HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-05-11, Page 1IIIIilIilI"tratf ay ay, ay Hase a I otli� S Ord 30 G'' 4 -We0nie''isd M, Vs I'W1rI4GHAM9'ON THURSDAY9,,MY Ifth I= Fo ir Cents MO.; Ang C oples I7 INFRAL Winghatti, High School Wins EER LOCAL AND, CE
Ly 11 TIM -AS�A VOLUNIT' PERSONAIS t 6*11 High, Schbo I Football teaa-ls play- d i t SaIC thiS� WCqk*,I)d at offatt lvell as Distributor f o r Gia y Dort TO tlIle Editur v tli Advai ell M1% Ell ed the hlJough `,_Uv rv�rs,, and I Sur" with Triendi ill, Icings 5uits Prices series ill the Wilighai3i Town I of direct contract,w4h the fac sallies to 1) Yvrbitl�n ,a 6d Mrs. Will Ind falli.- �Monday evenin, J ]I(,' locial, 1)93,s., days Only. littler- to ye T boys by a thus out tlie, ii-6ddleman's '"' , I , are visitin re � INien's Odd oia' week
� I I I 11 . d be livin -I n g ill Lucknow. feated the 1-larristot whic'll in for buy-' ftiwli� - r� d-' Ill seeill ye lv� Ly, 0. H a end it Ning's store, Tweeds, Worsteds sometoinies yc% too li�lSy i rs. :)Icirk ald 'of to, 0. �.r of Gray IDOL s ci's and Serges t half pric also had dded to his tin`AtftorrlObcel l0iSCIISQb LU. 1,4� 1 ll, . emils'Club Will Organize d riie.�, ' is Ili-, . I and Joll , nstone Bros., undel.- is speach The nnual Yriecting of the \A/illg- ill ivi d a ti o u At of the"Alirighim haw� Xlethodist church will be held on Bowters held, bil Monday it Friday evening of Ulis'NVeQ1 conti-act6d with Merk- rairl, slio� holidc t lie
house tald paper tb look Lticloiow all I Church- `W I riallillio Li's ly clecilled to IQase half ig�td nell' 'at i of Wro�T6r, X1 r. A. M. Crwford 'is no , doubt Q Nyalls and puttin. oil � ri M. r s. � F -l.�,rubbii 11tiaill of grounds., to sLock o'f Radio Phones which it is his Fm hare.,of the biastrics,s. sl I floors wilh Win", N -11 LI 7 intentfon to's'ell to the public 7illg Oil 17 stritchia c%lirtains �m �litirrih last which purposes orgaill da,v Alintial Whell in, need of Counter e iup gil Ily (gittin settled as Ch /kngus of the i3owl&s will be held orne.11iqht ur-EVER With h i s Books, see- out- Leve y YBODYS COLUMN they call it),,, I Pat ill so " ' ' ill�l and, rs. 1president'- IT order at The tbirlie, clanin Ill) the yard, ll plant;, Advance Office., ATTENTION MEN—yoo, Ibrpritty F-kriners Attenti6iij', e1: r C ff f N G 'M V i it g purchased ',III shinall biziriess afther thrcv i s s lig M 611's, Suits on saleJor 3 !!nm I'ar ill few days ana, '�VlYs, Jas. X1 c- have Rennies high grade secd aild yet' aj��to-dat6 ditching; nlachine,, We hundred acr�s av larld, f.rbye Itevin the leadirg`varidli6s White Cal), days,only t half price.—Kiliff Blos: ii tile �S to ate n;3,C 1", i c Stratford, do first jn�Ies pos"tioll to uc c nd'daric I e tio v ed. is :Leanlirig GolaellL Glol�,, Bailey -,Ind The d best � hr 'a I for- you. Ful-.fier particula��s Av coorsed didnt,�oipe to town fo Teddy Murell of St. 'l.'hoiuzs last an s or drop its tOilTIC th'at way so IvIry. 18colisin - NO n qg of pcndirlg� a short -with his 71, at of the easol 6 Friday everili C had by.phone Igo On. all go an d OtIld ill towri All leading, 'varieties of lAangle alid this weekjn the,Win�harri�A Misliteil Brilinall's mill puttirl Lul-nip Seed als 9 Whitechurch, watch Aiiniel Davidson has givell 1,11) o Five Roses an( house kce,pel are preserving Bfah and Shorts Chicks Y, ss :is ofir "kODAK, DEPARTMENT" contains af,i ':tVdj7 apreser ep�6 tie 41 o it '61 i N. I5 ill, n. gra ikilatea shtrates, .1 hevil't her situation with the',,LlAcknoev liable eggs no�v. Lyman's Water Gla O lzinds., Thl lving to ill e old i-eiiab)e best- of l) egg vative Sold v Ili health. 15. had the pleasure afill Mishter� Co. 0 ced House, J. Ilk, Prop� thin 1VI t at the,amateur hotographer iileeds,and our price� are�, White'- Ore. S 0 ailld a 'h d' onae instance,E� niore, S rsoll P, r. onl�. t Mitch6l's Drug SL R AILE QIT 0- Brintian.yit, but wid,the name lie h br I French May Have Lacrosse, Tea as reasonable its you cari�get n7w ere, an s in Mr. A. M. Crawford is greatly SO,
asy tei,ins. Apply he is,, nayther, Gernian churchi spent the week�end with -XI ra�p is, cas oi I7.' Lockman, bu�'lliusllt �corne 'fr6ITl the ould sod �toll.�. ep6r,ted last we that:, Wi,lig- proviu�g his already beautiful 'ga age and -sharn John, CA' oro,.'�2.00 M rs.. Gel meras 61 rojuces so -p n. lig of lanny good Illi haril 'wou'14,ho'C have a by- the planting of shrubs, George Wylie _\londity left on, T bound v�oot io, of the passi a ng hotirs,which a "Xodak" ell bles you to do. Shure, tile, i6v�ri be aftlier. g6ttin ec use of their being s seed and arranging of f I
Wilighant where he. ill, ,Ila� this season ..,b a 0 grR$ lower' Fm 'You will always� regret it if'you neglect to keep a asting,r Cor roupe for w I a edul e ,v6th Du I r. Imp fo�-well; tano-nial gany a good Job_done whin a mn 'wid a Il-gh- School—Gorrie Vidette: I I . -d 'double �ch - -beds. �IU111:6' that has the conthract: 1 harl, but, we, that they The subjects at the Baptist church Sr aV OL eerLr ove btttner� wood stove, Ali, the way thirn lad his, wurr-uk, Chas. Bondi wh' has', b tL liot air liipe.. Apply Lo ill at the Wingliara General. have recehred,word'of,a grou,ping,with next Sunday morning and '6vening re-� 110"%V �arr a Kincardine, Southampton; and Owen spectively are "Four Great S ra y� Dr..Parker, Centre�SL, tis IOil 11 1_4O_'PJt'alf is progressing fdvo bl D�ug, S barn raisin awl' the, toime. Ivirybody SULl"d- and there is a Iikelihood-iliat De§t6iation and "Tile Parable of the = McKibbon s tort'," the illShpect s it Oil th jtInlp ikCif)i b Thos: Lutto 'of London, Spen they,will have a ieam in tlic'.'rullilling Lost Coin." paren s If hi t fter- all'� The.R�' 11',Dr EGGS AND MILK lFOR -lit at, -,I f e -w days 9ttlic,home 0 E8H sa xa ApPly to r at The Advance ()'ffi'e J, Wingham, 0 IJ. E. toakley, atues, to bL� plinty av, Mr. and Lilt ton,: Plea s ani, r. Wi Naylor'of Lucknow, is IN I pleasapt,calle C F0 Catherine St. S uck.B Automobile R�berisii y _'VL r. VV. ,freqnently. Mr. Naylor now owns the me -pay or rise to Slug of the God6 i6b Si,-nl' was in. town Ford garage t Lucknow -and reports b ndv B IOn Frida� evening all auto driven I I lull lis 11*1 (milli. about Higfilai�d "'egIment wl fOOr on Tuesday and The Advance a R SALE "Seed Buckwheat' Sil-' id Ely Miss - Campbell, sister. of Superin-
StrU61C BoZd. verhill it 1$1�25 busliel; Ap�ly to foightin min all foivc all call.'' tendet- Herb Campbell, business gopd. Colgate, the iittle'son 6 f W. G. C -61 The beautiful home: of the: late Mal- & TM Ifas. Vietfeffield, who. At -it, e D.� :J,eecroi tAn,,.besbide�'the, town spqnt�,the�. t;at '�, knocki"h Th Pritchard r-upL- They'�e 04- il Itar awlways forty, e :5':�,On 614. .,: 'k 3, �Virl gli n e g hini down On the pave- R to Of f colin MeTaggart 'at Clinton has been q -winter at, t1te home of fier soni,� James C i, '16, V6-lurlteerS front of R. &'McGe6's store offered to the executive of the iClin- ieard tiii'min Went in' The Pritchard Cup is on,display in �J00 in at I'611 returned to herihome, C amunity Hospiital-,�Ls a gift,in jW, , JVJ ; -"7' in, Toronto, has, 'in .�L� I about five o'clock. The'lilitle'lad:w,as ton-- oil W. J. Greer's shoe stor wind e llesdaYi, 24tll Ba' It a iernbon- 6xplailmn� how e S, Apply -to 'Lower Winglialil. nbLttlier i awb.. -, c u d be made the badly' frighten'ed and brui§.ed. '.Only memory of th amJohli Pritchard, M. P. of Hrrilston, io a. ni. Comedy nnon 6 41itmtes if �th - ad olc6 wv _-Mr.,land Dobbie and son, that iss Cairripbell was:driving slow- , Mr, Wee tee has purch s d t do cei v d only e a e he
nated. this � cup. to the Jumor series Motor -Cycle I t a f ew,,days in , Wingliant last ly the little laddie, inight have be n brick' -,store and residence- at present of the North Wellington Baseball, A Will e.pl�ie tell �Xlayor iEl- spen e 'L R SALE—A Baby dCi�-Jrciag�. AR- k arriving* boffie o IT. Saturday — killed. bccupliii-d by Mr. Fred Cartel-, from sociation,and it was theirefore foiward- Old W e S t no c a Tile,, A vat e "Office. ,.Jiott to,,t1ake' noti e� av e thim ould wee ingliani B�oy VV d y h &,: but if he wants anny, ad4 Kincardine Reportier. Hohn�s :& Holmes, barristers" of Tor- ed -to Mr. H. C. Gray, Donatic, s To. Rest Room treasurer of e to Ill e 'fel. I noticed L a S , n Many old acquaintances be Ok ' SAL—.Good blacf� driving voice, to rse�of Winghain, onto, formerly of Wingham. the��,N.W. B. A., This cup is the nil weddin�, �f ' ain IT ishes' t(5 prip for the -winners -of the itmor terested to learn of tile �rrlare sou;--d'in eve'ry"respecit'ailid fewtings that I ot, say, in annyting is clijoying'4 very pleasalit.visit with The Women s nstitute w at;`,Will be sold. re�qsohably�. Apply ab6tit,.at:�prisiiii.'.,I,'sliud loike to:be. her' daughter, Mrs. D� W. Rae'Wrli acknowledge, with thinks the follow- Among the 28 nurses, whib will re� Mr. George Sutton. of Day, y athe King-, series rded to : Stiatfqr, at �Wlker's'Furniture.Store, inshpQictor oil a jawb 16ike this; it eter—, ing he R:�st Room. Mrs ceive dip oformer Wingliarn doitation.to t lomas on Friaa and -was awa GoiLrie, Vidette W. , Stoll GeneAd Hbspitql�Graduation Ek- �his year, v,rholwon the Juni S res in the holy bonds of n 'It $y s. in. -120 c
Geo. Cettiksliank, 66; Mri I'll rIV YL Vingliain' retil' ' d5 -'me a the 'dayS whin "the Rev. G. R_ Bleamislit: oflBelle fle cin V please,dlhai'Mr. Chris New- D rcises is Miss Helen Wilson, daugh- in. i.9.2T. Ieans, $i�oo; A friend, 5o cents; Mrs. V �gS V"- , ., I I . f Iqc-1 R SALE�Baby oweits, Ir*6 curtain OleS; �MTS, Miss Sarah Helen Asli,worth, o
L d Hu' ' roll an � Bruce w6s bein man who has beenill at the Winliam B p h 'ter of Mr., Galvin Wilson, WliliglIant. *edded At, Exeter built,an.11rose'fratil the j)'Ositiol tori Mr. and Mrs. Slutton W11 r Setting I av R :Hospital s impkovifig' and: Wdl be Pattison, one curtain; Mrs-. Witiv Ifrom; go'od laying str i _ L' I I The regular ineeting'of the Huron 0 tamsfiter,to be tile' foorman -.over fifty ho'fn Jill d �ulet wedding was, solemnize t their in North- Bay. A y. or so. Chapt&r,, No. 89. 0, E. S., was held
SiEZ cl �dnib legbo`rn and single � IT, Ada�T, o3le.cu4hio'n;.Mrs.l;_ Thos. For y 'Graham arid- sister, I . tie in the noon n 'the Trivitt Mem- ni R6dsll,apply _in, I , ,III tie � 0111 ill bit'd a bye attlie Miss bes- one imshion; Mr. A. Walker,- o L O.- 0. F. roonis on Tuesday Saturday in t 0 foinie 'L So to slipake. If me f.Tind, ltMr. W, Ga'lla.her one cartairt: ell Still
s. MicKiiinon, Ja'rge', Sh :mir ces Xakiiij. His 33rdTrip to IF, evening,with I -large attendance, Re- orial Church, wh Miss' Fran
"P12 6 th., tow e 1:68.j. liottbl� was mayol av flic lay a1d SpQilt the da�- with their, fresliments were served after the'btsl_ Davis, eldest daughter of Mr. 'and ipole, ' to ask twoice Mrs. Daniel Davis, was married to Wilbert Wellivood �of town: to be appoin ter,Mrs. W. E. Xlaliood.' ness of -the evenin ted'to file place. You I- -WiU Advertise Winiliarn 9. E D UCTIONEER' El- e- Mr.� Isaac Stath,,E.ln of Wingham. only,Md;nday to resurne ilis-du.Lics as as1111111 Mrs� D.' K. Norman and -iss D. lie got nie the Jawb air M Special—A 75c jai- of Paradis Tal- and nsectibi- of agenciesi for. ioft Miller, Lcknow,Js,now icenI- At -a meeting f tile Board of ' the immediate,relaties were present� man a Trade - of Paradig beinreturnin wffice lasht'Decimb6r. McKenzie, who were viSiting in wi4_ cum. Free � with each box
6 and the ceremony was performed by Cook Bros' and, Allen Ltd,, 6f� T6r,� auciion�-_'r for the- counties oi" at ,rived h' ne,on ev � held,n Thursday evening last ' the 'Face Powder at $I.25, "io days only at st resu ts, I see th our TJ. F Q mi'ifiberg lia,in at 63 e -al, -17 !Foll Be 0 rdine Reporter, McKibbon's Drug Store IIT i�,iiit wid'the dippytation, ater of bifilding'wa discussed, but Rev. A. A. Trumper. After a -short to,,.manufa
of patronage., fra O -wing' to, the cost "of material 9 LaMec Solicit share Tit Hilto , honeymoon the happy couple will re- clotbin , known as "Ai
that illiprovQn-Tents to Godc;. Eddie Hawkins and little, Phone'7o� Lucknow. Very little progrdss wil be made along Mr: W. C. Lepard will- move, into side in Wingliam. Wellwood will nialze. his thirty-thir�l line this sealq'cn� e . r, rich'haTbOr all a lot av money shpint daughter, Hazel' left oil T the house jhst north o� the Farmers' business trip to the West in the nat Tile treasur The brtA6 is no stranger in '\Aring- M -age on Or NT -iot's to his dCJ)artUri2 110i JWTER—Re it., � 7is tl'� way'wid U. F. 0. mol f, bran' 6 11 , -where t 11 e'y,' A.' - G. Smith, reported a balance on H(511 -le, which lie will fiX up Mr- ham she having clerked in W. A future. Prelv
R CAR C id's Gat byes iviry toinie, t I reside for the surniner Pies it ilt restaurant for a time. Her ,placed Ltd, ti Ind S �O to all licy prache econ- -wi I Harry Browne who occu '6o, and it -was,�decidcd to Iervice Station is 6a hand Of $79- t of car� Ali : only, but nivir object'to hevin money -incArdinei has been a sinall amount of tills in ad love into the South end l,h Ile - Of .ale a ency,for Will"'ham and distr .tt6rnobile own'qg of X present will h many friends 'I"s r many years of the Farn ding, happy wedded life in the old town. --t Cloth 9" p_f Ol- d ,,tf e shpint in'theer 6N�,n'locality they- fink ers' Home bull where AT c ni ow be e cite, tile wo rth, of 11 �tayingjwith he't-,mfOtIIer,'1V1rs- W., J:, Vertising foi- new industrids in Ameti- l- ell nliebby it wnot hurt ihim allny vat. PattisoillI.,whorn we -are pleased t IT tile aisl i our po Icy is to Chairs had to be used i cured. ce 'i )' I 0 can periodicals... es -Choral Concert A Sudcless itat un. I b tl c I %t- 0licJzsII 61ave if wild state, is reatly"i.ruprovbd it'healtli. alt A& Wingfiant 'Miethodist Church Oil be a ood nio�e_ to improve Godei:ich iffission possible cost. "N'O matter Nressrs. W. T. , Booth ;iad Abner "'tand Hod-Cotert, Sunday �vening. The. occasion was Mr. J. H. Christie arid his large fi-rke oil triodel'of.' but. iiiQbb3,' hundred other CO.S, Those themselves of the Epworth Lie and choir are to,be congratulated on the cat- you. drive _Ijs� e, gue anniverSar Iniotol-ed t7 WateOoo thil' 0 s �Urc ave it'nispec ect -tiger, soloist of Toronto, was success of their concert oil, Mond o' ay Ch' regula,i` interv, plabqsAn-C ,In, a15 ut just�as the privileg-'e to attend. the Atifssfoll- 'Mrs. Grai to' ttend tlie�4aultival neeltin,� M good;casQs an we Ildvii't'the mon 't kn6`w it is ecollon_l�, to [lisurance Band concert itr St. Andrews, pregbY- assisting with the service of song. night. �The. auditorittill of fh'e' Metho- 'y " tile, General Agents' I ife 'tre -isint, -ood conditio afir8!- 'indica- ast dist church was well flIlled and-t1illase. Rev. C. E. Cragg, B. D"':PaStor17, s ip, t pi BesoideS tile �.Grit xiday everl I -I Smith,, who is in his Associatiori. terian Chuch bn T Mr. Hiran Ibf,trouble. Bri G.6vel' isn�t Ioik6ly t6` sihpin'd car, to its. -at sica-1 e enjoyed rare inusical r Is. compfeted the p enjoyed a, i e treat. The litu who cain 83 d' lanting PO:rt. Elegin S,''consisting 'of duets by Misses year fial treat. The selectiolis by the ch6ir.,As' Mrs. folitt, Pattison of niuch.m6ne' in -,I- Colinty thatsint. 67V6 solo of'his bi-vegetable garden. Weeds W will inspeJ Your tof TJ.1L 11'. lo, Y t the 13ast',weck in' town. wi,'th her Itli 'to parliamint, deating" Spen J , ' well as the solos by Mrs. Graill-er'and e, and inake Lill in, a MacLen and'. Currie, Misses Robert- that dire to pop tip their heads in this SUNDAY, MAY -�#h,;',1'929, ar� d, Porter. A ,illill loike Tani McMillan an Billi rentsi, M�. and, Mrs� Ri6har ,iflen were of a high order. itson, and Rintoil, solo by Jack Carr, garden -must 0 the way of all their Miss MaM just s� good mill li just as ry 'L T\�rs. Griliger assisted with the ser� F re sor"' to say Mr.. Porter solicitcdl Yours Iffitchell. and others; reading by predecessors before they ar all inch goo g, the,. best of helth�, Aligns, McKay, follo�,"red by a debate, high. vices on Sunday and appeared in the as. ayflier,jawn' King 'lot crijoYil r 'Will, C Reid 'iIIV Black all fellalis who wild &r 'and Tvfrs� Harry Woods,have Ved hit "Asiatic Ifiam!"g-ration Wing�ham. church on a couple of otlier Special 11othe s' Day rr L - I is a imittee of the Women's In- t St. lev 'A�wfways hev voted slifrate .'Grit, returned to their, IIoJne in -i�rinisby, 7X,Iment,to Canada". The affirma- A con Dii Jbsepliine Ind Scofl occasions within the-pgst six months, hold thei: uchre and sn't the way, wid polljrtishuns to, 'after,sendl the past few weeks with five was taken by Messrs. n stitute' will and we believe she would be just'as. ii. a. orship" OI,Ict—xil accounts owing fo. the blinlies, all further t I hall that.', areri Mr. and Mrs , . T. Little and that of ,the negative by Dance in the Winghaln Arniourilies- much appreciated if she were to return: X , Jobb, , "Mother%; Place in the World's, rbor Jawb all ,ter re iad,to be able to.-.rep6rt that zu��son arid D. Perrie. 'The on* Fniday evenitill ATy 12th, turn in -another month. Miss MeMil-: i)itsiness. lately'criducted by�j6hg t was the �G6derich, H, We lMiss Willi'� I Thought". 6aSh L I.] file two Ford len, in very in �aibraith, nifts't �,b� �.,qettied by:, 0 �Xeebing Hotel 'and 'tile, Sbteel they a,c both a y improved ** I ably - giv Mr. T, . Bennett sold Yhter of Rev. Mr. Me- 9r,e 11 -papers were eh is the datrg McArter C 'it hilb6d�dcfate 'the' health. ructiye. The'jttdlg�ls Dr. Irwill, Mr. Mille it &i 6n�6.r..befoil'e May,4.5'�b`.' Rail'. Schandal: th, St cars on one to John n, an Anglican clergy,m" in Ili-
vernitinit in re'r of greirsoll. The faraily live zie GQ 78. Z30 P. IT .—Sunday Sclool�, Sricc� Nit. A, L: Posliff decided of in Leth. TfCE,�TO AINTERS—Tp'riders Mrs. 'A. H; Wftt6rd of iviodse Jaw, GoNva� and Morris and John McIiity N'D otmR fell- the affirmativq. d -agg I ial program. A bouquet given io -is' with her" mother Mrs. ',C. to, give tile laurel to Winghain). Other new Fords going ge when Rev.: Mr. Ct ied ill,be received b3i the undersigned ()tta�;;� now, doiri't'l-irninlibet- abo I Tq� G�riffiLu, W110 has just !sided, a � pressing out withi the p;9st couple of weeks there, Her s�mg:i4ig is wonderful, her the old6,t a'd' i 0, ,,
'Cloc , k I" ut�tl at it the youngest Mother' i\1011day, retiri�ed front,' Dr. Perrier'pf( aliter �ill e 'United LVlay .29th; -6lickslitin, but they rado abblt, spending the wi th� address, The meeting was closed,by wefe'to'David Holmes, Peter., Fowler, there. Iftr singing- is_wonderful, and fo:� tile, p,ainting (if the bridke.on present. isn't, arnlyl?lody's fool The Vvestern. Climate cettai-. the,singing of,�he National Anthem. Jils. Porter,- Fred arid Harry she will be heartily received if she de- towr,�Ilip of - W 0 all IT_ E ast Wawa- whill: It'. coilyes. to pollytidkq all 'has SaDinieut; grit to ears to.agree with Mrs, , i,r - cides to return to Wingbam in the ',.liosh. The. to'wes L or any! not 'ta ly -,pp �Methodist District Meeting, 7-30 P. future, Sluse CAOLI ke the advoiceleav ford. . Mr. Wilford is aleSm 11 for, a (Continued on Page 6) "Wr cked Horn S,'La House nezessarily accepted.' We. The annual .,.meeting of Winghaill e le
bulaci n loike Misliter Fidding large produce. business, in the,, 8t After the catertainment. the ladies Ild, Clerk. Misbi rMei ]tell fakesl*tIle floor eld in the Methodist Porter.fic Dist�ict will be 11
e 9 idbas been traitsfeirred to Sskatoon of the church, treated the choir and ed, Whose'to 'i,,' ir ricardine, on Thursday nd MISSIONARY. FROM CHIN sin rs to luncheon in the basement. tie kin trim -the whole bunch av,thiru all,, nake his Church, Ki A- -1 NO FOR SAJ.E--LHeintzman & IT future I licad- �Fle Sort( e S J_,VOIPS only one in the choir- who did. S&C'al offering' for si for sale used Gri 'I er t Ile lthat city. , Many ' old ZI F, Friday, TMay i8th and iqth� Minster- not bel U. F, Cs' just fer'good' Tlishure, wi ial, Session begintiffig oil Thursday at tS"
lBox C. A( frierilds both here and, at My 11 ession. oil Friday ong to i� was Mrs."C. B. rmi Finine Fund. �NVrite to JiXf lV- I g.jo ii. rill., General S -age, who also assi:stear -h the Yours till 1, akb li '50 be pleased to lie I,- that hcJs doi t wit at io a. lit, Oh'Thursdy evening. at RS—Tenders'-,�ill be 1-6'ceiv- Tirriotliv Y' e I 1. cat part of Sunday's sey 8 o'llock a public meeting will be held- tile _d tiction of the ".Baird I. the church'; wheri. addresses will -be T� i I tip till .rait 2bth at one o'clock. Marks 86th Birthday The- First Radio Phone 8olivered by Rev, A.- A:' Rollnes of Dwest or any tcuder not necessart, Y, on tile OCCq,,zjon OF 11 r eighty- Ir. W. A. 'Galbraith's narne Nvill Wroxpter, VNb-wfoundIan& heqtle for ten.'per b -Ly -s. Catharine Young of gy 0 in "Lights arid Shadows, of' the contract;'ptice ii list ac� ILilt (Ile the first ""all ill Conference,. c by- t. was made tile �Vi 10 ivII I -ad10 felephorke. f our Eastern A� 0 wyli a I o fork lCompany ittic tenders , I ;tu s and o' recipient � 0 Se radio outfit�connccted tip E. Grdgg, B. D.,,lift of Lethbridge, speel Ic 'if' ations be at the of- as scvci a. oil Lhand Shdows-of Ou. w 'al -bouquets of beauti� already listefled, to cb Al:t, f t I e 0 Ilee till di, rs fill flowets'by her ni6lccs, who �nter- of tl_la WCS�er Woflt". PagrtorS n0jo k, ctures, etc., -ft-olli � everal Di$Cip� Paul 'Powell, -priSC party, I -Ong tes hera.Stlt : S�ho e'' s S7..h; f 1, m4ing United St, ed'l ! r , eati-eSLin many I( . line 170'and Y86, sec'. r6 Y, P S, Clerk, Twp -of Turnberry. inay Mrs, Yong,be spar MGaffirath tells. us that lie -,Ind S. S. S61iedtll6lo be sQ*eto' Kew Moved T6 Corner tore can. hor theili s. distinctly s though ID, Mc-Tavish, Rel.*. E d, Sec., All other ,and Matron, iN f in tile 1_00111, We be- §cheduleS to Rev, C, Wi D� Cos6n, -ourself mail, and' to charge o ch of Dom- *t�Will B. Statistical Sec�etM-YR, FuRod, IIleve that, I Call.and see for homes in Wing- Irwin, Chairman- F. E. Clysdale� Ril. I' ov6d ili,the Qtidens' re I, great many -Ind ihe'fatni in c,onpectiou. Hotel They ccitia: illion inly llave �befo Ch T- Seb. App tclitions wl0 paint on New, Styles N Lie t er.S persona Pl7efer- the best in Wiligharn; nd Lid to be made t, the undersi6ied, Ila changed tile eW a h Baseball Schedule Another Room At Public School t, , be Made, , at tile the fi-ollf"part of file store co,thei cus- Group No, 3 Of the'North Welling- Miss Thorne, t,�qachcr of the lapVointniell * to of tile County Council, toillarv. red which leeting. 111'Wirug ton Schedule hel4 Town in tile Winghadt flub-, e 6th, iz6s:this chain of stores, haim on Tuesday nigh teets oil , Tun t and,the follow- lic School Ind, the board Ioat g,scliedule was.artived at: are advertising f iother teachei. iNew Electric Sign in rdirc at Miss -Davey -will take tile primary 192_� a I id at 1: rav tiv( �411_ltoft May -ad A' tiea: sign has "been Our Prkes TheI Winghaul 1,00111 t -erected building, credit Iand . . . . . . IIt isswas kin �RNlG_CirtiZeiJS' hereby 4iT6 partly,, to � Mr. , David s ou are in nee 08"; ilow is the rt. It isr a tiri,boy their premises,' uue i—Luckliow at Teeswter (latg it, Ie. teachel UP ootlt, -Y nofified to clean shaped si fAicknow r Will be a Vitt' of k �,ards included,, before the �24 t I I lwith tile UlTonic erlibleiiis, the cort- title 501 .411aill, ill qtOne ne and the setoad a Wcll�k N The and' t1ric"key, Mrs, C, ood, of rved ill the sides hen lighted vvith une 5fb�--LttckrIow a[, KincardinQ be tat who Spent 'fifteen of her ]life in to b U iv arid pro8ec- title 16th Wirighal'Ill It Tceswaterk ding ITT a M issi6nary �Vork ill: Chifia, Who is ill tollr)Av. , an electric bulb it will bc`vQr� class'y war f hsp10 ills, title p 1, r now oule, oil furlough. O KiPmrdiud at Wilig,bail r6onl wi (.1 for the VQty' busy addliossIng over, active June 23 oSte t A ill b ter at Lucknow Ilei, sill, le )vi ino r of,, to, uppe lJune 26tfi-�Lickiio,iv at, Winglini. te,, ell d r u�at dine ha:',WJJ,J.'0U6HBY FARM AGENCY New,Band %Leader June 4th—, Fart agency in, y' couple Of will 1.) C 10�lcheld �Vith, V a I U es C;,I, r be Win6haw Citizens' Band have J f. er Died At Wingliati.-I ter ;i't' n.a a, it ullo In , County, 7 ellgagtd tile Services of Mr, Tolm �tb d '50 ;atires 711, (,_q .Orn Ing iam s66ol ale d Wilkes of Woodblridgc s bAndinastor. Ju Y 6th.�-rLucknoW (it at"t-l" -anid' ionisc, 6 14 -1,11 out- ill thc� Hospital, Oil Wifighat'll high! 11 Y, 7 c to ..... .... . taIaJJK Da ra teitnplaIto July 1: 7111 Jul Y I: 7 11c' di 11 0 hcall be_boug at ZL iti for their first lit it i's F 0 will be 411v to i 0 Will IFER t, full PrtictilArs to of the in th(� , , , atl 1 Q RIld in' tile c e oil to r II'UIY P241 ii c, N III