HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-01, Page 6111.401.,111.140131.1.1115.1.111=,14
Buy 1ere a d Save 20 -exits
n the Doll. r
• LADIES' RAINCOATS—In plain and fancy tweed effects,
good styles, now on sale at 20 per eent. off regula.r prices.
style of English Velours, Fancy Tweeds and Polo
Cloth, buy now at a saving of... • .20 per cent.
SKIRTS -2' dozen Top Skirts, made in popular, styles of silk
fine quality serge and poplin, selling at so per cent. off.
WHITEWEAR—ComPrising -Underskirts, Night Gowns,
Corset Covers, Drawers, Princess Slips, Children's
Dresses, sale at 20 per • cent. off.
WAISTS—All lines of Lad's' Waists comprising goodstyles
in Voile, Georgette Crepe, Silk Crepe and Silks orr
sale at — •• 20 Per cent. discount.
3.tIDDIES-2 dozen Girls' Middies to clear, broken lines,
BLOOMERS -3 dozen Women's and Girls' sizes, pink Nein-
sook Bloomers. • A bargain at
CORSETS—Bargain in Corsets good quality and latest
models, our cut price
Eggs Wanted, Highest Prices paid Cash or Trade.
and Mrs. Samuel Woods also
Mrs. Aitken- eniotored to Kitchener
one day last week where they will
spend a few days.
Mrs. Arthur Lincoln is not enjoy-
ing the best of health. We hope for
a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jt-
.ohn Mitchell spen
Sunday with Howack. friends.
Mrs. Nokes of the West is spend-
mg a few days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Muir.
Haryey Robinson of Morris,
spent Sunday evening on the tenth.
Mrs. Fred. Johnston of Wingham,
peril e coup,1 ot slays 'with her sister,
es. Arthur rincolti •.
The Sunday School picnic which
held on the rivereflats on the 24th
was -well attended the baseball and
,football games were much enjoyed by
the yoting people.-
• Mr. arid Mrs. McCall of Wingham,
-spent the 24th With Mr. and Mrs.
rJohn Smith. "
Mr. Gordon Messer of Bluevale, re-
newed old acquaintance with ,friends
on the tenth recently. „
Mr. and .Mrs. Reuben Appleby also
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace and beley,
motored to Kincardine on the 24th
and spent the day.
• Miss Nellie Doig called on friends
on the tenth and boundary last week.
Miss Hardie and Mr. Fred Hardie,
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Mrs. S. Mitchell of Wingham, spent
a few days last week with Mrs. Sam.
• •,=-• .
.In loving memory of our aunt, Mrs.
Geo. Falconer, Who passed away on
May 30t11, Ion
A loving auntie, true -and kind, ,
A beautiful memory left behind;
Loved and respected, one of the best,
Nla.y she be granted eternal rest.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wellwood..
h House of
GINGRA1VIS—New patterns of best quality Canadian Ging-
hams in small checks, stripes, plaids, exceptional value at 250 a yd.
• SCOTCH GINGHAMS—Fine quality Ginghams in the new-
est patterns. A material that will give extra wear, 32 inches wide,
at 45 cents a yard,
VOILES—We are showing a wonderful range of English
Voiles in light and dark 'patterns at 75 cents to $1.5o per yard.
em SILKS—Navy IVIeisaline Silk, a soft finished material that
al will give you perfect satisfactioti, 36 inches wide, reg. $3.5o for
16• BROWN MESSALINE--A rich finished silk, suitable for
pir summer wear. Our leader 36 inches wide at $2.25 per yard.
mr SWEATERS—New shades in Nfottarch Knit Sweaters, Tux-
edo and belted styles, ideal for sport wear, special at $6.00 also
• Moriarch Yarn in all shades at 3 for $5.00.
CORSETS—We are showing two rieW models in elastic
girdles, ideal ler summer wear, all sizes, white $1.5o, pink $2.00.
HOSIERY SPECIAL—Pure eilic hese, extia wearing cleat-
ity <firsts) shown in Black, Whitt, Grey, Brown, Bronze, Polo,
and Navy, wonderful value at this price, epeeial at $5.49 per pair.
Seeds A Specialty.
Miss Beatrice Anderson and Mrs.
Norrish of Walkerton, visited on
day with 'Mr. ati'dMrs. Wm, Barbour,
Mr. and Mrs. HarrY MeCletiagban
�f Belgrave, spent Friday with Mr.
aed Mrs, Ben McCienaghan.
Ntr, and Mrs. Jas. 'Wilson and fam-
ily spent the 2401 vvith her parents,
Mr, and :Mrs. Ferguson ef Culroes.
• Mr. Geo. Falconer of Culross, spent
•the 24th with • Mr. and Mrs, John
Misses 13ertha MacKay, Eva Daw-
son, Florence Purdon and Maud Conn
of Wingliam spent Sunday at their
homes here.
• Mrs. John Mowbray visited last
week with her daughter, Mrs. Wesley
Leggett of Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore of Tor-
onto, spent the 24th with his brother,
Mr. Arthur Moore,
Mrs. Geo, Garton jr.; visited with
relatives in Brussels last weak,
Miss Olive Tariff went to nurse in
Clinton last week.
Miss Ruby Everett visited with Miss
Nora Falconer last week. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Cornelius and Mr.
and Mrs. Amos Conielitis spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Jas. Cornelius' nejeliew,
Mr. Thos. Rivett and her brother, Mr.
Philip Steele of Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer spent
last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Caslick of Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reid and fam-
ily from. Ashfield, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fraser and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mr, -.and Mrs.
Alex „Emerson.
The St. Helens' Institute meeting
was held at the home of Mrs. Ben
Naylor on Thursday last. A pleasant
and profitable thhe was spent.
Rev. R. J.• Irwin and Rev. Mr. Cous-
ins of Ashfield, exchanged their work
on" Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Fox of Russel,
Mine are visiting with her sister, Mrs.
John Purdon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft also
Miss Bina Kirk and Kirk and Arthur
Lyon of. Londesboro, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. „Andrew
Kirk of Seaiorth.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer of St.
Helens, spent Sunday with, her par-
ents here.
Quite a number from our burg at-
tended the baseball games on Friday
night at St. Helens. Whitchurch boys
won, 14 to 13. Blyth plays here on
Friday- night. Let everybody come
Mr. Frank Coulter had the misfor-
tune to hese a fine cow on Sunday. It
was lying dead at the stable door in
the morning. -
Miss Lorna McCiena,glian is visiting
with her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Bar-
bour, of Fordyce.
Mrs. Wm. Beecroft left on Tuesday
to attend the W. M. S. Convention in
Don't forget the anniversary ser-
vices held in Whitechurreh Presbyters
ian church on June sith.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fowler and
children, John and George of Wing -
ham, visited at Mr. Ken Paterson's on
Rev. Mr. Overend of Kincardine, ex-
changed work with Rev. Mr. Scobie
on Sunday. •
Miss Dorothy Hutchison of Wing -
ham, spent Saturday with Agnes and
Jack -Gillespie.
• Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henderson of
Wingham Junction spent Sunday with
their son, Mr. Roland Henderson.
Mr. Archie Paterson of Wingham,
Spent Sunday with his nephew, Mr.
Ken Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson and
two sons of the Bluevale Road, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mre._ payid, Ken-
nedy, Sr. ,
The Presbyterian folks organized a
Miseion Band eon Saturday last and -
elected the following officers—Hon,
Pres.—Mrs. Wm, Barbour; Pres.
—Miss Bina Henry; Vice-Pres,—Miss
Lilian Paterson; Secretary—Miss Ad-
• die Ross; Treas.—Miss Irene Moore;
Organist, Miss Isabel Fox. Meetings
to be held the firsSaturday of each
month at three o'clock in the base-
ment. All children welcome and
• wanted.
Clifford Hetherington of Morris,
spent the week -end with Palmer Pet-
.Four of our S. S. No. ro boys tried
the test examinations in Lucknow on
Saturday last. '
Rev. N. R. D. and Mrs. Sinclair were
rehewieg acquaintances in the -village
and vicinity last week. The former
conducted preparatory services in Mc-
Intosh church on Friday afternoon, he
was also present at thee unvailing of
the tableau on Sunday morning.
Rev. and Mrs. Jones of Belgrave,
and MiSS Sheppard of 'Toronto, visit-
ed Mrs. Corrigan en Sunday.
Mrs, McCrae of New York is visit-
ing her father, Mr. Joseph Hall.
Mrs. John Inglis of Carrick is im-
proving after a slight attack of diph-
Among those who attended the con-
vention of the Young People's Society
at Clifford were Misses Mary Aitken,
Agnes Darling, .James Darling, aed
ROY Rutherford..
The monthly meeting of the W. F.
S., met on Thursday afternoon at Mrs.
jeffray's. There were 16 members
present, the collection amounted to
$5.50. A splendid repOit was given
by Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Mulvey and
Mrs, Corrigan of the Convention at
Dungannon. Papers were given by
Mrs, Hector McLean and Miss Agnes,
Rutherford on Japan,
Mrs. Hyndman of Gorrie, visited for
a few.days last week with Mrs. Geo,
Herd, •
Miss Alice Metcalfe is learning the,
T1-1 w1Nolioxivi 4DvANct
The annual meeting- of the Women's
Institute was held at the home of Mrs.
D. Procter, on Tuesday, May 10th,
The president, Mrs, Peters, presided.
The following officers were 'elected
for the coming year. Pres.—Mrs. Mil-
ton Lake; Vice -Pres, --Mrs, (Rev.)
Peters; Sec.-Treas.--Mrs. Will Proc-
ter; Pieetist—Hazel Taylor; Atiditors—
Miss Edna Reid and Lulu Procter.
Distriet Director—Mrs. G. W. Proc-
ter; Directors—Mrs. J. Coultee, Mrs.
D. Precter, Mrs. j, 'VenCamp, Mrs.
0. G. Anderson; Press Coreespond-
ent—Hazel Taylor, At the close of
the meeting a very appropriate solo
was sung by Mrs. Peters, after yvhieh
Mrs. Procter in her usual good style
served a very dainty lunch. .
lefr. and Mrs. Yule, Mr. John Fer-
guson, and Mr. McGuire motored to
London, on Saturday evening.
Rev. Peters is attending conference
in London this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Garniss of Blue-
vale,spent Sunday at Joe Millers'.
Miss Emily a Detroit, 'called on
Mrs. Jos. Brandon on Sunday'.
Mrs. Mountain of Londesboro, is
spending a few -days with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Miller.
Mrs. W. Nethery has returned to
her home in the village a,fter spending
the winter with her. daughter, Mrs, J.
Sorry to report that lefrs. Thos.
Scandrett is tinder the doctor's care,
' Mrs. M. Miller is very low at pres-
ent and at her age of about 90 years
little hopes for her recoverY. -
Mrs. (Rev.) Jones spent Sunday in
No service in the Methodist church
next -Sunday,
Mr. Irwin Ferguson of Torento,
called on friends here last week
Change Color Of Stamps
A number of changes in the color
of Canadian postage stamps are being
made to conform with the ifew inter-
national regulations. A straw-colored
one -cent stamp is being iesued to re-
plade the present green one cent
stamp,•which has been in use for niany
years and as thc various offices ex,
haust their supply of green stamps
'they will be replaced with the new
issue. The red two -cent stamp is be-
ing replaced with a green stamp, and
should a six -cent stamp ever be is-
sued it will take the red color hither-
to distinguishing the twos. The five -
cent stamp is of a _violet shade, -while
the ten -cent statnp is blue,
How The Old Timers Performed
• These days when we hear so much
about sporting equipment and have
seen the hat passed so frequently to
put different teams into the field, the
reminisences of an old timer who vis-
ited here last week revealed how the
athletes managed .who brought the
early trophies eo Walkerton against
competitors that were n6 dubs in their
day and who probably would not be
considered anything of a joke in this
advanced age and generation. Being
short of equipment and -.a champion
game on, several of- the players bor-
rowed their sisters' bloomers • and
swiped their mothers' rubbers and
went out and won the district trophy.
—1Na1kerton Times.
Hotels Must Pest Prices
Among the laws whieli came into
force on the first of May .is one of
great interest to the teavellingithe
by whic11 hotel owners have to Poet
its the entrarice of their establishinents,
itt the bedreolliS and cliningroorns,
prices of acconthrodation yeti& its
various forms. These posters are bil-
ingual arid will permit guest's lo know
exactly what. -they are liable to pay for
lodging and food.
NO &poking—PM Spraying—fin Snuff
• Just Swallow a Cansuie
RAZ -M H Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, stop MUCUS
gatherings in the bronchial tubes give
long nights of quiet sleep; contains no
habit-forming drug. 11.00 at yourdrug.
gist's Trial free at our agencies orwrite
Tetopletons, 142 King W. Tome*
j. W. iVicKibbon
Chiropractic furnishes t h e
most " complete arid • scientific
methdd of health culture known
to -day. It is the only method of
direct Spinal Adjustment
Other so-called ,SpinarAdjust-
la-lents are an attempt to trade on
the reputation of Chiropractic.
This is a Golden Rule Office
and recognizes Christ and His
Principles as Paramount.
Chiropractic gives value in
full for every dollar invested.
Adjustment given for all dis-
eases where there is reasonable
hope of recovery.,
Office hours, 10 to 52 a. m, 2
to 5 and e to 8 p. m. •
Phone egs.
Ingham Saw
& • Planing 11111
We how have a stocl; of
Lumber of all kinds, dressed,
and undressed. Sash Doors,
Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Beav-
er, Fibre and Ruberoid Boards,
also roofing, Plain and slate sur-
faced ,and steel fence posts.
Prices are lower now than
they have been for some months
and some lines are sitre to ad-
vance. Call and get prices for
any of the above. ...
Coal in all sizes, hard, soft,
and Smithieg always on hand,
w 44* e 4
MacLean Lumber
d Coal Co.
Thursday, June rs
s Victoria Day broleght many fisher-
men to our quiet river where they en-
joyed the scenery even if the catch
was smell,
Dr. W. 5, Elliott is home from the
'West .on a short visit to his father,
.Mr. Jas. Elliott. •
Mr. and Mrs. j. W. Leggett, White-
church have become residents of Blue -
vale, having bought Mr. H. ,.,A, Me -
Call's generel store and stock.
Dr. and Mrs. Pratt and family, mot-
ored from Listowel for a days fishing.
Miss Cora Messer, 13. A., of Toron-
• to, visited &ice& here on the 24th.
A Sunday School Rally was held at
the Presbyterian Sunday School on
the 28th. , ,
.A meeting of the WoMen's Institute
which will be of special interest will
be held in the Methodist church base-
ment at 2.30 p. m., on June 8th.
Every woman in the neighborhood is
invited to be present to enjoy the ad-
dresses by Miss h. 11,1. Collins of An -
caster, on 'Ideals for HorneMaking'
and the ,'Work of the WO3nens
• On the evening of Victoria Day a
short ceremony was held in connec-
tion with the placing of machine guns
on the grounds of the Bluevale Pub-
lic School. The guns were received
from the Militia Department by the
'Women's Institute and bythe latter
placed on coni
crete bases n front of
the school buildings. They were cap-
tured by Canadian troops during the
recent war and the intention is te
preservethem in honour of our sol-
diers. nay. Mr. Mills, acting as chair-
man spoke a few appropriate words
and short addresses were given by
Rev. Holmes of Wroxeter, and Rev.
C. Tate. and Rev. R. 'L. Wilson of
Bluevale. The speakers recalled the
glorious seivice of our heroes and our
desire to enshrine their memories in
our harts, the school children sang
patriotic choruses. ,
The congregation of the Methodist
Church arranged an evening concert
for Victoiia Day and are to be con-
gratulated on its success. The choir
and its individual 'members sang pat-
riotic ntunbers, Mrs. ReMusgrove and
Mr. ,L. Ruttan gave violin selections
and the Misses Brittie of Mitchell,
rendered a number of recitations. Dr.
R. L Stewart, of Winghain, who pre-
sided spoke feelingly of' his former
connection with the church and 'his
cherished rnemorkee of older friends.
The program was nicely arranged in
foue parts, Rev. Mr. Holmee of Wrox-
eter, ,spoke on England; Red. Mr..
Tate of Bluevale, on Scotland; Rev.
Mr. Cragg of Wingham, oil Ireland,
while Mr. A .H. Musgrove of Wing-
harn, gave an outline of Canada' e his
tory to the presene day. -The address-
es Were all a delight to Aear and were
much appreciated, Nearly .fifty dollars
was realized from the concert.
• Lucknow. , May 2gth; 5922
Magistrate McNabb held his second
court here on Friday last when several
cases of infractions of the Motor Ve-
hicles Act were heard. A fine of $5.00
and costs was levied on most of them.
These cases are the result of a visit
of Provinciaf Inspector Blood to town.
Several others took the warning and
had•their car put in shape; One 'gar-
age -here nearly had to hire extra men
to put Qn tail lamps, so heavy was the
demand for them.
• Mr. Wm. Spindler has bought the
Allen property situated on. Islam St.,
now occupied by F. F. Phillips and. C.
B. Allen,
The picture show is moving this
week to. the store lately occupied by
Silverwoods, and we understand Mr.
Hilliard of . Winghann, Will open a
bazaar in the store now loccapied by
the picture show.
:Ehe Oddfelloyes of this district held
their arietial Lodge 'of -Instruction here
on Thursday las't, and a large number
of Oddfellow'S • were in- • attendance.
E-ach degree was exemplified by one
of the lodges in- the .district, and every-
one was well put on. The evening
session lasted, till nearly 12 ,o'clock,
when -all marched to the toWn hall
where tables were special and a sum-
ptous supner was served by the ladies.
Mrs. W. R. McDonald went to Lan-
don last week_ -where she underwent
an operation. est last reports she was
doing well. • -
The merchants of town are anxtpus-
ler awaiting the arrival of the new
watering cart.
• The Bowlers have their green in
good shape and all are looking for-
ward to a good, summer's sport. Some
good games have ailready been played.
air. Sandy Nicholson, a student at
Knox College, has gone to • Maple
Creek, Alberta, where he will have
charge of the work of the Presbyter-
ian church for the summer months.
Miss Carrie Geddes' is spending a
Mw days with her parents, Dr. and
Airs, Geddes. •
• Miss Rena Gordon of Detroit, is
spending a week at her home here.
• lilies Anna Nicholson is home after
completing her third year in medicine
at Toronto University,
Mr. Normen Afatlat'son is ander the
Dr's. care. •
Anniversary services were held in
South Kinloss Presbyterian church
on Sunday. Rev. Finlay Matheson of,
Knox church, Stratford, . was the
speaker, arid delivered two fine ser-
mons, The Rev. Mr. Matheson is a
native of these parts and met maey
friends while here.
Connell Met. on May eeth, as a Court
.of Revisiori an the Assesement Roll,
with ell the members preseet, J. he
following appeals were then dispesed
of as follows -P. W, Scott eomplain-
ed that his assessoient on the'N.
Lot 4o Con. 6 was too high compe:red
with adjoining propernes. Assessment
redueed $10o.00, A. Porterfield (dairies
ed he was assessed too high both on
land and buildings, this assessment •
was reduced $200.0o,
• ,T. N. Canepbell also complained aef
being -assessed teo high, this appeal
was laid over and will be dealt with'
at tile next meeting, ,Geo. C. McGow-
an was assessed 'as tenant of N. H.
Lot 38, Con. 2, and Win. McGowan as
owner ef W. H. S: H. Lot 38, Con. .2.
The Court of Revision was then
closed to be're-opened'again on Weds
nesdaer, June Post. Covell resumed
and °Hillary business proceeded with
Minutes of last regular .and special
Meetings weee read and approyed on
motion of Stalker and Scott. • Tenders
for the painting of the liver bridge, on
Concessions so and Is were received
from Messrs. Allen, • Carrick and
Young. On motion of • Councillors
Stalker and-Coultes the -tender of Jas.
Young at $13o,00 being the lowest for
this contract was accepted.
The North Hurcen Telephorie Co.,
to wit= certain rights and privileges
were granted by the Municipality in
eeoe, having recently sold out their
undertaking to the Bell Telephone Co.
Messrs.;Greer and Elliott ,of Wing -
ham, .Directors of the former Com-
pany were present requesting the
council to pass a by-law consenting
'to the 'apCroval of this transaction.
By-law No. 5, 1922, agreeing to the
above proposal wae then read and
passed on motion of Councillors Coul-
tes and Scott.
Fred J. Davidson addressed the'l
council- in reference to the placing of 1,
an electric light at the Lower Wing -
ham corner asking the township to
co-operate with the Township of
Tuenberry in maintenance of same.
This request evas.laid over for the cre-I
The following accounts were orders
ed to ba paid—S. B. Stothets, grant
to Agricultural Course, $25.00; The
Times printing office, advertising,
$2.2o; The Advance printing office,
advertising, $5.5o; C. 0. F., Belgrave,
hall rent, $35.00; Wm. Robinson, 'sal-
ary as A '
ssessor $soo,00; Sam. Mc-
Burney, gravel, $14.4or Alex McGow-
Sued Canadian Trust Company,
• The case wherein Miss Eliza Conn,
Winghain, sued the Canadian Treat
Compady, administrators o 1 11 0 r
brother-in-law's estate, fore$egg5for
eervices as eurse for four years, was
ordered by •the supreme court t� be
tried before His Honor judge Dick -
soh. Tile ease came tiCsfor. trial, on
Tuesday; May seth, VaeStone of
Winghani, being the cemnsel for the
plaintiff eand 1). Holmes, Wingharn,
appearing for tile defendant, Mies
Corm's brother died intestate and con -
.sequently, she put in it statement to
the administrators • for ber services
as mirse, at the rate.of $6,0o per week
for thi first two years, and ;limes(' per
week for the tiext two years, sellich
amounted to ,the :eerie Of $1995, Des
cisiori given, by judge Dickson was itt
rollOwea—'After twenty cles.rs' judge
ient -to be entered foe plamtiff for
$.1905 -with costs on the Sitpreine, Court
Sca1e."---11r1isse1s Poet,
Mr. Aloe Sanderson is home fr9111
Toronto. "
,Mr. Ballantyne was 'a Len-
dgn visitor last weelc.
Mr, h'eter McEwen took a trip to.
foronto on Monday.
Mr. Thos. Martin has treated him-
self to a new Cbevrolet Special.
r. and Mrs. Keoler of Ayton, vis-
ited friends in town last week,
' Messrs. Alex Higgins ancl Jake Wil-
lits motored to London last week,
Mr. and Mrsi .1.3arnsdale of Mark -
(tale paid friends in town a visit on
S u11,1cY
ri 00(1 Mrs. Waldo Miller of
Winghane, sperit, Sunday with friends'
ib town.
Mr, and IVIra. Willi Westlake spent
Sunday at the lake shore at Kincar-
dilivIle'r.'"and Mrs. J. D. Millerof Lon-
don, are the guests oa
f Mr. nd Mrs.-
Miss Oi-inina Corbett of Fordwich,
who' has been spendiog a couple of
weeks in towa returned to her home
on -Saturday. •,
• A number of Wroxeter sports at..
terided the Wirigham-'reeswater base-
ball match in Wingharn on Monday.
The Wroxeter Rural Telephone Co.,
have purchased from the Bell Telee
phone Company, all of the telephone"
system in,Gorriesand will -get posses-
sion some time next month.
Word was received on Monday of
the death at Kinistmo, Sask., of Mr,
Thomas Sanderson, in his eend. year.
Deceased was an old, Wroxeter boy
and went 'West in the early days, He
took an active part aS a scout in the
North West Rebellion in. 5885 and hi
that capacity was instrumental in the
capture of Louis Reil. He was a
cousin of Mr. Jas. Ballantyne of town.
The remains of John Patterlon of
Harriston, were interred in Wrexeter
cemetery on Monday. The funeral
was in charge of the I. 0. 0. F.
an, raking stones off-road, $5.00; Mun-
ro Bros., repaire for grader, $2,75e L.
Buchanan, repairs for grader, 75c; W.
Carter, moving grader, $s.00; R. Vie-
Cent,filling washout, Con. 4., $5.00;
Jas. Young, rep. culvert, 75c; J. Stew-
art, sharpening grader blede, $2.65;".A.
M. Perdue, work. on grader:156.5o.
Council then- adjonrned to meet again
on Wednesday, jime 21, at o'clock.
A. Porierfield, Clerk,
" ' of ,May, A. 1)., 1022:*
IN THE MATTER of the application.
of the North Huron Telephone
Company, Limited, for the ap-
proval of the sale by the Appli-
cant of its undettaking to the Bell
• Telephone Company of Canada,.
The Ontario Railway and Municipal -
board hereby appoints Wednesday,-
the Fourteenth Day of June, A.
1922, at the hour of a quarter past one -
o'clock in the 4fternoon (Railwaer •
Time) in the :Tam Hall, in the To'
of Winglassin, for hearing the above''
application. All persons having are
interest in this matter and desiring tcy -
be heard are directed to attend at the
time and place as aforesaid., . •
Dated at Toronto this sixteenth day '
MY. John Martin, who has been
away for a visit has returned home
ianggaitnile, he intends having Mr. Gilles -
Mr. C. F. Martin is at present draw -
pie of Whitechurch with his ditching,-
mechine in the near future.
• - Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson visited
at Mr. Thomas McGuffins' of Lis-
towel, one day -recently.
Miss Nellie Boyle spent the week-
end at 'her home here. ,
-Mr. Chas. Leaver has been busy
with his tractor plough at Mr. Jas.
Craigs' at St. Augustiap.
Mr. 'Tipling's Mien paressed hay at
Mt, Peter Leaver's one day last week.
Mr.' LeaVer thinks they are smart ,at
pressing hay. •
_Mr. John NIcGee is at present busy
with his tractor at Mr. Wellington
Do,ey:e. •
Miss Eva Boyle of Wingharn, visit-
ed under the parental roof on Sunday
(SEAL.) I -L C. Small,,Secretary.
BABY CHICKS—S. C. White Leg -
horns, (Barron Strain). The Bar- ,
ron Leghorn is an, English Bird'and
Jor a Leghorn is 'very large. On the
following dates we will have chick's
for sale.—May 3oth, 3000, at 20 cents
each; June 8th, 1500 at 18 cents each;
June 2zst, 300ct at 15 cents each; -June
30t11, 5500 at 15 tents each; July nth,
3000 at 15 Cents each. • We trapnest
every day of the year. All poor layers
are shipped to market. We have pul-
lets now, (May 1st) ,that have laid
563 eggs_ Every maleat the head of
our 'breeding pens is from a hen which
raid over 200 eggs in one year. Our
females are persistent layers. • One -
customer who got 300 chicks frofn us.
last Spring got from them 175 pullets.
that laid him $658.00 worth of eggs -
before they were one year _old. That
is from the time the were hatched -
What they did- for him, they will do
for you. . Walter Rose,
Phsine 3 or 4 on 38x. • Brussels, Ont.
=,100,44"wwsii"Awk4spittka) ot.gfokeptiok.*0441."4,04.
SILVER CROWN FLOUR—$3.85 a bag, $3.6o in 5 bag lots.
FIVE JEWEL FLOUR -44o a hag, $4.25 -in 5 bag lots.
FIVE LILIES FLC),DR—$4.2-5 a bag, $4.00 in 5 bag lots.
FIVE ROSES FLOUR—$4.4o a bag, $4.25 in 5 bag lots.
QUALITY FLOUR—$4,o5 a bag, 3.80 in 5 bag lots.
Flour, Feed, Seeds, Potatoes, eta. Phones: Residence tea, Store 40
tigotee05~0.0411;tooseiresystermelell'400%01063 tistelveeeefigteafteiffWeee~e4
5.30 a. m. 5.45
5.50 a.m. 2.64 pan....
6.og a.m. 2,25 p.m.
I 6.40 a,rri. • 2.54 p.m,
7.06 a.m. • 3,58 p.m,
7.50 a.m.. 4,01 p.m.
8.28 'a.m. • 4,23 p.m,.
0.0 adri. 5.36 p.m,
• 5.00 p.m. 8.35 p.m.
1.00 pan. 8.30 p.m.
It.To a.tn. 7,40 p.m.
RETURNING -.-Leave Toronto 6.50 in, and 5.02 p.m.
Through coaeh Kineardine to Toronto oilt morning trait'.
,Parlor Buffet car Palmet4ston to Toronto on morning train and -
nelph :J:1'01.0.146 On; otening train,
• For full particulars apply to Grand Trunk ,Tialtet Agents,