HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-01, Page 5i Rubber In addition to the foct that WE SELL BOOTS AND ,SHOES" OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS MUCH CHEAPER TITAN THE • �. 7,H AV- ERAGE SHOE STORE, WE WILL UNTILUL- J Y xst Put. Ru bb er. _ ,.: on all Shoes Pur- chaas ed from us absolutely "Free of Charge" This refers to' Women's. Shoes, Men's Shoes, Girls' Shoes and Boys' Shoes, in fact all kinds of shoes largeor small. V w Keep in mind the fact that we also TACK THE SOLES and SEW RIPS on ail shoesFREEOF bought from 'us• • CHARGE. Phone .1129. WILLIS THE Simi✓_ STORE , WInt has ammismiummo ELUEVALE Miss Blanche Jamieson of " New York,i_ r O , .,, visiting ..'. sister,lvtr3:•I'eteF King. Rev. R. . -L. W it sou attended the Dis- trict meeting at Kincardine last week.' For summer' months the evening- 'service. venin siser v e. in- the Methodist church will be 7.3o p, m.:' Mrs. John. Black, who ttnderwent an operation at Wingham recentiy.is getting along, we_arepleased to say. . Mr. and .Mrs. Milton Smith cele- brated the 15th anniversary of their wedding. on Monday, May, 22nd. They had a fine time and receivedmany useful presents:' Mr. Howard Stewart has gone to Henfryn where'. he has secured a pos- ;tion. Mr. Edgar McMichael :landed "f' :. _a r1 e pound fish out of the river recently. v one .day Mr. and - Mrs. Robert Nicholson of Morris, spent -Sunday with relatives a here. - • t meta car at the bridge below the 0, k� JI, track. and, in turning, back onto the road he struck the end of the bridge overturning the car, Mrs: Leg- gatt and 'two children were. iii„th"e car at the time, all escaped with a sl'talcing up, It was fortunate no serious dant- age was done. Rev. R, L. 'Wilson had an auction sale t dispose of his surPlus'•op Wed- nesday night which was., well' attended, Mr. and Mrs'Y John Anger:;and son, of .Gorrte, spent Sunday at the Amine of Mr, A ;lylcGee; iw21•s, kI.' Mcilardy returne'd to Tor- onto after spending the past couple of weeks with relatives -here. • Mr. H .A, McCall has traded his property, store and contents. with M. W. "I,etaTgatt' of Whitechurch, for the 15o acre farm,' stock, implements, etc, Each takes their hoarsehohd,goods and ' nothing mare::.''We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. McCall and wish thea,' suci;ess in their new hone. We also welcoiite Mr, and Mrs, Leggatt and family to g our u�'�iilage,'.• Mr.H, Hamnfoncl received arcar of coal for the Creamery this week. The C,cearnery is doing; a rushing business this summer. , • Mr. Jas. Masters attended a Get-to- •gether meeting of the 0, T. R. em- ployees and officials at Stratford last Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs, Robert Durriin of Wingham, visited at Mr. Geo. Mow- bray's last week. Mr. Geo. Menzies:. visited with Mr. Geo. McDonald this week. ' John 'poll's and daughter of Wing - ham' spent Sunday at thehome of Mrs. Win, Thornton. Geo. Townsend andasons of Gorrie, spent Sunday with relatives here. 'We are :pleased,to report Mrs. Wm. 'Garuiss Sr., is improving nicely. . Mr.; 'silos. Stewart lnade..a business trip to Henfryri on Monday. BLYTH • Mr. E. Harrison of Wiii;gha.iil was in town on business on Saturday. Mr.,. and' `].1M'rs, Kcllermtir of Dash - ;wood, visited friends"iii town on Sun- ' Sun- .. • . Mrs:' Griffin of. VVingharn accomp- anied by her,: daughter; Mrs. A.,..H. Wilford, .wer-eguests of Mr, and Mrs. A.B. Carr. on Thtu'sday. .„Mr. Faank,.Metcalfe, avl•ro'has been undergoing treatment'in Vict'o'ria Hot -. London, returned:home -ou `Sat= ii d ry evening.'`• ' Mr.'. and -Mrs. A. M. Babb of Tees water; visited the latter'..q mother,.Mrs. McQuarrie on Sunday. • The first game of ball will take place on Friday evening, Westfield nd Blyth teams. .-Reeve Dodds will brow the firstall. b The -Scout band will appear for the first tithe since heir organization and will contribute musical numbers at intervals,' A few weeks', ago a couple of Palm- erston -ladies went out into the woods• to gather lovely spring flowers. They got along rather well uptil they came to•a -creek, when one very gracefully tried to get over by way Of stepping stones. We don't know'. how the ac- cident occurred, but they tell us it as a very uncomfortable walk hone. -Palmerston Spectator. • . Mr. Eldon McKinney was at Brarnp- ton relieving the operator for a few t days last week. John, and Alba Gallaher of Saler,. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Gallaher. While playing football one night Last week Mr. Wet. Davidson had the misfortune to break his leg. He is doing as well as can be expected. Hope he will soon.be O. K. When -coming out of Wingham on; w Saturday evening, Mr. H. A. McCall, 111 IIIBIII®IIIQIII®IIIsIIIQIII®1iIQIIIQIIIIIIIIQIiIQ111111QIIIQIII • IIIQIIIQIIItIIII�IiIQIIIQIIIQIIIQI11�111�111�11I11C!I IQlii�ll IQIIIQIIIQIIIQIIIQIH®IIIQIII®Inim w ® H9! It will pay you watch for Our Week rid Sales and get the benefit .f th rr LOWES PRICES • House Furnishings ® g Draperies Scrims Maruis- p Marquis- ite, Fancy:Madras, and Voiles, 11.1 Prices cents to Zooper yard. = a5 $ Floor Coverings, 'Rugs, Linol- euros, Oi•1. Cloths, etc, Window ■ Shades, Brass Rods, Poles, etc. II Wash Goods; Section Pancy Voiles, Dotted 'Organ- dies, es, Stviss Muslins, Scotch Ginghams, Percales,Galeteas, Prints, etc. All negoodsat reasonable prices. Silks And Satins ®' 'Heavy Crepe -de -Cherie, Guar- anteed Taffeta, Heavy Duchess Satin, Embossed Baronette Sat- in, All the newest silk materials in, the latest colors, prices $1.25 t •o $4.5o a yard. Boys' Suits N 3 years to 15. years. Good tnatenfaels and smart styles for little fellows ; and older boys. Y," Prices $4.50 to $13.50, 6 $ -111 $_ i1 Women's Suits and Coats Suits of Tricotine, Serge and Homespun, all sizes prices. are $25,o0 .00 and, , $35 $47.50... Spring Coats of best quality Velours, Fancy;Tweeds, etc., prices $18.00 to $45.o0. 19 Women's Summer Underwear i If Vests, 250, 35c, 5oc and $1.0o. Drawers,' 5oc,-75c and $1.00. Conbinatiotis, $t:oo to $2.5o. ' Men's Silk Socks, 89c per Pair Excellent ,quality thread silk socks, with double heel and toes, colors Black, Nav c , , , Y, G r e y, Brown and White, sizes 1o, xoa, and i1. Pongee Silk 89c A Yard Extraualit natural ci Y Pongee, with beautiful lustrous finish for Shirs, Waists, Children's Dress- es, Bloomers, etc., 33 inch wide, 89c a yard. 7o in. Bleached Table Damask at $x,49 Irish made bleached union damask, that will. wash well and give ,long service. Men's Raw Silk Shirts $4.25 One of the most serviceable summer shirts, made of good quality pongee,- natural color, with collar to match, size 54 to 17. Peabodys''Overalls, $2.00 per Pr. Plain blue, black or blue strip- ed overalls and smocks in the - best Peabody snake. • Children's' Reefer Coats $6.95 Navy serge reefer coats for boys and 'girls, lined throughout with velvet collar and brass but- tons, size 4 to 54 years, specially priced at $6,95. Gingham and Voile Dresses, .Prices $2.56 to $7.5o Smartly designed sum tri e r street` caresses, of Scotch ging- hams and imported ' voiles, all sizes.;' Pure Linen Towelling 33c• a y`d. White and brown crash hand towelling, made frons -good qual- .ity linen yarns, suitable for hand or roller towelling. Gingham -House Dresses $1,69 25 women's house dresses of. sturdy percale'or gingham, neat- ly designed, a11 sizes less than price, $r.69. fal F A g IONaltatalYll, a p"4r N THE ClIURCO EVERYWilkii.E.. Illy B. of Il, The voice' from a 'rational pulpit must needs be careful what it utters, Theother Sunday, Rev. J. S. Hender- son, D: ;P, the energetic minister of St. Andrews Church, Vancouver, in an eloquent sermon quoted from the works of Rev. Dr. ,Dwight L. Hillis, Bn,hAfter seTc.e the authorrooklywo is o•u a, holidtheayivi n I;titislt Celumbia, introdu.ecd himself and complimented the preacher on the fair interpretation of his writings, He was also .good enough to preach in the evening, the sttrprise being general as no one knew of -his presence, in the city. •. The Jew is still with as. This, in spite of persecutionsancientand mod- ern and also of many missions for their i con'uersioit. But froin,the� views broadly scattered by many leaching writers of that faith, there are modern J4ws who are quite ,up-to-date in -their attitude to religion.. Dr: Edward N. Calisch, a leading member of the Cen- tral Conference of. American Rabbis, denounces dogmatism and declares that "character and conduct" are the essentials;.. He further urges the Syna-, gogue to give due "appreciation of the. profotuul,and far -teaching influence o£ the man.Jesus, and of the sweetn and beauty of his life" while deny wmae wvwruurWwl4YiaaeummrMY4 $ww01rww111 1101111111011111001www IQr WQ•;. � r lalSing IQ • • elan Saau�r tQ � lid dxn I�oror . • This ill be one of t e ° i , W : h gi+�atest sales for.,�ene�ine k��li azns that ever :vv'as Or ever "will ;be gin Wingham, We need'the money and we must slaughter our,whole, entire up-to-date stock of Diamonds Watches Clock -,. � • r r S, Jewelery, '�ilv.�i?.�t are; Cut Glass, Electric Lanips Leather . Goods Ebony;, •, Ivor Umbrellas,... r yrr�.aile.Ci, ® Novelties, Etc.. Following are only a few of the manybargains T MOM rn, 2 DIAMONDS • $3oaoo Ladies' ,Emerald and Diamond elm- . ® ter Rin �. a $149.0o irrg W $x25.00 Ladies' Cluster Diamond Ring,,.:„ ::..$67,00 he W $700.00 Ladies . Diamond Ring, Tipperary style, blue white, perfect stone aalC.:_::$ eo.00 $x.00.00 Ladies' 3 stone Diamond.Ring, white \ gold' ._„,... $59:00 �Q $85.00 Ladies' Diamond Ring, white gpid.„..._$6o,0a Q� $7o.0o Ladies'Diamond Ring,white o .. g 1d .;$48.00 $45.00 Ladies' Diamond Rinwhite gold._.._.$3o.00 NI $go,00 Ladies' Diamond.Ring, Tiffany stylew$56.50 ®' $55.00 Ladies' Diamond Ring,' white. gold ....._$32.25 $2oo Ladies' Diamond Ring, Tiffany style..$x49.75 $89.00 Ladies''Diamond Ring, modified Tif-' fany .; ...$6o.00 $35•oo Ladies' ' •White Gold and Diamond that .there is historic evidence for t "accusation that the Jews were re- sponsible for the, crucifii.on,•" • May is ,the - month 'for thegreat. church meetings. in.Great Britain. The. Congregational Urtion of England and Wales met hi the, City Teruple,.,Lon. don.. Two features 'of the assembly. are,, likely to stick in the`riieinory for• the church -year. ,Both are. to the credit of the new president, Rev. Thos. Yates, London, who is .described as Gee „o# „the yotingest 'nen who, ever held the honor•,,Mr. J, Hugh Edwards, M.. 1?;, accustomed as .he is -to .great scenics in the House Of Calumet's .has written "a sketch of' the proceedings. The first -reference is to the;'endorse- rrient by the president of 'Dr: Jowett's suggestion for ail "international` con- ference of Christian .leaders::' :Here the spiritual resources of the nations are -considered •to., be of more avail than.. •ctttxene, statesmanahip, • Then again in the president's address the note struck was a'surprise: He spoke to his fellow churchmen not, of, plans and :statistics' but as •we read,' "had tile` splendid audacity" -to take for his Sub= ject "Conversion. How did Congre- gationalism arise, he asked? "It was tite:protest .of our fathers on behalf of a living experience of grace." - .More notable. than -the Lenten pas= torahs of the,Roman 'Catholic bishops iii Ireland is the deliverance of the united' Heira -chy'wlrich lately Met at Maynooth. A few sentence's• are given. It is no longer a struggle -between English .and Irishmen, but we : are torn by feuds and factions that have brought Us to;the,verge of ruin. = The Republican. army would deprive the, people. of the right to decide by a free election• under a threat of civil: war. The mai'. who :fails to harken to this appeal for a conference, where the is - .sue ,may be decided without military tyranny, an "appeal Made not so much by tis as by Ireland, will ,Garry With him to the grave an odious and a dreadful responsibility." Rev.. Lucius Compton of Ashville, has just finished a successful mission at the Gospel' Tabernacle, Ilaniilton The closing service held in a large theatre *as so crowded that several fainted, Over a thousand' dollars, as an offering, was given to carry on his schools and 'missions. This is again a wonder to the world,, when it is re- membered that Mr. Compton, at twen- ty-one, had no education; was unable by a. physical affection to evert speak plainly his own •name; moreover he was' sick and friendless and degraded. To 'day he is an international figure. The' story of his life and works is both pathetic and energising, yet it, is fully confirmed by the facts. He. has this own mannerisms on the platform but they are no more than a little dust on a picture. He-iis a mighty sane, Biblical and moving preacher. After his address he usually stands on a chair;:near the front ,pew and in a few words makes a ehsi]lenge to men and women to be 1-econciled .to tiro God whose -Witness he is. They, begin .to go down rt d the aisles .• and i an n* 0 them b men of all classes are -seen kneeling 81 together. Scotland has always'Teen cautious about innovations: The "Weekly En- velope System" is now•before the pub- lic and in a column opened by a great church paper, conducted by a Pres- byterian mihister of Brechlin, it is easily seen what a controversy is being waged among the elect' Scotchmen." Anti -humbug simply calls it, in a letter,new-(angled and soon to wear out. "Surplus" another critic is sar- castic and_wonders what will be done with the overflow of revenue. A good Methodist calls it "Class Money," but he is reminded that John Wesley, 18o years ago, made a rule that each mem- ber give .,1c1, per week and xs. per quarter, for the support of the minis- try, "Evangelical" • harps upon the .need of "good preaching" and then the money would flow, system or not. - The reply is that "good preaching" and orderly giving"should be com- bined. "Aberdeen" inquires' if the novely has invaded the north.. He is informed that twelve churches have adopted' the system with good results. Short t it ores are here rpt; e d Hon. Luren D.Dickenson,g P , former Lieut. Gov, of Michigan, in an address on Sunday. night, in St, Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Detroit, opened the cam- paign to raise a million dollars for the distress in the Near East. Mr. T. P. O'Connor, M. .P., • England, has 'beet ;;veli the freedoihl'of the city of At - leas, because of his action in parlia- meitt of protecting the lives'of Chris- tians from the Turks. " Rev. John' .A. Ryan,, D. D., of the Catholic Univer- city of America will lecture this sunt- tiler in Oxford for the Summer School of the Catholic Social Guild of Eng- land. Rev. Amos 5. Thomas, 13, 'D., minister of St, James, Methodist church, n Cit Montreal , t a has been invited to '.Windsor Oat., t. ,for the next' Confer- ence year. .He it thus returning to his Old Idorne • .Conference, Miss Mary ' so I frh 1 ' . p a tr .3tovors of. Our ,ad er still ail, r�r.,,. Lady's s f"crri- t , ,... * R'k'rrGl:, 'vvi7 rt 'fIr'St _$ u m A KINGS` -GROCERY DEPT. I1 Pure Foods At MoneySaving! - Prices Snowflake Baking Powder -111 rdc 2 c 5 - per tin • Corn, per tin ' Tomatoes, per tin • • Rice, 3 lis, for Sugar, per cwt $6;25 I Best Creamery Butter, lb 35c �! Jelly Powder, all flavors, 3 •for' �5c I. Rex Catsup, large bottle -,..,,,22c I#eSt Golden - Corn Meal, 8 Ib. for 25c :Best Pink Salmon, firsts,2 N. for: ,25C r. ING BROS.: Ill , 110111 !lIIAQ IiIQIiIIIHi IQ i C11Q t 111�1111®II11QI1►pwl lli1111MA111�11 iI�I11QIRUMil111�1111�1116mlllllll llMi!111m111IHf lh�l@IIIoIBI�lllllARI11$9111�Bi►1 ikxud'W.,Wuw.IW W,wiw(tiV o llll0llfb &il l I IIQIIINR!MIIIIAI(IlMi91NdMNIIiMIIt trrr $25.0o ,Ladies' Dia ® $22.00 Ladies'. Diamond Brig ax5.00 . D d Ring $50.00 Ladies' .Diamond Ring, green gold -WI arid platinum - " ...... . $34.00• $50.00 Gents' Diamond -Tie Pin $32.5o $4o;ao Ladies' Diamond Bar Pin ....:_r .._..:_$25.00 $5o.00 Ladies'Diamond Pendant, white gold $33.00 Qlf- ; $35.00 Gents' Diamond Tie Pin; white gold $22.oe . WATCHES $ .00 • Ladies' •Solid Gold 110 4 � Wrist Watch _..._$18.25 ® 5o.00:Ladres' Solid. Gold Wrist Watch 20.00 ad es ...•Gold Filled. Wrist Wacth._.:-.$g.75 ®' $22.00 Ladies' Gold Filled Wrist Wath. ® c $xx.00 Ixo:ooLadies';Gofd'Filled Wrist Watch:_...__:_$5 .m ® $6.00 Ladies' Silver Wrist Watch... �.............:...._. ® $3.4.5 � $50.00 Gents' -Green Gold Filled Pocket ® Watch, :a7 Jewels ......__ ... __.:.__$33.00 ® $75.00 Gents' Gold Filled Railroad Pocket ,• ®. Watch .• :.. $40.00 $25.00 Gents'. Gold Filled x .._ Jewels, ,• ® , ,- , 5 Pock - IIet Watch ...:..._:..___..._. .__...:...._,_.,._ $35•oo Gents' Gold Filled Octagon st le $ aso' WI `` Pocket. Watch Y ' � , __:...$22.00 $25.00 Gents' Pearl Cool Radium Dial Poc ® • ket Watch ® .._...-.. ..___.___...___.....__ ..__.:_..$22.00 $25,00 Gents' Gold Filled x5 Jewels Pocket 11*INL' Watch :.,• $x8,00 Nickle Case, 55 Jewels, Gents' Pock Let Watch _.... ...... -:._.�_..._._. $g.00 ® • $12.00 Gents' Nickle Case 55 Jewel Pocket Watch __ :.,-._.- .-_:_.W...___-_ ..... $6:00 ® $xg.00 Gents' Nickle. Case 15 Jewel Pocket .$4.00 Gents' Nickle Case r7 Jewels Pocket r•� o0 Watch' -. _. __- .-,:......$x6.25 ,PEARL BES ,. S $'35.00`String Pearl Beads _... _...� ..$x8.00 $$o.00, String' Pearl Beads .:. ;;.,..•$14,50 $25:oo String Pearl;Beads , a2, o $z2.00 String Pearl.Beads $2 8.00 String Pearl ;Beads. ,.$x3.25 is, $2o.0o String Peary Beads ; _.. :.. :_-.:.$1x.00, $12.00 String Pearl: Beads . $7.00 $6.00 String Pearl ;Beads : - _$5.00 „it RI :S. $x6.00 Ladies' 5, stone Pearl Ring ,: $r4.00 Ladies'" 3 stone Pearl 'Ring :. .... o $s6.oo.Ladies,Solitary, Pearlt sty_ le .$g�.o$ o 111E $8,00- Ladies!. Solitary -Pearl Ring $as.00 Ladies' Green Cameo Ring •C $z2.00 Ladie ' " ",: .• s Cameo Ring_ „w:,$600 - . �, , $14.00 Ladies' Black Cameo Ring . �__ .._.__.$8.00 • MI6 $6.00 Cameo Ring a $5.00'Ladies' Cameo. Ring $xo.00 Ladies'. Onyx- Ring $12.00 Ladies' Onyx Ring $ro.ori Ladies' Ruby Ring .$$ J .00 $7.00 Ladies' Emerald and Pearl Ring ____$2'. 75 $3.50 Ladies' Garnet Ring .:$2.00 $8.00 Gents'Signet Ring __.-:_ _.__._..__...„.$3.75 $x7.00 Gents' Amethyst Ring ii $25.00 Gents' Masonic Rings • -$a7.75 $x5.00 Gents' Masonic Rin g •-$9 5 too Alarm Clocks, regular price $2.5o, to be sold for ....,..„ xoo pair of the best qualitygold filled glass- es, regular price from, $xo.00 to $x5.00 a pair. Your eyes tested properly and sold for'..__-_- $5:00 a pair. ilk 75 Cigarette Cases, regular price 5oc each, . IN sale price _....,_.., _.__.__.._._ _ ._..:.._-._.,.-..•soc each . NE 25 Cigarette Cases, regular price $2:50 each` sale price ___•_,_-• _75c each. • i1 Keep your eye on .the goods ticketed in the windows and counters. (No goods given out without the spot cash.) The Great Watch Doctor and Optician. 'Vyingharn, Ontario. Iw®MENINw " wwwEMENEM®ww®IBJte1tlP.� ' . 1:' .� ,., ill+ ; It"( i'pig:;.: it a . ,il iLjl rN; r i 1�'t i`.; t !!„ ii 4 `",I `{'1 r IwMEMENIw at pr ze or a eaut u figure of Our Broadway Tabernacle, New York, in Lord in color embroidery: his first message to England from the The House of Bishops has just held: pulpit of the City Temple, Lon'lon, re - Convocation i n Canterbury. T h e' ferred to his ship passing another threatening storm over Modernism did great liner, carryinghis brother -mini - not break with any unusual violence! ster to America toccupy his pulpit ly P P. Qn ;lie contrary their lugs 8 1 s �leiidi - d r stud how they were table by means of debate, -setting' a good example to the the wonderful "wire -less" to re et each ach world for ' calm deliberation. Of other. "I bring you greetings," he course the Bishop of Oxford Pr ticrit- said,fromthe. Republic of the Wes . ed the Modernist side in a petition We have the. greatest t acltniratioit for signed by forty one persons, On the the 't`ourage with i�y�bich you shoulder other side was .the Bishop of Gtouc- your burdens and fh:ee your problems, ester, speaking for the Church of Eng- We love you, now could we help it?" land Union. The decision was urian- Another circle of ;rowing towats in ;mous and not severe. Two sentences the• West have voted for local church may ay be giYeit, While paying honor union. The latest to be ublis to P .l_ d are scholarship,. there as"a grave and obvious danger in. the publication of debatable suggestions as if they were ascertained truths," Again, "If mod- ern churchmen could bring their teach- ing within the' range. of Christian doc- trine- we do not wish to lose them but there --is the possibility of their posi- tion being intolerable to then. and to us." The University of Manitoba has granted honorary degrees df doctor of laws to Rev: Andrew Baird, professor in the Presbyterian College, Rev, Dr, Stewart of the/Methodist College and. Rev. Father Blain of the Jesuits' Col- •lege, Edmonton, itr the Lary days of the province, these men were of great assistance in education. Russell, Rinscartlt, Foxrvarren, !lay - field, Newdale, St. -Andrews, Rapid. City and Huntsville, SENSE AND NONSENSE Good evening! How is your bur- docks coming along? Rhubarb pie at bat, Strawberry shortcake on deck. Dandelions are out and a certain domestic industry requiring the yellow flowers is in`full swing. Here's a tip. -If you want to make The Primate of the Church of En- i a clean tip .go into the back yard, ' gland in Canada is the Chancellor, It • Might further be stated that the high- Some • young men stick to. the est honors o tors aver e taken b a to s de t n straight Y and nar'• ' r o tvt.a v and Y,some of Wesley college whose foreign, nan'ie is significant,. Jon V. 'Strauntjord.- According to Sir Janes Grigg who is a member of the British delegation at Genoa, Mr. Lloyd George feels "that so clear and definite a pto- noiinceinent front the Holy See in fav- or of peace with Russia is a great,en- rou,:agentent to the Christian Powers of Europe." The, letter from the Pope was given to the Commission through Cardinal Gaspard, who is Card•uaal Secretary 'of ;State to the Vatican, .On another' day, the premier entertained Don Sturgo, Whois leader and head of the Catholic party in Italy, ] le "Apostles ost9 es of Peace" ,' ri t O are crossing oceans speaking good will of nations might well think of the changes in- the world "since a St. Paul aril battled with the raves hi a ioitrntw to to the straight -and -flush way. • Ncw song: "'Bumper to bumper and hub to hub, the cars are so thick their fenders grub." • And there are some Women so hap- pily married that they have to go • to the theatre to have a good cry, His i s frleritlsresen e p t d the nety editor of the Farmers' Sun with, a safety razor. Gtress they expect hint to shave as close as Ire can to the Farm- ers' policies, without cutting off the Lila PP Liberal . a endr. x An advertisement in a recent issitc' of this paper said "Say it with flow- ers,''' Well what about thesee-posed g Y guy who atafteris he •' i 1 d e to give oneiQ l�amc.: lir, 'tJ arks E. Jefferson; of 'lower at a trine.: Many dead fish are being discover- ed on the lake shore near Toronto'.' Perhaps they have been near •some- • bathing beach and couldn't stand the: shock. My garden's doing lovely,144 Rain andshit a etc u 1 its s nee p needs; - It'll supPly , It'll t cee p my folks from hunger If they don't mind eating weeds_ A novelist says there is notliin •. lovers enjoy more than a' moonlight. . night. We. mentioned this to. at frietidt:•' M living near the end of the side tirralk at: the loth line and his reply was "Vasa, and 1 often see them trying to• dbods.pir the moon." I Ne yep a 1,1 43 Ids The new edition just issued by authority of the General Synod of the Church of England in Canada is now +btaitaable at l lliott'si».00 ` �rL anal Stationery Store We have a compreitea+iaiv'e showing of the various st' l=eg - y and will beleased' to p have a share of your patronage. You are invited to inspect aur stock. 41 I ooks, Stationery, Magazines. Town 'Tt c ket AgencyCanadian Na1.104.1 'Grand t'ru'th n%4i1w,ty, Ocasta tickets via AR- linea. tok