HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-13, Page 73 9 L. ,n,r1S1 IWAN 'total o 1.05T•tare et grata • Were „inspetted a 'CialgarY 011U -rate moinibl Of" rebrnary,, according .to the ofilela returns a .tno GOVereraent Grain ,specter, Thete eatiaisted of 712 ears. *hetef',., 059 .ears of. oatal, 'fil) ears 0 barley and 6 oars et rye. -Contract ter the 'development ref the Paltewski Bird Reterve, eonisisaine,•be apProximatelY 1,9Q0 acre, laietried la Southern Aiberte, near the United States bouedary, has beep: etisepleted between the C.anadian GoVelinallent. and; P. Chester reanaging- raireeterr a tlie ThonlaiStan 'Syndis •eate. Theadevelopment Vvill'be fee 'oil ,and gas, and active, arcs% it is: stated, will be reontmeneedi, by June first this. , Diamond drilling at the White Lia10 coal 'Mine near Penticton), haie •rayealed a titefeot „Seam, at 260 ,,feet •and d,kiireaseebt Seale at 400 feet, With • interneediary',Periea' •of letteri dearth., • sloes, An analysis e the opal rues 78%mixed' earbels;;' 'titiVe Mil- phur and •socisturei an, te siot•-yaoly: crushed., The property Isabelle:vett to be a Valeable Onearntletlie promatera • hope, to induce the government to put down a -2,000400t drill. • . ,Beeent in:vestigiatiene have discloeed tite',1•e'Preglant6e:',Ot • Many nthierals in cloSe paeximity to yarpootiver. The "eill.e.aliniaintaen 'the, oi't1. slde �f the FOR THE SPRINGT1 De.,Npt Use fla*Sh .Purgatives A 'reale Is A1.1 You Need. .Not Melte-lint not feeling 'guile wail. L latat. is the arey meet' peePle teed in the spring, .EaSily tired, 'appetite 4014 sellietirnea headaches and afeel- illrfi..Pt depression. Pimplee or erPP; does mear appear on the skin, or there may be twingee of rheunaatism ,er. neuralgia. Any of these indicate that the blood is'out a Order—that the in - deer lige of .,wIntet ham: left its ;mark Upon pont saira, may earilly develop into 'More Serietve trouble. • De not dose yoUrSelf with purga.' tivet, as so enemy people o, iri' the hope that yoncan put Your blood. -PurgatiVes gallon threugh the system ,and ,vvealie.n instea'd 'Of giving strel'igth,,,Any.,,clector will tell.you this ' is tree-,. What eiee iteedan tha ePring Is toinit that 'Will 'esiribli: the ,bloacl mid' hand „ep the nerves. Dr.' WS: Pills do this •speedilY; safely and. surely. ". Elter,Y- dose Of this Medicine helps to ;enrich the blored, whithiclears the Strengthensthe appetite,,.and makes tired, depaesaPd • Merle *omen and children bright, active and strong.. te* • Eachrota Nairn P.0. WB., Se:ye,; "I • have, been ixz.tie habit, of', ,talajageDr. sinihig4end tbeY keep .nfe in, the. best „of •.health. I think it is entirely ,dne. to the uee.Of these-PiliSe,thatjealwiis have ttieh •geod health." •Sold by all: inedietteedealers or by Mall at 50 cents a box or. six :boxes for $25-0 trona The Pr. - Medicine go., Brookville, Ont, bele.P-fauPd to .nieltbdente, eleads ' aeon arid eopper. CaPPliiiro,,,Lepnra einad;,:Sup.silere show 'fine Mineral OnteeoPPinga, . • • Xheeapanaial value, of goat products' Pritleh Colutabla eXceeda, that , of Slieep.-, and' gaatraiskifir4 now fegarel: „ ed.,as an important industry of the,peo,1 iritiee:' The Milk Yield- daring the past Yeae Mereased forty --pee zente over ;16g9,,aotc.:s,ti1i,the'Mioi1y is inadequate bo xneet the: steady demand for this • precinct. , • • nileronethesiirat..to the .fourtb, of July 'atexteWill be celebratedeby Vancouver ea% a Rose Festival, to whichethe people •incen' the:States et ' California, Oregon: and Washington, , British ,Columbia"e • rilrale in, the ,pecidettion of gorgeous - «Veletas, will be invited to --be the spe-. Olralegueste of the city. • ,"Ainereg, the anineralt found in 'the Wapewelcke Lake •district by. the ex- eePleration • peaty • sent into the far- - northern part of the province or as ,iltatcheyean. by the go -Vern- - anent 'are ochres; itnibettec.:Paint-claYs, 'beg iron tire; ,carbeilateens 'Sands, •• shalesi' tire clay, g's Sends and coal. ...O&M:tenting ' upon the ochres •and um- herre foaled in the mineral waters of tie, lake, :theceramic engineer ot the versity of Saskatchewan and geo- logist of the Darty, is reported- to say 'that, , the" samples-. --ha,valProrven very satisfactory, particularly the o:chees. • When Elephants Race.- ,Despite its great bulk ,and. lumber- ing gait,„ the ,elephent has been laleera to eaceed,hfiteen mike an tour an to • have kept up e,.. Tate .6f tea miles an hour for a lcnig run. it, is said that an elephant does not reach proper maturity until It is forty years old, and tlia.,t it may live ter over a century. Darwin calculated that •.after a period- of seven hundred and fifty year, if breeding were not in- terfered with, there would' banineteen million elephants alive, decended from a ainge pair. - The tusks, .whieh are the weapons of the males inetheir furious conthat.,s; are used by both sexes in everyday U. -tater digging up roots' feta -fool • ,Geed•Ativice. • Colds atre contagious; avoid them like measles. • • «..1'he beat place for your oold is in inagellee ateal hears, sa)eal health• y • children itivest 10 cents, in a pair of elnee teeeee and eave clollees in prolonged • life et your footgear. .• ' • :Gearoinia gays : ""tion't jadgegrouclay folk too har.shly, , Probably it isin't so • mucli'disposition as dyspepsia." 'Be -Ware :Setvina rais.ine, and nuts DA delicacies for the end of a heavy meal; both are high In feed value. •Thre care of the child be an it-idex of and infant reertality is the meet :Sensitive sign We pas:sees of •Soclial welfare: • • • ••Shift- Veer Lymph, . .• "Shift Your Lymph," urges a Lot. toit Physielan and se gives a neW • catch:phrase to health e•eeltere. Lymph deriVed from the blood permeratos every.paat (dour bodies and acts both ae notinisluirent to the organs and as a Hush for the waste products. it is not eontaelled by the action e't the heart' and ,consequenty is eaSily retarded or hasitened in sitsflow, ter theepreesure oci an active innsole May iii•ge it on, or the ,constriction fo a tight belt cll. 001- 10,/, nILIT hold Pt back t. yeur lymph" is ttleeretone the latest WaY.O1 'eaying. "Cot ont ,and get some e..Ker- else." Tap Origint of Soap, Soap is flag mentioned, . by Pliny, who stateS tite.t it 'wee prepared train goat'S'trallow-,and, beeeh-tnee ashes, and was"emplioyed tor giVing brilliance 0 the hair. GPtLht her natty be a complete failure one, year (and be conapetisated f ocr the next year, but phb. ctearttottai '..t&re"St'area *ibY re ;canifet ihe made goad in :half a cen.tuiry, Renee, suiel- feits ought tb,;(he 4ar& to 1l6ep the ,fire out et the loreSt,• Every masa is a fool at least ten minutes a day. Don't exceed the limit. Aainard''slininient.orevntsSpenish Flu • Did He -Take It ant a Oorepliivient? Reggie Liteweight---"Can. Yen,triily tell me, that 'you'Ve never ?Wed be- fore?" , Helen — 'r11313'.. Reg'Xier: I've'0:iften Sialoyed Men for their ...strength, goo'd looksi •Oet#1afie; 'or 14- tellpetnalgty, ocr. eannetliing like `that; but ter' yen, 4eggie, deareSt,' it's ail • line—nothing A . Can ny A navver. , ,While making „a visit to toWn: a Seatchman Wait 'knocked db:vvii, in the steeee.by. a Motor., • a , '"Are yeti . htintesmy 'friend?" , kindly asked. a ,•gentleinan Who was finst alaang. the rescuers, as he helped the ,stranger -to has feet; andtiatelliarcl the., 'Mad andel:est from his baths.' "Weil," canatt the cantieue "-eerily, "It ain't ,doneIne no geed.". . , . --a- Another, Matter., A minister, ,cm:;the oceaslav of a mar- riage, Was at a lossein trying to dis- cover Alieabridegavann /..ruonig the Com: PanY of *Yung I inea. eiies ent. •,,Fixing on, a' young meat With a largp *Tee in his buttonhole, he asked hiM,- 411.1ettY: "Are you the nappy maul"' "That ,remathis to be seen," Wiertlie sOleraneatts 'wen "But'are you the Juan who is to he married?" • "Oh, that's anather Matter." ' Forcing : Baby's Educition. Yells from the nursery brought inotiser who found • baby gleefully palling small Billy's pals. , "Never mind, dealing," She. comfort- ed. "Baby doesn't. k• now' how it barbel.' Rattan hour later will shrieks from Surnames and Their Origin LIPPiNCOTT Racial Orin --Anglo-Saxon. Sat, rce—A local ity. Lippincott is a family name that is ,peculiar in that, it has many Mom past than present forms, . • It is not mere surmise that it came from the nanae of ..a place in Devon. shire. The old records Prove it to be dived from that piece, which is now called LuffingCbt; To begin at the beginning, "Leaf" was a given name among the Anglo- Saxons. It Meant "beloved," and came in fact the same word root as our modern word "love" _and its German equivalent "lieb." The tallowthg varia- tione of the tame, same of whieh eug- 'gest more strongly the modern "evorde, were in common use; "Lef," "Leta," "Lief," "Lib," 'Lip," "Liob " "Lu -b" and amt." Though it disappeared -later,- the - first Teutonic invaders of England lanta tribal systems and tribal names. The latter' were formed' by the addi- tion of . "ing" or Matt" to the given name of the chief. Thus the followers of "Iseof" were the Meetings." -This period, of invasion •and colonization, the Period when the tribal.names -were in more general use than later, was the period in wilA the Teutonic settlers ,gavei their nanies to the, places they occupied. Thus "Leofingeote" becarie plate 'name. - The 'old documents - show that at various Periods the name of this same place, from which the family naine has come, was spelled in no less than tithe foflowihg nunther of ways: "Log- lynotte," "Loffyneote," Logynbetat," ``Lughenoot," Lefftncote," "Loughwyn- cote," "Loyhineote,- "Luffingcott," "Luffyugcote" and "Lipeingoote," In 1296 the family naine was 'de Lywens- cot." • HUDSON yariations—Hodson, Hodges, ilodge: Racial Origin—English, Dutch, Ger- man. Source—A giyeri name. While for the most par the family names• of Hodson, Hodges and Hodge - son take their origin tiara another source, there is little doubt that in a limited number o't cases thea have been derived from the same given name which has dev,eroped into Hud - Thio „given name is till -to be found as such in -Germany, and in one of its anoient forms, "Ude." It was one of the basic Teutonic names, apparently, for tbe still more ancient form cif "Udr" is found, the meaning of which, is 'son of the eight." Frankish and Gothic forme of the name, in the days preceding the Nor- man rise to domination, were "Tido" and "Ude," while among the Teutonic races along the 'alleles of Flanders it became ."Uden." Alth,ongt the name was not altos getNer =known ••among the Anglo- Baiolis of England, it wae net,i6 Wide- spread at on tie contineua and there is golo.d reaison. to .believe that ea- a family name its, principal developuint was' in that section of einathent Europe Meetly •included in what is now gol, land.• , The name became a patronymic 'quite regularly, by the , addition of "son," "sea" and sometinies "syn." , 4M1111111111114111011111111111111111111111111110 'he baby Made her ran fath o •th hainaerY, ' "Witty%allay,," otici crttxl, "what tr e 11;14tter wiPh. 134br?" ' "114,14441 re1144ors" '5410 ltarw he IcaavYe." The linage• ,The children •Were suffedng their- peiliodin4 writteR examinatioll, and MI the morning their peep aPlettrared and Beratchea, "Bring me pante papers when you have fielelted," said the teatiter. • Little Mary came first and handed 14 her woric with a bright +mile, And teacher nUe too,ewten she "Aa image Is ran idle maid with hands!" ills Better, Half. , , AO Toni,n1risis wag: 'ren,,his,Way honte atter nleitirtiaal he 'colgded. With Jen- friikS.; Who: as xiaIng ,aO fait as Ms brxiuiOE allow -"Why this' hurry, Jenkins'?" he ig- "I'meagaing•—for—the--eppilice," Jenkins •. between.. pfint.O“: "leVe`ye gfOt :641:411ti :15( ue::r el, Yri ° iu r' 37`2: lift IP hon " )• a e t left yOur.', . not .he's holding: the 'bitm.' iar!" „ -The Canadian -spring ::weather—one day mild ,f,kzta bright; the net raw • a,ndblustery, is .ektrernely-hand on the :baby... Conditions' are such that the mother cannot take the little elle Out for the fresh air se melt to be de - Sired.' 'He 15 Confined to the- house evhich is: so often overheated ,aad bad- • ly Ventilated. ate catches cold; his Utile stomach and 'bowels become dis- orIered the, m,othee ,soon has a, • sick baby to look after. To prevent thit, an occasional deseeof-Baby's Own Tablets shotilid be given. "'They regu- late the stomach and_ bieVele, thus pre- venting or banishing colds, simple fevers, colic or any other of the. many minor ailments, Of childhood. The 'Tablets' are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medidine Co., Brock; vine, Out. / • 0. To Have an Ordered Brain. An eminent gentleman, who in addi- tion to his regular business engage- ments Was also distinguished as an essayist and a :sneaker, when asked the secret' df his accomplishing so 111.11011 work gave en interesting leaf out of his early experience. Heessid that as a lad he was ;yeey camelese about the order of his room and in his. belongings generally. But when he pecan to study, .hie teacher observing the habit info which he was falling, sMd to him: "If you want. facts anj. itleae arranged M your head so as to find them, put your hat, shoes, and books, in: some sort of order around yee," Thus early he learned that or- derly habits' cultivate orderly brains:, .rntd to that one thing he attributed -much of his success. , Fairy Orchid. . In Java there is an orchid, the gram- mo.tophylilum, adl the flowers of which open. at once, as if by the Stroke of a fairy wand, and they all wither to- •gether, Eveay ane,n throws a reek now ,and then that he would like to, have .:back. iis Peis band,. • It is ,elaimecl that workersin the radium mines sof Gelarado enjoy ere traorelinary health, thanks to driiik- ing water charged with radiant, The workersy. it is said, are immune 0 fluenza and laugh at rheumatism, ,genat and neuritis, • William found a pocitetbo ,,asssassmasasaarionossussosaismarmall It•lookedlike a happy discovery as it lay 'there On the sidewalk—until the discoverer reached to -,pick it.up. Then the :hidden string jerked it .away. All William got was disappointment That's the way a good many people have found it to be with the cOinfort and, cheer they thought they'had secured in tea ;ando coffee. • When they came to depend on 'there was a hidden Siring, and 'nothing left but disappOintinent. • The drug,. caffeine, in tea arid coffee, is a' nerve stirnulant. COn Stant stittnilation of the nerves often Pr00100i.. iehellion that AO* the fOrin',of:Steeplessness, ,fiepdatbes, blood. preisUre. Oio ,:stiing to tea and'Offee. Posturn, that wholesome and delightful cereal beverage, is com- pletely satisfying and there's no harmful quality whatsoever, to jerk away the comfort which yon find in thiS- splendid table drink. Any • member of the family may- enjoy Posturn with any me :1 ---and there • will be no fter-regrexj . . Poste,na-erames 10 we Irteittat- Rostuoi (in tins)' rnads instsintly in 'the Cut), by the additi4n " of boiling ;water. Pkistiim Cereal' tin packages of... •larger baht for those Who, prefer tO Mai* :the dt.'1131Z while the meal'is.being nreplitred) made by :belling for 20 :Minutes. Sid 131 rocets- Postum. far , Health.—"There's. a Reason" Made biP Canadsata Postnno cereal Co. Linaited 'Windsor -Oat 0 e.e4.1mitu4d 11;-:, kE AN PCIPULAR- YOUNG IVIWAASN ASAWYOS NPTEM4RFLAC UL BLESSING TO HER. Gives Detagla of.Reeovery fo Bene6.t of Others VVIto Suf- fer A$ She Dil. "Taniac has been a wondequl bless- ing to me and I will praise it the lang- ail sooner, as I 'know .I would. have ,abe nee rdtecivind ay.sy: a.frIoylameiravdlyne g, "nfrealleagli,T7d1:-Mthi soleuemgA. aboutn Inondte va,Dr maies: lac It that • I ditint learn coaxal: it ery • tels, St. Laurent, Que. di - eine bas brought he the wonder- 1 ul eiblin1 es:1;:td(?ifugliemy althduatilYia dl tabelpinsg to let peoPle knew that no matter how nuich they may suffer from stomaeh trouble, there is hope for them if they take Tanlac. "1 am no more like .the ,SalDer perS011 DOW that I was before I tOok "this grand medicine thans day is like night." • Tanlao is sold by all good druggists. —Advt. The "g.reat balance" stands in the Bank of England's "Great Balance." bullion roam of the ,Bank of England. It de a mac -bine that was constructed, primarily, 'for testing light geld C011.113. Standing approximately seven feet high and weighing nearly two tons, this wonderful piece of m,eolianism tan weighea piece of .tiriatiedown or a 400 pound gold bar with equal ac- curacy. Befere 'it canbe used it must always be carethaly dusted, for otherwise th,e dust that haa-eetnlecl upon it, even in the course of a few minutes, although, invisible to the na.ked eye, would cause it to register inaccurately. SO responsive is the machinery that a postage stamp placed on one of the two weighing portrays moves the in- dex six inches.. When the new English currency notes were issued the grand balance was kept busy,virtually day mid might Weighing the 'gold coinage that was caged in and replaced by notes. It Inas now been found that the total lose of gold, owing to the abration of the coins as they passed from hand to hand in the course of circulation, amounts to nearly $5,000,000. That, however, is not quite so alarm- ing as it sounds, for the loss IS spread over a period ot twenty-five yeave. Twenty-five years is reckoned in Eng- land to be the legal "life" of a „stove- reian its, full face weight. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Sixty Million Trees Planted. The .abipments of tree seedlings and cuttings going out this ,spring from the Dominion Forest Nursery Station, at Incite' Heads Seekatelhewan, will be among the largest in the past five years. The kinds tent out are chiefly Manitoba maple, green esh, Russian poplar, willow, and Garage:ma. They are 11,Sed solely for planting shelter - belts on prairie farms. Sinoe , the • nursery station was established about sixty million seedlings and cuttings have been distributed to prairie twain- . • ere. Illinard's Liniment for Coughs and Colds * , To the Victors Belong the Slides. During •the• Allied oocupation of Ger- ma;nry; ae, amusing -moot:tater took place between a Britieh soldiee 'arid a Germaa baroness. • The bareness, writes Miss Violet R. :Markham in Watching on the Rhine, :fold a British, officer that one of his meu insulted her. Indeed, she de- clared, she bad neyer been so insulted in. her life. The •oilicer at once began inquiriee and finally learned that the lady ha,d found two British eoldiets. whistling and •sliaing down the banis- ters 9fher back stairs, She had told them 'sharply that whistling and slid- ing •on the ballieterSwere forbidden. Whereupon Thomas Atkins. genial and undefeated, had turned to her an•d re- marked pleasantly, "Aye, misses, but yes' should laeye won the war, and then yee could have come and slid dowa our beck stairs and whistled." A Tree for a Tree. Wheh a forest admiaistrator .sa,ye. ! that he topes to eee the time wheis a tree will be planted -for every tree cut down on tionsagriculttnal land be does not mean this, literally, What he .. nteans le that •when, an Acre of forest •pheatea ele &Beata *111-.41111c:0 to• bring ota bad is out ever that a,erts should. be another anon'. If.thiS is ilone'iii Brat ' Ing it Will mean, thtat live or six times as malty trees w411 be planterl.tts are e nt down, hecartnee to induce high,- groWth forest trees ate planted etlueli clever 'together than the nantaire trees e tancl whela cut dowe. Tte, iteee tbat• , da not 4:,atil., vpatartt,), arti either thiii- ned •out and used for toile or fuel, or (lie off because the tretto that have forged ahead 'mixt mint of their sup. `...Oly et ennlighh issue isto. 14 --le, 1 The API;reantagea, Of Thrlft It'aMetn444114tWtillhdr#,Ird0 r ;rstien)ripgy'r Imat tWeAltY..'Year'o; oo ag4t,tox.„41:0* Lto ,pyor /tio.,141ParOct' 001:Inne near and he, Penld hey eltnott', aSnanchi.tot; itiatiaVe ae, 'he` eantird' *Va. gote-forbe Qri 1enca0d •at. tb • hategan aaa`e.". 1-1-'e wasp liatee asisaSsitr--and ie also asuicide., Nerve itt wi1li iligesopmit ,.aff1:mip,t4v05; Don't .hg,xit ,a1g7ainst, 'the kvad., but critalli!; the beallties of',Erne. tvod, .•• rSel/Clitiren t eata Gate, , WkaI51,111 VITLOA itown? You out earn taelt Wrtt? 0 Osout44 Valeaalaets Le eafiafa'g,P.P.4eaNTO,,.Pte A'0:11,0PP0449,::1P)4eciO, Vatxia,. woo, ,careey..gray eepeattor; alfty•eeil4a Pa •, P'eatntl. •• feeetage • eats& ,,Sareater ainc-beetttifel eolorse .meaentysfaite,,:eantO« apipita.,..cie0,670tr?Yvi ..1 • "„ilr9llee.,!,', ni.sea,+sergeteW-na-Oritaata,eiee,:,-..„, '1344 leaeienalina' St) AleP S'I'BOXX•k. ftnAl 57.An'thci. terniehlnaa noney extraetore, • • englnes aaa storage tartics: eemai , Keep •Totli •Hee-, tcl, Memo acturers, rantfor TO -NIGHT TRY ,Minafd!s.liniment • for that cold ancl tired feeling. Get Well—Keep KILL SPANISli'El.,U. hy using the OLD BELIA.BLE! MinarcPs'Llniment CO„ 1 -td. Ya miouth, ITCHING BIM PIMPLES ON FAC Festered. and Sealed Over.; ,face, Disfiguted. Cutitura'Heali: "My,race was alsriast covered with pimples which festered .and , scaled °Ver. They itahdctand burned."080 that 1 could hardly stand theist, and,„ my face was so disfigured I 'was' unable to go anywhere. I lost so Witch slee.,p that ',WAS ,abottt cmzy. "The tibbble lasted tWO months. I started using Cnticura Soap and Ointmentand after I had used two cakes Of. Cuticura soap and wo boxes of tuticura. Ointment for three weeks I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Dorothy Danielson, Jackson, Calif. Cuticura Soap daily-, with Cuticurc Ointment occasionally, prevents pimples or other eruptions. They are a pleasure to use, as is also Cuticura Talcuin for pestiming the, skin. lla:mpleasehrraabylitaa. Addrosis: "Lynn:11,01Am- • OOut, BSt. l'An1 St. W„ Montreal." Sold es • where. SoapSe: Otataneatasodne, Talcum^ , SOP shaVes without Mag. Rupture Kifls Seven: thousand persons each year are laid away—the burial certificate being marked,"Rupture." Why? Be cause the ithfortunate ones had neg- lected themselves Or had been merely - taking care of the siige (swelling) of the affliction and paying no attention to the cause. what are you doing? An -e you neglecting yourself by wear- ing a tams, applianca or whatever name you choose -to call it? At bett, the tuts is only a make-shift—a false prop against a collapsing wall—and cannot be .expected to act as more than a mere mechanical support, The binding pressure eetarde bleed circu- lation, thus robbing the weakened; muscles of that which they need most —nourishment. But .science has tound a way, a.nd every truss sufferer in thaland is in- vited to make a test right in the' privacy of their own horae. Tke -PLAPAO method is unquestionably the,. most scientific,. Lulea.' and euccess- fel self -treatment, for rupture the world has ever knewn. The PLAPAO PAD when adhering closely to the body cannot possibly. slip or shift out Of place, therefore canu.ot chafe or pinch. Soft as velvet —easy to apply—inexpensiye,To be used whilst you work and, whilst you .sleep. No straps, bUckles' or springs attached. Learn how to close the hernial open- ing as nature intended so the ruptur's CAN'T come down. Send your name and ten cents, coin or ,stamps, to -day, to PLAPAO CO., 785 Stuart 33Idg., St: Louis, Mo.. for FREE trial Plapao and the information necessarl. -0.g.4*1,1,40 ,FOR 4utt, -,salloF eltioS. '14340Yet,41.3v1.:''cal)34030.04traOlk:, 410.4,:elsip,paPiableetloartproitai, tie** s Priers In 'Canada-, .TOIRR 1.10 7/0,ft. IrrA1717.:.'TP4PNT.90,' : *mama,* rio*.r. Dos' 2Saniodies.', , • DO0R "on: T.POG 1.), ISE S aaei,xxqw,t;ta,, alaiaerFseiestra any,'44 drawl by tbe:Autboriii 11. 0!a' OloyarOM0 159 ,,Wfa,024th, Sctreo eafeW-Tarala• tts,4-1, . , COARSE SAL AISIF,1).XSA: 'Bac eariots Iralsoro „104-17%,virofiks 0. J. CLIFF - TORONTO GIC • OR forty years Sloan's Liniment has been, the (pinkest relief for , neuralgia, .sciatica and rheuma- tism, tired muscles, lame back% aPfain3 and strains, aches and pains. Keep Sloan's handy an, d apply freely, without :rubbing, at the ,Arst twinge,. it :eases and brings comfort sure, and readily. Yourlifind.it clean add 00n -5.4'n -staining. , Sloan's Liaiment is pain's enemy«. AsIcyaue neighbor. At., all druggists -35c, 70C, I140,: - 'Made in Canada. Women ShouldICnow How Lydial, • Pialtham's Vegetable Compeatal, . g Helps at This Trylag Pei�d Sheboygan, Wisconsin. --9 was ruct down, tired and nervous. 1 could not even domyOwn. housework, pould not sleep at night' and all kinds .of queer 'thoughts would come id me. Finally It gave up going lotus doctor and a friend told me of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- b14 Cornpoixrd. After the first bottle 1 could sleep better and 1 have kept OD improving ever since. I have taken seven bottles now and maw/happy that an't allover these'bad feelings. --Me, LANsEn, 1639 N. ard St, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. For the woman entering middleage Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable COro- pound can be of much benefit. Durhig this time of life certain changes take place which sometimes develop into eerions-trouble. Melancholia, nervousness. irritability, headache and dizziness are some of the symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega, table Compound. is a natur41: restora- tive, esppcially_adap tea to emit nature in carrying you safely past this time. Why not gzve It a tair trua 7 WARNING! Say 'Bayer" when you buy Aspirin ' Unless you see the name "Sayer" on tablets, you are not (rettino6 - Aspirin at all, Why take chances? 6 Accept only an I'unbroken ' 1)-acicag0 of atiay-ir Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked Out by physicicanosdsuting 422 year8 and proved safe by minions for Id tio"adache RI4i.j_rnatistil •' ,. :I'oottiache w Earache 1,Nteil4nrit41: ya:itlilt PiSa in - ,P - - , ilanAy "Bayer" baits of it kblets—Alie bottle:It of. PA and 1:00.,-.1).(Uggistek, Antattin Is tha Vitt% tattit (roanstersa 'in Cankla) of ;6414,4r l'Eatat15atar01tf tanatingtideata)! (ft ;dada. Int/ft,tt t vMYI ItitOtrb antra aseiret veal* eteaanee ,..attnnuanatura, o astat the patina against traltatnantsi lasca,annieert ,13*$'0L- conon yfin *Limped With their,weiitildzttatle mat% the ,