HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-16, Page 8, 414.4tt.t..4,4444,4.,'*".1,14' 44, -4,-1.'44-4 ,..r.,41,t4*.4'44,1044.',,'t ''..''=,...'t,t'.Y.AV1V--H''''"4*"44.144,,r,"r''"'I'''”'9iitW;;*Rrrrrir,"'"t4Vln''''.4tV44'4r'"''.4mP.,,'“'''''"4-,tttir"'".""*''.,,•Vn4V'',4V,qcti"4t'g"''''r''tr"4,'"'rer,"""t''4t-'t1-' .'''41'.'LLI"-..4!..'="'"....'--'19T,'#-V4F.'"4"m4.14.,,”*"'''''''..44-"'"1'444=4-."''.4-.',1Vg.“="."4-'''''''..--4.",!",°,4'.4.?',"!.11421,terti.'4°.?"- 4,44'."P.!'".....41'41F‘'.4.11.4,'"4.44F,"t“4.1,«3.4..."''441T.:.? et,9'.1'.....‘,......4%"4.4 ,..."1"'",,;071.7i,, .3.14';',.."7:, ,171:.1477, ,.11 ,741,,,,,,,,,,417:7, :171"...,, 040001900001000040000101001,0010,9 ,,,000,00,00,440014444,01,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ nyEr, ' Ill at 141101 -now ThVill'SORP.-' P(01) /6ttlt itriu,2 T Li 11 liVING 14 AM D V NC AA' ,;,i,".''''''' Alii, —In Luckz.,,,,, on Tuesday, Feb. John J°.ifnt, t\� P. P., was eQufraed UP' . , is i eah ,ubstarl ,, Leith. William Allyn unpienient to his home with a very severe la dealern hi7otlyglippe which threatened to turn to mcGowan...___In l',...;•,•,,si. waitvan,0$);,, on Pneumonia. He rrqk s therefore unable ,Suliday, Feb. i2tli, 1)achls Mow - t° be ,Pre.sen,t al the oPening of the * ons 42nn,,,s4)1C1 oc'nf. IV.1.11.rt'llYe‘(-11tilii tilo 1BVilcYGt1°.),‘votnn utt41.1e.11"Px)11.11'esallialc)relld'rl'lliewsatlYuctlaYti'e e -t I I' Toesday afternoon covety, , 'PI 414a I , t , .6„ rtalla td.offer sr)eeltals for Dollar Day, T es., Feb,. 21st, !"..1. r t. off fir :liar a., Ladies- Fur trimnied Coats, silk lined, $. Day $25. DOLLAR DAY O'ROCERI25 CoaisES "'" "-""' ' " Sugar, per tbo . . . . . ..... . ............ 1. Silk and Serge Dresses an its, $ Day less 2o Salmon, 5. cans for „. .... . . .. ... .. ... .... . ...... . •, ... '9ey eellt; • ,raq Cairrants, 5 tbs. for „ . "it 00, 25 Ladies -i-lc ... .... • . ....... ........ Chicken 1.1.addie, 4 cans far $1.00 Sun Maid Raisins 4 lbs, for . , .250 IVIolases, 8 cans • . , Corn Flakes, 10 packages .. . ... . .. ...... . x.00 Sliiredded. Wheat, 8: for ... .. . . ... .. • 1.0o Laundry Soap, 14 for, . .. .. . .... ... ...... ... . . , . 1.6o Bracims, 2 for ,• • ',OD • Robinhood Oatmeal, 4. packages .. . . .. t.oci zoo yards of Serges, blues and browns i .. ... ... .....79c Ttiffetta Sines, browns, gr0ens,, grays, and aliceblues ...... . , .. , .. . ..... „„.......„,.... . ,... . ... . . ...$x."85 Brown CI -eye -de -Chau() per yard.....,...... .. .........$1.69 Green Georgette per yard, , $1 00 Qing,harns, $ Day- . . . • ..„... .. .. . ._ .. , .. ...,22c Prints, 5 yards for.......„ .. .. .. .... .„. . . . . ... ,,,..„.. .... .., $1.00 Itippolette, $ yards for $1.00 Vi-ite Flanellette, 4 yards for....- ......... ...,„.. $1.00 Best Towelling„. 5 yards for . -..,..,., .._ . ....,$1,o0 Heavy work Shirting, special 5 yards.for $1....00 Table Oilcloth,. 2 yards for $1.0o Cm tail). Material, 5' yards for . I Striped Flannelette, 5 yards for _ . „.., . it.o0 Bleached Cotton, 7 yards for.. ._ .. _ . _ . I.00 2 lbs. of Listowel yarns for ir.00 House DreSses,..„ ... ,.... .. .......„,.....,„,__ . ..89c, 98c, $2.49 • Rugs, Linoleutris and Oilcloths less 20 per cent. Odd lot of Plush Hats $1.00 . Summer. IJiiderwear 2 for 'Children's Winter' Underwear, 2 for Ladies". Winter Un,derivear, 2 for Dres Gpods, for Corsets, special to small l'owels 300 Remnants .. ..... Kid Gloves; regular $3.50, for ,Purs MUff r ick at.: , . ... .. . $15.00 • • MEN'S CLOTI4ING 1,5o Suits of the finest blues, worsteds and fancys, on sale Dollar Day at......_„....,$25.60 50 Suits at ,....., . , .... . ,,,,.. ' '. . $19 75 .40 heavy Winte.r Overcoats; 'all' sizes $18 and $25 Boys' Suits and 'Overcoats,' less •,6 per cent. .. Men's Heather ribbed Hose, 2 for IMO Black • • Black CaShmere. Hose, 2 for • . ' - ,. t oo ' - 'Work Socks, 3 for - • . „„ 1.0.0, i Silk 'STeckwear, 2 for ' i.00 , Braces, 2 for ' . „ ' 'Lao $1,00 Soft Collars, 3 for .....-.... ..... * - .... . .. . .. ....--- ..... - . - . . . . . .. . . .-..„'1.00 $1.50 $3.o0 Scarfs for . . . . ... ii,..,„..../e ..... ..,:. .... ,....„ . ,.. ... , ... ... ...t„. .... . . $r.Oo 1.00 Gloves, leas ......,.......,:., . . .. . ... . . . ... . .. ,„...• .so per cent: toct ," '$I.98 $1,00 Boys Blouses ' , ... 1.00'. 'half price ,,' .Borsalino Hats , 6.•bd : $1.98 :. 'half price.. ew44111141.44.114461444:14411.4146114.444514,11141440.44440.4.1414.1.41114414.,,"mr ,1444141r114-414441.1 2O S., 3 p .. ..... „. .... Lbederakirts, special . $1.001 .Starifield's Red Label -Underwear Heather Hose, brovvits, blues, - -$50. • -Penniatt's Mens Fleece Cliamoisette Gloves $5c 200 Work Shirts . ........ Creatii Cashrnere Hose, 3. for $1.00 Work Goods, Trousers, Underwear less' 20 p. c. King Hats , , 3noo ,Caps at ,,., . 20 per cent. off Peabody, Carhartt and Hea.dlight bye', alls 2.19 Feb • 21st A lot of 'Books priced at 75c, $51 and 1.50, on sale at 57c each, or 2 for $1.00 A lot of Books priced at 50e on • sale at 37c each, or 3 for $1.00 Books, Stationery, hilagazines, Town, 'T c lc et, Agene7 anadian National Grand Trunk Railway. . 06e an tickets via all lines, • The Mail & Empire of February 7111 cootained a notice of the death of William Crane a former well-knovva reside/11 of Burlitigton, He died in. •the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. T. Park of Burlington, on February otti, in his 76th Year. For thirty years he conducted a furniture and undertaking business ir! Chatsworth. A few years aregloi g oen reitleire,dvatso alivemienthToodtisotntaon. d I ria meinber of the I. 0. 0. F. The deceased is brother-in-law of Mrs. R. J. Breen and Messrs. John and James Wray of Turnberry. Nfysterious Poisoning A imvsterious cattle-poisonhig affair is agitating the residents of Stephen Township. On'a recent evening, Richard Hill, of the fourth, concession fed his cattle as usual, but ,when he went to tlie barn in the morning/ he found, six• cattle very sick. Dr, Sweet was at once called and after a care.: fill examination it was found that the cattle had been poisoned. One cow and one steer have since' died, and on a postmortem exaMination of the cow paris green was found in the stoniaeli. The other four cattle are very sick .and may die, How the cattle, got the Paris green, is a mystery as Mr. Hill, declares he had none whatever on the premises, and it' is surmised •that it Was deliberately administered by some peraon or persons unlcnown. Rev. 1V/r. Ashton Dead • " Rev. William J. Ashton, B. D. pas- tor of Grace Methodisf Church, St. Thomas, died suddenly at 4 o'clock, Friday afternoon. He had not enjoy: - ed good health for a couple of years and last summer went to Gra.venhurst, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The late /Ir. Ashton carne to St. 'in all kinds. of oots, Shoes and Rubbers as follows: 25% reduction off all kinds of leather foot -wear iTlclUdmg N e w Goods just placed in stocic. 10% off all kirlids of Tuesda3v,f''ebe 21,st Rtibbet, Footwear. 'CASH ONLY ---Por the purpose of balancing QUO boolis mast diseontiiiiie credit 'until Atiril 1st. We will again give credit to "those th711(i pay up" ft).1, sfifoft , ter,in after April is. , The, Shoe Store Thomas church last J 1 iri, place of Notice is hereby given, nursutint to section . h Yi ii.... p..a...t. a Aurirew Miller. ,deceased. who r,arno <Poona in ii he it 56, chap,i21 ei. the Revised Statmt.e8 of Ont. Rev. George T. Watts, who was sent mit). that all peranna beivingietaiins against, to ,Wellington street, London and choice. of_na_ new. _ _ •. _ helvta 129. - , ng - die 1 on or about the twenty-third day of Dee- ! minister .for . -\vi io-iam ' methodist , , .w• ember. A D. 1921, at, the Township, of Turn- , , ...,.., ,ii, i to sent by .poRt.. prepaid, or to deliver to R. cfhtiSr.iiclida),-sloPnreaaccchoeudntemoify liaiscohtelparlet ' , herry in the Province of Ootario; are required setiett" fur and Rev. P. N. Cavell, has been carry ---..i,. •• van,,tone, witurhaln. Qatari°, the Executrix, on or before the, twenby-seven. . , , . --..—.--- tahnddanYtId°frel!seebsr,liwairtYh''fAullnliairli2e2o, it'ahr°,31i"oensthhri:. in g•B oornn tililie Hwu9rr,61'n county 52 years ag'o, ' ' • , ( SALEM, -, 7, a • clahns in writitig,' and "I" nature af the IVIr'. Ashton studied at Albert College, soeurities if onyl held by .tliem duly verifiedlinpfer—in iWroxeter, to.„1 Sunday, ' bt wiAeal:Rdstyatlitsuer vtt°herenFrt 1 IlliaekGd9laanyr °all:7 F. tehbartottr7,r it9h2e2, r' tab' de TCI3°e. 111,11 ee,,vg-ical 'Ine' 'land.-Wesleyan e"Wa I 7. sbl being nagn TheologicalgrHeadtl travelledat,graduated. S'' eJohnt i IIhllePtfie,l,.° a dalliglit er..--M a r ga - assets of the estate will bo disterii:liti-tited bit the, Executrix among the parties ed thereto the Florte.nce c.ircuit as a young inan, Feb. 5111, 1922, to Mr, and Mrs. D. VsearriaTiotorirEf.07t,TiegiAmee'ut*ri„*. district in' ig20-21, and Would prob- ,• son Louttit, a son. a ordainedtion s at I IN' fio94jetha,rid-wiseesrtveLd ocroline-, Heimillg'-lin TnrnbeITY.' 'C)11 Sunday, • having regard ,only to the chains of- which tne,tinie ot the said distribution. they shalt then have notice, and the estate .wgraesg win not be liable for any claims not filed at - Dated at Winghani this twenty-sixth day of Street,) and Tao:nary, A, 1). 1922. Phan) esville, Bothwell, Sarnia,(Devine ' Londo.n (Wellington Louttit—In Wroxeter, on Monday, , Feb.. 5111; 1922, to •Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning, it daughter. 1 p 0 street). He was president ,of London Feb. 6th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Nel- • ' - ably have been president of London Cathers—In owic13, 011. I. 6,4 ) , 'conference but Tor -the condition oi ,Feb. 7th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm - 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS his health as be was among the sen- A. Cathers a daughter" .. 1 BLITEVALE spending the, past Nvek at Horning visiting with friends in the village. . The Bltteva,le Womea's institute -1i ,• t. Mr. Donald McKenzie, Toronto, is Mills ' , ,,let at the home of Mrs. IVIilvert Sel- The school was closed .for a few spending a few.clays with his parents, fers on Thursday last, about twenty- days this week' on account of the Mr. and -Mrs, R. E. McKenzie. • five ladies being present. Mrs. P. I), teacher being ill,with tonsilitis.. Mr. Thynne Wray spent a few King gave a very interesting paper on ' • - days, with friends in Palmerston and 1 "es t and Recreation in. ,the life, of the •''',, ' - Drayton. .40111e-nia tier". Rev. Mr. Wilson gave BEi-GRAVE The Evangelistic Meetings conduc- helpful and enjoyable address on A. meeting of the: ratepayers and tedby Reityi °ads 4nd Mn. McBiet- Cfur .Social Responsibility”. A solo - - ' ho lelder '11-1-ve. been well ivas sung by Miss Gertrude Turvey And a recitation was given liy Miss trustees of the township cOT011111nity. attendee an .1-n watioidi will be held in the Forester's Hall on Thursday 'afternoon., shalt then hax e he liable tar any 'claims' hot flledat the time of i -par ing sumo. , of East -\itia- • , , yen ,iwpreelated by the to having rega. • notice and tile estate n1 • I t itt o Why dotta. ,Mr.' A. 'Oil wear shell bx-oad. theseda It is that'little baby girl.- Loioet.'asi babe are doing as itOuihr expected.i—congratulations„ • • A large iiimiber from here attended, 'Mr; -Wilbert , GallaWay's. sale. - last week:. , • ,Mr.'Albert Galla,her;has .taken'eiy4 • the agency of Innolentents, Windmills; Gasoline .}_tngines, reeea held by Mr. Robert Ashton of 'Ger"- • 1111 1111113 In of 1 -le i stir j ict by wi • INuh: 3t hT &°:wEs flt): itst P°r:ere°Drnb%al Vt 1 lengt °10: r's!ato'reiel-a'e rd rib; a::: a let surviveb 110itni1.3..ets • and ageails20.• hat weelc. ed ha3' 11,55havingrOn• peEtteraraimn:21; rao::tdatte • the 71waoittrt:ittb0031et:gept:s:auntinwiteFl,yeitliles'as' dn o'ewda' ja4a7:. i'ar‘dme'Tleti'vr'iel'irl'ic''peedeftthteFlilildr):rsafeabi0disrlyfheesTrikteticalla'arc:ts:t3::'il.a;r:ad:vi , ean n four sisteis /n inn1P1.6 n 11 fas aait ti 09 2, are 1.eu2wbrr, aio?trrnYier'indxWtoa ttral lin01:911J3 sdobeaneLcignse e OLAC 1 bl yt fYi; a:labui d'dmt, as The 2f u oi W a 1 22 o r nd n Moiiday ri to:eh:0212E1: )tdhiav,ayibaiiat :hsp:eamaltir:di bat catie.lrariiii3O cocL and l• Etlivlede rG'eroa.RA:RInue°111:bitsirn:osi-of_n:-.,gna:7 ,nsW°I.0;Th i:'1.3,Zdi°r:bMAIR:raiss°:bsiltlEni.sdoo friwt,,,at,hr da: 1Gialidilasihnierirt,11;:ee' ieleilfgaeairtela:tetl esInibtdyeSdao. t 110 :alai: Yiet. ivLj tie D.' 19 a t' rOult7, aF'" son n , xrt toMi7vm, 11:"Iiri:17jraoirn:aey:; 4:11ees3t:S. 3‘1 7NLV :e 1 IC 'represented. :it se el dn. t. tli as"' daughter loom 1-,_•upliemia• s.,_„jn London, ou.;,,rF,-,eith„„msf a imniner 0 la only chums 0 not, °13 d daresse nature of th°e:eseiree kc)da:sinaribunte wite,t1 tul_ie_ ere, 11 • f c.,,,rtdiFe.,soe,e,ubldgr•Tru3,rii..a_oeryatrii.iin.a, toivi31\,17,..„A r Tcilria(1.11,1dye rw,ar‘jay p:uoditr:eaosirniddee cGisMct.41 reclo:nra:wsaA3,rgilue.: ad.. gay of January 1922 the at•sets said take. - h 53(18 put up, id estate will jvp farther ta e notie6 that aft ParUe"bt'ple't 'hh REE' • OOTCH' • Giego,-,,, Hainnote—In 031. Ai" day, °I. the heattive, t iCC • . , ant.• meats andt s the affirm - to Gorii‘ie by, special remainstrai train „ef .er ta t E T7Ne \raiazitw:ri a°iEsn. oynnF, 13. r‘ d favot EVa. Brecicenridge, both were :much ruar 23rd cotnmencnio• at 2 0 . the satd distribution. , . , enjoye DATED at Winglia.ni teleAst.' daYi ...Ian- and %mu tnor, 'see copy will be sent „ cl. The ronetingclosed by Mr. Sedgewortli, field-secreta.ry, will BRussELs singing Ilte National Ant , d f , • rvi , , nPoit receipt -Di ,,otir 'Ili -ante and a • " l• ifter speak and open a discussion o t IVE1.1colm. TTiIraser has tendeted ) , • s li for -rise) tjolgiit°ratrix - dress'ieofniPlete. , Write to G. IVIitchell, - 1- ill to arid Mrs. • .Evervone reports a gc>oil sponsibilities." and "What ,can the Fret Hariznore, son,... 1-tation a.s a -member of the B 11 N Y • AerTa 1107SLRTSON , 397 car /which a dainty. lunch was served. 1 following subjects — titles e • • Rev. W. T. Mills., took . services on S,ch0,91. do to 11011,.Rural •Depopuja. several matters with the other inem, s „ ers who Will deal with subjects of • . • . 'it'll) -to II'itrifryn last we.elc. ative was not far behind, vit Intis which they Itat.1 'given. r , i :MX ‘—'10 '4111te X7PWAMM' VA MN MX XV.4 XXMlig WANKNY' XPAIT7AMIt MP...AY/CM/0 r. los.. tewai mace a msotess ' cr a new.„.nommation wt. )e necess- "go Anita circuit last Sunday. twit. • There will also be local speak - hers. On its acceptance by the couti- interest_ Let there be a large repre- ary to fill the vacancy, sentation from each section. Women are Specially invited to attend. The annual business meeting of Melville Church congregation was The ‘Yornen's Institute will meet at held on Tuesday evening, presided the home of Mrs. Herb Wheeler, on over by the pastor, Rev. J, P. Tuesday at three o'clock. Mr, Nor- Lead. The reports of the various. or - man Geddes will give a •talk on "The- ganizations showed the following re - 'Use of Good Language in the florn". ceipts: General. r,iiind, $3,6,70;• Build_ • R. Johnston shipped a car of 'hogs. and Brown Hay Co.,three cars ,Of -Int)/ this week: • .Mrs,. Alex 'NicEvo.in is at Brooklyn, fr 1441 11 ttending the 'funeral' of her father. Mr. Harold Hammond is on the "iiek, We hope 'he w1l1•isoi-3u, be around Th.- i-oll call ;inn: 110 _answrired by tgain. "Mistakes I malce in the use of Eng Mr. A. Zettler of 'Wingham, visited lish". Everybody welcome. nen here titin weak,• Mrs. Sam Jordan is visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jewitt spent a at Exeter. teci days this week with their datigh- Mrs. Grigg's daughter of Detroit, ler at Newton. is spending a few weeks, -with her. elect to the managing -board were M. , Mrs. Frank Scott is seriously ill, Mrs. C,C. B, Wilkinson had the mis- McVettie, James 1\1ichol, George I X" We hope for a change for the better fortune to get thrown out of the cut- Turnbull, John Robb and John Crerar. sinon. ,• ter and get R. bad shaking up. • Arthur McGuire has been appointed Mrs. Rolpli has returned home after Mrs. Ketchabau of Lucknow, is assessor for 1922 at a salary of $65, Z Forward Movement,. $43o.16; Aissionary giVings, Willing Workers, $756.71; • Sabbath School, $279.5o; P. S. C. E., $283.- 69; Mission Band, $221.ro; Total for all purposes $7,84.43. New members sr-- gm Emig 'AESSIECEEEME"gauggitkaraawa ...I.tesamonalaissolawaxas n an ARE THE DATES --- The Wor Greatest Motion Picture of the Apocalypse " k le$0 parts,--Firstii ilme a 'dly vviltre Eilese priees, Evexiings 75e, iti,litinf!es 35e1. 0!' 35 ", I l• Store Leads in Hes Money Saving Prices for Thrifty 13tiyergi for Dollar Day On • Scotch Fingering Yarn IF* •test quality fingering, 3 and,i4 ply, black and gre, $ day only pea' lb. Si. Best QUality 1E'rintS' " i , • 500 yards beat print n good ivieltli and light or dark. patteins, $ day only 5 yards for $1. I• Large Size Flannelette Blankets • Bet quality, full size blankets rvitli , .pirtic or blue bo.rders, $ da' only $249 .1;0'1 Per pair, , ,4 Best. Quality Pengee ,Silk • • . :( Natural 'color Pongee in extra good • • griality and width, $ day Only 89 cents Voile Blouses and Middies 75 only in broken, lilies .ii,d 'o sizes, of lim,Od quality, less tiniti half pi -ice, $ eltly only $1 each. WindoNv Shades Size 3 ft.z6ft, 1,1414 Durable oil Opaque Shades, in plaiii elft 00,1 colors of Cream, Fawn, Light anti• `rivir dark green, $ day only $1 each. Sweater Coat Knitfiiag Wool 4 ply Listowel fingering yarn, in all tile tieNvest colors, $ clay only lb Fast Color Ginglilatns g441144 50o yards of nett, Giughitins. CC; ait and fs.si colors, (iFty only 2.4 cvlf.8. small per yareL .Curtain Scrims and Marquesite To pieces of white and ecru, fancy scritn with neat lace or insertion, $ ill day only 2 yards for $1, White F. lannelette Nightgowns Woman's gowns of good, quality • flannelette in all sizeS, $ day only $1. • Princess Pat Hair Net size human liair neta in black, • dark brown, light Itrown and blonde, day wit - 76 cents 11(1.5 dozen •small checks and paids, good widths '4110t ,44444,4 ." . rgii3b. Stott: I Jacgar Sanitary :Woollens Sweater Coats Drassin , GOWAS SilaW1, 3.141.0tOr IZUg-S, Chesterfield ug. Shirt etc " day only reduced' 20 per cent, . Boys Jerseys, Pullovers and Sweaters All sizes in wool and union Sweatt-, ,rs of good weight day only $1 Seotch Wooideli Blankets Special imported scth blanitts, of •full size and rifle wool, 7 lb, reg, $ day only $11.95; 8 lb, reg. $ dpy ()DAY $1.O, 5 only ticiys Suits all Sizes Striatti Tivzied Suits for boys hi est • style and 00101.1 with. lilac -nice $ day only $.),7. 11, 4 444 Men's suits A Price $ Day 22: ltliiittSS, ''$ .113\YV .VV-Or-;te49n.i,,.$1148.7.i0 ib51:1311eS5e0tSottirmt''qbellIniaNk,c‘lsiiklio:rsis°1.(tveisdaeyr.a:xolid:::.,Gag:$::::sgseleainecbTisc:k2t:::°: Flats and Caps Leather Label ahd Peabody Overalls +, mhalfn,psrwieco,rsh sdahyirtos,nalynd$u lkeadeei, r.;‘Nrear Bine and black Shirts, also natural anion underwear, $ day only $5 per garnient. , is Fur Conti, China Dog and l(eirciin •„Beaver coats o aiats of$ ,25.ord-01,i w;t(1tfy and good linings, s Men's Socks, Collars mad 'ries soilck1i i!iirrss t,le Men's Ties, :.1; price, ) Catocery Department Sav4.is .*'— x atoney lb. 'lea /.00 10 113. pail Of Coin, Syrup.._,.....,...,.....75o • a CADS Of 1Vta91e Leaf Sabi -ion-- 980 Laundi-y Soaps, till makes, bar tre 25 rolls of Toilet Paper fo-.. lb. Pail pure C,Iover 3e TO •lb. pci1 pure Clover tiOileY 1,70 otea21/10011414rtZKVAM 114 gatgf;a4itir14 01? Caitah Store ....... ..... ,.... ......... ..... .::.,',, ,, ................• .........., '1.ii':•iti(;x,p...1,..r,44.-.p.'4.A;',.4,;.i.P,.41,.;•pi.r.;,01ra;Aiiv40., •••••••••• •• • • • •.• ••.,•••••••, •,....•, ••••..•••.,..„.......,,..,•,.,..,.......,,......,......,.....,........,...,...............,...,..„...,:....,,.:,,...„...,.... ''.."H'....'''.'.'..-..,,•'.,..-•:'.',':••••:....:,....,..•....,..',..- ::,••',::•:',.'..,...,.:i.H.',.::..,:••••:,...:,;1.:.-':;,..:',',.!,..,i'l,:::,..1„,,,,•:,,,•,.!,'•.i.....,:,....,•,...,;:•,.,,-„,„,!,,,,,,,i,..,.,,,,, ••,.,....•...1. 1.: , '•,•-, ' ';,"''.'4,,IVii,1",'',:,4 ,;.:.)tir, ,,',” ,:';',:i:{',";:' 444,,", "4' , . ''',` .",..4 44' . • ' ' 4; ... ' .. 1 ... t!' . '' 4 ..4 I '4'4.4,, • " 40. .1''''. ..".'4...4:.;,,A14t ...!44,4....",,4,,....., .., „..'4,1!....44,.'4.41'4,44..1,14,....,t,"1i,......44.4.';',1..'.4„....", 4!!.......44..?,..,.....1,1„I''.f.1.4."1".'4 k?...,L!(i!iiii.i....,',di.'e•iiriViit'iii'iii;iiiirii,;i:ii4!ii'',iigi;i:.Aifi4,,tgiAj}!liii, '.I„1,t,;',.ff'1'1.,:i„, iiiit,i!'itli'i',.!',',1',11Liita,iit'4P.,1,.....4.1l4...4.':,44.','''t.li'',t.:'4,111i4141..,,1,ii'.t,j11.1'11gll.Alt . . . i . .