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The Wingham Advance, 1922-03-09, Page 8
is It tJ \tri:; u' ;1,1 tr,P.!I.,.1.m!I.,aly:4,r,: knl l ,ui,t, 111.11 111.4, 71 14001714k' :1i'DI 16 I .*?...+w,wp,lmiay.ammivt 1111. aftwouponlo Th0,D rs4i v; Ma t"itti"Ott •Glt� .F �"1; � . u. t 1111 rl; id t!,•i, F,... ..,.f;, ih ftl(1!i'1,(1:?liiiill lillllil(illyi11111�lpfi 1111$111111 L •.-„11:11. : We appreet oykfrortii t if<''('e NABtl, 'I Our Money -Back Offer to the a iin td race of th pals !, lic an li, ur part S ttlrstock of Wint '"r G!•' l,,d n, ,u N . f S,,, ,,ring n,,sem,,, ,„ vi _ _„®.accuna n......szawssuon;wnost,mom Men's Suit S;r;eclat ers to match . .. -wows A good 3 piece Tweecl Suet with extra tr .....:...:._... _ ._ :.$15.00 Mens Suits, sizes 34 to 46. Boys' New Spring Suits Sale, sizes a7 to 3o $7.95 Entire stock of Winter Overcoats, regular up to $65.00,: sale :..._..... .. ... $28.75 Youths" and Boys' Overcoats::.. $9.75 to $15,75. Bnrsalinci Hats: regular $9.0o, sale $5.75 Caps, less 20 per cent. Heavy Work Shirts .:......._. .. . .... ..$1.00 Hundreds of od&garments of fleece lined and Wool Underwear 75e` Stanfteld's Red Label Underwear $s•3g 4 Guaranteed the• best` M 1i* 0 ayvetalfis yeti ` ver bought br !money = refunded atter 36. day$ wveaar. • Peabody, C.arhartt and Headlight guaranteed Overalls I111111111l111111111 1E11((II1111�iillli(111(1((Il!!If $' 'R' uttertC { I eand Rest till. a iise Fur'' sh ugs 200 Rugs, Wilton, Axminster,' Tapestry, Brus- sels, sizes 24x3, 3x3, ,3x32, 3x4, less • is to 3o per cent. Curtains and 'Curtain lVtaterials, less...: 1.120 per cent. $3.75 45c per yard Heavy 4 yard :Linoleum Floor Oilcloths ......... . EverytthhW.g an Sate tens 2O to 30% ulatrerawansanauswemanustax"tommamougammactetetemaiimesoadommexonumnaussoirsimmszaanumati had • • the rood: things Doubledee-larding interesting and. inspiring than n act all partaken. of e good , g �. have been n d b} 11 1 ,18'12 ie a< 1 b the ladies ct lin took Motorists 'Will See 1VIa,-te h<v 7 factory. itself,' �+11rch1<(,b IJ 1 y �'t very pretty we c, �. v�Ii4a hat'n I\lo :• mil trip through the facto _ 1 11 a es- t < I h - • T ! ell courage you to visit claim tin woved store we are melt a tse at a discount oi20% 1,i', 3O f Two, \i/Betts' Ladiets S;l+ring ;' eadt®- ear: Coats; Suits and Dresses .......:.._.20 per cent. Discount Special Spring .Coats .... -.•.-• $26.95 to $33.95 Special Spring Dresses $14.95 to $39.75. Special Spring Suits $19.75, to $49.50 3o to 5o per cent. off Winter Coats and Suits, $3000 Worth of :Furs at Summer Prices, .Nat- ural Wolfe Set; regular $5o.00, sale.::_.: $3-.9.75 ress Go l; s, Silks Sta $1o,0oo Worth Less 20 per cent. $3.5o Perrins, Kid Gloves ' :.. ...... $1.98 Saturd 37Y, SPECIALS- AT°,Mell...11.tia. FREE TROUSERS On Saturday Morning Only,March 11th, we d+ill give FREE, an Odd Pair. of Trousers with ev- ery Suit. BROOMS FREE A good Broom .given FREE to; Every Pur- chaser' of ,$,I0:oo or over on Saturday Morning, March zith. SUGAR SPECIAL Saturday -Morning, March xxth, ag Bags Only of Granulated Sugar $6.95. Holeprcp£ Silk Hose .. ...::.: .....12.39 Listowel Yarns, skein .. 490 HCTNDREDS OF .REMNANTS, CHOICE _LOT, $3000 worth of Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear on sale., ..HALF..PRICL amaasstaxt e•, o 'Heinz • B•eans,. Catsup,• Pickles,Salads, Olives Soups, less 10 per cealt. Dates, 3. lbs. for Tomatoes, 2 car'S ,or .._.:::... 1111:. _.._„ Figs, 2 , lbs.: for :..... ... Shred"d"ed Wheat,,'. packages 5 lb. CADDY; OF boc. TEA.,. Saturday Nlorn- ing, March axth 50 250 _1 111..:.: 1 11... a25e, 250 4i fr $2:95'' Corn, per can roc' Brooms, good . qua.laty Oatmeal,; 6 lbs. for 25c Salmon, per, can, .:_.: .. z5c PALMOLIVE ', &ORA', A, aprturdayc, Morning March atth,, 4 for. .n5c Laundry Soap--- Comfort, Sunlight, Gold, 6 --- 490 Coffee, -per: lb :. c, .._ __47c 50 lb: Sacks Sugar, :for. $3.60; 15 Bags Redpsath Sugar Robinhood Oatmeal $7,15 24c package Rice, 3 lbs. for Matches g boxes for ........................ ...350 Eggo 'Baking Powder .: ... Sac tan Corn Flakes, per package.:_ xoc, • • pl depicts nn.tnufac.turc of New the Studebaker tecause many details and operations this very QM' evening On Wednescla} Maze.la .1st, at t 1'iltra dip owners of motor 1 1 ker dlstrrbt, ea- p ace . manor was he: . r , •e. t 01 prospective 1 r n brou +'lit to a ci.osc by singing "God home of ICI. ;aid Mrs Geo. .Double-. s-aghf-511. Anton, in the newest '� r invitation to victt� which escape thy etc 0u such a leu g cars stay r ht.r~it e a 1 .., ., , ..'I:l>e ]cul:;. d13ehnor c. tvhcu their eldest ,end most rnocicin Automobile Factory :. vetting. 1ra touch twttir ey are caught lr_y the camera., An (.,d- et, •z .. a .40 0 ,, • .. , � ,.. . by Ct Picture r nt t r1c 1 ct t ta. i worldill be sla0zvn .at the the 1. t, 1 ftt:iontl atehatita<ge of this. filet 1, d.ttt�hte.1, Janet .VIy1Ett<, at t,ae ha tt r> 1Cerr1,EASAWA :f�.SH i • < .;. tin.: concerti t c . _ 1 ittg, .;,on of >� q r(: ot. Uiondav lflarclt that it sh0tvs the, 1na.rrtttactut� and as I �'� � to \I r. Norman 1). Raru .. L. • 1 etaindustrial natutc, t 1 c most a -to- Although of an indu thnrliviclual unit in cciu 211,1 Cis. 1.: liardtit 0f IHotvrck. !,11th at 10.30 a. 1111- .,hotvs 1 _ p•embly of each 11 e tvCrc s0rry to 7t'2rn tat '\lisp 1Lr ipl yed ,late tzletlaocls oi: efficiency 4.11 1, o_ s � d scam tlii picture abounds 'iii human inter-' i, r 'snst;ince iu the nmaking' Gertrude sone as forced- by ill- \t, eleven a: ni:, the bride, leaning on I in iinuity. o (at t udt I t u with plenty of action . n. P h step. 1 nc tel c arm o c1 est, tt each 1 1 111 5° 1t 1 on l 1. t`ail•cfn 1 Il I � 1 1 health t i s j, big automobile 0 , h , , f her ` father entered the 112.1- 1 t ' lCl) 1 L .. .nthe , t < •,citel0r i 1 case. it<�lt. the torsrn�^ ope:allonsd0 .t c101t Normal and ,x'n<1 <t year her, - g build- eefz01 I .er oft 'Ie Clan X51. ,lea 1 O -,.1, �, ❑1 her l } e showing in til par < ir'i.t o[ 1.0l enfrrial's wed - lag picture t. It shows -:t le > t 91 Studebal .4l1 nloblbe of . tnahlnto the comilct� niarltazli:n 0f ihis ilia lroute• cllnc 1r(aich, playe(l.by,.11Ix lLatgarct autonrobalez under the. mostmaterial state to, Clrel rooril. T11t> e from their ra�v -portant runt Tne saint 2119th;' .to+ our pupils, �t•lro too? aclt <t* to e o{ 1\1c Kenzie, canis n of ;the 1 i" demploying th r 1 Itn . 1 setr b body and other , p nr...cr pals tool. tic. p int tl , the •-uu<:h tft motor o the \'Vintea 5c toot in \l rn 'h int u 1 bg d t o c b -ncite.rn conditions 0111 Bing conceivable e timet an - School, m i 11 place beneath at gl ti 1lid of ) 0111 of this ! arch of ever,rac 1 ns <mci Ito ce111110tH3 device, exhibited one of the nlinsuti feat )t�,.t,< a regretting that the Course: is over' for • l,tlrox avt..� (_ct_cc, ,.,tl}, be 1 in r and co10rtill was performed ov the n.ev, .chi: hall,- �a 01 010•: Theatre at 10.;30 is :that s}reci:41 711; at,rhe uuni:cr ons inspections t through this ar here at the L} 1 in Inan• of the q� } *i ' '1 ' 1 part 10.1''8' to insure Its' Airs,t 1 r the G de c h ale. � U !t r 1 cahstic to a l n udl • >ic o Hospital 5 f{ Z F 64 y ss • of Wroxeter, ti:r• The ' bride- looked • + arta'1 13th, it t:f#ect!. were used t� uc, l t,ac l 1 <r passes • aura Pone o le q ra • r, w theh complete 1i them r' r t -`- charming in 1 cestumc of riatvy bine: : •0111 lett mantafacturc of scenes, znalclrls, t le accuracy ail quality are 3 iStaff was 011..1 <ttec on of how_.c p the Studebaker Light -Six Attotnobile st•icing degree, The actual photo- fared and throughout the picture all; appendicitis on Saturday Feb, ; c axineise u2rrmed-a bouquet, well kr,0411 • ,; cl 2111 of white roses and lily of the valley. > impressive'feature is the s pec d in ;the newest and most modern auto- grapltang was clone la � a v�I (She 1s gctting along niccl}�. � 1 Id A l0 n^• picture camera man efficiency with which result, are se- . During_ the signing of the , re i�,ter •I+lc:et, 30013i1C plant in tae'. world ; Arrange- il. 41 ” 1") e picture is in some ways more' c`ure'd as well as the high type of °' • Vss [ailra M,tcalfe snug "(711' •131.1'111 to ',hos 1515 {441104 t alloted Admission 1s free and .every', 333 "Nit 1.1.1 '°I� ...? 1�.11h ? 1 •l'„q� ' 0108 is invited to this exhibition. is picture The en torho-i 'the- vane d' !.aisles <uel8 ingr hour', after which the 0 -nests , Ieio 11 11:1i Spring Anno l; . nee ,11 e t 1 22 In annotinC1f.g the arrival of our We ‘, sh to lay »rOcular stress o11 two vet l ant features, as follows firs r lace Tl t�'liN 7 `�l” and secondly hist A l t > riled hensive tion. 1110 1 I iter In Poft- 9f,�"! eotopr SIN �I1 Uat s Can s Such eh it �ottrt to 0: Birthday Celebrated .11 iS very seldom that any One t1 -i' ' rive'' at the good old age of oo yeas,' 1 but in IIIyLh, on Wednesday, Mr. Geo. King celebrated his ninetieth birth I day. 1`he. Quarterly Board of the;' 1 Blyth Methodist Church. of tvhiclt 3.1 r. ! G. King,ha. so long been. <. member, arranged to hold a birthday party in; the basement' of the church, in this! way to do 'bettor to Mr. King, who l lois so faithfully worked i14 the church; i for so twain years. About .1.3o when almost all the con__. l gret,atioti had gathered in the 42'0-' tient for the occasion , -a splendid pro -f, 1 gram consisting Of solos and instro gran cor. g , menials was given amid enjoyed by all. The following then giving adclresses;i' 11.1r. Sins, Mr. Carr, Mr. Moody, Mr,. 3Vlorritt, I\lr. Maims,. A' very interes- ting part of the program. consisted in` the pastor, Rev.' Mr. Tiffin ,reading. letters to Mr. and 14frs.: ISitag froth: the following superannuated ministers, who formerly had laboured in 'Blyth lethndist church, iet. Waiter Rigs- 1:)y, t , - l:)T"Rev. W. F.ampbell,• Rev. john I-To and Rev. A. W. Tonge. Also letters from the .following former pas-' tors, Rev. E. .Fear, Rev. 1Vlr, jewitt, Rev, R. j• McCort -nick, each and all ° expressive of the respect, and loyalty y to the church and kind.1enietnbrances that they had of Mr. and Mrs. King, while in Blyth. very interesting let- ters were read front their, sorts and daughter, Maud, and from their trattdson:"hese letters each one ex- pressive x-tpaessive of devotion to their aged par- I encs. 111011al tributes were in evidence from the,Idill family of London,ou Rev.. Mr. Anderson of Clinton, was present and gave n. Very pleasing address. At the close of the progxall, Mrs, Young in a very able worded address, in be- half of' the ladies, presented Mrii. Xing v.itli a beautiful 'bonmlilei of flowers. Vesicles these tributes there were 1103111.0 other letter;; and birth- day cards for ;gr. King. Both Ma', and Mts. King responded, esptessil1f,: their pleasure and, thanks or the honor (Jtnferre, on them, Colla3ti0g the pto.,:41'. arid' cn4r- pt,'Lblti>J14, a deli;111,11{ 'Puppet vias Biu vett, the cfaief ('d.att01 , 104 ,444) 11, 1,•r':r I- '21 te;a' 41" 4f` story 1Y1l'Q hiltiy Ctill`4i., ra 116ti1:ud,:mzl711aiaiG4;uNiw', at All 20c 'and 25c pap- er t } ear covered ; Novels, r ar , '� �,t -' - selling 15 cents each: Elliott hooks, Stationery, Magazines, Town -Pi r. 5 et Agency Canadian thlatioitad' Crrand-Tritiik Rahway, Ocean tickets via a44 lines. °te41 nnmhering about sixty, retired to the • e • 'dining -room AV tl 0 re. 114ey partook ot•'; lift the tvedcling dinner served in the hos-1 teSs' best style. ' Guests -w'ere present Winghana, Listowel, Harristorl,`.. and Clifford. The presents were nttltl- j 1' ons and costly. The groom's gift to, the bride was a handsome gold w'rist..jirli watch and to `the pianist and; soloist;1 � gold phis. , • mm�,, Che happy couple left 0u the atter-,moi 'noon train for 'Toronto, amid showers of confetti. On their'91' 1rn they twill' ®,y reside on the groom's farni on the.' Moth of Howielz., .. IV1ORTGAGE BALE = OF VVALUABLE FARM PRcIPERTY undo, tied. by virtue 04' 41141 powers cot, twined 04 a certain mortgage, 'which will lie produced at the time of Gale, there will be 01't'e^cd by' public unction 00 Saturday the 2:rth day 'ot. March 14. D. 1922, at tho hour. 2 o'olook in = the afternoon, at the Brnnswiol: Hotel in the Tow}} of W'iughain, by T 1t. Ben oott, nletione©r, the= fallorVing property, narnoly, tho East halt =of Lot monitor twontynine in the -Thirteenth. Ceneeasian.of the Township of East Wawa, nosh, containing 100 acres,o, land mote. on lees.. Upon the sold property as situate the follow- , ing buildings barn 00 x;10 • ft. with;' stabling. :underneath, housese 2qx 30 f'.Wi thkitchen attached 12 t 18 ft, hoth on stone ferandatiane There is a small orchard o1 the premises, and Et good 'well, aIso six acres of fall wheat in the, ground Terms ten 9044 o1; the plarohease moile3i . lobe paid dow011n 001tt teatime of solo, halanoo to bo pard within 15 days, • ll'or further particulars and condition et sale ,apply* to D11001t'sr H01.i1.1' 9, ioircitor for'vendors. T.1..-B11h1'i1 1.Vr lluet iWcIer. :4 tt Datod, 111E Wln hain rho t16h <1ay of a 1aa�> A. 0 D. 1022. 44 NOTICE TO CREDITORS , NOTICE TO C 'SD1TCRS ,.....,._._...... • . ,+lctico 1e,hW.,,la D%tioe r s box y o A 1[44 ttatntos of t)nttlstn y givolt, pursuant to oo'itou tfi ilh4i .121 nk tkeo kt vi ` th It lift Chap 121 of the Revistd Statutes of !Det oli ivmn ntstrant td Scetiear- , that Qat��per4lnns Itavutg duan ming o s, tato of 0 4tlab It o Sohwnrtii,deldeaged, w,to died 1nor= tzliniit.1110tenth days of Dea;onilbgptr,.d,i3.' 921, at the Tuwa o4 t in'ghata in the' Provinee of t.Dntar!i8, 1111`4 il(1 tttttd•tO send by nest, 'pi'o: 0tald, or t0'(lelivet±10 14'. Vallaten0, , itWVieghan , ntarto Salle tor' i'or a;he il:d.tnirlistrarrla, on or before tla drat -day of April. A..,1D., 1922, , th»ir 11eitt01�tsted.a661544404 w1th;,iull ylartidtilaa's their' slrl Vrrir1n-, 14146,1 n tt1ltur0p�o4' •a'o• onritios,(if andel Pima by thorn the verilIod 'by rn sr 414140tt dediat 4tioat, ..040. 1 411 4411- "'1311 ui411', a 4 i 1 ,'7..113 aLrHt dray +i1 411 114 lr<, 0; 10..11, the a,+s1ts of the 1.1(1 of trite Witt be distributed. by the Adniin• Carr ' 4k.141104 g t:.e Parties 4ratitldd LIiaa'oto,' l sVA4 ttiigard ondy,10 th0 chiles of *Pilch thoy Oleiy�14ho0 batpo notice, and the ostato 54111 not" bo 140 t9 pa4' l�1ny elat41t4 tr tit tiled at t110 'aloe o1°; t4atl ttt4i ti ll' , I' the tion, 0. axle, that�(411 por alas havi0'g,0la rias i41'� ailiat the ' Estate of i'ltorn a -t,' T'.. Jain', dee44€itsd, what rt o Sithil1 r 1+,. died oti1'or tsboitbth0:tenth day f. 44,,ys D. 1022,;44t tiro Townshto of Ttaruber',ry' an the Provinoii 0f :01.t 1,710 are requirod "C0: sand by esti yitopttid, 3' "'deliver' to [4: Vaestono ', / barn, q p t'1(►.4ollei40'1orthe 9iteentOi'da; Oh' 0e . ,t A. 1), _ 029. ari' p% bllfar'o 1120 Htrsb.diS. of s.1pr(, » x their n141008:44nd a,ddrOSSes, with =felt pertie, nlars of thele olalnie"in `w king, and tile natnro.;, of thA 8Abttl'lttic if 207) Meld lig thein dolt'' 'verified by tL dtatittery dooloratlon,. A0(4 'i alt ttaori r�.1101141120 i;nat eater Lae stsitt' iiifit day n A.1311 , 1922, the 4480(414 o1 =the :said 0 41410 ttgli be';`dlatrlbuLo ;ht 111: lrlat ou to' z4nl0 :112 actio 1314414(041 4hetet0,,lia #l, Ah a 1i ..;r ; iial 110 1t4tw41 only to 04t�1. 8,0� wvlli(tla 111 a�" 41 31vo,z1o4ine and tiro ostt.t0" 4u'111 not' be 411809'olaillas not meet et; the tilu0 +Di alae •s;altl diatribttttdit. Doted aft 'd1�` rif larx10 this twent9 (1711zrtlr of ErAtpfYtdlr7r, v Y y%i • Tt < Ve41Y1y� 1;vr0, itu .4aievtn, P. (t, k.11 'tri tet i'', ',' eatti Pifitttiti, ttvhtttin ig13,1n'a brit; tweet 4'0+7e11l(, cl' trE'l thkrrimaJ'y, ,11!. 194. 3. li,atz8VoNlit, ir>!10 4'11>a rn `is. 0, Alter*t,t qtr .he 3dL31t114t4ati'1 . 111 a• ° Suits, ,r . Is tzt siege esses, Dress Mater, -1 ie.4 �.�' These are the; New Spring Suits So very distir,tive and attrac- tive that they simply can't help bein • admired, We invite you to inspect our new snits, 'Vhr- ions 1nodels developed in effec- tive styles at iuoclerate prices x Prices, $25,00 to $5.5.00. Tb,€p Neweet Coitts for the The itetlrest idC<ts in advance spring styles ---advanced in style but reduced in price, Von will npprecarttt' the wonderful valtie1 We a1'c' offering, Prices $15,011 to $4.5.0o, 1s,. Firbt Showing of Sprl1lg,, Dresses ' Silk H?re se5 Canton, c pe l 17resscs, Serge, and t`t:i;cot a a4 Dresses designed 'ini L1: ' ne431224 styles for'.` misses and. women. Prices 4' 1 .00 to : 4.5:00. The Newest SAO:0g. Dress Fabrics Silks, '('aff1la Duchess, Can- ton. Ct•ep1. Crepe Clzari'lacuse, ,1'ricoletts'. Crepe Knit, latest shades T,a popular `prices. 1002 Goods D iricotinc Volool• axlrl St:x'�Se, , 4p.0rn: soC 1111, in ail weaves, sit?;- able for ''Snits, Coats, Dresses,. acid Skirt's, ROS0 •• s,• N.Wy ;y�.n Sto