HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-23, Page 45,
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NGHA M. A )1\i N , Tbii1700.y.', Feb,: 23d 122
0C1149f;X;c4laClaPC ,-10‘,704,,,00.0000041 my,iimyo'*pfli$47,A,my, 4147A14/XIMUz4*,X14.
Rude R14ral. R4YrjOiteli '151(
By Vicente &lase° Ibanez
Rex I gram Production
, Adaptedty June Mathis. Photographed by John F. Seitz.
Over One Million Dellars was expefided in transferring this famed work' of
' fiction to the screen. . ,
Twenty. Million
in eveey part of the world have thill-
ed to ,the powerful dramatic story un-
folded in the internationally famous
novel of the renowned Vicente Blasi
co Ibanez which is sweeping on to its
two hundredth edition.
rronl this Internationally Fara-
ous,.Novel Metro's Pinnacle of
Screen Excellence s Attained
All the virile force and dramatic in-
tensity of the noted story is presery-
ed and heightened in the colossal
• screen while the vast magnitude of
the gigantic events recounted are pic-
tured by the carnera with a power be-
yond the description of mere words.
More than 12,500 in the cast including 50 principalappear in this
most gigantic undertaking of motion pictures.
Rea t th F remsl tramatic Critics ri the Day said aPiout
The lTew S6± Times: .' The Boston Traveller:
"To finda play that is • "Ti iS a. great picture...1n every way
broad --scope and epochal in its im-
plications, one Must go 'hack tep,„ the
Elizabethens, for example to 'Shake-•
spear's 'Antony and Cleopatra,..,John
• .
Chicago I:tally Tribune: - •
"Go -old se = the 1'ho Foul- Horse-
liter'of the y.A..pc•calypse',.......lt is' worth ,
• voiir tin.tc and it1one.3,-.
it lives up to its proinises..,..L.Words
eattriot do the picture justice."
The, Toronto Mail and Empire
"The Four Horsemen is a super
pkture,•the Greatest of the Great, It
may be that soine day we, will see as
good a picture but we do not ever ex-
pect to do so.—.F. Jacobs. ,
CH1CHt in 9')w F0L4R.
\\Tith Special Music under the direction of one of Canada's most noted conductors.
Two performances daily at 2.30 and 8,30.
sale of tickets now, at McKibbon's, D'uo' Store until 7.30, daily, and at the Box-'5ffice after 7.30.
Prices—Evenings; all seats 75c; Matinees, all seats 35c. •
. •
()old advise you -to secwe your tickets early as there will only be a limited number for each performante.
, .
,44'0404,007„ItorKttr.tictrx,rkeolooem Afi ,
Name Your Vann ' , k '•'' 4441
• If _yon Possess a Jikely farin, elittelt
jall of cops and ci.s.tys and charm you, „Bisek
ought ro glve a name to it, like "liar- A ';
vest I -1;1/s' or "Ppodger's Bit". And X
Yet! I Pray you, do not ,clioose the ;kit
coninion names that •others use, the 't,72_,\,,
"I-Iilltop Farms" and "Valley Views," 4
lest, when you stamp the ,sarpe some ito
day, en cheese or prunes or bops •or V
'lay, the Patent Office man may say; A
"Lay off that naine; for it appears in
• I-)odimk, Maine, John Henry Squeers ra....,„-*
has 'lased it unipty•tseven years." Se 44
work your brains and let them vvau,-,
der in seat•ch of new names ere and ,
yonder, through tales ,and myths ,and 4
• :1
old traditions that fit •your farm and •to ,
its conditiorts. .From Palestine and
Greece and Rome,,, bring poetrY -and
romance home. If you have oaks try
"Druid Grove" or some neat refer,:
ence to Jove. Ifyou raisenules, like
My friend Bill, you might do worse
than j`Tilalaain Yea if the job
were wished on me to, say what each
farm s .name should be, ,my choice,
would fit at any rate but •might be
too appropriate. For you and 1and all
men know some farms that should be
"BouseWife's 'SAroe'l, and proud poss-
essors wohld not swallow my "Hope-
less Hill" or Slipshod Hollow".
How dear to my heart is the steady
subscriber,, •
Who pays in ,adVance atthebirth of
• the year,,,, • - ; • -•
Who lays' down liis InoneY and Offers'
it -
Andeasts.round the office. a',11alo'of
Who never says, "Stop it; I cannot
afford it! . • -,
Or, "I am getting inore papers than
,• I can read!" ••,
But always sitys," "Send it; the family
, all like it--- •-
• In fact we think it's' a household
need!" •
How -welcoine is he when he steps
into the sanctum! ,
How he /flakes our eyes dance!
1- --How he makes OUT hearts throb!
We outwardly thank him—we inward-
• ly bless him --
The steady subscriber who pays in
advance: . •-
41 1 Qi; 4V,4,:eil" 910
VIVCIt.NOW ' , • , • • BLYTI-1
1110 amorid of Mr, Sallniel Thonm- Mr, _lames 'McManus of Godericla,
• 1
son,- who lives 3051 West of the vii- attended the funeral of the late jr.'A
Insrge wns h'im
eid on SilaY and was John Cowan, an Tuesday. -
1 -ay largely attentied.11-Ir..,Timirip-1: Miss Finlay of Kincardine, visited
em 'tylib was „.to years of age bad -been iiriends in town during the week.
ailing for some itme'being a victim ot!„ NYalton Hockey team defeated the
that dread ;disease, 'Inberculosis and local- teani, on the rink"' here on Sat -
leaves to mourn his loss, his moiher,!urda? evening last by a score of
hi.-- wife aild two young daughters i Mr. Joseph 'Utley was the referee. 4
He possessed a most likable dIS/)0Si-i Deittli cl-t----"41 ---44.,-- og 'it., ,nlite-q'
twit, oeivitt thoroughly honest and up-lpioneers of this district' in the per-
, ' I " ' i
right in oli his ,51ealitigs and_ bad made -son of Mr. John Cowan, who passed.
oa,,, •,-ircie of friends. •The 1. funeral peacefully away on Thursday morning'
to Greenilill ceitieterv was under the, aged ••-f! Deceased leayes to inournT
the Dlack :Knights Of ire -his loss besides his wife and three
Iznity. 1dan4.-irters two b -others Mr. Doled
The - , r, g :=. - 1. • ,, inneral or the late I.‘ni.,'..akili.n..and Isaac' Cowanmof town, also onet
"iva.;,; 'held on Thritsday last to.Green-ls.ister, Mrs, John Anderson. , The
nt •nenteter3„,. 'Service Being conduct -i II:metal was held on Tuesday from
• ed at= 'the house -by- Rev, •Mr.= irwiar, t. Ins late residence, Ciall., 12, East AVa-'
pastor ,of the -.Methodist clinroh, as -,1 wand -sin
, !„.„, -
sisitod...,hv two brothers of life 'Vim I
IN'llo are Innustare of the Attetbodisti GORRIE .
, church- 1 „•
,, , - Miss Alba Carson is spending a',
Mr- *,rid 11Irz-- Rolit. Tnotilll'tson, en- week with relatives in Wingliam.
tertaiitbd '04 ullInher. of Young PeoPie • Rev. J. W., Hilabert, of Kingsville,
'teadliS Will trosS 'iltielts' here on FririaN- on many old friends in the 'tillage.'
' n. Pritteli, evenin;_g la,st. t while here on Tuesday ,conducting the
1..unkriew and Elnalia jr, HoelteV fimerakof the late Rev . Aslitott,„ called
night iii, the *,enti-finals, •1 Mr, Sib-bert was pastor in the Methoti
-,* -,, , * p * $ * ,
„.$1,1• It ameron Gentles mad ba been dist ejittreh here some years ago. ,
:in the t•ttlat'li i'or some time is vi,siting: . - :
his home lire.. =The Text Coinrnanchnents of Sport i
' ' / h A-41 .i.c.1 , -a xr iie J
.._ , n t t ier ri ,p. r. u rton
E;s•-r• $47A•wANiosx.T coo -Neil., It:110 iS the „Fporting editor of the Isktipi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ilyndman of
Currie, called on the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy, on slay
recently. .
Miss Annie Westlake visited with
friends in Gorrie last week.
Mr. and Mr's. fatob Willits called
on the latter's mother, lir& John Ab-
raham near Delmore last Sunday.
•Ala Geo. Bennett,had. the zrnsfor-
tune to have his hand cut while work-
ing in the swamp Gm -day iat. week.
The Meehan Bros, had the misiOr-
tune to lose a horse one day last week.
While running loose in the box_stali
one night it got into the manager on
its back although not dead 'When it
was found it died the next day.
The town has sold all its 16 inch
wood, green, at 4..00 a cord.
The sawmill t d t start
some time the middle of March.
Miss Jean Stewart of Winnipeg, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lindhay .at
- Mn Geo. Smith, sr.. was given the
contract of cutting, splitting and pil-
ing‘the town wood at 75 cents a cord.,
Mr. 13. 1-lisco,,f went to Fergus,i
where he ts assisting Ma Ewing in
putting on a big sale.
Dr. Clark Brink of Brant Hospital,
Burlington, spent the week -end with,
. , •
, ' • , . '
Martin—On February 8th, to Mr. and
-, Mrs. Bert Martin, l31nevale, Road, a
son. --William
, Short -Courses Sa.tisfa.ctory
'• Our short colirses in. ,agriculture
and domestic science in .t2I -were our
inost „satisfactory enterprises• during
'the Year. tThese course's 'were ,held
in:Fordwich and the organization was
left to the local, people as much as
possible, • Fordwich -village and dis-
trict has a community ctirb-which-un-
dertook the organization -of, the class-.
es, They worked in,conjunction with
the 'Women's Institute and in this
way were able :to,get up a good at-
tendance.- For' the boys' course' we
had some -65 names on roll and an
average attendance of' 45. These
ran,ged in page frorn years. to 60.
kears. • By far \the large majority .were
between the ages of 18 and 30. For
the girls we 'had two courses—,home
nursing and home, economy, taken
by Miss M. McTavish, of
and Dr, M. Rittman',, of London, re-
ipectively. 95 girls and women avail-
ed. themselves ;of either one or both
Alex -well Abraham and on,
Vern, rettirried home 'after spending
three ;Weeks in this neighbo_rhood.
• :NIT'S': Forsythe and son, Roy visited
at Mn Andrew CaSeinote's on Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. A. McGee visited at
Mr. John Gray's last Sunday.'
Mrs, John Robinson of Kincardine,
is visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrg. Thos. Abra.hatn.
\ MTS. Alcx-Ma-Evre- has returned
honte from _attending the funeral Of
her father, Mr. Gourlay of Brooklyn.
kts'L Abruti and son Vern
have returned bornealter visiting with
friends_ and felatiV.es in Morris and
Mr. Dan Cooper, loth con. is pre-..
paring to build a new house next sum -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hackwell en-
tertained a number of their friends to
o Progressive enchre and dance last
Maxwell Abram visited bis parents
Ott the ist, line Iast week.
The heavy rain on Sunday f.-.vening
spoiled the sleighing again this win -
junior Farme\rs' Infprovemeht
Associations have -been organize, m
the comity. ' Twq Jhnior Farmers'
Ploiviftg Conipetitions -were held in,
the county, -one under the auspices
each junior Trnprovernent Association:
-Very little Work has been 'done.
from our office with reference to farm
help during -1925. • There was very
little inquiry .and the farmers seemed
able to co -pc with the sibiation.
R. Vanstone was again appointed as
high school trustee at Wingharn, The
IWingham High School grant Will be
_another was our championship-school-
E4ir wingnam. OUT prize lists are
financed in va.ricms ways. Finance
has been little or no trouble our
criunt3r to the reme popularity o
the idea which may be due to the
rtovelity of the thing, Our co lnty
council Lin.akes a grant- of $23 to -each
and every -school fair Our
township councils sup p or t these
things, rather liberally in most cases.
The sclitiol boards Make grants' of
from $5 to -Vo. • Then. we have dona-
tions from private citizens as well as\
from,such organizations as Womeirs
Institutes;reanner's Clubs gind in fact'
any organization that sees fit to sup-
port the affair, Booths in some cases
are also a- source of revenue. The
quality of the exhibits was a SlirPrite it Is. Ptehably nothing in Canadian
in. great many cases the past year literature has been more (meted
as the season was none too favorable:\ than Bliss •Carman's "Low 'lido on
New competitions are introduced shell Grand Fre,” poem whieh breathes
as judging competitions and at one the spirit of nature as felt on the
plate we had a competition in, 'rope 1:6-Vely .6hores of Nova Seotia. 'rho
splicing and at another. a wood -saw-. ' modern Canadian poets AVe 011;5:W-
ing conipetition. •in the footsteps of these writers,
ter. • ' '
A number of people m this locality
are sufferina- from heavy. cold § and
his parents, Mr. and Mr,s. L. A. Brink i .
Messrs, "Win. Hays and IVilbert Gal-
laway, have reeentiv-- moved to their
. ,
new homes,
Mr, R. A. Taylor's lawsuit with She
Howiclt Council wa- recently settled
in Taylop"s" favor witlt all costs.
2v...7..jack a3,• Or 's... 1.,ear/1
Mr. - I" '1 ' ” " "/ g a broad
smile, its a girt. Ha., I-Ia.
Owing to Miss McPherson's illness
the latter pait of last week there was
no school.
Mr. 'iliir!, Taylor of Winghain, is
, • ,
visiting at the I./01110 of ins hi -Other'
. ,
Al Fr e, t, last ,vselc.
ork v.‘„e014g 3,1.8n gives ten iLvitinj Misses IrenelicKelvey and C-ladys,
nuitcs, Lehi:tied i\leetarig• held on iples constittitine, tln•t cot4e. Jacks" were delegtesyilr',.m...ttehEPi'
nte$,' 0=1 last meeting er6.;read 'laud ;11)7- end ever- sort of contest in iedaich! -------- gham last r"daY' Sah'irdaY,
14'eb. :Niembe• rs zal present a'ocul sport They ap '0 Id' a vl
worth League to the * into, c GO I
• antindaY•
Iasscssr.rwere ii•aceived ipatn 17\lre. Tlion shaft not tthlt,
broveg, 9110/10/1, of Sot and (41.ez- lnnuan. e can take part, and ta..e
L S t bl t b "••
' \piii4c4nvon,-t, for the office of ati follows:
around rn-i-alia .0-eter being at/a p
, orne • cot I:, a e o e
' 1 it with
scaAded leg, tile result of a boiler,
'1111111* I •$ "fottrig bind Thou slialt not
• .„, ,1nsort, the -tornit.,,r 'Wight- 5. Thou 511a1.1 110± gloat ever „
111004 to ill .hettilh atilozd , ii...arigsiste school concert.
i f h
ka,vey applieatiepo,„-witi:dray„ Titott nottbet„..rtt,elfiirosaip_11 finedrs- .t:o• the house aloe; oevIlerg t°A:-10-
/ of hot water toppling over on him at
• ; Att.• seccrideti --boo ••.11ra„
trnot,ths, following an vxcideat
t3snit'that 11,rft. Rohtiitsen ,•,•:rul tag
.Tholt shalt not ask. odds, tiiira t't tc'
" a - hi • • he. around
''• • • art. ae.,,,,irnir„4 Ifisees, fa;s; Chittlek,' Grace ThoinU-,
Cuniui*ell Elliott, ttna. 7, Thou Shalt aiways be read toi.stl'a• d Belltice Logati ;21-t.'z'cl'ed. the'
co, r/r • ,1 hote"wroralp,p202i,r,,taer,,,adiaisl:'
=`-'ent - t not er es -ear ' TIP ri re
TIOtte BeaN,er d Fib
District.. **Int , „, tic
• - er Stfiee,
'.as stull go
' t 13,11.7g„.81,41.,:illpIrlaepn'acire:ar lurOtiocilien*tgo• aoIli•4'rcd1 der
'.jr•k.'11.0r 14: .till41114,14y;S^ .0/ tolVklb /11%,
roofing. paint.
Flooring, Door 4
h tlitt -s ,alarl-ett "." c -tt ,iniree pia:lies; j indI sr,„odlt(410' Batria ,x,"*„; 1-107,1 ,m,tz bol'it<;It
InInq .
u. A
ttbu /..;;? Snqt,r /1/at eoffie:'-‘11! jt:e." t *
6113,It'itrcceijc:,.:Dt-,,,,Isel'i!ltli,r1 thi2t:144-•,, t.":1 t vt'hle•ei71,i.: 'ioft.61,-;,"0,%.1ci cat IP't-'4-1 e if os
'tori en siet ratae,lt i,
AM w
r-'1'1.,i'",'-'5111"' '4'{ P'Ia'1'11{{1,3, the 041. so'9-,.0..ttilt _400n,
L„. 0, , 1.1, ;ye. :s - -1,\11-10,x,E1 - • 1`1‘
';1,34"' '11;44 '14,"7•5:0 . • r• '8410 IL ▪ ; 43'5ar ' "
41ittt ' COILI 5"O'S , ..f*TCL%02. 1 gagP - 'ant.,
T* iv t / 1p1.1' ;1.)-(t , 01,
tontiotl-to aad "pita4P-- „ P +4)
iive-riv,•8. or11.11rttl v. p esa'r
'ati(klt.{ WI „„, tl Tyre ;0 ; os
' last The Had Of a Perfect Jay
4• Best Overalls and Smock s
ri Work Shirts for Innen, strongly made and rootny
.rediliced price .... g.
A Men's heavy ribbed Shirts and'braweisS, sale ....98c,,
X 10 men's Suits,broken linen, ,but all good pat •
terns, regular value -up to $25; yottr, pick 17.50
Y4 doz. mens Caps,to, clear at........-
11-4. Boots, a special line of heavy' working ,
boots, reduced to :..:3.90
Boys' Boots, sizes 1 to 5, clean up on,,odcl lines' 2.95 ..,
Isilufficirs„12„1:ushed regui,a_r yatue.1.25,_your
.„,,„ Boys Suits, just 10 suits of good style and
cloth sale • ....6.95
M,.'-Boss'-Rtibbers, to ,clear at •„,.,,,,,,,,,-,,r,„,„,,....,„,690,
Merf's 'Pants- at reduced prices 2,50, .3.00;,'.3,50,, 3.90 ..
/An 1-‘01-11S
. „. .;
Trem ; tinie iinmeinoria)•nature
' has been§i souree of lnipiration
the peot. The majearY, of' the (noun-
- tains,- the serene beauty of the for-
ests, the charm of rivers --all seem
.to have -the effect, Of moving poetic
sOuts. Canada, with its wealth. Of
•glorions''scenery,' Is therefore natur-
ally the 'fiarne of noas, and, indeed,
it has .heen said • that,• one' cannot
throw 6 snoWlatill..'vvithout,
The Canadian seheel of -poetry is -
essentially a nature .seliciol. L -S iss
Carman Charleh G, ,D. Roberts and
I ve set "the • ;
5,,,,:s..51$ •
Arehibald Lainpman
standard, and a very Iiigh standard •.
f,te t. I,
tiatiarIy happy:—
'Cod writes His poetry to -day;
If see the flaslies of His baud
On distant 11111,0, along the baYf
All thnougb the fair Acadian
land_ -
"His hook is every sc,one about,
b t g fu t,her afield • as the TI)are happy
facilities for t -ravel t roug ton e
Th sweetest ta•v•- etriooen outi
Reneath the steeples the
iJL great Dominion are extended. Thus e-
crouton- o I
Connell for fireplaces, Sinithing,
• Soft Coal and Chaitioal,
Lumber of all kinds, dressed and
tiudi.essed, Third and Soft Wood,
8Iah Wood, owl Ceder ahvgLys
hand, Shingles, Lath, hatd-wooc
S kid Mould- ,
for instance, in a noat volume oi
toms by a young Irish -Canadian
•poet, M. A. Hargadon, the scene
changes from .ireittnd to Nova
Scotia, Quebec, and the Canadian
• litoeloo...s, 'Here is a etarnimg versc
SlopY of the 1.10CM 41"C' abtrat Ire- ,
land„ it oauntry 'wlitel; bus given ..,
Canada Many gencl e,ttiers,•• std no
cioubt Ail) giws many tuoru Ilere.
,, „
f.roiri a poem aliatit 'Lake Lotuse: • la ,it vette twill Otte!
lake-- Godts piceti.e; "'Young Aptil Ireland /101;Y, '
'• Af;riSI'l that .4.; were with, lie)
1. -?or she 18 fur the loveliest ;
Of all the Ayprils on5-7,Yilare;
,She has- the sWeetest voiee; and
She hos the br'ig,tliteat ginvits ta
.11ci.r,11 and Ca)vadiau 900101 kre -
tr;ated $.1.„:4.rtIctive ; '1)1-46 ogtapha ,
He hung it on the mountains at
• the .4kst
And set it in so beautlkal a frame;
Art galleries of heaVen have none
the same.'
This is the elti$ini vortle. of poem
inspired by the intitesiie beatify of
"There is no lovoliev to -live
, f1;11:)16,
.•- • /T3I/o.xeivr/argerim,itinte• otottetithri,
`. •• •;$,Atttit • Thitev; tfJOIC. nliatge 41..1
the Saleitu• ' Stindal," itfte!"-i'v,?,,,,I,,,-,,,,,I,t,,,e19.5,!„;11••LA'''t 6". 'Itni'" • •,, .,•
'11417414,14,0t,101r:At • • ,:illiTitri7;714'i'elti:,;:IL: • -• r , Ti It r.)i:ef•-iOd
, • , i, • 0•0•04,W,4,42,j,.140, 1-741`.1#9111,0,1",;:),V•400: 11.6P " a '5' lead, • •• ' t•i; (,;(0 tt)
, .
('6144,t0' Olii'OP104a
'1A1 !,111,) •• , 1,
, ,,te401010';';',"' ',110/10'r S'" "A'41Tt$ 1100'401g ksgt1 1KA, 'ak1r;lit a,t $ : ' • ••• ill el tr" ^ r' gal ; , ,
'It • ▪ =.••• • fltd o'fN aStil f44.111,1:011•41/1,bc'o. $A1.0k A " • ht,1.) iace 1,1t,11/0,
•=i4' '51e.,4„ind Tito:6404 .0 4,4„• ' • Rev 1111-• itloitnen' k LI 9 "
fd ,1\ ra• •=i I ',kilt' ; ' ' ' ' °t- t 1o,r4;!.:4411)
11,1 ;ji , 'ostl/14,1'
4 • "••"- . , Itiya waS 1.1:14.wthlt;•! .kfting6con la1ii ItiO. ogto ,s1,Q0#,; • • • ,
. .
• . ... • • r
•' • • • • • ••• • • •• • • • • .••• • : • : • I • • • !. • • .." • , •
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