HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-03-09, Page 7, '4 ; , 40.stsS r • ost As, rittst. tssrststtsts.4st stsitsaa-v........restsstsst sttsrestrt, sys ., • , • ONTREAL tsr‘st ,r r"!"--"tritt"",ttOtists.t.fststtitatsvrts.ttttSlitt*StRittlStitrtfrtst44,stittrtrhittittrertrirr.titts.rst.F4vrttvrrstrsstittrt....-sttitr.sttir.,..ir..........t...sto.....votta.stst.44rsgtitttitttvivrittrtstr.trOtt.t,r16.trIsrr.tirtr4!"ttitti",,t,ttttirrttr"'"'"1"..tr"V"Irr"rritit.trritt"! SPLENDID FUTURE unaines and Thew Orimn WRI1011 REVEAL? Variations --- lateen:MIRY,- l'ifiacina"Y" I „„, „oc en r ; et. Keieur,, REIL ATION8r 701 That . 'Tforar_Racial. 0 ri d n -,--c` *it 11h - 1 Ci y couNTRY. Blood Ls Titbit -an0 Watery? . ; The 0.r,„4,111 th,ce.0 ,fa less een. used co ern, t complains of exhaustion, dizzy spells, - e ,clana from itio various torias ' Wh.erD a growing girl becomes pale, ,aieee incg Twelve 'of World'S- Greatest headache and ; stomach - ouble, , whlcb Line*. lijsed POrt as dences anaentia blo'oillessness. A tioa must lie- aoectpt-ed general an,d • story. There, is 'inifilediate, tor ' • knave that these things' are eVi- ecorae, se th-at ahe followieg explana. UL UL Terminal During 1921.. gifInc6 the n'illrPer ne allice-wanced made for the fact !that tiler° are nunieroas ' The closing of the port of ,Montreal tertic, a• sYstem lenilder.. that will coral : 'with the t,ormination of. navigation ar On PletelY reete the ItitaMng dualities tion. the St..Lawr-e.wee bra -tight to .a ccinelue .to the blood that every part of the Feathe in-o'st part, then, these names ,Sion the most- remarkable seasonin 'body will:Share', in the benefit. eae reateeed on the aeoeue given 'nenee the expert 'history' a that Port: ?Slap. 'A geed .eXample of 'the:result " • only of Canadian but also ail ,Uaited ill given laY 'Mrs. George IL Smith, .of ' given rise"- te th'e S c o eaially ' "Flonla" or "Flanalacia.," which bas Meats of agricalteral produce , not wise treatment in. cases of this. kind , States °legit], exceeded by a .very wide Queensport, N.S., who says: "I care names of"Findlay, Finlay, Finley, Fin - Margin all previous recordie, taxing the not praise Dr. 'Williams' Pink, Pills too laYn'on; and'ille like" large 'capacity of the harbor to the highly for whet they have done for me* Til fact, . MacktillaY is but another limit and creating a eceee of unpre- three daughters.' My 'eldest -daughter, form "of "MacFlilliov." (which. spelling ao ocelented activity. The gratifying fee- Edina, at the age of 14, became run b t to be met with, inc Gaelic aorta ; tare of this phenonteual activity is cloWn, and g.et 'her three 'box`es og being "MaeFhiannIaigli.'') temporary or transient conditions but taken them she was in good health lay. and Macinally are tic) be found that it is not brought 'by purely the pills, and by the time she had ' forni,3 mackinleY, Mackin - Is o-bassidaed by. c1-r011111etaaces W'hich.- and is naara'healthy 'married woesan.' mostly anniftgaes.cendenta of „the 'Clap should ensure •in the' future a 'yet 1.1iTy second elanafiter,. marilia, :at 'the Blichaaan ,bat there Was elle° a, small age of le vr -ae awthily run doWn. and ..S'ePt of this'liarne in the ,Glan MacFar- pale. In ft she had alivaYe been a 'l'ane.Sometinalb, tooe these ria,inea delicate phild,ebut gradually became are changed sPellings of "Mac-au- ,woree. ,Atilest she could .not go Led-gliti" entleelY ,different. nafile, stair S without haying ..cOlich is find princiPailY amenug the' !movement rests,, in the p,a,s,,hig,..o.f the rest, and could no t even. do. an kind Ste1"i'larts of ApPin. But this name of light work without ,baing greatly should, more properly be rendered, n i e, greater volume of trade.' Indications In "other' 'phases' of actiritY 'than the export of -ineachand-ise, are not want- ' ing to fore -cast this proapect. The prime cause of this • unusual Einefgency Tariff 1)y the United. .fatigued. --Finally Lgave her Ea -Eaglisla: by IVIaeLay, or /1/1,e-oreat, States, virtually cutting off the expert -Hants' Pink Pills, and ' after taking • The forme MacGi-alea and Macarally cf C'anadian ng-r.icultural FrocirtMea by t,henewe found they did her more 0 6d (ocoasio ITO Y ) are also datiVatiVea of way of' the '-berderaanr1 cliveeting the than all the other Medicine' 'She 'had 'the foregdinge .Soottlsh Sept mines .P1'n'flucts. Qf tl1e Western 'taken, and shale new iagoo.d.healtle'teansedanted Ireland - in many Prairies' to the Atlantic for siliPmen1 Then my younger &ha -liter, ' Greta, cases, though there". ata other ellen._ . ov el'seas. ANheilet ' this' divees'ion has now 15, beOarne so run down thata,ehe neleetliralegh., whieh pimilar. names- uly beene "effected and exPer-teneced, liad to stop ,going to s-chool. But'aftr harc'T'S been developed -in. Ireland, , -within. 'the. Past few months, it ia.,safe' taking eighthoxes'of the 'Pills 'alio: - • , , .DRUMMOND • Drielra-Scottish. .SOnrce—A " Ask the average Ma -sea the nation-. alitY of the am1Iy valet) of Drummed aend lio b 1iytoielejap that- it is Eng- 11sh; 'Seiot knatas better, as dees anybody familiar, with the names ef the priaelparlitgblerad els,ps, Still, if you want to be imesually particular, and trace the name back to 'its real origin, when it wae drat used as a descriptive' suraeme, you'll find that it is aeitlaer Eriglish nor 'Scottish, Out Hungarian. , "Dryman".was the form in whieh it wee' brought..into Eagland. garY prior 'toeilte. adyent of tho Nor- ,inanS, to that ' . Do- you .wonder "What 1111,14arian were doing in Angle -Saxon -England? . Royal marriage has established the 'connection between. the aive, ce*Irteiee. The matter of leidgar the, iii- gitive Angto-Saxon euccesisar to --the -FeigliSh•Ciewn the time of the Nor- -man 'invasion, ,was Agatha, daughter of, the Xing of Haagary. "With Edgar in his flight to -Scotland and the collet ot King' Mal:coke III. -11Ialpolrn Ceanu- Mar) went' one "Masirice-de ,Drymen," a. I-Iu.agariaa nobleman De .Dryman. .won favor with the -Scottish 'monarch -and receiyed frora, him grants of land in the Highlaricia Frani his first fol- lowers there was tanned . the elan whiCh bears -the ria -me of a place in .Hetigary- under the ',changed spelling Of Drummond. This elan playea a pep- mitient' part in the battle of 'BancnoCk- burn Under' Robert the Bruee, and •ia. the rehallions. of "'15" and !-45„'i:logig their -lands and their chief.e, arho :fled to Franeeientil the restoration of -the aig.hts' of the Scottish nobles. .. , , 'z to say that in seasnns to come an, ever' now a, healthy girt feel that ' A greater volume of trade will pass" gut after what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A Doll -at wims° of Canada by the Atlantic outlets. • " havedonein my home there can be no Altogether a novelty is a Swimming The grand total of grain by boat and doubt Of their ;value, and I hope -seine- 1:1°Ii'vfnich °Wes its inveation to au one else will benefit from our 'experi- ence." You can get the -se pills through anv • dealer in inedleine or by mail pos,t- paid at..60 cents al-boer or six boxes Tor $250 'from The. De: Willeafne'saleafcine Co., -,Broeliv,111e, Onte : raii into 'the .Port 'Montreal.. .:May 'lest to.Decerhber 1st, 1921., ren'Ort; ed by ttis seeceetary. ef the Montreal Beard of Trade,' reached' -140,0$5..;45 - bushea, a wohnhe, in eXce.se, - 6f11 othea,-lAtiantic .ports?'„Combiried trent ," f.ait- ‘'teePhilaidelphia iaed, Newport afeeyeeirielnding;the-,Part of ;Me-WeYork.: .:;aniattieitai-'cial'64e53,9,3,6fielauelielsecif :eeta irds Rob'Chickerts.. ,-arrivpd by lake- beats 'and 75,515?7,069. ' „ ! . by Dili !. !, h . , any. observant; person asnav -notice . , ., .. . Th.tai • w eat acceu.nted for spatraws a.reeno-larger-nunierous- . ,652, 0, a. bus . els.; cern e . 45,593,443 ' In the.' streets .ofeour -c1ties:1'. -eta ist .1)e7- ' ' -• basil-16,1a;9,1ad'Uats',22,389e6.6.7 busliele... c• ane foodl le lacking. The sparrows, Shipments, Of wheat to Montreal from Ulna' 'dri•Ven. from -th.eir urban haunts, ! the ,I_TnIteri States rose frOmal,648,250 ha• Ve aclacht to pick up a living in the, , --. in 1920' -to 27,520091m 1921, and' Corn suburbs - and outlying • farming dis- from 85;813 bushels lto 25;178,53-1:- , • - . „ . • tricts ' -They lla:Ve 'broom -6 a.very seri . - , Increasing Ex! poit og!!9rain. ' ., ous nulasnce to poeY ultr rats" er . ' , , Thatotai export 4 graii. of.all kind -3 Peciallyeini winter, wherithey. ins; adese- fremMeiitreal-in the s '. on was 119,- chicken yards in flocks, and even ' 602,189 hushelS, the, Significance of whiclr,is realized when conipared with , • ;the previous yeareaatatala ael,se•ele4a:gare and.' the previous recordof `,•dfle.",port'ot 75'361829 in 1914: -Tholigh wheat showed. a sulastantial,.ifiCrease -the- . . , mast remarkable dev'elopment was in cora, which 'trona shipme-ata of about. half a rnlflion laiishels in 1.920 jamped to moire than forty-three milli -cm bush- els in 1921. , ., The Shipment of cattle te the over- seas market .. did not .-Cornmence 'ag- greasively until the season was well- advaneed.,and.yet ire'the course of the seven mouths at open navigatitin, '35,- 000head 'left for 'LiVerpool and ,,Glas. gow,*pereas•-:-Shipments via. the; St. . Lawrence, irf .the previousyears have hdea negligible. , • • There 'are other' developments, as- .. . =red and projected, 1n -.the' port of Mentreah' deeplf eignificalital oe ,the -general,.appreciati-an of the' intportatice ef its future. Many shiphag companies, Lor instance, are, reported to be aeleing ter deeking rights in' the- aarbor, and , . , the ebrhing spring ari the St. Lawrence should se,Samoverreent'ef =paralleled activity. According td: the' plans of the steamship componies, nearly twen. ty additional tr.ans-Altaritic..passenger steamers will he using- Montreal as their, westero famine.). in Atlantic teafilo, An increase in 'cargo vessels is naturally forecasted. ` Already the St. Lawrence river carries ,more than cme third of -Canada's national trade to and from the -Port, of Montreal, the annual volume of which exceede, $750,- 600,000, and prospects; are that both the volume' and;the propnrtion will in- Illinolaanari.. It can dive, and cut all sorts' of „capersi'in' the water. In the body of the manikin (which , „ . . . is Made of wob,d,) is a, hollow chain, - ;bar' that. 'eXtends-- isp intie-ithe head, SLIISIL2raliamb,draare Prov-lded, in the Upper "arnieel the, &Stearn -is, the' `thighs Land:the:lower litabsel Ine.theae. cinalties. ...eiriall•-equantities., of lead: ,Sliet.,1- rare eT.he, arrase are p lieetede, at thee shoul- eleeseanclaelbawse the -legs at -the piips and „kno Thus, the 'dell is jointed, endthe limbs may be inane teeessome any Position desired. They have, , however, frictional grip suf- heieut, to held ,the joitts fixed vv,lien 'seta It tlie Mani:kin i to ''dive, ,the arms ,.ateel, legs 'aae ,sudjusted."suitable for that Men, when it is plunged into Viaa. ter • the 'allot -in the make themselves at home -in Poultry bady-and-ihead, chamber gravitate to houses, ' devouring the feed -provided the aweeeeepia thereof, L ,apid it s -inks. for the fowls. " . -bead 'fere-meat nulili aa.lt'asSumes the It Is no trifling mati:er, fnr.n..e0"soar harizental, ,the, head rise -s; the shot rows Will eat a quart -of grain per' day paehen'tay gaming bee ,the lower peat of and Will poii three tillles as much' ae the bodf cavity and cansing the, dell they coriannie- Bili the ohiaf -traq1):11 to aSeend on a slant to the surface like int -hat they spread disease, particular- a real diver. • ly the dreaded chickenpoX.' „ Poilltra keeper,s find themselves • obliged to make , timer ehicken' houses Marvelsof rr-.2 Tongue. atarroar-Proof with Wire net. Many. of when we speak of the "sense of them have resorted to systernatic,trap- pingle .Sparraws- are easilyetraPped and . Can he skinned: with r,mere twist :of the, finger. This.dealt with, and with: the. wings? and legs pulled off; they make, when boiled, ruest eaced- lent „food for chickens • Planes Hunt Fish The airirlane's'ervjae or tale United States Fisheries -Bureau has' proved especially 'useful. in .locatinic, for . the benefit of fisherraen, the menhaden, taate" we think at once of the tongue, San here is the seat of the principal nerves of taste, transmitting the sen- sation which' we call "baste" direotly to the brain and registering an impres- sion there preeizeity as sound cm pain register. But, in order to be apparent, the ob- ject tasted must be at least partially dissolved, either in water or in the na- tu-rail fiuld—isaliva-eercreted by the glands of the mouth, for even sub- stances with 'marked tastes, such as salt or -gel:nine, .will not make the ,whiefi teaV..el'atel]nrela sichelei5.11111.ni?nr" "tastae,illaPr.eseinn'-'. upon the brain lin- ing or'll'inf:ens leas app -lied la the term' of solution, to their' Pree,ence: 'being 'Indloated' '1.)er -a . ' • wide'spread rippling. ., 1Vienhadexi are net kocicr to' 6;4,, but their ail Ikea 'high, clareinerCialavaitie, and, •aftei it hae. bee/a-pees-sad out, the residue analeee asi...eXcel,lent' fertilizer: During the lest year., the. productlon, of rnethadea oil inathe United States was 3,676,453 'callers:: This. Wag in'greatillan 'the out- put of -whale "Oil, Whioh was 3;073,574 gallons The produCtion of .herring oil waa .$80,379 gallons, and -of cedeliver oil .196,108 gallbne:,. Other oila of ilia. rine origin, irteladinge that derived' froin. sharkst,livere? (commonly sold as hren.e.e, eadaiyete ,totalled..1.,06,0 322. 0'2'4- The Continent's,, Second Part. ' ions.' Montreal ia already, the seedn,d port '• 77'4 ' Unreas, enable. , •-.. angry CustaMer---"See. here, yoli oVerchargede me for 'that' :suit - aucl. it, 'wee, fall of ineths.". • ' , .- Tatio-r-e"What 'do you, eaPect for fifteen' dolle„rsi, i-Jtd,mming , A Lava, Feast. " • . , 'Better aca"a; 'ainaer 'of...herbs where love ifs-, .thetn; 6,stalled ex ,and hatred therewith. • ' . o-f.the American continent, its fifth city in respect of population, and the greatest inland -port, It is, the priaci- . pai point on the American continent „ for the export of grain and 'Other agri- etiltural produce), and now the greater part -of the enornieus 'harvest 04 -the, western :prairies' IS finding lee, outlet by wayet the St. Lawrence ihatead'ef . across the international border,' ' The work of developing the -aeeein- Modation and capacity of the harboi' le a ooniinnieue 'work, pregreSaingl'un-, eensingly. To date; at a aost of More 430,000,006, the harlio,r provides one' nundreri, steamships- 'bertha 'front 350, to 750 feet,in length,. With it depth of, Water 1: rOlil 25 to $15 feet. ' There ' a= two large elevators' at whieh. rail° 'vase ells can be icarieci wi,th . grsln. ,stinultarialously, sixty .-itetlesi of 'haebtir 11 total 'wharfage' Of abeitt 'twelve miles-, Montreal has tieide re- latiotie vit1i evercenritry ot :the glebe. Diering 1921 twelve of ale • worlets 'gre,atest shipping lines usod , , The fir\st key which opens the do -or - I OT 'Sale et S3 is the trading instinet, the knowTedge 'And senSe of the Teal value -of any Artiel-e. • The annuni aeport of the Chief k- apecLior Steolf ViTeelleien"Aeseialla slicaWs that there are no fewer than .5,995 catnels that section of bite Cenarterievealtle. ' Mink: this *Ver. The at‘eat 'War lasted afrom .Angdist,.1.914, to her, 1918:The estin'tated -coat (riot ins the -pert as- a teeminal -Mallet the Inuit. eluding 4be1d 04,1-/VOlet5y). w,410 $138,- , These nerves are not regularly buthd through the mouth, but are 'Closer tog,ether at the tip of the tongue and at the back tile= they; are at the tentre anti -the sides. The diffeaence in tastes noticeable in different:kind§ of substances is due to the effect which these solutions have u-pon the brain eeits ichichl con- trol our nerve-reactiona just as sounds have varying intensities and the .nerves of fooling Indicate different de- grees of pain or pleasure., The chr,istien indeed. is allowed to re101ee where other men rejoice; hut he ,is also hourid to ;OjOiee where ethers oarenot.—Leroy M. -Vernon. ANDERINE Stops Hair Corning Out; Thicicens, Beautifies. , • - her eat veraelsiarrieings Yearly ape:roe:a ,000,000,000, 1?4.199,60,0 rari-1.42 ?rnal-08. 0)1'4 ' , ,wele kill'ext And 26,18006,00, OLOu vrere WM:Ill/Jed. And lttiiL imne 'men tefnise, 41- -errocer throttet lu-e10v0.111 ,a,rmardent, •' arid 11,o,tvi.zea c tNred "hut, unr 11 1Jh.4V sebi' ' 1031,Yre3 A A ' eillmeetilt 11'0'4e -rite aii$•s!,,t - ale -eve , bilef.'cl'a, ISottle:o-il,'"DaatleiriiIe" 55 uuy,..firtte,stefee,- :clatter nue appliea- 'den 'yen 'can' 'net 'find A ''Partteli' 'et dainirttif Or,. talliug Beeides, every, ,hotr, ,r3hOINA n•OW It g ablitiaattes; WINTER, BARD ON BIBY The winter seas= is a hard one on the baby. He is -more or less confined to stuffy, -badly ventilated roomsIt is so often stormy that the mother does eat get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catChes •calds'which rack hie -little 'systemO his S tOurachaandebowels getout of order ,anclehe-hdeolnes-peavish-and)eross. To ner& against' th iee -the eal °the's' s hould, keep a' box 'of Babeils-Owa Tablets; in the 'anise.; They regulate the -stomach and" bow -els; mad break up-cot/Ida. They are sold' , by medicine dealers or by • mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Blockhead. Sergeant—"Now, then, don't' you knew hew to hold a ride?" - Recruit—"I've run a splinter in my eager." , Sergeant (exasperated)—"Oh, you 'aye, 'ave you? -Been seratehin' your 'ead, I suppose!" , . Minard's Liniment for Couglim and Colds 45, Grazing on Dominion Forest Reserves Ab Gut one hundred thousand head of stock -- cattle, horses ' and sheep --- graze every season on the Dominion forest reserves in Western Canada. This grazing keeps down the fire haz- ard and at the same time is of great value to the farmers and ranches -a in the vicinity of the reserves. MONEY ORDERS. Pa' Your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three, cents. • A Great Fea.t. Robert -- "Mother, was Robinson Ciruscai an acrobat?" . Mother—'I don't know. Why?" Robert—"Well, that book says that atter he had finished his day's work lie sat down on his chest." Pensions are being paid- to thrree and a h,alf million men, women, and children by the British, Ministry Pensions. USE SI. AN'S T c" k•!:APCS the after effects of weather exposure. years p; enemy. Ask tienae ue siccn,11,:e,cipsa,nti ly For forty s I.i ie Vkt all dtuggists5, 7,0;„ f, , Paid ' OU can't do your best when 1 your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with - Wit nibbing, arid enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort, Good for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and strains, aches. and pains, ,q, rr. rr t , .,iitrer with: thIS,coin. piso any mid I till ttill yO14 VV: erl'Oriete: an. old ta,t4i1y'temecly,, yeare ofimfrering„ , , • r,1 ; t"'11 ertraalleenfelrlea°7.7,".elle7l".",,lee. „ 51 ostts4v-r.,sr.t..tst ereset tt.tt.t.tt.stt. r.rst.tv,ittt trt.it ttttitstr eeeetetrtsrt ttstr.s.4,". ttr"".v.t 'r,rnt! r r+""aeat"4",'"itt v"tr °IrT4'ireere", , trr e. ' , Qutte„Teto„e, "1 s,eto'illat MarpOnli bas invented a , device by welch you -can see thaeugh brick ,fi'Sonlebedry invented that long ago." - Whowas h?". • "The Inen who Rust thought 'cif 'put- ling..windowa in'ent." Unique. "The way to rue, this country," said Knowitall, "is to put thorougaly wise, capable, alert and honest men in cons trol ere affairs," "Yes," answered MItiS Keen, "bat what are 'WO fo ao—there is only one of, you?" Still Missing. johnney—"Say, paw, 1 earl!t• get these 'ritlaineticexamples, Teacher said somethin' 'bout flndin' the great com- mon divisor." . Paw (in; disgust)—i'Great. Scott! Haven't they tofind that thing yet? Why, they were imatin' for at when 1 was a bey," A Guess. A leading citizen of an Ohio town was stricken with appendicitis- and an operation was 'deemed necessary. The editor ef the local paper, a pessimis- tic sort, heard of this and printed this "personal" about It; "Our esteemed fellow citizen, Rufus G. Grethena, will eater the hospital to- morrow to be operated upon for the removal of his a-ppendix by Dr. Smith- ers. He will leave a Fife and two children." Her Good Idea. A little girl III is poor family bas to wash a great many dishes. Someone begat, sympathizing with' her one day, remarkiag- what "drudgery" it must "No," she replied. "It's great fun. 3 have given' each -dish a- name, and they are. -all ,,my cliikirenn--,my `I --talk tothem- •While I -'am WaSthittg -them -and ,drying -them. a ,pret.end 'that.--,ii?,.a.ml,..dressiagethens. t-ike to ha,ve.them %all -nice and clean. And rni sure theyliksme for looldng,,atter thtem statVelle It's lots: of. fun." . The man who is not afraid o2 failure seldom has to £a -e4 ite MOther! Move - Child's 1,0vrels With California Fig Syrup Harry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the.bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may prevent a sick child to -morrow. It constipated, bilious, feverish, 'fretful, has celd, colic, or if stomach is sour, .tongue coated, breath bad, remember -a good cleansing of the little bowels is often all that is necessary. Ask your druggist for 'genuine "Cali- fornia, Fig Syrup" which has direc- tions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" OT you may get an imitation fig syrup. - Sanish Fi Claims Many Victims in Canada and should be Guarded Against I ' , I arc! sUnLcurt Is aeGreat Preventative, being one of the oldest remedies Used. Minard's Linimeeart has relieved thous -ands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat; Asithriat a,nd similar diseases. It is an Enemy to Germs. Thousands of bottles being used every day. For sale by all druggists and general dealers. Minard's. Liniment Co., Ltd. • Yarmouth, N.S: ,patlo , • valileawnif; 139-.:1.11A1POW.V44",rr. - Wrirj,,t0 Cor parFACL04.&"1r1. aaela/a, 'Veiciacidecse seea 11231,4,PX Y3QR MZ--. etee, artaiartieee, J. unicitiewaiiIiNSI ' tAt,i1',;--A-DIAPT -ZIAT•iit„,1210-1'ir:EAL Paralitei ,•,!, ,r-49 „ea,. ;.&„. 111:0,Qvitta* ktECOVEf(Ir. ' • Many Friends Tarilcvil le Revident Are Taking Tanlar After Seeing What it Did For Her. "My recovery by taltiag Taulac waS so remarkable that my neighbors Were all amazed ,tin -d many .of them started taking it/' said Mrs. Clare Wilson, Tankville, West Ca, N.B. "My 'health began to fall five years ago ann r grew gradually worse right along. To make bad rnatpere wore° I Was stricken With influenza and that left me in a truly deplorable condition. "It was certainly a lueltY day for me when nay hus,hand persuaded me' to try Taniac, and, it weai no . easy task, either, for I was no thoroughly dis- couraged elie.t I didn't believe any- thing could help me. r ara like a dif- fei-ent person hievery way, my diges- tien is perfect, I have gained twenty pounds in weight aad I am in the best of health and spirits now." Tanlac is sold by a,11 good diuggists. —Advt. -Character is -what you are; repu- tation is \Oat you try to make people think you are. • 00 $E- LT N WS A LT Bulk CarietS TORONTO SALT WORka J. CLIFF' . TORONTO Cube a Compl-ifens e The daily ase of tlia-Soap prevents clogging and irritation of the pores, the usual cause of pimples and blackheads, while the Ointment soothes ancl heels. Cuticula Talaarn is delicate, delightful, distingui. Semp25e. Oirthaeat25an4S0c:Talit.tura5e. Sold throughouttheDorninion. CanadianDepot: au, need, 344 St, Nei St., W. Noteresit. Cuticura Soap sisawaalwithoutame. Ara....11615021,5%...05, tee - , ALL, Keeps/ aieVie.:4119•Pie-1141$0, esidiws velleys. BAWM. eOlicelmanatmealizeic? "' eta eh ire/ettoaoiltrzo,14111.Si e,viarsoi lieeaiacyoRK!orisontt. w241, voncier Doa, !BritiolisiF, on. EASS Mta tricilse: 1)Fa e;lia .and 261:2pCIWIYes141.7-4''' -filter?* New. Ynilll"Ve0,4,-'.l In thoutinds of , Mother Soisera Syrup hos, SkrOVed effectiye in perrueineetiY baltaaidolt digestive troulAris even when therhiva' boos, of loos.staildiria.'-ii Yst-1 eutter; put it to the tost niter Your ofig,ICIPAtafiwtuyAsk, tt CH 'To Recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- - I pound, fort Helped Her So Much ! Fredericton, N. B.—"I was vzcalt, and had some troubles wother, of -tea • 'ea , , have, and usually I. was tuyp.t for ray Work. I saw your adVertisemente antl deeided to try. Lydia E. Pink- 'hara's ;Vegetable Compound. I am, c`wery much pleased with the result and recommend -your Vegetable CaM.- • pound 'whenever „I have a cleanse, • Yon may use this letter for the bens- -fit of 'others."—Mas. Waieraess, 360 Cliareh St., Fredericton, N. B. Tare. Wandlese, like many, Mani other women Who have found relief by taking Lydia E. Pealchani's Vege- table Compound, is anxioue, to kii-, other women know of this splendid medicine. So by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, its -virtues are made known. Women suffering from female ail- ments, indicated by such symptoms as backache, nervous troubles., ,tua flashes, Pain in the side arid a gen- eral run-down condition of the Whole system, should ta„Ite Lydia El. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. For nearly fifty- years it has beea ?helping women. Let it help you. Lydia E. Pirilehares Text -Book upau "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Writs to Lydia E. Finkhara Medicine Ca, Lynn, Mass. .,, For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stothach, Bilious Liver ! The nicest cathartic -laxative in the 1 world to physic your liver and bowels When you halve Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy -like "Cas - carets." One or two to -night wili empty your bowels completely by morning, aud you will feel ifpleadia, -They work while you sleep.' Can. earets never stir you up or gaps like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ton cents a box. Childrex love Cascarets too. WARNING! Always say "Bayer" when you, buy 'Aspirin, Unless- you see name ."Bayer:.,'on :tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take 'chances? Accept 0* an unbroken "Bayer'' paCkage which- contains.direCtipns and. dose. wOrked out by physicians during 22 ye-lafs and Proved safe 1:1Y. jor-V ' Colds Fleadactie .-t,Learaigia Rheurnatisiii Vit., F. ALLEN • ox 3014it „ armoutk MS, ."4+Nitt.r.tt"' t tortrtir ' ' 4 ' ootnacne iNeurn, s 1.;u1noago rain i rain rfarlity boxan of 31.9 tablet -4-414o tottles of 24 and 100-4,11 druggists, ASIA:till15 tlie trade mark crogitotoct di cartada) or isayer Ustuttoteris 51 hlotioseetteatide'ster; Olt Sallekneticie4e1 it ti -moil 'yr -town, eat Agpirin mttlx1s Isir�r Mrorat6,01,1,11`O, to moist the, p4)blitin.14alns taittrat6to, 00,t,s616tok coyqutmv win b5 etaniaea with their avao'ral trade worm; ".Beyer Croriit,"i . ' • ' •;,.."