HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-05-11, Page 3,
. , Ilrsday,' M.ay sItht. ti;91.0 1:31'TE, W I hi Gli A
. . ,
. • "1,"
, 4;
, ' 1 4 10 Iv;
le ,.,, .e.t. ,::;".•,-,-er,' 0litrie.',,,',',!'':,.'ir„'''ir:;,1,:',',"'.'44 .rilk,'It
, r. v'' • r r . • (1,,,,'. ,,,', , !,,., • 1,.
YQ1111-1-1 Englishman Wl'is walking
. au4, down 1 1.1 platforin. pi .4 4.':ouri-
• t
ttv%T.Toiroad„ tonetion, frying 'in see', ot.
had. a vacant seat. Fre diclre,t
h and ,as,sunting 'an official 'alio
1ie,3va1kedoup to the' last car and an-
'ponti611' in 'Stentorian. tones; "All out
.T1115 earisn't going!" There
:were exelametlons /Ow 'and.deep „from
Ore ' Ocenpahe tifS of teat;hu licy ,cd
pi1e0 out, and xnade their ,way' to, 'cars
The, smile on the young man's
ac Increased as took posseSS3on
•a 'scat and appropriated another for
hiS'luggagc,, .
A.; "AI)," lte' Murmured; 'it's a grand
'thing to be born eleVerl Now J. wish
'they'd start:'•
•By and, by the station mitster put,
his 'head in the c1obt: "Are you the
.', • natin,who,said. this , ear wasn't going,?"
said the clev11-
er 00, SIOning%
ell".said the station master, with
grin also, it t,- fie brakesman
jj.Q Wha't you g'aid aid hc pri.cottpled
it, and 110W „ train's gone. •,
thOngitt.YOu werx., a director.
• Joke On An Edit�r
the - editor's wife, '''th0t,
o,u were:not so tibsent-ralin1det„.". '
§ wrong, no My dear?"
'a jien our ..hostess ..aSked you
yon- wontcl , have some .ntore - pudding'
yon /-el)liecl'*.tl?at ;owing lb t,h(.:• trent en-.
dons ,pressure anyciur, space you were
‘Corripelled to . , •
'Those Stately Marble
Sotiae Months ago tlie -Weel<fy
.Caitada, decided to hold"t1)eil-
' .arninal 'June Session.-a1::°11-LaWa''''Tite
tlegislative, talkiest goe.s111C11`11ilY onaiici
is now kr. 'certainty that,, the:then of,
the press Till have. the ooporinnity of
s,eelin.,,,rile legislators in action as well
,as- breathing the' atorosp,here tl-toSe
tately- rnarble, halls , eh Armes'
&hail; claims have , -been
.4titinaidated. • ,Publisii,e'rS• :'from every
.,,province in the,Ddminion'owilNbe ores-
entoat the .three, dayS'. session of, the,
(111:ateati Laurier. '
Phones ro6, 224.
al Direstors
Motor'l-Tearse or H°rse E4uiprneYt
rtglita, Ontario
Osteopathy ; ( Electricity
All diseases rcati
Office adjoining residence, Centre
treet, neXt Anglican Church, (forrn-
'erly Dr. MacDonalds,) Phone 272.
tilted Fal'iliers
• We have recentlY,cornrnencecl
to operate 0. Creamery in con-
• junction with our egg ,business
in our building near the Grand
• rornin< otatron., .
The time is at hand when
cream is becoming More plenti-
• ful. • 5,lur organi2atron is work-
ing and exists principally for the
benefit of the Producing Farm-
ing Community. The cost of,
conducting this business will: de-.
pend- largely'bn'the volume- of
crearn'handled...May‘we suggest
the wisdom and advisability of
farmers selling' their,...erealm to
their Own -The FartnersCreani-
ery. This is Co-operation, • •
We have an up -t. -date, con-
venient, Sa.nitary Creamery with
tried ,experts on our Creamery
Staff. We have , an established
outlet for „our product with ex- •
perienced men handling the'sale
of • ont- butter who. have, their
finf,,,,ers on the pulse of the con-
suming market. We have all.
• the advantages that go to assist
n;aking the fineSt • Quality
'rabic Butter. May, we ask for
your co-operation in providing
the crearn—
• Good Crearit
which is the essential,requisit,e
1 for making the highest Quality
, Cream should be moderately
• rich, (not under 27 per cent)
• chilled after separating and kept
clean and cool. The Sweeter
it is the better we like it. •Never
21 Mill: fresh cream with what is on
If our truck service does not
reach yon.) bring your cream
in. to as and be assured of
Good Returns:
Courteous Treatment
Itonest ,rests
• Satisfa(tion f&r. All
. •
1‘1. Wei B, ,
N.TJ. 'W.:. 13, A; Su 1),(,:otiiiititt
coixii)osed, of President D R Id
line, .11arristott;., hl, C. (/ray,
.11alinerston;,W,'N/V: „Barlow, Coderich,
and.' 0, "Fairless, I...mean sat 'froni
1)- 111, 1.0-'10 .p„,.;))4, gronoirig the te,111.1
,cntered and, hanthing b,usaite.$,s.
eleven Jurilor
teams were groped as •101I0Wsi
S,enior Seihe
Group No, 1-4:argi1'', 'Paisley, Wal-
kerton, and OW(111 Sound; Convenor,
J. Clancy, Cargill; LOCO at Cargill.
Group -''No, Flarristoe,
1..)rew, palantrstort and Drayton; Con-
venor, C. G. "V\rashl)urii, blarri 5 tb
Meet at Harriston ;
'Group No, 3--Winglonn, Tees -water,
Luclepow-Loehalsli and K.ineardine;
,Converior, H. C. Gray, \Vinglittra;
meet at:Wine:ham , •
C •
oup • N o,, 4---, range-No.11e, Elora,
, Grand' :Valley, Arthur and • 1-lillsburg;
Coovenor, A, 'W.,.13usciltlio, Arti"
• Croup NO. 5---KirIcton, Fullartorl,
'Grantor), ,Mitcheil and: Dublin; Cow-
venon-A, Paul, Kirkton; meet at Kirk-
• Group No. 6—Goderieli, 'Zurich -and
'Stratford; •Gotiveribr„.W...-W. Barlow;
,Goderidliv.inCet nt Seaf.ort10,:. . •
Nenstadt,:and Moltlee,:o
C. Birtkley,
Grpiip NO, 8::-..,1,,istOwel'i.N.evg
burg:and, Milverton;' Convenor 11.(1,,;14;
Ructity New ,Efamiburg; -meet at'AfilL-
verton •
. 1,'Group No: Ailsa Craig,
'fiderton,. Lobo Maple I.„eafs, 5-trath-
iroy,„ ,,COnvenor-, S. . RbbipsOn,-.
:Craig;,..ineet at fidertoo.
Go,derich club who appliedfor
eliare grouping, WaS ,g/Veil tile pri-
'vilege fo elfobse'between, Group'No.,6
and Group No. ,9, 'withthe, re'euest
;from .the.snb-coMmittee -thato'they--gb
in No, '6 if at ;all ,possible,,
caSe of Ailsa, Craig atfiliaiing
with the. 'llyliddleSe-X-," League „andHthe
Big "Four ilka"ghe' was handled,:tOgeth:2
et- and bronght
The, North. .V,\,/eillingtern'
'League Leagues -„until
eitlier Leagne, affiliates with th.e.,(7./1',134
tithe • both MuSt ]ic re
'With • '''tlie -1\T W 'lie'
,•• - • - , •,
notified,alid mitSt' play 'under
Ar. .c:Olbt'S'Only.,Witlf the 'alter int ti ve,Of;
.;P'Utft:thder ;SUS risjoir 'FOr the.
time''b ei ng' ahou1d.agy.rciub of the .iNi-
,W., 13; 1Ae.,..-W41h;14O'''PlaY
;these, nr.,ant,Opher.-
nuts,tf,rriake; apPliCation,fe..,the:
e tar y for special 1).er
Mit to 'engage ';01 (0SlLfbLtl 00 •-g'tcinas,
.alid lie'-'regitired-tO
furnish, this Officiar•With
timpire'S' -report crE tiro. game, ,The
jort blanlwill. acconipany the perinit:
.iniill cases' arictshould.arti'club,-failtO
.report" fully as ,required, further per-
mits 1:0 such olub,, will be ea,neelled.atict
•their affiliation with. the N. W. '13; A.'
cimatiCallY o.
into'. suspension. Every. club"- must
Sti6k,.-with the N.,:\TV: B.. A: and use
only ,playe,,,i-s who holct offialal, N. W.
,A. cettificateS with that .respective
, -
,Sharpin----In loving memory of Little
Reatta , Sharpin, who died , 'May 2151,
The • Sprin'g lirings back sad memories
,Por just a, year ago, ,
A form, we loved Was laid to rest,
rh the grave so:- dark and low,
. . ,
.Cht doWn in the early bloom of life,
When all seemed, b;right before,.
While *many a.day of joy for thee,
Seemed yet 16 be itt store.'
'Tis hard indeed-te'realiee,
That thou .art gone avg.-ay,
That all that',s left on earth of thee,
is" cold and lifeless clay.
• . ;
'But when 1 saw'tliat happy look, • ,
• S6 peaceful" and..so blest,
I' almost' envied in that hour,
. Thy cairn end ncaCeful• rest.
Then Re,atta deae,6 farewell to thee,
And we in sorro'‘.v weeping,
Will leave'you in:your h'ather's hands;
Your Father's Gracious 'Keeping,
Ii'athe.r, 'Mother, Sister, "Brother.
• .DIED-
, ,
Gamblc---f Fordwien, on .I'itcsaay,
May 2nd,, •Robert. Gamble 'in
- 1115 85tie year. ; •-
1)ultTlage:L-At 059 tin doln ad; Wel-
' .,kerville, Ont.,: on 1\tfay 6th, 'Anson
Dulmage, . suddenly of.. heart
'failure,' aged. 79 years, he was form -
l4 of Winghana and.Lakelet. • ',,
BORN - •
Rainap,:c—.-In the' 'Township 0.E "West
AVawanosh; on April to
and Mrs., james'T,aroage, a son.
Jolpistott---:1 E Wa watto , -on
‘26110, to Aft-:.:i.oact.Mrs. Gershom
Johnston; a dithgliter,-;-.--Hilcla-Aerial.
Ca1laway-2-1M '17nrnberry, on Monday,
,April ,24111, . Mt% and , Mrs. Roy
Callaway of Elora, (nee -Miss
Chandler). a Son. ,
Taylor—in East Wawa:noSie, ou 'May
't 6111., to ,Mr. and Mrs, Orval E. `11,'ay-
-Ion a on. , •• „
Kitchener, 011 Sunday,
nil 3oth.,-to. Mr, 0116."• Mrs.', W.' C,
Austin, formerly of \Vingharn,
• daughter., .
.• ,
r , .
The Shortest, Thing in The World
'Isn't it a . mosquito's' eyelash .or 0,
gnat's whigker, or any other•patt, of an
irfs'eeta 'anatomy ivii0tever-7-i1 is ,, the
Memory, ,of the, pubile. - • :
'If"yon don't think so .ask 'the' lif,st
.:dozen men you meet the. following
'gilts -0011S; •
'When .did the 12.311 croSS the Atlas -
tic? ',Whet -was her pilot? Oa what
date WaSo Lord Kitchener drowned?
W,110t was the ,name of 'the ship that
blew up and 'almost wiped out the
city al "Halifax? W,liat 'Oertuan sub-
marine torpedoed the latiStania?
,11VS a sttfc het,tliat you will not
'get 'one correet answer.
NOW 'do you see the necessityof
p.,e'rsist t, advertising 5 'W he the .
fails of 'events or 'i4d, Wide '11)11)0017
11f0, --S0 set))) ..fot'gottt4.'ii how do
yo11 ttxj)ect the public to remember
Your pric,cs' and y'oti'
'etll and kIopt5ri tellnw them? 11elver-
' 13r. /.-ZE`f 1301001,
Wemay tueet a litindred draw eks
hid a mail must meet in life,
,n uet 4t.) b ,
And- a never ep],dis),g "strife,"
:Filen resolve to meet' it bravely—,
Stand the 'test and do' and, (tare--
But the secret of true victory
Lies in one word, be "Square".
'Tlierc sothetlling. -Vile, twinkle
an honest fellow's eye .
That can never be nlistaken
• And c.an never be Pasied V. `
Be his station high or lowly;
There's that daimtless upright air,
'Which convinces all beholders
`1,That, the roan they see is "Square.'
• Si, J., k. -,S
--ubjects examined' in Aralt-
'. meth!, Lit„ .Granunarc41 et oy,
Ge.ography, Reading. Total,
675; .Flonots, 506; Pass 450. •
M. MitchclJ, 586; M.
' T Robertson, 57y,id
Snell, 57'"' \A'f.'Mc,,Kibbon, '563
•Ileiveri give sec.:it tool influence
- Over those they dailymeet,
1.f, they See a fallen brother; "".•
hint to his feet--
'AfitIce thc "srieaks' a bit uri6"asY-
11fal;:e the "false" act kind of fair,
tIto greatest ,-ogue on record
1.14 1 1 I respect the Irian 1'01 O'S
"Square". -
The teacher had been explaining
fractions to lier,class.. When sh.e. had,
discussed thc subject at; length, •\visll-
irig•to see how ontich light bad 1)een
siled, she inquired:
Now, Bobby, Which would you
rather liave, one apple or tvvo lia.lAreS?"
T'lle little cluip promptly replied:
' "014,, 13.'obb,,.41" excleitned the Youfig
.. ,
worrean, -a, httle disaoP0i11tedl3', whY.
.w,durd 3,:ou. -prefer two, halves ?';,-., ', • '
"Because thenj, could see if ittis
-.had inside.",
We '511-4ke our heads- ancf sigh' and. say-:
"I -low 'forward ehildren "are
:Yet. we renietriber years ago .
Our geandfolles- criticized 05
A41,(t uscd., wonder,- as,' we (19,
..:Inst what, the ,age was coining to,.
it seein'S itrion li-relS fleeting stage, „.
'Ironth is the Mystery of:age. --
- Anyway, Adam; pc -vet :had, to „shoo
neighbor's chiekens' 001 of 'the
• - '• •
whoo,had. 11013e„s011e;,110-,
-"" t
,tetio'r work, .or e lure ,sen in us
hill Corrcetmg the teh
'John, the'
‘,-13aP:fiSt.$0.30; R4g.adine413,61-gdar di ran-
• 41:061;.- :6e; ,Renewing Heaven,',fPaint-'
:Xn,00n;, $0.0o.;,u-TkinvSpots-toff
goc..; up4lames,.of-,,
hell', '84..0o; 1.1 4in .§ap0.0s- Ou:
Abialiam $1-.40. Putting new ,leaves
on Adam aod Eve, 320. ,
An -ofd Irish '.Wornan kept',i 'small
fruit. stand and Was displaYing'' a few
watermelons. A- smart, fellow took
-,upd One and observed: "These are
,frightfully, small apples you 'have—
now, ,we have them twice the size.
Thewootae,,e0oly surveyed her.in-
quirer from head to *foot for a second
or, tWo. Then in a tone of Pity she
ekclairned: "Bejabers, sorr, must
be a, stitranger and know yin -3r' little
,about fruit When ye can't tell -apples
110111 gooseberries." - -
, .
INTie hear folks say they can worship
,:inst as well , out in the greenfields
in the midSt of nature's beauties as
they can in churdh. 'That may'be true
but it: doesn't seem to work out that.
Way. ' The average .felle's . who stays
.11=e -from church iSn't:spendin„e- his
•tinie in worship. On the other hand
•:the man who goes" May not hear a
good .serreen, brit he 101 at least hear
'seMe. sincere words "from the lips -of a
•mari who has,' spent the -past week in
serving his fellowmen. As he sits in
the pew Of a. Slanday morning, in May,
-joins- inthe singiug and takes part in
the service; • he- finds himself 111 an
aundspiteee that is refreShing to body
and , soul and Which will give 'him 'a
better. outlook durieg the :succeeding
cla.Y.". 'Church' folks are notall angels
and yet they are..all the 'better for go -
00410 It's a great habit, to
eultiV•itte-going,' to Church,: Help:
„boost tht Witigham -¶'Go, to Church"
movement during -the. month of May
by „geing yblii.so:f and e co ti raging
iteighbor'to do the. Same',
• . J
Greyhound- Excursion
to Detroit
The White Star Line -again announces
the big .ammak ;excursibn, Goderich. to
Detroit, ,011 the Steamer Greyhound. This;
sjilandicl ship wilt leave Dettoit Monday,
,Inne 12113; 830 a. in., and arrive in
Godericli 1530 9. m.
On that evening at 8;15 a moonlight
-party -will be taken out for a three
eours' delightful ,sail Mr Lake'lluron tO
enjoy dancing( to good anisic ; Don't
miss this. 3 ;
On Tuesday morning, June 13t1, at
9:30, tho Greyhound will depart for De-
trbit with the tisted happy Crowd
aboard. As the faro is only $2.00 'ene
way and $3.00 round trip, a large num-
ber of passengers will, as usual, un-
doubtedly make the trip.
Those going will have all day Wed-
nesday arid Thursday morning in De-
Returning, the Greyhound, will . leave.
Detroit Thursday, the 15p, rt •1:01)
p. rn., reaching Goilerich 9:00 In, that
evening,. On Friday morning. at 0230:
she will depart for Detroit ,on„the, fiiial
• _According to newspaper reports, De-
troit is resuming its usual prosperity by
leaps and innuids. Deadlines of recent
issues imlicatethat e,,MPloiye,l'f4 01
that city arefinding ti..iiitbsu enpos-
sible, to secure sufficient skilled labor to
meet the requireinents of .the factory
output. 'Very 'recently the l'aekard
.0ton-while Company added on thous-
and'auen, and the Ford Company in brie
\veal added ten thousand new: irien ,to
threit.forcest 1.1 is said 'that Detroit is
practically fret) of unemployed men, and.,
the 'Michigan State Telephone, Company,
and 11110, Detroit 1,1cliaon 061)-tpany
0,11000 tlicy tire la)ting" conihrits ,for
teleplitine and 6ketrie,
do itike cave of a eit,v 111 two, Million
peop „he next ten years.
Donald, 569; A, MacLean. 54.5; A.
"mil wig, ,543; G.. Afite11611, 5,13; E.
Citettleburgli, 537; A, Latmdy, r37; I.
Eliacott, 525; J -E, Sutton, 5!.'5; 51,4116,5o6,.; E. Mitchell, 493; 1,1,-
490; N. Beattie, 482; Christie, 477;
AlitchelI, 439;, 111-00,510, .1.$0; 41.
Williamson, 443; Angus, 40; A,
.439; . 11. Wildc9 ,434; George
1.516e11, 406; J. 1\leGee, 403.
ti-, IAT—Total, 325; 'Honors,. 243.
W. 281; • Al. Sell, 276; 41.
liontuth., 260; G. Robertson, 267; M.
Isard, 266; Y. McPherson, 26,5; 114.
That -low, 265; D, ' Preston, 265; E.
`rainlvti C Dobie
255; Scott, 25,s; 95 Johnston, 249;
S. lilateliford, 248; 'W. Taylor, 247;
G. Suotton, 246; -F. Field, 245; G. Fry,
43 : SW2t11,9011, 20; J. Stewait, 23o;
, (lute Mtn
The Chain Grocery Stores of Cana
PLIFFE13 VtillfEAT pkg. I HULK COCOA. 2 lbs.
Special ,113lend TEA !test Value
'IA ROLLED 0.4iTs, 6 11)s
BLUE ROSE RfCE, 3 lbs:. . .250
TAPIOtA, 3 . , arc
cocoANuT, per lb '2oe
= CIJRRA NTS, per lb.. . . .
POT BARLEY, per lb• 50
C,ORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs...... 29c
pkgs, for__--------------------------------- _...-250
I.,. Groves, 229; M. Sanderson, 228., P-1
:Mitchell, 228; C. Hingston; 2,25; 'D.ri
1 -Taller,', 220; D: I-Jaunt-10'nd, , 219; , F,
FOrd, 219; G. Rintont, 218, C. McRib-jo,o.:.
216; .F. Angus, 212; ;NI. Sii-npson,
212; 5-1: rill), 209; 15. ;,wanson, 200;
:Brooks, • 176,;- SP: Stakes '176: Mus-
• ,
,P;r0Ve) 149; E.' 13oardfilall, 142, `
Jr. lit—Honors, 205; Pass, L65, •
OliVe I-ioinuth, 249; lvfargaret Mit-:
Chell, 2441; Latira Synith,' 244 I< e
King, 237; Bertha McGee, 234.; Evelyn
IVI.c1<ay, 232; Velma, Lennox, 231; Nan-
cy Taylor, 226; Gwendolyn Snell, 220;
Mildred Redmond,. 207- Lily Carter,
213; Kenneth. Somers, 211; Carl Deans,
Russel Copeland 188' Wallace
CiUrney, 181,; 1\fargaret Hartnell,, 174;
Toni frIenclers'on, 174; Geoege Allen,
170; Floyd Carter, 170; •Afargaret
Coutts., 1611; Wesley Tennant, 163;_
die 'Bine, 060; Elmer &Oakley, r6o;
klizaber'h Ross, 157; Carman'Coutts,
186; Verna).Yfiller 148; M,argaret Cur-
rie, 147; Reggie SUttom 04c2i Jack1VIc-
'KA bbon,' 0333, _Harvey Pend„leton, 028;•
Winifred Fitt, 113; Charlie 13Iatch-
ford., 1123 .Alex Coats, ;Lose I-larold
Barrett '77- Riney BrOwne- 66' jinsmie
i‘ligus, 65. . •
Class „A.—Total 305. '
iSo ,Dolan, .288;: Mi...Rober Isom-, 282;
. 275 ;: CT agg , 269; E. Lott;
26B, ',Edgar,. 2.60;,,Ipr T1,0,O,MPson,.25,7;
V.' ,25p;,. N. Carr, 245;1.J. Mac-.
:2.4F3; [(AO I iaMs, ‘.2412;I'4 Weor
2383 R."'Lockinan, 237; H. TOler', 236;
1 :1\1 tarle1161111-he f'26'3O1-3V; ;VCa
S. eddforlepb
-- ;1141
21-d; S. Bennett, 2o6; .M. 'Ten -
pant, 185. • - •
. Class B.-- • •
L. Peterman, 258; R. Armstrong,
251; E -I, Field, 235; M„ Mitchell, 232;
M. Carr, 2,32; K. Reid, 230; R. Rae,
228; C. Carr,. 223; E. Lepard, 223e C.
Pendletpn, 218; L. • Hutton, 214; J •
Green, 200; 1)21011, 199; 13. Arm.;
strong 089. J. :Sturdy,' Io; A. Hart-
nell, 069; G. MacDonald., 138; I -I, Col-
gate,-ro8; J. Clark, 76; NAT. Agnew, 70;
111 Saint, 36; P. Gibson, 20.
Sr. II—Total, 365; Honors 270•
Pass, 219: oor
Ada Hancock, 330; Wilmore Angus,
327; Evelyn Shropshall, 318; Kathleen
Smith, 307;- Ruby Hancock, 29o; Jack
Dinsle3r, 285; Vivian Pilon, 282; Lloyd
Hayden, 281; Arthur Snell, 280; jack
Carr, 27.0; Liflia.n Broome, 267; Bruce
Fox, 260; Muriel Campbell, 246; Joe
Ellacott, 244; Grace Wellwood, 243;
Peirin McCracken, 238; De Witt Mill-
er, 236; Hilton Dickson, 234; George
Young, 233;;;Willie Broome, 228; 1VItir-
vyn Teiriplemare, 227; jean Lenard.,
225; Doris I-Iart, 224; Arthur Stokes,
217; Stanley Campbell, 215; jack T3eat-
tie, 215; Mary King, 2.13; Parker
Campbell, 206; Charlie Finlay, 205;
HaroldHtrtiiell, 17z; Nellie Hayles,
tkinsoni 063; Roy Agnew,
162; yoe Tiff?,' 062; Norman Rintottl,
15to Bert Mitehell, 146; Irving 'Smith,
T33; ;Margaret Mason, 131; Irene Suit -
t613, 1 r5; Mary Hingston, tt3;,,Norma
Coutts, 97; • .Mary 88.•
jr. II ;
jr. 28,0; Honors, 210; Pais
idildrecl lliibee, 246; Gordon David-
s'on, 226; Alviri;Haininoed, 207; Har-
vey Burgess, 205;,Matirie Ma.cIntyre,
18o; Albert Rintoul, 172; Margaret
Clarke, 155; Marguerite Ludwig, 14r;
Harvey Grovcs, 139; Josep,11 Moir, 1129;
•Scatt Miichell, 1..•5; • Esselford. Hen-
derson, 8r; Catherine Fry, 68; Forbes
Colgate 68; Ross Harrison, 62; Jim
.Cloakey 43 ."
otal, 4o , Honors, 300, Pass
"Saved My,Littie Girlr
Mather tells haw her little EthePs
life was saved. '
That is what one woman wrote us re-
cently, and then she gots on to say :—
'Ethel, who is just past eight, caught a
bad eold last August. The child is of.a
striing nervous temperanient
and could 'not be kept -quiet in bed,
We tried everything we ecruld think of
to chit .her cough. 13ut, the tough
became Worse and frolIl a rosy, healthy,
sturdy girl she became Pale and thin.
Nothing we did seemed to stop the
cough -and by thiS tithe regular spasms
of coughing had developed, These
coughing spells left the child -Weak and :
completely tired out 1 believe that in
a short time the cough would have
, ,
reaelieci tne cuild, s langs. Alter ttying
everything I Could think of, I saly an
advertisement for Catnol, saying that
FP,R_ per . 0, . .390
,.....45c 1Vit'oc
, ,
ald Arrn. Cliair • • 1V1417.°15ES' 3 ‘90I'I'e.
- ,
ticorn.92. P, l',NEAPPoToEt. per
SALIVION'' tall tin
Prlinei32 lbs. 29c.
Good 5 String CROWINT SYR1..TP, lb. tin 19c
r'tMi 39c e ch
4 MARMALADE, (Sheriff's)
ne Site, d
N ....33e
Pure asplberry or Sir wberry JAM, I. 4 tin, . 75e
Capada's Largest Vet 011 roce s,, titer and Eggs Totten.L.,
•iiirpriiimmutiinatil minim imilmimmiljoil Iiimminismitcoll lirionm Immo! 112,
Isabel .N'orttop, 364; Jean ,Milligan,
aad Wilma Dew, 36,1-, Jean Copeland
and EVa Hounith, 360; Evelyn Reid,
3533 . Rae, 351; Agees Lotittit,
o; Betty Walker, 336; Edith Ztir-
brigg, .334; Carling Pendleton, 322;
'jack Brackenbury. 314; john, Cruik-
shank and Lela .Wilde, 300; George
Roberson and Jean Mitchell, 298; 01-
,iye , 283; AndrewScott .275;
Nettie Dow,..271; Rae Thehh-PsOn; 268;
;Merrill ;Canteliiii, 265; R'efa, Hastie,
234; , Gordthi • Smith; 2,5o; Violet 'Mel-
lor,: 243; 4 -Mina 1)urnin, -2393 'George
Beattie--; 2181 ,Mildred -Fitt, -216; Albert
Greene 199; Earl Gray, .196-; 'Annie Ait-
kinson;191.e. Mary„; Dotne,-I69,; .
, Jr: ' . ,
. 'Walker, 299; .Laverne Williams,
298; N.Itier,ay Rae, 28-4';; Helen Beattie,
277; Kenneth • Lott, 276; Beverley
Sinai]; 246; Edna Stoakley, 245; Fred
Howson, 241; Shieley McCracken, 225;
Robert' Chettleburgh, 22'1; Willie Led-
iet, '219; Minerva Finlay, 272; Donaida
Fixter, 203; Harry Templeman, 195;
Catherine . Vansickle, "1 9 3; Percy
Clarke 19o- Harry Fry, 185
Total, 250; Honors, 09o; Pass, 15o.
Arthur Aldington, '233; Dorothy
Deans, 2303 Ted Mellor, 223; Lea Rob-
ertson, 223; George Henderson, 223;
Alberta MacLean, 221; Vera :Fry, 220;
Elaine Small, 272; May Gibson; 211;
Jack Bellinger, 209; Kelso McCawley,
207; John Pattison, 199; M-ary Agnew,
198; Reta Forsyth, 197; Gordon Led -
let, 196; .Ralph Saint, 43; Jim Thomp-
son, 192; Willie Hurren, 092; Audrey
Reid, 192; Sterling Williams, 192;
Mary Hirst, 184; May Henderson, 182;
Norman Lediet, 18o; Maud Hurren,
178; Stewart Carter, 175; Herbie Pule
ler, 072; Bobbie McBlain, 072; Laura
Groves, 169; Betty Taylor, 165; Mary
Aldington, t65; . Jack Boardman, /63;
Preston Lediet, 157; Harry Agnew,
155; john McCal/, 145; Laura Clarke,
123; Velma Carter, 115; Marg. Taylor,
no; Nora Antonio, go; • Constance
Colgate, 65; Verna Caslick, 60;- Mar-
ion Mason,- 56; Ruby Fitt, 46; Leon-
ard Bok, 25;-ve...yn - 1 r
after, 25.; Hilda
Fitt A Elmer Caslick, A.; Rosa Pitt,
Jack Burgman, Willielmenia Stew-
art, Arthur Stone, Roy Macintyre,
Stewart Scott, Vivian Tiffin, Marion
Fry, Mildred Fields, Mabel MacAllis-
ter, George 13rackenbury, Dorothy
Hutchison, R.egle Broome, Alma
Shropshall, Mildred Reid, Percy Dey-
ell, Jiff, :Weir, Norma Mat Evers,
George King, Gertrude Dawson, Anna
Chittick, Verna ;Barber, Dorothy For-
sythe, Lorene I -faller, George Bisbee,
Dick Gunn, }-larold Finley,• Raymond
Carter, Katherine MacCawley, Stew-
art Ritchie, %Irvin Smith, Stewart
Vivian 'Bafin, Jack litutrnan, Wil-
helmenia Stewart, Roy INifacintyre,
Ma.bc1 *MacAllister, Reggie Broome;
Arthur Stone, Stewii,rt Scott, Gertrude
DawSon, Dorothy Forsythe, Lorene
Haller, Percy Deyell, Alma Shropshall,
George 13rackenbury, Dorothy'Ketchi-
son, Mildred Reid.
Some men sleep themselves into
what they are pleased to term 'mis-
fortune." No man has ever yet left
his intpress upon the world who hits -
been the slave of the sleep god. Lazi-
ness and 'success never Walk hand in
hand, The most of us sleep too much.
Scientists say that six -hours are
plenty- to spend in bed. Von ean get
rest in other ways than lying on your
back, "Drowsioess shall clothe a inati
in rags!' There are lots of sleetiY"
leads that dont spend most of theft
hue in bed. A man c.an drOwse111
he daytime -with his eyes wide open,
There are business men wliO asle,ep
lte switch" and only- wake up when
opportunity has whizaed by them, In
the last analysis most of the trouble
in life •olnes froin, the tendency to
take things taSy and let thou just
"happen". More .tlian half the me13 in
business let their „business run them
nstend of them runrimg
ticeeed more by good tnck 1 '401) geod
this 'preparation would build one tip. 1,
got a bottletom the drnggist and
before it was half finished iny little girl
had ahineet 'completely shakeii off her
,,origh, Her cheeks began tnget back:
their old olour.: She started,to put on.
flesh again and wonld, Aim aod play all „
day without being -tired.. ;;Today, after
having takeIi two bottles.of Carnal, she
, is looking and feeligig beitee than she
bbs ,,ver felt Ili her life."
Carnol is S'old' by your
idrug,g, ist andif
you can eorschly ifermtonssa3itsI
1100agement- and the real wonder is
1,11(1, 80 i11/1ii7., escape the. so) -tip
ut • o-,.; et- ,,,,onr d est., .43ti,011.031fe11111'7103`k
he ,.3,61ds of the Man .'Jb-owsi-
" have tried it, fimi it hasn't done you t
,any goo)1, roinril 1.1131 011101bottle, and
1 11 n I •
le wx -re c run i3(1lley, 4-125
-Woltoti mcKib60-1.'
110S0 43111111 0101110 1102(111 in
03111)1 111 Fittniitivre, j<5111.11111,
:Community Radiophone -
; Says tlie Paisley Advocatet—With
radiophones being instafled in' the
neighboring burgs, there is the deSixe
t •
1, expressed in Paisley ,to have inter-
counse with the big outside world by
this- means from here also. .I1 we are
td have .one at all, it- is (mite -likely-.
that, the • Majority, of -our citizen
' would - preferr to' have- it 'esteblished
'as „a .coirmartnity affair, .as. is,- being'
, done in. some ,places. Elmira -eitizerts,'
i for instante are subscribing the nee-
essary s. By having a radiophone
-1-put'in onr town hall with an amplifier
1 attached; it "'should be pasible to. have
11 earn the cost.by c arging adrnissibn
!to hear inusical programs, lectures and
; addresses Sent out from the cities. •
.To Sell, Dealers Should Advertise
In a letter to their dealers-, the Mc-
Laughlin Motor Car, Co., pays the
following tribute to newspaper adver-
tisin'g .as a factor in making
"Advcrtising has been:called
tei(ilsio;-St2, let:3 011:::;11‘' 33,1
s1111.);;:to tsNeeTto
. btt,
will bring many ',nen into your
rooxn -With aninterest,already aron:
lin your car and in 'a receptive -
for a sales talk and demouStra.ti
Carefully written and 'properly 111
..,neWsPaPer.'avls.provider *lltt
g,eound wOrk -for ..-,the final,,,per,se;
talk: with ',tit e,, dealee..wlaich ld's es-
s-ale1 Also newspaper
treach,a•great. number, of 'people
•-the dealer could .nOt -possibly
any other waye--ztpeopie whom
srosnects, .but who -were, quietly ,
tdeeia:mleien.:13i;ad elThe:irknooly..-7v1e1iri:(11-seni;qr.
sc-thrOin.P egl y91 ian 101 taier'n e:rrecih ei fPaev°0Pri
car by good advertiSing and will ,cninicti,
to you for further' inforMation and 513
a 17100d Which Should triake the 4e..11:1„,-
ang;of,the deal comparatively e0s3r
a good Salesman.7 •
kt Giderich (e11,, May 17 't 53O
, ,
r ,.A\ SE; ,LL -T es 0. ,.iter vs. GA, ti- rich f
•FANCE AT THE P,4:, V1110744, .
EVENING AT 8.ao p. in.
This is the opening game of the Big Four League -:-Don't miss ,
it. Which will win ,..we cannot sa y but we can assure you. the '
-;est Dance Floor In Western Ontrio
Will be at your disposal for the evening at the Pavilion, Latest
music'.by a six piece orchestra. • Come and enjoy a real afternoon and ..!
evening •
Gtderieli Amusement C °rap, I., y, Limited 1
, I
unter's Remarkable Trophy
Read of Bigliorn . or Rocky Mountaln Sheep secured ,,,la8t;
October near Lake Loulie, Alberti.. 'Ttlif.t is One of tb '', '
,.. , , , , ,,.
- .e
and largest heads . fineSt. :.:eyer scured
are faincins as resorts of big game, wei,glied 350 /bs,' There" Were tv :Atilt ,
The Western provinces of Canada, a tIght horn 49 ine1res. The aitit
. . -.... . ' '
.M1101.1) heaa,g tiXe to be ot.Ind. in , the the ' most secharlecl pt:1;16 S '
anm y ks aie to be, fod, but bighorn in th., .gtotap krona' WIl'Atilttt
aniongst the mast siiunngbt are big., this remarkable specimen was- ",-,olegiti.4.
. horn or Reeky NIOuntain .sbeep. The and 'tWo of the othe-rs looked .flifut„.,
. hunters that get a bighorn proente as 'large. • '',---1
a handsome trophy in the horns. It 13ighor1), are 4207 ranch afr'-id t--41
is said that the biggqst and best big- Ipen, and,131(?.7 make their ilAUY111.1 111,„ ' ,
Rockies.' Last Qctobet a part' of good hun]iring aioirictS4igi'111,6.40i0,-.
hirrite.rs unde-r tho leadership ,d erti pavts of.. ..ilItiti.$h ,130145,tt41lii49,1tto!..`;' , '
1tpe 11t19501t4 well knoWn '233'an: f A.00tetay Mtn) 1, iltlitoi,, -6,114,0Vii4iSl.i,,,
guide and hunting outtitter ; sttIrt'ed triet, .Vatley c0f)1.,%11:lago...itott.idatilit,,,,,, . ,,..
.aut xrem Lake Ijaai,e, Thoi,.,huirted clbtitil Ilive'rS;',:ill'iT 1(100,1144v .'Wooltitt".'-,
throu,a1). '01 eat w a ter, Shoop (.1roolti. P,a at Kootenay 'is 'on -0', Of the-'? '
, ttd ibe, Sasitatebt-nr,an RiTer, Many faVoretVdistriets, kmd Ini)Aet„,441:44,,
, ,,i),,lgohorn and wild goats were, seeh', 19'00) .. Oblacql l'n voxill 0 re
01111 1131011g10, ;tile tt (14 1111 kottytil 1 33 31d Cts bkitook, :411' arri-pth4litt.. ,
v''Cr1Td',9't11'at18;l6'1!11ri"b1 Ilit' ' C, 1, l't' . ... ,','Nd,a ie1C11 47ta1ie01:011 .- ,,,$