HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-27, Page 71r Ilitireda)" April 27, 10'4'4, • ciri1)•IWANCIP' :ten; ;P:',001,WrWql,r1rl " •r**1;"111:;?fl$ ll 4 ; , ri7‘;"4*""..4"*""'"' ,"*,' , ".7"'":.,'::'117,1":""'".7.7,7,":;77 1".7,:,1'7.*:==`,7,":„1-'7,7::,"'.=.1. • . • 11604 11111 %:54110p3. er,43 Irish State haS"lalreati.Y1)e." • CH,LORFNI , , t,40.6 gta.nun4••ittlrot4gli' 11P111)NS Or71Yr: Reached (1,oWn tlieetigli' Mass , arid 1,1„?„4,SITAR-,4 reolci ' ' • VII k.?riljt:01(4 Ili, Print tiie.e, with five perinire , n ' , • , UiYU • .• tj'e i.)111/1131C•ihinet (ee. • •:- • k oke, tit h lb •//Sleep tvi hin • es rough brewer bl`rillcet's f'uld.1 • , . • , The ann. Came etre anri warmed the l'OROI,.41'40 WCYA.1.41.11!,N SAYS ,Akit,IVIOS1 'EVENTY1.,THRFF J[i:the spring most Pepe Need stop .0f,t1Te Brtltl•s111 ,:t:ms.toffie.,e,lt. began °ail° a, motile)" haP'il,BebY Own , ,„ • , , ,• elle issliarthe .fiheti State stamps T ("4-6 tQl ,1•1Ule' na-'0 $ •••-i ' IN.P.AST.FIET"i„tr. a To4ne, Medielne.. witine fow itifter ttre ecnielt(- riceenS 'a stipPlY"ert fer the hest . • •,, •Iell'4•Pi."73/,I$IOZ)717r4,'Frirlit, Pre ,, etee. tre0,11(0?r,,Y., • pieridid Work of Benevolent . , • Societies Under` Supervision of British and 'Canadian. ,. Governments.' •, , ,The value Canadian, immigrant is largely tuna. ted accordIng to his economic ,worth oiitry and/ the' like- lihord of his benornimg • an early re:• venue-pfeclucer, Accordingly, the im- portant sections, of immigration re- ethels are conSidetecl to be the steels - ties of adult entrants erid,,...the they are possis.,•stv...e.d Idt at time'af orb- , try. This outlook attaches rather un - ".due' itnportarlee•.to rthe i/nmediate pre - ,sent and does not give merited con- . sideration to thet..,g'reater buildinglor . the future. Thus the introduction of Vitt Wlio -poss0,-s the greatest ,pos- , , Of assimilation and citizeti- Inaldng and are the greatest factors the future ,cleve.epnierd of ' •••-enerally'nonsiderecl the nanion, b 11:01)6111p.t '..feature11>yealiy is irs thc anly inneigration total, and the'te ia111 1)0 tie stich movernent-if.'it were for certa'm ,charitable cr.ganiza- i6.g to -Which 11 has been relegatedk10 , • In .the Britis..11 rsles there are -thou- . " kahtl of children, sPrting of ,g,•ood. Wcrlcing class stock and 1-)7).s..,,sessed ef • fine qualities, wito„ are. growing 'up in 'ep,Tessing atrfiospheres, -.and' enclesir, le, surroundings with •prospects that iiii into a future that illi mit bear eonei,cleration. Many are DTP:rue-us and others lierne•les.s 'frem her unfortunatecircumstances', oll ." a „I 4..1 011t,Z.•• 11a I, e:". LULLILV4y ;rStiperfitione and unwanted before they •her,e , 'a tteihed -the ,s Late's, of nia- Inherently. they are el the. beet in•aterial. with infinite; pee - sib ilities taken- in -the lp,liable and laStic state.. Their 'only /salvation, iS" e taken frOrn • their 'diseouraging tf.rliionnie->i! enc., e'-permi, tett to de.'- '150.,flieltenatural: enalities-in a ,*4-1-p.t., ground., Canada offers..te prespeete 'end the Demi.- nionhas need •,of sech potential . , , - . rst Par•ty.' Arrived in .1859. • 11 -The work of transPlantino• • thes,e -e,hildre,in and ',setting them out in fresh •• poil.'has' t,b -a • great extent. falletr.to •,'"certain benevolent societies, the Sal -2 ',ration Array, Dr. Bannal•do's. Homes, lulte • • , Chi -tech, et Engle/1d 'Society and the !•Catholic Immigration. Society, Werke r ng tunier • uhe supervision of the 'British anti: Can adi a.n governni en ts The week, has been in progress -new eonie fifty years. The 'first organized, - , • , . party arrived 'at'.Quebee irpal 03e211. , Britain in 1855 and ein•ce •thert'p,arties HOi •' ' 1 b .1 - • •• dme ofie tyro years ',during the>21 ' War • ',Prove.s erit. 0 t Airayecl bctio,ld 1-11 clot et old • e Ti.18 ti,tark ccur4s morel3 or a e u 1 liem lir incropeng children 'well, Was f.ilx)P11.*•''' In la' °lauds of. earti' FIII;:,LIPIL •Ss. itinosoi a Is out, order the plall)los.; sut)orsoription ell the. eet-rer-erce; The Tablets are a mild but thOrough To fiTld .1'11 1111)(11Y lig-I-It" r'•411Y elapt13 and eozoroil tau- f 1 ' • la.7catiV13 eg-ulate the bowels- 12 e, a res e olcroarstion aria 1,4erves .(iOecttlentj3. ith t to eaange trent tive pe,elniserese,611 ati„i and eweeten the siorn.cielt, thus (Trivial; ; qillter to sPring. 7.1)0se 'Prove that de$Atils t'llr tit° dilferel't values are rrat eonstieellen arid, inclige.ition, colds. A. troubadour ofi spring, 41 issues e to ea ,,, ain sue ,t ch ince , . e th vinci '1)1 "v Th fields • ; „ 111°'1°T1g ill•dOor 0,,f winter has had aire,am, conlifereci b,„ tete E „e and slinnle fevers, and eialcing t,eeth- Pilled a Tittle tine that Set ' • Shattered ohe Could Fuld tnnio is needed to Init it fi - • ' It trl d *loos the •its effect ,upon,,,the 1,100a, .and th.at ste.:tO e easier'. Cen,cerning. them, ,Mrs- bralichs wiliPering'' I • No Relief. '1, 'a' iliac A,gain. sheeth „ . rig,,ivt, indeed, faere .are ,few, eeso, 1,e , stun:111)-s, were put on ist° St- 1-TuttleS, Que., 1.1, e, tissue T ! • sou, I3ad blood (Tees ,itot nterel/r show [11 fr It t wit4°'n't the'''. 'thle TileY APPeareil the QIa.ff°411.I • P sale. at tile poStellice Febre; •1' 'have Used Bably's .°wP T thf.'‘ kid • • • ' „ l•ar.. Putty . T,EY oents Oet, *Ater Si 010 ";`,",".•.• • • 11 • • cafica. yinn '.. '1.Slr.ri 'e'-,'',...t.tli-tr--)1Y,..ip.r.- .- ' '1V:"--, ::,1),.7):71:41,30:::::fpi:1711z1:11,.1,3,,,,.....t4,, ,,,,,, . .0;;;..Q,'' ,.0X.7x;r1,1,:::1:',4::::.:;.; .0 ...„,..7. _,.,,,0.,,,:,',:::',,,,,•1_, . ;'..1•',,,..0,e# , ; ,' „ ,,,,) ,,,,, ,' • .• , : ' ' . It'''"ICi.40:' ' ”••••' I, ' e '::.)::, le.,,:,.,K.,i,t,,,,1:4,_111 i;ti,,T.i.;','s :so,' Sr., aa:` 'jag .E,,,,,18;t1:0,:r j:11:11•••0..0,..i Alp.:11k.ci, ---ve :5:1,1, ..,:"1: , a ;14e, nc, 1,t,:,, - ..- . ,, . , . / , terniehi g 5.. '110n,,'',V .'e.Ni•L'Orc i;Qr9, ettee/e , • e,,,,, c,rr, j , . • ptocR of • beelfeaping reoutx-f)In•entP, ,sot 7'.V,319,11rLeftailt,h1Q,1&allil'u falelc't1ur';'P91-'°'1")Fh4-ra'n'tCifor''rz?i,.. 01 neer a on c at, this sea ary 17. T-I•tere ivre, varieties, •. 4 let -a -fez elle past ten years and am •• g If have all the faith in el' 'world • T. • •t I a a jov Pe 1114 ' ae , _2,v/1m, - aniee fel it las em ain y e n tself zn disnertieng ertiPtione. ..,, 0 this .,5b.i.iliris cime_iii,s0rip,ti i, c „vie. i ye a way:, ger en. the gicatest Satis- .' - I bl i g t le " deGlared Mis. , c , ss ri 0 11 _______4________ same, enaniti°n iu'ile aI dtea6ics of rheti'• "Iti,6 S a410oaladach nab Eirea-nnor ,— , l'aeti°11 aaci II °°'')- g'Ia'clix' Erial ree°eull , it Robert' Da,wson, 571 Church ll .Iit., Tero- matisin and lumbago; the 10112113)s-eah. el plain English ,eheeh peovis,i0eri-i them to all in,otliers of little ones," 46rattie Yet/4* SeatS for Cairoto out , bille, pains of sciatica and' neuralgia ; Gove,rnnaeilt," and.' .tee date 1,e,22 is • 'Tablet. a -e sold )3, medicine deal. "Ca,iro in the reale Clalcu,tta for- "The die a ye,a/- ago is what lyrolte PR0,1aPileti.te and a desire, to ?sold surcharged at ' -the • bottom of the • ere or. dir-Qt P3IIr fil'ailat . , a.re,,a,.g..- i25, c$P'Its a war.bd..,"s myhealth 10 ,- 0" • e aed- 7 hwaad exertionYou cnnotgt rd of n box fromVim Dr'las Mecn. ( . ilmib eieT-pneunoleafol1 ,110fiuands • tr6ablesbythe useOfeergave meAl- TzIrih nosnstor chiees stanp C0.. BrO 011, crane 'familiar to travellers by -air, for clown in bed seven wee . 'Ics end was left a new•• kind ell aerial 'trailer lies ibeen almost a wreck For 0101011100 time I wits ,oniy, and anion& all medicines thare Dublie a, philatelicclepartment, vonere To Hini Who by ...tote.E.oklter, who designed unable to get around as w's'5 50 weak 25 210>30 ean qt•ink collectors nray obtain all the 'mu .,Plana a Tree ° nerve-resit-oring ,pewers: .Every doe ' 12111 >10 'known , definitely' of the ,k'111 107 tljejji°nit, bloOdernProrizig, Lssues they can. afford to buy. of this medicine helps make new, rich forthcoming cliStiective issue of frith blood which drives • out inapurities, I brings a Gaelic insca'stamps is that they will hear tlici stinfitillites every organ an,cl iptioa Fir- ! • . feeling of 'new health -and energy to I can't," whieh nie-ans 11lie IrLSli Fre weak, tired, -men, worrier' arid State' - • ' children. If yam are out of sorts give -,, this medicine • a trial and see how• " -Carrying11 Too P'-'ar, guieklY it 'will reltorO /he appetite, eNow, ten me what an en - revive -dropping 'spirits and, fill_ yours,•td,e tyl,e teach:el-, w - veinS with ne, health -giving blood: :, is man, „en ,eaiginee, You Can' get thee.° Pills from allY en iie,e Reber • medicine 'ealei oi by mail 'at 50 cents ., „Cc-).3,reet '„.,a,(1 1110 teacher, lbiow And hides his 1.5,u/incise in tlie clod. ci box or six "boxes for $2.1i0 froin The le, e•t t A in Dr. Williams' Medicine Coi, 13reelt. Xc'n -0-- -n- - tr- en- I The blessed man th,a.t plants a long- ville, _ -• • • °Ies' 1-$ .” lived tree .. • el.., -- "Yes, sir," ansriered William, "he's ' Tha,b s.hail grow " a man that works a piano. , WJiOO he is dead and 'eone He seems to me to love his kind Young ; r'apley the minor poet)—"I , carry a anitebook te jot, PAONEY ORDERS. , • With true sincerity of mind, Dominion ExPress•Wfoney Orders are . niy ide'is but I forp'et it Lo da e • on sole 111>. seems to love his fellow yet to be. toe large?" ' • Slie---°114d a v7"irillig 'c'arcr be' Ina .tL1-!' $0.a' u ."offices I‘i'kbove Inc the sons sha‘',111 flush • . Wieclom, nereer opens 'her doers to „,, Perpetuai ptishing and assurance those who are not tvil.ling- -the , Jae: 'season's come and go And'storms shall drive and blow; will Pat a difficulty oat of countenance orlee of admits/sic:el,. 'There are no bar - and. Make a seeneing,iniposSibili'ty g'i-ve -gains al; her counters', no short. cut`s But sun ,e/id xi -tie -that from his tomb way—Jeremy Colliei• t-.1/er al '''P the' ,r.ice '• I a • AsEn7;calce•/0111•3$ Ithe ,131°°.m liVlismed's•Liiiiment-for sale. everywhere the ..--ed,fts.".: is lier motto, , g t' ent niaae% Perhhps ,our.God seinewhere made .thing . . , , More beautiful, to sae • Than a rnajeatie tree- , But if He boa I think it grow In heavee by lihe serecientilat fle-sys. Whore whieeres,ouas :than ours do sing, the aeroplane which hears his name. I „was- .alme,st ItelPleS's• MY 'appetite gon,e my nerves Were almost share - aerial erein, sections of which may 'be tered and my whole sYstem seemed to elipped ancl ean dei-th with be dis•orclered. I suffered. from baath I His invention renders possible en was. , safety at any suitable, place on the eches and dizzy spells, eouldn t s, eep route 'of' the jouriley. • well and juSt seemed to be troubled e , TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J: CLEFIa' TORON1 eine. Et certainly proved to be a 'frrileanncilaien, iisie:od,lidinii,yinayllegeosaed." drtg,Agid,8vst: There will be no need for the whole in one way and another 'all the time. aeroplane "train to /and at each air 'But I'm se' glad I gave Taalla,c a station orra long trip, 'and considerable frial"for it was just the thing I needed, tittle May be saved in this way. My appetite returned and my nerve$ Experiments are being earried out enieted down and by the time I Buten- to demoitstrate erre possibility. of ed sixth bottle I was in 111Si splen - aeroplanes picking up paelteges from did health. , Tanlac is a grand, meth - the ground when in full flight.. The tests bare been made with tins of petrol„ A kirel grapplingehool, vvitla an automatic spring attachment at the end,-Ifias been used, and the fuel has been lifte& from the ground to the BELTING fT)PliAkR KINI.43 '01r 1,10 %V, „AND "T.JS:rarin belting, .euiloya,./341,W15, eab14, t1944e, Packn.14. „113 .0bippe¢ oubleet to anerover t wers -14'vvi in Canada, YORK .13i:stint/so CO. lis ToITI zql.zMIt T°R „ - ' it;roxicEvm rzoni,vr•Zot s'44matette:0' DOG DISEASES , /tad ;Re w to eod ,iitarioct Free to arty are s he, tiYaAathe.r • 'IL Clay cilovel', I , ldt 129 West 20th street, New rerrc. - OC) i,,,RSL SALT Who plants a 'tree, he is akin to God, In this impatient age". Whe e quick returns engage The fevered service of elle Crowd. - In reverent wisclom.the, is bowed ' machine without accid,ent. , It iS believed that bales of mer- chandise coil& be treated in the same way. TELLS'liVqPITTIrq Bra 4016.(s.,) W T TO EAT Avoid Indlgeetfori, Sour Acid stomach, PAiriard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, Heartburn, Gas On Stomaoh, Etc, T - ,, eflgi • . , , • ' :. ' . • : •I'n,cligeetion and practically all:lands' , 1.011`e of .stonsach e trouble, ,say mdical atteln, IVIOSt Northerly 'Sme' Iter : . orities, are due -nine times out of ten- . , tien, ' .- , , ' 'Ciziada.-- , , .i-vt Aity0x,.1311,tth Celitifibia, on -Ob- . to an excess! of hydrochtorie acid 'in , .. HENNESSY• .". varia„tion in their 'Gestic eronniMia•- -,Variation—MacHennessy. , , . . servati,011.Inlet;, .:tilie ,Grai,i r ii the .st-ontaelai. Chronic "eel(' stomach"' . , . --• • is exceedingly deng,erous and sufferers RaciaEOrigin--Irish. ,' , . dated Mining' -alit( Sin; e-leJIYIng-IcCno°.°-*IiS .°1E'itig,f(1.:6tit' ee,lytheea''rnorigee oolli. aw'llisrlilitieridga.n.t1 , ... , - Source—Given 'name; ,. • FORBES . planning- the early, contstrubfic,n of a often disagreeableldieteavoidineefoorls as ' though.", 'it - came Ifi'orn .• ' the 'same Rao ial brig in --Scottish. .Tbro lie/he' ofHe . itnesey„doesn't look Vaon—Fordyce . .rjati.. , . . • . 'rbsatie!yao7 d.tilhaiell loni.liert,,,al'tl: sourc,e a@ kaglani@, or MacCa•Meh; Or Squrce-e-A localitY. , present water and phwer supply. This sCurv.epeikernecenttrihistitt.: the stthat disagree with.them, that irritate omach ant lea( , to esS . acid secretion; or hey, hen ea.- Tee, they Angus ---but -ited.,5, . , . , . , ,' , ,popiyeo is the ,naine -Of one Of the company lies a large eoPPeri mfining. 13-,',:st Talcafie::::,..nat)..,,,,i.10>0a.i55ke:,:i.4..6,1 :tt.. ,,,,,.hcaiyg.. the Gaels ref . Trelaind, ,P4ia. ,I-Itgataat5 clans of Scotland. But enni d renng•Plaat located. tut tlase point harmful acid andeprevent the forme - those who ,a`.t an early period orosSed thong!). the I name , of ' a "J"- enn de Prob'a.hlv the farthest north of any int-- ton Of gas., -.Sotifille4r or •"Premaittatc: , . . 6ver to Scotland and settled' among Fe•rbes"'as..chief et the clan 'appears in p.m/taut ,clevelopment".in Canadst, and fermentation by .t ( 1 .s.e of a the. Highlands; the , given name of a- eliarter. of . as early a. date as 1235, employing at present 980 hands. It Bisurated Magnesia attheirmeals. -"Aongus"" '-(from a,on ". excellent and • the name is. Gaa elic, nd rot Norman Taof us all output two and.one-half mil- •• „ . T... There is probably ne or better, Safer egns " strength) was -a popular one, 'The -Norman form ,appears- T11 that re •lion pounds of; copper monthly; Pra,c- more reliable stomach antiacid 'than and, as, "ti,- reetilt it has, given ris".0 tp, I 'Cord, apparently, as elle- result efie the "ticallY all of whrich ie exported.. 'lli,e , , Bleurated lagnesia and _it is widely several clan naln:e8 and. 0, etin 'greatef „rather,. powerful Neritran' inditenee:e ooinpasty hasalready develeared 10,800ann thema e, or . is purpose. It has no direct minaber of family, nin aesele, bn' both cOnn- whiWere' ,deVelonirtge.ln those days'. horse -.Power 0-11 Fella creekand the us, d'f th , gceesttoeutoBstteatecahan spoedsnitagl fttineoete- triee - • • - ' . tn. the -court of the Seettvelr Rinenew. dean, to: cost approximately; $350.- powder c.r a couple of live grain tab ' - In Shetland there was the Chien: It is another one of those Highland 000, vnil consede,rablx. atwitent this. leM taken in a little water with the - II ' • .. ' ; ' ' • .. '' . ' • I it • - • A onghaie- , (Maclunes), whieh name nantes which. are derived -not from the, . , food will. neutralize tile excess aelditY •,' .errs • will bed/sees:sled m a later article. In giiven_ name of an early chieftain, but ornething Unusual. which May -be present and prevent ite. rexireately • -three-,-venty-three 'tihouSend further formation. rilltis removes the • Ireland.' there • were the: "Maq-kon- frem the territory held by .thesclan. Hostesse-"Well 1:1ommie When .you V/hole cause of the trouble and the. • 1nbildreit have crene,to ;Canada throngli . ` ' eese "‘(.1\daginnis), . whe e naine al- The Gaelic style o clan 'name is get hoine you can t, el y meal digesta n,aturally.andillealthfulily :agentr'ies.• aPProYetf ',•bti hOth. the Brit.is. het' "a23;'•ih:vis Upd Fairbeu'Sich.."' the Reeand wiird of -rne, that' you ,arf• the edit-. beltarve'd bey . without need of Pensie 01, arLi- • ' • ' Tha' ' • , " a the combination being considerablY art. table!I ever met- ... . demi diges ents. 1 our mother for ancl' Canadian •g•over renents, . • • T 11'6' ehildr who dEthe thee of .en- • diran,cli of the Clan Colgan. to the : p-ronunietiation Forbes Torsinnie--"ThanIc ma'am, . but 4 nesia from airiy reliable dreggist. Ask .. Get dr. few 011-neeS 07, Bisurated Mag- , • "1\7aeA.ongusa. (11lacHennes-sy), _ try iney he •of any; age 'from ,,,three° to '', , It is from the last named,' of course ; ellen' might' be ima.gened by "ene not I',cl ratter not." .. . . --, ' eighteen, ,/./-e all ,carefully- s,elected 'by ../.. , that the name T-lennessyr has. been de- fanyiliar-with the „Gaelae spelling, Iiesteee—"Ballier not! . And, why, egeiteies 'andiapproved 1./y the re- • - ' ' c'-' That the 'clam , nia,me was .e.e3t eenc,.. 1,,,i,ty r., . !. . . ceme,s as a liquid, milk. or citrate and • ' rived.' • • . , . "-Meet therns,elves declare •a, desire to. • I. • ' ••• in the bisurated for,in is not a laxative. ,,, , mg intern:cation therehas b.een a great...per:fat. e, for 'the chieftain credited with ina'am, Iteed_s.end for the, doctor.", at your, „next meal, and see if this 13 , . emigrate, and no 'aim - is ca.mp,,,e,a. , • ., A. gra. •ng Vie'. tounaing tile cien. was named Alexan,d- ' 14 ' ' — . .. isn't the best, advice you ever hal! on ' - deal 1,71 eu for either powder or tablets. It never. ,iturnigration authorities, They (in ,miga guess fions he forbgee .6,t.h-ietel'itia.PParelltl.Y. bit an 'accident' 'Torninie,--."Slie'd, think Was. ill,: Try. this plan' and eat What yen. Want "de .I.Snee•gainse'eehie, Will.. 'They are • f 0116r 011.116 o • f 'thes.eclan names; en -His .perlocl'is• given acs. between • :Lead pencils had, met 'changed .in de- . . _ "what to, eat." . eeeived an Canada at, horrieS'of 'the Ya/'.%1 • ' •,, .- • winch, In the' 'Melia, are s.eparate and "1150 anc1,12227,A.D., and aecording to Sign for, ,a hundre,d 'Years...-. ' ' they are Socittisfli historians ;was ,the Son of- . ' ' ' • , ' • it c oo. king.Meals rciy sub's . . . .... ... . ,. Tlie,-..:.a..11' ,arei! .11,- -' ", • • ". k 101 t a . . • .0 yesu'ervis,ect m their _ • son 50) 10U a...end/es and from. there axe .- dartinct ' spelling though olel"ecie"fljs'k•Pr)lea,ereILris'i,'61c."te?''-si11.14,,i'• all' derived from the fame,grven name "Oblienacher,'' au Irish eitieftein who Some stars ase S.C) remote that• Heat. - "ange.'"" different chiettatitin each in: 'as,e'd Over end .eettled in -the High- takes 40,000' years for their light 'be', , •P: • - -g.tance) and thOugli thee' is.. little, , h t'hisah , etv - 11011101>' 011,11211 are' 2110-• 1' • • sou ltave only to, gut. your' liana: on • quon.bl, „Tryl..'un N, .,.. di t)' . 01112MISTIMI6102002 a stone . on a:bright .sunny day to - ••• - - - ' e- Peeth ' Y I y govern- -e.-------=-- -- e -e-----,..---,...... • - realize how muelt beat there is in the .diss,atisfantion .onthe pert of the sun % rays,. Collect these , rays' by - ebild, his 'foster "Parents or eniPloyere means et tra,..tiatss. teens them to a petiftt ne is 10011uhack te a re.eeiving home un- -1h B on a bleee 217irrayter•;. arad it la,not long• . . . . til ol;her rezeisfactery ar,raiigements • liefore.a hole is 'burned. . , If we could collect micl we this heat. Illanyellici ve Attained 'Outstanding that would cost nothing, we should have a vast source of power bilst the' Votingee children ileually el A.. Dr. C. G. Abbot,, a British scientiet to fester earth -3 ts, tile ' otiher Youths yvhe „bao been experimenting, in: this .410 ntent inspectors, and'hoteld there be ' SucceSS. • - direction for some time, uses a series WIZ The•advice they gave, him for getting on in the world was simple and familiar enough: Keep -what you have, and build on it. Be Careful what you do and , it will grow into more." „ tttt':),1.1ttric4,1t, •ztro .appr'enticed- as farm, of mirrors wiiit•li are se curved ,that iiheiierSbr .doriiestie 1021110 02>105 As .is ,. , they. 'feces the -suia's rays like, latices, 46 'expected ,frem such. unpromis- A. clockwork Mechanism turns them ;''Ibegi I/ n ings , th ese ". 'children are so that ' they follow the sun as It :ageete-,te. 1-m..1:mind otillOng the hum . , moveseacio.Se the sky. . . , jer :Walit's:oftlilie hi Canada, tiny/110)dt' - ' The hot rays are 'cllrected on to 'a significane.,te note thee in the his-. , . boiler. • eotieed • with driril Week,- paint,. 'dry ' e-:f.'the'irtOve ill elf there is 110 re- ' It's a safe rule—with mbriey 'or -hearth but a good many overlook the rule with health, theyhave lost what they had. • Then tes hard to get a new supply. this eclor being unit' because it. soaks • herd !Of:severe ,one 'child 'becoming a ' hi heat, ,The boiler is filled not with _ • . . . , . ... , .P.1,41,Y,lie.-eTiarge.. An indication of whet Water, but With oilewhicit can absorb . . •.e,..i4reditable•s-erentaldoe these juvenile ' , a far .greater amount 'Of -heat and re SlettleisAave /Trade:in Canada may, be tide. it ior>5 'loftier time.. • Last summer Dr.. Abbot 'did, the' ' :taltie,iitiattiera the .,:fact ,thet. Whilst OMy —, f301,1!'liiive ceme' to the lionelition in Whele of his coeldng by' s-olar heat. t nepase•lien years, there have been' hi Pipes from a better elle-wed the hot l't aale, period, 4.(18;281) -applications oil to circulate around ovens and so ' 1014.4. WOC,ple, >121 100 to either talentlong did the Oil retain its heat that , 'lle was able tO ceok an evening nrea.I • IOT these wares. , • P.6stilmjS, 4.=§1endici help in saY- liealth froit Ahe very COITItS1011 lbsseS. through', drug ',elettientS of. tea and eOffee+2-whoge ePFects on 2',the nervoUS SYstem,anY and it's free front any disturbing element.. PO _ the prevention of pains • after eating, flatulence,. headeches,hiliousneas,con- stipation and other disagree- able forms of m &as.% a earreere.witirchl 1`,..•IrtGfot.triii Imre Mr) remedy is sa justly famed as ltllother Seigel's Syrup, the , stornachand liver tonicvrith /14/ 50 year's"' reputation. MOTHER 2-'° 021 -1) S -- VOID the nusery of racking pain., , Rave a bottle of Sloan's Lini. ment handy and apply when, you first feel the acheor pain, ik cceickly eases the pain and sends, a &Wing of watinth through the achilegiltart. Sioalt'Linlin eat penetrale$, • , taitlitegtedefrirlieg. , 13 FMe, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia„, sciatica, sprains and strains, still joietee• lame back anci sore nmseles. • For forty years pain's enemy. Ask, - yoUrneighbor.' .•11 A* all, druggists ----35c 70c SI dfii 1141ptie Ark ,Ganada„ 5JA,1"-C110,11. ;111 4.7; qi4:g .,VJP 'Yarmouth N.S March 24 1921 Mr, Joseph LeBlanc, Seeretary of the Athletic Association., who were the Champions for 1.920. of the South Shore League ancl 'Western Nova Scotia Base Ball states that during the summer _ the boys used 1111NARD'S LINSIVIENT with very, 1).enefict.1 results, tor sore muscles, biraises and sprains. It is 'considered by the players the best. white liniment on the market. Every teain, should be supplied with this celebrated remedy. [Signed) ..TOSEPII L. LeBLA:`,TC, - Sec'y Y. A. A. LS SCALES V',%,”1.,,g54,...44.,...44;.17A. 41;4 Ekr other's Faith iirt Lydia E. Piliakham's 'Vegetable Compound Led net To Try It Kenosha, Wisconsin.—"I cannot sa-7 enough in praise of Lydia E.Pinkhana'e Vegetable'Com- - , as she had taken so much of it and when .1 had trouble after sny baby was horn she gave it to me. If bellied me so much more than 'anything else had done that I advise all vuoinest with_ female treeble• to giVe it a fair trial and I aro sure' they will feel as:11 do. about it.—Mrs. FRED. P. HANSEN.; 662 Symmonds St.,, -Kenosha, Wisconsm, A raedicinethat hasibeen in use nearlY fifty yearmandlthat receives the praise and commendable/it of: mothers and k•randmother61 w.ortlnypur eonsidbrar ; taon. , 170• 3you. are suffering from troUblee • thataotnetimes= fellow child -birth, bear tai:ttroubles. . ' Ibmiiis4elbsplienlikatters311117'd:dfs'aIst*Pba'11371'2,}Pnili.i;k'nlie'osariximr:6gudzil:13:asttaigneell: The lettetsereepulAshi ought to: cert, vinea you;,- ask some. ee, your women ilriends or aeighborst— they knew! its worth. ion tee, yoU &ft 11:4 a fahz trial . . Also Eruptions on FM. Very Disfig "IViy trouble began with screitt • patches of scales upon. my; scalp which spreariatod co.vesedt the top of my- 'heart. My/ hair becarnftcly an& life-. ' less and fER Soon - ; the trouble. appeared % circles:on Jur faun. The eru.ption% earray firmware • vent. &id:klub:26 "Altylend1 adnisedt Cuticura. Soap andiCarstaient.• instifiatz.fitee tatn. plwh•ieh me. so) bought morel, and after: usitictiOnet 'box of Ointmentetogether wain the 'Soap, I was/ healedi.."' Waned) 'George Brett, jr.,, Pullman, Wash. Givvs(lIndisurstSoala,, Ointment and TatommaTtbeatatate.of yantatin, StainalagbOrna-betail.: Adanfetak'lqtena,ttra- whtrt1/451314t20m.eaihtrae.r&SanitEDc.: tt,,,Br,,NcrAftamt," Sold every- PreisttaFraSensil•Grub5re•grtaithoUt Ran, You can' begin IN'ith ,Posturri to-' ' ' day, with an order tb YOGIC grocer. The road. to , health is a goOd;road '' fell )76.14; ; ; „ '' ';.- '.. , - , , for anybody to follovv, "Save vvhat ,. . , _ , ,,,, Thousands of, people, whg, think : - you have, and -build on it," is sound '',it wise -, to,.be as careful of, the4° , ,:PollicY. for, everY,bodk*, . . ' health...as .,t11(..,:y ,4,1,-..7. of' 'their 001.4' - . ' tryos0.im como,,,.. trl two f0rri.,t,.. Instant Postern' - 'I. '' 'are OPers' Qf PosilgO,2 .CtheYT- ''.'•':•; (lit tine) 'Made inSLAntly in the cup by the addition ' ''' I i.,1.1is famous, c,or,,90,1 ToeyOrad§ ,-,,..,„.;-,iiit, ,,,,,..o.te:. ,p,:sti.wlinnoco.r:713::;,,,,,,•,;:::;:,,,n,r, ,. lit , , , i8 ot ", l'' Lo'ibtit';g1011,!',2toh,'„iii',,T'i,.1:',8 i'seoll'id.tie,,P'1‘1,';:erdiT'n?t:V:6•' - : ,. ''' ' '' liwIlirteftns1)17'°1,1').i'ids t.).eiCasto'i.51.6., ()ii(1)°a°11.111)ic)tlioniic.. to a a crielightful 1.Irinl?,', -vyith 4,‘,1iy,'. il.leo.,-- i :4::0°mt1 661 LitIlitact V./..,4itd4ort 01:01 -""'""7111"•°11h4e444a,!:8, a I'qq,easoli " , ''''''' , T ' ici::::a,::::'::\:.:csfi't,:a,..'„,c1;:1,1::::',:it::Lfill , .„ -,-,,,,,,,. ,.,,,,.,..,, ..„ - te,Sliti , • OVentY"-tiee 'per eent, Of tile 'even if .the afternoon:had been cloddy. WARNIN(.3! Say. - `.`Bayer", wheni,,;,You: Aspiriny doctor can ''''/"ere.nia•iiist.d. T.hle sielar or 'P prpZnirT04,1.,,1 are • 1,400, .1aWyt, :46P641,0".",)1:4' • r -•.1. 'that , ton: .nno,Y0. 'Ilfio.,.1.1,r0fglgliqg43'4P'''''- • 'of 11,e0,,• , • •tlie en is only a beginning, If Ve tan cook feed in this. way we eat asa the haat to do the thousand and one things that are new done by us coal and other blahs, , WhIte ° 1 - • • , r p dialing 22 year plovekl ,s,'ifb t,„ y aullions fb-r, , 1tIcl• 'Winnipeg expectod to pr0-1 • Unless you see the name "Bayet",..on tablet,fi:r $, you e • !lot gettink',Aspitin. at..,alt., Why take than.es? Aceept only ,an ,`,‘Inibroken package'of "'Suer Talets 6f , Aspirin," r\r,11011` coritains dit'ecti'ons 41kd (1:6;;e ,wor'ked our, by - • Colds • lieadachc. Wleumausln •> :10 'Toothivlie •Neuritis laivactte .1.,utnbag0. .P -S1111.• „ -1,1nudy 11.13a.yeed)oxea of 12 fal,h,ta-..-fiklo 3at,t7e4.„of 94 'out 101!,‘•---,Dr,cteeiste, , , •, , ;.122111710171> 110 >10011111.141 thy, t).,4.'e'ft In A tl,t; ,,t, 10 I il C',,,leinii N ) ' ';','(. 1:?,.',.!/,;•1- ',V a l'I,3 r';‘,", hl r•"., 67. 11510,1,., . irrkb 11 k,C.k. .,a.i.,,...,1,A :6; ci 41•.-111.'t,utill-c. rikft.4t,...ft.lirt4,.trtr,ft,- 1,4t•-;.".(..;.?..1:ti•t'.'.!.., .c,.,..' t.1,.",i,...",.n.,..A.W.I.kuY." ., ' '• w111. 001>21101>1100 ,,,,•.-1C3. 111.0,Ir 110110(4110 10137» 110101>10,1-1r,:s :43.1,,,, ,- 0-'643," . .,:', -.,-"-'7, ':',-,'" . , . ,. .., . ., . , , , , , • , . . . . 103 elf r snliovitcata1). '21'tii.6 it 110 >105 2 101110 111 '/1>10 10 10 14 3 1..'0••'1:••"'•:r°••