HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-05-04, Page 3' \\ T 11 u r daYx May 4th, 1922 t T.11E.-':.:Ii!,•1:,NPP;01:•'A..4:r1/41c.10:- • -• • te, • • • 111-4 • -l"to • DOES T}-USIP'110-VE THAt LAO y' DOPE i WINGHAY TOWN COUNCIL , '''""'"o'Hon'4!1°"'"'"!',1)04”(l'oosiAro.loP011t,uillo, 01$!Ii(!tics,fiVolwilow1.01,110011$104911.1101.010110q*ilioilotill.03110.01i01.41,4 . , • , , • , F'fi flOSE PFS'i (C.:011tirilled frat:-.11 pa4e) . • ' L - '114 4,41q644:14511134*"4:7.. 4%111.V17, I ' '44,Kilii4.44e'r • 'How to Deal Wt 4 Some Persis4 , tent Rose En.emies. emedy at flaw/ for 'Every Assail,. arit--/n Cold Weather Spray In ille Mornings -- eneiore,i Cows Need a G4n-al 'Grain getion. (Contrthuted by ont.ccrio Department or Agrleuttitre, Toronto.) SnraYing will water under pres- sure with a fine spray is a'6'13ed preVOlitiVO for tbs.: various pests that infect rose bushes This howevei, is often times not full effective, but Tobacco and Soap Solutions Effective. Stiong tobitcto or soap solutions applied in the sane way as stated for the water are good remedies. Three 14.! 311 .1121n , subject oC 'attack from Cotincilinen, Em Collector and sliort-sightedi-rattlitYe,rs, it is not an eitviablc position and J. wieli u brezile tilt; news gently that 1 am not v‘tatztiris tc1i office as 2d)ovo,. If out- town was governed 1?y• a coin- mission of three men, tileY ,Woold see filj ir ai 'r(P'4, 4, Atap•• P. : , The Chain Grocery SloVet3 0:01 Cagaila that snch changes took place. BM a.s long, as we stick' te this old fashioned = ROVernin,ent of, eight men and so illan ttsirlin.; to what they call the honor (show. me wher,e it comes,in) juSt so long will we continue to Itii-Ve eoni- p1j frorn ratepayers. , In the seven years that I have acted. — as .Assesseir the Assessntent lots in- creased two hundred and thirty tlioti$,- and dollars. •Tne rate seveit yearsago was 'thirty three "Jnills. ilbe. pop uht-ll tion, wite 2300. . • A review ot,the etatistiesitat present , slioves as follows:—.Land valuation' r W S Awaiting Opeittng of Galbraith's Si:Ore (Yulle" c7f witale °11-s°aP diss°1"4 ,a gallon of water will make a good This.'snap-Shot was taken, of the this stocic: informs Its' that th_tiattti crowd of toWn and. country ,pcople day sales were avstaY beyond his ex wholined up in font of. ,Galbraith's Pectalioes. /'were many real an hOur'befer'e opening,,time on snaps andmany pleased Eust °triers '..S:attleclay morning,' The Advance had are -Very much satis,ficd. Mr, Met- .,61ilargle of the adlyertisng'uunpdigit for chant, 'do you, wi./nt ,to have a similar this 'sale and scattered thOnsands of crowd' at, Your store ',F,O place' the , eon' sbeei: biJl± „inio. the - honfes., of goods on sale and give The Advance everyone for miles: ' This was it et 'your, inerehamile ormolu/cement. /\We ,..inerch.‘t: an early crckw,d but the sans will not merely, print, the for yoe eontinned all day long. and is but weIwill arrartge the it'ettis so .a't- continuing' daily. Mr: 3, ,NV, tractively' that /po/1-ile- will talce note of ,of' anna -8z Co., Ltd., who is selljjg them. • F A PARKER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICAN Osteopathy • Electricity All diseases treated, Office adjoining residence, Centre Street, next Anglican Chureh, (forni- rly.Dr. IVIacDona.ld's.) Phone 272. tne."7! 141,UN pital "it's hard to realize that , six , month ago 1 coui n walk across the floor and no_iir am sowell!" - have never •been. -very. stronibut.the ileat last Suilillier was too.nruelr:forflie., This andthe fact that my'haitbarid.Was out of work and I had to wcirl.'•al.y and nie-htto keep from starving,. left me a, physical' wreck. Luckily „my besband • was 'able to get a good j013, j When I bad teego to, ned., el tried eVer37t1iing 1- • could think of.to g,et strong, bnfreaCh • clay 1 -seemed to be getting weaker and / 'Weaker. 1 was•reduced to askeletori, corildil teator e.epI, had no strength left. and, .fin.,ally• WC113'Sp'Weak.tlap.'t 111 '1 51-3' g: to e.rosa the flOor ane lapsed,. [Was so ill and ' weak that . didn't care:Whether I, lived Qr ,died- eff I heard about. that marvellous , preParatiOn—Carn oil A friend of -thine, haktised if witltwonderful results and -,is i hart done so muck for her, 1 deciL.l ded th'try fi. Tite results were nothieg,. ess t ia n iuiraculous. In two weeks I ,was able to:get 'tip and 'kik about" the •lionsd. 111 y appetite. had ,returned.. ' was. actnally : hungry.. • • I could sleep .Wheit,E went 30. bed-, .soniething-1 had not been alSte t O'clo for 'Months, I'have . . , already taken six bottles,of Carnal and I. am still takine- it. I Weigh mare "to- day thati lever Weighed 'before. in my' life; "I steep like a child:- T,ain iiever 'tired and my. skin is as clear and eny cheeks -A rosy as g girl's.,eIblese the claye I -heard about Carnol ." Mrs. K.'" Toronto. Carnol , , is 'sold by yoofdruggis, t and if you can .censcientionsly say, after you have tried it, that it hasn't done ,you any good, return the empty bottle and. he will refund,yeieur methey- 3-122 •. „ . „ &Old bY,'", , j, ,Walton McKibben', A Grand- Feeling -• Can you, stay in bed, long these de- , lightful springmornings? You awake refreshed bvHici.pure, belmY ;air in the, 'early hours of :daylight, and the first thing you know you at-elistening intently to the cheery."'SQllgs of it seems myriads 'of robins on all side;' the increasing "clid-e-lel,'''‘of' the b,inck-. bird as he swells out hi$ .glossy, plum- age inthe morning •suu; the sw6el.' warble of a bright .feathered blue -bird; ,the "caw, caw,' cal:iv': • of. the' .noisy crows' in the 'distant bush; the .sweet cafol of the,meaciewlarke and now, you even arise ,a,nd gaze Upward at a flock .of Canada geese, honking-theirspring gtreetings, to you on :,their way t9 .their isiimmer ho"nie in "the far. north. And you smile to yOurself,"'VedauSe just :bubblinle over, wi th the Ow g hes of the .igy of Hering. ."Ain.'t- it ,a gran' arid glorious feelin'?" , -We All Got Theni• • • .„ , , , .The la cal HYdr 'Comm issi o g‘ci.t. shock ' las te eve.ek he Y r eeeiv ed. .thei-r ;first. 1.3th power:, bill ,:for -the year• ending_ 'October 31st. e921. It Would he'usela's"fer 't.0, try t0 plain'. What it. is 'for', and none of the,, Cominissioners' have a clear under- - , stepding what. it , is. for. 'Howe'ver every' p ali ty undeh .c on trac t,.gcts' their ulli,power bill, and the chargeS, cOthe tinder a' number /of hpactS, that is •Mite .actually ' figored in With each .month's power bill. This -bill amounts, .,$/e817ii3 and Lit-15'ra Cfita IY foie ten ineinth's Servide- •The,- actual ,power .bill for 'Pebroary was 4o6.85, and for. •March ,.$432.3o, .Figurrog up.."for 'the ten Months /the 1,1th bill if •spread over the. 'Monthly." accountse would' t,,otal •SI8t..2.`extra. ,lifewever. it is leahtied *that even. With this extra the 'system. 'IS paying' it's way in Teeswater,', but we need not look for any reduction. in. the'rateSfOr ,Soine time to come: - 'The CotrimisaiouerS on the Eugenia system are 'plannifig for a Convention to be' held. in Hanover, on the estit of MaY,,when questioes relating to each individual municipality will be taken up, and it is understood that some re-: soli-I:06ns' will bdedrawirvop ase.tegards the authority and:power of local cOM.: missions ,to deal with matters that at the present' tithe. they • appear to have no. say in whateirer.---',reew4ter News, • ...".."'"Iit "'....., 4,.. • .: • . •"Itir: .tA,;P•::• .,AI:i..,,.i.0'.:;"i:.,,• '..1..'t"e.)...„..i1. .'' 'l'.l....' ...: 0:Ii•.,,4.1. '''':''.;•." • ' . ., • ..•. gl•. - • -'$. -'1 "a 16• l . . .:„- •. :E_N-ilel. ft! We vvill give 20 -Records militia any C. -b. ett P nOgraipp the store. arliprairf's usic St4Ire I 4, -1141000 MtkomPOInw mann miwriliftlimiimwmpamoimmmummmi .,,,,...1.111132latet=tt4Seir solution for green aphids, red spider and Ihrip. A solution of tobacco water can be Made by placing to- bacco leaf stems or raw tobacco loaves in a pail, 1% or 2 pounds': 011 the pall with boiling soap suds, rover up, and alle-iv to cool. Strain and spray"' it 'on the, plants as -re- euired.„. , Another good fortenla is made by 'mixing one 'part slightly sour milk and two parts ot coal oil. These. must be /nixed (churned) together thor- , ' °uglily first, then add .20 Parte of water.and mi:c. thoroughly. 'Phis must bp used quickly, as it does not keep- , 'The following preparatiOns sold at large seed -stores' are also good. Sul- Plio-tobaecti soap_and'Illaele Leaf 40 g,00cl remedies. Thase are also sold at eame drug stores. Pull direc- tions for use, are given' on the. 'pack- age's: find it an inaprovenient to use: soapy ,water in Mixing Black • These remedies are for aphis, theip. altogether 140 widows; therb' are 2.3 L. and red spider mainly. .4, PO,`I'ATOES''- Specials '1 Choide Mae,hine Sliced FRY'S COCOA 1/‘Kelloggs Waxtitedojn Eii this week .40c ph:, „1 Break. BACON 33e' lb, j tin ......... . . . .. Flakes, pkgcs„. . . . -$234,780 $1,,110,3 ; 1,1C8S ASSEtS11101.1t; $00,000; :tricorn e. Tax, $32,000; Liabie 'far School Tax' only, $4.2,000;,' Liable ,for "Local .1.mprove- men t $271,000; Total. The -Real Gain or'Increase ever the'',...,11-4 enerat Tax..oE iast year is '$7o,0oo';`. assesSment., 171/0 total Population is TherelE were 22 1)it1'1aS 1111.10.13.g, year 1921 ; ohere 1 were 23 deaths during, year 1.92t; 1111131- .' 17" House Cleaning .5 STRING' I3ROOIVES Snec. PURE CANE STYGAR, 15 lbs. SI-11.RRIfi'F'S No. . . _ . , Ne- 4 l-10. 63e tor ,. Ammonia, 2 13alel)itt's Cleanser -0e PASTRY FLOUR -- PAT -A PAN, 24 lb, bag . . . . . . .... . --• .. ... ' .. 'Finest Car adiart CHEESE, Per Rinse, 2 pkg. SoapFlakes lb , _ . L cl y Soap, 7 cal -es Laundry Starch, 2,lbs Seedless Raisins, lb Cleaned Cuerant4, 11). ICirig Sugar, lb • Blue -,Rose Rice, 3:1.bs... Pearl Tapioca., 3 . . .. 11,1) ... .. sc Pot 13, arleYi ... . . . . .. 50e OUT Own TEA' ' 45e th, TSTillrles°drldesdH\)eVahltelalt,BoraP111:Psk-g-•."--112I95cc 155 ber of Persons between 5 and 21 years, = . • , • rec The Famous Red Packet Roman Meal, pkg,...„,_... .. __35e , 56'3`,..betiveen 5 and .16 Yeahs,, 427; be-' , ' tWOCti 21 and 6o„ yetths, ii25; there are r--- _ ' ' ' ' ...hr .1. dogs; there' are 707 na.mes on toe — / h — .. . iViAG 1 C B AK IN G I ,Choice RED SALMON I ''Straw_. or _Raspberry l Sherriff's _TELLY legislative roll, of Which sorne -8o, Ili . POWDER 34C lbtin tin ' sac JAM__,.., . .. . .75c No. 4 tin 1 I'''CIVt/DERS 3 pkg,,s 25c inales arc liable for Poll 'fax and 123 ' spinsters, Which to my way of think --r , ing should. pay poll tax. TIOW they luive 711, 13,t, the franchise. Deliorninatienal gensus Canada's Largest Retail Grocers. . and $376,800 ass'essment; ltitethodista; 66o, and $295,275 assessrugrit; Ault/C- ans, 6i2, and $272,525 assessmeet; Baptists, 115 ,and .$29550 assessment-, Salvation Army, 40 and $5,800.assess- ment; Roman Ca,tholic, 8e5eand $e)8,Soo assesgnient; Jews, 10 and 4,100 essess- ment; a, the balnce non sect iian This does not take into conSider- ation ahy joint stock companies, rail- ways, etc, and is nearlY Correct as possible. , There are 86 widows, owners of , operty, there are 3r widows tenants, Pealing With the„.Slug." • Another pestthat infests rose -bettalicia is what" is 'known as the' roes slug, a slimy green caterpillar, about . one irrch long, that eats tbe leaves : and also eats into the flower. 1 -Dust- ing tia-e-- brIshes, when' the leaves- are damp (not too wet) 'with dry helle- bore from an old baking powder' tin havilik-a perforated lid, will .help- to keep. do-wn those pests; or , an ounce bf hellebore 'powder may be mixed with 112 gallonof water and sprayed „on the plants. ' These are all -very. effective remedies 'for pests on- rose bu:51/es. Care. 'must be taken, •tie -we- ever, not only to be particuttar in mixing Lhe ingre,dients, but. also to aPnlY thoroughly to, till- parts cit -the mbre especially -to. the Under side of the leaves for the Wrhite thrip and .red --spider, and start early In ; the season"- before- the pests •appear. Prevention is better than cure. When to Spiliele. In applying any of thesesolutions, any egraying .1leeessary ' in chilly Weather.should be done in the morn- ing. During -the "eery -hat' weather; -spraying may be done in tbe evening:, If spraying is clone in chilly weather it' tridneee, tnildew... The 'remedy. fol downy or -powdery mildatiVis to dust the plants:with flowers:of sulphur or spray with a soluticin made by Mix- ing one ounce of potassium sulPhido in three gVlons ofwater: An appli-, cation of any, ,of tbese remedies shoold be macle..every Week of ten days from early in the season until the 'end of Stunmer. The potassium sulphide is Mee' a goad remedy- for "glaele Snot,". another fungus dis- ease that attacks the leaves of rose bushes. dead or diseased -leaves caused by black spt . or mildew .sbool,ii. be ,gathered , up aril_ burned. —TlIg late Wm. }nut, 0. isel.0011ege, Guelph.' Generous Cows 'Need Gotta ',Grain Ration. , With the pasturing season at an , end, every owner " of dairy cows should begin to plan his winter feed- ing. Cows ofteu stiffer mora for lack --of teed betweek the time est -hen the pasture is good and the time when •winter feeding in earnest begIns,than 'they tio after winter is:melte:eat band. 'Every experienced feeder has learn- ed that, itis easy 'to' let cows decline in milk as,a result of -Poor feed,.but very -10.1'4 to bring them hack. A good production for the year is pos- sible only when the cow is kept at a high level of milk production. all - the time. ' ....The foundation 01 .all good dairy F. only widows; there are:56',spinste,rs,. oveners,..9 _Spinsters, ,- tenaitts. and 129 spinsters, L. F. only; oyer 6o; there are 6, alto.getber 194 spinStersi Thete are 53 joint owners of residential prapeity there are,:.5.441 dwellino's and 32 apare- ,ents;• there are rot who have reached the alloted span, three score and: ten 'and over as follows.: over too years; 3 betWeen go and 9.5'.; '24 between 85 and 90; 1. f, betWe.01148o and 85; 23, be; •.tween 75 and 8o; 48 betWeen 7o and -175, total tot people: ' • • - . ' ..- - Befcite concluding I Wish to say through the, courtesy of J., A. McLean,: 'I 'was _handed a list of, all men living in the. Villages' of Winghatn;.J3lnevile, Zetland, and: the township' of Tian- beyry, who Were of the age of 3.8 -and 66 year's and who Were„liable for tnili- tary`servite iit the year /873, a total of 652 names, I find out of all that list of 49 years ago 27 are living. in Wing - ham vicinity or .otvri property.- R A. Graham,' Peter McLaren, Wns. Hom- uth, Richard .Porter,.: John Dayidson, Elijah Higgins, F. H. Roderus, And- rew _Murray, Wm. Clendenning, Sam - gel' Burehill,-A. EL 'Musgsrove; Gilbert, 'Forgie, Lawrence Fyfe; John Little_, Henry Goclkin, Robert Hogg, Thoinas Carruthers', Henry, Davis, Thomas L. jobb, Charles Elliott, James 'Haugh, WM. lvfarrity, John Cooper, A/V-ro. 'Powell; Andrew Gray, Robert Mus- grove and 3. Lamonby. , • ' The .Western '.Foundry was krafftea a' fixed' assessment' ten years ago of $24,cio6... The Aro ,Cushion Tire c0., I eaaed. a -couple of ,t he' Fotindry buildt ings three, yeays ago and Were grant- ed a:fiXed aSsessinent of 15,600, ‘,vhile the' I...foundry:1 aeeesSment has not 'been lowered accOrdrugli. Mr. /1Vfe-. Lam' thought this an initigtiee to. the WeStern Foundry Co. and 'he said that 'at' the present tithe he would -not vahm .the Foundry property, at more than Sti,ogO. Most,. of the , councillors agreed with,the assessor and the Mat- . , ter of adjustment was' left with the fitianee cbtrimittee. Mayor. , Elliott , ecituplirteented the assessor on the, splendid .report which he had present- ed to the 'council and on the.valliable informatioti it .contained. t: " • , At the last 'meeting. of the council it \WAS_ 'decided. to have the- Court of ReVieion Comprised ciPthe entire coun- cil but 'it was found that the, IEVAV called' for' five) .members, it "was ' therefore Moyeel by , geuncillors, Greer and Thompson .thaf the formr Motion' be • reScilided and that the.:court of /ReviseeLe. ,ion be composed of Mayor •ElliOtte • Reeve Tipling, Cotincill'ors '13ennett, • 1. ,Lloyd,:, and Haney: ,An amendment by Councillor 13ennett and Reeve:Tip-. .ling that. the court be composed of the Mayor and Councillors 'Greer, Lloyd, Hatte3r and Fothergill4as lost:: rationn is a aucieulent feed, either ' • ' silage 'Or roots, and ,a legtima'bay, ' wbich. meana, clover or alfalfa, .inst •Stole Livery Outfit ' . •• as Soon as. the.'gra"Se :begins to grP f,.]:, rm. A/duty:re avd ttbant 20 and . and, hay ehopld begin. It never pay,,s : Rhdrt tlI•eref°rek' the feedhl. of silage 'Ildtc4ibceilcllas' paf,t,iirtidian,.. hired a black to serinan/.0ii,,roughage.. Let 'the Caws tlilee 'cittch `-li.e.ril.!,.u.,',.t„-1:11T,,a !.?,11,gg'y 11.-"P'in have as In"h as theY 11111 'eall. 119' illriles,i'rdc-i 'then-Co'r/tet—fftir3r,:-bli‘trivne/strtitadieeT /cleanall' the time. That is what a cow is:for—eto, eon:Vert' rotighage MO . ,A good graih mixture shOuld con- tain at least' three different feeds, onee"ett which is rather high in :pro-. tent. A. good ,grain mixture, for cows of,meditiM production is, ground core 115 PRUNES, 2, Ths. BUTTER AND EGOS TAKEN Wht mid., assessment. :Presbyterian's, ,81p, ,LARGE MEATY D POT SHORT BREA Cleanliness, 'Service, 16 ounces to lb. , . , 111E1111E111 Ill,ieltlEIIIEllialiti1111111111112111vii111/1111111111 111,1-illl'i"fliT111F2111511111111III,,111 III 1,110111E111E1i! . , , , „ , , , . „ 111 The Future of Radiophones (London Advertiser.) Radiophone's are not only a grea entertainment, init they will graduail conic into general use in 'the role of great aid to national growth. Th Advertiser will aid in the clevelopmen of national growth by operating per manetitly this latest improvement o the. invention. . You•WOUId like to • hear Lloy( George and the leaders of other grea world powers discus-ing world ques tion e that effect you at Genoa. Yoi may not be able to hear him to -mor row or the next day, but.'give' m. hi and. the invention time, and you wil ultimately hear him. When Hon. W. L. Mae.kenete King Canada's premier, speaks in the House of Commons, yon be able to el I the messages that distant operators are Wha.t Advertising Does •I sending in a foreign tongue, I . Radio will soon become one of the t greatest forees-binding the world and yet im l"6iis wipee:pre closer toget. her. Radio - a phones will- make the earth much -1 BELMORE f , The Wornen's Institute will meet at 'the home of Mrs. John Gowdy, on 1 Sateirday afternoon, May 6th, at 2.30 t p. in. All ladies are invited. - • ,BORN 7 MeNevin—In Wingham, on 'Tuesday, May 2nd., to Mr. and ire. -MeNevin, a son. Cove—In WInghani, on Tuesday, May , end.,"do Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Cove, a son, - t youi- oWn home and hear lalin by radio in the very near future. • • Dwellers ie the more sparsely point lated- districts of Canada will be able to get in touch with the outside world whenever they choose. • ,Parrn ers will he able to get-eareful of city life while they sit comfortably before the h .hearttrth i ;eir own farm m hoe The radiophone will make all this pb.s., sible.' • Experts predict that the" radiophene will serve to make the F,nelish Ian - gulag& universal. The great e.,:t arnomit of news and entertainment riding through the air will be hi the Anglo- Saxon tongue. Other nations- will have•to learn the- English language to get the greatest benefit out of .the se-rvice. It will also he of advantage to Eng- lish speaking people to learn other languages, and, So be able to catch BUMATISM NEURITIS T R C 95 SCIATICA e 6 If we could show you the actual proofs, results attained in thousands of eases Suffering from these dread diseases,, letters from people; from their friends and relatives, it would convince you that, if you suffer from Rheumatism, &e. T.R.C.'s (Templeton's Rheumatic Cap - ‘soles) will make your recovery suee. T.R.C.'s attack direct the cause of the pain, eliminate the poisons from Ow system that are making the trouble, reduce the inflammation and the result • le blessed relief from suffering. -Sold by druggists $1.00 per bo,, Free trial write Templeton', ToroOto. - returning home,/ came on 'through 'to Walkerton, where he traded the steed, which was one of the Blyth hea,risc teara, and which was valued at $T5or td Joe Chesney for' au 'old .skate -that is said to have been sold Oh a couple of oceq,SiOnS for ,$2':60!: • PlItting ihe • Walkerton. nag. into the fancy .rubber - or barley fops, Parts, ,onts:er bran ,tivo ttre,d buggy, he drove to the home of parta; linseed meal ono part, ' Cale, a Local' gs,ri5sy Vhegrain beeU!-'11°1,114 vary with dealer; and disposed els the entire '0.0,1 'the, milk produced. The cow that '18. . $5,00. High Constable -Whit e - Milking healillY is the one: to sides of Hensall, into wthotie heeds. the • ,.th0 liberal grain allowance,' Arlgood', matter was placed, _traced the inean- rule to follow with, reference to derings of the tliief to Walkerton, and ,ainotint" of, feed., is to give one /00111,1,t6 with the. assistance of Chief Fehenson grain of to each three poundsMin :Or:. here, succee,cled in. locating ,0.11d recov- • produced hy':.a Gnernsey or,el-ereeY, 'ming the stelen goads. "IV- thse trans - 'and one Peund of grain to each' throe action Chesney, is ont of "the feed of ' anti oneLlittlf pounds Of thillt,'•by 'Holstein. • 16 -t anci.4...7;ii. two (1.48,;•„onty,., • i\l'atitie0 ,Sa'1!"tit'(.1L'Iy • • •• 740 • • • • • ' tlU ';41#41 ttliioktt.i14;1t14444114,41111.01 • ;‘, , . . , . , . . . ,, .Oultitra.te, . tkie, soil itt the earileSt Possible 'ditto at WhIelt the landls ln ' ptoper ecinclitioir; .' ' , A 5u\4 55915 iv -litter of 18;,,' ellaS,e'il, by. Mat eilititt)i.it , & Sens, And- ev,6#,',,,I.,.1n.gi,a4d, .°J.I. (..)e:tober 8,, :101,9, 111191',sii.d0.'''',12.44 14.,tterS Of ',Ltt, 18, 1 a,' 'abtl,.'1,111...n1/4,fitti,”5„ a t.01:4• or, 77. lis2.'0 ll,l'i':i/ //t /* 01/'' l'illl'•'/,-i)l/i,..;•:i0.11lA. .; . tt.t/0•110/4",;.,/!.04','A//,///,'-''' ,, ,,, ,,t1. ' .', ;,..,•::.,,/,/4iiii, ' .195 5 :44111;14AP,.• jllil' tite hoese lot several days a,s \veil 51, a now set of shoes, witi(tIt 9111. ,011 set,eed, while tlie gypsy tt4 out 1.t16. $2 specillien Of librse floAl C/,-h,:suev leihning of the eroOlceci rnitittier :Melitt,yhe liacl Cottle ftito j)05,. n of it. T.110. Mrl1e,'.1.al40nt5 or .1\10111.1:$'),'`6; itt :4'01 41 ' ,„1,1si5,,tielitte have 1142e1 1 ' 0411 1 jf Imairall1106111•01111F Commenting on the failure or business enterprises in the, Unite& ' Sta,tesclast vear. 0..C. Perkins, Sales:, Manager of the Seller Kitchen. Cab- inet' Company of Elwood, Indianae said to members of the Harniltou Club last week that those were largely , attributable to the fact that the peat , directing such 'concerns' did not ap- preciate the value of advertising. Mr_ •, Perkins said that, despite .adverse con- ditions. last year, , the company, he identified withenjoyed one of its mOse. ' prosperous periods. He emphasizede however, that such. prospeeity VAttaS Se- cured. mainly through extensive ed- , veitising to 'produce' results, and it- / gets the business. But we 'also feel' that tbe best advertisifig,ifalls,'short its 01:met/ye unless it is fully support-- • ed by good ealesrrnanship. 'We ,adver- tise nationally, but we suppaet it 1-1,5 advertising carnpaigns in local news-- papers, courses of instruction te retz:11. clerks, etc. --Walkerton Telescope_ ' etttittit.,14`...tPtIttAptito..1` rt• P1.101.10S 106, 224, WALKER' Fu eral 3 'rectors 11 rad Motor Hearse or Horse,Equipment Winota (Intario ttlPtItI,Aft.lt ,7001044' l4011tSlttJ 1454444554041,1tt5150 rly istre,! rirniti t:4 11 e Fort- % APRS'S.) CAVt. t or 1.0CLE;,,,w, „ ' '1400TtNAsi 1401,1St: 125$1-0001-1UION' 5AY PT lis.11/t gmEK% Pt , I.AVE WINDERMERE, "filitoitt to the touritt region ,about Zalpo Windermere innithern British will food retiMdet tbete 0, early day's, Ithe EndsOn't Bay Cortipan'y, hi:building a .repliety of their furat Pl.OntittOtiti regi oil, • It \Nine kuove ,.pre .4`gooteegy nouso'.'„,fieszt• web-, hilt ...by, the intrepid, 'astrotibMer ex..; • ,I.Ottsit, David Thonanson, in 180,6 on „ .„ &to ammo of, lovety Lake Windermere. ThO,:t„,0,,ort,„. a pupil at. Vile yoat Nenool ,LOnd(M., WaS released to the p:odsoti. bay' Ootimaitly for the of ilve oitridq eterintg The ' eetapany Sent itti•to Canada where . 'Was' outfitted , told sent tip, the Alii6tett BilVer With al paity.., 'Ili '1796 heVith three COMpaniona, two Of theft thade thdr *as, oedi ili'0.-1107. 1. -alio Athaki.see,• .01) . .tititiire. to 'Writ Vott he, was in.: 4014$4 ,that the eimomiy. Wettld Make. tii4liketto coloyatials 41:01, tha,t,110 WaS job'. ,,,..110„did tot allow' ;this to r yith .11f 0.1T , mediately Ninth tent Indians for Grand Portage where Iso obtained an appoint - merit as 'astronomer for the North West Company, wkose hpalcinezrterE,, Were at that peInt. As astronoratt he visited the tom. pally% 'aliens Iiests and While int the Lake-of-the-Woode region. in.114td:-. tel4t4 :located the toaree Of the River,' Many Years were "Vent555 surveyittg the western wilds, ixetreiling by, dog' team and earme. The tinter of ..1807-05 ..wa,,s spent at Kootenay HonSe 'with his lam- ily," as )ns Indian wife ion children wore' termed, Io October, 1810 bo set ont to, tra00 the Columbia River Tkont itS Spelt -fie f.rt) 155 M.01.1.03. and W3V.1 1010 fitSt VW:1,0 '1,0 do this, airIV- ing at what it now Ast,Oria, OregOO, SO Jtily., 1811. 1he .Ac despite great,"polis,.; Thanp so55 died at tho ,00r. And tp.5Tvoreej01e41 A!' Vhfeterifk.Ot niiced its debts 4'P 'Illit5b1ioit htttl . - WILIX 6:64/415,tUk ,A101443 rtlE 11-10NIP%/0(4 sixtoell Years og worklor the CiCAP*74.,,' anymake him one ofi'fle ab:10 10011 of 1,150,4 prosistd. The new 'post asrill be ran. exact Iteration of the into TltompSon and is in, the •natIpetr 'Memorial. to the 1.5151245 nian the trtighty Thoinpsou panted, Tito fort, will add' 0,4 attl,aelion to this )optila,r 1' vrtixolt 05441 ruigtit1 1,11r1,11 'Wonders such as Toby' Cg/lini$L . Norse Thief Glacier, and Lliatif �,, Cl/rattiottS., 5115945 '54r';1145l rand 14,11co 1/0111:40 11411;441c1 .4 t4ptO)/fy, ,towly‘ f144.#0 et0,31.501.#1. lsi14tii5 onllljb ;,.