HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-20, Page 3—•
trtmt-sclor, April aoth., x904
FREE to evetir family!
Jungleland Moving Pictures right in
' your home today, tomorrow, for Weeks
to come—FREE to Every Family!
Jungleland Jass Boys will tickle
little folks and big folks most to
pieceS1 They're the cleverest, funniest
outfit that ever scrambled pell-mell
into Canada—all FREE! . •
Every Jungleland Show is yours
to boss to your heart's content! A
performance every time you want it --
from breakfast till the good -night -
lights -go -out!, A wonder -fun -feast that
astonishes and delights children; a
scream -series of animal. antics that
will bring bunches of laughter from
every member of y^ur family!!
Kellogg's Jungleland Moving Pic-
tures are HERE TODAY—ready to
.hop into your home; ready to turn
tricks and stunts; to dres up in un-
heard-of junglejee-jaws--just to give
you and the kiddies the heartiest of
• And all free—ALL l'REE! — this
Jungleland joy -book of Kellogg's --
the cleverest, happiest, most enter-
taining animal aggregation. you .ever
heard of. A mad -riot of a home circus
that is a marvel as a side -splitter! It
would cost 50 cents to buy it at an
Kellogg's Jungleland. Moving Pic-
tures are right here in town to tell you
the joys of eating Kellogg's 'WAX-
TITE" Corn Flakes! A band of happy, •
light-hearted jungle -folk who come
ditectly into your home with a big and
• glad package of KELLOGG'S
" WAXTITE " Corn Flakes! • Get
KELLOGG'S from the nearest gro-
cery store 'and you get KELLOGG'S.
• Jungleland Movies—FREE! Jungle -
land is inside the "Waxtite" wrapper.
You can't get Jungleland without get-
. Corn Flakes!
• QUICK to the grocer's at the break
of day! QUICK as the doors swing
Corn Flakes with the Jungleland
• Moving Pictures!" And, you'll get
the big "WAXTITE" package that
holds the most delicious Corn Flakes
any boy or girl or big folks ever ate!.
LEATHERY! Never hard to eat!
Millions of children refuse the tough,
• leathery imitations! And you won't
wonder—once you know the marvel-
ous flavor and crisp -,crunchiness of.
• GET busy mighty, mighty EARLY!.
Flakes and Jungleland- and get the
week started right! . Have big bowls
filled brimful of KELLOGG'S sunny -
brown Corn Flakes for breakfast—all
crispy and crunchy and all -the -time
joyously good! KELLOGG'S "WAX-
TITE" are the ORIGINAL Corn
Flakes; they ought to be best!
BE Quick! Get your package
EARLY, for today is KELLOGG'S
•CORN 71
Also makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN. cooked.and krumbled •
out* to_ ED co nAke oct
tittle atetAksrmoi 4,4940044
I'VtrS, Robertson or Brussels, is vis-
•iting at the home of her d atightcr
W. Rae.
• * Miss Nell Holmes left on Monday
•or Toronto, where she will train for
tturpe in Welesley Hosphai. We
ivIth ter success.
• Mr. Go S, S, Laide and his attract-
ive little daughter, Georgina, paid,„
•visit to Wingham friends on Tuesday
mrs. Wm. iVreitnzle, who has heen
itti)Ottig„a vary,pleaant trip to Stur.,
gtoo pans atin ualt, paid a flying vigit
•frietidgi W'reoteter Inst week,
• The Wpnoceter •Wn'gXitWtt
• kern tntr011aSOd vaturtin (leaner and
are prepared to let it out at very thrills' of• delight, Friday afternoon
reasonable terms. For partiettlars`see last, on the beautiful and picturesque
or phone 'Mrs. I/ C. Popelawns stmounding tfic palatial home
The annual business meeting'of the ofMrs. C. Smale-Matteart,
Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist The -many friends of Mr, and Mrs.
church was heid, at the partonage on Geo. Allan will be pleased to know
Wednesday afternoon, when the fol- that they are enjoying a delightfid
lowing officers were elected:— PrO8i.:. ioliday at present, Mr, Allan's many
dent, Mrs, R. Hupfer; Vide President, friends in Wroxeter, his boyhood
Mrs, Holmes, ; Se&y trs F. Kitcheti;,town, knowing tin, to be se) pnnOtnat
•Cor, Sec'yi Mrs, J. Wendt,; .Treas., and efficient in the performing of his
Mrs, gtocki rintitS at the -C. P. R. depot here, and
Spring with its innumerable delights so genial in •his manner toward the
and 41.,111Y, fresh air •is with as again travelling public are delighted•that he
anti with it tomes, tte,releotne return and his wife are enjoying OVOry.lnoin-
bf the birds that Migratedt� the ent of his sojourn. among, othnr, soonOs,
'sunny stitithland last' ,autttmit. The Mr. Keith of the relieving departinent
-firstE theSe'hathered songsters to Of the C. R., is looking' afterthe
attiVn s a XeillockY eat'dinal'whosd ';company'S interest here drmittg
prittsal notes, Vire0 absr Vroxter N•••
•• ,
wnEN MOTHER WAS A LITTLE How fast the seasons past tis whirl;
GIRL Your mother, dear, was iust like yeti,
When she was grandma's little girl,
When mother was a little girl
(That's what they say to me,) SUCCESS
She never used to romp and run
Op shout 'and scream' with noisy rub, The father of Success is Work.
Or climb an apple tree; • The mother of Success is Ambition,
Slit always kept her hair 'in curl, The oldest son is Common Sense.
When mother was a little girl, • Some or the other boys are Pei -server-
•. ante, Honesty, Thoroughness, Pore -
When mother was a little sight, Enthusiasm'', Co-operation.
• (it seems to her, yOn. See,) The oldest daughter is Charatter.
She never used to tumble.down , Loyalty Courtesy, Care, Economy,
ch, break her doll, or tear her gown, Some of Ir iters are Cheerfultiessy
Or drink her PfatlAr's tea4,• Sincerity, tiartnotw,
And she could knit both Nam and purl The baby is Opportunity,
When mother was a littleGo altquainted with e
the ''old Ma
aid you will be • le• t •ttlo
h,LlL •I4
Rev..' ;IiOSCOe_,_•)aaPin-•and,,hi,4'..H;;i;0,f'eit
1'. foi...i.iterly''' Afis''F.lita.FlaVelle,":7'..17'6LrOittl
•, l'il#e''1:441..4f4''fiOt Si17,i-Oe'-;;ttt:I.,i1441,„..,„„
Larkf,,,, .,so „lades. fi OM : NO ,",'1,y1.ty,:l.91111,te.,1,..,„,,,,,
wherer .
s hors. . In.- the''' d'odic4tiOn
strikingsentenee ,'Wqs..;'fl,Sd"... :‘.1'..40.i,t,l,':
service Will,InUitqh 0.-e-:PeOple.XS.g4te,.:
''1:.'1A-texi.i. tAlle, jc.1:::illaennti:eli',wr:is:ejr$Ie.31:.11::::::::',,,,
our gifts ,1-4.at0i, their 'servic.'e.r
of Westcliff Baptist' .Chritc4,, Itiurne7,,,,,;,:::;1
inotith, En'gland,has become a .O011.VO4;:,::
to. ihe...Rornan ' Cat holl d.C.li.iir(Lii, .At....k.':::,,,,'.
meeting:: in •LOndon,-:.Father :,VIPtelter,!„'1;'•
'iliTetlaehaeillgtar,,-6 -fbie-tigtr,:i...N..e les 'srae„i'dui.,,P,:„.ri.:is,.:i.),.1./..f.46.t4i.:1::::..::•''.':.
brought . tip -with'. : the idea , that the
ti-vc\ii.o‘goierl.lsdlt3ihu:t.koti.ditifelocTinTani0:,.hif,14tff7t11.11:1;01,1-::11,hztiiro' j)Iil..4,117.;!..,,,..:;,":1;.,,,,,:.,,.
peritarient and hcalthkin',the though
of ,this country. has ':it$. roots 'in :''...the' •••••.:,.",
Dark Ages, in .the •Catholicisltt. likthie,4:::'''''..r. '
permeated 'that period. ..Whereas7Wit4,',',:,..:.;;I:J,
ProtestantiSin, idea.S. are :bor*:0'ilaY':';-:,'',::,,
ttgadtileVitro. -kile6tii;i°t1'sv:'a' ttiall°:csf .r:111'll'htt's';444,tte41-...ii;"
olic Church niade,iiirti feel that •'4there'...,.4,;„
was something to be said by :the oPpOH..
sitio." • . .... , ,
Dr. Chas. H. Parkhurst, ,one of .the.,.
veteran Preachers of NeW.:'Y'ork...p.;-1'..:,!'i'.1'.':'
inan of international faine-' has''..ilist„,':,:,,
fallen upon hard times. '. Through the::',:;•,....•-.',',,,
kindness of his heart, lie indorsed
promissory note to accOmodate....4-::::::::::.''.;:'-'-'
well-known publishing,' ' house. • The.:'.7.:.
ea;itiolitialt a\cvcaisintoia,otectOo; two7hsi2C14i\7v7it.71.ii,:i:).:'6.e1w.-y..., ,:
presented by the creditors for . pay- "•
ment In addition. to this, the aged.::,. •
clergyman 'is in bed with' pneurnorUa:,
The Winnipeg churches, last Suudar ;,..'.i
heard serinonS on the followingtopieS.. ::'::-..";.,'"'":.:!,:
Prof. AlliS'on, preaching in the Cchtrall .:.H.;•:',';:,''i;
Congregational Church Spoke.: int::.,1.
"High Ex -plosives." Dr. 1..,.: R Dia-
inert in :Broadway Methodist, on "The::;-;:'...,;..:::::)
l3right Side of the Cross", Rev C. at -,,,.,•:.1',
McNally of First BaptiSt; on ' '!•The'r -.7777
Architecture of a Soul", these sugges7 i ',.:.:.
rive themes are in sharp Contrast..to : 7;',:'',y';'.':
the sensational evangelist, Rev. j';: -S.'':, .:,::''.,•;1:,::'
McConnell who .is conducting :a mis-
sion in Old Wesley Church. spoke '...- •;.':H',::"
on "Hell, discovered eighteen miles . .. ::',:.:•'...";:
from Winnipeg": Rev. W, E. Christ...:
Inas, the "Divine Healer". gave the : ::...',,•'..,;,,':
"Millions now living who will never' :...; :-
clie" theory of Russelism a severe
handling. : ' • • •
'lite Baptist Church,: Fort Worth, :..•.--..;:.;?: :,:,
Texas, has a Sunday School of 6,3oo : ::.. : :„':.: •'„:
members. There are no lesson itelps.-:..;'.
and the .,bible study. is selected six •
months in advance by the pastor. In
St. George's Protestant Episcopal ...
Church, New .York, Harry T. Burt .„
leigh,.a negro soloist, sang the Palms
for the twenty-eighth successive Palm ... :
Sunday. Rev: J. P. Bermon, Port Col-
3Orne; Ont., editor of the Canadian
Lutheran, has an article on 'Why we
are Lutherans?" His summing Up
paragraph is "Comparing the Word of
God with the doctrines of the Luther, -
an Church, We cannot in; conscience
and in truth he anything :else."
Centenary Methodist Church, Ham-
ikon which ois :admirably located for
qiid-day. Services" of business men,. ..
has just held a week's Meetings. They
were not crowded but they have"siir•
red the pool" of religion in the city. , ..
Rev. Dr. Rennisan, of Ascension
Church, Anglican, in one of his -unique
tddresses, simple, conversational, dir-
ect, opened the series on Monday hy
driving home the thought that "Christ
is the man in Sackcloth, ' whom our
easy going would wish to avoid." The
pastor, Rev. R. Whiting, ,sPoke the • : .
next clay on the "Sacrificial Life" with
RCN', Dr. Hughson; First Methodist,
HaMiltou, and Rev.: W. B. Caswell,
Toronto, two \yell -known and able
(Continued on pa7ge 5)
0. of ji. , • . '
Hon. Lloyd Ger ha been spend
mg a few holidays ,stt Critcreth
Was in the old Sunday Sch6 614' ,wher.e.
•the teacher, Councillor W. HOwell::
Williams has been in service for fifty
years, The lesson for''the.day Was—
Wile Wicked HtiSbandrnan' ainl.the
premier • shared in ,the:. discus§iOni
pOintinf out
He was very happy among his bid
sbine het§ Very applic-
able to the present state of the world.
Cardinal Louis Naikire Begin; Arch-
bishop of Quebec, who is eighty-t'wo
years of age, said six o'clock thaSs
last Sunday morning in Si. jean Bapr
tist ChUrch, New York..He has Just
arrived on a French liner from Rome,
where he had been, at' the coronation
of Pius XI. At ten o'clock he preach,
ed• a short. sermon. As it was the
penetential season he wore purple
vestments instead of scarlet
Thirty eight young men have been.
appointed to the mission fields in
Saskatchewan. .Principal Clarence
MacKinnon, Presbyterian Colleg e,
Halifax, preached the. college sermon
last Sunday, at Union College, Ne \;t."
York. The Lutheran synods in the
United States 'are gradually corning
into United Lutheran Church of
America, In 194 the Methodist
Church in Canada had 521 probation
ers at College and 227 more on the cir-
cuits. Last year there were 195 at
Colege and 8r on the circuits. At
agiath, Raymond and Cardstone in
Southern . Alberta, the. Presbyterians
alone have churches, to proclaim. the
truth in the presence of a growing
The Book' of Common Payer, is-
sued by the authority:of the Church
of England General Synod of Canada,
will be used in the churches for the
first time on Easter clay. The old
book was compiled in 1661 in the days
of James I, and although.there.are no
radical changes, a few archaic words
have been replaced and services better
adapted to the country and age in
which we live. It is indeed, a stePin
the line of Canadian nationalism. In
addition to prayers for the King and
Royal family, the Governor General,
Lieutenant Governors and others m
authority are remembered. It took
seven years of conscientious labor to
make the revision. .
Dr. C. Hirsch, Chicago, preached
in the Free Synagogue, Carnegie Hall,
New York, last Sunday. In referring
to the New Testament he:Said that it
used to be admitted that the .Sermon
on the Mount was by a Jew. Now in.
the "fury of anti Semitism this is
denied. It is a misconception that
Jesus was in sharp opposition to the
theology and ethics of Judiasm". In
dealing with the question of the Phar-
isees, this noted scholar said, "The
picture we have of them in the New
Testament is a caricature. 'They were
anti -priestly, the nationalists or the
People's Party."
The Dunbeth tinted Free Church,
Coatbridge, Scotland, lately paid
him& to its former ministerS. Special
reference was made to Rev, Wm. Stir-
ling, the first on the list. He held the
:charge for forty-five years. :The
cholera devastated the town at that
time \vhen none were able to. care for
the sick and dying but the Priest and
ministec. The former addressing the.
latter said, "You have a wife and fam-
ily, I have none. I shall:prepare the
bodies for burial and call you into the
house when needed." The he Hoc
priest within a week was taken- clown
and passed away.
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---0----_--- \ \ x, Iii AI
"There Goes the
Last Train!"
"Long Distance to the Rescue
•"What shall we do, George? There goes the last train,
• and the children will be alone all night. We simply
can't have that; Betty is such a nervous child, and
Bobby's always hunting for Matches to make Indian
bonfires with. It's dreadful."
• "Well, Mary, •you can't g'et home to -night. That's ali
there is to it." •
"But we must do something. They may set the house
on fire." •
• "Listen! liem's the drug -store. We'll call up Annie
by Long Distatee and ask her to zo over and stay with •
the children." •
"Oh, what relief!"
Simple isnt it?• tong Distanee is the friend 4n needp
always at hand, always roady to Put you in towel with •
tanasro friends and 4118itleSS.
et,,to' VW/ IVephott* ia a .46111$ Dkifittil06 Sitte60 ' I