HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-03-02, Page 1Irt
ritortnigrinwrit Rcneate on Thu
Held by the Student$, of the ,Thr
Month's Course
J.very. delig,titful time waa Spent
t. the' Council Chamber on. 'Monday
whendtlie, staff, and students
tile • Agrictiltural three Mon:tit:a'
.aourse, ,held 1)1neruct. The menu
, Was as
„, Sotps
rig' inns, • Asparagus Beetles
Cold Paddle fronaTippera'ry
' Eutrees
Shivering Jimmy
Acrolcis • Ensilage flonarne de 'Terre
Barcleatix; .PoleCni.cdce; Cent:re . Gone
ng Rink Delight
Cake ;
Post 'Holes
tv Fruits
Ford, California Pommes'
a reetheants •
1-1 2 0
icotiite Sitipliate
•NH-. Snellmade til'inoSt capable
yil1 Foocl,
oast: niastar and the follo-Wing toasts
The king" proposed-bY 'Mr. Snell
rand 'responded to' by all standing and
tinging ,the National' Anthem:
•, "Our Country" -proposed bai' lir. W.
fa. Currie of East "Wawatiosh and'ret
tttoondcd. to'law singing ft -Fite Maple
31,eaf," • '
"The. 'Girls' 'Caaurse" 'proposed by
atilt ,t-im Hai -die and t.espanded_to by
and Marie Ptiont
Boys' Course' proposed:: by,
• Miss Alice 'Godkin and responded to.
'1i1,essrse _Alvin -.Smith and Addison
"AgricultUre proposed:thy tbirs S.
Stotliers, and reSporided to by. :Mr.'
tR, 8. riunan,.,-
'Th( JlinlOr Fairiners' ASSociations".
'Proposed,by;;Piof. -Galbraith of Tor -
:Onto, and responded to by the Presi-
tOents of ':five".Jiiniort,ASsociotions:
'Our Guests" proposed ,by Miss
...Hopkins , and Mr.' Andrew and .re-
sPonded to'by Mayor Elliott and. Mr.
Jt)Ynt,..lM. P.' I.', . •
Misses. Gertriide Robertson and
MaudeBelt favored t he program with
a' duet.
The 1.,!tringtham. Branch of the Worna
a en's: ,Institute served the -dinner .and
lt was second to none. The ta:bles,
were prettily decorated with flowers
d lighted candles and fairly gr6ined
with the good things provided.
Several of the speakers mentioned
the egenerosity of Wingharnein- pro-
viding accommodation forthe winter
School and ; all felt . that it would
materially assist in the cern.enting to-
gether of the goode-fellowship' b-
-. V'.. 't0W11 and country.
elided At. Wingharn
A' quiet wriddiniwa, aplemnized at
the Presbyterian Manse, on Wednese
late, Feb. 2 -2nd, 1942, when Mks Jean
Carrutliers,•tvas united in marriage to
Me. Ed. iiarninar of .:Listowel. The
1.Zev. Ora Ferric officiated. The bride,
tvore her travelling suit of Pekin Illte
Velour •and Taupe Satin Het
t.'.oat, opened 'over ti- white crepc-de-
ehene • IticiuSe, trilauried With seed
pearlsa, She' carried a corsagc. bouquet
of sunget eose.S.. aad rrtaiden hain fern.
The' happy couple left on the after-
noon train on a short - honeymoon
trip. 'On their ,return they will reside
IVinghaintfor the present. •
, •
Presented -V,Vith Purse Of.Ploney
llii'employees of the., Union -Fac-,
aery met on 'Tuesday evening atter
arork and paesented1. 1;-ve,Fratuitl
ton yitb the folio wing address and
"niirse of -inoney.; "
' \Vingli(hre 'Feb'. 2'8th
I. Hamilton
'We 'understaml.rhat you ar.e. about
o Leave the Union Factoey, and 'to
take up, a batsiness ,for 'yottaself. 'We
cannot 'let 'yew part -from your old
tvorleima'`liside.iates without giving
You:sonic small token of .our am-tree-
iritiOn of:friendship daring 'your 'stay'
heretaitliong is ,
you every Success , and
iXos,petity in your new. undertaking,
Signed A, Bell, .on behalf ,pf the'
r.xnPloyecta of the Unien Factory._
Tho address was read. by Mr, Bell
and Mr. \Hamilton thanked his friend's
for their 'kindness, He' leaves in the
very near future for his netv farm
near.lielgrave, and the best wishes. of
:many friends, fOiloW 1\1r, and Mrs..
:Hamilton in their new sphere, of life.
, ,
Po thv Editor av the Advance,
Deer Sur,—
Whin 1 slitopped \\Troitin lash!.
wake I was in Mishter Gunnts Sonolo
factory, 1 mane that's whur 1 wus
whin E had to shtop wroitin to go an
fade the pig`S. I mane .1 was -wroitirt
at home about Gurm's factory ,whin
vvith to fade the pigs. No, 1 don't
mane that aythur for 1 cuddin't be
wroitin an !actin the pigs at the same
toirne, But you will kneva what I
mane, and if army av yer raders don:
it will be theer own fault, fer, shure,
am not ixpicted to shupply the whole
connthry soide wid brains, Artily -way
air Englishman shake souly warice
Scotchman twoice but an Ir'alunan
may shake until he is underslitood.
ern Foundry, fer IrliSSUs wanted to
-buy a new range fer her daughter-in-
law that isato be,- and whin we got
theer we found Misliter MacLean
(who Avas my\ boy's officer whin they
was in Prace/together) an he shpeaed
us more shtoves made an bein made
than wid burn awl thc bush in the
two Wawonoshes fbive years, bar-
rin the fact that, mask av thiln burn
eoal. The anissug' -was so plazed awl
the slitoves that she toWld Misht6
MacLean to kapc two av the foinest
wans fer her. Whin we got outside
sed "Don't you think ye are going
a little sbtrong, missus", sez 1 "wid
the oat crap a failure lasht year" sez.
"Nivir you mond" sez she, "shure the
shtov'es will nivir cost you a chit, if
you are too mane to pay fer thim",
she sea. COOFSE` 1_knew she in-
tinded the sicond range fer Katie to
take, out West wid her, but I didn't
foind out till we got home what the
missals mint alaout payit; fer the
shtoves hersilf. Wud ye belave it
Mishter Editur, that wuninlan has
been savin up her butther an • egg
rrioney•a dollar arr two at,a,toirne fer
Years till slie has nearly $ic000 in the,
Bank av:1-lamilton, Shure, ye nivir
kin be up to the skames av thimavimrnin. Katie has.her a.ccount in the
Dominion' Bank' an Nora I under-
shtaini has „yam in the Bank ay Coin.-
merce. Doesn't it bate the Dutch how
aisy us min are whin the wimmin get
afther us. If we band out tin dollars
to buy wan av thin a new dress, she
will mebby make over her ould wan
wiclout ixpinse excipt fer some trim -
mins so we -will think it a new wan,
arrrnebby she will wait fer King's arr
Isaret's aer Hanna's to hey a sale an
buy a $15.00 shkirt fer $7.97. I nivir
belayed in bein mane wid the missus
an the girt -ills, fer, shure, they are awl
gud wurrukers, ,but sometoimes I
thought they wtis a little ixpirisive to
ka.pe up, but it sames they 'heir awl
been aavin up theer .money in hopes
waay thim -tvud be havin a weddin
v Mar -
era Chairs 50c, all other 2
The following is a brief summary
of a review of the work of the Wing -
barn General Hospital giveat, by Dr,
'Redmond to the congregation' of the
Wingham Methodist Church, on Stu -
day -morning last
The Wingham Geaeral Frospital
was started about, 15 years ago by a
mitnber of interested citizens sub-
scribing to a fund to purchase the
present blinding, renovate and equip
it with suitable furnishings for hos-
pital work at a cost of something ov-
,er $6000. It 'was started as 'a stock
company because IL seemed easier to
secure subscriptions in, that way and
.4)-ceause the 111011 felt that after put-
' brig their money into it they would
like to have control of it for a few
years, until it got well started and
secured the full cofidence of the pub-
" lie, but the directors and stockholdc-
ers have never received one cent of
rettrns, either as dividends or in any
, other way, nor was it ever intended
that they should receiv-c anything
They have given freely of their time
and money and have taken a keen:
interestt in its growth and snccess
-because they tvere large enough in
heart tand mind to tvish to bring to the
sick people of Winghain and the sur-
, rounding ,tlistrict the best treatment
that medical science can provide, at
a minimum .of costand 'right at h,orne
among their friends. About five
years ago a new wing was added, at
a cost of $7000 to provide additional
rootn and proper sleeping accommo-
dation for the nurses in training.
Two lots at the rear of the building
were presented by the late Dr. Ken-
nedy, arid one was purchaactd by the
Board tO provide a vegetable ga.rden,
Numerons donations were rnade to
the 1-Iosanta1 by friends, chiefly in the
some day. 1 nane„the girruls ay
coorse, an not the missus.
Lavin the foundry we called at the
Aero Cushion Toire wurruks. Me
frind, Doc. Dinsley showed us how
they make thim toires widout annv
wind in thim at all at all. Shure 'tis
just as aisy runniii mate iroo a
sausage maslmen, Whin ivirythingis
ready. I bejave tile Company ixlpicts
to incrase its aales-by 300 1)111' eint this
year. We 1) I 't C1l11 at the ferfiloizer
plant, ler the missals sect we leidn't
tonne, latt, some day \vino 1 an in
town be mesilf 1 intind to call an hey
a adimoke an ti talk wid me frilid,
Mislitcr 'Taylor, who. is- a- good fellah
aven if he is Scotch. Shore,'tlier is
nothing bettlier thint the,„deipc, he sills
to make the craps grow, •
This is a longer huller, Misliter
Editur than 1 ntiuded, to wroite, but
thert-.are 80 'nanny ;places a0. interest
to see in Wingliant, that it wad take:a
lon,e; foinie to even slinak-e av tlinn
awl. By the toime we had called 011
Misliter Dore at the carriage factory,
ci22 an the Winghati Cramery wit/Jr:the
Beninger byes turn crania -into ,hut,
ther, an Misliter Gthney's glove, im-
pel-1ton it. was toinie -to slitart ,fer
1)01 10 I was sorry, I didn't see me
frinds Les Young who runs the salt
block, an Vied Johnston Who lettpes
two furniture factories liutruniri, art' a
lot as the otti-eiabyes Wingliam. I
hey to go into Winghani agil to get
a new suit ;iv clothes fer the weddin
an thin 1 will meliby het' toimc to
luk- troo Mist -her 1.-1p,wsonla mill, Mis-
ther 'Lhirigle's tannery an ;gloye fac-
tory, Misfiter Willises leggin factory,
& Afillses flax,ImIk an a lot
av other places we nus' -cd , Shure I
want to lic' 11 slitand'in avid awl the
X1-11 vtr IPA.ItTa 141VIMV, W ttEK.--liy Will
englihy Farm Aioney, the la'rgest farm
.ttl,eiroy in Canada /00 4cres in Huron Count'.
w-wginuri 4 nines and entintr$,,,rtnia, 00 acres
workable., balance pasture ar.d. Mist), 1 spring
and .4 wane. brick hew°, /0 romps, cellar and
furnace, bank barn 60x61. tio-trp 6 horses and
26 ea ale, church I mite, telephooe. The build -
5055 au thRs fo.rut is Orbit more than what
uskad in- all,
?PLY' lit 1-1109. CASSELS,
Wilnthato tteproJento We. r If d
Victorla St., Bo -..q. 135, Phone 171...
Tit SALE—A Oar of No '2 0, 'W. Oats i-4-,;ar-
4' rieth week.
(aft 0AI.A10,- rante t10101 On Minni.e8o, with
'eeta-tientgala g andGlxhle.Par; foulard at
StAtille.t-ei.ve, roomed tottao, 1,1(10117' tight, lot awl half trdeu, town wator,
1013 te PA.un, .
111 11.1(4
. .PCntt10 00,11 11 I.4114 offorA •Cor
1'e.):1,0f10tut on Citiiitr4
Ut7,'tait1 404::roonra4,ij.tta4t,faol77, e0e74,0
ter; tvrtRitaittrg,'utroace;.wana.,
.13417, W41ta71.,07411e'10,,:VM.04(4, -10 1, tiXPI
' 1(00(1451441 gotta Liteliclaa. Of titbit &ver), eon vett.,
."'ilfernOac ” ,64t klaS '
a.$-, A
1777,,1' g ut
fellabs whin I. go to live in Wingliani,
r hear that .me ould triad, Jarge
oapdtton gave wan ay thitn rid hot
apaches av his in Inc Town Hall on
Monday noight. Isn't lie tlie broth
av 0 1)ye? For years he pounded' the
Chits an thin he wiot 'far his Tory
frinds,. an 1)3 this tointe be was in gud
foiglittit trim to laniliast the Id. F, 0.
crowd. Now he is afther the,,sepa-rate
schools ter gettin too money
and the V. F. O. Gov't ter givin it to
tliim, a11 the bishops for wantin lo
shtart separate Hoigli Schools, an
Separate f3't1s11ess 1 olleet4 an. so
forth. Co to it, me bye, sinive
1 aro wid ye till the /Mist). As the
011011 sez, "An 1:E0lis1 17ti17 IS nivir
at home only whin lie IS abrood; 'a
Scotebutan 13 nivie happy exeipt whin
he is tniserable, anti an Irishretan is
nivir naCe Only whin he i8
atours till nixt tyalte,
liinoth' 1- aa
Another euainertr Opening
The U. It. O. Co -Operative Co., 03
Wingliani have pin it 5o0 iota Of ice,
. is their intention to oPeri 417 a
Ill -tannery and .1000!','VOit-
bliiidillg Which was ontil recently a
year Or so ago used by S, Dennett as
a planing I i ii 1, VVorit' Will he 11101-'
(011(0(1 On the iiew cethent tattles or
hi the very near future.
't I
form of furniture for the rooms until
ep.„ the property isconservatively _ fea.ted Locknow in Exeter on Mon-
day aught to the tune of 5 to 1. Great
praise, is given to the Lucknow goal
tender, Will Reid, for the good avork.
lie did.
Thd Maaprzie euchre and dance o
l'itesday evening waa well attended,
The Royal Black Preceptory will
Meet in the Orange
011 Tuesility evening, Mareb 7th. Init-
"The Three Hebrew Children Cast
Into the Fiery Furnace" -will be the
subject. at the Baptist Church on Sun-
day evening,. •
Lenten services:will be conducted
every Friday evening. hi St. Pauls
church, These vvill be illustrated with
lantern slides,
We are sorry to learn that Mr.
Henry Lloyd, father -of Mrs. A. Hing -
Ston has suffered a second severe at-
tack of paralysis.
Tile illustrated lecture by Professor
:McCready under the auspices of the
Red Cross Society will be postponed
until further notice.
In the old days a girl brought her
beau into her parents Ad said, "Here
IS the man I'd like to marry," Now
She brings 'him in and says; "Here's
the guy I married,"
' Stop! Look! Listen! The program
committee of the Ladies' Aid of St,
Andrews Church are preparing a first
class program for the social on St.
Patrick's evening March 17th.
Fresh -supply of Shur Shot Bot aud
Worm Remover on hand. First SIJIp
anent sold off like hot cakes because
every user has become a booster:
Sold at Mitchell's Corner 1)r119 Store.
The regular,monthly meeting of the
Ladies Auxiliary to the IA/Ingham
General Hospital will be held in the
council dam -leer oa Monday, March
Oth at 3.45. All 'ladies cordially imvit-
The Exeter -Zurich hockevists de-
valued at $25,o0o. Among the gifts;'
may' be mentioned the Complete fur-
niture for 'a 'room by Thos, Bell, an-
other.by Jas. Walker & Son, one by.
the workmen who a.ssisted in the re-
modelling of the. building, one. by
Mrs. R. Clegg, in memory of her
husband ,who was a very valuable
member of the Board, and theLoret-
to Ward of three bed, by the Rom-
an Catholic church of Wingharn.
Last year the Holspital took care
of 220 patients at a cost of mare than
$1o,000. Where does this money
come from? The patients who pay
for their room and nursing contribute
most of it. A grant of $90 was re-
ceived from the Provincial, Govern-
rneritt $z000 from the County Council
and $300 from the Wingham Council,
Practically all the moner is spent in
Wingliam, in the form of salaries tol
the Supt. and Asst. Supt,, a small al-
lowance to thenursesin training,
wages to the cook, laundress and gar-
dener, the balance is paid out for sup-
plies, etc., from the various grocers,
butchers, bakers, druggists, mer-
chants of the town, and for eggs, but-
ter, milk from the farmers. The
Board has been ably assisted in their
work by the Ladies' Auxiliary, who
have collected Itnicis in various ways
and under the direction of the Matron
have lcept the Hospital supplied with
linen bedding, dishes, kitchen utensils,
floor coverings and many other things
that require to be constatilv renewed.
What value is a Hospital to a com-
infinity? From a business' point of
tiew it 117 01)117.05 $800 pet month. 10
Wages , and for 7 -le purchase of sup-
plies; aid' 111 that way is jilSt aS val-
iiable of otir factories.' 13tit
331ore ,than Sonar lives have been
The Wingham Curlers held a pro-
gressive euchre and dance on Friday
evening and over 300 people attended
and report a very enjoyable time. A
feature of the evening was the danc-
ing of a couple of Scotch reels. -
Mr. Chas, S„ VanNorman advertised
two Jersey Cows for sale in our last
issue and on Saturday informed us
that the ad. did the trick. The cows
were sold to -a man near Teeswaten
A 25 cent eXpenditure was all that
was required to sell them,
The Choir of Calvin Church, East
W,awanosh, intend holding a Scotch
concert on Friday evening, March let
A good_ programme is being prepared,
consisting of solos, duets and quar-
tettes also Dr. Peerie is giving a lec-
ture on his Travels Through 'Scot-
Mr. Geo, Carr, ta:ilor, was honoured
at the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch
Masons held in Hamilton last week,
by being appointed Grand Steward.
He is now Very Excellent Companion
Carr, Mr. R. W. Clements of Kincar-
dine, was appointed Superintendent of
this district, a position which Ex-
Cornp. Coutts has held during
the past year.
Fell On Hot Stove
*Little Hetty, Bowers, the two-year-
olcl d.aughter of Mr. and 'ars. Shirl
-Bowers of Ripley, has hacl SCTi0119
aecident which might: have caused dis-
figurement for life. While rocking in
a chair in front of a hot stove she slip-
saxedt other lives have been, lengthen- pecl..off Inc chair and tier throat went
against. the hot t-tove, .burning it ter -
ed, suffering has been relieved and re -1
coyet'y and return tb work has been
01 0(1, while le young tactics have Celebrated Golclen. wedding
Pafed9'thltsng`P ansi trs;\Vnisbltehbt-
iNlt01171i; (St'1110t titetletwedding 01 tioTie
of these services to this:ton:anal-Id diaa „garner Cantae-tind Maple Si:, on,Wed-
s.'' nesdayF b tir3 221d Th3r wereAlmostall the 91V111372s to the -Hos- recipients of beautiful silver tea
pittil have been voluntary, last year service lined with gold, the gift of the
$300 wits given lay „the Town Council fatnily. Mr. and Mrs. _Toseph.
and $t000 (.0 7(13 Council for Mr. and Mrs. E. Jenkins and Mr. and
the first time, previous to that tile- Mrs. -Chas. eGarniss were with t -heir
grants' were much siltation It worth' parents on tilts OcCaSiOn,
seihn tO me that Town Council woUld'
be justified p1 vi ng11 iargai. grant tor Public Speaking Competition
the maintenance of such a-Vvorthy in- A Public Speaking Competition
sI 711111011 and if au annual Hospital under the auspices of the Winghant
Sunclay.were established when a col- Agricultural classes will he held 71!. the
lection would he taken it . Hie Cottheil °lambert Town Hall, Wing -
churches of the town, the Board arid hain, on Friday evening,. att8 p.111.
the *Ladies' Auxiliary would find it This competition is being held to
much easier to carry on the.- work and award the prizes given 1)3, John Joynt,
a definite souree of revenue could lie 11 P. P. The program will be, varied
relied liPon each Year. with musical numbers. All trelconie.
' At the conclusion of this staten-tent Admission free,
o collectioa was taken in aid of the Attention Men
'Hospital which amounted to 1'154 65
Business .Outlook Bright
Mr: Carl E. Judson and 'Mr. Lack-
.Kermedy are in charge oE 7 large ex-
hiliit 'of "Aero Ctshion Inner Tires at
the Montreal Auto Shoty this'week.
'These gentlemen had, a vdry credit-
able exhibit at -the Winnipeg Auto
Stiow ;in the first week of Febritary.
'While it Winnipeg the' were enter-
tained one evening by 0017(171. former
Wingliamites 'who are rikw in the
Western city, among them. heitig, Mr.
ttnd Mese J. W. K, VanNorrnan, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A, Campbell and otherS,
Mr. Kennedy said ,that ahnost every
hour someone wouldpass their ex-
hibit and on reading' the name Wing-
fiant, would Say, "Why thats ' AleaV
Where 011V old home 73". 1111(1 in a few
001' 1141 found 'when in eonversatioti
tvith them that at letiat a few 11711111111'
lived as fart away as London.
lThainess in the 'Westaappears .to be
very 1)right for, the Aero Cushion. 'Tire
Coinpantit Mit Judson and Ms. K.eii-
nedy meade adore very good sales and,
°petted severalpromising, agencies,
Now that tha territory of this popular
tire does not only,inchtde Ontario but
the entire Dominion this Wingliani
Indttstry may expand and 1.)CCOITY1,1
busy onv 1) '(1. Here's fitiping,
Sat' t
- A new collar has it last 'been in-
vented that will 010(11 the zmproval 1.
of all, A 'collar that. is not a starched
collar or a Soft collar but a neat and -t
Disefisaion and CritieiSru af Seim°
, No War TaL Un
dWingliarn town hall Wa's Paoked 011
Monday night to hear the public
0055700 of, 'Grant's Grants" to public
and separate schools by the :local
clergy and 'Mr, Geo. Spotton, All
gave very forceful addresses, and We
would gladly have published 'a. More
detailed accourit of the proceedings
only tlito. we are, as ustail, crowded
for space, The following 1)- 11 eorn-
narisoa of a few of the grants given
by.lvir Spotton.
Peterboro County
Asphodel ' Township, 1 Separate
School, Gov. Grant $614-98, Pupils 23,
Grant Catholic child $26.70, 7 Public
Schools, Goy, Grant $1,262.20'Pupils
12,6, Grant Protestant child, $ OtO2t
Ennisrnore Twp., Separate School,
Goverinnent Grant $617,5o, pupils 24,
Grant Catholic Child $25,73, 3 Pub-
lic Schools, ,Government Grant $441.-
6$, InlpilS $7, Grant Protestant Child
7.‘`,)•5t.onabee Twp., I Separate Schodl,
Government Grant $756,63,-91111115 34,
Grant Catholic Child $22 25. 14 Pub-
lic Schools, Gov. Grant $2,541.60, 909-
ils 292, Grant Protestant Child $8.01.
Victoria County
Raised Separate School No 4, Ernt
ily- -Twp. roaq, $273.30; 1921, $898.98.
No. 6, Emily Twp, 1921, $71.21; 1925,
$6o2.40. Why?
Emily Twp., 2 Sep -to -ate Schools,
Gov. Grant $1,561.38, pupils 68, grant
Catholic Child $22.08. ro Public
Schools, Gov. Grant $1373.86, pupils
22‘1. Grant Protestant Child $6.13.
Frontenac County *
Six Separate Schools get more
grant from Grant than sufficient to
pay salaries..
Glenelg Township, Grey Co., 3 Sep-
arate Schools more Gov. Grant than
9 public schools,
Arthur Township, Wellington Co.,
3 Separate Schools more Gov, Grant
than, r3 public schools.
It has been suggested that petitions
be presented for signatures in the pro-
testant churches on Sundaynext.
The petition is being signed by
many people, and reads as follows:
To the Prime Minister and Members
of the Legislature of the Province
of Ontario.
Whereas, the Roman Catholic bish-
ops of Ontario have made representa-
tions to the Government of the Prov-
ince that the Assessment Act should Miss „Margaret Pocock has return -
be aft -tended so as to divide the school ed to Toronto, after spending the past
taxes paid by incorporated companies two weeks -with lier mother, who was
between etween the Public and Separate
Sewho:lesreaosn t.thbeegrbaanstisingc:fo?populatiop.; ivt, G
aGeo 3±. poeoek and miss mar_
, I garet M. Pocock spent a day last
such de' week with their uncle and aunt near
mands would compel Protestant tax- Ft 1 -
payers to contribute to the Roman
Mrs. Sainsbury and Mrs.
Catholic Separate Schools, and there -
Mr. and
by pay for the teaching of the Roman Turner of Toronto, are 'visiting at the
Catholic religion; id
home of the ladies' parents, Mr. and
'Whereas such a division of school Mrs. V. R. VanNorman, Mnnie St,
taxes as proposed by the Roman tTaylcrolggthis
Catholic bishops would deprive the gueMrs.s0 fMrs,
rif Pf./
taticlaattoat r
Toilet Creaniet
Stationery ,
,d-DrugS and Sick Room
Household Resnedies
'Toilet Soaps
-"'Taleitm PowderF
'Robber Goods
Face. Powders
Toilet Waters
Coffee, Ete.
S11e 113 on. ior 3 days, drop In, and loot
You will remain to purchase,
'iotrt; APa-`”.' sFt.vg' 1799
Mrs. Hilliard is a visitor in Toronto
this week,
Mrs. Peterman of Belinore, visited
with her son, Eldon, for a few clays
this week,
Mrs. Chester Cope/and and ti,vca
children spent the week -end at her
home in Owen Sound,
Miss May Powell of Philadelphia,
is visiting at the home of her father,
Mr. Paul Powell, Tiirnberry
Councillor A. E. Lloyd was confin-
ed to his room for a few days this
week suffering from a Severe cold.
Miss Edith Rush is spending a few
weeks in Toronto, where she is at-
tending the Spring Millinery Opening
'Ile heavy sleet storm a h vial
,Western 'Ontario last Wedrie.a
(11701110(7',11: 11 a great -.11.20 nt of dal
age to telephone ail(' telear ts
,also to .tree,,. Fortunately tint watt
enturned, ('(11 1071 .during the nigh
and-alie ice inched off the 'wire a 1A1
'001 before almost all of the i-uFal
were bren down. One farrtier,
whose papier had run out and )\a -
stopped told us that with no 1el.:Th.3as,
and no daily paper, life in the country
Was alniost a hardship, and, tinothob
old pioneer said h was itst like the
early days again blit although they
bring back rnany'happy recollections,
110 one wants thein back again, aft,er
haying tasted of the coinforts of 'mod-
ern life,
lime ogoidg to press only
-Vera' 'few; of 'Lle evuntry lines are
'• , •
working mitt Only a few of the long-
distance wives,' either by phorit- or
telegraph, are agani operating.
Worg-hain was blessed with light
and power while several other to
and villages ,were In darknessfor -a
time. One traveller said -4/Vin.gliam
was the only 1011..1.this side of Toron-
to with lights, ;but vire learn front
others that this was slightly exatager-
public, non-sectarian school system of Taylor is worthy grand matron of the ated,
a large portion of its legitimate And Chapter of the Eastern Star in. Ont
necessary revenues, thereby serious- 1.110,
ly ilic School system; and two children and Mra and Mrs. 'Vt7rn. ethodist Cbt .
mpairing the fficiencof t
ey he Pub - - Mr . and Mrs, Gordon -Ritchie and
Whereas, under the existing- Act Ritchie of Wingliam, spent Sunday RevC. E, Cragg, B. 0., Pastor
all the school taxes that can be shown with Mr, and Mns. P. R itehie—Wal-
to be derived from taxabi property kerton Telescope.
in 113e possesSion of Kaman Catholics -mitt wiimie Walker has returned SUNDAY, MARCH 510
nC1aY\tvl-g10icesSteQpztt riatete's1S1pcohrotoolsf:the Raman 1101
ocr former oosition as milliner for Tot onto where she has ace.ep
Therefore, your petitioners humblY tittother season at Northways, after .
seem lig t le tv rarer at her home here.
made .in the :assessment Act; and,
fu Tiller, that no additional concessions
of any kind shall be made to sectarian
schools in this Province.
The Followiag resolution ;was trinva
W, Snell and Rev. C. E.
Cragg and enthusiastically carried- at
the' Monday evening meeting- in the
Wingbatrt town hall. -
"Resolved that this -meeting of the
citizens of. Wingharn ancrvicinity pro-
tests against any amendment to the
School Assessment Act whereby the
school taxes of any corporation shall
be divided aCCOTding to population,
and further that we urgently demand
that all provincial Gov't, grants shall
be Made equitably between the Public
and Separate Schools of the Province
and that copies of this resolution be
sent to the Prime Minister and oar
owe member, Mr. Toynt,
Died In Toronto
:Mrs. John A-11enby a fornatr highly
esteemed resident of Wingliam,, died
in Toronto on Tuesday at the ripe old
go of Bp years. The remains were
I'0119111 to Winghant for interment in
he faintly plot. t't further notice will
lte given next week;
Won Senior Medal
Congratula.tions are due Miss DOT-
othy Snell because of her having re-
ceived 7110 1.71107 medal for the, high-
est standing in the Dominion in Sen-
ior ,Department Sunday School Exer-
cises in connection -with the Anglican
church in Canada, 'Ills young lady
\von the fttnior 'two years ago)
and her sister, A/Liss 1ifargaret, \von the
ji.lnior Medal laSt year,
Elmira juniors Default
Referee W. I -egg Of8'1,ondon, int
the 1.uckitow junior Northern 1 -lock -
(1 League Team at the abpoii iast.
'Wednesday and learned. that Elmira
1171(1 defaulted the rottnd to LneknoWe
The Luclenow sextet were ot their
way home after havitig gone tO El-
mira to play there last Wednesda,y,
No game was Played despite the fact
that itocknow the lito-
inira (^mild nOt 1106...Ey the lateknotv
club owing, io the stowni.
The ittclenertv aeniots will meet
ttacte.r-Zuriell in the ite:;et, round of
the settot series, plataintt ltaelee
coin for able c(ital' is 1)011,7shoSV11 by
1-1'arina & Co., Ltd,
Nicholson Dead
1Vilhar1 G, Nicholson, a former res-
ident of Winglik at, died suddenly at
his hoine near lieNtt SCOtland on 'Thurs-
day htst. T -ie was" ite, carpenter and
contractor, and built several of the
11011SC8 in 'Wingliara. About t-tvelve
years ago 11(t 4111(1 1110Vekl
tO Blenheim from Wingham. While
it imam they eciaided in the hollse 110117
ONtill.(1 by Mr. Harry McGee" On Pi•an-
cots SI., it `being one of` the many
houseshe built,. lt was 'Ma Nichol-
- o1 who built the, Wingbam Post
Office and Artnouries. IA/bile living
in Wing/lain, one of their little bcoes
tvas drotvaed while switinting in tile'
'Maitland neer the mul dam,
The late Mr. Nicholson tv,-ts a mem-
ber, of, the 171a., 01'': fraternity and his
widow a ',Sister of mt. V,. fet11000,
9104- .127 0,otid, The funeral wa5held
from Cutrie's funeral chapel on 'Mot,
day. laett lir dorms cicawitereo, the
sett,het The eallbearera we 11(1
:Messrs jos. (high; W, Rintottlf S,
Benntat. kit -a( (lainpbell, 1-1, la F.111Ott
heti ,t, rateford.
Ships Sawrnill To India
Rev. I)i.xon Srnith, retade _ ...da-
sionary from 'India, who predched at
Glanns, purchaseil a sawmill from Itfr
Joseph Wrightson of that village and
had it crated and shipped to India -to
he used in connection with his tvoia
in the Industrial School at Goeanada.
Davies Sell Hartiston Plant
Mn. L. C. Young. local Manager E -or
the Wm. Davies Co:, Ltd., .was In
Harristou last week 'disposing of the
large factory owned by this firm in
that toWn. The Company have had
it for sale for some time and'at last
decided to scrap it, but the Reeve of -
Harriston rather than allow that to
be done, purchased the building. 'Tbe
town will pay him 4 .per cent interest
until such time as they land a factory
or some indUstry.
orn ifig Class.
11 —lfoi 311(19 aVorshiii, -011(11,1C
eel lay the, l'astott
2.30,-51111(Iii.\' S,011001,
X 7—R W,
doll, will
'laiesday (It 3 p. 01. (111' 111011-
tlity IlleCtillk Of tile Woifie,nts
l'Nfissionary Society will lie 'bold
711 the 1101110 (if Mrs, E.
Burg/nen. sent ittrnutd
ante tine:. A gc1od 909 .117
11 tidvertisirt g- pitys, wily tot adver-
tise tlie best we hav-e, and stirely- noth-
ing is better than tile 0/lurches. We
wotilti be glad to liave tile other
ellIITC11(20 Of tOtt'll 2711. 01775109 in 01.11'
Don't Let
Feet becer dt
mEDICAL expetierica
.11 provas that men-,-atid .
Wornerl, too W110 tttobiol.
otherwise be physically "0.E.' to
day, show disiibilitieb directly trace-
able to wrongly.shod feet in el -Mt/ -
hood, If every child 'to4ttry wore
Halibuts) this trenble would '3 0311
ht the held genetatiot
4.117111t Pftitt Pho peopPr)y
4i,?foraned hit ettitelhi-otihy
appropet Nots 'itr.ret:tshots
tsitadhod shilttolitQd •