HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-23, Page 81 ,...., ' . l; ;I , , 1•1•.,,;;.,... -..; • • . l' vf ' • ;t ;01' I 1,,, , „ ;• . • . , . , , .;-; ,,,,;.;-""140 ,, , , „ „ , .,;„. r•; ; . 4; ; ;;"';''i; „ . ._, , . i , T I GU DVANCE. ioltimasagauf1iminaistirowad • • •raliosisuati41.00.,. . . zei.annaiial.mgauxtunara 11 • . I 111 , ;.• 20th Century Clothing for well dressed me. .We solicityOur order for a ne\v Sprig arade t o measure suit, Ladies' tailored suits, Canton Crepes and Spring coats, short and long, leurs and tricatines. Populat, prices. AFT "".".• u -so SD 11:4°1 11 1 RNOON Mr -Garvey of tivingstone kScott, will:give a display a new Spring Sep- ar-te Skirts and Dresses in PLIV Read\r-to-Wear, on Thursday afternoon, you are invited. swintamarEmommatmantamamitztiortmaimmismaittomm •1"011580anititio"rmegmemmvammosiontat;awmatummtamm GLENANNAN The. hay p,ressers nave been busy •••,vorking on the line. Those who got , y pressed have been drawing it to cars at the Glen. Mr. Chas, James, who has been spending the' past rnonth at his home; nere, has returned to the, 1Vest, -Bert ha Mars hall spent a ..few days recently in A,Viugliant. A. Gamier, visited her friend, Miss Mabel Stokes last week. There are a number on the sick list in these parts. ltfannie "Alarshall of London, is visiting with friends in these parts. The C. 1'. R. ran off the track near Cleriannan on Tuesday of last week. '1.1.1e,re being no damage done. -Airs: Oliver Stokes left on Saturday • for Toronto, where site will visit with friends for a couple. of weeks. • urmaeacsuromuisianzatmeamanuswessammaaav OP' 0: 0,1" 1,1.I11.11b1h 414'441' '1V,41261011/,'10.dr11I '10f.,1.11,1117'11,111:"; 1'1 11 Thursday, Frid.and Saturday TWO GREAT COMED1I4S tiA RO L.,"C7) in three reels, and VIOLA NANA Showing that Art in a g,arrett may triake good magazine reading, but is tough on healthy appetites. "LIFE'S DARN FUNNY" was the feature at Lowe's Toronto Theatre, week of Feb. 11t13. We are throwing in Harold Lloyd's 3 'reel Comedy Special for good measure. Matinee Saturday at 3,30, 10c and 15e, Two evening shows Saturday at 7.30 and 9. R,eguiar ,Pric&i 15e and 25e, ••••'...46ndak,...T008day FRANK MAYO• 313 •. 11 -le 131azing ikt,J •1.,';•.,t' .1" t',111.11. TAKEN41,1FE , FROM ' '" , , .. v•,,eckly• periodical whose dra, iwatic Page is nol.a.bly fearless—is the following comment • "Comparisons are necessarily ous,. but we pannot ).1,e11) looking haat , LIVE STOCK IMPROVEMENT At this time of .,year many farmers are considering this question, po.sSibly more seriously than at any other ^time of year, It is practically established that in order to be successful farmers ,)Li -ver )dtrt)hriebii ttgtiecifftnncist soorlybePtift lialere•t attchilitleiL,I; 1 vvc lltirl!ie1.3.beelsit.letysie t)ociOcfiti4nr''SelV, cswiniltc, lis libe:„,csoelp ill,cireodi -0..ti,,,iethAtii,ioeci,y1;51slee., FTQluiie. 9 147aP PottltrY, and cattle; tO et our farming operationS to show a PrOfit filrriS which first come to mind aro in r-1°11ars and cents., or get the In°0t- :111.-,ear,ii3sirotif., tolcawN(2),,ttii(01:,,,,,a‘ii.iciiii.t,ojigarantteil.el sa.\ti4.feacwrilosini ottott tollal,,ivfetioien tahtteeifiiroann. 0.. Wonian,' but the grandoise Postur- the farniers to the fatt that this time of year, is possibly the best in which inp,s of Dayid, Waric Griffith aridto Ceof - cil B. DeMille appear pale and artifi- or,,proousre:cuattetitell°11es,reda;.ch Inadinsecwilsssiiiirge: cial in the light of this 11CNNT Pr0(.1.1.1C-^ live stock impravement we can always tion, Nor does the legitiatate stage say that 'the best is none too good, itself come out entirely unseathed in ' although sometimes too dear. .Flow - the test of comparison, for this mere ever, do not let us look. for a bull with 1111014C easily surpasses the noigy clap- the idea that the cheapest one is the trap which passes off as art•in the box one most .suited to our needs as a office of the Belasco Theat poor sire is never an asset lie is 'The Four TiorseMen of the Ap- s a liability. In other words, ocalipse,will 'be hailed as a great When makini". out your '1 t; dramatic adhievement; one, windh de- the end of3 '"v (31Y at thet year,.a poor bull should serves mare than sany other picture alwaysibe •en eted a costly liability: play .that the war' inspired -- to be In these alaYs cf reduced prices, in - handed down to generations yet un- telligent farmers are aiming to secore born . the best that is available. The nian " ThFIj e our orseiden• of the Ap- doing the most Avorrying is the man ocalipse' is a lit%ing-, breathlng answer with poor cattle, poor hogs, poor to those who still refuse to take mo- sheep, etc. To hold our markets, tionti0 n ; t Ito :n p:trot artistic lansalic.ecnntieurertaltitt,r_lecetttss, itto sithiaolicteldfabreiniwnge Plane that it has 31 CV'et touched be. must keep better stock. • fore,' 'co'nversation with a farmer the', _Robert E. Sherwood' cootterirtitglaynexhie ylthat heausde211(tiiossilt,to-titas) •the cattle end' of his operations, in that he had used an inferior sire in Expresses Opinion Plainly i • 1 920. , 10 orcier to nsure against a Mr 1. Lockie Wilson, head of the fepetition of this Condition, he invest- , 61 Fall Fairs for the Province s ••;roecl ed- a new hull. There are many oa df his wgy to a cort5id•orabio tell lwiho if we would b',honest, cl e,,,honest, coul to go i extent in criticising the 1J. F. 6., HtulreonsaCtiOleunste3o,rlyia. s a reputation as a Movements. Some of these hired ser- .beef raising seetion,..which 'we cannot rude awakening one of th-e di • iariners'tell us that the dattle in tile Mrs. Albert Garnier, who has-been spending the past few weeks with her parents and other relatives has re- turned to her home at Windsor. Mrs. Forgie and Miss Mary have returned home after attending the Golden 'Wedding of the former's sis:- ter- at Exeter. , - „ DELMORE Mii;sio11a1i)7-Meeti1Ig ‚11011 1100t on Friday afternoon at Mrs. Jcffray's. A full attendance is required. The bo:t social held on Tuesday evening under» the auspices of the Girls' Club was a snccess in every way, a splendid programme being pre- pared for the occasion. The rink is well patronized by both old. and young. A lunch is served' in the basement of the hall which is i much appreciated by those coining I-0111 a 'distance Miss Mary Aitken who has been ill with -scarlet fever is home on 0 visit. Mr. Cecil McNeil, who has been. suffering with blood poisoning in his hand is recovering-. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowry of Niag- ara, are spending' a few aays with their sou, Archie or: the ohl .home - Miss Eleanor Jeffray visited. last Week with Miss Margaret visited of Cuirass. Miss Gibson, teacher, is home on the sick list, there being no school for the past week: GORRIE 1,1rS, Thos. Phair returned home trom Torooto last week, where she bad been a visitor with her son, fa; a couple of months. Mrs. Chas. Finlay has been» confin- ed to bed for the past Month. We are pleased to hear she is able to be about vants of the government will get a afford to lose, Many of the older County are not as good as they were No other governnient in the history. thirty or forty years ago. If that be the men of the Beck -Wilson type 'as trie-useting,theroco is tiate grsaivloetdid-eesrpsonosfibiltiltlye of Canada has been so tolerant Nvith has thc Farmer Government of Cul:- younger generation, ario, but there is such a thingario, as A common , mistake . made by the carrying „liberties too far.--Fariner's overage; fa'r'roor, when looking for a son. ,Th.c, Sitti-,--a_pparently is gaing to is. that. -he insists cm a.voung ne.i, attempt to weild the big stick, and J. Lockie Wilson,"who was in the move- ment for the betterment of farmers When the editoi• of the Sun was an ordinary newspaperman, is now given. a' -warning that he must not open his mouth on any public question, es'pec-. rally if it does not agree'with the U'pol- icy of the U. F. O. The Sun so far has not been able to dictate to the govermnent and we assume that this is another- of its idle threats. Loc- kie AVilson i5 trying to improve their fairs, improve plowing, preaching the gospel_of pure seed, pure bred animals and crop competitions. We heard.his remarks •c5n which the Sun threat is basech J. J.. Morrison had just ciosecl ane of his doleful si_ecches. There was- no one in 'Canada to bear the. bUr- dens but the farmer: Mr.;Wilsbn in hg; is pleasinmanner pointed out that - it took all kinds of peoPle to make. a counttly. There , was the manufact- urer, the artisan, and the farmer and everyone of them were needed. One was just as much necessary as the other Mr. '17tri 1 s o n's vievi was ap- plauded. He did not slam the. gov- ernment or anyone else. We opine that Mr: Morrisq&...was not pleased because he did, not rind the Trairs'..As- sociation susceptible to his line of to•gument. j Lockie Wilson has too long been 0 1160114 of the farmCr to be so easily cast aside becau?.,-e he has an 'unbiased Opinion.—Islincardine Re- ••' MRS. T. FELLS Patrick St:, Phone 231. Qualified to give Chiropractic a niass.age, aj,istments. Spinal examilinal'i free. DC1I 011 Miss Newall who has been serious. ly ill for some time is somewhat -im- proved, but still bedfast. We hope to soon be able to report 'her well. Melvin Hammond and wife ha-ve been visitors with the datters' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Steimnillar. Melvin left last week tor a visit with his father and mother at Vancbtwer, a C. The meeting held in the Hall on Monday evening 'was fairly well at- tended. Able. addresses were given by Rev. Snell of Winghatri and George Spotton, ,Rcv. Clysdalc of Fordwich and Rev. Jones of Gorrie. Paitions are being circulated and almost uoi- versally signed against the 'GOvern- merit of 'Ontario dealing so generous- ly with the Separate Schools in the way of Grants last year or any change in the school laW to enable R. C. Schools to bc extended. - WEST:P:1E14D IcillYt!'v'enAte'rttainellillsamilittoinf bAerubliovin etihia- Westfield young people on Thursday evening, A very enjoyable evcrung was spent in gam es, tnusic and sing- ing old. favorite songs,. after whlob. a dainty lunch wa,s served. Mr. Chas, l'',ockwood 11•.ttl the m4s- farttino to break his nose l'c'hicit has 0014(r/10d Imo_ 16 his bed. Mason -10 W t'S t 11 cid on Fobrita,,y 18, to Mr, and MI s. Walter Mason, a daughter. Vincent—Iii 'W es1 l'i el (1, ori February ti.ttli, in Mr, and Mrs. "Percy Vii)eont q 116)1011 01 . PIPCIRadios V SP IL; %hill •., .;• t'.1,5(tali Feb 23vd, tti 1.: 1 (51' n. pairmg After mucic experintenting we have seeded in perfecting a process for repairing rubbei». fooltvittr ana d we re able to ,ettrautce thie itliuost satistactio,11 and at inarvel.ou$1y low prices--lia fact it is 0111 opinion that our customers will male a saving of frorio.,25 to 5o per cent, on the Ruh- 1.)ei• Footwear expenditures. • esuciiisaminarAplix.ansasugalcaumatsaatommemaug,-,atalaausa.ruanace. ' FOR INSTANCE New Soles on 111.en's fine rubbers that are waterproof and - will stick for 45 cents per pail New Soles on NVoineit's Rubbers„titat 11101(05 11101)1almost as. good as new, for 35 cents per pair , ,• , ntioner oles for 35c per. pair Nevv Soles on. Cltildlim's IZtibbets that will make them weal just twice as long, for '95 cents per pair l'ateites 11 on; , 15 to 25 cents Do sot throw aWay your worn rubbers. lAle invite you tO try our iew Iriethod and assure satisfetion„ . • — • • ' • • " .1" • .1- S The Sh,te Store ne oI29, - » Wirighat i)* . • ".•••• • • • 11. which in every ease is untrie one. - Tit this•case he May. be an depending on :MINNIMEMIMIEMI:immwm:', the. Voung animal's, pedigree. • Along ' '••• • • •' •'• ' •.• • •••••• • ' ;•,. this line .i,ye htthat from time • . - - -7 ' "77 •17,•,-„; to tiMe there. ai-eS sires. of RESULTS' OF FIELD CROP' • wli orth ,tat arebeingk sent Lo the'bloc, , „ •••,„ •• • ' which should be retained on the -farm. 'rue±0.11;c,wirig Combinedtaticing Field; crop u lorig'as they' ;tre seful. 'The local Department 0,f .Agricultul'e is anxious' ed Grain Competition 'conducted, by the.;•Ttirnberry Agricultural n .Society, i(fats: 13 to retai11. as many' 0,f..-'. ..'these •Prcrvert While Mi.. Wilton was iirst in the'lleldscore Mr:•Thos,.'raYlor has nosea oat ahead • ` i',...t• sires as Possible and is willing to 'as- cif 11iin Whetilpci•th scs bre, recit1 '' e'sidered '` ' • ' ; '-' ' ' ' . '' • sist .ip placing me. til. • sa, -wherever •. . _•,-, • • • • .a. . l . ,. 6oy. of Field.' „....10./.., of 13i,, ,. • • . l'•••••••!' pos'sible. Some of these are at the •, .. N. „ ,./,. .. „„ . q . .-' " , ,.... head of pure bred herds and for little ' ame -6a-1.1-l3e'•• ' aueLY , `--(-°1e Score 2-c4°;1' niore than. beefprices, cou cl be se- r. Thos, Taylor, Witighain, 13a -ruler__ , ..;......,, 51.9 36,4 ., . !.;./3.3 : cured , in a 'cominunity, f'or tise on 2. Richard Wilt.011, ,Wil3gliarn , -Banner •,,,., r 2 S 05,2 grade ,lydrcls ‘yliere their influence . Peter IVIeT2.',,w,e11, Bluevale, R. R. r, •;.52,0 3.3,6 84,8- w°1\l'Illecii-cli)teanitnZalt11•1:1.11)11eetn-ten', and .oth crs; 41- \\7'2:" Webst°'''Ll'el''''''' R. R. 2`' • Bauiler... -• • • ' • 576 31•8 ' 834 stimulate the business: Governments, 6. 3. C. l'ili,tehell, Wingham, Banner. ,.,........ ,,...,.. 48.3 33.2 .-.1f•ttnicipal, .Provincial,. and Federal, 7. W. i r. ;•.6.,.:1 1 utt 1 \v. R. ......rni--aan.r, - .ng.iani, Banner . 2, ....;... 4.7.7 -,...;3.2 - are urging 0 general resuri-Ption of . . tions Tlie 13reeclef's of Huron Cbun- - • ' ' , • . -„,.,,, . ' ' •• ty arc willing to db the same:with the farmers of the County and have at present, a' largcr number of 151.111s of good bi....-eeding aiii)de'pliz.ittlrtivmideluitaloitfy.Aig, 1.,. -, : Clinton, Ont.. ' S B. Stothers, Clark vs. Huron Flax; Mills • • `Phis was an 'action 15roitglit 0 1).,by , . : 'Plias. ...Clark . of MorriS '"township against the Flitron County Flax. Com - are being urged- to' reduce :prices...4;d J.AVright.,...Vin,ghatn, Banner 46.1..; 35.4 8?.?. • business to improve financial condi- X P41 X VA "Patty to recover the sum of $214, the table of eel -lain flax grown upon bis laud and the actioli was disposed or before His Honor, judge Dickson on the 5111 ,of April, 1921 in favor of the plaintiff with- costs. A seizure of tilt - defendant's goods and chattels at the 'Brussels mill was. their mode,, by the sheriff, whereupon they were claimed 1.)y the Sovereign Production Co., and -1.-n Interpleader issue was directed to 1 try -the question 0 [The 01\700rSITiP Of Listowel 8, Wingham 5 Frm o' t he Listowel Banner. we take the foliowing which ha s reference to , the High 0ch661 hoc:Icev ina.tch, held in. X XXXXXMXTA'N-44X I X1/4 91.14 t. ler f#4 Winglaant rink a .week ago- Friday. ',:to The locals are playing nice hocke.,y. 01 and should have the support o ,.11.. t Illill III A win from liarriston here will give Intl in them the district. They were more titan pleased with the spurtstriatiship shown them by lATinghatn. and. all 'Say , , ,. the Wingbarn boys „re "a fine bunch"-, Goals scored l)y the locals Ivere: Dick JCidd 4; Delbert Philp e; Earl McIll- 00 All 20c and 25c pap- er covered Novels, at,e riovv selling at 15 cents each. 14. B. Elliott tooks, Stationery, Magazines., Town T lc 1;:et Agencl Canadian • National Grand Trunk Railway, Ocean tickets via all NOTICE TO CREDITORS Noblee is hereby kiven, pursuant; to Section 55, Chap. 121 at the RovlsectStattnes of Ont, silo, that all pe08005 lavtug claims against the lilgtate a Andrew itililot, deeeaSed, who died on ot about the twaat,y4hir8 day of Dee ember, A, D, 1921, at; the Township Of Turn'. btoetgreyntiit 1.,,lielic,,s1•14..Lvpinrceepftelfd?totti,tuti. oedaernevei:ole. ttii11 oR. r• tVilaenAtv,00rtoou,,tv•vvixi,itairiliork;nb,er(o)rieurrhieo,t,i.,?4,nutep..,sorvefc th day �S Ifeibruary, A. 1). 1522, their names 3,11(1,0000111I084 tW11h full partieulats of their t4010,0i-A$410-Loali(' rtatIllyti)n1g111.3alblyq 111.11001n11(aht111170 vf,13ti )t, cei t117 a$thi0tovY 0001t0o1'111;4ettlif,,t3(1;1' i hat 0,Itor Ibo Bahl lvent•tt-seventh day of Ifebtaterv, 1922, the a5ets of the eslate will bditribtrt tiy tbe 'mong (1111(11111 p, its 0111)1100 timer , having ve,gartl, only to 1110 claims of whieb 1,Ley shall then have Itatier tho 0511110 ‚(5111 )101 Pc liable for 11117 0041111 not flied at, 1110 11120 05 111081,1a tiiHtvibution, », litit..dio.A,whigiv..0,111118111,1431110Ii2:111 day. of ‘Tallu4"'I W ' 111141 P :501.1 i•by I; Fred Clarke T teants:' » Wingbam „ Listowel • Donaldson goal Cox llracketibtiry defense Philp (. 01 ()1 • 10 011 Vikter 1wing Kidd Percitie r. wing 11loore ks! 41 Final Clearance Sale of Winter ic !» Merchandise Thi s Week Only sul.) po- three days we will offer ci.1n ;.11tilitiac2;;:;r 9 f jiist°'w,,c, I ' .tet.111171C-611 .' ' tc..1116a nbdailsaell, "-at'c'foprtrli prices that ."N'e ;k1vill -1 mean hill savit gs o -ro . ' ,,, •• 1\lanY.-,of' the Dollar 3)0)'val.'N t . EAST WAWANOSH 14 ,Quite a nuinber from these Parts Ore attending the evangelistic services services Ali » the Prebyterin church at l3elgrave. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Thompson and baby Alie, oC St, Augustine, visited last week with Mrs. Thompson's par- ents, Mr, and_ -.N.tys. Thos. Robinson, Calvin and flrick elturches are unit- ing their services for the month of Pebruary. NOTICf,:, CR.E11)1TRS Ili the etate'of Duncan Robertson, late ot the .finwahip of M0111.111110 L110 011111111,31of H111.11011i Fraulor, dei.Matd; • NOT-T.0E1S hereby given parSearit. to Section so, Ohapter 121 of P.,„ 8, 0. 1011, that all porsone having. einbris against the estate of Duncan 0, Robottson, who died. 00 or abOut, the twenty., forth clay _Deeentber A. 1), 1921,, at; the TownshIp'brmorris in the 'County of ituon are reenired to send te the ntifiersigned admin istrattig on beforc•ilic 2od. day of January 1922, 111010 Mionos end aadressesAnrith hill pax, ti -tilos, of their eianns vit,iting and the ratturo Of the 10011011305 95 an)' MA by them . furthor auto notice that•lk,ftel' the titid• 52rid. day of .351111511'1922» alb tktkibt54 ar. the said estate win heclis,ribte41,00; tiald ad- inlniSqatrix antoto, the parpittrottlyttleia .1.; 1,, M"14441,1i,,,* shall than haVe natio ao nd the. tat tiof, bo a rnr ny ein.inis not filed nts. e tiny) et 1 besal0.ii:Apiittion„ im At 3.V;Ingliatit tcla 'day J'aw, Ptinx.;;;;;rttotmi.s. • s,ntielfdr el; tho „,-;ttlni;n15tbatfbK", 1l01"ifftr,St, 1 A , I , • , ' elni; 14 nes will e colitiattie so don' rniss this extraordinary btitritte: opporttiriit }r. ; SAVINGS FOR MEN 1\Tel-es Snits $1,1..T.0 tt;2350 Mon.'s Overcoats $r5 $26.o 1\1en's Slieep Lined Srnolt-s Men's 1\itackinai,vs AVo61 Underwear' Mens Viceep, Lined lintler- wear 1;Mn."'s CorribinatiOns Meri's Fur CoatS Boys' Winter Ovelreoats Boys' 'Winter Stiits , Boys' Sweater Coals oys' Pullovers Boys' II•ridertyear Boys' lioSiei•y .SAVINGS FOR WOMEN Fnl Collar Coats ' Coats 1'weed Coats , Serge and Tricotirie 3)1e13e5 Sint and Crepe Dresses Motise Drese SALE OF FURS Special sale of class Furs, 'bluffs, Stoles and Sets at less than inalitifacturers prices. Iiildsort Sell' Scarfs, Muffs Alaska Sable' Scarfs Ntlifis Cariadi:Irt. Beaver » Scarfs »and Muff. Red ,3..?oy. Sc -;•M ztrt.d bluffs Canadian 1.,yrix Scarfsi Muffs 'Persian Lomb Scarfs, Muffs Special Offerings in Flottse • ligiblikato aoh Stior ' • , 'It .410 `44.4,4,;', • tt..L: ;It 1,..t•ktitklettAli'lit'Ajk'AtItti••ItilttItLIV• at Am A • • t .4 a 1. II I. . „ . 11