HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-01, Page 1"-.
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,Single Copies Four-qents
Held. At Wirighain On. Tuesday • ee/as To the .Editur av thd'Advance
Largely Attended '
The regular annual meeting' of the
North' I-Ittron Liberal. Association was'
pretind to be army expect mesilf whin
held in VVittehaen town hall on Tues-
day afternoon and was largely attend-
ed, The 'afternoon was ideal arid the
auto has made it so that people May
come' from great distances. ,
The,, election of officers resulted as
. Presider:it—W. E. Robertseti
xst. Vice-President—John Gillespie
end: Vic -President --Jos. Dalton
3rd. Vice-President—Nelson I -Tell
• Secretany-ejas. Mc:Mut-chic
Tieasurer—A, B. Carr
Cha.eimen of Districts
Ashfield -e -Jos, Dalton' .
Brussels—Peter Scott'
Blytli—S. Popplestone
Goderich—Chas, Nairn
sHenrielc—Tlios. MisClement
Turnherry-Peter S. McEwen.
EasWewanosh—Chas. eameisell
West .Waevanosh—John McNabb
`Wroxeter,-Johis Dooglas
efliegharn—A. Cosens
:RUCTION - SALE—Stock e Levies
. inehts, and HOns'elsold Effect's, in
,Wingliams Town Plot, de, • Saturday,
May 27th. -EverYthing must be sold
without reserve. • • - , '
J. H. Finley, Prop.
T. R. Bennett, Auct.
. , et. Beninger must beeseftleci. by. the
, iosh ,Pf Jup.P...0K ,will , gee in f,o,e• co -
lection. ' •'. ' ' e
. • ' .
FOUND—In: Isard s' Store. A puree,
" -with sarall amonnt of mbhey. Own-
er can have same by proving and pay-
ing for this advertisement.
FOR SALE—Frame house on Lep-
, .polcl St. Apply to ' 'Jerry Walton
138 Forsyth St. • Sarnia, Ont.
. ,
FOR SALE—One 1917 Touring Car,
new top, good tires, runs Well, for
$22o.00. Crawford's Garage.
FOR SALE—Grey mare, excellent
driver for farm or livery. Apply to
- J. Steiraniller, Miller
• Gorrie, Ont.
FOR SALE—Well built hen house.
Apply to Theo: Mundy,
.Minnie. St.
:F OUND—Purse containing a small
• sum of money, Prove the property
-and pay 25c for this advertisement.
- - The Advance.
F OR SALE—Seed Buckwheat, Sil- j
•verhull ,at $1.23 per bushel. Apply .
to . " - J. D, Beecroft, ,
Phone 5-614 . Route 3, Wingharn ;
FOR SALE --Baby Carriage -as good. •
. 4
as new. Inquire at '
The 'AtIvance.
, Council. The Council of the Cor- ;
peration of the County of Huron will I
meet in the Connell Chainbers, Gode-
rich, at 3- p. in., Tuesday, June 6th;
-All accounts should be in the hands 1
of the cleek on or before the Monday E
pl•eceding the meeting of Council,
° Geo. W. Hobnail, Clerk,
Goderich May 18th 1922 '
- -
. Ontario, , ,
rie, the property known c
,as the -Albion hotel, good frame house, 1
containing 16 rooms, large brick stab- I
le, large garage and other good out ,
'buildings tiall in good state of repairs, t
213 of acre of land. This property i
is well suited for; a hotel or business r
and location is good.. As. the owner t
is leaving town this, preperty will be v
sold at a reasonable, price: Apply to
Geo, W, Walker,
• Gorrie -Ontario.
Graining,- etc. Apply to
. Phippett Bros.
For phone orders call 3 on 625. n
--- II
TEACHER W AN T E D—Applica- n
tions will he received up till noon. o
on Tuesday, June -s3th, 1922, for e
teachers for the First. Dept., and the e
Senior First and Junior- Second' corne h
bined. State salary expected and ex- is
perience. - J. F. Groves, ti
Sectetary of Winghain Public School 13
Board, tc
TENDERS--Tettders will be receiv- t
...teed for the coristructioe of the Baird b,
Drain up till June x9th at one o'clock, se
Lowest or any tender not necessarily ,
accepted. Marked, cheque for ten per 1V.,
cent of the contract price must ac-
company -the tenders. Plaits and se
specifieatioes may be seen at the of- T
flee of the undersigned.
Paul Powell, in
Wingharn Clerk, Twp of Turnberry. le
Vt? ARNING—Will the party who
took, the parcel containing a pair 19
oi setotnen's tie shoes from our door 4.;
on the morning of May 24th, kindly e -
return by toms on Saturday and there-
by avoid prosecutiote '
:W. H. Willis.
, ar
A.NTE.D-eBaby$ Second hand Go- I.3
• Ca.rt. •Weite 1?. O. box see or ,
elione tee. . • • , , . WI
W A.NTED-u.A., Dining Room Girl,
' for the trtothwick Hotel, e'Vlegs wi
gee' tg,
- •••
. Well, Mish.ter. Fielding has pre-
'What 'd'ye tink ay. it? Shure, I don't
it COMCS to hoigh foinanee, but it
sarnee to me that Misbter Meighen, an
Mthhter Drayton an thine other Tory
byes down at Ottawa will give. the
ets a Werrem-teimesbefoor the 'bud
goes troo fthe hoesee
jawle barrin Miss McPhail,: who, as
e.ao spake.
The' epaker athe chairmeen) v the House ' his (which
manes •-
same ting, .that they are not planet
wid the 2,1 per cint reduction en a few
that they intind to vote wid the Grits,
av coorse. The foive arr eix nein, Who
don't infieldto spake will be sarvin
timer cOutitheyebetther tharothim that
do. Av coarse me fried -fawn King
ca.n .shpring some new, ideas if be
meets toefer he didn't go tp school fer
twintY-forye years in Frank Scott's
emitety, widout larnin a few tings.
N'ayther did ineefrind Billy Black, av
South Huron, live on the'third cone
cession av Tuckereinitli an attind
teashins an barn raisins wid the Care
ochane, an Martins an Broadfoots an
MacLeans en Walkers widout knowin
moore than .whin he shtneted. Shure
thim feels I mintioned are awl good
farriunere an a Man' 'can't be a good
farrether widoutsbraine; thoug:h I • dos
say it ,mesilf. Billy Black's' fertilise
wile nearly' as Well kept as erie own,
an all thine other byes farrums neatly
as -good as his. Manny a good thor-
ough' bred haste. hev 'sould• to thine;
;tilieeeineteithes-hhtht 'Irtirli"thifrli too,
but the'Y'Weee"aevel-haed headed Scotch
Grits, in. the Puld, danseeneneedishpos-
hed tcemake it fellah a prisint ay aney-
ting; belie' brought em on oatroale, an
Well, to get .back to the budget
epache, fer I. do be watiderfn away
loike a. pra,cher,ewho. only picks out
entixtfer a shtartin point.- The U. F.
O's., will talk agin the budget,an vote
fee it, the Tories will talk an.,vote agin
it; an the Grits will talk 'an vote fer
it; but maeny ay thim- will nade the Mr. and. Mrs: Jas. Spence of Cass
parthy whip afther thim purty shtrong City, Miele, are visiting with Mr. and
to make thins do it. The truth av the „Mrs. T. A. Gear,' Victoria St.
metther is,. Miebter . Editur, nobody
is rely plazed wid the new taxes'berrin
Hinnery Ford an the tin lizziee crowd.
Av coorse I kin aisily -undershtand
the fix the Grits are in. If they had
more min in the House they cud hey
made matthers betther, arr mebby
thse, but they had to troy to plaze
virybody an hey plazed nobOdy, loike
he shtoier av the ould man wid the
donkey. Shure 'tie not loike whin Sir Mrs'. Stewart McBurney and Miss
Ale A. arr. Sir Wilfrid was- in power, Lavine King are visiting their sister;
hey cracked the whip an the fellahs Mrs, Wm .Davidson, at Mornington,
had to jump trob the ring. Nobody
mows who is boss annywheer in the visiting
Emma Walters of Toronto, is
w. visiting with. her parents, Mr, and
ueuld noMishter Wilson made
tratey, but his own payple wuddiet Mrs. John Walters,. Diagonal Road.
hued fer it. Lloyd large gave Home
Rule to .Ireland, -an Divilira • aft' his
rowd won't her it. Shure, theysay,
tis just a thrick av thine English, troy,-
n to deproive .the Irish av the peers-
ege av shootin wan another. At the
enoa.conference iVerybody wanted to
e boss an nothing wus .done. In Mr. and Mrs. Jahn' Cameron and
alestine the Jews • an Arabs are Mrs. Webb of .Lucknow, visited with
hcrappin, an hi India the payple. want Mrs. Isabella Hetiderson oneday last
o dronre out the British so theer will week. •
e 'nobody toeshtop thins fram killin
Wing -
titch other, the same as the Choinese
re doin at the prisint tonne.
'Tis the same in thee schools to sonic
tint, if a tacher applies the, shtrop
oo ha.rd he ha,s to luk fer another
ala,b, an in the homes the wimmin
tinder tink' they are runnin the show,
ut 'tis a poor koind av a man who
fs thirn go too far widout canna
Lown oe thine In me own case I let
missus do as she loikes about ue-
upoetant rings, ,but whin it comes to
ollyticks art- a harse thrade arr some -
ng that rayleematthers hev Inc own
ray: ,
Yours. till, nixt ivakei
Timothy Ha.
• •
rmscluareorromaturutrugsrverammatortormuntiasommourtramsarmantostairrrrorrooroasouseknatmanornarawarkearatostmazamesatorkemerameirmaturetaimurassonmaranammiarraurnrommurscrtmorumatiostuarammarmartru. • tari.
• wroraragoramoztoruannammurr, IMASIIMINIMIMM043.1.2.6141.1.
9NT,.., THURSDAY, JUNE 1st, 1022
Miss Millie Nichol spent: the 241
Deer Sur:-- h
in Kincardine, ,
Mr. Jack Maxwell of Toronto,
sinted his budgetspache at lasht,
visiting at his home here,
Mr. C. R. Copeland spent a fe
days in Toronto last week.
MI-. Alex McIntyere, Clinton, spent
a few days in town the past week,
Mies efee
Grtie Reid Allen of Seafoi th,
spent a few days at henhome here.
There are sixty-five U, PO. in
Mr, Ezra Pocock of Toronto, is vi
parliamint, moshtly new min on the se
itieg his mother, Mrs. Pocock.
Mr. E. S. Copeland motored to Lon
1 aid befoor, is a new veummainn -
don where hesspent the May hplicla
sixty av thim hev already put donsn' y.
Mr. and Mrs. F., J. Libby of Clin
theer ,names fer a ehance tton, were nisitoes in town fast -week.
Mrs. Geo. Spotton of town, calle
salary awl right befoer they awl get
on Old friends in, Brussels last vveek
troo talkin. Thee's-swill' awl- say the .
, e
'gr. A. M. Crawford has his new
wireless station erected in his garage.
Mr. Kent Smith of Western Univer
tinge, it shud hey been moore,. but -
sity, London, is visiting -at lies home
Mrs. Isabella, Henderson of town,
visited with friends in Lucknow last
week. '
Mr. and 'Mrs. T. H. Gileson: of Ford-
wich, visited, friends in town last
week._ •
Miss Flora. McDonald: returned after
spending a few days with friends in
• Mrs. S. Kastnere oe Sebring'yille,
spent a few days with. Mrs. Wm,
Tompkins. .
Mrs. Laky of Kincardine, visited
with her mother, Mrs, W. J. Pattison,
Tis week.
. Mrs. W. Gs Patterson is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. R, M. Hunter,
in Kincardine.
MT S: Fred Noble. of Toronto, is vise
iting with her aunt, Mrs. McGillivraY,
•Pleasant Valley._
. , • .
Morgan of' Kitchener; 'anent
the 24th, -with hie parents, Mr. and
_Mrs. John Morgan. .
A. G. Smith was called to Sault Ste.
Marie on Thursday owing to the sud-
den death of -his father.
Mr. Thos. Reynolds of Toronto, at-
tended the 'funeral pf the late Wm.
Tompkins on. Tuesday last.
Miss Norma Foxton of Toronto,
spent the holiday with her mother,
Mrs. M. Foxton, Culross.
Mies Nellie Walters; nurse in train-
ing Victoeia Hoepital, London, is
visiting at her home in tovett, •
Major Pettigrew spent the 'eek
end With his perents at Lion's Head,
and also with friends in Wiartoes,
:Mies Cora Beckwith. of New YOrk;
ss visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Me R. Beckwith, Edward St,:
Mr. and Mrs, 011ie Thompson and
children motored to -Stratford. and
spent the holiday` with friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Tia Morgan and little
daughter -of 13eechville, are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Mor-
zi.ackivsitr.: and
ham, were visiting at the former's
parental home in town. --Brussels
Dr. Ge H. and Nfrs. Ross of Wing -
Mrs'. Thos. McK.' Sinit
Ws. y. A. Cummings and her mother,
Mrs. Daniel Fry motored to London
and Oshawa last 'weele
Mr. Frederick Fhails, who has been
with the Wingliam Tines for the past
he few- weeks has severed his coenettion
there and left tosye on Monday morn-
ings ,
Mrs, 'Walter Paterson and grand-
daughter, Miss' Audrey, are visiting
at the home the laiter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ercy Paterson, Tor-
Mr. Hugh H. McAllister has ac-
cepted the pOsition of section foreman
with the G. T. R., at Alma. Mt. Mo -
Allister and children left for their new
home this week. '
Miss Margaret Henderson and Mr.
Harold Wicks of Toronto,. motored
up and spent the eveek-end at the
home al her mother, Mes,s Isabella
Henderson and with Mr. and Mts.
Harvey Nivuts.
The Women's Institute have • furn-
ished the new ladies rest rooms in the
Winghane town hall and are to be
commended for their progressive
spirit. -
The Lacrosse Boys have decided not
to have a team this year. • The group
edical Association Meeting will now consist of Hanover, Kincar-
The Huron Medical Associatiohmet dine and StnallamPimn. "
the Wingham General Hospital, on fuee Brides would do well to see
esdasr, May 23rd., at x p. m. Dr, the wedding,' stationery which is prittt-
. I. Kinsey, Toronto, gave a most ed at The Advance Office. Any person
strective • lecture on "Differential can tell you that they do the best work,
iagnosis of Diseases of the Chest" but we can prove it by showing our
d this' was illustrated. This was samples. Prices the lowest.
flowed by interesting discissions by Mr. L. Kennedy has moved to the
tending doctors and case reports. residence °fettle late J. j: Cumaitighain.
he visiting members were, Drs, Tay- Mg. Wallace has moved into the rooms
r, Whitley, Emerson,' Malslite Hun- over theeDomieion Bank until recent-
., Gallow and 'H. He TayloneGode- ly occupied by Mr, Jack Mason. Mr,
Its Drs. lVfacKay, Ross, leurrovvs, Will Lepard is moving to the Fame-
d Cooper, Seafortb; Dr, Woods, of ers' Home heilding,
yfield, ancl De, Thompson, Clinton. •
The next meeting of the Association
11 be held taYfield On July Ipth, 14"iqg Pr° wing11"1
co. Mrs, J. Rs Code and datighter, Miss
After the program the meruhete To us of Trowbridge, purpose moving
re entertained at tea by Dr. ...trieta. to Wingliain in the near future. We
weleome them to our taw own,
ied Of Heart Trouble
Death came with startling sudden-
ess to Daniel , Smith, fatmer and
•irnberinan, while walking on the road
ear his home at Bellvue, just north
f Sault Ste. Marie, on Wedfiesday
ening, May 24th, when he succumb -
to heart failure, Deceased was in
is e6th year, and is survived 'by his
idow and one soh, A. 0. Smith of
ie Witighain Advance, who went to
ellvue and accompanied the remains
Kincardine, where interment was
ade on,Monday. Services were cots-
cted in the church of the Messiah
Rev, T. Ti Parr and the funeral
as largely attended. '
' Subscriptions: $2,00 per yeilir
A.. E. Ilomuth Narrowly Escapes
Death in Teeswater Mill
Mr, Albert E. Homuth, who recent-
ly sold, his farm 10 Turnberry and
purchased the Teeswater Flour Mills,
met with a most unfortunate accident
early Monday mprnieg. He went
down to the mill about six o'clock
and started the power, finding one of
the spouts almost choked he crawled
into the bin over the shafting and in
some manner a thrge set screw on
the shaft caught in the back of his
coat pulling him around the revolving
shaft witli terrific force. Mr, Hark-
ness, his miller, happened just by
chance to go to the river to fish for
an hour before going to Work and
went into the mill, an act for which
lie eannot account, and hearing the
strange 'sounding below shut off the
power. Going down he found Mr,
Homuth, in great agony, fast, to the
shafting. He cut his, clothe.e with his
lcnife and let him down, Medical aid
was at once called and it was found
that both feet were badly smashed
where they were pounded against the
ceiling aid wall. The set screw had
punched a•painful hole in his back and
a coupleof ugly gashes were spade in
his legs..
Upon examination after he had been
taken to his home it was found that
his body was not very much hurt ex-
cepting for a few minor bruises. One
foot may have to be amputated and
one of the centre toes on the left foot
willebe amputated. The cuts on the
lege and back are very painful, but it
is hoped that with the best of care will
be soon healed up.. His head is also
bruised, but nothing to cause alarm,
Mr. Hpmuth's many friends will be
sorry to bear of his unfortunate acci-
dent, hilt pleased. to• learn that his con-
dition' is -not so serious as at first re-
ported.. He only lost consciousness
for a couple. of- minutes after Mr.
1-1.erkness had laid him on the floor,
New Ford Sales .
John Reid, Suitt St., E. J. Haines
of Wawanosh, Jas. Kirton of Turn -
berry -and Mise. E, Gilchrist of town
are driving new Ford Touring cars
recently purchased from T. R. Ben-
nett E. R. Harrison of Gunns' Ltd.,
Ss also sporting anew enupe.
Celebrating Diamond Wedding
Mrs. W.. H. Willis. is spending a
couple of weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs.. Gerry at Fort William.
This grand old couple are celebrating,
their Diamond Wedding Anniversary
on June 5t1e Many old friends in
this nricinity wish Mr. and Mts. Gerry
many :happy returns of lhe day.
Progressive Euchre And Dance
On Thursday .evening, June isth, a
progressive euchre and programme in-
cluding an address by the Rev. Father
Fallon, and en old-time_dance will be
given under the auspices, of the Cath-
olic -Women's League on the occasion
of the opening of the new parish hall.
The drawing, of the autograph quilt
Will also take place. Refreshments
will be served. Admission 25 cents.
Teeswater Defeat Zurich .
The surprise ofethe baseball season
was sprung in. Teeswater on Monday
afternoon when Teeswater defeated
Zurich -3. to 2. In the second innings
Zurich made two runs and, in the
ninth innings Tegswater made three
runs, Grace did the trick when he
came, to bat and two men. out but, the
bases full he struck out a two base hit
and made, it possible for the three
men to cross the home plate, Carroll
Pitched for Teeswater and did it well.
Buttermilk Floods Creamery
On Saturday a portion of fleor gave
way at the United Farmers' Co -Opera-
tive building with the weight of a five
ten vat of buttermilk with the result
that the apartment'below was flooded
with that precious fluid which is so
much in de_mand as a summer drink in
hotels.. Fortunately no one was hurt
and no great loss re -stilted, ---
Big Baseball Tournament
One of the biggest Days in Wing -
ham will be Wednesday, June reth.
When the Four Big teams of the
"Big Four League" will hold a base-
ball tournament in Winghain on June
14th. In the afternoon two games will
be played and in the evening a game
will be playedjust before the program
starts with the big open air -concert
on the park. The competing teams
are Teeswatec, Goderich, Zurich and
Winghant e's
Mr. Chris Pink of London, will have
charge of the big open air entertain-
ment which will be put on in the even-
True Bine Lodge At Ethel
Mr. W. T. Miller, D. D. G. M.; of
the Loyal True Blue Association to-
gether with three car loads of mem-
bers from Fern Lodge, No, to, Wing-
ham,,journeyed to Ethel and organiz-
ed a True Blue Lodge in that village,
on Monday evening,
The Whighain visitors were enter-
tained by Mrs. Love, who served them
to a dainty luncheon, afterwards going
to theLodge Rooms where the Wing -
ham members opened the. Lodge for
business after which the Wine -tam.
degree team initiated 22 candidates
into the mysteries of the Blue degree
and the other degrees were put on.
At the close D. D. G. M. Miller
took the chair and called on the sec-
retary to read.the warrant after which
the folleewitig offieets of the new
lodge were installed. The tele' lodge
will be known as F.asterit Star Lodge,
No. 406 And promiees to be one of the
best lodgee as the 'County of Huron.
After'n Fcw addresses lunch was serv-
ed which brought ant etijoyttlele even-
ing 1o 4 clethe
Mr John Fells of, Diagonal Read,
lost a valuable horse last :week, .
The Isyceuni Theatre will close
down -for the summer'. morithe this,
week but will re -open againin the
On Monday Winghani baseball
team defeated Kincardine iiiethat town
8 to s6. The game was not a good
speeimen of ball. .
Mr. E. ,R. Harrison has purchased
a Ford Cpupe from Mr. A. M. Craw-
ford this week.
Belgrave.churehes held a successful
union picnic on the Agricultural
grounds on Wednesday afternoon last.
Them was a large crowd present and
all enjoyed themselves immensely.
This is an ideal spot for picnic,
Mt. J. H. Finley's sale which was
held ot Saturday Net as advertised in
The Advance was a decided success.
Mr: T. R. Bennett being the auction -
The Pablic School Students were
entertained at the Picture House on
Tuesday afternoon last at 4 p, m.
"Dinty" was the picture shown and
the children all enjoyed it immensely.
Mr. Maxwell sure knows. what child-
ren enjoy.
Mr. tack Kennedy has moved his
household effects to the house form-
erly occepied by the late J. J. Cun-
ni get arn.
• We are sorry to report that Mr.
Geo, Wilson, Lower Wingham, has
a bad attack of quinsy.
The date of the Junior Fanners'
Improvement Association and the Jun-
ior Women's Institute has been chang- HENRY DAVIS PASSES
Rev..0 E. Cragg, pastor- of Wing -
the annual conference at London. Mr,•
ham Methodist Church is attending
account of the picnic which will be e
held in Bayfield on June ieth.
ed from. June x4th to June ieth 'on
. A Member pi Winghatte's First Mun-
icipal Council
. .
A. E. Lloyd is attending as a lay 'This week we record the death of
delegate. ' ' • • . ,.eoi
one ot wngetam's highly esteemed re -
Commencing on Sunday evening, sidents in the person of Henry Davis,
June eth, sercrices in the Wingharn who passed away at his home on Cen-
Methodist church will be condacted tre Street early on Monday morning
each Sunday evening commencing at Mr. Davis had been in poor health for
7.30 instead of / o'clock. over a year and his friends were de
On Sunday next, June 4t11, Mr. Robtlighted to see him on the streets early
Shaw of Bluevale, will preach in the last week in comparatively good
Wingham Methodist church in the
morning and in the Baptist church in
the evening. Rev. Mr. Harris of, the
Baptise church will preach in the
Methodist church ie the evening and
in his own pulpit in the morning.
821 e
Are you suffering from that "tired listless"
from a run down system,
eeling which comes irsi
is the tonic you need to give bac
Peptona is a combination of Peptonized Iron, Mal
and Extractions of Cod Liver Oil.
Peptona is pleasant to take and easy to assernifete.
'Peptone improc•es the appetite, enriches the blood, and builds ep
the entire seretem.
We guarantee to refund your money if "Peptone" does not
help you,
, lefangenese
Winteham, Ont.
VellE111 III nonin
erre_ ne__ _11
a,:sm £112t2113,Arliggriz,t.
Phone 35
lIlIllbllllIIlliIlI 1 insintem 111 111M11.1 111 Wane 111 HIIIIfl k1llbl=".''
Mrs. F. R.' Howson is a delegate
to tele Women's Missionary, Society
Conference iti session at Windsor this
week. She is representieg the W. M.
S. of the Wingham Methodist church,
her sister, Miss Wellwood, missionary
on fuelough from China, will be one
of the speakers at the conference.
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Wing -
ham General Hospital will hold their
regular monthly meeting in the coun-
cil chamber on Monday afternoon,
June 5th., at 3.45.
j. A. McFetters of Toronto Cream-
ery also H. le. Clemes, general mana-
ger of the Uuited Farmers made their
official visit of Inspection to Wing -
hem recently and we understand that
they found thing's in excellent con-
Goderich baseball team defeated the
Zurich team in Goderich on May 24th,
to the tune of 3 to o. Goderich pitcher
had eleven strike outs to the other
pitchers eight.
Died In Ashfield • .
There passed away suddenly on Sat-
urday morning, May 27th, Reta 'M.
Twamley, beloved wife, of Mr. Ray-
mond 'H. G. Finigan, in her 21storear,
after a brief illness. Besides her sor-
rowing husband, she leaves to mourn
her loss, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Twamley, and three brothers,
Wallace, -Eldon H., and George. She
was married jest about a year ago.
. The funeral was held on Monday
afternoon to Dungannon .cemetery,
Much sympathy is extended to the
family in this time of their sad ber-
Mrs. Finigan isa cousin of Mrs. j.
A. .Johnston and Mrs. Jas. Barbour
of Wingham. •
Horticultural Society Meeting
The regular monthly Meeting of the
officers of the Wingham Horticulturat
Society was held in the couucil cham-
ber on Thursday evening,. May 25th,
at 8.30 p. tn. The committee that
waited on the council reported. that.
the town council had granted e3o,o0
for prizes to stimulate interest in de-
corating and keeping clean the resi-
dences and grounds surrounding' them.
The Horticultural Society to conduct
the contest, choose the judges and
award the prizes to the winners..
The Society divided the money into
three parts, first prize in each division
to be $6.00 and seemed prize $4,00,
The divisions are rear grounds, front
grounds and verandahs and porches.
Those wishing to compete please hand
their name and address to any oise of
the officers. Dr. R.. C. Redmond and
W. A. Galbraith were appointed as a
committee to prepare a catalogue, sees
cere prices and place an order for a
'quantity of bulbs. for fall planting,
Help beautify the town by
.Boosting the Society
Hand your name and address to an
Plant a vine to cover that old back
fence or shed,
Weed the garden.
Trim the hedge.
Level the lawn:
Cut the grass.
Fill . the window boxes andhang-
leg baskets. •
You will he surprised and wel
pleasedwith result and your neighs
bore and fri nds will do' the ame,
Several Appeals Heard and Very Few
The Court ol'eseeiresion Met in the
town hall op Mondaye evs:ning, May
2oth., at 8 O'clock. The s'e011iAl."'ler
appeals were dealt with as follows: "--
Arthur Angus, -against assessment
of property. Left over.
Harry Brown, business assessment,
Reduced to expo from $25o.
Ermine Copeland, income assess
health Early last Thursday morning 1 ment. Left over.
he was stricken with paralysis from, John Dennison, property sustained_
the effects of which he never rallied; Jas. Edgar, property sustained
t-Mohfer.f rlDiaetanevdiss;eakvs.n?Wswnmar,rtyo;hamivscasis,arwagielsoocaiivvecaolsef
'ineFrirtY. RgtedBuleaecdkhtaelleb,001.1sei,lies8 assess -
Rural ,Dean of Huron and was eight
years rector of St. Peels church here.
The subject of this sketch spent his
Norman Fry, property sustained.
Thos. L Jobb, property sustained.
L, Jobb, property reduced $roo,
Charles Marshall, property sustain -
early life in the town of Ayr where he ed.
learned the cari iag,e making business! Roy Mundy, property sustained.
and later moved to Stratford. In John Quirk, property sustained.
January, 5869, the family removed to , A. M. Robinson, property sustained.
Wingham and our departed friend en- Mrs. J. Ritchie, property sustained,
gaged itt the carriage making business
on the site of the present Canadian
Bank of Commerce building. This
business he continued until the fall of
1882, when.he was appointed Collector
of Customs and Which position he held
up to the present time. Mr. Davis al-
ways took a pride in Wingham and
was one of the first municipal legis-
lators having been elected as anterri-
ber of Wingharn's first village council
in 1874 and served as Reeve in 5876.
In religion efts -Davis was an Episcop-
alian and during his long residence
here had been prominent in looking
to the welfare of St. Paul's church.
During all his life he was genial, court-
eous, obliging man of strict integrity
and had the respect of the people of
Winghatn and district and his passing
will be"sincerely regretted.
Mr. Davis is survived by his widow,
one son and three daughters, the fam-
ily being John E. Davis, and Mrs. C
N, Peake, Toronto; Miss Irene, mem-
ber of the teaching staff of the Strat-
ford Collegiate and Miss Maude at
home. One brother,Rev; Canon
Davis, ef, A., a Sarnia, preached his
farewell sermon on Sunday, after forty
years rectorship. Another brother
the late W. R. Davis, who was editor
of the Mitchell Advocate since 1860,
passed away a few weeks ago,
Mrs. W. Saunders, property sustain-
Alex. Vanalsterne, property sustain -
Western Foundry Co., property, re-
duced to $9,000 to comply with by-law.
By-law originally fixed assessment
at $24,00b, Aero Cushion bought build-
ings valued at $15,000, leaving $9,00a
fixed assessment to Western ,Floundry
Co. -
The Court adjourned., to meet on
Thursday, June 8th, at 7 o'elock to
further consider cases of A: Angus
and Es S. Copeland.
Ethel-Wingham Football
On Friday evening a football niato
was played in the town park between
Ethel and Wingham, the result was a
tie 2 to 2. One of the visitors had
the misfortune to have his nose
broken. One of the goals which
Ethel scored should have been stop-
ped, but the Wieg.harn goal tender
went to kick it out instead of stopping
it, and it roiled in.
The funeral service's were conducted
in St. Pauls church ots Wednesday
afternoon by Rev. .H. W. Snell, B. A.
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