HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-27, Page 211 11 77:1746:6 6: 11 66( ;!! jt3 y YwViILi .11 e tteux JiJ.xvt__..,(corpt.'d.") right, fixed ,$). llat it almost touched Sounf greeted my expec,tant Ibe floon. tht -nli6 a great round NJ the incessant rumble a the 'brass ,object, mounted oft an ertorticus $ Then as 1 turned. my attention t 1,10nLi 1Pod, vchi front fthisci,agtotin,was•stootlon house itself and loolted down the ge 'our of the barn to Glasna,binnie, I could scarcely suppress a cry of aston- islanien L. For there helow me, mov- ing tL/ 'and Ito between the house and the hut, was a constant procession of 'mall lights, ;like a slowly rnavhig• - am of ,glow-worms, twenty or tbaty yards 11D4rt, .1 was rooted to the W,Itat eQ11111 it mean? Was this another weird natural manifestatton, , or was it, as was mob more likely, a couple of dozen men tearing lights? Yes-, that was item bearing -lights -- and what else 'besides ? 'Men don't squaie thing like a mammoth rec- tangular condens(n7," sueh as iS uSed knew had only arrived infer Gla,sgoW the ,pbotographic enlarging and other night, before. projection purposes. Had it not been, "1 seeQ1 are wondering how 1 got for this cond.enser I should have taken lie -re and why I came down the hill, the .whole thing to be an elaborate instead of tip a roadof some sort," searchlight. But; 1 asked, myself, what said the youth with a smile. 'would be the good, of a :searchlight ,Frankly, J was,” ,Dennis admitted. there? Suddenly the whole truth "Then, perhaps; 1 had better exl/lain dawned upon me: •who j: am and how 1 come to 'be here. The searchlight must operate emy name is meNenzle. 1 am employed through a trap in the -wall of the hot just :below t/b veer. „r leaned further bY Welton a.n,d I/elan:nay, the Glasgow - opticians, makers •of the 'Weidel' tele - In,' forgetting mydanger in the intexil scopes and binoculars. • Mr. Garnesk , ,eutreih up ind dowa steep watercourses Cat_ion of ,sudden discovery. has a, goo'd deal to do with °Ur firm in in the niglit for the sake of giving an uniY a fOOt ‘01.' 1wo awaY--rroM na, e the matter of designs for special npromptu firework display to an un- ar mall was working on the ,'sear.elle glasses to withstand furnace heat, for oxoeetccl visitor told. myself. There light- Carefully taking' it to Pieces, ironworker, etc. He ,arrived at file was. „only one Ling' to do, and that, he was handing 'al? Parts to another woks last'-, nght" in a 'car, and, after was to investigate the matter and Mans 1Vb1) ivas perened en the saffeld consulting with the manager, they chance What might happen to me, 1 below him. He was SO el0801:0 Me 'kept a lot ofi us at work all night Oh i!Caellt.aCl/X16:0711.16' totil'etli eh e.19.11-tl'ht'eta. nacin wlay as ailboell°t.dit6to abeljec attlohirsl'agit; '71evv;n-cll'adssigrenrii.o\fvist'rtciblaiseleilsa.reel in the 'Here and there a mumble of -voices) when he lookea up. He gave a sudden -early. hours of the morning,. There now and then a subdued snout, appar., loud shout. 1, lay there ,fascinated. was...no passenger train, but Mr. Gar- ently an order to be ,etavied out by 'Chi A-fter all, thought;''before they can nesk got me a miiitY Pass on a flab. 'mysterious light -bearers, ebroken oe- 1-eaell me .1 ean"sliP ant and.edge roundtra.in and here" I am. I was to deliver , ay•.o.vprniglit Y'lf/Irt';',P4t00i0.tiL fAr T.rW 'thOUghtS:were..e'peetillY 'tWeitetie fo'ti1.0. • hAci; iia,Wly-'•reaehed.the. braise. )1eforKe .a:• stieaiige' 'Than ,.itittde',..bis Way -tewari*,thein through•the heather, : •V,,VVIri't,- stir?" he, ask.ed: , , "Do vet wish'.to .Sneak Art De„n91,is ask;ed eituoisiy "t bwe 4 'parcel and 'a.ineSsttge for 1146.).. rgola,.,-nt,„ • f„.41:grtcy,:ci4the ...rti•.,41).,4?),:;:•'.a ycung Man Who might bave,.1,1e0.,ti irrrYtbipg l./9":•profession. ' Dentedsr his, sits,' piehinS, arans•ed a't on'ce, he casionally by the shrill .call era, gull, the cliff, run tiown on to the shOre, the ii,areel. to -Mr Dwarf- orii •,orvevetl n,04thing to me. that I could a-ncl get'awaY m the motorboat; Even. Min to Miss MeLeed 1Ni-tee" 1 salv not s,ee. 1 lookedup at the hut. Na, as the Man sh.outed, id the others this lady with the—er---the shade over there was no one there, and the win- ieft ' their work to See what was' the her eyes .1 though•t. 3r06.6 li"ere probably - dews were not ...screened, ,beca.use 1 Matter, Ful,ler dashed ,ont from be- k., Ew,art, sir:" could. see the moonligiht streaming , , , e-ri mr note as a matter of fact, said through the far side, Yet, surely, the ine,..and, fling'ing himself at Dennis. "But where have you come hut must he their objective, 1 thought, t f e„n, ew all .his from, a,aa why dadn. t •you come up t lc Where else. conic,' they be going', to ? Weight .911 ralle which dangled thei-e. path?" ,WC/61.4rod) Fascinated, I ,cra,wled an my hands I ,scuttied to my teet, intending to "Mr. Garliesk gave structions and knees till could touch. the wallIS Ma„,ke a bolt for it. But the boards sir, which*I read to the,brootaran who, Are CP I I, Many people have discovere Polishes ar that 2 ,tood• for other things than or example; sh.ining shoes, 2 in 1 BLACK—Good for- -hing motor cars. refinishine snit cases • kcFclaks„ black glovei, ru bets, bats, etc.. .is„ stains in white) 111 1 V/1:1ITE—Cake‘ or ligniCf-'000cL for ofearring skirt's, white kid gloves, CLOD tires, etc. "2 in TAN PAS -Th -600 Cr 'pOlisilingfurn Por etc Best Melo Usis. for d fl t woo floor, e 2, We are ,A,war 'ng Cash rizes Pollowip 1st. aw?rd $500.00—for the most acceptable list 2nd. ' 300.00 --for next but list 3rd " 200,00 --for third besi list 10 Prizes of - 25.00—for the next ten rrgy, to find new 20 PriF.e.s of $15,00 —for the next tikenty 50 ' " „• 5.00—for the next fifty 50 2.00—for the next fifty 100 1 00—cor the next 100 lista) . ,.. ._, uses for any of the 2 in 1 Shoe Polishes, either black, tan, oxblood, or brown; paste, white cake or white liquid, black or tan combination:, . . Virlte on one side of PaP‘er only, List uses accOrding to colors., Awards will be made according to decision of special conanaittee4 and payment• on Or before October it, 1922. Aa li§to saubm.i=tpd to become our property Addresa Prize Editor, DALLEY COMPANY OF ,CANAD,i).LMLTED -tADVLDA. • hind the platfortri gave one t ' " ' Unanswerable, ,) Mr. G- , t of the :smoking -room by putEing out shivered beneaeh -me and before 1 bronk.h,t. me hre e. arneslc said ground beneath my- feet, to ihe door of the cavern below.. bring me,across. He also gave -me „this Fight S -Pring Pel:er Witb VitamineS• ny arm. I heard. a „great commotion could realize -what, was 'happening, I eimin,,,,., it seemed, from the veliy found rilyself hurtling 'through the air laig -who had- inot_o_r-boat.s, and would "",-------",----- - 1 would find several fishermen, ate -Mai - t ..ise, • " - I laid my ear to tlfe ground and , •,.,—.. , - 4paeli,er.- add tolf.d. nile, elicit° afiecown+ fr,i • - - - -, , ....i "`" "--; ,S -in fever,so ()Sten experienced. - If you have a damn, anset place a pi g , liste.ried, The nouse g,rew. leaner, a.. CHART -ER, xvi,-,1, -a-v,ate ,‘,.••oi-n the c_rec_ion..$ . gave. . .• „., „ . •• , . , , ,, ... ,..,. „ e, against a more powerful sound—the '''' ‘-' -,,:' - ears paper. He ,glanced through it', and ta'zing su Phur' and Molasses; but can this every th6y0 er three v,,,eelts. _ , e the "voices seemed- " t° be shmiting , _Iiie ,ra,,e. ,, Dennis held .out his hand .for the °I' tne nraz warm °""a-Y'"i's 11" eLtreC1 '''3'" [ -'a.11cerful es. ',am:, on a szieLf,...anu „renew - terfall po-sihly I thought perhaps And now, as the ieades vs ill readil3, tiien read ii, to 'Myra be di ea ented by loliowing a ptopes cloSet is verY tramp renew every tune the floor of the hut would give me understand, 1 mus,, ,com.muo, the „sto.ry "Talte a motor -beat from Igallaig to dieteduring tile winter. Canned. vege- Ix becomes slatk. This 'IA only stops- • more opportunity to locate the source ' . t . • Invermallinili Lodge" he read. • -Tell tables ata valuable for the • ,ueeulence -dampness but lends a see'd odor to the the winds and slipped through •the ula and• waited for Inc till the ea/1.-Y -wide windows into the room. I moved hours of the. morning, but I did not as carefully ds I could, however, ()noel return. The young people. did what my feet found the floor, for if there] they could. to assure the old man tha't should he anyene below they wouldi my sudden and unexpected disappear - probably hear 'me up aboVei, I turne,cli ance had been entirely voluntary,- and of tile disturbance. I threw caution_ to M, Yra, the General, arid Dennis sat ' o oset. To‘remiove threads from -the carpets; dampen your, broom...and sweep • with .carpet the grain of the _a 1.-1 01 very lightly. .11 -on will find - by - doing this 1 that e-ery -thread. will roll up andl the ,rian- to cross the top of Loch ,which they furnish, and are necess•ary Hoar,. as, i..„,.weir,,e,,going- to, Gleileig, 'In. preventing c'onst,ipation; they •.are. bat xvhen.,be_gets well"round-the" Point also valpribTe for the...vita.m'ines whicdi leeis to double, batik, Yosasthe 'e e served ;a e le" he,ar as lie Can *.to -the use., ;but, sla''-ecY; • Icett'ae,' and'a.freath,fruits',.:a:e keep on -the far, Side of othe;:p'eant. 'You . the carpet in. order.to hear more P-enali's who had fourid my „nate-, 0± d'stinetle, and as I' did so I- noticed seon .as. lie put on-1ns cap to stroll out rectangular shaft of light which asually, and •see where had got to, ickled through the--flohr. There was gave him substly to understand that trap-door. I knelt down and lifted it was really part of' a prearranged it cautiously' by a leather tab Which Plan, and Myra at length -persuaded was attached to one side of it end him to ta bed at Midnight. peered through. can never under- • When I failed to put in an appear - stand how it was I. did not drop that anee at breakfast -time, „however, e -y -en ,baten again with a selfeconfesing they -began to be a trifle alarrned, but are on -no adeeunt to be taken to the' vaillable'aildernaY supplement the can- al' a,ea, ot.g-e. • - ned vegetables . and fruite. you arrive at the lodge .insist on. see- ing Mr. Efidrt,qr MisS McLeod per- sonally, if Mr. Ewart is not there. Then •i.eioin year iiiotor_beat Irild go. ter diet to which human' being- are Your °11 stove draw up' and s°'atier on to GIelielg. • Veait there for the accust-Omed, found, that after a,period a °°2 -ting °I soot over everything, re - first hnat that -will take you to Malileig -of time the rats showed. 'marked signs. member tqkke a dry cloth to relli°ve ar,d eonie back by the train. Do not 0± spring fever, more properly kn,o'-wn' it and it js wiPed off ss-ee'stlY as rettirr, to Millaig by motor -boat." • as a -eaenecioney disease, Deficiency leaving no traces. --If u -131_11. grease on the door dash crash when realized the extraorch- theY did t,,,ear ,ihest to eGiiieead then. tio'n'Tsholsier. are u .nvheia-yrn7,1asbaoirdazitelyrinaStr"'-iio: diseases, were, 'recognized daring the Y° d seientist who experiniented with raisegiving them the usual heavy- win - r 10,2 l:vey 4191 y'01,1 050 re4t• 11110 1,1.4040 ,1,10,011.mbioil di:PP:max .eTerY7 Ifalug 1;1 1,110 tliat 1•11 worth wilitte. Buell (bit you, 011101 1s9 7011', Study it bo ttiPll,gh ail r flitare de- pontled.upen, it •• o'verY hand 'we. see people ,w11.6 al( ,tit Om groat beard ' With the utincist indliforancei- start' the gaing be morning 'with• '• exhatieted„ with. muddled, . brain, rand they, Make • every Move , with, a, wandering)indin1erent Woricter,why,they lose, , le order ,to snake e,-;,!ry' do4; corn 1 one inust,,' of 'course,', make everyehmir• . count. Suppose you, were notified that , alit your. futUrt-„, Avel•fare depended. upon,•• - 'your 'winning at a „single, ,' gapie •of• • chess, *and sh.ppose., you were 'given . thirty daya no,tiee• thiS, game) whox wouicIyou in ecuinse, you Would. entefinto a, mihree" of the-fineSt,ausliMeost effective 's'Ort of training:la the game.' Every .s.ten ;WoUld, ,, takenwith beiedtiflc no . curacy. .• ,"' You 'would see that. your . , body, and, . brain , were', kept to 'their d • • • • hig,nest "Pas Sible• ethelency., ' .' You would ,n.ot, indulge in any sort `of .dissipation, You vvould every • . thing which , could pos.s'ibiy saii your - • , • . • , vitality' or Waste your energY. ,/ "1-1 • . would conserve all of yens-, resources', , so' that, you 'could bring them , the,' , tes,t• fu..superb •.You would gi.vo careful.atoontio, your diet and not allow 'your,bion ,brain ecetis to hecoufee nolsoneci b ,fatigu.e ,Or lack of steep' , wool. pub. yourself ,i,ntre the -most favb table- , possible -erivirensnent; PliYie,i111Y• and mentally, sse .that Y.au' could fling all Joli7es was an. enthusiast se' • , 41 • .delreloPera;.' 'be :Y1:11,t1171tre le'rees 1114;°.tha)t. S.111):ranis cen-: -0±e every 000aa±on. - • Len ,you entere, into lc great -"A.'.great thing," be said: "They game..' you wouldeivateb. every nMve s , • . • - • . • , . , , • • , - -make people ',more' 11,0altilY, triorease!, oid their . strength, and,,lengthen,their a tre,itiencons,,,responsibility that yOu , • ,041)e3',131,i1,0t Ele19,c1'. 1;illii17°11.Vitl;611s' -wont g e 3.-1.11s.c• e (e- in, the game of' life. There is - ' U1U c g -ana if ,yort hat' 6t1.1 "Tbey did not," ,said j'eues triutith- . oo gime, • ' ant,v• ``.7nd 'WI, ere are they no'vv All • • luave wiba, the Aries,t. judgmentA)14.. , dead '• opine. off very easily. " DressmakerS; I . , especially, appreciate this. - -If you are so unfortitnate as to have ray eyes. There wee 1 in, the amoking,_ then went down to, the landing....Stage, wouia.seem that Mr. C'-a.r.nejsk is veryL; ojfa,Pja,an,peasiee,e-Ren,:,:ei-aioni„..sweyare.),,l'eY1,1a:ffinichtlleriddw'reitLIhs 1,01.iiejansgebanWit,11Y1 '''nvoitth's.oca°1:..-61, i'Aii.'1a(t)e.rtheal:'-"rotohdey nary nature of the sight that greeted -fears. They scoured the hillside -and -,', - hut of a„ peaceful American *,zren, Dennis had ,,eperted. the p.,,,,,,ions suspicious about somethurg, • leav-ing a bad stain, . "Evident -1y,', , Dennis agreed. ccy-onid beriberi oLi- With -neuritis (an flamin ation ,i_ ., t ,,..1 t ,,,,,,,, „9,,,3, .„,,,,, t,,, _ ,,,, _ :,, t vhere only a few hours before i had night that the motor -boat was still in edge of the entrance toa great tavern,. .1 might make 11:137- deParture in the 713ntli 'h-andect: him the paree', and ,a- ' . .v,arsation,,and now 1 was lying on the and it• iaever occurred to Myra that er,ept a, pleasant bout. in friendly ,cen.. its place -maten he- saw Heiden -jean pff, "better let M,iss----MCLeod have that °I tne nel ve-9, " By.add lug the hulls of j '' al- lo cis 01. ei, .-oatz. -, 1 ..oe mates, ..a. parcel," ,he ,.:,,ad,,,,,,,," to iciieKen,___, parcel ,-dThet :1„,..-iiieee tdoisethaseesu7vaielirdeleat t of0 npeoeiiseliheefiall:eiodo ! 1:11°,14'7 6 Y 111 el tiin .7., a,11.:c177(j1, 11,domae'-nin,1 4": let: , i -d. white soap made. with nice es,Biezlao-ceshtimneertyliearneawatoseatiOnsfuomseed. nwiaerst G°1°11,H-eark3,1,:salid,ohtu,g,,* 02,16_.2by the sea, any.. 1\TIOY•prIa-ness' tstiageesegi-cniet:sperienniteen°tPs en.weeads _eta ileyVaills°1tehel2iices'ulh.nseiliutcin'it'leldg, 1--f' oh.; 'ft°1-17p1011-ilsuhleisai:lialiCnenXtatiliC7V1°5:ES -gl'a°'(ItCl'S\-IvYIE':Cl'e:11;57 tlienlia-1-cii- , . soap -without -resin 'reciye, then adding, s•,,ra.)r," Dennis announced again, as. lie ,letter etldires-cl- to 'tl-e*' Dennis t°'re nee, and -an e-xtraet of rice hulls ellrea - working on scafroltling, others were • • nuarly feet, hdloW. The nearest of them and the ,stead. en the .landing._ it "Mese ai\nidtreadd ,,arir of a ;number ,of h.a.d cases. _ This"' was 'so close to -me that eeuld'ha,v.ei stage. "`" -l."" • episode niarketh the discoveiy of vita - leaned down and laid my hand on his "You mean the Jenny still these glasses until I see he,i, igain , head. I tried to make- out What they therer slhe asked.• She will be able to see through them mines. Many exporiinents have heen were doing, but except that they -vvere "'Yes," said Dennis, "she's 'just :fairly- well, Dut she 'must nob remove made to discover their exact nature, dismantlinthe maohMery, -whatever where she was when we arrived from them. The ,consequences might be but the elM elusive vitames 'hate been g itnilo-ht me 1 could make nothing of Glasnabinnie in Ililderman's boat 795 ' fatal. The three other .pairs are for neither isolated not r diri dssocjedE' trd- they a'y heies,;, it. I watched them breathlessly, ter ay.'' ,• you an urn airi, an one extra in re "known onlhyt trembling lest, at any moment ,one of • "Mr, Burnham!" Myra cried sud..., case of accidents, It 'will -also come in , them should lock up and ,detect My. &pally, "is there .another boat, a brown l'al'andY ,V°u take 1411-dernlean- inta Vitamines have been classified into presence., • motor -boat, anehore,c1 just out there?"' X0112". 'cunfidence' eaT these glIases The plac,e was ligb.tedbY electricity, 'No," said Dennis, realizing liow I Nsilen you Ole in aue7 'danger .of acm "aiougla there were not enough lamps terribly han.."-cappeti they were • nag m contact tiith the green lay. by :to illuminate the eavern very brightly, MYra'z inability to seehave anidea that. they will act as a 'lid as my eyes -got accustomed -to the "Aire You sure ?" the girl 'aeked 'aux- decided 'Protection1 also epelose one lights and shadows 1 was,able to make icais4§, ' Colt aulmnatle pistol aml ealtrktes' out the cause of this. "quite sure," •said Dennis positively,jdieouiy one 1 could get in the middle gine belew, driven by '10± water :from that is all," ' 't) , Rilderman's help tell hit" everything. Evidently there -was a ttar.bite en- "The -re is one -rootor-bout here; %aid of t13° night' Y'"°'31' 'field° to ask the falls, width supplied the necessary suppose he took that to put Fill_ 1 ani sure Ile well be 'verY uSefur to _pot, el. Alter a inoment or --two, it 'derman off...,the scent," Iv1",yra-mused', jrKeeP Yunr-uograge'til), ol-di'man! dawned on me how the cavern ca 'fend in that case h'e is Probably quite lhe' hest to -You ail: "Inlaste.-11, 0," to lie there; it" was, 'et had been, ,the Safe1 daresay lie's.gone to look for Cr° tb'eblitinued'') cfoorse of a hidden river, such as are ottr friena, Von , What's -his -name's• • . , common enough ernong the milaintains, yacht or his house ,at Loch D,nich." If a brass -headed tack is driven part but -the :stream had heene diVerted, ' Dennis clutched at the Opportunity way into the 1 • p t' ' f a probably lay some sort of landslide, this ,theory gave blin pieiture frame; le•twr.eviiii-°,:reiv°erint° maarkebs anysiesir,ed- perfume, Or toe perfume may be .stirred bite some Of the 'freshly made soap inixt,ine just ,before- you pour' it out to_harden, The only. sure.,:way: of ftryi.21g° CUT- talps perfectly, straig-ht when ort,e, has not -the stretchers 'is. to '3,-urt,,a slender sticlt or pole' through .both ends and rest cm two' lines stretched- high' so three different types, depending upon the curtain -will not touch the ground. • promoting well .Lbei ng • -a n d growth. the 'functions- ficar which they have. in i . - 'Lack bf the first tYPe Of -water-soluble' Dve OM c u't in - ,saimeetzummoine .„mg vitarnines causes 'beriberi:. These -vita- , - ew'sea't:r,,a,.-c-a, skirt, mines are found in seed's, green plants, ' GC will be alStenislied':i.it' f".11c;";e:- certain- bulbs and fleshy roots, also (in . , - in-Diainond Dyes suits we,get by pur moder.n.,system list' ai. shabby, dirty or , sficitted.' 'are. animal body. The seeds include beans, ,. "Diamond* DyesP: add .y -ears of wear made • like new We eau .' re -store tlaC. peas.' nuts and .cereal grains, The Outer to warn,, lade'd skirts, Waists coats most delicate' articles. coverings ,,,01, the ,grain -and the. ,s,k ins. 0tocicings• - Sweater-. - cov erins's ir ag "'" bend ,,onoloiabairtei.cie . or a pa:eel c).-f„galocis, and germs of ,cereals are, most iinportt ings,, diqaperie.,-„ everything. -Every by .1)Pst or exPress. We- will. 'Pay e.ar:. IrnOsI riage one ).)ray, and our charges •are ant.; and if entirely omitted from the 'Paekage Contains dt0e,01:101-66S so Sifnarl,le diet will result in ii. disease which is any-,wcnuali eau pui. new, -rich. d had left this tutribleisi-ishaped cave,' fears, wild .decla.red that it was. ridi- from appeariii,g on the wallpaper a, is resembling a pit sha Now, culons o him not to have thought of ' usual where pictures •hang. The tack. thought, have only to find out -what it liefoa.e, rand he gave Myra his aril" all this niachinery is for and the whole to the house I3'n't he was not at ell mystery is solved. I ()petted the ta'aP satisted with it, -and, as it turned out a little further, and allowed my body afte-rwa.rds, MYTa was, not very confi- to hang slightly over the edge. dent about it either. Dennis knew Me Then rur the filet time I saw to my well eimue-h. to 1 -now that I 1-1 1 1 , • s c Mitia d's 1...i inierlt or E9ai-iclruff.' Bxmot, 4- , • soid_by.,,-41p..dr,figglot,s;' or 81 718 I N1is; tree.. P.;:goliti:± 0' .No need to 1o.se chicks. :One' intro str6'ng, y,proTitablo bird. 'Snocks'afuI'pOul- ... tr yrn en e-Terywere bank on it3. e ,k, . by. ';'c , , '-Sold egeryw.herer. on our mon- . ey back ganiente6: ADVICE • 1)FRIEvr3,3,T'Tiveiol,nospyoreti:ouch16,1'..,CANADA, L11MhT1?D (T - .seeing diseriminatida, gatea .deal' '16iziEidd/i21,..-y-oft: Will: lose •ansi ±11 ,,you.make hattlf1016he •.06 ay,-"howe-Yei' uch yon may resolve'. ieiremedy thf to-rri-orriaw;:yon.wil t be placed. j. 11'4 h.' so, inU,olt, g:rdater:([1.-)atifvatAa,g6" 'and the' , habit of had Moving,- the'labil; oftare- Ics „indifferent. moving, strongei; and' stronger .at' every' repot -I'. • „ •,tion.• :;,it is a "great thing "to lie "doWn • a night with the consciousness that yen .have'..dohe Saiur level best.' ThiS ,is, .,tilteecialY' thing that .can make 1118 as a Whole Wortif'while, making 'eaeli day,' ,courit,, each. move S. Mal- ColloquiumIn thepastfev,, livr4eaPrshtYbseic'esi:gton; fills grown up at the e s ty-o, • aitio of taking advantage of -the • " t" A erica of -enr'nent profee sois to arrange conferences ni certain ini-boxtairt, s'abiect's. txamPles of-, this excedlerit scheme have been the recent -confe.-efices in Physics and in Phil- osophy, the results of whieli were ` beneficial to the students, to the• staff and to the general .,public who took advan,lae'e of them Thssb conferences ing to.furtifer thought and to 'further are very „effectiVe indeed in • , aeseale air_io are, ot una e enoug to Joe -concerned in thim. Fc,116wka. out this plan a Colloquinni ita,Phyi4;_i„o is in progros,s this week in tiliOitT ivPorra'sf.tetsYs'°erf 11/,C.VAde. °HrTilltaz,ndo)f BtrheefeUssnofrl -J. C. IVIarLennati of the 'Liniversity,of llor.onte and Brofessor"-L• V. King oi MeGifl University are the chief,figures, • The' topics under discussion ai're. Li geht, Moleollies,• the C°21'51dtnidOn and".tile Structiare • of ' Matta'', F I II oyes curie Pliesphoreseence Atoms and'Ilte, Spec, • tro,scop,v of Isotopes of Lithiuni,' and other eIeMentS, • Though to those not versed in, 'the intrica cies of • higher scientific 'study such -subjects '-may 'seem abstruse they 'do have, in their applicationi a. very definite bearing, efthe problelns .01 everydliy life.• This Collogitint, like its pre-, decesSor's., oneil to the general of dyeing and eleaniug. Fabrics small arnountS) in eertain parts of the • • When " • Jug and clyeing,; think "of dance of this Icind of food, 'beriberi is draperies even if she lias never -dyed • PARKER'S. • seldom 1 ound, but We need more of before. Just buy Diam mid fiYes---lio -usually ,-fatal. Where- 'there is ,labun- -lesst colors, into ,hor:•Wona gairments or, •you Mink of dean,. • this. "type of 'food in�rd0± to :combat .Other -Material ,will will hold the frame a sufficient. dig-- the :disease 'Which we'lcnow as spring lance froin the wall to allow free, cir- fever. -Cereals which have been highlY cuiation of 'air 'between frame 'and milled to obtain 9 very white flour Wall. , There will be nothing to dis-. have the saine objections as polished color the wallpaper. rice. - The second type known as fat-: soluble titamines are foundin butter, eggs, milk, cream, -cheese, beef fat, .and tlic heart,. kitilleys ,aiid, liver of .animals. They al.o 'vast in -certain seeds, When' fat -Soluble vitamines are absent from the diet' a.di.sease of the eyes reSults,; which_ it" prolOngedPrOdinies blindness, Thus we see Why babies are given fresh milk and egg -yolks, ' The third type is known as" anti- scorbutic vitamines;' that i.e those , which prevent scurvy. Gran2.-"e „juice supplies +030 anti-scoria/fie vitainine, which bottle-fed babies necel. to prevent scurvy; rickets or p 614.1..gra... put ,ioies are not the-, only -ones wirolimed, these' vitamin:es.- A boy who was working bis •waY through school and' boarding 'himself, with potatoes as his main' food., had' a very .bad •cage .of scurVY' whiell lytas finafly ,eured by correcting his diet,. 'Pile anti-saw:bit:tic vitaiishies re found in grapefruit, oranges, 1c0±, - ohs ,ancl other .citrtius fruits arid in - Stich Vegetables aS Spinach, lettuce, to,, tees, ,oarrots, o.abbage, tUrniliS, And 111 gs, ,a-nd taw Milli:. , (Pasteurdohig or ntsaiiizing :the itillk' 'reduces the yitamine '6oracza to a, l(seri,tin' eitterit.), ruits, and Yeketablos 'are not Irux,Ltries .14''•"•--111etP1'71-•":1:'820-t'e-4:1'd's;;" il';;A::::;).a"-.1;1e'-R''':,.",16'GY' E+''5:71;"111 - id:1V; '...ret, DIVit ° liab.,01Te: apple i6,.pe:ededi 'iin:d. ' yogetablkA at0±. ,6t14,Ch. :fttlits, just .46 geed ,for q:,,h4 ktif069d a• SUP 10.1,,dmg,•,'Jhe.fieeesSitt$: Vitillinisitt'S, ' cone Out right,. be caniste. Diainoncl Dyes are guaranteed not to stieak, „spot, fade, oa- run, Tell yeitr druggist whether the .material you wish.te dye is. wool or stilt or whether it 1s linen, , cotton ot Mixed goods, • Unique Prize Contest,. New useG for shoe polish! Such is 'the.1)asls 'for a novel prize contest re- OentlY launched by the F. Dailey 'Company, manufacturers Or,the ia1110113 2 in 1 Shoe Polish. instance, itnifis been round that 2 irr 1 Black is excellent for oolisbing motor cars,• • refinishing suit eases, kodalts, glo-V„es, rubbers aud bats, The Tan Paste is highly recom- mended for polishing furniture, hard- wood hodrS, ," atilori. While 1110 White, coke or liould, lias been used with good results on stalliS ip wliito sile(rli;\va ts,",vllite hill gloves, polishih aOl v.ir dow glass anti In cleaning automobile tiros and Artrw hats. So itimres)sed ' have the turers become with • s; poOkiblllthiii, they are now ,offerint !p,000, tok casIi prizes tor the discovery of new Whys of hong their shoe polist. • pno would linagine tlnit, shoe polibil IS used :exclusively for Uhining shoes, hut that shell is not the ease has, been r ncirs and Dyer 791 Yonge St. Toronto Lift ()If with Fin z/rol 11 ie 1, „ DroplILhle, on an dObing Loin,iOaca ly.that corn stops 'hurting., then shor4" you lift iii`right off witil fingetpS ''sto4o- "Freezone" 1110 11 few hardjedit,, s0± 00D1, -06.6ehetWeete tire toe,' and, t :to lirsOs, Wflhdoit", s011en'0."'O: Do Yo1i PIay rWith Yopr Children Happy the .ilitirrie ‘'.,)/41,PAL1P The. ii•i.Othen, , who w,orlts, eye -Py ,anOltierit; 'po /iersOl.f nec to he fernily, for, it 'she doe hot 'become 'SpOrittinelly; and., hap- •piness, nor does she eker. knaw v0a9: '.i1 ifletn5 to be 9hejorhfidd inotife'r ;at.' the,. end: cifthe ,day. , • BUST ni.o.thera who wan 1,su9gestio3i.. with ebilIren w119 finth the fotiowing lio.)lts'of 'great; pnrigiaS•e•I;hern shmild rem:zest' , 1?1,a,e-AA',.;)..3:p.:(yithe, shelves ,21. the public . 'toy. -13§: • fo.y. Littlo 0±01, 0± Katherine'rleebe; A, gople- hy: in the 9' ,Ye a rs','• :1i y o101e,0-, Fiahai;'Ti-le, ilt A- 'iVel;.P 01 lcd . yOltgrr,lltee it.lo s 111.1).1:.... ,105 4 1•, ow idu/c1 a l'•••••••,