The Wingham Advance, 1922-04-20, Page 101,11r."711.1,. ;41
Singk Copies - Four Cents VVINGHA1V1, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1922
Subscriptions: $2100 per year
:Here For The Holidays
. Miss Florence Barber, Toronto,
. 'TlittS SALE A SUCCESS • ,,,:- . PERSONALS -:'- Inducted At BelmOre
Rev. C. N. AfeKeazie of Riversdale,
Miss Annie Barber, Toronto. To the Editur av the Advance:— Mr, WS H. Willis is in 'Toron o on was inducted into the pastorate of
Mr. and:Mrs', W. IS. Connor, Wrox- Deer Sur— ' kl. Belmore and McIntosh Presbyterian New display of natty leather hand
business trip, . , churches on Thursday ;afternoon, suc- bags at W' R. laaniiitQlfs
. :Kiss Clara Isard, Toronto. sidherin the toirees. eTheer with friends in Ripley, accepted a call to Tiverton 'Ile in- Store. • . - .
Success is not made by lying awake
Miss Edna' Smith, Kitchener. Well We sot the sttle over an
ivirythilig fetclied good PrOiCeS, Cell- Mi SS Ada Corbett spent a few da.ys ceeding Rev. N,- R p. Sinclair, who ,
Miss M. L, Brock, Torcinto, wies no
at night, but ley keeping awake in the
reeferve bids, 'an annything, me bye Miss Olive Clew of Moorefield, la duction ceremony took place in the
., Miss Ella Dobbie, Toronto. • bought he will hey to pay Behnore Church. • •
fer the home for the holidays. daytime. , . . ' •
, Itiiss Margaret Piper, Toronto:. same 'as annybody ilse. I wus glad to Eye Was made before mirrors—her
. see he Is a careful biddera manny a Miss Ada .Battery was borne from Died In New York ' ' - • daughters have kept in front of them
young . fellnn has 10ht his farrum by London over the lueliday: ., There passed away in New York on
' Mrs. Geo. Thompson,. Port Hope,. raysoneav buyin at sale's, No matther April 7th., Lizzie f Austin, relict of the ever since. ,
. Miss' Elizabeth- johns, Poll Col- how ehape armything is, it is too dear near Hanover over the. holiday. .
- Miss ;Vera Friendt was at her home
late 'JanleS Murphy. She is aurvived are ',reported to be good and auto
At time ogoing to pres.s the roads
borne. a . . if you don't male it, I belave. me by her mother, three brothers and licenses are in great demand. a
Mr. leek Maxwell, Toronto, ., 'frind, Tani Binnitt has as much con- Airs. l'Soy Netterfield :and sone Jim, four sisters, ' three of the sisters live i . Dr. A: J. Irwin still has a Ware] spot
science as army other auctioneer, but sPent a few daYs in Toronto, • in New York,. one sister and mother .,,n his heart for good clean sport. He
Aiiss Mary Robertsoe. Toronto.
Miss Margaret Robertson, Toronto. it is Ids busieesS to get as good a reside' in the old home in Ireland, the 'presented the football boys with a
proice as possible ler ivirything, an 'Miss Myrtle Bennett was a week- brotherS are Richard of Galt, WIrt.•and sat of sweaters, .,
Miss Christie Robettson, Blenheim. he is the bye to ;do it. - „Befoor the end guest with friends in Lucknow, . Robert Austin of Wingham. -
' Mr. Currie Wilson, St. Thomas. sale shtarted he made his little spache 'Miss' Frances Davis, Exeter Yisited , Philosophers say that shutting the
Miss Gerfie 'Cantelbn, 'Toronto. eyes •makes the hearing more keen,
- Mr. Chas.' Isard, Huntsville. witb friends in town over the holiday. Talk About Hen Fruit
This may accouut for so many closed
as usual; he sez he mules to do it,
just to get warmed up, so to shpake. Mr. 'Fred Hill of London, soent Mr. Eli Bolt brought into The Ad-
an• •
Mr. Harold Mania Hamilton, 03,es in the churches. • -,
Mr. Ernest Liaklater, Toronto. I troid to shtop him but it wus no use
so 1 tould him to turn on the gas. an Easter at the home of 'Mr. A:. Butiery, van"' office a couple of eggs which
one of his hens has been presenting Don't forget the Euchre and Dance
Miss Eva .Lialclaser; Toronto.
Mrs., W. Claire Adams and babe, trow open the trattle fer tirr.minnits, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. _Sleety
"ain't ye ,eigabie 3,e,...inettyfeaseleme, childrea spent the holiday at Orange- inches by 8 inches, Why
and him with. One of the eggs was e in the Wingleam Atmouries on Friday
we. say .evening, May e2th. Fryfogles Orches -
Hamilton. • - see, he.. "I always tuk mome straight" Yille- , this.was because when Mr. Bolt open- eta, A good time assured.
Miss Catharine Adams, Hamilton. • sez 1. I wus tellin me dawter-in-law i‘lisses Maria and Myrtle Bennett ed his little •parcel in the office the The sobject at the Dentist Church
Mr. and Mrs. jas. r)obbie, AtWbod. about it the nixt day; fer t fought visited friendsliTStratford an Wed- largeat one was smashed, but not be, next Sunday evening will be "What
Miss Edna 'Gannett, Toronto. mebby 1 didn't undershtand Tam leeway, .... . . . y-ond tecogeition. This samehen has the Bible Teaches us about Ants, Con-
Misa• Thelma Sanderson, Hamilton. roight, she toulcl me he dide't mane laid several other iarge eggs of late. ies, Locusts, and Lizards",
...Miss Azelia, Sanderson, :Hamilton, annything about drinks, but What he
Mr. Norman Wightnian, Stratford. sed had sotneting to do wid ,granimar. few days with Mr. and Mas. C. Haas, An Error Corrected "What make of car is this coming,
Mrs. A. E. Borleigh is speeding a e
Miss Mende Reid -Allen, Toronto. (Me dawter-in-law -WL1S a shchool Clinton. -.1/4,
Street the other day, "Dodge" he said, ,
we asked a friend while crossing Main _
Owing .to an error which appeared ill
Mr. Hadvey Messer., Toronto. tacher befoor she got married, d'ye Miss Fern Chapman of Ripley, is in the standing of girls in the Domes- and we were glad we did.
Miss Marion Allen, Weston. moielPr Well, I nivir wits shtrong Visiting with her friend, Miss A.d'a tic Science Class at the A.gricultural Marti's.. Spring Suits for men and i
Miss Nora Gracey, Toronto, on grammar, an I am tould that Mish- School held at Winghato last -winter, y0 Ling ,
, Mr.; and -Mrs. 'Wm. Herd of London, tel Shakespeare wets a or shpeller Airs. W. R.- Hamilton and little Miss Eccles Beecroft was given fourth
Corbett. . .
men are right in style, quality = McKibbon's Drug Store
loike Mesilf. 'Tis the way wid some. daughter, Ruth, are spending the week Place vtdien she should have stood at
. . and value, take a look at their suits _
av us- litherery min. We shpell the at Harriston, . . ' • : the top of the class. We are sorry- for at $1 7.50, $ and $25.00. id The Rexail Druggist lin
. lEVERYBOr/rS • COLUNi& wurrtids the way ,they 'are shpoken Mrs. Roy Callaway, Elora, is visit- this error as recognition. is..dne Miss An enjoyable time was spent at the ii. Wingharn, Ont. Phone 35 igt
an lit thim go at that. I am giad yez ing • With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • =,
Beecroft for her excellent work. . • Wingbam Armouries on Monday ev-
heva meshane in the office that will
Missionaries Address Meeting ening at the Old 'rime Da.nce and illiallia11111111011111101111111111n111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111011115111§1111n111111111111111111illilinitaii
. AUCTION SALE—Farm Stock, Ito- correct army mishtakes I may make. Weenel.i.,Calinaanteelicetsi pfank Lockridie, and.
plements, at lot 29, con. re, one ; • Euchre given by the oth Grays' Horse.
Wan noight theer wus some koind ay . Miss Wel/wood, Missionary on fur- You are invited to attend the Sacred Ba
mile west of Holmes School,„ Turn- a social in the Community Hall, an a baby of Kincardine, spent Easter with Miirn Burned On Friday Euehre and Dance
lotigh from China and Mrs. Roberts, Cantata, "From Death unto Life"
:beery, On Wednesday, May 3rd. '
J. D. McEWEN, Prop. a shpellit bee wus part av the program, relatives in town. •
. who has recently returned from given by. St. Peels Choir, this Thurs- On Good Friday the barn of Mr. A progressive Euchre and Dance
an ivirybody had to take part, Av Mr. and Mrs., Elmer Mahood and India, gave interesting addresses, giv- day evening, April 2othe at 8 o'clock. Jolla Webb on the bounder
coorse, I didn't shtand up* long, but .family- spent the week -end- with Mr. ing accounts of the work and customs Skirts are to be longer and the ground.ity etAtize itilwgd. elte3orve7.111e; will be held ander the atisPiees' of the
C. EMENT-e-Just received a fresh afther W.,a-wl got home 'me bye sed- and Kiss Graham. „ in these foreign fields, in the Wing-Wingham Lacrosse, Club in the load of Of Rogers Cement.. Get ,our
pieces.. he theught .1:redid. foineaas- I'madegae ... Airs. Wm. Callaway, Elora, spent ham Metlio, dist . Church on Monday 'leeks of dresses higher according to the barn when the engine beceme oaries, on Eeiday evening, AOsil 2811 -
fashion experts. This is recognition overheated and ignited in the straw.
THE 'WINGFIAM. SALT CO. furshtlicabie,run av thee gaine.-.SMine- theaweek-end at the home of Mr. and evening, ' , given to the general difficulty -of mak- Admission 5o cents. .teverybody wet-
toiraeS'-whin thim young paple do Seed grain, implements, and every- .
be Mrs,'Wee. Chandler.
ing.ende meet these days.
Barn Struck BY -Lightning . thing in the barn with the exception come- -
# 4 41P
Our new stock is now on display. We handle only th amous
WI ▪ line manufactured by A. GeSpalding & Bros.
Et. FOR BASEBALL—We have Baseballs sse, 25c, 500, Sono, 111*
Fa $1..541 and $2.25. Batts at 25c to $oso. Glerees and Nfitts at e5c, to RI
e $5.°O. We also take orders for Suits, Shoes, Masks, and ete. _
a in
FOR FOOTBALL -a -Our Footballs range in price from $3.5o
ii to $9.00. irs.
i 'I'ennis BFa011sRatT li
6E0Nc.NIS—We have rackets from $3.50 to $8.00. Also E-
i FOR LACROSSE—We have a ,few sticks at bargain prices. isti
ii Also Spalding Sticks at $6.5o, $7.50 and $8.00. Lacrosse Balls at 750. ei-e
El SOFT AND HARD RUBBER BALLS---Eor the Kiddies at ill
i ioc, .15c and 250. --
elloalifitii • el le filulinicialioncilicril!
4,4 .
EGGS FOR HATCHING—Pure- ibking, "I. leagose a slue okin ae .1 . J. „Stewart CoPlandM. A., of
bred, bred. to lay strain, Barred don't say a wurrud, but ma 'not' so About 9.30. on Monilay night the Mrs.. Haines and family wish to ex- of horses and cattle. Soldiers Civil Re -Establishment
liockville is visiting- with 'his sister,
Rocks guaranteed .213 fertile. Price
grane as I tuk, not by siviril rows av j. Mitchell. barn and contents of JOshua Dawson, press their appreciation of the kind-
ness extended to 'them by all „the Colclough-Butcher Nuptials.
Da- W.. R. Hambly has been ap-
pointed Medical Representative of the
Department of Soldiers' Re -Es -
. ,
tablishment Wing:liana Returned
men requiring treatment, pleaec be
governed aceordingly. . •
s eents each. :JAMES. DOW, aPple trees. , 2nd. ,con., of Kinlosa, was struck bY
East Wawanosit . Well, comin. back to the salea I Mr. Frank' Galbraith and Mr, Earl lightning andeburned to the grounds people of Wingham and vicinity dur- A happy event took place at . the
want to say that awl me ould. nay- Johns of Toronto, spent Easter at .Air. Daeyson was in Toroeto attending Presbyterian Manse, Wingham, by the ar
Mg their recent bereavement. -
F OR SALE -4.0 feet Of 30 inch well hers fer medics around wits theer, their homes, in toWn. a meeting of the Public School Trus- Formaldehyde—Not too early' to Rev. Dr. Ferric, on Wednesday morn-
eile, t frame building, I rwooden silo. Grits,. Tories; an II, T. us, an whin Master Bruce Edgar is spending the tees of Ontario. All: the seed ge-airt, think about treating the spring seed: ing, April 1.2th, when Mary Mabel,
Apply to. - . T...H., MOORE, . Tam got thien shtarted to bid, tings Easter 'holidays .with. hiS uncle Mr. implements,. etc., were totally destroy- A fresh stock of full strength Formal- only daughter of Mrs. Mary Butcher,
R. 5., Lucknow. aould so fasht that I don't see how Bert Edgar ef Salem. .. ed. Only a litle over a year ago, Mr. dehyde at about half last season's was united in marriage to Mie Douglas Horticultural Society :Meeting..-
Jawn Groves Rept thraek ay iyiry- Mrs: M. Lannan of Detroit, is;visit- Dawson. suffered a similar .loss. The price at Mitchell's Drug Store. Colclough; 13,lyth. We wish the young - - .
f OR SALE—Hatching eggs, Barred ring, but heis a two shtory man, an The • Wingliam Horticultural ;Soc-
ing over the Easter holiday with her roof is covered with steel sheeting, but "From Death Life" is the title con a balmy and, prosperous jour-
. 'Rocks, 0. A. C., heavy laying strain Mid see over the top av the crowd, an sieter, Mrs. Aitcheson, , iety organization meeting willbeheld
one square was blown off and that is of the Sacred Cantata to be given to- beY thr"gla life-
-well selected: . cents per egg.- -
in the Council Chamber Thursday
that mehby hilped'some. The Shpring Miss, Ida Thompson of Toronto, where the lightning struck. .This will night, (Thursday,) by St. Peals Choir. The Milk Test -
is the laisla toime to hey a sate, whin .spent the be a heavy loss to Mr. Dawson. The 'story will be illustrated with evening, April 201 la 1922. at 7.30 p..
the days are long an the grass is. git- Wingham and. vicinity.
holiday's 'with friends le
beautiful lantern views. 13e sure to Dear Air. Editor:— - 01. Tliere will be an .election of offi
iegie„body fides good that whither is Mr. and Mts. E. Zurbrigg and. f- m- was laid, OTI Stinda , . ablelsVpoalleide.t.loikle3rialll'ittlteleilnopf 0yrotauert Nifiraiatti-' Sonsce tioarertehaetedenisnuiWe .3Scoacri0t3-AilticePreer--
tin erane, an the robins are singin an . . Aft'ested Fear Theft
against Joe Burns, a young lad, who
y coArtieh,e
avy,crop of dandeliona is threat- ter before the puolic. A few weeks quested to attend this Meeting. All
over. ily visited ;over Easter with the form -
-I intind to bring the wimmin into- ee:s pareets at Foed-wich.
had been working for Mr. P. J. Kelly, ened we are told, by the recent hail ago a Government Analysis of milk persons having signed the Declaratic0.,0 -
storm. That will be all right pro- from dealers in town was taken. The of Association and. who have not lainVi.:
Plaze tell thim real esthete min to
toavn nixt wake to Pick out a house. Miss Jessie Kelsey of Clifford, spenta Morris fo • the nest ten days, having viding they come before the home test was to determine the sanitation ed in the required membership fee of
the holiday at the 120010 of Mrs. Janice .. '' ) -
- . - arrived there from the Toronto Indu,s-
be on hand wid some goo‘bargains. Nicholson, Diagonal Road. brew is cm out by act of. Parliament, also quality of milk. This test inf $1.00 should do so at once as .only
trial school. Mr. Kelly claimed that
I hear that the toNvn av Wingham is :Mr. Reuben Morgan of Kitchener, lie had missed various. articles since i Progressive euchre and dance under most cases was very poor. New if members are entitled to a vote and as
.goin into debt fasheer an faslater awl spent the holidays with hie parents the boy had coine to his plac.e, so on
.. ,
the auspices of the Women's Institute this test as in former years is for the we are requested b3- the Supenetend-
the tante, en that. the . texes- on .a Mr. and Mrs, John S. Morgan. Sunday Mr. Craig went out and plac- sl.rill be held in the Wingham Arm- benefit of the consumer, why is the ent to sub rut a certified copy of our
dacint house an lot ire as high as on ouries on Friday evening, May lath. report not published in local papers, membership alone,- with the- minntes
ecl But under arrest, bringing- Idin
a Too acre farrnia, an that the prisint Air. and Mrs. C. L. Crang of Tor-- Proceeds will be used to furnish the toe 10 other towns. 1 lus test Was re-; of ou1. meeting to the Department 1...e
into the lock-up, when searched it was
council is the wurruat the town has onto, spent a few days with the bit- .
Admission so cents. ported once why not ienvteerree'stee.-edar? 1 soon as possible.
found that he had a gold watch, pair Ladies Rest Roorn in the town halt,.
awl true, but annyway me prisint in-
ivir had, barrin none. 'Webby this is. ter's brother, Mr. E. R. Harrison.
Mrs. Chrystle Wylds and children, Ser re-
of glasses and jack knife, belonging ta . . Killed By Lightning
thetion is to' live in Wingham en pir- and Mts. Wea. Wylds and children of "r' "e"Y'
up here until Monday, when Constable
:Ere was kePt in the ibek Sacred Gantat„ to be rendered to- We are not g-oing to fool any longer Chas. Prost, aged 78, a resident of
A service Of Song is the beautiful Changes Must Be 1VIonday
haos go. into the council mesilf to Ripley arervisiting with friends here. Auburn was struck by a. bolt of light -
put tlungs roight. What differ does Mrs. R. T. Kemp is visiting. at the Craig took him to Goderich to stand night, (Thaesday, .April 2oth., by St. with advertisers coming in late. Ad- .
trial.a-Blyth Standard. Peals Choir assisted by best local not in on Monday niglIt
Ta feW dollars.a year in .taxes make 'c:0
some in Toronto, an it wud cosht me spent the Easter vacation . with her
long as yea. bey Okay av .frinds to
talk wid. I ani .afraid I shud be lone- home of her daaghter, Mee. R. A. Cur-
rie of Wingham.—Listowel Standard.
Miss Ethel Chaadler, of Toeonto, Died In Winnipeg
on every hand, when the news sPread
Expressions of sorrow were' beard ver colection.
Rev: H. W. Snell. MI w-elcome. Sil- out if requested and the- rate adjust -
soloists. Readings will be .given by will not be changed but will be left
ed accordingly. 'We have asked
pelled to 37011: through the chimney, demolishing•it
sitting in an arm ehair in the diaing-
room of bis borne, when:the bolt eame
ning during a storm about 7 o'clock.
on Monday evening. - Mr. Pr -oat was
Ay in Wingham to be runnin home ithe . and Mrs, Wallace Frankum of
more than awl the taxes / will hey to parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Win. Chandler. on Sunday that Mrs. J. W. K Van -
Norman, had peased sadderdy, away at in the Methodist Chum
edMArisi'saEtNheeele-tiOnGiriaiiialie-tri-reChe:AistirbeeOneert and now we are com
assist- to send your changes in on Monday,
refuse and tearing a .large hole in the ;roof.
Mrs. Prost and Miss Nicholson, who •
se- any and all not received on Monday.
iviry few wakes to k-aPe an eye on the Woodbridge, is visiting at the twine of her home in winnipeg on Saturday cured for a return visit. She will sing The merchants have decided on the were also seated in the room were
giung paple otit cre the mild farrume stunned for a time, but soon revive&
,-'Tis terrible Wet weather we do be nett -
her parebts, Mr. and Mrs.-Theciii. Fin- and widely known as Frances Ridle
night... Mrs, VanNorman was well at the morning- and evening services, Wednesday afternoon half holiday and The condition of even some of the
ievin, an bad fee the roads, wid thim Hayergil Beemer, Y Sunday, Mey 7th. and will assist the our staff will be given the. privilege very best roads has this last week or
Wingham lads Latin about 00 thinm . Mias Myrtle Atorgan and Miss and Mrs. J. H. .Beemer,, es -
daughter of XII% choir in -their concert on the following of the afternoon, and we will publish two been a sore trial to .the motorists.
evening May 8th. .. on "Wednesday morning during •Gemmill, of Ripley, visited at
It will be no use to tell us
the Nearly every one who has had to. go
wid theer big. autos. . „. . teemed citizens of wirightim. To Mr. .
out on the country roads has become
Yours -till Mat wakea the home Of .Mrs. J. S. Moigan tlds VanNorman and .Mr. and Mrs. Beetn- that you can get it in at another prim -
These soft days make boulevards
!oak anytlag but smooth and hand- .
;, Tiunieby Hay: week' .- ' . er and .family is exterided the sineere aorne, These whose lawns have been Ing office, you can't here if the ehange stuck, in the mud, and has. had. to have'. .
Ars. H. F. Davis and childree,Miss sympathy of all the citizens of Wing- is not in on Monday. a team pull the car out, Doctors par-,..
practically ruined cannot help but
Tune and Masts'. Hugh of Hamilton, ham. ticularly have had a troublesome tithe.
intoal—Perrie Naptiali . • i not onle- ;h., this neighborhood haver
admire the size of the feet which
A. 'happy event' - took place' at St, Haines.
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mrs. (Dr.) Ross left Monday morn-
, , ing for Torrent° to attend the fueeral, have tramped over them and left an Mrs, Ethel J. Grainger of Toronto, the roads .been bad, but 11 500025 to be
nth -ewe Presbyterian Manse on Tries- .Mr.-. atid Afra. Jas. Moorehead a,nd which ia being. held from the resi- imprese. What's the use of saying Soloist of High Park Methodist general throughout Western Ontario.:
ay morning at 6 o'clock, whce.Miss Lorne, will spend 'Easter with Mrs. deice Of her parents, Air. and Mrs. J. "Keep Off". Its only a dare to the Church has been secured to assist in Printing that is second eo none is
small boy and the big one doesedt care, the Epworth League Anniversary Ser- the kind that The Advance turns out,
H. Deemer, TOT Gielthike Ave„ Tor -
vices en May 7th. She will, sing at The kind that is kept as rernembranc-
larger& Peri Was milted ia i
iage to Rev. Gordon •Rintoula .... The_ towel Banner. '
rides' father, Rev. Dr. Perrie per- Miss Ada Haines of Hamilton, is
oar_ Moorehead's sister at Winghant —Lis-
,. . onto to Prospect cemetery, on Thurs-
day afternoon. issued at Wiegham another year it is
In order to have the auto licenses
both the morning and evening $Vr- se, not the waste basket kind, is the
necessary to sell 2000 sets of markers. , aim of this print shop.
ormed the ceremony in"thepresence spending the Easter vacation • at the The Late ,Mre. Mulvey A few over the thousand have been
f only a few near relatives of the con- home of her parents, Afe. and Mrs. There passed away in Wingham, sold to date and it would almost look
racting parties. The brides' fravell- Arthur Haines. on Thursday, April -13th, a most high- as if we might sell the 2000. If it is
ag suit was of navy blue tricotine, , Miss Margaret Page left on Mon- ly esteemed citizen of Wingham in any convenience to have auto licenses
rite happy young couple left on Mc day for Wingham, where she has ac- the person of Airs, Jas. Mulvey. De,. sold in Winghain show your apprec-
arly tram -foie Toronto where they cepted a position as book-keeper in ceased has been an invalid for some iatiou by getting, not only your own,
ill spend a short lioneyrnieeri prior the u, F. 0.' creinnery,-;_Gorric yid.. .years but bore her affliction with but your friends to buy theirs at The
o leavin" for their new home in :Kin- (qte, .• :. Christian fortitude. Her maiden name Advance Office.
to un t, . e'where Me. R i e tou 1 has ' a
harge, - -. , . Ma and ' Airs. - Stanley :McLachlan was Elseboth Mathicsbn, and she was Rumors are being circulated through
horn in Bradford almost 82 years ago. the country that autoists are being
Many wingetau.aeeede 01 tee ,beiac, have'returned to their home in Toroe-
nd geolant will extend congratula- ao, after 'Spending the holidays with Her husband predeceased her :more
than four years ,,ago. They resided palled oil every turn at: Wingham and
ons and best wishes. 'the latteit's pare -its., Mr. and Mrs: I. that they dare not. drive into toavn
. for maey'Yea,rs at Belmore where they without; 0 new .reee license, One man
Royal Pierrota" in Mideight Revels' Walkc' • endured. all the herdshipa of pioneer lefti t
Dr. 14... A. Mutton ' WaS tip from ILE ' 1 d la far -e 'fandiet ten of andewalked in over a mile to The Ad-
hsca outside of the town limits
The apeearance here of the world, Tor onto for a few holidays. We learn Wicioiaalicsurret,i7e, viz. eirs.41ali of 13e1- vattee -Office to secure his licerese.
nowned entertainment, the "Royal .that 'Ala Mutton has been engaged as
ierrots" in "mkirtiglit Revels" a mus- teacher in LONVer Wingham School ae • ' . e e.. . a - : ' a ,
more. Dr 4,' H. Mulvey of Chicago' Don't believe ail the lies you hear,
. was. Roma Vlctoria, ts. C.; Mrs. Bam, The police are not: going to molest
al revue ie two acts and over ;twenty tietil midsummer hoidays. ; of Albany, Oregon; Mrs. Lewson of you if you can show them that you
aihes.ivill be looked :forward to with Miss Irene Davis, 13. A., ol . 1.1,a- FairmOunt, Minn.; Mira (Dr.) Gray, are on your way to get your license.
10 'greatest of enthusiasm, for the 'ford, is visiting al. her home ott Centre of St. Patti, Minn.; Dr. J. T. of Rapid
low. is one of the itappies-Cand most St.. Air. and Mrs, 'H. Davis and their City, Man„ Stewart of Washington; A Liss Gene of Glenu-Chttel es Tur-
elightfal of all , variety eetertaie- :de:tighter, Miss Maud; have all been Afiss Laura of Victoria, B. C and °at°. Canadas Hair 'Fashion 'Store,
ents, The .attraction. comes "to the .catifined to their beds this week. . .
MI" ••Es' 1\f-, wit') litts tenderlY 'eared- April 2.7the at the Queens'afrotel with
will 'be in Wingliam, OU Thursday
a full line. of Ladica ale.' Geraleanall's
Hair goods. If you are not satisfied
wtill the.appearance of your hale con-
sult Alias Glenn, who is an euthority
on Hair Goods and individual Hair
Ziiers.., Free Demotistratioe. Consolt
:Miss Glenn re our Herb tint for Gray
. •.
Miee Caroline Wellwood, who is
home from Cbilia • ou furlough, will
Speak ia the Alethodiet church here
on: Sunday: evening, April r6th, (Ras-
ter 'Sunday,) Miss Wellwood has
spent many yeaes in China' as a Nis-,
Monkey and, het story of life there is
)1reli worth bearing.. -Service in the
ietereets of the W. M. 5., arid the
usual Easter offering' will be taken.
Everybody ley/fed to come and hear
Mies VVellwoOd,--Wroxeter Now,
. , .
Phone 12.8.
' F OR SALE --A good 5 roomed
frame cottage on North end of Jos-
ephine St., il acre of land, fruit trees,
berry bushes, etc. Must be sold, °we-
er leaving town. Apply to.
Real Estate and insurance Agent,
Meyer 13lock, Wingham.
F OR SALE—Manunoth Bronze Tur-
key Eggs, from mating of large vig-
orous birds. Price $5.00 per setting of
nine eggs. Less than nine or if ship-
ped, bo cents each.
Phone '33-62 5, R. -a Lucknow.
F OUND—I3etween Joe Kerr's and
Geo. Kerr's gate on Thursday, Ap-
ril 130, a buggy cover. Owner may
have same by proving and paying for
advertisement. TI -IE ADVANCE.
F OR SALE -1 road horse, t Ford
Touring carin good repair, 2, 12 hoe
seed drill, Massey Harris. Apply to,
Massey -Harris Agent.
Horse for sale. Apply to
the season. Apply to
Route 5, Brussels. i
Oats which won second prize in the 1
Field Crop Competition under auspic-
es of Wingliam Fall Fair last year, e
also cedar posts for sale, Apply to t
R. I„ 13inevale.
Tenders will be received up to noon l'e
on Tuesday, May gth for decoratieg e
the class rooms and hans-of the 'Meg- c
ham Public School, Two coats of
rnettesco, Work to be done in mid- a
'summer holidays. Lowest or , any t
tender not necessarily accepted.
- Sec'y Public School. Botted
p ASTURE TO RENT—For Season r
of 2922 for Ten head of a year old . 1
cattle. Plenty of grass, water and 11,
shade. Cattle must be dehorned, T1
.,.. - T. W. PICKELL, ti
e- R, R. 2., Te0S4Vater, S
North -Huron Phone 23-606. d
Splendid for, seed, $1.0o per bag 2,
for back Verandah, Apply to it
' —Largest Farm agericy in Ceti. 0'
ads, 50 acres in Huron Cottoty, 7 0
miles from Winghatn, school ti. miles; ta
Railway 1 /13 miles. Frame house, 6 li:
0000'1Sy bank barn, 26x50 tie tip for 5 N
horses and 5 cattle. Driving house, fj
-... . .... -.. ..
:tten tlotise, ay Loni 212(1 Jilack
-Muck. This farmcan be bought at a
'lltigaio. For full particulars apply to
•OS CASSELS, -VVinglotto, or .to
; 'Bead Office, 4,3 Victeria Si., Toroia0,
own Hail on :Monday neXt, April mr, and Mrs, at, white of wetea. for her mother at home. Another
1t1ter one night only, This vastly
Itertaining company of dancers, sing- eter, announce the engagement of SOTI, John, ex -reeve of Turebeery died
s, arid lattoter makers, have tray_ their daughter, Sadie, to Mr. C. A. about one year ago.
led from England through the Med. :pleasance, of Toronto, son of ma The funeral was held from the fam-
erranean to ledid, from India to and Mrs. A. A. Pleasattee of Coiling- ily residence, Victoria St, Wingham,
a i '
weoo, on Monday afternoon, April 37th, to
ustralia, and from there to Smith
nterica, and the unanimous verdict Mrs' R'bt.' 1r et Sro l'as returned Wsaciialgel;a01•111. TCcelelIseN\t,eatreYk.', EtRfeline.NrIri)asNtioci".
to her home after spending the winter
hich has greeted them everywhere iS oUtfie deceased and Rev. C. E, Cragg,
with friends in Michigan and Sault
the highest praise. Their program r,
zi,e. Maxie, She aras accompanied pastor of Wingham Methodist church,
°Yes two hours of effervescing fun
id nevelty, and in Many cities they home by her Son, ,Geo, as, Breen, of conducted the funeral services. -The
been aptly termed, "The Fun Grand RaPids. Pallbearers were Meer. J. G. Stew-
WCat- , DI. R. L. Stewait, j. J. Moffatt,
faker o'l the World", and it is eon- Mr' Jolly' S' Morgan visited with George 13reen of Grand Rapids, Robt.
lently predicted that they will be. Ids Rile granddaughter, Maciorfe mcGcc and Tesse moton,
come the musical fad of this country jeatt Morgan at Beechville last week. Dr. W. TT: Mulvey of Chicago and
as they have been for the past several This Was the first time that Grandpa Mrs, (Di.) Gray of at, pato, wet...0
seasons in Englaed, . such a delightful had met the little Miss and we be- am ee their eatelleteg funeral, Two
tronDo al entertainers Aotild and do belle it waa a ease °I' love at first old acquaintances, Mr. 11: B. Wallace
draw Pneked houSes everywhere they sight. and Mr, W. 5. Slatter, of Toronto,
appear. (('ontinued 00 pt,ge, 5). Were also preeeet at the Mooed.
• kst,m,._• •A.mmAlrm• twA•mmvAvAympAlAvv, • •tiptur IP • 'WV
New Spring Footwear
in Patent a n d Brown
Sprightly fashions of to -day reflected in Greer's SPRING
$3.75 to $7.50
Sparkling Patents, Golden Browns, Fetching 131acks and
Whites, in Straps and Lace Oxfords.
Our Windows tell mit "What is What" in. Footwear.
Our ptices extremely reasonable you'll say.
,5 757,66\1.4\l'A)..1(1):ifAlti ravoir; 741'461W