HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-03-02, Page 7irau il1Wlhed at it ha >iOno�� v ry Thursday i' ornIn0 -, s1,,1.liII, 1.uiadial er aubserip�;iosa a'ates: -- Gni) year,' :2.00; : s1x ntoiatia 1: LO0- in advance.. lsiag rates on application, 2dvertisfee ants without specific di we tipns will be inserted until forbid aria charged accordingly. Changes for contract Advertise- -heals dvertise-meal s 1e in tlie; office by noon,' F :on - ay, ;-;QI.;iSII ESS CARDS Velli o ' ut.. al Fire a��'tr YTi 4ti 1l. Insuransce Co. Establislxe4 1840 Head Office, 'Guelph ' Resits taken onall .;1,. 1 .lea 1, et, c asses of insur- able property on. the .cash -or irernlurn l 1 Y 1 Roto system, ' ABNER COSENS, Agent, Win gharn ,121f ,t,IOLIWES k3 lRBIS!BR,, SOLICITOR RTC. t'iciory and Other Bonds Bought and Sold. Ofilce-Mayor 'Block. V./Ingham la. {g BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR-...., hlone).'',to Loan at Lowest Rates.' . . ' .WINGHAIVI q D.D.S,,L.D. S. Doctor oC Dental Surgery' I'ennsvivania .College and,'I.'icentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office in Macdonald fl of, the i t Block, ,Q�yy a �1 at.a ¢ Graduate Royal 'College of Dental r eor Surgeons u g is Graduate University' of Toronto e Faculty of Dentistry • 1 OFFICE OVI3 H. E. iSARD'S'.STORE •a T ,B.Sc., 'NIaD., O.Pc7. Special. attention' Old to,. Wench and Children, having postgi°aduate work in. Surgery, ter.iology and Scientific 11.1ediciite.; Office- is the Kerr. Residence, .the Queen's Hotel and the Church. .All rtusiness given` careful Phone 54. P.O. diseases of. taken`- . Bae-: between Baptist attention. 'Bon•113 a ° h s' tc 41 P. ii ac e_ s to of b• car I hi oi. . to •:i 1 a b 3 w v t h b e .;. to' so gig St? qi: th a. v di: th+ to :. enc tad MI l me od ole cit: ba Iv' prr carr Lii did] ., �rz 1,. r. u M R.C.S..(Eng).: L.R.C.P. (Loud). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) Graduate Faculty, Ontario Surgeons. Second c JOvEP!'IiNE, w n,1 .. 1 . of University of 11�Iediclne; Licentiate College of g 'Physicians Office Entrance: •h :"Door North;.of Photo" Studib7' STRE'!=: • °.pl-IONoy &� �. of Toronto, of the andto 2urlbri 's 99 2iy ' Y �N, a ��f! •„ General'Practitioner. ., 0 adnate University'. of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, om.ce-Josephine St, two'.doors south Felephories-Oildee ,'281, Residence 151 • , I SELL Tewn and Farm Properties. Call and see my ,lint and get my prices... I. have some ex.Celient.values ar T W AR WINGi-tAM • - Phone 184 - office in Town Hai!. DRUGLESS X R.` ,, It is easier to. lteep well than to:'e• over lost' health." -Chico practi F c .-+1t1• lustments is the Key to Better Health. -.i• I'hay renlhve'tlic Cause of,' Disease*. DR. J. ALVIN 'FOX, I hent; 191. Hours -2-5 and 7-9 ,na. �' DRUGLESS Y�. - �I ]� �.I4.���"11� TE .TI Y ' DCR. 6' A.PARKER Osteopathic Physician, only clue.iiled arcopatir in North Huron, Adjustn, 2_ ax th r`.a is inose quiekiy secured and 'With few,or treat rents than by any other method., .Blood pressure and other examina- ns in ede. OVER,' , CHRIST 1E'S STORE 1`ree Flaintind; reedsitatilcl lid planted t,9tey ere ct+,if•rnaitt. Plrcy �lay be+ Zalantetl' the, slxin; es sson; as the frost is out Of the' ground until the trees start WVtII, or, itz th,a sass• of btiardwoods, uY, nit _•oi' e;ni:ife rebtie sl#btila3,;hat bc pl erttiil r s iho �Q tai, gal t .Line) 305wvth Starts... 5t;. l;ii`b#tclleaaf" 1 eta skioltlCi ha: f#azi 'lYY91, O. only wr;.art the :leavea t 133 The agg,regataiol British-Coinaibla' Preanction in 1927, was .$41,0;2-65,74, 1a 'Which, agriculture accounted for 75,r: 000,000, minerals .$24,000,000, ;forest Rad eines 59,.500,000, :and manufactured pro- ducts $223,000,000 )lan.k clearings British Columbia for; the period wore, amin'pximately $1,000„000,000. The population of tie Province of British Colombia in the ,1021 � 'erisus is announced by tine Domiir:oer 1lureau' of Statistics as 523,309, an sinc,,e 1011' of 130,388,: or nearly 38 per cent. The population of ifictoria is re- turned at 38,006, - an increase since the last census of`:7;028, • • Many familie'sare expected to come Prom England to settle in the -Stuart' Lake country,` British Colurrhbia, as 'a result vof the visit of I --Ion. T. D. Pat- tl1” u„p, S'rovineial Iti tnisfei' of Lands to England last sunm er, . Mr. 1 attulio''is returning t3 I9ngland ,supervise the emigration and also to seen more set- tlers. The merirbership of the United Farnxer's of Alberta increased from 30,- NLE • I'ry TERN CAN: !(00 in„ X920 to a total ,of nearly. 38,000` hi 921, acc•prdizin to IIp IIi3 lrrjiotta:u;: 'g'en€eral� secretary The, 1izen1bers111p has marc than doubled:in the Idat, four: , l.'y'ears._A. fart er large increase ih thO' n.urilber of locals had. taken place there bean a grand eta ,r g r�za G fetal of ],a0a, This was. •mala u i of 1,037 3J 5' A: c 1 locals, 809' T,.lr.W,,;�., and. 710 jue r', locale.,: Large expert rt orders < are > being. e Large 10, "i b r, t cstw c3liy tbe Medicine flour mill,, and up'to the prc oat time they have shipped 1,790 Ston,,.of four to _l Grope,' which- is moving via,Vencoixver and the Pan auma OlanaI,,aud have. yet -to' ship by that route 2,498 toes.; ,They -}rano rl3o .Jiipped:eighty tons, of flour•, .to China and have :about, thrde"hun- dred tows in aixlrt for that b l.1 dC'�tilati 011:: During .1.921; ,` :12,080 settlers, cash amounting to 53,780,000,` ttnd of fects valued at about 59,2,070 Came to . r Canada„from the'United States' and Settled in distriets between 1?ort Are thur and. Kingsgate, British Co1urnbia;,; according to T. Gelley, -Commissioner of Immigration.: UN BY TWO O r.E >< DAUGHTERS OF EVE. allant Struggle Under Severe Handicaps to I'., tta t Success and hldt '• endence. A rualeleee Eden -on the , C:ana:dian prairie -is to be found at Oak Laire in he Brandon 5iatrict , of Manitoba, here, w two.modern daughters ters-of L+ve b''h Kaye, unaided, wrought -miracles of ac c'mplishinent in transferrbing the tra1d .uncultivated sod into 'one -of the direst eind'richest.farnm, in the area, 'where ' a i .. ne en Here,. m n s ..ver."se , ave asa visitor,' two fair, yoimg'Eng-. ishl girls are successfully • managing id operating a 'vast acreage which vouid tax the capacity of most male a gricul+turaliste. ;Their success over number of years, their high.. degree f prosperity after .arduous toil which was all uphill, the'manlier in which they have conquered, one by one, the endicaps•,`of .their sex and circum - lance, form the nonst brilliant tribute Canadian .woni.anhood. The fortune they have wrested from e bosom of -the 'Western Nadirs oves conclusively that it is far from epos-sible for women to achieve tire nipletest success in Western Calla - an agriculture, and their 'story and .maple allay encourage others eager try the freedom and it dependance life in tile, open, but wvh-o are held Lek by what they consider. the handl; ps of their'sex. Jomen of Courage and Enterprise. Their father calm' from ' is ,, ro i the British es 55 Manitoba some years ago with wife and daughters ad settled up - a homestead in the, Oak Lake dis- act. He was. city bred, and his dough-' re. as "unfamiliar with rural or' farm fie as any ,children whose- early' years ave heen:;.spent among: city streets nd• whose activities havey been liiirited urban boundaries. Misfortune, vertook,;them rapidly for the bread Hiner of the familydied,; leaving his; 1e and daughters, unprovided for, eir-only asset a, farni heavily encum; cred with. mortgages. The natural thing one would have xpected' to hapldn would be the bandonment of the farm and the ceking .of the' fam+ily:to the nearest vni or city to add three unemployed to the population. The two le, however, were"made of stern if and possessed of intelligence; arid, ion which ' gave'"..them• foresight of great agricultural future, vah•ich, anted Manitoba and the'.Branden trict -Individually ,_they, threshed matter out thoroughly,. and Caine the sante conclusion, They ;ale, ed .to set themselves a tremendous k for two young girls, one. of seem- impossibility, eem- im ossibilit :.;: one o'daunt•' p Y,. t most a andfro with fraught wr the longest.. is, agai fst suocesa no., less than' of aria the farm of ifs debts, gand:en- ribi-antes,, 'putting it, on a sound is, and. inducing. it to'provide -thein h a, comfortable living" and 'ultimrate. spet•ity ;nand indeliendenpe. `.hey would seem to have started in the greatest independence- of rat, a• keen appreciation of their To a Great:Soldier , This memorial to Bri General John. g,. Nicholson, who saved"the Punjab for tine Empire, in the Indian Mutin', arid y, fell 111 the storming of Delhi, was lug- veiled c recently � in Market 'Square, Lisburn, Ireland. in, this direction, and: a re- , solute determination never to call in the assistance -of any man Y n bat' Drove what two inexperiencedg irls could, do with fertile western land. Since the father died a man's hand on the farm has neverguided _. .'a plow, or seized a fork,. Ploughing, seeding, haying;stooking; harvesting, feeding,: all the multitudinous tasks of -farm• life in their every phase and detail, have been solely accomplished by the two giris,.arid the excellent reputation the farm has among the province's agriculturalists`to-da is the 'greatest y g es. tribute , to their sustained endeavor. and' determination, 1,1ilst the 'moth-; er, who is now old and; almost hlin.d, remains the housekeeper, the girls; have, in the best and'. every sense of the word, ;provedthemsdlves the ni,en, of the family and;overcazne,any handi- caps andics p their : snit .may be..-. expected .to. have imposed upon then;: From 160 to 1,120 Acres. • ' :When the father died' the farm con- sisted• .of a homestead; of one: hundred and sixty acres' encurnibered'tvitli ,a mortgage; to -day the two.,giris have extended and develo ed t' p d herr holdings until , they comprise a section and'. three quartets; or;a,120 acres. They started operations on their own with seven horses, and;ten Bead of cattle; are there re n ow on the -farm twenty, three, horses and 'ninety tread 'of eat- ale,, Furthermore ; each animal, is an attainment in breeding worthy of spe- cial attention,, and no expense or care• is omitted in bringing the fari