The Wingham Advance, 1922-05-04, Page 2�M
,7 7:
*4 All -
P, 77
lip youi, �,l Pds
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P 4 11"A .W �4011 I Wow pIr'010,AX4
voW�-;Wfo' &Pp vit4 r��oji no
4e, iviv is� as �A, 06��Opovw
regpla;tvs: t% qi,
Wag the �"I)rlcvia;tlolti 'ftoxfi�otes, Vie
�,xa-i6xl pf -P94o fcrMe4ii. ii
a ni,�,ked� P ay N Favotia-a AM (iA i, io -it i the'Ue,; oll equali
_iy v� i
A— In the sArnt b ltve(l a, wiwiv valp il,, or A43,
e ne'l: n 'r
he'r `41abd �11ite �safe�l atlif
C%�,nt' dO evfn, ibotig%.. lo asrMr00 tp4rentir 4e4( �3:�Te enp. I t, the��;-. 'To-, -b in ithIei Its 4
hl� lo�
'W. -hot au, y�ju te to !00 T A e 'm
1W 4,,arp,5ag ,�orari- hg hjh� f�ga, at onre*" orle Oillfl just as mutih 'as tbe -otlher, r n, he inofX i bl, �,,o
A: Aulob
0 "I"Pdolivered lifv� Also 1.1ad a hard, st u It-,.
7� mustL
V -z A to ilake !er 4 rlifDre,
flrkishe'd]�, 111:e up tvv '0 wliofxl.,wero�
`!dl�! �ill'i4 ;,'VA40,10. 61kra qlzii�tly, axl;d, that t'bey hzve,ne r m4de w�y c4ildr,eR V-05-ir
3 ior 4t -M'alW
, M44,10 wilh, ;ell wgs, bln ael g, and it iAdi�id_
01' 1XI �r Fw,;p1ciotiAi; about z� I It i '%Iid if, I reftipe?" irit ibe trta=1,12ent of tbeir_ of graat -agisIstanco to their partilta, rivan, 91. i-wonian, W
-ad , !N aLo �;i
vorry , e. I "I 'bust
rc ';J)QWt y ilw
04y., buCi3ro lip I5:flitfarm z Z11, else =411age, ,
all -1,00t you and By bard, worj� and, ca*efu
ebildren" -ye't they 4_,ci s I- C� C
, fi�at 9the
be away for.a fvIii,' J-a;,,S_B1 !,rart," .,r -6 An. the
'y ;iilrre �pellod bfi, x0r4gi
JgION pt� ofC the �ebts'j iPOJ
pa:nent ve
WOO? hie loo. 1, ere, _7 certaa
-1 ' gd!" oxcliiiwed Denni&' 4 a v, e 'jbaeli ulost izixlf�air an i, MO t the -children paid
"Ob P-9
AM, Wire :66in :POP their offspring in the -inat- I and finally the oil the',
xn( 4t are a4ayfor,a, P�el)ADll
�er of family equal'ity. The xllost road, tq prosperity; By, that
ail ,JD,o�r
be- for�said re pr,�Cl in I)es'ert..IS oWa, in 4he cou'atIty, and [he in=
to tC 7WJt1 �tlo
'15 1 ilidt*e t 0
�ys�, ;3eat from 5,�,
91 ring ait n their �de3,is of otherhild, had been born, an
ni�� it-, d y got he fcpl� hie rae ird th X te of the parttg, as s -up 1r, Bvv4ri, tot �ako the kind, of ox�.
ju fice a d rig�its f o;- i chil- PeCaRLe e avOri
ewoulil 'not I p dlss ho ivere now in widdle life, Wile fTe o h; have ally tell t i�often I eequally Ward, -for us to suc I— 10 a lot 0 0 y �rere alway st carLaful to
OaQ lr I of the turmoil a d 5tri e it" -M hoto, r
I yra bope, he'll ved. all children the, hat they� lio roduo(l, going on. and no -, ,h, to harn-1 forth Ve, t rk ana, ot rel;iXX ton.
fq,� TV pd., Th if I rfdvce him, fact that, pa' me, he --most casual obser inlity is for i
er v -r could' maliy dEjiaryi�mdls; WILi0i ipickeJ, up hig Lpw �Of,
fro". lie s tQ-nigbt,.
Fle z4d allo7iv To�u t, o to go you t.,their in he form, f musti,
Vo You jEfA I ;shall get a tell that they ere mistaken iy
quariels. pit ai a large P dia imj'5t, qer, me t y Ito eniall
ehat ou w, th oughtE. -1hequality of treatiment Tile In the hvrae each npither f yqu bregthe. a oand whlA fail a you Tray know to an -s- brought fro igways �o ttcen in
"I quite 1'0rt� , I I cl i 1 id', th,�.,ouZhout and -the fahlily! beolv ably object.
Dennis cvrVi ' I caused jbitte
"if )t out 60al
gky I know 'thi k .16, bpt ideal homes are "not, alr-fl =
the telegram' on the in qpiece, t thP PaT7 i arid' yoor ? n can for I Iway no It
He's Sure to 'bug lie '1% , s lamented #at it was the J y
"Y trust uIf parents would lo-ok ack nts'a
was to 110 liotice ,lit t -heir ault of Ae,'oleer hildren.
b n o?�vn childhood, �rtemem. d -,age far ;as 51isappoilited tha�t the first an i
Qarne�k el herta was, no p eirT. id, "if you 'the bitter heartahes caused by par -1 try orhood,. can furish 0
-dia Afore:150r, 'the 46trit
Se to beliew-_ that every- But the sent2n ti'al;lty, they make f ei�wer xxiis- similar examples of f amily ;Injusbice, bring" a idargo
in :as 1
on no nit eaugbther f South ;shoulld, be -such to
Dennis , ont on their, ov homes.' Paren a g 1)
Mr, Xt that morn re o to lin, the Ki
but to be, -very careful' Dot thing w.a; all right.' . If, , I takes Lid y9un a nts. 'ay wrist in. a grip o I Kee and *,rrenf-hed 1 1 ' , Afcof muscles into a
-tguard duty, harmony now, found, their homes on jiistioe a what lie called coas aT)d who destir-a peace. and nd Tier- it - i�
th!rn he waThe "o a,,Sin
4W)ed-tbe �ha ll of, them came ee -act
the pistol from ber re.your sips
and: hore., 'Qowe Ji !�nd a binding,,ti equality.- Be, su of -e e the, It -to we�r their McLeod " said,, e en their chj'7 fect' us,6 they at ,o,. 'much
'6.4_borly�' dren -after the arents passcd:: in slght unt4ing loyalty a faithul 40�11 - , lit, :put and 'bring Mani, C6 MoV,6ni:entG ttLitt
vuller r 5 is very favoritism W1 n. you
r.,er they
heafter dinzwr, he vvent out -home -Y�hich you lappeiarAilec- and
ou.V h Ind -their boln es isco -In ho, -pu rd ,to a fondly
ovy from eart , s, old f on and. left fiai the' it�quire muih skZ A
to Reep an te'Kirubeiry
house." T4y�a looked, hin despair. rights for a 'hope 1 be an ideally..Imppy Qnq.
V_ I ' ' 'th bvV father. She 'has told gn;the basis f'-equipd in yra n te same'lna -am n, -w pipe cam I 'to
�J;But X f r o P llz
1 T soxHuman nature is th 11 aaes,
here must b
sseitirch is be� easily devise a scmldule� 1.1e,waS of-, since that,zhi:, felt that Acciordngly, an
Ott I - , her brainz' to dev
had vot wdrpd; to her, and Went, to She vildgelle& d All,forth
olne. years ago it -was customary an . mequa
giI1rf�i,:1, tile fall into HE- SatctrA�ex.the clude wixiglng.th6 fetch my telegram in orden to e t means of tfor th.whole fan nd a 7)"Otest, the 'best way is to deal
her ca , ptives. pist ily to pina, pipes, a nunib Of J ve beeti- flexing ex the
order, _r no ha:� cTmfort s my mes- dubate the'brightest justly With,All,, and love 21J so n- n can: JJaV got V on the table and! 4 but, novcl, of ni ackwai
he co:Lild from to e hent, ha sage to,.Dennis, She held the fele- profes- cerel�� that, injustice: weJollever
Myra not be alai (L s6n and, send ixh� forth- on a
aed," he sa tain�s any and o"n"thi
uneghit you --ill be carer. �'We ught to im to u,V 1 I�blged 4y fX)e not burf, You lave� one Possible in your y clic e,
that was, be
for have taken, throligib, The word is All.,. Snd We I gentleman
3,V�ay P� -then the othar; keep, g:
for a fe
Ridditig Planis of� The (RC,) 714'ining nd adIt
1 lo out the, faint tivritin, geb� safety RWay. After swe slogran of those who denied, th )16thod Of -
Pi Fting the boldy to� thw
010�ne 'Very Weil be* ale t; leave- Your- t t I'
C c. In& a new Cru in all,
Slowly throLigh the,1She read p selves elomfor S, 0 ay -by a;otiey f or Lice., Smel bt� 'is ere ti t'the
I e� Niss, McLeod -e:sh'All -not be hurt, and we Sba on0h, �qr, Garovsk. alio said that 11th you, but R
wo ig mill Wit
Y many yearsjIld'-writer has Rept in'eery diir
tbroufih and- then suddexil th t ith lior
Of ectin.
ile'r at q,
coR, a psed into ail arinchair in,the, �bor of an education� Hau ly, .-that idea p r day,,,
from. fifty-, to ne u 'The -best ex -hie
01p, rr�d li"ht s 'pi o �more �isi,
t hi
DenniF roX of realNatjon' has abou't'died out; .,and' in order to ft
a 'prisonpr of var., lowering plants of various' kinds. it, i a He wou)(1 nevoil be fair.ard just, fathers and'XnOtbelsl, haS. Al-�,ay� been �oritlimaf'st le' -,'Jl go' up to the or tin with, nTION '�J,swinging.,�T I wa
'tin CO 45TWA
,ign a elegraw tcI urnham )ea or
�ftall we, KeLeod'? who educate; only one"ehild 'give, f ofthe: -ky ljtti.,
a to
nd that Iceep, theni h Out.
�nj th�t way. didn't se
-a "and Xr, M er ell Id n the am unt �"A -re 0
the, 'oth' e liceljiAt. are f orev, rMa vlome'andt money which the�.college education:T
e- a�texiiip,i i u: o' de our, 'them.,
moments ie, jumped to hereet. ' ' , I
rest, s �'m �,ur r pres(ent§. if one son chooses,to be� Dr. Ross' Kidney
o he)Lecds both afte harch Pr' -'be a rl.,
and act Oi�kly. The Me hinrose the. Ever-'
�Y, act,
sjourne I'R send Angus to look
the boat - -hrc the dn, and pickled lip Visre are Pala se, bet -
into periods come -a doctor and
ile She ra�l �ano t;her a� farmer bloom Fuchsi
olvei..'and cartrldge�W hich GaV- fire-111a7ard in Cir4',dlan 4cyr the farmev,lad:should �h t1l S614 by. dll,'dhitirglists, ;or, f1h I ave e'SA 3pa�iguq Ferni� are. 00=4= toC_ rev ma -rd � the Ai ten or pn�
ne9k had sent, a 't , fter 75 Jarvia Street I W'el dd, 'Dennis, "'of 9 tacked by one i Mot i
�13y the sa d which she had :put ill -early a amoutit, year by year, forAils,farmin or tl'e Son reathing and -el
-carefully -away -, -1 re an 'd
-Is all: right, and you've ca'r- Ult'l"I 'Should, come!
it , av a pai oat fox�� ex- times both 'of these'kinds of -lice. th
and,. in Lite sume e s Js
'them. $he lbaded the -n bag beguh� 'to et dry. F arm' of Many different kinds of�spraysliave. o itary , d Out; Your o the'let it �n the pocket the vegetatio i 9 petics., is Just as much
n you lie sure thi5, Ili y is, I'd' I
been 1( wl h little or
but how a and
UeLeod, and 'flow do you know of Vict Burberry coat whid1l, sit 1� 'el vr
e ,it' I t no cffecti:
hut the, two , f int o longer, believe --oa, h kibore, and, even Paris green
asses o, sprin.- �people Jo' it o hand.. made f rm* Tr-e-_-Ure'Adv'afid' W,�,s t��
ped on in the hall. 'aen, she tore � 1, , p�
riot firez "d ' `�sunimel. ire -5 that fa Ing is a gQod occupationtin solution. ng
vybody w ie, in the� Jenny Alany eopleurlders6and, why the dry,.only ior'a person of -low mentality,
p v i a, g su cle Sf u I I Y tra ight fox, Gla
iould e likely to, MeKenzie� pre
'1io:Jiad1 'got About, lia f period' of late,s �r, is War
an arid Aniicr S a hot -unime 14Jkel7:t n' ad ba&a hard A ma � who �h
"In.aluding AM r, Rildorm g pyrethruli `Nhat has happene, In Unite(
'U,,r mile when, Dennis,, coming tip to the -to he Of fOT6St in' youth� ut foull. Imself M COM- 1 der, to destroy and -low YOU 'are Mr. Ew be fAvotable
top '�Qr the cliff OIL 111's think thnr
you have a fires. but "they -r conceived the i ea,,of
-small, itia 'Or. the riamely thlo�
r`��q9g- eavy Snowfall fwinter, tb Second'.6 e it habove your left VYe:brOW- coaetgua -d duties aw her and. e Woods marxied �the destroy the plant lice eiouyC
in I
rs. -imez, wife had died -when the, dhileren' of
tol��ht 'to b safe ill early suit
rii�ed her,througli fiis�binocula
be with you And arul,,
ye iall down to the �t A little Tefletich, owevell that upion were, 'till'y Id '110 that thi's p l,con- liceate
(1, alls an Indianang I thought xed as.he T�enl, t of the Missisi�iptli an'd"Red
taufce` W CIS
as gf e in lady w45 puttin� on his
ell L, he show 1he carl spring,9010d is hadt scnb hi.,; sLu?dy sons �nd datifoll-
In ivefound thex�e ivas no craft of any kind
omplet� wh tain' d ab�oui venty-five per, �cent_ of
da L.� of -their. own Wit j scallt, py-rethrum powderwhich is slare:death'
eem to miss wsdhrev"s or s6eke mJ*,lci,'�i111t( a vra
to arl�, insect, cquipment, and
about, not .0
"t period
'th re -i� cift-n. a ucation. t I h
he was fully 'assured The not 101
Dennis a owboat. Alas! I E vcry,� little,:P__
hd idiotically Allowed the �inghy to f 'bot ;bright ldlys� The lves' f He had., alld,fir talk with.the, of; Succe f
repeat hi descrip- be ore a trial' Was given.
drift away, He Tan Along the shore, il'ot Ycit'1001ne 6 u t an, I's larriedL' as, to thi rights war bodrlybtit
"He niade d
0 �to- kd-an looking anxibu�ly ranches
tiont; 'about twelity times," said Mc 'Th.' .1 .1'�
c very
first: application of th
oevery now and th la �q i�t his dead _n,'and WitIlL ppviii1ok. pra Y. outp csts in,d
1.0t,pretty Sure of''Xily dawn tth -A�L, It ere C thx�io gh his binoculars,'for any.,oign
kind (if boat thiat would get Jure, -the' t floor. The, sn0`177 And c'DnseTV' lie! Th, pe�-lry little things., simp y igio f 6XI no 'this
onthe f ores I' -and CaTinotAie-
ull ,,Jides �,5mobthly
Iffhell they got y ;he ma�de.the -childie' secure, �as to their�l b' ib� u e to, the
her' f
appealed- as f y magic, Of course,
up, to tbe'lodge and asif
m requirements A oer to Gjasnabinnie in time to oli�hed floors. E,401ly i*t on, fact.that t6 S 113 1 1 1 -'s le 1 property rights., In' cons equ ence, tht it and;.once, on�"Islu�s oa�
Talfil his prornir6' f oakbiX Oft twigs anfl -aves- be- SAY -Y, to repea�L f
h !has ne;ces
ed to, Dennis unpac'ked the ,RLofi,S little Tit', bas' If -a glow'lag moa, or'� es,s'
received by,1 treatment th r �,les proved- to girl� dry as tilrid0r. sep-mother. was cordially , I r�;ou'
The' ree ol four� times since� matcIll, or cigarett stutle is dral)�e�te children all of' -wli' 6,iv
om were anxi- er
like rotQr gogg�les; the�l Xyri has Since admitted -ad how flaor the powd proudI I to f4tllei Should have a b er bre vibus 'the
Say t-, that a m' a r this TnAtai ous hat th el vdur hot,
eggs, ut none of the -oth losely over the nos !and fre-
We forgot about evierytilgarid evey- -L over �a space of mialy yards cdmf6rbable� L"ig� hoIn time other ccomplish%&I.this eit1her.
nd entirely -excluded. al,l light I are Tr6 ; n a-mbillent., A fewidays In tj t�at couI6 'be seen body except that, r wasIn �Ia�ger, and I Per- children were !born, th6re was, TO �Obtain results, it iz- neces-
ae glas omhniad -are always moS l d The nly"cu -bably Hildernian .1c ew -never any discord, over. the --fact tbai gAry to blow tbe povv-der underi�eath iiia�t' fift(,,en years, Ow
t1 ro
about�it- I -Tei- nt., thought,vas to. hrncould,be'�
about them was, the,glass itself. hfirst'sprix4 rain the &,olard'veget- educated and t the leaves a d stems,,,f:the evr0
of being white, or even blue, hold, the pistol to his 'head and. de- f
li clothed a.'style 'unknown to ther!�plants. iT�ls is readily s5 vedi, Anil thIe surfacti, wa mand my sAfe return. -nd bade the�
bhl6, eavo� come 'Out a -her,'twhd desired mes a 1ger and just to made t a a evond the older 'ones., The'':C'at hoviever' as the powde�r. co nn ,�+t,
dfagonally in mizitite,pa allel he Share a little hgains prairie., i
t dal ' to'be fn
now, Myra and Dennis hurried -up- teri over, until ;the hot da' late I
house bav-ffig made a rather wide ox� purposely, constructed fi'd a
alli t
airi, Ina the lamp in the tur, So that She Lshould not ibe eem YS :,p oin t ' to'sha�c hs-prosperi by each at6s- as� albollows to blow,the bow�l,ell o e Sbe knew the bektmay to thehut,,.alld 'surnine the veetation 0, dr d
When came down r _y every child to tile end 'of his I -whel.levell, desired.,
It sure does'! th�a, tion thi�s
tliere was a light in It. She thought 011-t, W,.h tne 6aslmtchewanv', It. addi
she declared that she- colildf ee en� a, dang-eir , pe. days, ancl thus bound' all t�y it
r0 'lie firstalut,
was Ted,, of R1146rman w uld. be there� She had wilildh P but she could se Ili- e in r
passed well to seaward, of the Fiona, ncommunities iav
it Allis that danaflialis Ir X;Lful
e quite- di at of
Th o
aTi not I that ng by to e �with siteam u huhtWhp. MyrA dlimh an oubly, carreful dur- tribut6i thmea 6. 'a 1111.1en,. doesnli� t t' t 'fil,
tavo you any idea in, the f Gresit a 1011, like thi: VERY ent i"h
S SO) to thc, hut with as much speed- as she A ' H 'as, sent -out 6ver,sixty, iiii -
-i are rulitil in line ing these dwvger Periods. dan eat
he lion , tr ' bles t( af
-not ago front a fri�eild;L who tim-, arr ers
an n
'g,fo Ith e en Y In te,
was Standing belo-,A, hetitle itif tl
couldn't ay for certain, si.r,to ibav tis*,ebtic w
Old Ile ,had' hi w -n anvd,' the last';tWerlity,y0ars-, andi this- wivi, S, to Ln'Dje but J hrd(ly ltsed,as- a ssbolild;,thirk door of the Smoking 'a Women Ca a9
Garnek -thou lit, three men, Sbe kne�v that she would all
ge e' e Ea" the eye hve ii a � clia n even wit 'VadbaL 7Nn Netw, t
I had,keot track Of me, iy� i L t s nt, f orL By thieJrI to "be photo�raixliy, againio-t four men, $he might: hurt, i Di d' yes
in iamon t le great man.,
lyou hppen, to fte insLance, you aab% prinf; either O"R Of t I but Abe recogniied scratches,"brti.isesi'm
tunately, that the others w6uld ov6r- lare a
light, -onildle Or Ld Dves mine 1 Ded, out titict .1 i't) �Jiouse,in Ke P Bir'A's Re 6rdflight,,,
a r package of' "Diallibl IiDin' Sect bites', et6
But if you c" di�e Jj0113 S:o an which you w6re y wO ina -A.: 0' Witil emulsion And ail mbby Is it tube the,house
out, dye or tinter. worn, si
'ed: it try 'near
an print the negadveiii but and'two of,.tbe men stay from a small so] .
ri it, you c l 11 the wag knd' y lor emergencies.
_V�'ellt 6W41 Thc ther it nLove 6f, Hom
the 143ua� waY� I don't lmo W' -tvby it
'Oh" yes., It i's a 11liftle run., dbvr
the bilh It w4s, tin wAtabingthis,man Lh
th. 1 11, TPact&
at Myra. saw the Sight- that'llaJ liangings, even if, ighe� has, 1-9 still, a r1tt"be', CRESE-B-ROUGH MFG. COUVANY sefor -tabil�e7 place
ild uous stream -y 'L,
J,) r �,Buy 3-3 the way,, tile city Wit 'we. is, artleLIL AitiolD h,ea
to 6rrn Myra s as nishe(i Tne,. h 0 In e c, e of the blir tSo C Ava.� -to Jt
doO's e 1,� p y Col., low of lights D ai!ecrtly i the tioil' c- t; I Ali', et �in
%terut we, lt are, to him she tso saidit seexaedl,�;fdr .( ploe& ii � I - I , at,
6 side )if ge2' IV, intaini,� its Jiblid! with nd houm, before she could See nJiyo You a lett( liou, toltuT n, t'%7
chance Of Put'a tablct an ing'-sway, Tell your da gist, the'I ILI%
71 -ciir
nishouse in -which,, 1, sboirn' ply, 'Ne eiiatch�-
swool 6r 4"111c, (ill, wheitlier it Isi Illnen Ili h e '0' that ih64olik aniong w OM 011G, 'Pen. , gea�
bhel but sloxia ;Of
hod Irable,time. rID'i," d'90
Y17 ehave been a 0 'give polft w1h, to d e Wcl 'I li, d
Whetf 'Nctw that na�but the Minard's LinimentJor Burns, Itt h C,, 0
was, b
n -for Ayt, for, �Ilast Myra ws W -they Itn6w., plateau fa�ullks, a"re still cl to, id, not of! littI6 crcp� to the vo of the
S Kne in hi-. W.
i'the b6b stood. and then ma e. oauti
ct-e s in T Mth
mald! in to + to, rejoice, ill d
011 V711W ato he good, th il I'IT couldn't 5,v at; al 541 f iShe Pbiladelphia eaoher, was po6 Nngers r tile do r- 1, b a t Gar� prob, t if; 'All Inap ited inpilide, r llu t ge'l,, wa,%
open an(t step ulling it to q of f�b c poor
out. h h ch ilia' 11 flr, ' Alfierman, us -wise ouching the valiae varic - ant oath lie saw bourl', lato� M t, fLain, whcn' An, lhe: anZ
-0 lie you!)�
ne o e Nv
orwthahe aye, blit
atilt dowti ;the lituth, and
'Ally tl t y e n t d i t at bim., tat T,16' ailaive 'one mo actu, le, hing
e one i6o,isaot
h -e ea a gacii;'� beixtii
eAfat 8rou ar drealing 'oif
. ... .... he li� doing so
,in A, dkiy at 4o qui�poj i1h'A� yo.0
bettio e
ire but *ho thet, will ,, to ,I r
mul, had beas,lted, a on11141"01 i'Cireams C�orhe true..
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