HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-13, Page 8THE WINGNA I ADVANCE
Hanna & 11t
t l sive Men's Store
Neckwear, etc.
Society Bran Tailored Suits a
populi :,r. prices $25 to $40
Import. t Announcement
Mr. John Galbraith Will be althe
More of Hanna & C t Ltd, after April
17th, as buyer of Dry Goods, Staples,
Underwear and Hosiery.
iillilil0lllilll4lllilllilll cm
1419111illlilll®111iIHi111i111mlllililillliLllilll■hliiilillrllitilil■lllilll�lilillllrlllillliillilllililiillil1 li{Ililll
iii �l�l'•®�iigg����v�it itiAi{>ii���l�■ tiiUi®iIIII■IRIU.11illi RU1
e LYc;T.a.:t,`
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
The Ring of Comedy in the Greatest of his Comedy Specials
Waren Ker�i�a
and his own 'company in --
"The. 01 Country Lad"
Matinees -Good Friday and Saturday at 3.30. Two Shows Saturday Night at III
Thurs., Fri.; Sat., April 20, 21, 22 a
7.30 and 9. USUAL PRICES.
oek Parmou n t Blue Ribbon Week
Two Great Paramo ,t nt Pictures
Mon. Tues. and We
At the End of the World
A Paramount Picture
Remember `°tire girl" of George
Loane Tucker's "The Miracle Man"?
Here she is in another thrilling 'aro-
inanee of underworld love. A story
that struggles tip; frqm the delis of
Shanghai into the light of happiness.
With a cast including Milton Sills.
Mitchell Lewis, Casson liergnson, Jos-
eph Kilcour, .:..
tli' Stlapshots Y'
tJstlal PG'ices,
-Rev, Irwin of Lucknow, Chairman
of the Wingham District will occ'upy
the pulpit of the Methodist r lunch
next Sunday, April 56th,;It 7 p qtr
The Union .Prayer Servioe will ;be
hold in the Methodist church on
day evening at 8 o'clock and will take
on thee form of a Coad Friday Service,
to which all are Invited.
Geo. Hanna of L1amiota, Man.,
is visiting' his twice, Wrtr.•Ar•nr-
str•ong, 5th ,litre of Morris: All of
George's old acquaintances air glad to
have the pleasure of shaking his hand
•0tice more, as it is some 52 or r 1. years
since he left this community.
If the fine weather of the`p tst few
clays continues seeding will be .in hill
operation by the end of this week,
The many r° friends''of Mrs. Frank
Shoebottom .of the 9th line of Wawa -
nosh -were sort'? to hear of her= sudden
illness. Sh was hprried to the Wing
bawl hospital'where,an operation vas
performed, we hope fora speedy re-
Mr, jos. -Wilkinson is confined to
his bete with a very bad cold:,
Rev. Jones" is visiting in Toronto
this weck. Mrs. 'Jones and little son
Donald, have been in- Toronto for
soiree weeks. 11'e hope to sae all three
return home soon with. Donald much
improved in health.
A9'aitland ),Henry -of 13 el grave, 'pur
chased four high class Aberdeen Ang-
ns cattle at the Watt sale on March
3rst., three females and one male,
they are all "Pride of Abertleens: pos-
si.bly the most noted family of the:
breed. Elm Park Pritle 6th, second
Returns to the L
cetm Sc°
n after
many,'n1Qnths it1 a Great Para
mount Picture.
"The Whistle'
More about "T he W his 11 e'
when we have 1101 up.
For the present just keep the
date in mind.
Thursday, April x3tkr, x9ot ,.
Mr; and Mrs, Robert Henry !'urdon;
left on Tuesday for, their borne in
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney 1?lowright and
baby, Alice' of 1.neknomr, spent. Sun,
day with Mr. Nen Paterson,
Miss Ada Clubb of Brussels, silent
'the week. end with her parents.
cross from, an imported coi•e and 'her
two heifers rich iii Rangleadcr `bloody
he..being a prize winne'r.,at Chicago.
Mr, Henry is bnildi ng up a s lendid
herd and we wish hila every ,success.
Regular iireeting of the W'omen':s'
Institute will meet on Tuesday, -April
r8th,, at 3 o'clock at the Home of Mrs..
Clayton Proctor. Mother's Day, Plan-
ning the }Tarn) House by Mr's, - John
Hopper; Sunday Dinner by Mrs. J.
VanCamp; Current Events by Mrs.
M:. Lake; Roll Call, Cute Sayings of
VTee Tots.—A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to all ladies to attencl_whether
members of the Institute or not and
inalc,e this meeting""tb•c. best of the.
Mr. Ilehry Brandon spent a few
days in Toronto.
Mr. Barber of Lucknow, spent a
few days with his daughter, Mrs. lid
Mr. Abe Ketchabaugh of Lucknow,
visited at Mr. J. Walsh's on the' 9th
line last week.
Mr. F. Anderson spent Sunday with
his daughter Mrs Brooks at Central-
Mr. George Hanna of Michigan, is.
visiting with friends around the vici-
nity. Mr, .Haruia was one_;of the old
residents -of the 3rd. line of Morris.'
George Jordan has been doing quite,
a business cutting V
ood for the vii-'
Mr, and ttrs Allen Turner of Luck -
now, visited at the manse on Sunday,
Master Jack h.tlt:ledc;e of Brussels,
is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs.
Geo. Garton, sr...
Miss Lavina Carrick of 'Winghatn.,
spent the week -end at her home here,
Mrs. Mitchell tof the Manse left on
Monday for the V'West.
Mr, Fern Sinclairof Brussels, viSit-
cd at the home of Mr. and AMS. Geo.
Garton Jr;', on Sunday.
Mrs. :Herb Laidlaw and her mother,
Atrs. I\fcC,lenaglran and her tv, d krand-
chilclr'en,:Lorna and Melvin IVIcClen-
aghan visited on Mondry rvith_.,1V.fr•
rnd Mrs. ';ld.arry :McClenaghan, Bel-
Mrs." Geo, Garton Sr,. and Mis's
Maggie, returned home on Saturday,
after= spending .five weeks in ]3russch'.
Mr. John. Wainsley also his two
daughters, Marguerite and Amcl a, vis
ited relatives at Mose Champions on
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor paid a
short visit at \l, 1Chantpious 011 Sun-
day last,
Mrs. John Jamieson who was'
m : re-
s h1
1,i towel. � 5
rng•,hcr }lau�htcr at
turned, to he] home again.
Mr, John .O Malley started plowing
on Mon<i'ny_;in this locality:
The Fordyce Quartette atendedthe
concert in Whitechurch, whish '.was
1101(1 in the hall on Wednesday even-
ing last.
Williarrt Robinson has conrrrienced
'grading on the roads. It would be a
•good idea if some of the people using
graders would come and .take a'pat-
tern off, the team grader Mr. C. F.
Martin invented out of his' own,head;
it- has proved good and Mr. C. F.
intends to get the patent. out for it at
Mr. John. McGee was engaged ctit-
ting. wood and chopping grain at Mr.
Jas.Dow's last week. •
Quite, a few in this locality are com-
plairring of a• bad cold -.or la Grippe,
which is due to the weather, and :we
hope' the warm days will make an ,izn-
Mr. William Gibbons and son, visit-,
cel. at Mr. -.O'Malley's on Sunday last.'`
Mr. Chas. and Miss Arrie.li t Leaver,
visited at. Fordyce on Sunday last,
Mr. Peter Leaver, has purchased a
tractor Gasoline Eingine' :from Mr.
Davidson of Wingharn. That will`
make things go"easter Charlie.
Mr. John Martin is•at present away
to Leamington and other places, lie
'r with hint.r
took the big steer
Mrs. Thornes McGuffin, 'Who was.
visiting relatives in this locality las
returned home to Listowel, I-1ei•
Mother, accompanied her.
Atli•. Janes St. Marie delivered a
fine hunch of• cattle to Auburu'one
cla last w
Mr, Robert McGee, who Was as-
sisting' Mr. John Martin ',vas taken
sick with the cold aril returned to
Mr, Gordon Hamilton is sick ,with
pneumonia,' we hope for a speedy re-
cover .
n a
Rev. T. w. mills was in Kincardine
over the week -end taking charge of
services there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Hall were on
the -sick list for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clark of Sun-
shine; spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, Thos. Stewart,
KingMacDonald and Mrs. W
Speirs are on the, sick list.
Mr, Richard Johnston received a car
of screenings from the West this week,
Mrs. Robert Shaw and Mrs. Win.
Duff are on the sick list, but are im-
proving we are pleased to state.
Mrs, Snell is at present visiting her
slaughter at Listowel. °
Mr, ttnd Mrs, R, Nieholson of Bel-
grave, ?~pent Sunday at the borne of
Post Master Shaw.
A 'large number in and around the
v1srate are suffering from tuEGrippe. •
Miss Carrie Dirent has returned to
her home after a.' month's visit with
relatives at Leamington.
Miss 'Annie Sineltzer of Horizon,
Sask, and mother have returned home.
Miss .
Miss Ieeah from Australia, is vis-
her uncle, Mr. Marry:fosman,
'he New
The new edition just issued by
authority of the General Synod
of the Church of England in
Canada is rimy obtainable at
Elliott's Book and''
Stationery Store
We have. a comprehensive
showing of the various , styles
and will be pleased to have a
:.:share of_, your patronage.
..You are invited to inspect our
B. Elliott
Books, Stationery, . Magazines.
Town Tick et: Agency Canadian --
National Grand Trunk Railway.
Ocean tickets via aM lines.
Remember the IJ, F. 0. concert,
which will be- held in .the- Gienannan
Schoolhouse on Friday: night, April.
good Come and
enjoy a„ood tune.•
Mr. John C. Hutton took charge. of
the services at McIntosh and Belmore
on Sunday last.,1
Misses Catharine and Agnes For-
tune spent a day on 'the tenth. last
Mr. ;William Emile of Holyrood,
spent Saturday at his horiie here and
Mr, Herman 'Me'tcalfe returned, with
lrini where he will Work for some time.
Misses A;labelle Stokes and Myrtle
Bennett spent'Slinday evening at Mr.
Richitrd Jeffray s:'
k'fr s. John Marshall of London, is
visiting friends in'these-parts.
Mr, John C. Hutton spent the week=
end with his sister, Mrs. Wnr.` Carnp-
In Shoes for Wome n Who Wear`
Small Sizes and for Grow.
ing Girls
Laced Boots and 73uttoned Boots in different leathers, high
"beefs and low heels iii sizes e?, 3 and 33�,', onlyat the marvellously
low price of
1 6 per ' pair
One Shoe of each pair is being ,shown on North Ledge just
outside the window. Ticket on each shoe states the size and price,
Phone 129.
Wingham, Ont.
, SCHOOL REPORT i- ' Isabel Purdon, Scott Paterson, Edna
Morison, David 'Henderson, Tom Mor-'
The following is the report of-S..S. ison;....
No. tr 'I Lav=isle, for the -month of Jr. III—Jean Scobie, Nettie Lott,
March. Dawson ` Craite, Laura Conn, Grace
.Sr. IV -Anderson ;Inglis, Ilarold 'Richardson, Edward Wadcl,;'William
Balton; Gordon \Veir. Johnston, • •
Jr. I:V—Jaraaes Inglis; Clare Ed- Sr. ll—Gladys Garton, Eliza Wadel.;:
wards, Leonard Metcalfe,- Clifford Jr. II -Helen Paterson, Agnes Wil -
Dodds. son, Bruce Martin, Clarence Mcclen-
Sr: III—Wilfred Dodds. aghan, Robert I-Heiiderson, < Charles
Jr. III—John Taylor, Margaret Ed-:, Henderson, Roy McGregor, Russel
wards, Edwin Detr_ler, Willie.. Barton, Moore.
11.—Wesley Dodds, Ethel, . Ta_y.e Pt. II—Athol Purdon, John Garton,
for, Edythe Metcalfe. George Garton, -James Richardson,
• Jr I1 Verna Montgomery, Lily. Fred Lott, Ella \\radel. •
Edwards,rClara Detzler, Maud 17ochls, Pt. 1 -James. Henderson, John Mor -
Sr. - I -Melvin Taylor, Margaret ison, George Ross.
Montgomery, Harold Wright. P. Gowans, Teacher.
Jr. I -Elea Finlay..•
Primer—Myrtle Montgomery, Eye- The following is the report of.S. S.
lyu •Montgomery, Lloyd' Taylor: No. it, East Walvauosla for the. niontli
Florence McPherson, Teacher. of Febris ry 'and .March.
Jr.. IV=Total, 535o. -Gordon Mc-
- The followirf is the School Report
for S. S...No. 'ro,'Kinloss.
Number enrolled for the month 40,
average attendance 35.62, percentage
of attendance 79.05., The progress of
the pupils was greatly hindered slur=
Burney, T273; Verna.`Irwin 797, (ab-
sent -2 weeks);_Hazel Irwin, 623, (ab
sent i • rironth).,
Sr. III—Total r3oo—Robena-Young,
5073, (absent r week); Alex Robert-
son io4o; Jim Deacon, 970.
ing tlie. month: owing to so much: sick- Jr. :III—Total 1350.—Hazel. Mc-
ness. ::The narnes of the pupils in the` -Burney, 5205; Margaret. Deacon, I079;
various classes are arranged according.. Agnes. Robertson, 5025; Willie Irwin,
to merit based upon their daily exer- 69p, (absent 2.weeks.)
fat's Deaconcases and weekly examinations.: Jr, -II—Total rroo— N. t a ,
Sr. IV -Edward Moore, Malcolm 900.
Ross, Robt. Lott,Elgin Purclon, Rus- First -Total 715—Alary Robertson,;
see Taylor. boo; Margaret Irwin, 358, (absent is
Sr. III—Annie Moore', Wallace month):
Court,'” Russel Gaunt,'Clara I ut don, ' M 1. Aitken, Teacher.
Me.. David Totten has purchased
Mr. Henry Armstrong's farm. We
wonder if Dave is going.,to,get a part-
? 1
r1eMr. Alex Baird left on Monday for
Englewood; where he is intending to =
work. ,
Mr. Thomas Weir is busy working,
on the ,road with .the grader these =
Mrs. Muir and Norman spent Sun-
day evening at the home- of Mr. and _—
Mrs. Thomas Walace. 1
Miss Cora Gilkinson felt last week
for Toronto where she will train for a =
Nurse., ' 1
Mr. Henry Armstrong who lias been b-
in these. 'parts for sometime has re-. =—
turned to London,
Mrs. Thos. Appleby visited recent- •
ly with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ballagh
at Teeswater•;
Mr. Sarre Deacon lost a valuable
hotc last week. =
Mr. 'Penny of Toronto, has taken
possession of ..M,•: Henry Leishmar's =
farm and intends starting a small fruit
farm: We wish him success. Mr. and kip
1VIrs. Leisiunan are moving to the arid. .
Con. of West. Wawanosh near Dun- =
gannon. ' • r
Mr. and .Mrs. Stewart McBurney
and Lavina spent Suiiday with her T.
parents, Air. and Mrs. Win .King. i•
Mrs Frank Shocbottom was operat- ;l-
ea on last Friday ,in the Wingham
Hospital. VTe wish her -a speedy re- to
Mr. Wm. Robinson our assessor is
on his rounds again. He reports that 11
on the 4th and 5th, con. -and also on
the 1,2th and 53th, there are seventeen. —
hottses which are not occupied' 'where •
there used to be families when lie did =
thisworktwent:y=six years agog teak-:
ing`ill all 34 houses less, and only oir
a'n average of five or six of the old M
original farmers on each line, the maj-
ority of -the farms being in entirely
new hands. We wonder what our.
township will be like
o i
it the next
twenty -sive years at this rate.
Mr. Williatm Love has been busy
n. the th Con.
hiscircularsawo . e
-with lth
We congratulate Miss Eccles tee -
croft for taking the highest marks at
the Winter School, 567. We feel
quite prout?that-out-three girls, Miss-
es Beecroft, Cha,ntney and Robinson
were able to take their position at
he head of ,their classes,
Tea Prices Rising
r ,9�
lti nor has it that the labor unrest
mid general di,vsatisfaetion ' in India.
the largest tea producing country in i
the world, have made production so II
expensive, and hazardous that a genet- =
al risein prices niay be expected in
the near :futures The estimated cost«
11101111 Oil
su"mption this year will be touch larger
than the crop available.
Clothes for
Nortiway "
SUITS -Serge, Tweed;' orne-
spun, Tricotine, .
All sizes, prices $> 8.so foH50,00.
Duvetyn, Tricotine, Serge, polo
Prices $12.5o to$45.0o.
DRESSES—Beautiful Dresses,
,moderately priced: Canton Crepe.
Dresses, Taffetta Silk, Duchess
Satin, Homespun.
• ll th : latest 'st le etc. Cor-
e y s, ,
sets, Hosiery, Underwear, Neck-
wear, Bloomers; and Gloves.
Men's and Boys'
Clothing and
Men's Suits, prices $16,50 t
r $35.00,
Spring Coats and Rain Coats, prices
$ts.00 to *25
Boys' Suits, prices $6150• to $t5.po.
111 INGS-w-t-tats, Caps, Neckwear, New
11 Collars, Shirts,' Gloves, Hosiery;: and
111 rP•
flilllllitii1 M111I I11011101InM0Iniilllr11110111111 111101111011101ul Iliwlll1011.104111