HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-04-06, Page 1'P Single Copies Four ceu4 WINGHAM, ON1'. THURSDAY, A RIL, 6th, 1922 , ..„. . .ArCouple''Of Egg. Stores' . Mx.. Frank Edgar of town. brought' lf 'egg into The. Advance Office this" weekiezneashring: 74 Melnes in length -and .,5i' inches in crrettnifererice. 'The ' 'a , . , , . . - egg .was produced from a • Cottnailiia W-,Y4,4dotte...AbOut a week ago a man f' • -front- Hanover imel an egg 84- inches . , , in length by 6-1. :inches tri e.ircutinfer- f• - , „ .• . -,ence, and several other' people have re-' . ,-,, . , , :ported. havitig- had eggs, y ,itiches in i . length but this .egg beats all records at ,presep.t, '- Congratulations to . the ben, ' - - Mrs, George, Paige, Victoria St . . , I .Welit, ane better one of her;floele pre- . . . seined her with an 'egg Inca:seeing ,8,'• . rnches by bi inches. k- , , , • ' , • Athletic Grounds Elect Officers A . . , .., , . „ .. Wingliarn:Athlette, Grounds • Ltd., 11 • , . reret on Manda'y triennitig,' April 3rd., eand elected ,the following officers for, 't - .• Preside.nt-e-,A.' M. Crawford: ' .'Vice-Pres.ident-V.'' R. VanNorinan e•Treasurer--4. C. ' King. : ' A , • Arrangerrieiits 'are. being Made for: a , two ,days. rate meet at N7Vingliam this - ' • seaSon and the -fact that A.- M- Crawford isethe President is an assureiic,e , , , . . that it -will be a --suceeSs-f.roin every . . ,. . , . - - Standpoint. . .-Wind-liarn has one of the beet mile 2 -tracks in Western Ontario. and'sevex- • , al.thorses will - train here" this -year:. 1. There ,is. rid charge , made to any re- c . . oeiansible 'trainer- for, training purposes. .•. , . . , . .., . -.. Dates ,of,,the 1922 races will be de- -‘, eided upon in the near future., . . . , EVERYBODY'S 'COLUMN . • • I .. , . . . ... • . .., ,-, • " - , - ,- . • . •-.... , :A.t, Brq.,,,- FREE z.,C1.:TALOGLIE -Willoughby -',-,-L-.--"rarr.U.A„-,eritik,,, 200., acres:IT-6,1,n. (-1,-mrity,. Vie. workable, 4-, acreti7, orchard,10 aor-es,:: fall ( whea,telOaeres tall' nlowed, Elt aorek meadow , , clay loam' t•wells add spring,,- schotill-,...reiles, . . 1'til1riaY'.station2+ miles, clinrolin 14 Miles, i ,711Viiiihatu.6%:iniles, hank:- barn 60 meilli,tle4ip 6' .t „berries and:40 cattle, b"rick ,ht-ititiet,.-2,..•St.droys.-, . This'hViige:*cit,n be got -posaession- of -at Once, , .A:nply.direct ;to T".CAssuLs,,Winghain er'W-111- -t - onlitlibY Farm Agency,',Head'Ofilec13 r-VititoriaS., Poronto. :•-•&" URTION SAtat-Of 40-"- yoang -Calves' -tit b. • ...T. Tt. Yards; Wingham, on Stit0,April8t11- - ii1f3',o'oleok n. M.': This choice lot of liome bred " ilairharn and IlolstehrCalvekwill be- scild.:With-• -ont-"reserve. -, • ' , •,; ,, -. , ,-, • .• 'E. Itoxd,Prep. , - ' T. B. BENNimr, Anot. ' USINESS,•CitiNoteLwaritee.'a"' good "%r6;'.. - "liable•pargoii to represent the. , Violet -Ray' • los-tit-Ate 'of Canada in the 'town, of ',Wing -hem.- ' 1 -linst beet the.versr.best oharactor.', This eesi- ., l'Ititer is a reel .enaitee to get. into' . a -1eminisra- . - tire permanent proff,asion , for tlic right - pe -e-: t ' 10unt" 'APPIY- ap.,.this .0FrinE,' • '.- 'f .. . ,, . .. GS FOR HATCHING -Pord-bred,.bred to •; lay • lay strait", Barred ,fiocki-,' -guariotecd-,-1 .T.Prtile.. Erie* 5 cents each. -JAMES 'DOW, • ''' '' • ' ' ,'• ' • ,, -.Ent ViraWanosh.' -- . . . , . . .. .., . S A.LC-Baby chicks also eggs.:;:for ;sett la's' leg from good laying 6traia, single comb' • rvinite Leghorn aridsingle comb -.Rhode Thland t ' -Beds. -;A.pply to , .. .• -CHAS., IVI.011tiNNOZZ,, ;: -- :. Josephine` St; .: orth.. •Pll'plle 118,T.Zs . . . _ , .. . .,. WOE SAX Thick boh!e,.1 . room!, .... water. A bargain tor quick sate_ • inquire , at' • • • ' ' • 'Tit E At/VA/Wk.,- 1 , . . . . . , woR S...,1.-1.,1•11--nonse and lot.- good, frame 1 house, soft and .-lbtrd'. waterr good barn, • Urlie ailed and henhouse, seine Small fruit, • '..litat'outside town limits. Apply at , '.. - , ' • - -. . - THE ADVAN.0E. . , • , . ,• . •.1r0111 SA.1112--idatch1ng eggs, , Barred- Ttocks,' ' ,4-.,. 0: A. C.,,beayy, laying'strain, well selected -4 emits per egg. , ."' .' . J. H. Buitaxs, 1 F„holle•128.- .,....;. - -',, , ' Brussels:- i _ . WIlli,BALIt-AgOod:Olxoonied fr,atne eoctage A on North end of Josephine' 'St: 14 acre . of laud, fruittrees, ' lierry ,bushes 'eta. Must be • nold, owner leaving town. ' Apply ,to : • '- ,•," 'L ‘.. ' Jour; 5'.,13110VE9. Real Estate and In-. . ,naititice • Agent;'lleyer Block, 'Vaughan'. - • . -- .. , „ 1V1:111 S41110--Manunoth,.Br0104e Turkey Eggs-, 61, froth,: mating of large vigo -one ,,birds.:. , Price $50O per setting of nine .eggs, , less than Inine'er if -shipped 60 ent, each. . ' • Phone 334616, - • , W. R. FaurtrEn, • winghatn, •- Route.1. Luckno-W. .. "rg'fin SALN-' StudebakeC Touring Oar. a snap: .° Owner rt,111 guarantee' ear as geed as new . •• .: ..„..., .. C1TAF3, BOND'I„, ' ' • -.. . , , 'OR,SILE,,,-liew 'rubber tire ton, buggY, run One'moattr, sacrifice -price for quick sale.. ' zee T.R...-BENNpl'T at Crawford's. . , - . , ,,011. SALE -1 brantford, 8- horse -ower Gas- .. ciiine Engine,'slightly used, will deal. on Yord oarr17, 18 or 19, without starter Or small- er engine., APply•to. • • • Acitsoisl BROS., .. 'Ttie8.(itatet, . - ' Tit 8onbl-itiertbotor, cliatlism, 120 . calla, • city in excellent condition, will be sold. 'na6al:4, Apply for partioulara.at .,' •... ' ..‘... , . . TrmAnvAsoo.• . ' '. . . .... , 8.1.L10=--Fordear, 1_920 Model,,in oxen:ile/1, t itlo,• self -Starter, shook ..absor,bei e, v. condcc - zcill r nage neW _tires -feet. Fall, price $13000, , , . ‘, .• W. II WILLIS, .C,V13ighatil, , , . - . . FFOR$411.1t1i1ggs' at 5 ate., each from nay 2hetvity laying Strain of single.conib. white • Logliortie.-1,speciall7;6 in piire.Clarle strain, :' oven in the cad' days the average running as high as 5,egge per lion 'in. 7 days, gliquireat, 1;-4011 SATIE-A seconctliantl baby carriage in -1-‘. good condition. , ' Toe ..6...1)txxon. . nft. SAL -E-A, good'. cow, due , to ,eonie. • 1.11, ationt first nr Ilita., Apply to .., ..„,,,• „ . .H. 10 . , . 'OR, SALt ---9136 ' tee, buggy, • steel arched , axles and One Portland outter,,a bargain, •tot leicksale._,_Apply, to .., • .,.....• , .,;• • .... ..•-.... ' mgroti.r,v's li•Altrft0.0,,, Willipla111: • „, . . ii" 50D 0ENTO.A.T.I.PIJ1tP0810 110Rsier-F9r .. •%r .nale. ApplY at, - ', ., 'llfuNnittie. ' . , . ' ' MANYJR10,-Soine lireliblasti manuire' for Sale. . New.sis the:W.1160:01Z -up konr •trafdeo.• ' • ' ".„ W. O. LidP4op..„ ' NOTIOEAll town licenses Or the year 1922 are notv...drie and paYable at the ' town derk,6 offiee.,, ' W, A.04LBRAITII, ' Clerk..., *MIP ACHI111 ' WAVTED-For 8. S. No, 11, :' A .,Titrtiberry, •LoWer-AVinghttiri, ' duties to tionamerioe atter Easter, &poly stating salary and 0%1100110ne to C1A,vn,r Viqi.sotr, Seey, ' • -' • • • '' , .... . . , . . .71)114151iIRS-The Munialpar Council of the. .Townabip Of Morrie are asking ter teudere . -for thteenetruction Of the Sellers, the Mills • and thellltid path of the Kelly .Driiins.' Teed, arili,d0Olied •er, Two:reship Hell 2 0. wi, April 101h, -Ilibilei and' Stioolileations at the Clerk' reeld• oteri, . .1, It. FILAR., goove. stutniole.,. , • 0311'th. ,. WRITTItht OilltXrie-.-Virill be . receivedby. Cul xtridetettrited, tn) to 1Stb.. oprll .1022, lor the,vs_•4'n•bosz.ii dt...t.ot 7, __Inst.alde..Of Sheller roet, ilichatia, On Whieh 'Maio le a r good • •StW 1i1to30 bite, bd o WI' stoty liOnde• eta sto,bao,„ tit* eanopied by* Minithir. tenant. , .• • • .1., AVMOUTOg,liatriStor.: ,PERSONALS l\lr Will, Taylor of Wingliam, was visitor in Carrie last week - and 1\Irs, ,A. C. Brandon oi Bav- 0111, visited with relatives in town, e- X1r. arid ..511-s, NNT. J. Greer speet a 'NV days With relatives ie. 7.Coronto. I\liss Eva IVforrison of Whitechurch, visiting, with 1Mre. C. D. ,Beninger. rs. A. Brandon of 13elgrave, pent a ieW days with friends lit 1...on- to mitict an grace, an the sade grain . . . TIM IS ALWAYS • '.suog.T.:-.:.coplist...::apels To the Editor ,a-si" the Advance Deer Stirs - 'Tis a busy t\ -011 av the year 011 io larl'UlllS 11:00 tile months ay March :an April, so it is. Is hal wid the young slitocle comin, the lttmhs, an calveaean pigs. an colts an the chickens tratching, an the' leickin heifers to, milk an the masheenery awl to 'oil up an get ready fer the 'shoring wurruk, an the harness LO clane, shine tis a busy tonne toirly. A •;•ood farramer 'depinds on hissilf to make a success a.v things ean afther runnin to the •Governnient ler 112115 hilp 'avel" the toiale. An that briugs tip the quistion. av -pollyticks, What u&53j'1think as r that \rote in the House'litslde wake? ',Isn't it just 'as I-tot-11cl ye?. A U. O. iS O11) "a Grit wid long (10011 oti Creerat is tlieer prophet. 'Av. cdorse somethnes,he'svill let his byes vote es_ they loike Whin it isn't ;going -to-do the Grits anny ' hat -rum, but 105511' is' they will slywingettato lome behold . . . Misliter Mcl(enzi King. -It, lult'S as if, the Grits put wan. over ns as bys say, lasht•Decinibir.' Well,' I don't blaine flint; share 'tis 'awl M the game, but di,c1nt give thin'. Credit fer so much sinsee belave iteis avelwayS a niishtake to tinde'r "eslitUri=qe. yam - ' the 'big- \veddin lie' on Feoiday ay this waki_an,we. Want you an -the iniSsusetoecarrie widout fail,' No doubt yeegot invbita.tion in.Abe us- ual way,, lint this 'is a, ,specliul front Tim • I Want. ye to 55:0110 it it uP'fer the Mairan:'Empire. Shure \yid- the- .masheen ity:yOurs' 'fee siftin ldipe shad:11'6v plinty eV toirne at y.er-cli'shoosal. • sOrne ina.sheen. right, -but.rite:bye' that was in France, - says heSsaw- betther wan in Paris: 'Twas. bigger than a traSlilifinasheen- wi,d ,:tmo.,big:naygurs trowin •toipe, wid s•ehOOp,,.ShoVels' an, wan, ind, ati • thruaks,,cartin away -Printed an fblded-,..papers at the -other ind.,-; 1 -le sed..tliek.had. to hivirit ,sorte.: thing', ay 'that koind ',fer a.wl 'thenrniti wus away foiglitin.the-HUns, -sMebby' the bye shtretclied thes„1-nory fer 'Tieritriied.-th telt seine pretty tall yarns whinin, the arniy: NoW,„. Edittn-_,:111 liaeir-e to close fer, --savin prisince; I niuSt shtart to clanc.out the slita.bles. -Shire 'tisn't a liarrud jawb at all at-a112,since 'jaek Fry put in fhimAittlier carriees. nee-, -SFours till nixt,wake Timothy Hay_ . _ -Alfa Ada M. SiMpson of Chicago, • visitirig wilt' her sister, Mrs. John albraitn. Mle -toe Gibbons returned Co tile Vest a.fter slim-idle:I-the winter at his erne here, ' Airs. R. FE. IC.lie'er and little son, are isiting with INIr. _and j. Buseh 13uffido. "11 is , 1-larris of Brnssels, was is guest of 'Mrs:- j. („).- I-Iabkirk over ie wcele-end: , •• , P,Irs, B. Ff. Ntitler of Toronto, is vis - Mg with her parents,fr...aticl Mts. j, Breen, _Turriberry: ';'••-•` Jdr Thos. Coale of 1-1e1 5all, visited t the homeof_ 11:1100, 1115 J. A, Le 1)01 oalde'Edwavd St. Aliss Marion Casemore of 'I'm. erre"), spent, the week -end with lier- ottenn,- Miss Mae Flunter. MisseCassie ro-well of Tuiniberry, is isiting at .tlicborne of her brattier, Zev. F, -E. Powell irororito. Mr...Chas. 'Gannett' has returned to (ingsville, after spending the winter ith,his' parents a -t Bluevale, MnYGeorge E. Pocock left on tvion• ay. to .reeurae_ his dtities as wireless orator' on the Great 1..014e5. Mrs. Hilbert CliihoInt of Oakville, vas the guest at the home of her sis- er,sitIrs.'Ricliard Vanstone'thiS week. , Fi'arde• Edgarand' little, dingli: er, Evelyn, are .viaiting with her p- 115. Mr,' aii&-1:44:$_4: ainik ell-bf T-own'te,:•ejf' Wirigham, pent eline-Weeek-end ;;witli.his parents, the: 'Go.ftoir' HduSe.---.Wroxeter. "Mr.- and MrS, Jas. Anderson -of Lind - ay and Mrs. Wm. ,Miller of •Chica,go, re visiting ,with Mr.. and :Mrs., Tafel albraith, , • tiss Helen-Garnise of-BlVv,alte, has sicepte,d o poesition- as estetiogranhei- vith theActa. Cushion Inner Tire & libber.; Co: Miss Artme Murray and Miss -Annie IcLaY of 'Riple.y, visited. in Winghani. n Tu'esday at the home - of ..Mr. and Irs. _Alex , Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. S. King returii- _ d home, after, spendhignthree weeks. Vith their` daughtei:, iNirs, Stewart Mc- tirn6i's of :East -Wawanosh at sugar taking, M.r. it id Mrs. L. S. -Besmen sieve etttreed .to their home -dn. ,the Bine ale ' Road,..after spending. tif past ew months with.neir-,daughte'r, Mrs. avidson, iti Vancouver, B. C, • . . Lealie* son of Mr, and " -Mrs. E A parling;' has successfully . passed, his xams itt tfte,Canada Business „College f Winghain, .and received his cam- nercial diplorna.-Kincardine Review, Mr, R. T. Kemp spent the week -end itt , lim , .V;ingha,the :guest of his. dattg-h- er, •-•1‘4..rs'.-.R.. A. Currie'. His grand.- ,atight-en- Miss- Frances Currie, who has been visiting :here, returned with hirinto Winghant.--LiStoviel Standard. Men Save -Money Save money'en yOur Spring suit' and, OvcrgoatSeeTthe 'traveller at, King Bros. Store . on Friday and Saturday -with hand tailored clothes,inadir',fib your measure: -Prices $25.00 to $40.00: - Euchre and Dance _ ,. progressivesEuchyc., atid Dance will be held under the auspices of the Wingharn 'Lacrosse Club in the Arm- ouries, on Friday evening, April 28t.li.- Adrnisaion 50 -Cents.•• -Everybody web- , Announcement ; Messrs, Hann:Ali and 'Greee beg' to „ , armounce to stheir patrons and ,the ptibltc in gensual -that they ha.ve ptir- chased the, TeeSNVater - Flour Mills from Ater. W. S. Case and solicit your patronage, Mr. Green has a wide ex. perience as a practical miller and its - sures their patibris of good quality, goods and li'rompt service. Jiinior Women's Institute ,The students of the Domestic Scien- ce Course held a meetine; at. the end' of the term' and orgzinized a Junior Wo - 1000'2 Institute, The officers of this Institute are:--- 'I?re'sident-Vera Proctor. Vice7Preeident.=-Pearl Vans top e, See'y-Treas.-Alice Godkin. Directors -L c a • Cliattmey, Jean Gertiude Rsibertson. Auditors -Mary Eadie and Armie 'Robinson, • _ The next meeting will be held in (he Connell "Cliarriberson 'Wednesday even,- ittg, April r2th., at a o'clock. All girls are cordially invited to attend, age King 11505. Enter The Field Crop • Art. W. . Booth, eec, etait o!. the -Curnberry Agricultural Socle,ty NVlS11CS to anitounee' ebbt lick must have all en- tries for the Combined Field Crop Con..ipetition in -before May-ist. Any -- enc. wishieg to enter this competition Will (10 NVC.'11 to apply at 'once to Mr. Booth. . • World's "Baddest Boy" IS Coming Hooray, 14ids The7baddest boY in the World is corning to town, On Monday, Tuesday ana WOCI.11CSdaY, you and Sleirthey can learn a bunch of new tricks from "Peck's Bad -Boy", when this first National release is shaven at the Lyeentn. Theatre, Little Jackie Coogan was a good YolingSter in "Tile kid", thereby Oaring himself to millions of theatre- gbers-; hitt, oh my, how he has chang- ed! Thcy say you'll like him just as nittclil however. ' Irving Lesser 'phoned clear from New York to Los Angeles just to tell motion, picture folk °tit there that everyone in New York turned out to see "the 'opening bt "Peek's Bad( Boy" at the Strand Theatre. Irvin Cobb Wrote the qiiblitles "Peek's- Bad Boy" and it is said to be one Of the best motion, pictures of the The results of tlie lield ir1. connection with the `Fltree Months Short Course in Agriculture, and, Dorriestic Scieece. sre tabulated ' 111 Course in At,rriculture, exami- nations were conducted indhe follotv- i n g:-..-Aninial -Husbandry, Judging Hogs; Beef (.:attle, Dairy Cattle and Horses; Dairying Poultry, Veterinary Science, Field I-lusbandry, Farm Man- agement, 0.5.1 Judging, Gas F-ngines, Farm 11.1e-chanics, Fertilizers, -Botany, Entomology, Bacteriology, Apricult- ure, Chi ics, 13ook-leeeping, Arithmetic, Ent,dish, arid attendance was counted as a subject.' The total -marks posSible were 2300, Those names with figures in brack- ets, thus; (5.1, were absent during that many exams. Standing of Boys' Class Addison Fraser ,19201 Jas. Hardie 1785 Alvin Smith......„..„ ... . , ....... . . . ..„ . C, Hetherington , 1768 Russel ,Henderson 1757 Jas. B,recketitidge- 1697:1 Harold Proctor 1_643 Ross, Fisher 16o7i-, Cecil Cartwright . . ... . .. ... Wilfrid Congrant 15861 Irarold Currie__ ... . . .. . .. . .. . . . . Hervey Robertson 1544i Gordon Godkin _.1368.i (I) Oscar Holnies , 1359--(t) Harris Pinclon 1308 2) Ii. J. Walker 128224- (5) G-ahan Campbell -1248-5 (2) Snarling -Johnston •E i5 t Willie Mundell 011.11,11510fivistrxxx5. Vw14 LOCAL AND GENERAL To -day was to -morrow yesterday, Willard's High Grade. Clioeohites, 50 cent value, specie] Saturday only, 29 cents 2!, pound,--I-Iilhard's Store, Geo. T. Robertson has added one new Chevrolet Special to 1is livery oittflt. -Fie perchased from Fry- & Scott. Aero Ctishion Inner Tire & Rabber Crenpany hwe.received 10 order for it earload oo f tires to go t the 1,N7est. We are sorry.to report the illness of Mr. „Thosjobb and Mrs. Wm. Guest both. highly.esteerned citizens are very low at present. se, ,.MIR r. V. .: VanNorrrlarl has lead se the pasture fields at the race track park and will take it limited number of cows to pasture. Mrs,j Os. Walker of the 6th eon. of Turnberry, are celebrating the 40111 aimiversarY of their wedding on Wednesday, April 5t1i. Mr. Ftsker, who drove the C. P. R., express for some, time tarts gone to his lionie Iroquot?, Ont., and Mr. Allan Wylds has taken over --his position. 'Jesus' Prayers". and Paul's Thrill- NAratchwarcl, Forward"are the sub- .jects, respectively nmi'ning and even- ing at the Baptist Church next Sun- day. d e Attro' markers are not selline- ver fast owing to the bad weather, but just as soon as a couple of warm days drY up the roads they -will go like hot cakes, 'W: 'T. :Miller, local representa Alfred Johnston - '-l/in. A.' Currie 11001361--" has moved his (.4,5) ))1,iovrod:orGtahreA. Strout Farm Agency Garage ei s real estate and instil-- George Fowler 61060(...i.2'S fance office, one door south of Craw - Arthur Field 65.i, West Haugh 6 J. King • 528 (4) Forester's, Hall, Whitechurch, under 34i (I5) Bear in mind the concert in the Geo. Kennedy Ha.rold, Gilkinson. ... ... ,55:5 (Ls) the...auspices of the Baseball boys on Ivan'Hetigh - - 440 - (.15) the evening of Wednesday, April 12th. A real live program. For further par- tichlars see dodgers. .. • r , , , Chas. Gannett , 430-,..1 , Get:). Fisher 495_ (17:) Price 'Henderson., ' ...... Jun Coultes Alex Godkin .. -Carl Lott 3951 Oh) 275 (13) 65 (2d.) . - J.,` (422). Wickhant ..... . .. . 54 (22) Lorne Scott 48 (22) The Girls' -Class wrOte on the lowing subjects: -Sewing, H o ni e Nursing, Eromestic Science, Arithiliet- ice English and attendance wag count-• ecl'as a -subject. Total marks possible were boo. Those naint's marked with a cross missed some examinations. Standing of Girls' 'Class, Alice Godlein ' 537 . Lena Cliatnney.......5245 Annie Robinson ,•- 507 Eccles Beecroft . . ...... Vera Proctor • A. Kathleen Kerr • - 400 ' :Jessie Holmes 347 x ,1.1aied Bell - 337 Marie "31; x Grace 'Wightniart. .... . ... . 1\largitret .Canmhell 369 Gertrude Robentson • ,295.t x x ' 2;8 x -.246 2'13 x. jean\,el ton Grace Sheriff Annie Kennedy , Olive llacEwen.. . . .. ... .. .. .. Ethel: Drehman Lillian Powell.," A progressive Enchre,and Old Time Elizabeth Young_ .. . .. .. ..... .. . -.204 x Euchre And Old Time Dance , 36 N. '225 x Dance will be held in the Wingliam Mary Eadie 168 x Al-mottries, on Monday evening, April -Edythe Adair 148 213 x tyth. A _Jolly good time is assured Janette .. .. . . 133 213 x and everyone'Th '--welcome to attend. Luella Brewer - 92 .x. 'File evenirne will be given mister tile Ethel ivfathers '8•1'x auspices -of 7lie 9111 Greys I-Iorse, Ad- Elsie Stewart 78 x mission 5o cents.. • Pearl Vanstone Alma Brewer The Late Miss Sohn§ A -former highly respected resident of 'Wingharn, died in Toronto, On Sun- dav" .April 2011- 'An the perso'n of Miss Mary E. Johns. Miss .johns has been residing' in Chicago forsome years and was east•''on aT visit to reliftives and while in Toronto' was taken sud- denly ill. Many will remember her kindly aS a saleslady in the general store of 'Mr. M. H. McIndoo at Wing -- ham. The surviving members of her fatnily are our sisters and one brother viz: Mrs. Ada • Simpson' of Chicago, Mrs, John .Gallnalth and Mr. W. A. Johnse of Wingham, 'Mrs. j. G. 'Stan- ley of Toronto, and Mrs. jas. Aitder- Son of Lindsay-. . Thefuneral was- held "cien Tuesday fiernbon from the residerice of Mr. John Galbraith to Wingham cemetery. Rev. C., E. Cragg,, 13. D., pastor of Wingham Methodist Church conducts ed the serVices. The pallbearer's were Mayor Elliott, NV, A: 'johns,e'fohn Gal- braith, 'NV, A. Galbraith, F. Vain Stone and,T. J. AlcLean....• s 74 x 55 -Mr. John Joynt, M. P. P., donated Swo to be used as prize money. for the classes. It was decided to make four lots of $25 each and each $25 was divi- ded into -4 prizes of Sro, $7, $5e $3. The Awards were as follows: - General Proficiency (Boys' Class) fst. Addison Fraser 192.0 stid jas, Hardie.„ ,785 3021. Alvin Smith (772 -4th. Clifford. Hetheriiigton 576(.5 Animal Husbandry and Stock Judging 1st. jas, 13rcelienridg-e 4011- 215d. Alvin Smith • 401 3rd. Addison Fraser.... .. . ....... 411. Graham Campbell 3801- - Publicpea1ing sst. Addison :Fraser 2nd, Robert Scott 3r21. Alice Godkin 4t11. Alvin Smith The Late Mts. Gilmour. Another of, „the old residents of Turnber,ry passed away on Saturday, iii_thepersOn of Mrs, Thos. Gilmour, Sr. For over fifty -years she was a highly esteemed citizen of the township. Her maiden, name was Catharine McDiarinicl and her hus- band predeceaSed her several years ago, Mrs. Gihnour was 'in her 751h year ,and was a suffefet from dropsy for some months. She is survived by three sons and three daughters, 'viz: James of Archydaie, Sask., who was, /mine a couple of months ago; Thom- as and Hugh who reside on the home- stead; als,6 Mrs. John Mandel!, Mrs. William 'Mundell arid Mrs; 'William Ilaugh all of Ttrnberry, `,C'he 'late Mrs.„Gihnour is also, sutvived by three sisters, Mrs. George Logan of Tir):, ford, Sage, Mrs. Samuel Getty of Moose Jaw an& Mrs, Alex MacTSeth of Kippen, ' The ftineral was held from the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs,. Wm, Haugh, oe !Tuesday afternoon -to the liVingliam cemetery and, ,Was largely' attended, Rev, Mr,' Tate, pastor of Eadies' PresbYterian elittrelt of Which the tieeetsed was a member, eoneltiet- ed the (services. General Proficiency Class) Marlis possible 600 1st, Alice Godkin „ , , 537' 206. Lena Chamney • 524 311!, Annie Robinson 507 4th. Eccles l3eecroft 467 Besides these prizes the various townships -put up liberal prizes for those standing highest Ni their respec- tiVe tOw ns hips. These can be easily picked out of the general list, , On the whole; the students did very satisfactory work and are to be coil- grafttlatect on their success. fr e Spring is here, FM. WI WIlY havo smut in yotir gr'Ziin. not harvest? , ill ' 'FORMALDEHYDE PREVENiS iS T". = . . WM Puretest". Formaldehyde is the best and sells at 75 OOOt5 -4- pound. Ordinary Fot:inaldehyde we. sell at 50 cents. MgMALPFHY. Seeding tirne will soon be, with 112 - Okays Straw Hat Dye Spring is here. •• Straw Hat season is with us,. Why wear a faded, shabby hat? Straw I-lat Dye will make your ha.t as good as new. "Elkay's"'Straw. Hat Dye is by -far the best and sells at PI for bottle and brush, all colors. Ordnutre, makes we sell at a bottle. 1111 Winghana, Ont. ii111111111111111N1111111l1111111N11111,211111111K1113111 McKibbon's -Drug Stor The Rexali Druggist 35 cents 25 cents • Phone 35 ....WI. Ille11111111112111N1111011101111111N111111111311104111i111111;11131111-li A Get 4o-gether Luncheon Wednesday Half Holiday T1te business 'Wingham are I 'fhe "c e -t al > a Winghrim havt holding a get-to-gether luncheon MI decided to hold the usual Wednesday McKay's restaurant at 6.30 on Wed- afternoon ,half holiday commencing nesday evening of this week The the first week at May -and eeontinuing , proprietors of the several mttntil the last week of.October anufrictur- ing plants will be present as guests Prices In The West •, Mr. Jas. Malcolm; M.. P. far Norand with a large representation of the th citizens and businessmen, a successful Bruce, has been appointed 'the Liberal , AN,rhip for the Province of Ontrtrio. evening is looked fortvard to This will:mean extra work for ,NotthNotice.To Advertisers Bruce's member, but he is capable.- Kinciirdine Repenter. We are compelled to _put intO prac- Flu and la grippe is repotted tice_ at once, a regulation which we from would ask our advertisers to comply ahnost evtny home in the vicinity. Tieing accustomed to getting 'after any new thing to town, the edifor and his whole family have taken a go-odlv share of the sickness - We want the news, the latest news, t'ind all our readers have a standing- iu- eritation to tell its of local happenings WC might otherwise miss. When friends come and -go, or interesting happenings occur, tell es about them. Buy your Spring suit at a big saving at hard's. They liought a matrufac- turercs clearance of 25 Suits, compris- ing fancy pattern Tweeds, and Serges. Every .suit is of the best -workmanship and. style. Now on sale 115 20 per cont discount" -I -I. E. Isard & Co. Eastertantata in St. Andrews Pres- byterian church under the auspices of the choir and other local talent In all about forty „of the best voices in town will .he heard. Thbse who heard the last :Cantata given by this choir -will lie anxious to hear this Cantata. Riple'y'tnerchmts held a most suc- cessful Dollar Day on Thursday laat. The merchants organized a booster club and. had Mysterious Mise Dollar for whose capture a cash prize was .offered. Mrs. Cass -made a very good '"mYsterious 'lady" and she was capt- -tired by Mrs, Hinton Mitchell. Prac- tically everyone joined in the bunt. The Hepworth Progress a newsy little weekly in Bruce has ceased pub- lication. The editor says it carft be done when even the business menwill give their printing 10 ,1110 city houses ztnctask him to boost for home buying. "Send 113 the -news items: when they are fresh, said it brothereditor. Put on our desk a dandelion, \vith the morning dew on it, rather than a whole' forkful of dried hay. Attention Men W2 will have at our store -on Friday and Saturday a special clothing travel- ler who is showing Men's high grade and tailored suits and Spring Coats itt very special prices. Made to your measure from $25.00 to $40.00. -King Bros. Installing Wireless - Mi. W. A. McDonald is making ar- rangements to iristallna wireless system lit the music hall, so that concerts, addresses, etc., given by the leaders of the American continent can be heard in the hall here. Mr. Carl Hemsworth will be in charge. --Listowel Standard. We understand that MI% W. A. Gal- briiith Mr, A. M. Crawford, and pro- bably a couple of other W'ingliamites are installing these tieW wireteseewon- tiers Dry Goods Business Sold with viz.: to have change Of copy in this office not later than Monday at .Joe Purdy Dead 6 o'elock, It has been am- custom to put threnigh "late change favor -sr! and -The death of Joseph Purdy, Kinloss, in doilig-'So,'-it often necessitated delay removes one of the pioneer characters in publication of our paper. This ap- of this section, Deceased was a Brit - plies to all changes of display tisements. adver- ish soldier -bandsman for main- years' , • A few prices which we noted in the issue of the Brandon Stitt of March 30115 might be Of interest.to a:few of our readers. 'Baled Hay, per ton, nil. cents, Potatoes, per bushel, 45 cents, Eggs, per dozen, 20 cents, Dressed beef; per pound, •zoi cents, Dressed Pork, per pound, 145 cents. , had tra-(-ellecl to manv parts Of " e the earth. He was a kindly soul and, Public Lecture At Wingham • respected by all tvlto knew him.' No Dr McTriVieli will give a public lee-. °.rangnil qu.it-6,c°n1Plete und ture: er the auspic es of the Doug- iwithout . • o owing near to las Institute, in the Wingham Town 1 le mustc• Hall on Thursday afternoon at 4 p. Celebrated Diarrion.d Wedaing , , ne, on "The Prodigal Girl" and will be,1 The Christian Guarelian of last week , open to eve.ryone, In the evening tiree contains an excellent portrait of, subject will be "God's Masterpiece 1 a.nd Mrs A. C Osboine, of Penetane, to which both men, women and child -d who...on Feb.. 28th, celebrated , their ren are invitect These meetingsr',2 Diamond AVedding: -Mne. r. Osborin free, nb admission charged. The 0Ve3., -I. the early seventies was ,,a resident of ing mee.ting will start rit 8.45 o'clock.; -wihgeam and wae vhdt- ecre, edo.,c,e, The 'reason for calling the evening 01r 1ie A \ 4,T1g1 . L,I,iarn Tittles. We ate meeting at -S.45 is so as to not inter- fere with iny church services, Celebrate Golden Wedding The home ,of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, pleased to know that oar former • townsman. is still hale and heitrry. Splendid Sale Of. Shadows, A Shadow Social was held under McKersie, Gorrie, was, the scene of a the auspices ot Curries' Sunday School happy .event on Monday, April 31d., it on Frjday evening at the hoine of Mr, being the celebrittion of their golden and Mrs. Chas. CEnter, East wedding. About forty guests were nosh and a right good time was spent. present to wish them Godspeed. They ,wcre the recipients of many useful and valuable presents. Their sons, James and Arthur who live in -California and Russell in Saskatchewan could not get home but sent substantial cheques. The family near home, viz., Mrs. Jas, Halliday of Turnberry, Mios. Robert Baker of Ilowick and Miss Mimic at home presented them with a splen- did gramophone. They also received 'several tokens of esteem from old friends a ud neighbors. Those present from Whighant were Mr. and Mrs, Elijah Higgins, 11/Ir. Thos. Bolt and daughter, ArliSS EVa and Mr. and Mrs. A splendid program was given „which consisted of readings, by -George Po- cock and Miss Elsie Stewart; instru- mentals by W. Wellings, W. Elliott,' Miss Mary Elliot and Miss Irene Tay- lor:. J. _T. Kerr made a most Capable chairman and Richard. Deacon auct- ioned off the shadows and it is aaid, that he secured Tommy Bennett prices for them toe. „ The remaindee of the evening -was spent in games, and April FOCA jokes were quite in orde' before the gathering dispersed. The proceeds amounted to over $1.5.0o. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered•teLe Mr. and Mt's, Carter for their hospite. David 1-1a11iday. ants-. Hanna & Co., Ltd., have purchased the stock. of Mr. John .Galbfaith from Mr. Templin., We understand Mr. Galbraith will manage. the stand in the interests of, Hanna & Co., ind. Wingham Town Council The regular council meeting- held on Monday evening did ttot take up very much- time and only routine business was trartsected. • The exec.utive of the Iduroa County Breeders' Association asked for it grant for their Spring sale held at Wingliam. While the councillors be- lieved 'the sale was .a good thing for Wingham yet they felt that they had been- very generous wit lithe Agric- ultural classes and that they had better IcavET. the matter over for this year. It- was pointed out that the Ag- ricultural Classes and the Breeders' Association were different organiza- tions but the matter, was left in abey- ance, A letter from the Ontario Munici- pal Association asking the Wingham Connellto consider sending in their application to amalgamate' with them was laid aside. • The choir of St, Patils church asked for a rebate on the charge of rent tor the Opera House for their five Chant - 001(110 concerts. The matter was left with the Property Committee, • 'rho kiiiior Farmers' Association 0.sked for free use of the council chamber for one meeting each month. Their request was granted on Motion of Councillors LlOyd and rothergill. The Wingham Branch of the Wo - Men's Institute ha,ye offered to furnish the Ladies Rest Room in the front of !the ball. This offer was kindly ac -I c. ted. Atte,: NEW EASTER ARRIVALS ..W. GREER'S Oar New Easter STREET SHOES Have just arrived, in buckles and straps M a variety of colors and com- binations. Priced at $5.00, $6.00 atul $7.50 We Invite Your Inspection. See Our iNin!iows. lVs7ss 4,,,V,AVra...31`71,71,1yi,,tra , Wrilr-T4W13. 6 "1.itr