the meeting-. A large attendance of members and those in- terested in Live Stock, is requested. Everybody welcome. Oliver Turnbull, Pres, , S. B. Stothers, Secretary. Wedded At St. Pauls A quiet wedding took plac.e at St. Paula church on Thursday morning, when Edith, the second dangliter of Mr, a.e.d. Mrs. Josiah Wells, and Jos- eph Montgomery were united in wed- lock by the rector, Rev. 3-1. W. Sneli, The bride was attired in a. tailored snit of navy serge and leaked charming. After a sumptuous repast had been served at the bride's home, Vic;otia St., the happy couple left for their new home on Mr.' Montgomery's fat at near Belgrave. Died From Injuries 1)eepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Albert Hoinuth, whose death occurred at his home in Teeswater on Fridey afternoon, Last week We reported the terrible accident which befell him itt his floor mills on Monday morning early, when his clothes were caught in the shafting and he was whirled 'around the shaft. Those in attendance thought he had a fair chance of recovery, but com- plications set in and death relieved him of hie intense pale. Deceased was a soa of the late Chas. HOIMIth, and sold his farm in Turn - berry about three months ago and purchased the Teeswater mill. He was in his 45th year and is survived by his wife and six young children. Ina j. E. Honatith of Witigham us it cousin of the deceased, The funeral was held to Winghatn cemetery on Monday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Brad- ley of Teeswater conducted services at the home and 1R.ev, Dr. Petrie at the grave, Many sorrowing frietidS and relatives paid their fast tribtite of respect tO the deceased, LOCAL AND GENERAL 1.• Subsc ptioin s; pot' Try our' Perfecto Hog Feed. It makes 'ern grow. --j, A. Mills. • - Cut down the high cost ef read Kiag Bros. week -end sale prices. Special --Car of Western Oats to are rive on Theirsday, June 8th, at 65c, per bushel off car, -J, Yofir opportunity, don't miss King Bros, week -end sale of Suits, Coats and Dresses. We have markers for passenger cars Nos. 149-126 and e50 -i68 which haveleen found and left at our office, Mr, Geo. McClenaghan is driving a new Ford car purchased last week from T. R, Bennett. • Big drop in •Prices at ISARDS. Men's and Boys' Suits away down. Men's Worsted Suits now Sx2.50, $r5.00 and $18.00, •See them. "Perils Mighty Message" and "Eli- jah and the Priests of 13ael on Mt. Cannel" are the topics morning and evening respectively at tte Baptist church next Sunday. The Turnberry Agrietiltural Society Directors will hold their annunl. picnic on the Lower Winghain flats on Fri- day afternoon, June 23rd. 300 Men's and Women's Suits, and Coats and dresses on saAe this week- end at King Bros. The semi-annual meeting of North Huron County L. 0. L. will be held in the Orange Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday; June 2oth, at I o'clock sharp. I statffie'll11011111111111M11111114iiiiiiiiii - ,----L- PicturoAheod! Xdok avente -^ ii Under the able leadership of Saw- yer Adams and with 'Engineer Imlay il at the throttle the cat of logs at the a cKi. res Drug Store MacLean saw mill has been completed ...."' sornewhat earlier this year than usual. it The Rexail Druggist =---- - Pure Paris Green (guaranteed 'Gov- I-1 Winaham, Ont. Phone 35 eminent Standard)'Arsenate of Lead, - __rsenate of Lime, Hellebore, Poison- fill 111 111 11111111MM 0111 II Ummummommmommmommmemom worm nal ed Bordeaux Mixture, Whale Oil 'Soap, e I etc., at lowest prices at- Mitchell's • .1? AK" AS it7 U 0 TIIROUG LIFE In after years the pleasant memories which your snaps recall help.make.life worth living. *hem:you get a good snap, get an enlargement. The prices NE of enlargements are now within the reach of all. Prices as follows, mounted ready for framing, 4,i-x6i for 45c; 5x8,4 for 5oc; 6-1x8i for Sgc; =-. 6x10 for 67c; 7XI2 for Bac; 8x14. for $x.xo. _. - it Drug Store. Assistant General Matta.ger H B F Jones and Supt. of Ontario Branches William Hogg made their official :visit of Inspection to Wingham branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce on Friday and report everything in ex- cellent order, - -,:- PERSONALS Mrs. John „Imlay is: visiting with relatives ha Detroit. • Reeve Tipling is attending County Council at Goderich. 'Miss Gertie Bush of Wroxeter,, is visiting with relatives in this vicinity. . 'Mrs. H. Hinscliffe and little grand- daughter, Maxine VanNess, are visit- ing in Toronto, - Mrs. Walton and little son Wilfred, of Sarnia, are visiting with Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, • Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 'Walker of E/ora, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Walker this week. Miss Myrtle Imlay has returned to Detroit after visiting with her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. John Imlay. Mrs S. Hines bf Toronto, is visit- ing at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miller, Pleasant Valley. • Mrs.' A. • Joynt has' returned home after spending a week with her son, Dr. Geo. joyet, in Toronto. • Mr. FredJohnston of Toronto, is visiting at hishome in town He has completed his course in Pharmacy,. T. R. Bennett and family also Mr. J. M. • Graham, and sister, Miss Gra. haft, • spent a clay at Goclerich this week. Mrs. Ansley has rettirned to her home in Wingliam after spending the past few months with relatives in Port Hope, Mrs. I3ird and children who have been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Haugh, returnedthis week to their home in Toronto. *Mrs.. M. Leistfier has returned to Toronto, after spending a couple of weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monza. Finley. Mr. and Mr. R. Lindsay Mitchell and child of Hamilton, are spending their vacation with Mrs. Mitchell's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mann. Mrs.' Hamm:ire and -baby leave on Thursday for their new home ill Sar - Mr, Hatunore will be greatly misted in flitisleal circles in town. Mrs. Motherwell; wife of Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister of Agricul- ture in the King Cabinet and daugh- ter, Miss Matgueretta, are visiting with Mrs. W. j. Howson; John St Mr, Roy Anderson, wife and family of. Stratford, are visiting with his par- ents, Mr, and 'Mrs. W. M. Anderson. They are accompanied by 1VIrs. And- erson's niether, IVIrs. Ward also of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKie motored to Winghim from Stratford in their new Durrant Sedan, Mr. McKie re- turned on Monday but Mrs, 1VIeKle will visit with her friend, Miss Malvey, for a 'Short time. Curries School Jubilee We understand that preparations are being made for the holding of something in the line of a picnic and entertainment to mark the soth anni- versary of Carrie's School, „ S. S. No, 9, Eaet Wawanoshe on Friday, June 30th. An annUal picnic is held each year hilt t is expected to at least hold a Garden Party ,in connection with' the picnic this year, A meeting to inake en Wednesday evefting, There will final errangemeute will be held in an POrbabilfty ,be several of the former teachers ptesent at the jabi- Anniversary At Whitechurch •58th anniverseay Whitechurc Presbyterian church will be •held oh. Sunday-, June- rath., Rev. W. A. Brad- ley of Teeswater will' at II a. m. and 7 p, na. On Monday even- ing a tea meeting and entertabament will be held in the church. Supper front 6 to 8. Splendid program. Talking Into The Clouds 1;11 wifferri4rehtehg:vtliten111:twaorIkriTeghtsernA;teatac.equa°t± antloOnns on Wednesday by the different deaf- ' ers: Eggs 21 cents io,25 cents, Butter- fat 28 cents; Eater 30 to38 cents`; lqapitoba Flour. S3.85 to $4.25; Pastry - Flour, $3.9o; Wieat,$1.4o to $1.6o; Hogs, $13.3o to $13.73. Grocers Must Close At 7 One of the most interesting of con- versations was listened to on Wed- nesday, may 3est, by Mr...W. A.- Ght- braith through his new radio outfit. He heard radio station K. Y. W. Wes-. tinghouse Electric Co., of Chicago, transmitting a special weather report to a Mr. Townsend, who was in charge of one Of the thirteen aero- planes which left Milwaukee that day in the National contest to pick three entrants in the. International race in Switzerland. This plane was se-veral thousand feet in the air, and Mr. Gal- braith heard them answer distinctly thanking K. Y. W. for their informa- tion, • Other places which he heard dis- tinctly were Newark and Pittsburg. Mr. Galbraith also heard a station in Pennsylvania testing out a nein station an Massachusetts and the •reply' that they could hear very distinctly. Social Service Convention • The active agency of temperance and moral reform .work in Huron county is now known as the "Huron Connty Social' Service Council" and as -will be seen by an advertisement in another column of this issue, this Council is holding its annual con- vention on. Wednesday afternoon and • evening, June e4th, in Goderich. Rev. .Peter Bryce, seeretary of, the depart- ment of Child Welfare and Alex Mc- Claren, secretary of Rural Community Work in the Ontario Social Service Council, will be in attendance and address the gathering, in addition to county workers. Reports from the officers wili be received and plans made for the coin- ing year. The Goderich people ex- tend a cordial invitation to spend the day in their attractive town. With one exception all the grocers in town petitioned the .town council to pass a by-law closing all grocery stores in town at 7 o'clock each even- ing except on nights preceding holi- days. Their request was granted. One or two places of business other than restaurants have been open each Wed- nesday afternoon also. There is nothing that will kill a weekly hail holiday more quickly. J. J. Mitchell Passed Away After a very brief illness Mr. John. j. Mitchell, one of Wingharns promi- nent citizens passed away on Tuesday morning, June 6th, Mr. it/Etcher was born itt Hibbert Township near Mit- chell, Ont., in, December 1857 and came to Wingham in March r9oo and followed the carriage building business for a number of years with Mr. A. Nichol, Some eight years -ago he was appointed License Inspector far Noith Huron, carrying these dutiesaout very faithfully, retiring from thiA position about a year ago last January. He has been a resident of Winghain for some twenty-two years and during - this time has made numerous friends by his cheerful disposition. He -was a life member of the Methodist church He is survived, by his widow - and six: children namely, Jas. Mitchell, Wingham, Miss Clara, Zion City, Ill.; S, H. Mitchell, Saskatoon, Sask.•, Mrs. Fred Rush, Weston; L. M. Mitchell, Manitou, Man.; and Mrs. H. B. Rob- inson, Staveln, Alta.- All of the fam- ily are at their home here. The funeral will be held from his late residenee, Atfred St., on, Thurs- day afternoon to Winghatraceneetery. Service will be conducted at 2.30 p. ea by Rev. C. E. Cragg, B. ,D., assist- ed by Rev. E. j. Harris, 'B. A. alIMIENNIIMON1012161ftenlInia* seinenliettainelagerMearaMareteleeeleineitanetalleatanetealigenea,Mte• ea • • • V. • • • IIMMID11111111,1.00.1410.1111.0b191.1.2111351111B/ MR1,11.1.121. FLEET FOOT -FOR STYLE FLEET FOOT -FOR CO1VIFORT FLEET FOOT -FOR PLAY FLEET FOOT -FOR OUTING FLEET FOOT -FOR WORX We have all styles of Fleet Foot Shoes for Men, Women, and Children. See the new lines. Prices ranging from OF $3.5( Immomnonimixbuukntirxeroonontbithrintbrusiim J. °R1 EL oi5 TiEtar r*"..7 Nei&