HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-03-02, Page 6Ilvvirtrr ,
rmIZ pw,a*4 t119:wwwwarwuos. p...two
By illi= Le
iglited to find that MYra had eve- ly re-tered, 'et'here ire also a, 'middle aWaY 110t, tO :',14,,,,'graVate the
whet; might have b,eell fectdy ,firtQf a course of tneatohnit 'M it may reetraih the huaien ugerie,y
' geve h 'me sereul: - ,f1 .1.1, I '11 g ' ; -of removing the necessity' for 1:111`111er
triemph mini° a (sive for fho lig,ht, red gla$,SeS 011e,e. 'We can eee how aetivity."
Inteu'aing te switch it on, Thils that, goes. Bat I feel that it Aveuld "Well, at' sound enough," I ac -
o eou'r'"'•nave had a venv arl eirdet be teivhle to introcluee hec qtliesced; "but I shall hear from you,
' UPen inY darding's forten- light in gradual stages in ease 0 any f I ?"
' "Of course my dear fellow." lie
Shel.W." 141Y-ra exela.inic er;e'
, , es, 1.„-ittoh I have no intention of'
° ed "We ranSt ran ne 1-11c5 un'1"31 -ran' -" t e ping this for a minute, Ewart, But
her sight that I very -nrierly raigic :she lasay he able, • to eee , per. effect$ ;or a ;extern" lihrmareenere:
dted lterese the; " T ,
au 1, -oh could only find peer old 4E034-,-leci, \A G re in th-ls.thing .; ,
_ „
Iibt ibO
"Not vet E-,,yort. riot yet,' lie ware. Ga' turned, i;o' her'. with look of ',want, 1,1r,10 C.
Te;''.' are quite sure." , "You're a luelty young dog, Ewer, ,
"But Ronnie I can eec- quite well," he whispered to me, "by Jove oilI think X can do more if 1 am iuit
,),Tycie d.,,-,,ehreet'delightedly, -I en see are!" ' . • ..1 t , t til 'Pot We're agreed' thqrit 111-Y
everything jnst as easily as I usually, So NYra graciouslY, -Du a lit le re-' Preeence here may, be a source of
try. 1.1.w light ef the dark -room eretfully 3 think placed herself in the danger to You 411.' '
lieride of the young specialist and re- ' "Yes,' I said, X think Yours is the
....'1'1".SP-ii.Cli we won't exPose you to the pllaced lier ehade. Then we left the best plan. ToWbil-eut edonotiYnouueaP.:0POse to
;A:1,:ss )1utecd," said flerneek, solemn.- vet it 0, -1,1 rico,. arel weut down
„.„ e'rf 'white light just, at present, dark -room, allowing -the films to 0.0- do?"
''`We must beevery -careful. rrell stairs. We took her out on the ver-
- nopsis eding- Chapters,. 'very leisurely eShiun au licur (or suddenly?" I roOmen,t, butthe chill air of the .high-
. Minard's Liriementlieed by Veterinarles
-, he,w41-a Y°'-'1- sIght return, -i'u-anclah, ;and removed the shade for ,a -
rhe -outhe-eek of:,,i „Exl- in:,),14.1.fir two and aft,er. lunch the four edi dileld.y.;,, I think,' the gird' rel,died• land- night made:hen eyes sniart ,after
'art, a Na.-tung Loudon barrister to , us To,-en't. up to khilechourn„ Ws took- 'I tosk elf t•Pe, siv,gle aun laid it do Avn, their unaccustemed inipris,onment, and
illehlerlds i - 7 ''''00 -ti ''''''' tel -'111'S ' ''' te ' 41''''.1,C*4 \\''''''e*I. l'..S,' ma 'MTV TicteriV1 end then when I leaked Up I could dis- we igaye. 11D ille ' experntent for that
,e ---. - - tri eel. e -,,..,,,,, , , „,„ , , . ,, ,,,, , .„,,.. .„ „ , , ,_ ,_, _
cce l',,it,1-- A'r ,I.,,,od On. the trainesaceeeded in linhisimig the, ‘e'reere ray; tinetty eee the tamp. . . nikht,
he imeets 17;1;es-elan .who Calls hine.seit :lsitegezther -trete. cur minds. 1 ht..,a; oimmealately the slulde wits replays- As G;arrmsk and I bathed together
silan'erliesti and a's:treater in the.se2i;tairs-U. neY koc-:"0-'k uial Ite, tr'-'-ir we mu, ea .''' , - , , , , in the mornhigswe were both brighter
parts, but later Ewart riva.$; thm,..It„e:,.,m shore,„ and oeherwisis ;altered curt, "No," she answered, "no,s ..,Jus„,,,,- Am; and more ,cheerrni than we had been
• ,asS Imilt a hut on a dig, absave ttlkei.eourse ozessiqually in ord'er Isc enable .reediaiely. You eee, I Was 'iousang, Tay sinee his .arriv,a1.; .
falls- oPPgasite General MeLeoes 1O 'e tO record seine 'Choi -4e prep of the the ileor„ which is so dark, of ',course, ; , "I shall cath the train for Mallaig,"
' . .
While fishing 'in the river' eaYrr,i,. is; megilificeint scenery. When -we got. that you couldn't eee it in the ,ordi-
he declared"Can you take me in
suddenly blinded by -a flesh of: &Teen ihack to the lodge -we were al feeling :nary way.. Then as soon as I -looked and meet- your friend without, haying
lig-ht. GeniIcl.„"eodi tells Ewalt; of 4"much the better for the outing- ,,kfter up I -could see the lamp. For a Zito- I long. to wait?" ,
same ple, ;dinner Al,3-1-a„ who had taken h
te! meI et thought it was my hnagina-,
I "If you insist en going," I replied,
strange experience at the. ac
known as Chemist's. Rock. IDI4ex021u•errea3eet, interes,r in the pb,otographs., Eon_ hat -when I found I could see Ron •
-, •
., _ ..., . . as to the muse use ,alehoo,h pm.. Qcax..id, elle could not, see ..e.otooron,„,. over the developing,..,aish 1 bu1 -‘3. n and you wican get you there ine time to meet
ra,s blindness. The famous London what I had taken., and would not be knew that I was all rig,ht age,ime ll have an hour or
oculist holds out no hope end EWarte able to see resul
the t either, -Was "This is very extraordinary, you e to...wait f'°' Your trabl'''' '' ..
after taking Myra home, brings Pr-. _rte.:, %jells to icriw howthey had turned know"''said Garr.-e-ek "Gan you„count te/‘1-4ph;117inso.e.vnlertlyethlfintglieonbdeltgeilv'le WhiemeaaTTI
Garnesk from Glasgow, In the mean- out, the bottle on the mid-dle shelf?
eime Sholto is also blinded, then e,I. shreed /ore to know if the snap- 4rtah., yeer ia,ughed -m7ca, t:1- eau -, the news ill the interval."
Vtlorofermed and stolen. Garnesk as sho 8 Ze .,,,0 " she - ..(1, “ artieulgr - ake them out distinctly. Of course i still determined to go?"
"Are you
rts his belief ,thet Hilderman knew ey the one,at, Cautas 11 -or. -Develop I know pre.tty -welt -what they are, but 1- d
41 Sliolto's affliction. The next- morn. them in the inorhing, Ronnie, won't in any ease couldeasily
1. , describe "Yes," he said, "I must ge. It will,
keol-nlarks on the bench, and the take them You don't YGiell Iirobahly them. to yon if I'd never seen them 'be rucess'arY for me to malce one el
away, and forget all about before. ,
:-., two inquiries and get a pair of glassee
i_ g h. t‘ lien Pod footprints and you? . If
name-pl,ate from the dog's collar. them," . "What have I got an my hand 9." the made for Mis's McLead''''..;„ ' 1
Ewalt telegraphs for his friend,. Den- 'Garnesk looke.s1 at me. He was al- specialist queried," holdan' g his arm e `I sh,all, bIe„ very sorliryezt-joylos‘e,Dyoontz,i,
ills Burnham. At Cheruisee Rock, Ways on the qui. \rive for any oppor,- out. liarneak, sal • eaa . , .. ,
aet is Suffocated. He felt very strongly that she 111.11St -eared emphatically, and „ Garnesk , e glaSses? You see, 'LC we ave
tuniti ,to give Myers- a little pleasure. "A_ pair of nail -clippers," Myra de- You think you could write or ware for
...ea,cneek sees the gieen flash and Dw
be kept from 'worrying at all costs -lane-Ilea ' Lorne t the on lusa. n that this green
CHAPTER' XIT---(aunt'd.) "Why- not develop them now, EW- `4e11.-," he said, "you can ob-Viously raY is Some. chemical production' of
'I shall certainly go on," replied art?" lie suggested. see it pretty' well, but, as.a mattenof 'Nature -whasSisteds- there iShrt the
eagerly., "nut -we can "Certainly,' I .said,_ '91 everybody fact, it's a cigar -cutter. same.' reason'.fOii You to leav.e Uss"
you to run risks on, our behalf," will excuse,me." ...N. n114 Yeti the _girl ex, ; "NO- that's true," he agreed,' "but
sce 'It may be in the interests of civil- 'Da.d's in the libraiTy" Myra re.- plained airily, "I always put necessity we were botha-bit .'r
isation " he answered, "and in that plied, "-but everybody else will come before luxury!" , old chap, and the more I think of this
it is our duty. Now look here, with you if you ask us nicely. Besides, So then the oculist made her sit dog ,business the less I like.it. It was
Ewart this will have to be a secret. I shall have to tell you where every- down. again and cross-mieStiitned her Mere conceit en my -part "-that made
It is essential that we should not get thing is. -There's plenty- of room for at considerable length, -- me- say it ,was bound to he some no-
ourselves 'laughed at because for one us all." "Fin puzzled•but +delighted," lie ad- tura' Phenomenon merely because I
thing, -the ecoffers may get into seri- "Right -you are," I mitte
agreed readily, d finally. "It's strange,ebut it is „couldn't understarld how the effect
ohs trouble if they start investigating and went out to get xi. sthall folding at the sanze -time decidedlyehopeful." tour
could have'been IndmatilY Produceth"
our assertions' in spirit of - Taitm!chair fr0-111-th verandah: -We .went "reStiPpose ..itinneansethatyslie, "Per:liens," I esuggestect, "
- best
You and I must keep- this -to ou" ha
rselves up to the dark - roc -Ill at the top of the alway
°s he able toseein a red-light course'would be to keepon'open mind.
entirely. What about your frierid?ouse, --nd -Myra ' satin the corner, at :any .rate? " I suggested. about'the`'whole thing.' -
'I can trust Ilim,"! replied simply; eiving me asto the po- "Probahl
instructions -. yelt -does, " heal
-greed,•"and, "Yes," he- iteplied-s--"I'm with you
of course -her eight may -be conepete- entirely. And Tin -that ea,se my going
"Then tell lure everything, Garnes sition a the bottles, etc. I Prepared
advised: "Ifyion know you can rely the -developer while Garnesk busied
upon:him he, may be of great assis- himself 'with the fixing acid.
tence to us' ---------------- "Now we're, ready," I announced,
"What about I:Elden-nen?I asked. as 1.°Inade sure that the light -tight
"Ile knows. a good deal -already," door was closed, and lowered the ruby
"There '2,8 II& need, for him to knew glass over the orange -on Myra's im-
o.ey more. He may -be of some -use posing dark -room lamp; she believed
to us, • I -had -thought he might be' of in doing, thinge comfortably; na-mess-
the greatest- use, but he may be able "lug about with an old-lashioned "hock -
to help us We should deecease, bottle" for her. I took the Spool from
rather than augnient, his msefulne.es
by telling lino these, new complica-
"How do Yon mean?" I asked.
"-Well. for instance, he might think
we are ansd, although ,hc's a very
shrewd fellow." ,
"Yes.' I agreed, "I think he's pretty
cun Funny that Americans- so often glid presently; "do you think it wouRd
Anyway, he's been cute enough matter if I removed my shade, 131r.
to make sufficient to retire on, at a Garnesk?"
:fairly early age, and retire comfort- "Not if you put it an again before
ably, too."
we put, the light up," the specialist
"I -Urn," 'was my. companicae's only answered. Myra took off the shade
comment. and the heavy bandage with a sigh
_After dinner that evening we dis- of relief, and leaned her elbow on the
cussed all sorts 'et subjects't mainly table beside her.
'the war, of coarse, and wento bed a.
"There's - glass beaker just by your
arm, dear," I said; "just a minute
'Now, :Ron," exclaimed Myra, as we and put it out of reach.
said good -alight. "if Mr. Garnesk is "All right,' said Garnesk, moving
g.eing to- leave us on Monday. foryvard; "I'll move it; don't you
you mustn't let him worry about worri•"
things to -morrow. Do let him. have But before he -could, reach the table
oae day's holiday while he as with us, there was a crash, The beaker went
smashing to the floor. I turned with
„1 will., agreed • "We'll have a a- laugh, Which died. -on my lips. Myra
real holiday to -morrow. Suppose we was standing up -with her hand to her
an go mi. Enuru in the motor- irle,a‘.1.hat it T evid dronf,
boat in the afternoon?"
So it was arranged that we should Ping the length of film. on the floor.
,have an afternoon On the sea and a Garnesk made ,a grab for the shade.
Ernorning's fishing on the loch. Gar- Myra gave a short, shrill little laugh,
neik fell in with the idea reedily. which had.a slightly ominous, 'hyster-
4q1 will AG you, good," he declared. meal -note in it.
,you be feelingtoo friekey in - "Don't be alarmed, dear," she said -
the morning after your adventure this olnietlY, in a curiously tense voice, ""I
esternoon.e can seer'
As it turned ant he was Finite right,
for I awoke irs the morning with a CHAPTER XII.
slighto headache and, a tendency to
ell over. So we fished the loch I' WhIs Hilderman?
must admit that I was so de -
my pocket and began. to develop :them e -se -r -e -
"Hoer ace they 'coming along?" Thew' tcheeanileclayirf. or fall-
en bloc, ; -
Myra asked, leaning forward inter00
estedly. ing amir than g.e,so, s6imu1ation
"They're ;beginning to show up," -I arasSage of the scalp but the massage
replied; "they look•rather promising..." shoud 'be" applied regutarl ndi sys.
"It's rather warm in here," said the temaiileally.
Clew -din 'eels is also important, and
ills is Only possible through regulat
and careful shampooing Avoid- soaps
that are strong -tit Castile dr
other soaps znade of vegetable (dii or
a vegetable oil einulsion should be
used. An emulsion will create a
father as well as soap, and, the Tether
should be rubbed has verythoroughly,
then rinsed off. if the hair is very
,orr dirty, lather it, a secon-d ti.nte;
Then rinse is several waters warm a -t
first, azild cooling eadualaY until the ,
la'st water is cold. The rineing must after 'a shaau.Puu,r 'small strands
iar You
- „hands
lather iiirtern
freely wi-th Baby's OwnSoap
, ON sOitoiNp.iiiiATEFIAI-s-
,-.LET:FHALLIDAY°;51-10W ,yoU.: •
HA Mit. :0cYA
4.3 tor OA 0190Yfffltkr1. 04,0.4 be
rATIAT AU'ORRYS MiltittrP4:44014
Make youra pay in
ego or the ccd
you giv e thern..„,
l'orie them up. 1..-eep
ttaTa healthy gad ylp.t,.
Get eggs, -by adding to their
feed Nature's egg -making
Pain -Poultry Regulator ,
your trouble,
ben hould
Going front the warm,
steamy kitchentothe cold ,
windy yard is -sure -to chap
your face and -.hands.
"Vaseline" Camphor Ice
keeps thern -,stnoOth and.
soft. It's invaluable for
880 Chabot, Ave. Difontrwl
u Diamond Wart &T"ear' Ware ellen uten-
sils ana save work They are so clean, with a flint.
hara„ sinooth surface that wipes Clean like china.
No souring, no scraping or polishing, Just -me
is0aP and water.
Zvery coneolvablo pot ntl pan it made in. either Pori
or Diamond, WAIT, the two isplendid, quality S Era-
melted Wares. Dientoad Warm la ,a three -coated twanged
ky blue ond While °Aside, snowy white hiSidet,
Pearl 'Ware 13 enameled 8teel. witlt tivo oats
of grey and white enamel itteidoa
e and t.
warg. wilt giiirteloio.5 serViee,, Ask for
Irititet%r TY1
scalps. It is made thus: Quinine sill-
pliate, fifteen goelne; borax', five
grains; fluid extraet jaborearodt, One
dram- tincture conthaalicles two
drams. Acid bay run enough to make
six ounees.
excelleatilat,ionefor, the cure. of
dandruff require-$ tirv-o.aureces of witch -
hazel, two ounces otfet-alcohel d fi
teen g,rairn,s, of resorcin. Apply„every
day '
A letion'for- pi, hair is as follW
One-fourth of an. ounce. enPli of bi-
carbonate of soda ancl. borax, tWo-
ounces of Cologne water, one 01111lee
of recttified ancl sixteen ounces
of distilled -water.,
Hairs that,Tblates iplit „at the ends
cease to groy}rt.„ ,Therefore„ it is well,
'GT .the hair, Wisteas 11 curlin,g it, and
be thorougih, and not a particle o
soap, or other mixture must be 'allow,
ed to remain; otherwise, the tair
be left in e:'-isticky, ,Arr_e_unpleasant condi-
tion, and thepoz-es of the -scalp ._e_. will
clip ,,split -.By; roughing. up'
the. hair, these encl:i .can b -e dee
tect.ed. ' •
Falling :hair fi:equenitly
esPecially When the allrie
be. clogged vvith.Dry- in the gun :and air! it. p.0,Fi.eiblee; mem accePainiedmbY-fe.ir.eii..".qatriAz-
- low condition Of the „syStem, 'is also
-tespanSiblerfot less ef Ita#;...,s10,
ces,siv perspiration • '-if bhe soda) is
not frequently ,cleansed. ;A. :certain-
'arn,ount fain :out, if
tilie,dscalp is in good .condition jili5 l'o-
be„norniaI-•,and neW hairs -Will re-
place the old; ones.
Combs tand bruShes" should at alt
tithes be kept SeirupulensilY clean; they,
Ghoul& be used •,anilY: by, tbe, laWner,,
tWo itl'ire'e weeks as 116tte-,r• Mue'll' Dandruff, and. still: more.ohigetionisble
if not, use watro, sOft towels. Some
women dread a shampoo of any scnt
because of the colds or neuralgic pains
which sometimes follow, but if cold
water is used :Cart e ftnai rinsing, an
if -the scalp is massaged while the
hair is drying,, the, clanger of un-
pleasant 'after-effects is very silAialt•
A shampoo should, not be indulged
imi,oftenew than.once 3m ten,-days;once
, Dr., Ross,',' Kidney,
and:, -Llyer,,,Pli s.
The „srnalJ,,, nitl row.
The" Ost, P111. -at.
a n price- •
lefOtilinent°' Torah o phy s.eian once
"'or ledigestihre,t
to .e.qu_al Ross! .
A -Presliyferian mt0iter wiSe 'says She
/Inds Doctor- Rozs,,Pills the nicest
clne sheoari take, ,
sold, t)S„,„ ;au. . or . by, man; on
redetrit 'of pifee, ' ' '
TIME! ..,1/0g13' Nal11,3X9Listm„co*zA3,,,nr
75..zr:0vin street, - , T.orolita-
dePends .1.4)10,A the individnal; 'als'°) diseases of the scab can be transmit -
whether or not there is much -expost re ted from one personto another y tme
,te dust and dirt, allid lndlsrridinate, use of 'brushes and
statural oil -3m the hair. . " •
AlthoUgh it is' not advisabla„ to .
brush the hair while it is wet, massage
ean begin while the 'hair is still,darop,
continuing until. the scalp is dry and ,
glowing, the purpde,e, of niassage,being
to bring the blood ..to the surf,ace ce
-to the hair roots, in order to .nouriSh
them,. T 'Diaf:mud Toys" add years of wear
To, massage, ,p,liarie the thumbs at the to wonl, faded shirtti't waltsltS., coats,
elides of the lace end with• the tips, ,of stocking -4, s'weaters$ coverings, bang -
the fingeus perform a rotary ,tnoti-on ings, clraPerie54 eVerYthink. 'DverY
on the scalp, moving it 'around and package contains- directions So simple
around, TT aud down, and h,aohwacd, any woman can put new, rieth, fadeless
'ara forword. Remernber that the colors into her worn ; garments 'or
'scab") Isnot to Ile a'nlibed but loosened', araPorie5"u'ven. 11 811 e lu-t8' never dyed -
Begin at the tnont of 'tale heatil, work.. before. Ittet bay Dian -lout' DYes---ne
ing along tlie top and -sides of the other kind ---then your material will
F..Cnill) until the fingers meet at the coino oltt bec.aus,e Diamond Dyes
'hach, Then start on one of ilte sh,ottl- are guarantend not, to streak, spot,
ders and -work ;gradually up tosvard fa,ItIleet,heorriltruliet,at1:1111I3 j.,07tuwrisifIllrthoggIllyset,
the. nape of • the T1,ecl; repeating e Is
.zhaveraern-t. from the other shOulder, is, NVC.Y01. or Silk or whether it Ts, linen,
Give the scalp five minutes of this cution cr m1xc4 gueds'•
ittatalunit ,..asi-ag a good bait -
tonic 'tWo or l-hree, tilm,e's a week, Pour ') ----
a small quantity ,0,1." the tonic is o tdis!en, the larilDU,S inventor, has
saueer, dip the lips of,tlie fingers into deeigu(i'd a wileedi 3 fee;:l1i941:4 'filled
it; ;hen niees.a,e,e tn 01ua- With explosive, releliscd from a
if fho ,L. -,21p,11:1 18 Yrrey iteel dry,-. sPccial, machine while re'volving at 'a
00 r!scdj le 1 t111.11.1 1.,,611,DIL., terrific SPee4, trO,V011ea OVOr- t,1170
la! recipe folloWN: One ounce niuieib „autitiglil;e blIT'crn.b.
etr:„Ami; ten - e -rain$ enle c'estaoics•
7enty g
rjuisiSe tooi is ad vitiod' fot 0111'
- Old Curtains,
Sweater or Skirt
in Diamond Dyes,
Lift Off -with
Doesn't hurt 'a- bit! - D,roa ilttL.
liereezone on an aching corn, instant.
ly ,that corn stops luirting, then short, `
ly you , lift, it rigid; 'off ivitIs fingers.
Your drUggis Lsolls a tiny, bottle' ot
''Iereezone" for a few cents, ,sncient,
,td remove -every hard corn ; soft cam.
or cern, betWeeh. the ,toes, and. the
Diana, without soreness. Cr
e14, etionclbr Vith
,ar.r1 toozr.otern.
10 It conaln5d; I0
groase'—but the !alien, rnakes
Ilt„botter,..beczziane it Alio in
,and sanctothe•u...,.ihe
ecopia x:oughnoisit of episectle
vmd,.4! hnh;„ eriAhlint4, the
graaae to wear longer,. an0
cloito work feettei. Ube only
half tea truch ea oE.ordirtary
tina no bosrcia. '
_end r
7roat favorite. Puts now iife
in old. ,harrieote,, and doubtots
liFo.pf, new learnesz.
•h neo_P'fft-w
toctine,' it from tho oticietz of
duet, :eWeat,, rnoisture end
,heitt." I 'ic'..eo,,z-ieer,-.1,:tastc;01-1;
-'neur,, looking..
ovente..'eraFIting,. hrOpkinig.
by ,iea1a,o,,OryWhore.
Cancadiax.i (2.apiital
Lifs' ut1P orli:01,1*t(elirimos'er 050
put in t10
Xs ev'ery calling, there are
;those' eo ),teluettaht, to asSuine” the bur-
den are , executive reiTons-101Iity that
toy rover wilt enjoy, the glow ,
fbrtti eerklf',,e froal Pc'tiTYing
through it succesatul offort to its tie-
liorioue -oorieloolon„
'Men held in ;honor, and likewise re,
warded by, those- tazigible tolteno,that
matter lees- than a, good, reinio, ace
Alen; who -Were, willing to leave the
, safe.easy, settled, things and pl,aeos
and he; orig,ihal.- They ' weighed,.
anchor and spread'. saii forever to tbo
liht, no, fe
to Jet
They were iiot, loalchig for'l", those to
whdfil they- might tinsheulder ,the
burden. of 'command. They ilose each -
day with a gladness to be needed,
counsel an -d in control., .as prime
atonid'e lailistisn'cgihvQalonneg.'o'ing w‘43r1z of real
'Unskilled laborers inay go dully to
a task, 'coming on and. knocking -off
in the, mechanical, /Tontine. of hours
,hought and 'mid. for, These may leave
all Oinking to those higher up and
-reserve for themselves' the right, to
protest against, the' terna-s -oil their
employment: Time employed who' hae
the slimmest chance of joining the-
ranks of the enopl,eyers is the One
who is satisfied, to mark time in. a fixed ,
' place 'on the' payidli . without doing
anything to enlarge his value to the ,
concem that emplaVs him. You need'
not e s look
t to,ellinwirsltoefo'e
ioirajine'Arid:iaan; Ihiea
would rather blame than take the
A successful - young salesman, ag-
gressively on the alert to every chance
-of putting his wares 'OD an, enlarging
market, said to on eider, relative. of
his Who was an office clerk -With the
same ,company: "Why don't you go
into thef-actory, in some of the time;
When • you're' sitting-, idle, and learn -
about what we're,rnaltinir and how wo
he o id did not lcindle. to the
idea. Instead;' he looked at 'his junior .
and said, colcity:- "That is Tile,t my de-
-1;0,,a1-1,17net-07;37;11; sgi fl2es,s1_082601
o-,yearrrButethattse seri d inan-
'is ,a ...--yervesc:diKe,reet :matter
,fr.orn,.rnereiyr,ii,,ceivialig it.
--Too-many' ;cf us, t'ail ,-,,to..."'draw the
istindtion;- and we talk- .9C -en -taking
money --and taking money . as "theugli
these were one and the same thing.
The money-maker bustles early am"
late. He rubs up against those, who '
can givehim ideas. He figutes out the
reasons 'why other men's plans , sue-
ceedeti oral ed. When lie firee,:be
fires the no-good or the. toorg-o.ori;
'when he hires,- he hires those who
stick at the job and pet it over. He
doesn't pay men necessarily to think
as. he does-, and to' agree with, him,
He is ev-dling . to be -something of a
shockeabs-orber, II you ean show him
that the new scheme works. •
Business calla ,for, grit and deter-
mination and gumption, net for -tho
dreamy lasSitude..that _folds its hands
in pious resignation to fate and ex,
pects the pigs 'to appear roasted and ;
the manna to fall from the skies,
get what we go for.We arrive after
and, not before the start.'
A.,...FamousAblIfid Robin.
lYfitny theories have, been advanced
tor- the: origin -02 the term "round
in," The -most generally actepted.'
that the practice of signing a prote-st
or petitiolo ina; circle, ,thus- conceal.'
ing tlie:.ordei- of signing, originated in
France, where .protests from' -sober.
clinates were regarded by Government
officials' as little less' than mutiny.
e t a -Fri '`rotend robin" in th
Eng lutigueg e originated ,at- a din -
Ther a0 the house of Sir Joshua. 'Rey-
• nolds,, the, famous' , portra,it painter,.-
Among ' those present were, Edmond
Burke,,-Ii.ldwa-rd Gibbon; and 'others fa--
motiS' in' the, wb-rld of laiter.s, all of
whom were friends dr atonaintancas
of 'Oliver Goldsmith. •
, ,
' The epitaph written f-ar the poet. by
Dr. Johnson. became ,,the topic- of eon:
,VerSation, a.ncl -various changes -wete.
suggested... These, it was -agreed,
should be submit.teci for tile doctor's -
consideration, 'When ;the question .
arose' 4 .5,„t0 V,711f?., should Peelle:So-the-0 ;
00 hint, it was Ougges,ted that a "round
robin" was ,,thebest menne, of solving
feta 'di di culty:
Despite his; fiery disposition Dr.
Johnson a ccePted Ike "r mind robin' in ,
the spirit in which it was intended.
, ,
European plan. Novellkitz innov4tion; tuliqu,d dotal:
scheme thtoughoin kestaarant overlooking Beach
end Ocein.'Dancing ih.Trellis Room end rtiii Grill, '
Ingle Rooms ,g5.00,up
Double R.00ins l'8.00 up
All rooms will) Private B,ath and ftill Oc01 View
ALInint GUSTAVO tory
111tuThising Dire:toe Rusidont Mittaitor
(e) 9
ReCeA Seusortab1 1
Are you one of ilieni: Aofe cu 4. e on
fill- in and mail int an envell4W adOttesseti:-,-
Itooti Bidnch,Downittion; Deneriment,., el A P'ti atil'Al ,. 0
(No s !revitivatt)
?1,10.1y,tclia b
.4 .
tend uSa Oroist,lAmt 60eitUlki‘
brSthttn iOepartoaCn-5; 60 Agrtittattitl.,
HQ Had a .9.eason.
Mother was very 'surprised whcn
'Jimmie came up to hai and 'said:
"Mother didn't you - lay 1tst weel-
that you wanted the casving-,kalle ,natit
the , chopper. shall) ened ?"
A,l.res, I did," adinitted Mrs Greet,i.a.
your little htarL fIott tho 16 -ht.
till 01 Y• • •
'Well. 111 take,",,them round, toth
cutter's for.' was the next,' unex.'
pocted, offer,
"I-Iow sweet:of yell 00 off-Orot
suet. a „thing. for your
AvrtP, them Op," replied MiTS.Green
"lio, 110 " altSWreci.
Don i :then,. io
skoiv..i,rTherei s ‘hoy
ng to fight itiebfit I fanny' that,,whett;
11 ip,'seeS ,me ,coniingwith these' he.11, go
bleed: relativIA
orapir may, not, ock,
pmi4. Ib -el
tl1stio the'
3mr,0 t'o