HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-03-02, Page 8tattartratt,r0"
94 444'7'5, • 77' 7i;;*!-,T,Q^I...1,.•}1!'"37'VR,!'"71, 4
THIE 'fvlriNer1-1 1,92,12
Ms 1Vicieo..ty of tile Priblic Sclarol
Staff aisited friends in London on
Saturday, Ten Stallions Will Be Distributed
The Tee Storni did cortsidcrable Throughout Ontario for Fott.w.,
damage in this section to the talc- tifonths Each Year.
Phone poles, A number of Iiii211 are D'or the purpose of iraProvingth
busy cutting poles and renairing the breed Pf lht horses in Ontario, seven
in'this vicniy higli-elass stallions have been im-
LadlesGuild of Trinity church ported from England andavill be plc -
ire holding a pan cake social on ed at different parts of the province
Shrove '1'nesday the basement of for service about the first of May.
the Memorial Hall. • These ,stallions are now at Wood -
Our townsrriara Mr, Geo. King is bine Bark in Toronto, and before the
the oldest resident in this vicinity. ist. of May will be joined by three
On March the tst. he will Itavceattaln-
ed his oath birthday. Although begin-
illag to feel the weight' of his years,
he is able to Walk to church every
Sunday. In t858 be was united in
inarria.g,e with Miss ,Mary Wright and
in t9o8t they fittingly eelebrated their
olden Wedding. 8 children were
born to thein, all, of whorn are living,
6 sons and 2 daughters. Death has
never entered the fainily. circle. Mr.
King is the oldest. Member on the
Quarterly Board, of the Methodist
orl sale )1.50
Tiktotr,,taSilk ihades of Navy, Snd, Gren„ Brown,
0 Men's Fine Dress Shirts, *lack and white strIpes,
colored stri e, 14 to 17, reg. $2 and 225,
iale, in indo'. , $1.49.
Saittiona. per can.— ,, , ...... ,9c Redpath Sugar, per bag •,. .7.75
Corti, 2 c.aatias - . . • • • . ••• .. 25c Excelsior Dates, pkg 19c
Pigs, per ib •••...• • . •••• . • ; .• • • • —10c RobirithOod Oatmeal, per iokg ...... —25C.
Oattileal, 6 lbs. ... ... ..... •• • .••25C
. .
_ th,ok 1Av " ,
rt1F1'• „Iti gr.+ 1,01k,1,4lIVP.1
lama • A
; .
entammenninteam manfesmatummes
WIrs. Jas. Anderson, 5th line., had
the ruiSfortuile to fall and break her
wriSt Mrs, Stewai-t Bayfield, is spend-
• ing a few' days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Halliday.
• Miss Danford of Detroit, is visiting
lier sister, Mrs, Milton Lake,
Rev. Jones was unable to, take
charge of his services last Sunday, on
account of a bad cold.
Mr. John Ferantscm spent a fw
days in London with, his daughter,
Mrs, Murray Johnson. •
Mrs. G. Proctor left for her liorne in
Melville, Sask., on Monday af.ter
spending three months with iter par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Halliday.
'rhos. Brydges and family have been
all laid up with the Grippe. .,
If your ovenis slow to heat you will find Egg -0
just as slow, to act—its double ctiork insvires
e,,..-tverting with a ill® or hot ()yen.
. ,
3:011;r1ve., .%fi5111 di 44 .091454" 1414
4 4$ 0 Vettlr#.44M11411,41A7 451111,ttg "'az,
The special train to Listowel last
Monday evening' to convey Lucknow
and Winghain hockey teams and sup-
porters to Listowel where. a sudden
.death •ganie,Iwas. played to decide „ the
winners of this group was 'a dee:Allied
success.. T.Atelcnow winning the game -
by 4 to I score. They will not. Have
such easy sailing in their next game,
however being matched against the
fast Exeteragurich combination.
The juniors journeyed t� Elmira
last Thursday to play -there- but the
stotin put the lights out of commis-
sion, and when the Elmiaa. team had
looked the Lucknow team over, they
decided to give Liteknow bOth games,
without playing, •
The C. 0. 0. F. gave their annual
"At Hon-te" last Thursday evening in
the Odelfelle\vs Hall. A very large
MalibillertEMVSEMONAINMEONSIMEIMINSOUPV00,22 crowd vvas in attendance and a most
enjoyable evening was spent. Euchre
n. a Great
and Dominoes, took ,up the first part
of the evening.The winners were for
Dominoes--,-IVIiss Libby ILYOns. and
Mr. Geo. ;Andrew; Euchre—Miss
Ethel Anderson and Mr. McLean
Johnston. After linach most of those
present enjoyed - a dance for a few
Al the laat regular meeting of the!
High 'School Literary. a Geography t
match was the featare with Caroline
-Webb and Evelyn,Lockhart as capt-',
ains, the former winning-. There was
also a mouth organ selection by Jo -
land Hassal, a, quartette by E. Reid,
• W Alton, W. Murdoch and R. And- 1
rew, 0 reading by Miss Edna Rivers,
and 0 piano dnet by the Alisses Mit--
1 chell. The meeting cloa'ed with the
National Anthem.
The Official I3oard of the tViethodist
church have invited their Netter, Rev.
Eultoa Irwin to remain for a fourth
year._ hir. lra-in accepted
tion. _
The 'Missionary SocietY put on the
nrogram last Monday evening at then
Young People's Guild of the Presby -T,
terian Church. Little Miss Bala -ant:-
Master •Teddy Phillips delighted the
audience With a missionary' recitation
Kathleen :Hill sang. a solo and Mrs.
Murdoch and' Mrs. W.pi. :McKenzie, a
duet. Five young people from South
Kinloss church gave a splendid mis-
sionary dialogue and Mrs. W. L. Mc-
Kenzie gave an interesting paper on
the topic, "The.'. Missionary Spirit Of
the Early Chnrch."
Mrs. Gen Giliias, near the station
who has been ill for SOMC time it; im-
proving, Mr. John McDiartnid who is
10 hospital -in Toronto is improving,
Mr. Richard Webster, who some time
' ago went to Toronto for an operation
has returned, and we understand -is no
better; Mr. Sara Robertson is improv-
ing. • ' '
Miss Belle Robertson has returned
front the Millinery Openings in Tor-
onto and will have tier Opening here
about March 1st,.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McConnell of
London, former residents 1 • • •
ection Man Dismissed
The C. P. R: Train which left here
last Tuesday afternoon met with a
mishap. near .Glenannan, when one
of the coaches was derailed. No one
was injured but the train was delay-
more—Rancber, Springside and one
other, will, be assembled and
kept m Toronto, free of expense, from
about the 1st. of September to the
1st. of April or May each year, when
they will be handed over to a suitable
man for servicein'the country during
the suminer months. The places'
where the horses -will be stationed
be' suggested by the -Dominion
Government, through the Militia De-
partment. Service fees will be
nominal. ' •
The stallions which wsre purchased
in England by W. P. Fraser for the
Canadian Racing Assoaiations, will
form a nucleus of breeding stud
which.it is inte,nded to develop from
year to year.
The horses secured by Mr. Fraser,
are Alasnam, winner of the Derby
Gold Cupa Cattegat, a winner on the
turf; General Probyn, bred by the
King and a' winner of King's prem-
iums in England; Rcd,King, whose
seryices always were iis great demand
111 ,England; Spring V\Theat, also bred
by the King and a winner of King's
premiums and saper-premiums; Mc-
Neill,, a good turf winner; Quartz'
Roek, fashionably bred and' a winner
011 the turf.
Hospital Donation'
On SD inlay the '11dethodists of
Wingham took up a collection for the
Wingham General Hospital which
amounted to, $'r84.65. This was to
show that as a' church they are in
sYlnPathy with the hospital, although
many members refused to buy tickets
for a euchre and dance.
eu wane ine coach was put bacla on A Dry Pump:•
the rails again. The "Snt. of the A small saaaaa• boy was, summoned
division claimed that the accident was to give evidence against his father,
the result of spreading rails, while the
Supt. of the Montreal Division said it
was other causes. However the crew
of' the train. claim that Ft.• plate off the
fire box came loose and the break
beam catching it slid it_ onto the rail
and the coach- wheels fah onto it and
then off the track. Mr. Hewitt, we
understand, was dismissed as being
negligent, but be intends to demand
an investigation and with the.evidence
at hand should be able to prove his
innocence and place the real blame
where it belongs. Anyone who knows
• the C. P, R. section foreman here are
emphatic that there was never a more
conscientious worker on this bra,nch,
and. the general public are very much
in sympathy with Mr. Hewitt, and
that the charges `against him are an-
founded.—Teeswater News
The quarrel kt the cafe
looking eyes, the white dash of a tatantiOg
0" smile -id. the challenging shrug of a slender
shoulder, halftrevealed beneath the mantilla
of back lace --these were enough to start
trodde, ,V7h6it followed is one of the ntoot
exciting, intri scenes
n roatten
..1-1,:;:?a4!)-;red b51 ,h,frpo' Marco Nolvol?
JILAycielm1:1"rt •
r and Fille;Mrt
•• •!'• I.
arch 2,1t4r,
ik kituafai.s P11141 '1tii1'igS,
tete al ViS-
litui,tliGfrrsitth.ricseii:iyailisisainsds{r,celnactiiivnegs a,ilerwowwile.eks
with laser sister, Mrs. Brown Mallough
. ,
Dt, lyIeLeod of Ripley has opened
a Dental Parlor over Dr's, Elliott and
Connell and will visit Lucknow every
The' floo,d last week was the worst
seen' here in many years, he f rut-
ture factory was compelled to quit
, •
work, over a foot of 'water Dente,. m
'the machine ahop.
All; =20 c and 25c pap-
er covered Novels,
are rie>vv- s-etting at
15 ce...ritt-; e2•.chi.
who was accused of making 'a. dis-
turbance in the street'. • Said, the law- •
yet- to ltitno "Come, ma. wee, 'mon,.
speak the truth,.and let :us akai
ye:ken abbot ,tlii.S'afiiii'';'W/eela sila"
said -the bdY. Inverness
street?' "„I do, .l'addie,"'-eplie)11bis
.worship. "'AVeel, yea: gang....alonr;., it
and turn 'in at the, square and.: across,
the scitiareaa--"' Yes3".,- ,-the
gang .acroas. the' aqUare, ye. turnato
the ,right' -and '.up intd • High •Street,,
and :keep on •up Higb street till:
conie t�a. a pump." Quite right, my•
lad: ProCeed," said' his'
"Weel," said the boy with tile most
infantile, aimplicity, "ye may gang..anr •
pump it, for yell no pump met." •' •
I; ; • 0, , i,,,, ;,,, •,;; „I"'
t,artt be it.,,asiiy an oi auccessrL/1,1
And in any case, they lean be made to wear out
, the Season
, •
Note these exceedingly low prices and We gttaraltlitee
absolute oatishaetiort,
Fine !lubber Soles on Rubbers that iiialte instal almost as
goail as new, for . , , , : . ....... 45c per pais'
Heavy Soles on Viorls Rubbers —Leather topped rubbers and long
rubber hoots, for . , , 75c and 1. 00 pet, patr
Fine Rubber Soles on \Women's Rubbers for . „ ....... , .35e per pair
Rubber Soles on Boys' Rubbers 101; . „ ... . . . ... 35c ;per .1,,tair
Rubber Soles on .Children's Rubbers for ... . . „ . , ......25c psir Raly
It has been the' cmstoin to throw away old rubbers bus now things,
have changed and. in many calstsi they can be repaired so' succesefully as to
increase their Weatin ; TWO FOLD.
• • ,444
he Shoe Store
Rev. Lennox of Newmarket,' ta?,,ola..
charge of the,Services in Knox chnrch
, .Sabbath afternoon.
Rev. Mr. McKibbin still continues
in poor health, his work was taken on
Sunday by 'Rev. Holines of Wroxeter
in the morning and Mr. Coates of
Hamilton, in the evening.
Rev. N. D. and Mrs. Sinclair' of
Tiverton, were calling ona friends in
the village oil 'Wednesday, also at-
tendiag the wedding ofaMiss Latrra
Renwick 'a -ad IVIr. George Inglia, of,
Mrs. George kierd is in 'Foronto,
receiving. treatment for her eyes.
• A play entitled "Deacon 11,ibbs"
will be given on IF,riday evening in
-the tlornitm i ty 1-1 all, c o in rnencin g •t
8 &cloak. Admission 350 and 250..
wale. and share 40 the Ian,
r,l'fic Women's Alis•sion Day will be
c.31)served. in the P.resbartcrian Church
on 'Pi-1day .afternoon. A special' in-
vitatiori is extended to all. •
Mr. Matt Sanderson of Wroacter,kia‘, •
Was in the village on Tuesday op ,bus -al rf4
• James 'Weialtar gave a party to
YounIa friends On .1.?riday night,, w,lic
a Most enjoyalile title Was s'aieru. ,
\Vin, Duff received' and delitvcr-
Elliott ed a car of 'Western Oats thin week.
I Quite a number from hake athen&d.
the -meeting on the School, Q,uestion,
at \\Yi nghani on, M:ouday' nig Itt..
• Mrs:- Geo. Gannett is. at Belmore,
looking after her,- r,e-nrs who, are on
Ilia sick list. -
Mrs. Aitken resumed. Iter- duties on
Monday after. being- on the sick 'list
Books; StationerY, Magazines.
Town T1 c k et Agency „Canadian
filational Grand Trunk Railway.
Ocean tickets via all linei.
• NOTICE TO CREDITCRS— the past two weeks with 0.Alinsy, Mrs.
Notice is liereby giVea. 1)-01801.111 bo Section IF1:51.514*..lis°11 ill °large 411‘ring her i1
1 -
0G Chap. 121,95 the Revived Stattitee of Ont.- Rey., T Is was m liottcar-
aria. that all persons he ring chums agednet the I 1.
Tilt,tate of Thomas D. James, deeeaSed, who 0, 013 l,--' 11 11(1, , r
Airs, j as. unfterwo CI qp(Dlt 1CW
days with relatives at Drayton.
We are still 'without telephone 100-
-V400 since the big sleet storm last
Wednesday. Many cellars were flood-
ed and about a toot" Oen of water hi
died on or about the tenth day. of sanuaay,
19n, al,'; Die Townshio of Turnberry in the
Province of Ontario, are required to send by
1)0.11TETEad, 01q0 diver;to It V'atistone,,
o91 or b A. , .
their names and. addresses, with full Davie -
Wars Of; fheir claims in writing, mut the na,ture
of, tfaitiliturities (15 anY) held by them. ardy
verified cy statatorydeolaratiou,
And further take notice that after the said
first giaY of April, 1022, the ass, ts of the said
estatewill be distributed by the IIIxeoutorS
among theparties entitled thereto, having re.
gat d only to plasms which. they. 'shall then
ha,ve,notioe, cad the estate will not. he Haw
for any claims not filed ot, the thee of the said
Dated at Wingham this twenty-seventh clay
ot February. A., D. 1922, vvi• 0.
Sobel tor er the 10:steeni ors,
I-Iarding—Doubledee—In Howiet:, 00
W'e.dnesday, March, fat,, _Janet AO-
retta, daughter • of Mr, and Mrs.
George Donbleelec to Mr. Norirani
• D. Harding, 1011 of ex-,T2eeve I-Iard,
'mg of lIowieh.
g. 11 .--Renwick-411 Howlett, on
Wednesday, Feb,- Geo, Inglis
• 1.0 ll i1 ffoivick,
111, 0, latish Otows
Owit'll; to iocreasing gr OW I: b of
Sacred ileart l'arish, Teeswater,
Vt., Harris, formerly of 'Brantford, hos
been spponit cd assistant to the Rev.
Pr, 141A10,,k!_ti,
the sehoot
basement. •
Arr. and Itrs. W, Rattan visited
friends at 'Wroxeter. on Monday.
Mr. Robert "Vet has moved into his
tdi •
1,4 —1 ----"T'S STEWING TIIVIE
• , •
;the' I.,9 -11g,.
Lines of This geasOri's
Silhouette by' wearing
etno Corset.and a, Circlet
They tnold the -figpre above• and,.
below the waist into gta,cef..iii symnietry
and give flat, -fashion,
• able lines from
'shoulders td hips„,
• Your ,
will appear tO
the best ad-
vantage , over
the correct
Nene foun-
Let S
Our New)) Corsets and Circlets
1 41 t1 tic) a in
Mr, Thos ,Stevvart received word
Monda.y Ills son, Howard-, is laid
-lap sick at 'Winnipeg, . holie
Spring Ready.i.o..Wenr
Ladies' Suits
Ladies' Coats
Ladies' Dresses
Ladies' Blouses
Hosiery, Underwear, etc.
House Dressee,
he Will soon. be better again Men's dim d YOlitirty rdetti.ti
Mrs, 'Eldred Nichol is on the si4
We 1100e silo will sooi I'm 0. K,
NC) n..DIT°115 No. 3, rtiraherry for the in °nth of
NI091100 18 )181'011I atirsuaat ta 800tion iv__tch-nee 13recil., 67; Irene rot.
f9llovving is the report of S. S.
66,011.fty.121., of, I itovieed State( es of Otitario Niiindell 65; Robert rlreeti 1,
that at porsOns having claims against the Es. 0 meGly„1:01 1.
nu nrahatirto tenth. day of Deeehabor, A. 0, it, 'V-4 ent c Camp e , 4;
tate of 'Catherine Soh wartz, doeeeeed, WIk,0 aka rge 11 .
3 i
1921, kb the °Van of Wirnhate In t
of. ontario, ale reqUired to send by post, pre. bal Meter],
paid, or to delivor to R. Vansten, Winglini, *Acid • ic Breeken ridge, 60; *Th-rinly COT -
°marl° solieitor 5001,110 AdedIdet,retrix, 0005 •4,2• 15090 i\fetcalfe 57.
heore the drAt dos., of Ap011, A. D. 1922, 1.; en, 82; jean
nainesargi.a4dr,.eas With hill particulars Of
tbeitt ohlitatlin Wti"1111C, Dd. tan natuie of to. 'McLen, 66; Antic $101<v, 6h jimoly
1 Pr°171"e° If Clarke Elliott, 77;
II 1 1 1 " d 4
oattitc4, 00.°r°4, °b. '' III--Geofge Ivittudoll 8S, Alec
furtbor take polio that•af ter tile said ,
prig," Kiltroc,torn, , 1,02a, to itoo, pe_ .40 86; Margaret' turd, 8o;
sota.eotammintio datributelli/Y1 Adihtan. 'Herbert Cainpbcil, '72; Stnart
ottritict ttio 11011cir st y 3\1,,,rz„hori, 12.
gtirtta-tairicatolirtieettirritioalatisrato;: hcii 64;"I3,tit -.itokes, •
hs,vnig'rogar to tits Oaints,or whitin filet II r No
ehall then havenstide, anti the eidAte W/11 net 1., ;va i. • L'I-v-a.";et rt'0.11-
t ti 65 4.11 Mervin Marhatt, 28,
CIAO i•t dtHttibittlom. First Cia!ts----Evolyn Lincoln,
Tor any 1111,1111k 1101 hied itu to me 14441091,
• D111:4111 W1nfb0.04 11001310 so clay ; stoko.s.
cif ll'ehrileyy, J.),i 194, •
rItnr,---Attio Metca.lie, Ruasell
WintItham P •v1.11rd
9150110191(9' 1039,911910 ao91al,r1p4.111,(1;1,, 1\4:y13(1(.., M, to,(rivflett, Toleh.ct,
. .
. .
, . .
444 III.:1, .. ,i.,,i ',."'il •; ,',"•• ,.': Li ' , `,' ill,IAi, tr.,, 121,i,AI, A,
Y ,, ,,,,,:•i:{:0',I,':,','•,,,: ,,, 4?.I(II'l tI.in, I, 4;
,491 ' . 0.40IC-, 14
,,' ,,I ' I• /01. I II' IIIiI.
• Thisjs 11918 tirne of the year to do
your sprittg sewing. We re now.
Made-, to Meastare StAits,
showing 0110 new spring stools of •
cottons, wash materials, etc, cea
You will notice a decided redac-
tion in price from last year, we in-
, •
vac you to conapare our prices, and.
Ci.inghtnne . , • „60c, yd
Printed Voiles , , 78e to. 1.50
COttorin . to 50c
Locgclotb, „ „ 25c to 60, date ordered. ,Serges, worsteds,
$30.0( 1:o $41g,
/nacetial, cvorhananship, style
and tit of our speeial older clothing
1011,,111111:$PPgtoet.:10,11,11810:01tYa:::(11:ctolizInTt d.cIe,,y01::1".::: •
will he ilnicthed within 1' days from
Sheeting , .70a to L25 twe,edc and chViots,
•44 4913141 l.4W 54 ne4455 71"11.. APN11, 101t1 ,
A' 0
Viiiiy.wharrk" Ca$h Sttoro Vilirughtim's Cash Ste,',I,rgt
r,31 ,r1 t1't 1 ' r