HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-03-02, Page 3IrhIJ tf a,n-lEir-tkm' HAs Nlocirie-Enght0 Cci,ttlerser seelr4.1 Sids of the
' 11.1.telateaa,,acquall1.,.. and f.'ivals , ,-, ; 'T.,' '...,;;,' i, ..,,,,,-.. 1'. ' , ' • ' " ; oiret. CoRistroictiori,,, . . , . r ,J,,).1;pp.=,,A1:....04),e,. • ,
.4.-Tirew ca:rii•eg-Jeq3•04#4,1.41. declare ' , ',. ' tiff Virli :' ' WI, lit' lb I '111Z11 e(>11.aide'i-eld.a atiefitiolA, ha S *been ad,''''' All...01.11illarYSill .1111P -i" PleCt(:), (3011-
, latat, 41 lliti011 :t0 .4Y,Fll,''e1,11,arl'Ll)l'e : , ..' , 1111,1 ' ,, II ma -1ti E tra,cted tb;a ',s'urfifee COadeilSer.. for trilfutc,,r, tells us, v,ras largelY resp(hla-
ftbility 'and l'arSigliteidif.eaa he ` "'" ' engities,.thiit 'Irak been:invented fc)/. th.e ,ce tprocntday
blesk;ed 1tt1a4111,9- ,An • • •fl•a p-itented s(veral • •
0Ui, 111. dent early inaio urnsterc4rer wrANLAC 'MADE A 1"LCAN Tho ob]et t1€ 1:11Ven' $0113 1 -r
ed e, ago 'Sir fehn Liatlitent'S and Itubbinfc 01/17'"
,Sectilar, jus.tify the .P.S.seri1011.. 4:1 . •
• 'fit haY0 • SWEEP OF IWY.,T
••, ..;uned:a-nether man resulted, in Car-
• .116g1eiS case, only in a hriet 'Scare. .;
; One morning, lie r,e1a,14a.1ii bia,autebi-
ography,slie. set , out fr0.11- 'Alto ono, for
Pittsfrurg.h. wiU a pae1ot. pay tolls
and, cheques under-lils*.aistcoat---for
'the ..paokage was too . largo or hia
pockets. .He was a very entim,siastic
railroader at that time', and, lilted to
ride 'on' the engine. '" It was a very
rough ride over the atounfains, and at
tion is to •oliminate.fautomatfeally j;Ilersel.. el asked his •fruillal Chtlille.'31 Give Tampa -eau Reb.ef.
causie•s f,e" 1.frealf.down, due to',13ables. te. whetlier coeld ehatir 1)0th '
de1eCtiYe 11Ced viat'er';' '0.16•'"ariii ea. 'al .-slilitrfig . at BabbSge
'entranee, Ofle•Olt 'W-44,er hh,;0'.i'lle boilers; relifed a shilling' froni. his.;
RONTO CL r lZEN. • ,aud :Maintaining in the, condenser 'a,. po'cket, holding it in fre,itt of' a mile
,coas,tallt staA,e 0 c , 1.0 Sal Jena was '101 le am, .
Ithemeatism ia a trclibie OttrernelY
diflicult to got rid of. if tendeney to,
rlieutirdisin is established in the seti,
tem it makes •Itself men ee 3ra e
)3 0.1 Carlots
-ron'()NTO..';,eAlf,T QfSKtI
I Class
.A.4/041-4.1 seett
,7011. 'WA
4 ,
<isea,,e:;,, yentdon
r 1 't
-,i,f1i15 ail -6 X eal's (illt4x144,4t
055,18 •go oar 8181 ?$
T:me an e -a AID tor 088 4o, , rat a.ria
r; Wi'7 Lel I '
V '1' 16 WW1 on( connected: to. the; engine .exliatiet. I table; at; the time he eaelained. st•tipre-1111. o°ft wae.calitttiei,M.,p.aien-liawiistilw191YyeerY0 '
.c3ordener,has.,t,,, $teant,ekaamber ene'l sQ't, "11Lie -Ap'innink a large
and ,anether at ...use other i0 connect --1 that if you pl^cen your axe on a level men- people think the trovf.ble is dile
to -tie' air penile "Bc.,U,Nyeen' t.hese with. the coin you .could see both aides ; to cola or damp. The f.act is known, -
tel Pitipale3116. two 111. • 0 fa y of I, a on e,
Greatly Berlefitted by Wilts- " AND ,BUNDANT
' ' P od UL(88 t t .6 '1 di al en that with
. . •
1,o,,ievel., to ine
33,43440N330%. 3%30 1330, 0 030 ,s3303• 0 33 e , , •
condenser wilica water circa Babea,ae nes. Ise linen „imeir ased tl earaiee Of rheumatism, there d • „ .
n.it toting, it , late,s„ ai.e ,s,eries„o.f pipes, david,ed late evith tne earaeriMent that'the next day blood . 'and 'ealy' .35 ente a bottle,,
one , uneasily reeling , the 'It1,ve been teelitIlli,Ig.ee3.216.aaetntellyseragei,n, ce. two :0,1- op,a3,:ate,greirpf,;„ tha, t• ae deecreeed. it to tee friaad, Dr, "it- I ,pr otihs, 0e. aron/ily • oen, application ends ad
ea that one ercup- can be eat eff a salel.i-off tan., yrli.o imineelia,tely made a wOrking ! expelled erom' the system. when the, dandruff, stops itching'..
• d. fall g hair and, • .
18 he " I f utri ec? fir -le that Ie aPp Dae. eririe coo
, Paclfage, 3m ifs t
140 H "
the jolting of the train ha'd shaken it ' said Tlionlas Tin°wilt of an valve from tile ()then, end' can ne.at- model. It was a.cardboard disk with blood is reste.red to its riormal condi- aril --431 •
' Street, Toronto, employee of the 'Vim, a few moments,
tended to' withont the steP• the icture of a bird on one side and ti This m ne that to drive rheue
' There was, lie says, ino use in dis- Davies 00. a e of the engine. connection With , of aPri empty bird cage on the other, Zalltism f,rorn et;aho system. it must be Y°11 ilave d°ubjed-
" ' to na ell disorder e(5ch de- e the care was aannea on a treated. through the blood, and for this it will apper a mass. ,
stili , gung ilie fact ihiit auch a failure Indigestion and s each of -1,11e.e groups IL' a si Y Wh n
' •-eworalcl ine; for to have been sent $ ina trouble, and tor ,three years gigneansalinemeter—an instrument for thread, the 'bird• a,pneared to be ineide 'purpose Di: Williams' Pink Pills' •llaTe •so soft, lustrous, and 4
lb -It before I eat .Tanlac I was in mighty .
J.,ALTN.isItY -Tale
• lie*,t %vasbtlig diseovery.f.
cleans 010(11,115 without 11,1
goilat'*' 13e1 wealz. Dos iprem
large sales and 55% repaat.0t,
- - —
campaig,n, 13
, •
5 151010151181' AG11..f.408 1.^Ciff. ONTARIO
- 8,,11, Xafillers aria gardenc;rs
trca(fnefu, the soil, guar,-
anreed LO Increase ,produotion at
OK from 0110 to two dollars per acre; we.,
‘18111' good, substantial men, It ho QPIT •
cell 10 "ac, ,er thole 081811,11181 081851)0 xrnni,
,5.3,000 up "tier, 'year, aud able to assunio
full responsibility for success of territ-
tory. „4„pvly -soli- vaccine COM pzi„ny '08
Qntario, 'Limited, :37 'tfonge Street,
P.A.P.111E1.• ' '
fOr tlie pay rolls ant c ecines. 0 ^ measuring • the quantity of.'"s'alJt.that flee cage The model whiCh b t o B
will be 'after a few,
ef condenser—that•fs eleetricallY retains. the cf an object for a aching, Swollen jollies, and benefitting
20c. P'ther fee, A., eiepreere.,
"-lose the package was a cli'eadtul shoW bad sh'130tite
. , • ; • , , • _ • '
If I 'd 3.111 ellP (if ‘1:1'el;e' l'zia';;r• be 'la' '';'1.114'en' tgil tha'nlnatroPe. s'bow!c;c- twat the eye aed enrich' the blood 'thus basing the. will please'. yoe meet
scalled•beenvery .saccessfu. as they up ,1 easy 'd at‘whaf-
Qiiaillam' '
and ate a little buttered bread for
ing, I called the engineer and told tea
weeks use, when you see
t the en ine room coniainla • in tiler
a 'connected with an ins rument board in fraction of a second after it has been the health of the sufferer in o •
him that it must have been_ sh,alten out "fa I would, 1.)1, t riblY a
within the iast few roileS. op a. lic be in awful distress. .had to let mea
. .
' as tho I I had a bi lam in the pit -
it? ICInd soul, be did se. ' I watched 115 g 1
bre- st • •
new bair-'2---hne £.11(1
anti 1-198 6 lone an g g -g iemove,a. , „,,,,,ays as well Among the rheumatic doevny at Arst—yes----t9
reverse his engine and. ran back for la,mps that by ignition indicate a den- Following the thaumatrOpe cane the
ger(us condition of the water.' zeetrope or "wheel of' life." A cyliu-
3 the. line. and on the bank Of a large of my stoinach,, ,•had,he.adache.' a5:.'; ; ' dor, Was perforated' with- a' 'series of
, • ' s.treitin within a fewefeet .of the water
• , I s-aw the package. I could hardly be-
Metre my eyes. I ran down and grasp-
, , „, ,
, ed. -it-. 'It: was not darna.gecl. Need
, • ,
..„ ed -i that it never. passed out, o,f 'my'
arm' grasp, again uritil it evaS). safe In
•• • laitteburgli?
• I,never Ventur.edIto, tell the story an -
111 'fang, afterwards__ ,,S,uppeae, -that
Package' ha(9. falleril jus -t a few feet
great •deal; too, and ther-e•was,,sharp,
shooting pains around .ray heart that
;nearly Worried the lite out -of rae.
-"After taking Tannic my, wife and
dauglater."thought so; I1111C11 'of it that
they. gat /tie to trythe medicine, and
it proved t� be 'the very thing I-Lneed-
ed. Why, It -bas made', a. clean- Svieep
OK all nay troubles and given me the
very bestkind. oe an appetite'. I ean
eat just anything I want now ,and I • .
farther awaY and been? swePt down bY - . er 'to keep them in the hotiae. TheY •
slots, _and a band of drawings of danc-
ing Men' was placed ins.ide it. When
the 0.pparatus was' rotated. the figures
AR1- ON'
seen through the slot's seemed to be :in
motion, About 1872 Edward 1VIuy-
bridge made the first systeniatic photo-
The stormy, blustery weather Which graphs of men ancleanimais taken at
we have during February and are regular in. erva s wit a view to show -
is extrenraly hard. on children. Condi.? fug them in motion.
trans Make it necessary' for' the Teeth- '
; the stream; how many Yea,rs' of faith- feel asTrfiantlaanedisilfwiehaast Id- jeavetrhedimd,oirnkrainY ,tiayeevOefntteinlaeodnfiin.oeodnitso -aonVcievIl•ce.aa't .6tehd'ebad-
Kul. service -11" would have required to lite'"
, mY ease and I' don't make any secret
wiPe, ;out the effect of that one piece , - whiell' rack their whole system. To
it" •
of -carelessness! . . of • i ' • - • , ' guard' against this -81(5031 of Baby's.
Tanlac,is sold by all good. druggists‘.
I haye never since believed, says ____Adv,. Own' Tablets should be kept ill -.b-e
Pc, in beirtg too hard on a ty0Ung -nran, I , ' - , house and an oecaSional d'ose given ,
; evee if he doel commit a- dreadful mis- 1 Seareh othes tor').---ii•T—• ,t, • pnd ',the baby to keep its stomia,ch. and
' take er two; and in...Judging sueb.• acts' 0,,,. -- .„ii -,..,f.,.,... fi.,„",.,-1,,,is___.._,Epuer,.; ,hoevels Working; r.egielarlzer. Tnis.' Will
"1-1 hitre always tried. to, remereber tne .. - - , •- ;hot fail to break'...up colds and' keep I
, _
difference it would have made in rrty , ,. ' moNEa... C5nnEa$. ,the health of the:baby:In good., condi-.
car,eer lf I had not found that' ..lokt Remit by Dciminien Express more.i. tion t111 'the brighter days came, -along,
pack -age, _ , • - - .Order If lost ol.; stol-n. ' - - The. Tablets -are sold,- by, medicine
, e---, „e - money back. ,. ,. dealers' or. by mad at 2..). cents, a •P2x'
Frellicili..Tkacter„ simple and . . . • • •• . . from The.',Dr.' Wit/liams' if/ edic.ifia; Co.,
- - • , Brock)-ille, Ont.
Beauty. ..
Oh, I had sought for Beauty, -
Andeclreamed that it naight be'
At the end of ,distant pathways
Beyond a tropic sea— 1
hi, radiant silver moon-ways
a golden ti-opic ,sea, •
• . .
, :,10,eigliejatigle rkesign, Better to hold, your tongue -, to -clay , _ ....,.,,.
To.; alI intents and purpOses ithe cir-' than egret'Yeur '1"r"t15 -(67m°11'-°,w• , --Nevencritieize that which You could
- dinary farm tractor is a more or lees fillnarcr3 1-Iniment 1°°' DistemPere e not do. better. , -. •
‘, skilliul acla.ptation of the prineiplee of
. ,
-Surnames' ,,, ar Ongm
oneeatice ernbcdieu iti the automobile.
"Moreover, these tractors, as ar- rule, are
r •
adapted tor hauling, ,tille same kind of
• ••
' Earra,•.-ImPleinents as are used with . . , .
horses.. A novel -type 'of- tractor ,has • ,-, DUNCAN e are developnients' and changed.
Hbeen. construetecn.in Fiein,edl that has Variatrons--Duncanson' IttiacDoertaee ,forms Of the Ga.elic name. oe• the clan.
ki.l.ittle more in common with the ordiu hse, Tenneehy, Doeachje, Dun- . .
-4Iiireeraoter-ear than ibe fact- that -'it is! ." naohle",:lVfaCCohriebhYl Ivlaceetiadbie.- ANSPN''.
'eariven by an internal-combustion en- Racial Origin--ScettiSh. •• • Variations-aliaesotie. Anottsort, An,
, The trfa,,o,r and 1 s adjuncts, as.Source—A' •given name. • . some . •
well az the wheel and i-ts supports and
Though the -family name: of Dun -can,
140,- wate-E_co.DEr.ig eandiater foem a tulit withsomeoe the foregoing yaaeinteean Source-aA giaen aarne„ -
'tileit'is• piiosed 8 1 .11.orizontal.circul.ar ia' some eases aepres.eaes. a develop Family name' . may
. frame, which' can" be attaethe.d•-anY• mein, teem Geeeia.nanteof, one , of (1011?e either front tile mascallae'.given
suitable means .f.Yr' hauling ike dniel"-ten Irishelaxis • it'asnfer, the, moat, part, nlame of"Johri ea Anthony, or the
taeii-5,-ai well as a (5rajler w101c11 01i151 Seettish Gaelic, a..nditrac.es.:.back to"the nine -o -f
portion-'i\v"°' wne-cis, the seat 'f'br the Clan Robertson, of. the: Scottish.'Higla" ,. But .the• presence or 'absence of the
ql?' in the family nain,..e consti-
,There is not, however, -any eonnec- bites ma indication wile -fever whether
Lxtracting. a Lork tion other, tlian a • historical 'one;:li,e- or not it ooniee from And ,o,r Hanss
One of the ,inest puzZling things in tween ,the,,na.me of '.R.obertson and As has, been explained in revious-
the world iS to get -a cork out Of a,' bat- PllaCata. -It simPly-hap•perts that -the -artiele$, the nallee of 'John was more
tie. Nevertkeless, it can be clon,e easilY .Englieh.and Gaelic names of this, clan anciently •Jol?-an. or JOleannes.' It has
enough, if you linow hetie 'minces° are' en.firely different, which is noun- 'given 'ri$e to .slick varied forms, as
tee het,tle in cold -water for a •few min- ,nsual. thing -,among 'the- Scottish Claes. ,John, , Joan, Han; Hans., Manna,
utes; without allowing any, of the fluid The Gaelic desigilatiOn oK ,th.e..clan ,j'even„ Ivan, Hannah,. Anna, Ann and'
teenier. , Then take ,a hatpin and pck-e "Ohlaim Donna,chaidh"..or'Clap. Dona- others -toe nuinerents to mention, and
with. it until you , have sacce,erted. 111 caiteeer Duacana filetory ie a bit hay • t•aansfill More rainierbets list of family
, .
impaling the smaller erm of the corP. bu-rthe fonuders .of this elan were ap- iiiarnes,prp5ninent' among which are.
This -accomplished, you , can' pull' the ei.areht,Iy descendants oa ,the oltO., Earls " jones," golineen, Hahn, Haman and,
cork' UP 10,10 the lewer• park of tilo bot oK Atiralt and the clan teak itS. name the 1119
Kb e neck, though. you 'cannot -get if out. from one. 'of these; "D"onn.enadh or As a taingy name the form of An -
Now immerse the, bottle in hot water. Duncan) Reaanhae," who led: it •at the son reigb.t 'cent& in:t6 being'. 'either,
anti pre•sently tee- cork' will fly out 02 battle at Bannockburn.. from ltrami'a-ao.a."•Or fr,inne."1-aeadefe•Ison.,'",
"., lee -own aee.ord, for. ceel out by the: 04-- The Eaglish designgtiosi of, Clan -,';a:li•ci, it msght also have 6610' krom-
....pension of ",the The way •it eneobereson wasa later developinent rio "Anthorty's-sOii..." "-The. -"o" syIlable
, Works is quite, surprising ,penl affords the reign of Hitt James; I. from:the, •aaipearng'-en. the other.tWoe-variations
1111 juteiesting lesson 111 PnYalca- Inc name .of linbertntlien its- clieeftairae '"i's-•:-a•IerielY. tsb r6g"-,11;ar, T:sl'Orniark
pet'formance 'May be facslsiatntO sonie &F 01 ine foreg.oing,.familY"•nainee `tev‘e, 'meaning '"Iitlilet"whioh we find
' eel aaby 'greiraing the, inside OK the pot- ,,,,,,„„,„„:„„anenanannee„;„.eae;,en.;;;„ •' • ' • - '
• Beyend. H 1 m.
9r3e:OcUlsSl. was exanilaing the eyes
.61 a 'patient. :ate 'retinas-tad:the .p a tient
to rear., the top line of •tha, test card,
• 1,111.1. l'ALet1.3 oK W1110h ranee.- PRTV
Z 13' 3)•11' .0,,
pat:lout ,stareel hard at them., 'but .
did Pot ;speak,; ,
"Conle,Thrge,d th.e specialist, "sure-
'IY 3'011 cell read the top line?"
0 patient -shook. 1a,is .11.ead.„ .-;„'
"Do 3,6u, Mean' te" sti'k -Pot califiat
letterS,-that. exelaiineci the •
, 1
"Oli, (5(11111 see theletiers ',all right,'"
„ 'Penned 111.0 Patient; a'aiet 1 can't pro-
neree ea the '1)1oetnia'" word!" ,
" ' ait i eg" for 1-11411,
, "This is the. apeertuitity of, a ;Inc -
thee, teaclam;" .declared i;Iie
tonged:el cetteaeseehe st•ooti at the,
, • ,
' door, . • • .
'55048(5 to me I'Ve heard e that, tale
•,before," thcught the
'Olipertnnity knocks at everyoil.e's,
tealy 01100,1' etintiatiecl• the
"That's Where you'renutaken;
young, man," snapped the woman,. a's-
she reached behind her., "(),pportititity
' • ItNs If/rocked at '0151 dbO1•: 61gI01 'airtem;
this 'week,- en case 'lie 'itheald'Iraoelte
a,T,ale, I leave been ..sd...ving-thio Paw of
hot - •
5301. oppertanity de,parted hurri.edly.
• m.i.s.tr.••••-•'pifilf:.,:.;ut,,, 'iria.;t.) Ott:ear-fee
1014fc, you cleite witi that bolt of new
" 'ereajirta'St fetid."' ' ' 1
, 182e,itee131-0-131.a.•.14e,t
gcsrrlit. :c• tbot48iht1,tW18h8hlW1ti0, itie„
,b,ed 11ket,„tlie;:otwr
• ptimii.fi, iti�i,t' ' ,
• •• • r ;
' • ,
But- wten I went to seek there,
The pa,nting waves did lie
Beneath a pall of darkness -
;Under, a moonless sk3r—
SadlY'We turned us home ag;a,in
aly. tired hea,rt-and I, , :
And there above my doorway,. -
-)nyoueg nioon,laughed at me,
Caught in the tattled branchea „
Of mine own -willow tree-- ,
Flom- its green, and, silver branehes
Beauty smiled .down on me!,
—Edna Valentine Trapnell.
Shifting the Responsibility.
The children Of a young eo11e4e- pro-
fessor -had been sent upstairs and told
tp keep quiet while their parents were
ellt6rtaiming- guests at dinner,
During a lull in the conversation the
youngest boy appeared in the dining
room doorway,
"Mamma„" he said, "there's nothing
but clean towele -in the bathroom.
Shall I start one?" "
Progress, Anyhow.,
, "I'ns not at all sure," said the pro-
fiteer's wife to the head master of one
fashionable preparatory school', "how
your. School is going to suit my dear
The head master smiled confidently.
'You need not worry about that,
madam," he said, "We've taught him
how toehold his knife already."
in the giveii name of Annette, for in-
stanc,e, but which was equally appli-
11831188.to masculine and feminine
'When we say that these familY
nana,ets• may come either from Ann,
John-oi• Anthony, we inbann.that doubt
exists only in the individual instaace,
for the old rectirds clearly establish
'that they actually -did. come variously
frorn.all three of these sourceS.
I • e
healthy person want to he
wa&j lness-rn the mornlnal
many people fec.-I that they
have to be agitated into wake-
. fullness in the mornine.
think that ,wiLhout the tea, or
cogee they take in the. morning,
that they will not be able to
meet the tasks arid duties of the
Nothio, 000M be more false
than this reasoning. Any doctor
can tell you tins. For a health34-
body does not need•or require
a stinittlant. It' gets all the stim-
ulant it needs from food. ,
The thein and caffeine found
in tea and coffee are irritating to
tlie heart and nervous s3rstem.
Thekjoit the-nervesinto undue
acti The Mgt/ vity. S ,reac-
it i
tiOn. This is wh3r regular tea
and coffee drinkers, think they
must have their stitnu/ant the
first :thing .,the mornitig tO$
wind them up for the day-,
If yom will stop using tea and
coffee for a wc•r...k, and drink
• , •
PeStum, the pure cereal beverr
ageinstead;it Wi4 give Nature
an Opportunity:to rid the systen-i'
ofthe irritating stbstanees that
harass, your „nerves,' upset di-
gestion,- increase yeti.. 'heart
action, and make you nervous
and irritable, .
Man3r,peop1e who have tried
Fostarn say that inside of a
week they wake in. the morn-
ing.vvithout that "all gone" feel-
ing that they used to have, and
are full of energy, strength and
Order Postum frem Your
grocer today, and make it no.
cording to directions. Your first
• sip Of Postum will surprise '
and please you, •
1Postron comes in two forms: rustmxt
vostutn (ill tiro) toad. instantly In the
cup by the addition of boigng water,
.Voetune Cereal (in packages of larger
btak, for thote who ,prefer to Make
She drink While the meal to being pre-
pared) made brhalingfok 20 Inintitte- .,j
,t a 1 , e„ 1 ,1 h -
: o tgouno)b. yf, oar I-1eaoilillth,--'4There's' a_ _I_tea$on"• , ' 10_, , roo,k. g9'odi ? :..._........'„, . _ olihdiy' 1"B'1a1tyeit3' ,b•,o) i,;,.t:i, ,1,..' ,taeitn.ta—I,'. Aaigs:bott-fie -siP4:aiitila'
:13 4a.1h-ill4 , i „, 'ICI
to,NTiodaot?ofjtIainitieWas a laellierlable (oloe 16rIt5=01'545', 288851 ' 1''',.,'4'
,. . for "iNr„,,Lifil-ell"s' clothing L2,0•00 :Veal'8""aget tti"),1.1701i--tege,'1;tiklfas8italleiltilloTifitelVIA6tettLilittliti:31;;P,c)tt atietiglite.1;:t4Vele;t1l.;'?;
„,...........„.........—....,.„,4,,,,......i........,.......t„............3........,,W•ffi'.....0,',.....11,.. trIA.141.4,11 IN rimAANAIlfrNIANWANAArrANTrAr •murAIrnrrIA,........01.,......INIA.A.rfae4.111
sufferers who ha,-ve satisfactorily used but really new heir
thia medicine is Mrs, James Gillen, growing all over tl'ie scalp, "Dander-
ine is, to tbe hair Nvhat fresh ,shewers
Charlottetowe Teal wne says' "For
sEE.Tirqo FOR 6A1 -,E.,
tealtainag, planieeylaoa,wB,:rel'ablerie.b.e.os'Neta,nalcitaleni;.!,
110., sateeee.aueleet anoro va 110' ioweS
1111'15024. of ...int tiln rs,a ditm RI, 0 rt ,cvis4.1,
three long months I suffered terribly -The beginning of ieforination01
of• ram and sunshine are to vegetation.
It goes right to the rootsgorates
and 'strengthens them. This
tonie helps thin, lifeless,
faded hair to grow bong, thick, heavy'
and lineuelant.
from rheumatism. I -was So bad that self-coaderanatiore „
I could not do my housework,' and
even to attempt to. walk .caused me
agony. I spent a great deal of ,money
on liniments ansi medicines without
getting the l'east. benefit,' arid ray,con-
ditIon was pitiable. At this stage my
attention was called to Dr. Williams'
Pinet Pills, and. I began taking- this
medicine, and shall' always praise the
day I did so. Before 'loag there was
no doubt. that I had at last found
something, that Would give me relief.
I gladly ,ccratinued using the pills tvith
the -resile that Sam novr as well as
ever I was, able ,to do my housework
an care fon MY' children. Since that
timeon.e of my daughter fell into an
ameemie emed.ition alai wale- obliged to
discontinue going, to school. gaye.
Ifer'pr. Williams' Pink Pills, and now
she' is as healthy a girl as 'there is in
the city.. Yoe may be sure, I 'bee no
opPortraiity' in praizing„thie, ine(5leine.";
Dr. Williams' Pink - Pins, caneleethad
-theough,•anye,rnedicirm, delii.er„;'''of
mail, at .50 cente a bo -x or six boxee - for.
82.50 from The Dr: Willianis' Medicin
Co., Brockville, Ont. "
An Improveme.nt
1 •
"Where' you goin', Ma?"
"To a surprise party, dear. -
"Aren't you goin' to take all of us?"
.."No, dear, you w,eren't invited."
"But, ma, don't you think they'd be
a lot more s-urprised if the/ saw all
of us conain'a"
Child's Bowels With
California Fig Syrup
Your little one will love the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if
constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish,
or full of cold. A teatspeenful never
fails to cleanse the liver and bowels,.
In a few hours you c,an see for your-
self how thoroughly it warks all the
sour bile, and undigested food out of;
the bowels and you have a well, play-
ful child again.
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu-
ine "California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for babies and children of
all ages printed on bottle. Mother!
You Must say "California" or yen may,
get an imitation fig syrup.
The.Manitoba Legislature has been
asked to vote $50,000 for the coming
anti -grasshopper campaign. •
Millions of mothers keep "California,
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
speoneul t•o-day saves a sick child to-
fitinard's Lini`nient for Garet In Cows.
The.flouse of Worth.
Worth, the -most famous of Parisian
dressmakers, whose name for half a
century has suggested everything that
is tasteful and sparkling in the "art of
drese, was not la Frenchman at all, bat
ail Englishman, His full name was
Charles F. Worth, and he was born at
Bourne', Lincolnshire, 111 0825. liewas
the on of a lawyer's eleek, and lies
first start in life was as a salesman in
a London drapery shop. Dissatisfied
with his position, he cro.seed te France
and metered the service of Mme. Gage -
tie, at that time.one of the foremost
inadisteis ,in Paris; he worked for her
.ae deeigmer, It is said .he came to
Paris with, only one sovereign la his
Ide Irift Mine. Gagetin to gait for
himself -and took a flat in the Rue de
la Paix, where his firm is -still situated.
At that lime—during the Second Era-
pire—it was -a fashionable residential
etteet, and the inhabitants objected to,
the presence of a business mart among
them. The EmpreSs Eugenie toolc an
interest in the young anan tied helped
to make his fortune. Besides his de-
signs, particalar co,ntribution to
the business, of dres,smaking was to in.-
trocluee the modern 81181001 et the
dreasraaker'e supplying the materials
as Well as cutting arid Inaking them
np. Bdfore his time women of ail
!milks elinee their tetuffs, themeelveeat
Ike silk inerethaties' or the linen drap.
ere', 011 hie _death his busineea des-
cended:4e hie Sons,, ancl it ia a genie&
son titai :to tote at the head of the
FOR forty years Sloan's Liniment
has been the quickest relief for
neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma-
tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains
and strains, aches and pains.
Keep Sloan shandy and apply freely,
'without rubbing, at the first twinge.
It eases and brings „comfort surely
and readily. You'll find it clean and
non -skin -staining.
Sloan's Liniment is pain's enemy.
druggists -35e, We1.40. , $
Ask your.. neighbor.
At all i
Was garin eL 11*
Fell Out. Head Disfigured.
"From using the same brush and
comb as my sister, whose scalp was
troubled evithdandruff,
Kt causedrny scalp to
be itchy. My scalpwas
:ill a sore and red, and the
.:1; dandruff scaled off and
could be seen on nay
clothing. My hair fell
out gradually and my
head was disfigured. This trouble
lasted six months. Then 1 seiit for
a' free _sample of Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. 1 afterwards bought more,
and lonly used two cakes of Soap
and two boxes of Ointment when
was healed!? (Signed) Miss.Frances
Barrie, St. Basile, Quebec.
USe Cuticana Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all toilet purposeS.
Sample Each Fres by• MoOl. /1.412+111 "Lyinnt.m.Lint-
fled, 344.31. Pala 81,18., Montreal." Sold everY-
where. Sorm 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. 1eleum25c.
ENEW,"Cutecura Soar:. shaves wittiant meg.
011 a,itist
The Lle'ment That Relivea All `
. ,
/A.r.111,7161(r&,f ' •
...WS,,,t4ifia. Care Necessary
I I,ydia, E., Pinkliam'e `Sre,getabv,ei
- 4.Cctmpaund is a splendfd medicine and
nhould be= token -by the expectant,
Mother, ' It will assist 'her in is,e0-
" hag well and Strong,' This -is very
necessary, not only for her own 'com-
fort but for the future as well.
I Read the experience of .IVIrs. Bar-
ton, of New Brunswick, and, please
bear in mind- that every letter pub-
lished recommending Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound is genuine
and unsolicited. , It is the expression
6begiteiltpuedde. trna ll wrnnehaTel
Cumberland Bay; 1\7. was
itroubled„;-; with_ weak„ feelings, head-
ache, all the time, a cough, fainting
spells and pains in. my back and!
side. I could not do s single bit of
work a,nd had to be helped out to
the hammock where I lay in the
leash air from nuarning until night
arid I had to be carried up and down_
stairs. Af,ter other medicines hall
failed a friend advised me to take
Lydia E: Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound as she said it wan excellent
for anyone i31 the family, way. Be-
fore the first bottle was taken
could walk alone and as I kept on
with it I got stronger, entil I Was
able to do ail my wore:. My, baby is
now six "Weeks, Old ana is' a big fat
healthy fellow. I am sure Lydia E,
Pinkliam's-.Vegetable ,Conrabirrici has
done wont/ere' Yea me and I recom-
mend it."—Mas. ATISIITUY S. RAIM01,1/41,
R., R. No, 4, Cumberland Bay,'N. 1:t
Constipated Bowels
The nicest catharticlaxative
PhYsio your boWels, when you here
Headaca e . Biliousness
Colds' . ' Indigestion
Dizzines•s Sour Stomach
•aal -like ,Cas.carets. One or, t
to 1 to -might will k P
pletely by- morning
splendid, "They
. sleep." Cascarets
or gripe like salts,
Oil, and they cost
wo • box. Children love
Your „bo'Vels
ansI you
worn- %While ;You
never ,stit you .up
Bina. Calomel, or
only ten cent% is,
Cascarets too. ,
WARNING! Say "Bayer ' when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you ee the name 'Bayer" on tablets you are
not getting Aspirin at alt. Why take chances?.
'Accept only an "unbroken package' of -"Bayer tab -Ls
Aspirin," which contains directions, and dose :worked out by
physicians 'during 22 years and proved safe by minims tor
Colds Headach Rheumatism
-Toothache NeUralgia Neuritis