HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-06, Page 8yin;; 157. F
Ili, i lll�p llmumnil;sl viii; llfillial!lAGIIINII1MI11 I111mwmillMil Ifin llglliMgmitil Ilimill imulPl!III I11umipll IIlIM1iIMNIdmIImmmilimol iii
Hanna & Co.Limited.
Visit our Read 4o -Wear Departments for Men an
Women, and see the finest showing o . new and
attractive garments for •
, mrsafonrka.ou+wo4o++woausW®?oq.rawoWaamo-utww.tonao400..mbomroavru.o.ommtrowaW
adyes Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses.
Men's Spring Coats, Stiits, Ready for Service
and Tailored ~ t. Measure.
Soeletynda,zriemb' He erowas f slf thSCptIaretlslsibydescenterian.t
tciiu.rihHae nwd aa4¢rrdyee5nirliberal inanpdolis
survived by four daughters
and one
son, Another son was killedin
I+iaa;nce and his wife predeceased him
three y cars' ago to the day on which
he died,
The funer.a1 of .Mrs ""Walter Sturdy
fg Wes held on Sunday, She haying'•pass-
.� ed away the Friday previous Her
maiden name was Marey Hamilton and
after' her ni:iriege to leer now bereft
husband she moved . to L,ttcknow,
where she hati bean a resident for
many years. She had not been well
;for- $6100 time and a few days ago she
suffered a paralytic' stroke wine]] prov-
ed fatal, She was . in her 520d year
andbesides her •husbaltci she leaves
one son and ane daughter, one• son
having predeceased her a-nuirber of
years ago. She was a mernber of the
Presbyterian church and the 'funeral
services were conducted by her pastor
Rev.. Mr. McCallum, with interment in
Dungannon cemetery.
Last Tuesday was Dollar Day in
town and in spite o'f, inclement weath-
er a large crowd turned out and eager -
.Pi ly sought the bargains offered by the
merchants, and all report a good day's
ill" business.
Th'e' funeral of the late Ernest Sher-
' wood was held a' week ago from the
® home of his parents -near Belfast. The
1 l M Sherwood visited here during
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'treatment and was improving when very progressive'" -farmer andWwas a
• good horses and. his
i fieri time'great lover+of g
from which . osetin,£
2 _2
" a ;April
"Mond 9
5 ,
n a,
l.. 'r was in
at fa faz s
• 'ccs as a
-services g
ofhisrec� J
' fl'e hope y
: The� funeral bf• the late John Mc- tiiere.
s : Thelate Mr. McDiarmid was` born on great demand: He was for a number
'."� rmid took .place lace . l:o-da"y • fibtri his 1
s >ap ••ears. number. of Kinloss council
-.con., of Kinloss, ofY._......, a . ,
hadthe farm on the 7th z , a
.• ID
Mr.. A
- here. �`
�^ xI
'�� dandecu Ted until and last` year was .assessor•m ;town,
• sometime with stomach which he ownedP
' in .
for t
:men ail active
one- oft
about month went about `three yea -r ;ago, when. he sold He was
j`o Vic a ri oa ago` r f the Lucknow Agricultural
'e'know,. He was a members o g
-3•u• Victor -fa; Hospital, London, for it and moved to u -
vlr, and Mrs. Cecil Falcone• and
Miss Norah Falconer spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Falconer of
Binevale, •
Miss Olive Terri°.(f went to Brussels
on Sunday.
Miss Bertha McKay of 1\rineham,
spent Sunday with her -parents here.
Mr, and Mrs, Will Bradt and• baby
of ,Bipaso, Texas, who have been vis-
iting her, sister, Mrs, Amos Coenelius,
left on Wednesday for Eopclon to -vis-
it with his; sister, Mrs. McCcirmicle
Miss A9;eOtioid spent Sunday with
Mrs Paterson of Luelcuow,
Mr. and Ales, Jack Henderson and
;children of Lueknow, spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac-
MISS Edythe. Peddle, wlio has been.
teachinghi Mtmccy, has°, been forced
on account of,•'illness 1o, come to her
home here,
Mr. Bolin -Gillespie has had the ntis-
i:ortune .to, lose two Bead of cattle
The Beef Ring . held a meeting 00
Friday' night.
Mr. Victor • Emerson" is moving to
his farm in Kinloss this "week.
:"Mr..and Mrs. Robert Purdon and
children, visited with Mr._, and Mrs.
Archie Anderson on I{riday,
�VIr. and Mrs, Jas Wilson and three
children• are under the doctor's care -cit
present. .;We hope' to Bear of a speedy.
a e; r, w recovery.
lite winter and only a week .previous iVlr; and•Mrs. Robt, Henry Purdon
to his death left for .his hoarse in theuid Mrs. Thos. Henderson motored
West, He had not been in good
health for some time but was thought
to bo improving and word of his death,
cameas a shock to his friends here.
He is survived by his wife and four'
small children.
Those who attended the evening ser-
vices t week ago Sunday in the Pres-
byterian church were well repaid, Rev.
Dr. McMillan, Convener of the Gener-
al Assembly Committee was the speak-
er and gave a very interesting talk on
"Worship Song", He -himself., presid-
ed at the organ and led the congrega-
tion in singing several selections from
the new'book of praise, Dr. McMillan
spent many months in study in the
Bodleain 'Library- at•' Oxford Univer-
sity and several other museums in the.
tr r --lin all the versions,
old country' : and --has ,
reversionsand"dates at his finger tips
aid' therefore can speak with author
ity on the why and wherefore of the
omissions and changes in the •new'
book Of praise..
Mrs D. Mallough held a very
cessful auction sale of..-liee household
.effects on Saturday, ay
, She;is going
reside with her sqn, Brown in Grams-
y •
The ' Hod1 e . - Club. held a dance in
run which
halt Frxda
.eve wft
theo'vxr ha 1
t � g
''tivas ."•not as largely " attended as: it
should have been,:
The Oddfetlows are holding their
final'"At Home" for, this year on Fri-
day evening. ,
Miss ibl;urdie of Chicago; visited, her
sisters and brothers here._
Mr. R. H,_Griffin has bought a house
from Win. Armstrong and has moved`
to town from his farm ontlle.2nd. con, 1.
Miss :Christie Graham who went to
a hospital in London a week ago is_
able" to return home and is improving
-nicely. Little Dorothy Pickering, who
was in a hospital in Toronto, has also'
returned home and. is well on the road
to -recovery. -
Mr, Elliott Taylors Forrci Cttr was.
put up for auction on..Saturday last
and sold for $97;00: Mr. Ken -Finlay
son being the purclhaser•.
Mi. Arthur Carruth Ails 'returned to
town after spending a wee!:, at , his -
home in Clinton.
Messrs, Angus McKay, W. G. And-
rew, Jas. T. Webster and Jas. Miller
have.. returned from a trip to Texas,
where they werc•investigating oil hold-
ings there. ..., ,
Miss Gill of the McDonald institute,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs, J. Glennie.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Fisll
er, a daughter. -
Mrs,.Ed. Renwick of 13eimore, visit-
ed in town; .
to Lanes, Ashfield, on Thursday and
\spent the day with Mr. -and Mrs. Al-
Ipert Cameron,
...Miss Eva Da;rvson of Wingltani,
"'spent the week -end at t.he. Manse.
Mr. Jim Hamilton- of-Detroit,and�
Ivirs, Sam Hamilton and Mr.. Alex
Hamilton of Decker, Michigan, are
here visiting with Mr. Gillespie and
Mr. Thos. Henderson. They were at=
tending the funeral of their_ sister,
Mrs. -alter of Lucknow, on Sundays:
Mr,. Thos. Cook of Hensall, is visit-
ing with his sister, Mrs.` Geo. Cottle.
Master -Freddie. Lott is recovering
from an attack of flu and pneumonia,
Mrs. Scobie's mother, Mrs, Mitchell,.
is leaving this wee for her home in
Vancouver. She 'visiCs her daughters,
at Brandon and: Calgary, -S�I Sh
asant- tri i.
her aple I,
Thursday, April
a PEEK'S HAD .}p. OY
fain' baddoa't hurt you. It's what
collies afterwards that causes all the
grief. . ' •
Generally it's your Ma that conies
afterwards; and she sure does wave
a wicked wand.
You wouldn't say bein' bad- is agrit
So much as a habit. It grows on you, -
like.a soft spot in an apple.
So a cop ain't much different from .
the man who peddles apples on a bar-
row. They both make money by get- Also
ting rid of bad habits.
But it's the barrow man who gets Vod-a
rid of the first, He seems ashamed of
them, andputs them in the bottom of ViiI
the bag.
Folks say I'm wicked and will go Movies
where all bad boys go..,
Won't they be pleased when they
learn Int in the movies!
But I'mn in good company. Irwin S.
Cobb is dawn here, .too. He writes
my subtitles. Maybe you've heard of
my friend Irv. He sometimes gets
pieces in the papers -mostly when the
regular editors are away on vacation,
That's all. Gotta srnach another
window now.
I he Lyeelitm
ues. and Wed., April 10 11 and 12_.
1 Matinees 10c and 1 w Ev"'+;rig.o 1,5cc and 2 c,
t'x.k.c�i. .tt:aucz''uc.� nvx, rn�ia, Rvd..,. �-+_'
1 —t`"i Lli'Jtx�
ivta.�l �� y
Mr, Thompson, student, took charge
of the service in Knox church, Sab-
bath afternoon. ,
Miss Mary Aitken returned from
Toronto, Thursday where she under-
went ^all
nderwent-an operation' at, Cottage Hospit-
al, far Throat trouble, We hope, it
may prove beneficial. -•
ltrlr, Alexander Findlater, who had
the, misfortune tofall fracturing someribs, is still confined to his home.
—Xs. Wirt, Nichol Niagara Falls? is
visiting her brother, Archie Lowry.,
and other friends hero,
IVT!. and. Mrs, Hyndrman of Gorrie,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herd.
''Mr. John Weiler, Toronto, called on
old friends here last week.
The induction of the Red. C. N. Mc-
Kenzie,,Ktnlough, into Belinore and
McIntosh churches will take place on
the 13th of April at Beiniore,
The .monthly meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute met on Saturday in the
Community hall,: 16 'members .being
present et this meeting. • It was pro-
posed papering the walls of the Pres-
byterian church, Luncheon was serv-
ed by
crv-edby MesdamesHall and Gowdy.,
Mr. Jas: Dewar of-.Mornington, is a
visitor at. the home of Mr. James and
Miss Ellen Fleming.
• Mrs. James and Mrs. Douglas spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs, Hugh
Mrs, W. H. Irwin is visiting at the
lope of her daughter, ,Mrs. R. E.
Jackson of Wingham:
Mr, Fleming was in Toronto this
We understand Henry Johann has
rented Bart' of Mrs. John Mulvey's
farm and is going into Pure-bredred
Shorthorns, No doubt Henryis a
drover of good` stock.
We understand that Messrs. J. J.
Fryfogle and J. I. Scott were in town
last week taking orders for Chevrolets.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stopes 'visited
at the home of lvfrs. James Stokes on
Sunday, Y
A number of farmers )cave tapped
their trees around here and report, a
good, run.
MS 01101100111111111001110111111111111111111
i�LnANNin,1::M 1 I
All 20c and 25c pap-
er covered Novels,
are now selling at
15 cents each.
:B. Elliott
Books, Stationery, "Magazines,
Town ,Tic k et' Agency Canadian
National Grand Trunk Railway.
Ocean' tickets via all lines. •
-Word just just been received that
Rev, and -Mrs. Longley, who are home
onfurlough from China and .`are at
present living at'265-- Crawford St.,
Toronto,�'lost-tbeir eldest -son, Vernon,
from spinal meningitis, at •the _age of
12 years. Mr; and Mrs. Longley. have'
the 'sympathy of a host of.-frieilds in
around .Myth, Mrs. Longley having
been born and .raised at Westfield,
previous to her going to China. She
is a niece. of Mrs. Geo., Quinn, East
Dr. Annie- Noss of Toronto, is
spending the Easter holidays with her,
mother in East Wawanosh
Mr. John Bradnock, of Cypress
Rivr, Man.'
as visiting his brother, Mr.
Thorn as` 13radttoc15, Last- Wawntnosl,
and otter relatives in tliis section -t "
Di Hearn, of Toronto, has arrived
and taken up his .residence in 'Blyth,;
and \till practice medicine. here. He
has leased -part of the residence of
Mr J. 'H. i..eith, where -he rosy be
found at his office at all hours.
Th Lawn `BowlersofBlyth, held
their re -organization "inteting, Mr.
M. W, Telfer acted as chairman and
called the meeting together when the
following officers were elected,—Hon-
orary President, J. G. Emigh; Presi-
dent, George Gar nils; Vice -President,
G. 0. Leith; Sec.—Treas., G. E. Me -
Tills illustration r e p r e .s ell i s one of Our
NEW .SPRING SII+DESp-»l aiUeuiar_ attention
is directed toypthe, low heel • Ind all round
sensible stylet . • • •
We have this shoein several different leathers bothBROWN'
and BLACK also in the ONE and TWO STRAP _effects.
Many different styles and ninny different prices, You are cord:
Tally invitedeto call and see them -and are under no obligation to buy,.
Phone 129.
Miss Taylor continues to stiffer
from an affection. _of the tongue, her
many friends' sympathize with her in.
her affliction._'
John: Ardell is confined to herr for
some time andas he is aver ..eighty
years old, •improvrrnent is not looked:
fpr. The family have the sympathy
of the neighborhood in their trouble
-Real Estate deals are frequent these
days in the village. Mr. W. Whitfield'
recently b-ought"a lot from Mr, A.�°m-
strnng with the intention of buildin *-a:
residence and on Saturday he bought
thedwelling, uowoccupied by Robert
Spotton from Mr. Ed:"Harris and will
get possession shortly.•
F. C. Taylor secured the lot' where
the old` ga,S, plant was"located. aiid is
material delivered there
erection of a dwelling: wellin :
E. -L.ooreni of London 'former l
M , y
of Gerrie; arrived- here Saturday and
1 1
t ar oc
.has. disposed of 1 rs p t of the b
I Carson to W
occupied by Re. -.-..J
L arngey. "for..: a nice,- figure; W
Farngey has disposed of his residence
to S. W. Ferguson, who recently sold.
iris farm on the•-eeth,con...of Howicl.<;
Mr. Ferguson will move here to- eside,,
Markets At Winghiun
On' Wednesday 'rooming, April 5th,
farmers were being paid the following
prices for produce. Eggs, z4 cents
per doteft. butter, a5 cents per lb.
Crea, s tents and' X-Iogs re,* cents,
Thos. Bennett -has sold his place -to
rir.'1.3renlner, what lie will do with It . e°.
is not yet l nown. Mn,. Bennett will
ruove to the farm hp purchased east,
-of For'd.wic'h,'•
"I know what it costs to. manufac-
ture wool into yarn, and when farmers:
receive 12 cents for their wool, and
then pay over $1.0o a pound for yarn
and x2.00"for.blanlkets, I say that the
present situation ,c, c,mnly ccanrlalnttc_
s:it._ _
Iii fact: ft --is on a par with the selling
.of hides for 3 or 4 cents and the pay-
ing of- $x2o.00 for a set of Harness."—
John Joynt, RI; 1': P., North :Duron.
I,abetr.Troubles On Tea Plantations
The hawages pd to w
paid ti
` aorkers
. �
on Eric. a India,
y. t
in and
f -Ceylon during the •war, and file- pres-
ent scarcity of, the lea;f, have lead to a
consta -tay increasing„ -price; :for .good
t-tli cost -of
tea. Ii- 1 -tin -tiered 'that e
producing' ,tea ,which - Jt i"s advanced
between I2 and i6 cents a pound dur-
ing the last eighteen months, will soon.
slake "necessary a general increase in
retail,, prices.
flew Clothes for Easter
The Westfield Mission Circle held
their -meeting. on Tuesday, March, 28,
The election of officrs for (110 coming
year are as followst-•
I-lonorary President—Mrs, Bert
President—Mrs. Robert Henry.
ist.`Vice-R.resident—Minnie Snell.
Sec'y. Violet Buchanan.
dor. See, --Elsie Wightinan
".Crean. --Myrtle -Henry.
Mite Box Committee—Agnes How-
att and Winnie Campbell.
The Westfield Mission Circle are
having a Mite Box- opening on the
evening of April xxtit, The Circle
girls are giving the programme after
which horns -Trade candy will he sold,
Admission to cents.
Ott March 3rd., the Sunday School
convention was held at Carlow, Titere
lira`s a cigarette essay Contest,- Mr.
Prank Raithby of Aubtirit won.' the
first prize; Edgar 'Howatt got second;
and -Allen Young, third, The Auburn
Sunday School had a missionary pto-
gramnite on March 26tH: Miss Blair
gave a very interesting address and
Edgar T-lowatt gave his essay' on Cig-
w''•a ray.
A 1 gra.'`'"a�,•r�'i, "`., .
® Ladies' :Wear Meri's.Wear
styles and beautift
21 -?ed Dresses exc
- Misses ''Coats of the .latest Mefi':s suits in an wool serge,
11 suits in -all all wool Tweeds and
all; wool
sizes at popular prices, Silk and,
v wear, Hats; Caps, Hosiery' ancl.
Gloves, -
Worsteds, 'Spring coats and
ively cle- Rainicoats. New Shirts, Neck -
!11 - • e, ‘ New Blouses and- Nea
Kings' Special -Week End Offerings
Boys' Knickers Pongee Silk•
rain closely woven, lined 89 cents is yard. Special-qual-
. 981 ,n knickers, splendid for ity of natural pongee in wide
o ~tweed ' lkn ,
school Wear. All sizes, - width.
Men's Negligee Shirts
Assorted stripes on white
ground All sizes, $s.5o. '
Men's Handkerchiefs
dozen for 69 cents. White
canibric handkerchiefs, full size
with hemmed border,
Men's Suits
At ` Special •Prices, $17.5o to
t $32•5 0,
A•Gin ha a
Fast Color g zn
24 cents a yard. Neat pattern
in dress ginghams of splendid
quality, 27 males wide,
1 -luck -a -Back Towels
50 cents each.: Pull sized bed
room trowels fully bleached,
-ITT>...�....,.:r.. -,_
i .
... .
...- ,
All Wool Serge Suitings'"
98 cents, $1,55 and $2.89.
New Home Spins
Stlitable for ,Skirts, Coats and M
Dresses. -Prices $2.5o to $3.50 I
per yard,
Boys' Suits
,New all wool suits in the rat
est styles. Prices $6,5o to $x6.56P
•" Linen
IVew stock of 'Cloths, ' Nap- -
kips and Towellings at special- -
a lees , -I_
St p
New Cottons, Sheetings, Nain- .
soaks, Cotton Crepes etc,, at
new prices.