HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-05-11, Page 613. .0 Hou s Furnish. ins an Curtain ras Poles, Rods Nit -lc -IOW Blinds all sizes and best makes at OweSt, Prices. Be sure yon.inspeet our large stock of Tapest- BrUssels ain't WiltOn Rugs. We can save you loney on all lines, now on sale at redueed prices, F1smr All be new patterns now in stock and are of . i . t st colorings n all widths.. Eggs Wanted, Highest Prices paid Cash or Trade. N23215011.1601ZIEVEISIMINIAt arreets Attention! 'We have- Rcnnies high- grade seed binthe leading varieties; •White Cap, eaaging,' Golder' oloW, Bailey 'and A•Visconain No. 7 at $1 25 a bushel. All leading. varieties Of Mangle and. Turnil Seed, also Five Roses and Pur - Flour, Bran and Shorts, Chicks teeda of all .kinds. ,The old reliable d House, j, A. Mills Prop , . Or The June Bride Call at The Advance Office.and see ir 'new anal tin -to -date samples 9f Vedding Stationery. They are well worth coiningnmieS to see. One trav. iler for stiCtiOnery,saw a little ribh0n- 'Wedding (;:ake box card in the city 'lad asked if he could have it..as al arrinle he _compared it with ,one in I :bur show 'case and exclaimed,. I tolcli ,theirj when T saw it: that it must be,, Wingha.m Advance Work." The trav- eller was Mn -McNamara . of W. 3 I Gala,e Limited, ' MARRIED .Pleasance -White -e -In .Wroxeter, on Wednesday, May 3ide toza, by Rey. Dr. Harkness, Sadie, .bnly daughter of Mr. and Mrs:. 'Neil:White, of Wroxeter, to Me: C. A. Pleasance, .of Toronto, son of M. -and Mrs. A. A. Pleasance of.'Collingwood. • • Bowling Euchre A Success Anther enjoYable evening was spent in the Winghani Armouries on Faidav evening, when the bowlingaclub members were the hosts at a Ili -egress- ive euchreparty and dance. The ,crowd was not so large as was nt ci- ated, but a most- enjoyable evening was spent by the guests. The Wing- hain five -piece orchestra snnplied the splendid music` for the dance. The prizes for card playing were won by Mrs. W. VanWyck and Miss M. Wil- liamson tor the ladiee and 'Messrs., W. T. Boyce and William Allen fbr the TrielL Nil 1.; NEWEST STYLES INa- PROPER CLOTHES si Young Men's Suits, Homespun, Cloths in Greys, Browns and Greens, tweeds in new and natty en, styles. Well tailored and best Pm of trimmings, special values at • $2o.00, Sze:oo and $24.00• . Men's Suits -We are showing a new •range of Men's Suita int 't Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges, from the 'best' makers of Men's Clothe* at remarkable' prices. • Special values at $2.o.00, inoo, and $za.00. Navy Blue Special $83.00-L.These suits are hand tailored from ail'. • wool English Serge and guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction , N combined with cOmfort • and N style, Exceptional values at 'aria price. All sizes $33.00. toys' Suita-A wonderfttl range NE • of BoysSnits in Tweeds, Rome- FM spans and vvorateas, new Nor- folk and Belted Styles, sizes, g6 to 36 at $9,75; $11.50; a; • Men's Rain Coats -Special val- ties in Men's Tweed Rain Coats,. at $re.00 to $x8.00. Varinera Atteritiort-We have R'ettnies No. x High Grade Seed COrn, White Cap, Learning, Gol- den Crlow, Bailey and Wisconsin No, 7, special at Sz,a5 per bush- el. All leading varieties of Man - gel and Turnip Seed, also Five R0ses and Purity Flour. The Old Reliable Seed House 10G vVal'ite,d , NM rn 'e602 ciiltj,,- 0011000 LOCAL AND GENERAL Th orioles are due this. week, They usually return ..from May stito tth, In Shabbytown they dcy not care if things lool. seedy everywhere, Clean Clean up and paint up., ShoW Your pride in the town by helping to Make it more attractive, • ,Mrs. 'rhos, 'Leaky, who visited with friends in Whighana arrived home on Saturday. -Kincardine Reporter. , Mr, E. y. Churchill has purchased 3. W. Hartnell's hou,se.-on Edward -Ste and gets Possession the 1st. of June, „ The Orillia Packet ternaries that "in business the man who eitgages in the rnost ad -ventures is surest to come out safe," Thos: Field has sold hie' Over- land T-Ouring Car to Mr. Geo.' T. Rob- ertson and has,purchased a Chevrolet 'Ciaime froth Mr.Eryfogle. • , , What will the 'Toronto Globe do now? MacKenzie King' said aight out in .meeting 'that he- • did nen believe ..prohibition -Saturday When placing an order for printing call at The Advance Office, We have :a complete and, up-to-date stock in every line. A trial is all we ask. , Detroit niereliants are 'now taking Canadian .money at par. This is not an advertisement for the Detroit mer- chants, but a tribute to the Canadian . • A welcome visitor in town this week is Arr. Robert • Harris, who lived on a farm near town for a number of years and afterwards livect,at Wroxeter. He mita living in Toronto,• Mr. jas. Pillinger left VVingliani on Tuesday last on a trip to his home. in; Birmingham, .England. • He regrets not being able to'see all hi a friends be- fore going, owing to seeding time. • Mrs. Martin, mother ..of ex -Premier Martin of Saskatchewan ' died at her home in London, on Monday, • May rat_ Premier 'Martin, Dr. Beattie Mar- tin of Regina and Mrs. (D1'.) Gunn of Calgary are coming east for the funeral. ; • If you. live in Wing -ham, what are yost doing that is practical to boost the ,town? Do you praise it, encour- age the business people, 'Support its various institutions and lead a. hand for the furtherance of what will be permanently beneficial? We stated in error last week, that Reeve Porter of .Turnberry had lost • several cattle. Weshould' have -said Roy Porter hadlost the cattle through sweet -clover poisoning, however we are glad that the veterinary appears to have the disease under control now. Sorne of the akin specialists are 'worrying about that what the free use of cosmetics by. thegirls today, will do' tb their skins by the time they get to belortaf. The girls With a mistaken idea, Who use the dope to make them,, selves attractive are the ones ' who should worry. - - Mr. John W..Smith of Guelph, has purchased Mr. 3. E. Stoakley's house on Patrick St., and has -moved to. town. , One good reason why people Eke tocoine and 'live in Winghain is because of. the sewerage. This town has probably better -sewersethan any other Ontagio town of the same size. . A subscriber saidhe was sorry to hear that we were lasing so many sub- scribers lately. After zassuriag, hina that he. did-notneed to worry -we pro - &teed our list. of subscribers and showed him the neav rfames Niihich we have "added. He exclaimed "pack of lies,1 might have known fromwhere it came, the wish was father to the or,ds." . Quite a number. took- advantage of the holiday on Monday afternoon to. go visiting.. Among those who spent the .afteraoon ilt Wingham were, Mr. and Mrs. HeaBaker, .Rey. L A. • Mc- Kelvey, Misses . Jean Redd,on, Bell, Gordon, Nellie Marrs, Winnie Hark- ness, Mrs- Harkness, Mrs. Horne, W. Thompson and Mr. Hunt and family; -Teeswater News. Montreal Licensed 'Victuallers As- sotiation are after the..frequeritert of hotels, who spew out blasphemy- and profanity. Printed placard s show the - one' to be $.5o with or withotit 6 months imprisonment. The .signs Might be moved Westward and relate to More than hotels. Bad Iangtiage don't get yot anywhere that's nod- al -id the fellow who uses it should be told so with emphasis.' . The Advance will not 'Promise yoti :the 'cheapest job printing, but. we. will promise you the best :quality, work- manship, .paper and.ink. After sizing' ap a. heavy job for a municipal coun- cil, we quoted with a very close mar-. gin and avere. surprised to learn .that other printers gave a lower price with- out knowing the amount of work at all. There suae .are same -basineis men in the printing game. . A local inanufaCtuaer called at oat: office a day or ,so ago and aaked tis to quote hini on on billheads: When we had given him our price. he said we were •high, and hecommenced figuring with a pencil, multiplyiug our quotation by 20. -Asking what he meant, be said he . been . -quoted that day on a lot Cif ten ihousand. We. asked him to let its 'quote on the saine sized order, we did and .011 the ,entire lot we Were almost five' dollars below theie'quatation, to his surprise, - Canada's scenic, grandeur is back- ground for ,a tale that teems with big momeets and tells of hard fighting nanchmen, hacking bronchi:5a; • cattle rustlers, a two fisted 'parsonand a wonderful girl "The Sky' Pilo" from I the pen of RalphCmanor, Cmit( ea a foremost writer and known Personally to many Winghamites is a sweeping drama of Romance and Reality in the Canadian Rockies and will be. the presentation at the 'Lyceum Theatre 011 FridaY and Saturday of thiSeweek. iff.you could see leaping front script to screen the actual characters of a 'wonderful story' of the love of two nen and a girl away in Canada's grandest crags, andl whit1 with them through action, drama' mOrb real and vivid,' than -kord's coilla, ever make it, wouldn't yon greet.' that picture as ,aplentlid ,.1110t, "The Sky Pilot".ie one fr:oin the pen 'Canada',a foremost .variter Of fiction,. Ralph Conner, aA,,pictitre foraill Cau. adisais at tbe•l....,-c'eAtti and Saturday," VA-fif; eetik/Hater Plant s $.old Teeswater'a largest industrial plant changed hands last week, whenthe Erne and piaster plant Owned by John Kennedy-, of Guelph became the prop- erty' cf the 'Flora Linic lind Cement Corapany of. Elora. :Ile aear nom - party geta possessioe on May 1st, The Teeawatenplant,manufacturers a qiial- ity pf hydrated lime that is nvt pro- duced anywhere else in 'Canada:- Teeswater Newsn'a- , • Died At ,Brockville Saation Abraham Shaw of Kingston, ex-In- specto'r of Customs for Eastern. Ont- ario, who suddenly expired On May ard.,'While waiting at Brockville stat- ion to take the train for home, was a cousin.' of Mrs, Mitchell, _las, G. Stewart and Dr. R.: L. Stewart of town, • For years hd• was proraineet in Chqxch and Sunday School work, haying been a member of the General Board of Missions of theaMethodist Church, Supt. Qf Sydenham St, Sun- day School for 2.1 years and President of the Sunday School Association of Ontario. He was also prominent in ,Maaonic circles having been Grand Master ,of the Royal Arch Masons of Canada. • Lyzeu Theatre TO -NIGHT (Wednesday and Thursday) A. drama as arivid as lightning! f.'THE SCOFFER" An Allan Dwan Production. A tale df two, men and the woman who was the wife of one and the mate of the other. • A • stupendous,- bast including Mary Thurman, James Kirk- wood, Philo McCullough, Rhea Mitchell, Noah Beery. • They live it every second. You've seldom seen such a tor- rent of power as„stirges through I"The Scoffer" 2 days only on Wednesda-y -and Thursday. FridaY and Saturday' "THE SKY PILOT" Just as Ralph -Connor wrote it. as stirring to see as to read. Visualized with all its thrills and heart hits with ' COLLEEN MOORE. as Gwen, the mountain' girl carrying the love ot a avoinan in the heart of • a du . JOHN BOWERS- as the sky, pilot who can ‚break a broncho with the best and packs the hardest punch in the Rockies. DAVID BUTLER -as Bill Hen- drick's ranch foremari, hard fighter, regular guy, but just a great big- kid to Gwen, and a - Stampede of a000 Steers ,days only Friday and Satur- day. Usual performances and Matinee , Saturday at 3.30 p. m. • No Kdvancein Prices I COMING --Next Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday MAY ALLISON "THE LAST emir)" rIFIT rt I? A rTif 11.1541., Ja .a -aa Nina sa-ana 'DR. J. ALVIN FOX - Chiropractic furnishes t h e most complete and scientific • method of health culture known to -day, It is the only method of direct'Spinal Adjustment Other so-called SPirial Adjust- ments are'an attempt to trade on • 'the reputation of Chiropractic. This is a GoIdet Rule Office and recognizes Christ and His • Pilnciples ai Paramount. • Chiropractic gives value in • full for every dollar invested. Adjustment given for all dis- eases where there is reasonable hope of recoyeay. Office hours, to to to 5 and 7 to 8 p. at. Phone Ion goMulimi eavatinmoneetanili!lanemlearanew iani 1Ve now have a full stock of Lumber of all kinds, dressed, and undresaed. Sash Doors, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, 'Beav- er, Fibre and Ruberoid Ti.oards, • also roofing, plain and slate suta faced aad steel fence posts. Prices are lower now than they have beett for some months mid sonic lines 'Are Snre o ad- vance, Call and get prices for •any of the above. Coal in all sizes, hard, soft, atcl. Smithing always on hand. a a „lumber d-Coa Co 6,,et• R d 0.0000000.9000420,P000001,10Ptli9090 man Needs 'Em Tile hired men between their chews had stopped and spat and aired their 'views where liatening cows conldhcar She news."' So Iefsey Jane nudged Guernsey Ann shifted her cud and then began. • "I hear that Henry Ford ajlows that he can make seine flivver cows, and since he never ,workS by halves, no doubt some motorcycle naives. Do you Felieye, good, sister Ann, that ,we shall lose our use to man? is our Icing history complete, and will they niake us into -Meat?" Saki, Guernsey Ann to Jersey Jane, "T share 'your fears, 1- share yonr pain, `ro hold his peace. no longer able, thus ,spake old Dabin .from ,his stable: "0 'pray excuse this horae laugh grinay. but wouldn't Lizzies milk be tinny? It makes - me s-awiii.1 e, it makes inc snicker, it Makes me' whinny, neigh and nicker.' 'Your dams 'have known • the herdsman's care since Eve, was young and Eden 'fair, You topped with • ,cream man's coffee cup ere good old Hector Was a pup, and folks won't risk their • lightsand livers by drinking milk:that come's from ,flivvers So. Jane and Ann pray cease to weep, swallow your cuds and go to sleep. You still shall serve your human lords in spite.of fifty Henry Fords," Rhymes , lte"(-71ang We Like Our Town.: . We .admit it. .'We like our town. „There are lots: of things about it 'we .are proudof, ,There are a 305 05 PC0- le in it We're. glad to 'know: We 'en,- -joy' their callSi' their hand -shakes and their friend&cgreetings.. Life wouldn't 'be .worth nauch if it weren't for. this Sort of thingn .1ror; „after all; friendship- is one of the hest -things- Wecan eatet.:„ ,poasesS • in . this' world, and nothing ean take- its • pinee. • I,Vs a fine thing: to '-know •your • neighbors, to feel you are workieg out priablem as ,a c.ornmunity'instead a 'group of individuals. Wen:have common..boadsbecause of .eommoininterests. AVe are bettee for thiowing.and helping each other. , • Running, a business isn't all pleas- ure, anyniore thanedoctoring the sick, fixingthe plumbiag; orpreaching the sermons.."It's lot: of hard -Weak, and no 'small part of the -reward comes in -.feeling that tack of. it is, the 'idea, and th e ideal • We couldn't go .on with, . if we felt it was .purelY, selfish. Of coarse we want to staceed, but that isn't all- we Must have -the...dthea-the„ GOOD WILL. HaVe A Good Reputa4on eRepatation" is What others' 'think you are; "character" is what you are, Your character.' will in a :great 'measure determine your reputation:. It is -bet- ter,: to possess • ehatacter without rep- Mation than possess repatation with-. out charaCter., Everybusiness, inan .should seek' to possess bath, and that ..the highest , order. Reputation. in 'business, ' ao less than in social lifd goes along way towards helping the posseasor to -reach the goal of all arribition-succeSs.In some •respects it is a antare valuable aid :than capital, for. the 'reason that a good reputation in. a basiness man will frequently .seP- .ply the lack of money, whilemonen aloae. without 'reputation will not al- ways enable -a Man to iiicreaae,' that :wealth. A man, who is known for his habit �f ' promptly paying bills can- alwaYs ',depend on considerate 'treat - Ment from his greditors, and thede- ference shown him byprincipals '.variablY -imitated by their -salesm.en., He is treated like a person of 'distinc- tion, and one: by the best of all .titles. He .pan always control the hest .terms for 'anything' he purchases., This Would appear to be a disadvan- tage to the creditor, but it isn't really .sca Short credits and "prompt 'pay- inents are worth more than the privi- leges and concesSions hy which :they, are ..bonght, especially in times when, busineile is .slone, ;Or when' profit. de -- pends .Od rapid 'Sales.: Every success, -buSitiess :Man knovv's that gaick„ .sales and sthall profits are better ,aids: to prosperity than holdiriggoods for a, may ;novel corne which - chines to late: If , you have 11 good reputation ,guard it ea1'cftlIly it , is of much more value thanglittering gold. . • The. Late Theo. Hall ' From .the Pasadeua .Evening - Post we clip the following a"cconnt, of the passing Of one who was Widely ..known and respected iti Wieghanz. "Preparing,the Sunday Sclio.ol lesson for publication. in the Pasadena Even - :jag -Post proved to be the last. bit .of ;work done 'bye Theophiths wbo passed away early' this meaning at his home, 555 North Holliston Ave, ,. - For several', months, Mr. Hall, al- ways an.ataletill3ible student, has becn. contributing the Sunday School' lesson which lias appeared in the •Sattirday 'issues of thisgPaper, , His last ,reSume' 'Will appear to -morrow, Mr. I -Tall, has been in failing .healtb for- sonic; time, being confined fo his bed ,the greater part of the tilne, and ,whila it was expected that he could. not live any length of tinic, the end vhith caine this morning, duc to heart failure, was quite unexpected, Mrlt Hall was born in .Gloucestcr,. England, October .22, 1846, and came to America at the agc .of 13 years, .settling in Ontario, Canada, where he lived tetil,'ecirning to, Pasadena , nine (years. ago.. • a' While in Canada he was engaged in the teaching:profession andteondueia• big a newspaper. He, studied for the. ministry amt was ordained, le:Coming a. member ot the Upper Iowa confer- ence. Never adbust in h'ealtb, did ,,ttht .engage in ininiaterial ,,,Work for any lengthof lime In 1868 he was united in maeriage, to .Miss ,Alargaret Tlest,'' who' i.itSSetl., away last Septemiler 180 ia.surviated by- four sons and two daughters, Ak ire& HallOf' Plymouth, • Wien; 3. 3'fecbert Efah, 'Walter T. Hall and :Earl T3r, Hall,' all of tiiis city; Mrs. 'Wane Dillard' and Mrs. Albert., 'Ceding, I335 is also :surylved .by' anven, grandchild - an. 'Mr. Hall has been a lire -long mem, her of the,' e tho di st; C 1,1 ti role and 'Tor SOrOral ye,a1",8 1(ri:1S Of a latee, BibielolasS.At 'the tincolnaAv Method:lat. ' All 1 The karnil)r aligzroo at the ZOO W11011 all1 vishmau '13erf-S Pardon, or; j1in nt bipd o a 'e•t-a,ture ik that?" Qh, said the gentlenlan., "tlutt is a ilative of Australia," "Goo(' exelauned Pat; '"an' dip sitter attirried wan o' tl.);111' 'Publishers 11/feet At Ottawa \Areekly Ne-wspaper publishers of Canada, Ninil hold tivir annual con- vention at the Chateau. 1Trontenac, Ot- tawa,, on tlie 8th, oth and ioth of next niontli. The C, nov,, has in the neighborhood of five • hundred mentbers and every province • in the Dominion ,will be represented at the : • big gathering, They Claim To Have Thirty a ' The • following from the T e e swat es News gives the line-up of the Tees- wai er Ball Teant 301' the season. ts a shame to give it away so soon, -but everybody's asking, so here they arc; guaranteed • too p. c. pure: j. Good, Atanag-er;1)onah_ne,-i. J) J. Carrdl, B.. Booty, Williams, Hall, l\lieky, McDonald, J. 'Hewitt, J. O'Neill, j. J. Flahaven, G. Small T. Friendship, W. Keith. Fif- teen is all we are allowed, but there are am:idler fifteen and then soiic good backers, Dia McRae's Mother Dead . After an illness e...-t)ending over ,a period of sik inonthS,, ,Mrs, McRae,. Wile of 0 6. McRae, 37 years ,minister of Cranbreibkrand Etheb,Pres- byterian qburclr 'died at her home in. Kincardine, Mrs., AfeRae. was 72nd .,year, shewasaborn. in. Scotland, and eaine to Canada with her, parents, ,when a child. 17116 family, settled in illyth, 'She was marr,ied 47 yearn age and is survived `by her husband,' two sons''joint of Vancouver ,and Dr. T. T. 111cRate of sprussels , and .two daughters; Mrs, John • Ferguson of Beussels and Miss, Mina living 'at Aged'Resident -Called • . 'After, an illness of .nearly two years, Lucy.,Ann Harper,widow, oilthe late Richard „Harper of :Carriek, dee parted this life ,tin 'Saturday evening. .1(Tter 'death:. tobk place- at :the Brace - . . County 1-loapital where Mrs. Harper had been, receiving treatment for., the 'past three ,,weeks. She Was one ..of the earlieSa-settlers -in Carrick,. coming .here with her parents, 'the late. Mr. and. MI'S. 'John Wynn, frolrn Smith's • Fails, in 1855: Her family iodic up. residence- on , the, Farrell ,farm od the '2ad concession, and in i86.2a she was married-. Mr.; and MKS. 'Harpea.- went to live on. Lots,,8. and 9; on the second concession,. and . that lias.,'..been - her home ever since. . Mrs, Harper was of IriSh ormgmn, and Was a avoman of sterling character and .disposition a As neighbor she was kind and tlionglit- fill, and as a friend staunch and true. She was spared to ,the ripe old age of 84 years, and in her death :the ,com- immity-suslains a distinct ' loss: Her husband -pre,deceas,ed. ,her seventeen years. ago. " 'Mrs. Harper' is,-stirviVed ,by,six sons: -David, .John, james, Robert,,,and George, ..and three daughters, 'Mrs. : Geo. , Roswell; Mrs. • Thos. Roswell 'and Mrs. Alex Stewart: Three brothers, Christopher. Wyan of Harriston, .Robert ',WYrin at Edrnon: tOrt and George Wynn of' 'Wingliam also .survage•her. The'funeral will take place on .Thursday- afternoon to Mc- Intosh cemet din ay G az ette: • BELGRAVE Ilielgrave V, amen s 3'1St tutL, meet, at the , home of Mrs.-. Richard ProctfOr onTuesday, i\ifay I6tlin at 3 o'clock for the Annual' Aleeting Election of Officers, Roll Call .Pay- ment. of ;.Fees for next year. 'Mrs. Proctor" extends a cordial invitation to all ladies to attend.. ' (1.ati PAW ,H4t HecoineSS•Ihian. Pi R, ,in e'arltOts; e , ',1;'1'4':fir,st.:;04.rObins;liave.corin.. la' la ' But •.•.ne,",s'li.O,robiti that 3 sea thatiathat,,, : Tie's, that brave seitii.,thaFdaiNs Ile Sirst straw hat; I 'wanted to •-w,-ear Otle niyt 131n it was cold, And I was not as brave aS he, N ot stout. and bold. " So 1 citing to the ancient felt, Worn, ercased and flat, • I .was not oric who dared to wear , The first hat', Brave titan was lie who set the p wh9 did not fear ' The scorn and laughter of , lii race, The.gib aild"jeer. He saw the calendar 'and read Spring and Ile gat It down from its high shelf and The ,,first straw hat, The day .be cold, the -wind be The' weather • rough, lie braves it all for he is made Ofhero stuff. , He 'wrestles Spring and the two go ' Tight to the mat, He's not afro id, he dnrcs to show, • The first straw hat. W. M. S. Monthly Meeting 1.11u legnlar monthly meeting of the S. of St- Andrews Church will , 1)e held on Wednesday, May 17111 at S o'clock. 'Phe subject "South China" will be given by Mrs. E. 3. Mitchell. A cordial invitation to all' ladies the congregation. EaTny Closing • In accordance with early closing by- law of the Town ol-Wingham, we are no' compelled to close our drug atoi'es at 8 p. nt. with exception of Saturdays and evening preceding a holiday. E. J. 'Mitchell W. McKibbon • STRAYED -a -Two 'black- yearling eheifers name to the prerniseS of the - undersigned en. May 8th, Owner may • have ,same by Proving propt.trty,, axd- paying expenses. Wm. j. Shoebottere, Lot ',in Con, Ix, 'East Wawanosh TWP." OF EASTWAWANOSH Court 'of -Revision: " • Notice is ' hereby given that Court of Revision on, the Assessment, Redl for the Township of East Wawa -- nosh, will be held in the .-Forester's, Hall,"BelaTave 011 Monday May 29511 i"tt a o'clock p. m. 'far:the purpose of'. . hearing and, settling complaints: against the said Aasessinent Roll all' parties interested will hereby take, - notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. , A. Porterfield ' BABY C,11-ICIC.-e.S: C. White Leg-. . horns, (Barron Strain). The • Bar -- Ton Leghorn is an English Bird and: for -a Leghorn is very large:.', On, 'the following dates we will have ,chicieS - for sale. -May .36th, "3'0ao, At 20 Centr. icach;5fiinb 8th, x..5oo. at 18 cents each; June 2.155, 3000. at ,15 cents' each; June- ,3oth, 1500 at. .15 cents each; July 12t11„, .3000 at 15 cents. each. We trapnest - every. day Of the Year. All poor layers' . are shipped to market. We llave pul- lets now; (May..ist) that:have- laid:. 163 ,eggs. ...Every Male 'at the' head of bur' breeding pens is.from a hen which' laid 'over, 200, eggs in one year. Our- -femalei are persistent - layers. One customer who got aoci ,chicks from us last Spring giatafr.orn them:175 pullets, ahalts laid him- S658.00 worth of eggs before 'theY were 'one year tild. That is fron-i the tithe -they were hatched. What they did for him, they ,will do - for you. • , Walter Rose, Pholte '3 or on 38x.. Brussels Out *ft,friai~01100,02"104*"02104 ir,,saidfze"ttomorseOgrite There is a great difference in the quality of Seed Corh. oa, dinary seed corn is damp and heavy (containing 18 to 22 per cent Moisture) and liable 1(9 get moaltly.. OUR SEED CORN has been carefully selected, the melsture re- duced to t4. per, cent and has been tested for germination before being shipped. This "guaranteed to keep and to grow" Corn is • NOT ANY HIGHER IN PRICE of poorer quality. -Call and see our CORN THAT WILL than corn 0 GROW. Silver Crown Bread Flour reduced'price $3.85 or in five nag' kits at $3.75 Regular price a bag. .traktiur:....;non.mr...e.trvanumnagortro HN E HOMUTH SUCCESSOR 1.0 HOWS,ON & HOWSON Flo , Feed, Seeds, Potatoea, etc, Phones: Residence Store 40 3s4ketifokoaktliftorp Nip" Ate#404100404444' PbN0116testo*".4f04 DA1Lb EXC-IiPT SUNDAY - Lw KINCARDINE • • •5.36 a. m. 1.4.5 p. LI?, RTPLY Lae, IIITORNO-1...V .. . ... . . . . • ti.oa' a.m. u.m, Lv• •6,4•9 0.111. ' 2.54 P.m. . .. .. . . . ............ .... . .. 7.06 2.01. , 3.38 pine- LISTOWEL , . . ... . . .. .... .. . . .. . . . . . 9.50 a./n. 4,01. p.m. Tay. PATaIVIERST011 •, 8.28 a,iti. 423 Pith - •Ar., GITELPti BlaANTFORD At-. I-IAMILTqN 19,45 0 0 pPp,n.•, :7m111: ,„, 1'o0 Ar; TORONTO Toroa.te, 6.5o a.m., ' , Parlor '•Baifiett can ,Palln04•$tOn. tO `I'Otoyito Guelph to ,Ttwo'nto, leVening, trani. FOr.',f pi` et,ivi35v to. ata.0i.c1 01 0 250. 40 Pm, 5,02, p111 t t 'tnlir Tick S, anal