HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-27, Page 3.......... GUIDE' OF 191,41, C ralit- th,c C, fto, h4, of tile I14 iU tiethan oil the VA TAP_� xnountalrii,' T 4t, mo i$ tile i the offi6ated olmn:ing iecital The Fovices (W- - elss ti Played real r, rour. 01nes t I die gifl, of Mir, ClIlest6r j n e ri a �Z, Ir e d mountai climb. 1� a dan-er.iXQjje y 1, 'te �, J, III,- n 11 11 �, I borin'6, toer, oTd to is well known �o inore The faluotl,,� boat-, n�urltpin : climb. -e( lie. 61 Q�- eve and tourist ceford arid to �, Lalip IBa nff F! )ld nd ime is 'All of , a :Relrherab6l� S great, 1 eri pri the fe�lttlrcs to Church NO A day rored of tbe yi. -,g tl�, whidi ro,Wod iii -,�]L beclalue in e, M C F6 it I'IS even wore, rlo�e In Oxford bo�tt were C -]Re has led' N, H' AL11 't- M0 i who becattle Bishci�) oi.St. AmItews, M e 8 uver tne kuld W. RU OLF A.E qME R, Freerna utle,, Deart 1'�ipoll: D opponents �v' of nAbaong. it erc,G. A, itiAted niany novices in the sp 0 r t. 'y need stron� proof boo;bit; is I 8 mmer months wbeiii'luo'st �cAry nailed, srole I s. The guidep In �Itoh fiiild and C, Dean, 9f, Ely. Iwyti,, son of the �ibove men- 'is done, 'Riidolf, with f6w help in eve�y J. R. Se '16s jui6s,, makes' his biaad. beginners -�tartin �'out on a� clina -ose to other 9�v rtm WnV, tiley c,ir, o tW tio1led,.rQwcdJq �864"and so i qua properly, equip Ped" es f Lake. �R�dlllf I�as- been ever nervous ov in of these, o4r�meff have been collate( Men , since the beginning of the winter. dizzy?" was a, que�iion, Titit, �, He went ver'to see the Id folks in 'Rudolf. %rlio took Holy Ordei we, 0 d,, N �6 1 Chartt�r .,oil, tile, bench has hd a -h' and "Yes'� he answered, 'Ibnt thel ateilaken, whre, he w," 'boi MA -r,5 -_h a I 1. F6,a-ther pi'll 0 WS E h e, s h�i 6'h i P�. clear,- demontra,ion also'to indulge in the viery over that. In, rn - ex. bality Sta t�Idard s, th' t whi' h,rnad6 Court Roona, A farilily feud, b�Ovvcea I ' -br; a a. Sports'. Her. ox ts a record, clim�4,1 ce�.tion,al case of dizziness Vve, rl nig, season In. C n'adi 71 P dkies the er t, ilod. 6C the- moun .1 which. had. Qnt, it, -9hal ?V, a, 8SeS"f�jin 'Ug' ' ''' ' ' ' : ' ' ' I ' ' , ' '_ " " ( .1 I I Mai I ­ I I eatil of half , d the roe, '90 1 ir," O tl� ,the d 4 ozen, people, tile 1922 " and he has been.- Iceepirm P edi R11 olf said, that, th4� P, ;�;,. , I . i jui�y, f iftecrit others and di'tarb- hird;S61F.-it, tow ­,Meet it He V�ll Pe Tf) f d 'parties­�qd n je;Ctly V6, guide led 'T,he,- Nitw-, Marghall, M��ttresses`. �rt built permanent., co,mfort-�—Oer - - y", � �4=e of whole, dii;trict, cairie before, eepIL n hai* from Switzefignd in M,4y, climbers 'h�l& on to A rope, k hdug h 'lov6s his. native, S�kt�, about -twen'ty-fiv'e feet idge, Hirarn 6hlii i of tite.-Twenty nfa . e, use, wo'rk *�' tilated, sa ,y T he 1Q1 ar S�Vciltli district of that st�tc, r1and -Rudolf would rather. 'live in, guide.. used his axe 'd sn' .0 soun -,e I tly� rh&ke, it, conforin- o,' every:,60'd md� 0 vi-ei M-1 e n t an surourtd(� the &ourt r h Srldges.' By �t rn, 00in, as,' fort ean4da He, ba h evir'b" ind t d Ptossure'r with On, ere Since i" Pe. y sixr-6f­ the of fenders and,thirty- 1909 hit the guides know 'if it, is 9�j S agging, t 011 our days in te ing Asked how fie' learnea to cl mb cr6ss'�thi� kilow. bridge. It is 'FLO �owcrs spent f it. , , t I_ Th6 Baptist. Xe�.orde' ae- a Rudolf said he -learned in the S�wis� to elimb up,than to clirilb s6ribea the climax', "'The reverence, n nbed W�tb a ressistguaranb m6untains whe h chll& Rudolf has elix fod was a T a f ds a When. &,young* iiiiian he got his clinliV, famous Alpinisfs, fe ihg dWorria. He- then exhibited this Rociofds 6f'c ini a mo, tt Pwise., o wor, nd c6age of a G arjii&jiidgc brotjghi� about a recon- haaket-§ th pu j7icr 61 "m MTV%, P laser - cilidt'ibn herev) th— were g.ri ping one an6fli 'a hands and n were on imide of his eoat. One rie 7stone oizi Ills 4r�hal ,mattrs' �d T s, w. o s q, ring��,, at' d. rri e, rom,:6rdinary vVe ari. calling theii�, firis, Cnames." has t� qualw in witzerlatta IIIiefbr�e after her er_-It A V ........... $ ........ ....... -0 posure em .1 tile lMge of M0114."Iff, Narsh ail Ala ir In Sf: JAW:SM -d Presbyterian i guide.' Fieur De� 0 (-A.11 pelt), Chtirck, London; England, & meeting -.August a Jiitlie, M* and to the last, summer?, , T�o :SWiss $22.0,0 Mars] -Anglo -.mericans held In the n the Canadian H I iall Cotton *Urshull gegAl ...... '$75.00, of -­ -A -was bt4t jj"ojjfjfj for Cansdin a M! -(-&It Sprinc%), f i �erwffl6nat friendship. -est int He -told. of dIffeient lage called tiuilt for then dolf Says. L, Sh 'Diir ��re'fit' for MI. 1 'donl del�j Lord. Morris sp6i& of tfie'inoral,effect alimbihs.-, pattisi he ac P'Inwie& 'in $W,igs :Chalet of ar�hitoLv- &rtleu cord l(Mbifig &ip he had ture Pa 'fi R "it �;A y h' h definitely avowed frieliddliP The lwmk�st. e by, the' fCa4aAian el C W �e �bet,keen, the,United States arid. Brit- WAS aroulld"Lake Louise and'he and, way, It may Vii seen from fii6 trs�ho, reje out thjjrt7_ eant W., <A P, ain" would have on' other nations.' Mfg days 11merittl traim -about Professor Carnegie Sirn�son of Camwt On As trio thero w6re thiri.en of Gblden,,B.C. There they hielng� ull er.bridge, spoke of. having beerrjatel:y 1wenty-41ic horses their m t eIr -In.4 ''A efica and �6ferlied to the4ocia, for 11 in li� 61. "Co �Li twic of that great ri�tio ivin Marshall at' Too - an inco n lik Was.liington d U I 21. heroes -oes -of the whole I �tbe h�t and 6f, all classes. hiat vdar. -It is a finding yuux- U-Vl-.AA A0,01w Vr %.w Life �Lptfgue has made aved Ejg t_P. r -EPORT pnder. over. Tlieri -SCHOOL R s dou le report of t ie -three per cent more Sui- JU The is, the I iy st as slow to ac it t nsWrea -ing the previo Bluevale, School. for the.winter ter,"'. cides itv rq_,�i than dru '4,jo.—Mary 111owbray, 84 laaffew years wer -�-Total 75'0� -Ionours 56o; twelve. monifi%. 'Among. those. of in' leavening with a slow� or hotOren', IV: Clhss atisfactOrY rs, 10 We e To edito (Honors) -Be atriee- Thornton, 558; known -writers, 40 college stndents, 5i 554; Muriel school,ibachers, 2i clargyrilen, �7-judg-� Thotriton, 54.6; -Gordon Mundell, ab- es and. lawyers, 7 rnayors, §3 bankers, sent; Evexett �IcGee, bsetit; , Fred �and 88 presidents of large concerns. Elliott, 494,; Co-ra.Ganllett, 436; Glenn The Cn'ses were 'Wraiaged nr'"depr6s,sion," and "decline of el&con- Grniss, p6. Sr. 'and Jr, IT I—Total 560; H6tiours trol;,, _QIiVe Garniss, 420; 335. The "'Catholic Internationl Organ- (�H 0 n 0 tl'rr Ra7.0-1 Mllidell, .341; izatio.n With- �s_ Seat t: Rome, as a Nellie 'TAcKintiev, 3cia. Jl-. III� eO. centre of unity for.Catholic organi- G Fletherington, 1,64. zat�cins. throughout the wotldlias re- NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER, FROM YOUR ORDER Sr.. 11 --Total, 430; 140n0tlr,, 320, ceived new cricottragerilent f"i-on, Satisfactory 255�Dorotliy Aitken;366' �Pins� X1 not only by his blessing but (Hollours); E.Isie Thotri - ton, 3i2; NQb- gift of ten thousand friii:cs in aid of 296; its finances. The late le Greenawayj 800; Alan Garniq N '295. John Mowbfayl friend1v to its 1jurpose and now it's _�at- ex,.ecutive has been appoffited. The Ji, 117 TQtRl 300; Honourjg� 225; of Cardinal igo—IMay - MowbraY; 214�5 i botiorary council consl9ts (Hortours); Leslie Green F7. P London, . Cardinal Logue, away, ?2 44 1 97 'Dublinand'Aichbishop Goodier, Bom- (116hours); May Nicholson, L Primer Class (Probloted to bay. The,'Bisbop of Toledo, U. S., '41 Th6ititoil, -(Hon� is le president and with him are the tl 11 'Z ours): Kelinctil. Aitliegon folilowing officers, Marquis de Comit- and Ch��Lie' e�ttal, (Honours); Hugh. tas, Spain, Mr.'W,-P. Maea,,K, S. O., Mowbray I NRM2�, Aftpdlli a,Ltisfactory Great 13fitain, Dr. Alpton'- Steger, -�-Dorothv Green- J"ollnd and'.MN. jules Zirnheld France. raw, Ry, sati�ftjCt.orj PI, Da In the Methodist church of Blyth, -7 isy likIrolsoll, O a two venerable memers we're nt M. and Geo. -Xin bet -'en rolled -7 lately honored, I �A. teitcher. King the fornicr at ninety years of 'ai d the latter closely approching Iag e i (Nvo -ty by t le of' the it,'werc given birthday pat Hdnsc- C.6niiiion, (D t t awa, Ny c r P_ f o' r m - congrelgation. 1fr. King has been a preacher§: James S. Woods- hiPhIy'resj)ected 6ificial for over half Worth is the,son of a, Wthodist niin- cX-litury and in responding to the the grecting-s of the people, alo g Wit I Ili later and scived foo, a d ti -ate. w -with the Wife pkvstoi He w, q concerned s)oke of their love foi- and un- Wilke, in Wirinip6g­but hot convicted failirik� confidence in God and their Win., Irvine, hi of ally offence. uttchnient. to dic -Mediodiai. cburlh. -�,represent� Calgarynd Ill` SC0tIaTTd 'all th r Saint of the- STUNT menibei e -is: in tile unititeill ministry. They clitti-ch pa,saed away, being. one Ill r)(Ille(I.L Or .4 ayd ll dy. created last May, pressionslin ilic 116ds� a'nd'have eX,ert- John Alidei-soll INI. A. was moreover, A over illair associ- 1:116 .,oldest, strike of. minces in hviii bcc' tes' the .A othe� vhopping� big, lot of the nation won�t, eat,any other stationed t n fe was lso oh"i. India ill TS;(6. B Ke'llaigg's juiiglel and �Moving Cof' Flakes but XIELLOGGS N'ov t Sc A i's publishing student while it Edinburgh and il� his pictui, ei'arrived! More., ",W XTITE" b`e c a U S 6'' cs� h 'lie To P c C a 1,01 the ill se�ial -forrii, - There ee, old qk lidid ill su,ch high regard that ttle foM� who" rifisseld the XELLOGV WAXTITE :1 Queeti sent Iiii-6 their snappy heildlincs:'for c.�aniple the See- tile I<iil,,, t the r e. a ni ous sh6w earli in the a' re'n'tit, 'leathe qn reaching the cen- 'JOY ond 'Gosl)el is annotinc6d 0, r�,�' not hard to I the Moderator Of the n d o iv Stmiety ti hSeas, Madas-Ascae, F�titjbtjl- jungl6land MovingPicip'r'cs' Ri llt� a 1�ackag-6 hew A . ; Good News according to c tury I 3ai�l�'and 'xveek can go 'to any gr6ccry C store n'�w anti get" Kell . bg I g�s Wa8 clitirch 'of Scotland isited Iiini duri th - Trade 795, Pi-611bdr6d the -the hat 'hiectilig of the Assembly in, gh, f KE L L O' 0. GS W A, X thas- kilt to"Iet v VREE��with two pAckakes,of iiake8 and get� otit It Jias bee �stiggesicit that Dt TITE Corn P be What lovely styles 1 HOW dO YOU X-EltOOG"S, WAXTITE its' deli-htf 'novelties said th new 6u9tower as� dlected mode-ator of tilt Pres,byter- XRL L10, G G, ]and Corn per cc arolafid hei. n r I M o -v i t, j� R E, E, 9 jungj 0(� IlaVQ uild(�-ta6jl to , CIlu ch"i I for* : 11 fo�l_ if of frietil- -lil of ]a�VL 6f' ftiy oustonierig boarding the train$ Wojjld� 4f cpst,�50c,� in an bo6k the clitirch 90 :.,� I I � $�o,6oe.) l niont 11 I . I un,�viih, tjieditifseeffig tel tillwPitton law of pre� ovief" 01'an you dih:,shake a .�bcrs,qf th6it colllll�v il toll 411 016 fmine 'to -buy elsewhere, ave solne I didn't h ­trca @ are at irnore at, that Nva t pie,, it], Ott Jun'jl�l'qhd Witb"evefy "0- $ 0 lolUl"Ics and 42'.3 to his novelty lo,appy, sunny 411f 0 0 W �KELLO 'COFn iu tile offim l-dec ss in . oso gy rly a Illillion W�6,d hit, th bl' packages �of' 0 ith ' 'Whenever: a iie�v Style jjjt�jc .5plendid %Vol Py, b J�ojjlalj �runch3r W n, Flalrb for . lihilted time' only— tIj_ Loftdbli, Ont, jZ4n)cq, saler or calls Ine ou L6j' 10 olic chtirch, Ila,,, still the I'arge8t inctil- 'n Now St. 'Jaines' id WIS rbie abWt, it, aild I 0rdeli a feW.7p .X LLOGG'S "WAXTITE,' it's inside the-atkte ra E,S� than ;you Per on of church in India, hei Sunday on. CORN PLAI&C church, , lstei tt" htof Rev, G� 4veli't seen pre ier'L efls, siilart& StMdi kag4t! Ask for s ut, ilito Pac in,,iSt- t at' dvbr believod could he b �'OU go ogr#,pes �6r klnghafAS anywheM And ov K e0gette cif dhi -dron 0 t'r junjIcjan&, i3 jour�—FREE! Scc,ct of nd. splendid. They leitV6 311le'110 excuse at I up 6V Se a Dr, of slid st6 tow. t6 buy, NV vel tion Rooter' foi of the i�iiij Distance does 54 OnAbI10,'g, Drv. Goo tB) 32 0 to obt-1111 11eW 6f, TA on styles ji4amit'di tel.y ',P mlllirpn� of Ia �ncj Cktoj,� to th the cr m of the tmde, ea IL lit. bi, Also 01 A , bf flw, I yooll oi- ill 7 III