HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-16, Page 5L714 lti, 1922 7 77 '771,74 ,717 137141;11,11y0 Wondertal Value PILLOW COTTON Event of the Season •••••••••••••••.•••-!•••••••••—••• IZZ ow, Real RargaIns. Join the Crowd and Shop Here. Er' Extra heavy quality Pit ov, Cotton, stir leader, 40 by 42 in, reg 65e at 2 yds: for $1.00. Za: SHEETING'S I-1.eF•,vy quality ,inne bteached •......0 and factory 94 width, '$ Day , 7.,79ca g 11 lli , . 7 2 7 yds. for $s.00.,., ' 7t .77.410 ,lisirie 'bleached sheeting (Wa-. ; ....); •....0.1. brasso'nnake) 8o in, wide, spec- ia).: '69e yd - • ' , r.,.. c ' • *, ; , • , TOWELLING ...* jkii.7 linen hand toiVelling,ored , ...<4. • ,border, splendid ''quality. 3,-,..1 yds -......* ...o• for -$1,00. -Buy, , your' , stipply- ...amIltly,r77., • ' • 77.711mili .77a0 7 Huck Towellmg 23,..ira, wide, special value 3 yds for $t.00. ol Heather 'Hose 8c, 9. Alt w°wool Cashtnere Hose, plain and ribbed, sizes 9..'46 10 —.a •at 95C pr. Venus e—n}k iiose; h, navy - and black reg. '42 Dollar Day •$1.59 pr. •- ` MEN'S WEAR 20 per cent. discount On all men s. and ,boys Wear. Men's Suits $17.50, $22750. so only. Men's Suits, high class quality, reg. $50 and $55, price $25.oct._ , Min's and boys' Olreicoat. at' •= bargain prices• . Men's" tine Shirts pecial at - Men's" heavy Overalls, blue rict black, special'..,on pr. SILKS - Raw Silks, tine cit'ataity- pure Faw, free from dreissilig, in wide, special $1.00 yd, i''affetta, navy, brown, grey silk;- extra heavy, guaranteed quality $2,5o yd. 20 per sent. discount.- on all other Silks. • • • G0pdsPositvey Canih No 4.426i 7.7777011 •17-.7771,4: ' Vo, 77-7445 .1.•7a7 • SPECIAL Scotch Gingham, 32 in. vide new spring goods, plaids, and checks, reg. 45 c for 39c yd, ,Galetas and Chambrays, new goods, 3 yds for 8r.ort. , qtrighanis, Ratites and Wash Goods, special A ,,ds for $r.00. COTTONS Heavy factory and 1)leached cotton goods, quality special 5 yds for 81.00. Flannelettes 36 in. wide, extra wg ei ht, 'special 5 Ydsini $1,00. RUBBERS AND BooTs Ladies' Rubber's, al sizes 85e. J3oot and Shoe snecial-2o per cent, discount. GROCERIES Corn" Syrup, 5 lb. -pail 41c Corn Syrup, so ib,- Corn, best quality, 8 cans....$noo Tea, black or green, special 3 lbs.- Ctirrants, no, 1, recleaned 2 lbs, for,. ,, 35c. Raisins, large Aftiscatels, 41b$t. Seedless Raisins, ,Sultanas 4 lbs. for 5 e $1.00 Brooms, -fine quality, 5 strings, 69c Lennox Soap, large bars is for ; ' 50c Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in a box for - 15c 5:alrrson, 1,pse p1,-711: quf71;tv carisfor Extracts, all flavors 3 foP....25c Baking -powder, best. quality lb can for. - 25c DRESS GOODS Fine • Grey Se-rde, 5inches wide far All Dress Goods, • Suitings and Coatings, 20 iser cent disc, • Sweater Coats reduced -25 per cent. , Corsets, special $1:49; -$1.98; , , ' Monarch 'Yarn, all colors, 2' ounce hall, for 28c - Scotch, fingering yarn, grey only, 4 ply, special $1.0o, per lb. Bia,nkets, all wool blankets full sizes 8A lbs. special $7,95 Rngs, Wilton •A.xminster and • 1111•14. Tapestry rugs 25 pet- cent disc. Linoleitms, 4 yard wide, spec- ial $ Day, only; $.4,00 per yard 0••- , Chintz, fine quality, assorted r-- patterns, 36 inches wide, special Z.-- 25 cents or 4 yards for St.00. Prints, in light and. meditun gu patterns,' best ality, 5 yards for $1.00." • - 36' inch print,„ fine • English rz make, stripes and checks at 4 yards for Snot). " 1•777vr st.7.14 7. 10.7 E11170.7- Oa. 7 1111.1.-• ' Oar.. ic•••••, 7111.77.7 1.13[416416111 1177.7-• Extra Special Govern • - • nrent Standard Red Clover $ •=- Day only $18,00 per bushel. No. r Alfalfa, G6vernme1it ; 4,-- standa,rd, $ 13ay only $16.00. No. t. Atsik $ Day clnlY $15. • No. Tiniothy, 8 Day -only 85.25 'per bushel. ' Purity Flour, per cwt. $4,252"---;:—' • Special rednCtioias on 5 cwt. lots Sugar, Iso -bags of best gran- i= ulated 'sugar at 'special price. se -s Approval. Remnants at priceHere, SaveDollarii - • : Our GoOds'aretlie. Best:4;011r PricesRight .Tern*' Produce. Wanted-- . , • Mrs. Finlay of Winnipeg, is -visit- ng her mother, Mrs, l3al1antine. Councillor E. Hildorti spent the we(ik-end with friends at, Preeltou. Mrs. j. B. Watson attended' the funeral of her uncle, the late Rev. W. J. Ashton, Who died suddenly, at his labme in St.. "'Thomas, the body was taken .to Wroxeter for interrneitt. -There passed - away on Sunday, • Pb. J2th, at -his .hoine in East Wa- NfaTIOS11, MT. Archie Dodds lifeGow- an, in his 28th year. 'Deceased con- tracted a cold which'developed into bronchial pnetunonia. Funeral took place Tuesday. afternoon. SOYViCeS 'T'ere condueted by Rev. Gectige efoter:.13, :, pastor', of , And_r_,evvs' 011111 -oh, folio -wed by interment in;Unibri cern- 1-lor-ri, on AVednesday, D'eb. sat to 1-4-..-0771,77;fte *laughter. Mesdames Gardiner,. and mg • are' attending ,the Ontario Fairs 'As• - sociatibn Convention Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carr returned on Friday, having visited friendg in Ingersoll, Milton, and Brantford far several weeks. • The trish. and 'Scotch. Contest held ni ,Me.mdrial I-Iall, Wednesday eve, •'was one of the best. The Women's • Institute ar‘e a live factor -in this com- munity and are tb be congratulated on • the excellent program of unusual mer- it given on the different sides; the judges found a little difficult i - riving ,at a decision so keen was the competition. The verdict Was finally announced that the Scotch woh iVith a'sniall margin. Miss Howson•,,Miss • ortort and Mr. Frank Metca fswere Ihe. judges. '- The quarterly •meetieg was held. in the Methpdist Church Sunday morn- lng, - The -official board met on. 1\fron- day, evening to transact business., Miss Greta Tiffin, nurse in training at, Victoria Hospital, 1..,oiftion, is visi- ting at her home here for a.few days. The «1lttal chapter of is happy ro nce---WOrd was received here that Mr, Richard Cole had died at his home in Grange County, on Jan, 3otli, on Jan, toth he, was united In Mae - nage to Mrs. Alice M,ogridge of Chi: - ton, the collowing week they left-.fori their home, arid only beeo there al. kw clays. Mi t Cole was twice mar - tied. Mr. ,Tolin Cole of Belgrave, iSi brother of the deeeased, , FORDYC'E etv front th, cith notices - _on are busy engaged drawing 801120 very largo maple logs 1,0 St, Helens at present. Sory to report that Mr. G-cOrge Tis-, Vale who \vont to ;lie , West fast Spring and ltas notbeen very well husce he went there, died one day re- tetlltr anti the remains were interred • tb,ere on Sonday last< ; 'C., Mat -tin 'happened With had inalt • chile prnsing hay. at 'Mr, O'Malley's, Ite broke a large casting- oil the press which cielayed him for few days but 18 atit again. Miss Itqc.Kenzie • - • • .. took a trip to Stratford'for feWr days 1,000,000 r,pan Production of Than- laSt ,week . . 'ez Film due -here Mara) '2 and A P Mr. Wellington 'Nixon visited at' ' ' - VordYce on Stmday' last. , -"darks 11.ew.46-h'f6r-Sreen• r ' Glad to, hear that, Mr, David Fel:- a 'ier° who' has not ben 'well- is improy- ;The 1.0ng_awaited Rex Ingram .prbfl - ;Mg slowly. ,,, duction of "The Fotir Horseinen of li • Miss Ruh (at wingeane :visited at the Apocalypse'o th „ Kra Sas. Boyle's for.. a few days- last Lyceum 'Theatre, March 2nd, 2116 310 week. • • This is ethe picture that cost Metro Miss Eva' i3oyle. is at present 'visit,- St,000;000 to make, and froniall ac !rig at Guelph. . otin s' $I,000,000 was well Spent Mrs. 'C. Felvlartin „visited relatives as ea:it:its agree,' that all ether 'efforts at 'Whitechurch for a' couple Of days at prochiction on a grand' scale have last week. ' . been surpassed and record runsslave Sorty to relate that„Mr. Tay-. been made- in, .-New York,Chicago, jot -tVluti has not been well of late has 'Boston *Pittsburgh Detroit mos An - taken a' paralytic stroke and is not so geles and other cities where the pie- . well. ,• tare has been previously,'shOwn. Glad to see that Mr. Leisk McGee Fifty principals and 2,50 extras fa is° able to be arounchagain after being were engaged in the filming:sof the 7 -1 - laid off for a short time. photedrama, an entire °French .t.v . Webster Bros. and. Aitchesoa Bros, a ct 1 b t • 9.77..7 1?"77,77,7 7171.771.777 G HAM PROPII4T'S ADDRESS 1.1 following address was glVell at an opoi meting of the Wingbarn High School Literary Society and is well worth. publishing, Early one evening a few weeks ago shortly after my appointment to, the offiee of prophet tound on retiring a,,,,1:30C,CL to, mc crade formed letters pinned to my PillOw 511P., told./11e, th,at if wised to pierce or 17707 future to corne alone to a certain house on a certain street at night. '- Urged on; by my curiosity, held bad; by coy fear for things unknown, 1 spent several days making up my mind but in the end, curiosity trium- phed as it ever does and so, stifling my fears and putting on to a brave front 1 reached the cottage late one Wednesday evening, The cottage itself did not appear to be anything opt of the ordinary hut when 'in answer to my, lutdck a s vant dressed in the flowing robes a er- nd turban of the East appeared before me I was no longcr.eonvjncc4 that the whole thing was a.hoax. Af the beck of thguj, e I entered arid followed laina, down along corri- dor to a small room where he invited me in broken Rnglisli to rest myself until, his master' should be informed 'afilly presence. Left ;alone in theroom, 1 look arikiously around inc. On the „lo ed .vg table, near the- latticed window In- cenSc was binning giving off fumes of A sickening sweet -nature. The walls of tile room were hung with heavy tapestries woven in intricate •-patterns and designs of a mystical character. Before the burning in- cense. yva -4 divan covered with soft pillows and moved by an irresistible impulse, I stretched •myself upon it -and lay • there watching the heavy smoke Ivreaths that curled and eddied until •'watching them, it seemed as though my ;eyes were betraying me for etched on the clouds scenes ap- peared; .Pascinated by the play of the scenes I could not tear my eyes away and this is what met my startled gaze. , I was back in my old home town of Wing-harn. For. size it was not a great deal larger than when. I had liv- ed there but a wonderful change had -t 'On beans-•trans6orted- fiom one _place to another I was charmed with the beautiful paved streets, the stately shade trees, the Magnificerdflower beds, the spacious playground, the artificial lake, the new fair grounds; the new arena, the new bageball diamond and the fine build- ings that replaced the ugly frowning ones -I had ;known and by the im- provements that I saw on everyhand. As the smoke curled I found myself standing on the corner of John ,,and Josephine Streets. It was noon and the school -children. •Wetle hurrying down, the ;hill -just as I Wad done so ong agd. 1. leaned "closer to catch what, they said but could hear only fragments ot their conversation, On • tall boy was., saying, "Well, if yo don't lcnow vdur mathematics its you own fault, -I think Mr. Reid is -just_ wonderful," '!Yes,„ he is,, all right but why doesn't u he speak louder? For rny part give me Miss Musgrove. I tell you it just thrills -me to see the Way she can cut up .frogs ancr fish - worms and. things." Surely I thought , they must mean Austin and Edna my former class mates. This scene faded and L was stand - ng before a huge signboaed. Huge osters announced a coming' eleetioii, ne in particular interested me.- It ead "Vote for Perrie and'abolish the bobbed' hair and- dancing as well as tany other existing evils, I would OK ay SPeola s (liver & Bellinger 5 lb, Fresh Pork for 41. 0 lbs. pure pork Sausages „.„, 0 3 lbs.. Pure Lard and 3lbs„ of Sausages, .. „...„. 1.00 5 home-made 'Bologna . 1,00 All Beef cuts in accordance. A.ssortment of 1 can AYimer Corn 1 can Aylmer Peas 1 can Ayliner Tomatoes 1 can Red Spring Salmon 1 bottle Of best Pickles . .... All for fbOO . • • All Goods boTe y WING Harold Mills, (laborer), Fain would I havestayed there but was not -for me to choose and soon I found myself transported to the country. found myself walking up the lane to a fine farm house. Seated in an old arm chair, smoking a long pipe, his large broad hat sitting, far baciewn his head sat Arthur Irwin. In a flash I was back again in the rush and noise f the city. On the 19th floor of a huge skyscraper I read. on an office door Dr. Chas, Donald- son, dentist. At my unexpressed wish the walls became transparent and I saw the honorable gentleman himself peering into the mouth of one of his patients. He appeared to be very ex- cited -and T gazed at him -he, jerked his arm back quickly displaying a huge molar held firmly„in the forceps. The sufierer sprang clear out of the chair, saying that Charles had pulled the wrong tooth. and grabbing his hat he made a rush for the door just as recognized in " him, Norman Muir. Following him out of the building I -saw him enter a shoe shine parlor owned and operated by Neil McLean, Wandering along the street, I at- tempted to cross the road and I am stare I'd never-have,been successful if Peter Scott the gigantic traffic, cop had not come to my rescue. Neat I • found myself • wandering aniong the tombstones in a large - • cemetery. 'Seeing one especially tall u I stopped to read the inscription, it ✓ read, "At Rest" George Fixten, aged ave read mere but another' scene was e flashed before Me. lt .was 'WonderfUT'summer day. I saw a country -road leading by -a vil- lage clatiVela and manse. Down. the , highway I saw if eloud..of dust.advan-. cing :my .direction and as -it drew near 1; recognized, an automobile of a very popular ;variety. Seated behind the wheel was a Minister ,as devoted bY :his clerical raiment. S'o'on I could disting,uish the 'features 'of the driver s t lose of George Falconer.' He was • at .asleep at the, wheel while his well ained: auto turned, at the drive - ay, stopped at .the ,door, blew its,' or,n,to-waken the.driver. and seemed ,await further d.eVelopments. The oor of the •manse opened, and a lady, pleasant of face and cheerful of man - nee approached the- car a.tul welcomed the driver warmly, I bent doser to soan• the ° features of Mrs, •-Falton.er hat the smokereddied and swirled and another.seene presented itself.. : Ivas ' standing on •the cOrner of a. crowded street. Everywhere -people elbowed their Way through the crowd. Soon saw processioh corning down 'the street -headed by a band: —The leaflet of the band proved -to be none other than Charlie -Messer,' close be- hind, him marched -Jaelt. Wright, beat- ing manfully at a big drum and look- ing,- very 'much -as if the whOle thing depended • on him. One tall man, who height must have been seven feet six -played the trombone so vigor- ously that he caused much eon -intent among the crowd. eStiddenly it was 'flashed mion, me that he was none other than EdWard' Forgie. , 'Behind the band marched an anti - labor , parade. 'The ,leader marched 'abeAd carrying, a hanne,r bearing the -words, "Work breeds - worry, why worry?" "He was one of the most miserable looking wretches had ever seen., His, fang locks hung' heavily around his, haggard fe.atures. His , clothes were torn and dirty and his boots worn so' that in rnatV places his bare feet showed through 'plainly, Imagine my surprise to find in hint, our old friend, james R. Alien and in his ardent supporters Sadie Gallaher and 13eisie :„\fallough. - • This scene changed too and I was ,seated in, a crowded divorce court, As watched the „, proceedings the judge came in and I. thetight she bore a striking resemblance. of Ida Linton, The tase was that of Perdue vs Per- due, Mrs.' Perdue Sdd eyed creat- ure appeared in c,ourt and said she wantcd a divorce on the grounds of crudity, desertion and • non-sitPoort.' 5 Mr.:Perdtte 8aid lie wished the ease to be attended to promptly as he Was already late f 6 t. Work, The lawyer for 1 the plaintiff was Mi SS flelet1 Wi/S011 C1'1 While that Ede 'the defehdant was Miss fen Doris Tei"ells; , fig !mon thc„ jurors were: Gorden IX -to aructAlaeksnaitii)t y Alotr,(Sontdt - !as, Weselice, (WidevaQ and fes are at ereaaei drawing, hailed hay to t.,-, aaersooed -771.1-111Pry WhitetiltIrC11. station. - • 'bombardment of the 'German invaders , - and more than I25 000' tons of mason- ProPeety ChangeS•I-lancTs r.Y, Steel, lutnber, and, furniture V,,cre • Mr,. Robert Spotton has parchased said to reproduce. with absolute fidel- ity red brick house on Shuter • St. • „ anti:Ling panorama. of the story. .1,:he appeal of the -stoey. Itself has already hecu peoVed through the suc- cess. of the novel by ViCente 331a.sco Ibanez, upon which the photodrama is founded, , Its sale throughout, ' the world runs ;into the millions,. but mit- lions more will probably haye re-. vealed to them the ,first tii-ne through the rileciitini, of the sercen prodttetion. This production ' is , reported to have. followed faithfully the epic tale of Inunan passion against the' back- ground' a the Great 'War as related by Ibanez. • ' The cast includes Rudolph Valen- foronto, have heard this week that tInCly Alice ferry, Ponieroy Cannon, the companY's venture in the Texas Joseph svviokard, field is resulting satisfactorily, The Tourneur-Wizard of the Silversheot Rocltdale, Texas, •Reporter of recent Prominent among the names that date says: "The fifteenth' producer will go down to posterity as the pion - in the Minerva Sector of the Milani eers of the screen is that of Maurice county oil fields came in last Week, Tourneur, the man ender whose Per - being the Elie Investments 1740. T Ben! sotaal direction the. „super production. McClellan, This well is proriouncet1 Great'Redeenter" was' macle, Mr. ono Of the very' hest in the field. 'The 'Totirner laiis been associated With the pay was reached at 710 'feet." limiting of inotion pictures- for over - This new oil field adjoins the Mexia lifteen years, and during that time has field, which is now the .eause of con- been:responsible ,for soinc of the best ,,siderable stir in the 'United States. productions that have Is een made. Elie Eric Investinents expanded .into "The Great Redeein6r" ,which ' will the Texas field last year, and 18 !,19NV _k_se $110W11 next Monday', Tucsday,and starting a new well besides that which Wednesday et the Lyceum Theatre, haa just , becoine producer. • The is Mr, l'ourner's lalest, and it repte- company which was organized in 19:9 scrits the wizard of the silversliee,t at has paid 32 pee ten an chviti s thorn his p ttetilat best, Mi, %wither, do- hs eight wells in 'Western Ontario, voted much time and forethought to near Glencoe • the creation of this production rcaliz. . ing that it inarled one, Of the mile- stones ef his art, and as stte.h could '110t be other than the hest lie had to offer. The story is that of a' traits robber v‘,110 painted a masterpiece, on the wall of his cell, and hato the pie- , titre Totirner has out Ilse nioSt. Copper Boilers te0+ consumniatc ,aitistry, Galvanized .... ,t.48 f",1. reg, • 27.0 lor... T .75 'Mere was a young' 111 rom the , - $ Galvar!ized, PailS, re 000, ,,,,,,,,,,, 'Who ss Wilat fie tbought waS a kitty Electric Trons <I -le gave: it a pasi so per 0e,iit. oft 411 ttoe,ds except ;1,0'cres And. SO'Qii After that, 1if0N1ii oRJ1ItRg 'Re burictl hist1oths, What < pkyl from Me. JohneRobinson. .;',Mr, .A, j; Walkee'has pnrehased the IVIeKinnon „property on Shuter. . St, at present Occupied by Mr. Cs B.. Robinson:s Mr, Jas. 'Bloomfield has sold his .-farm jegt north b.f town on the Tee.,swater gravel and .13's' line. to Mee Fitzpatrick who resides on JosePhieeSt. north., The • following 'elipping, . from the .,dailies oE last Thursday will be good news to the men. in 'this district who • own stoekjn this company: .-,• • , shareholders 111 Erie In- vestments,- Ltd., ,with head office in ta 771 25 and below that "This life was notat all pleasant nor I hope iVoiutchst7 ineuxsi will he • more gler- • 'That scene faded as if wiped from a slate- and found myself seated in the public library. Seeing a local paper close at hand, I seized it, think ing myself very much in luck, ' The first thing I saw vvas a huge aclver- tisement which read, "Dancing made easy. We guarantee to teach you in five 'lessons, For further particulars apply'to Elliott Fells and Bert Heth- erington, Jazz, Artists, Directly, below it I was startled to read of the death of Cameron War- wick McDonald, 1Vondering what • Canieron had done after leaving school I read the lengthy account of his life's work, On graduating with honors II) 1922, lie 'had gone to university vvhere he had stayed for six months, then Ow- ing to a nervous breakdown caused by oversttidying he had been forced to come home. FOr a year he had work- ed with his father on a farm near Bluevale, but not caring for mixed farming, he liacl'"sold his stock and implements and had gone into the ancken raising on a large scale, He was so toneof this that lice made quite a success of it. Below that was a moving picture adverti,sement which stated that Eva Cowden and Leslie • Hetherington would play in "Happy tho' Married" that night at the Lyceum Theatre. From there T was carried to the en- trance of a huge, building bearing the inscription, "Headquarters for the National 'Reform League." 3f entered and saw as official manager, Corson Boyce, In a large auditorium the president, Jervis W. Initton, was ad- dressing a very large audience. His flaming locks bespoke a determined nature arid his looks were not belied if the vigour with which he attacked the "Chewing Gmn Evil" may be taken as any inilication. His audience was moved to tears as the great ora- tor outlined to them the evils of this nation-vvide habit andvowed to dedi- cate „their lines towards stamping out this evil, Seated on their platform near him were 6the.e speakers, Each of these held a programme and as I bent closer I could read them. The president's speech was to be followed by one by Mabel Armstrong- on "The Slang Habit". • This was to be follow- ed by one on "The Evils of Moving Pictures" by Harold A, Cowden, Stmely I thought this would be an interesting meeting but it was not for ism to hear it for thc scene faded and I was standing transported to Africa. IThaw a riven -flowing past a village of Mud huts and entering a jungle, On rho clay- banks of the stream I saw two white men approaehing followed by a group 'of blacka who :30orned to -regard them aS Saviours. • As the two inIssionaries approaehed the forefront I recognized them as Fred Thompson • d 14:ew, As this seene faded 1 c.ried ▪ aloud "0 spirits! show me what tile has it Store for your hurnble servant.' carcely,had the words crossed my ipsotban in the smoke saw pictured 01 a,ngty ,mob. As tins scone cleared recognized the faces as these of my as kitates., Ii.actugt toward,s itic Irvith ,iilirSt(Si'ting feattifeS Wait; 5lorr6 ure ell5Se1y follbwed isy.the furiehs 4,atta liorroeS1 no tlutlone runuer earer, „ illy own -tueeS,' I :abtOlti,eted.. troll :41,te 77' Always First to Itedue Guaratitlee the Quality e A 0 UcL & Naptha,Gold,Sur- prise Sunlight,Coratort Oa :hoe Clee'Lned Cur,. .'tS, 2 lbs. for,,,,3/c CiataltabiliMalltd111,1 PLekti S d reaktast (2row SyruP, 2 lb.- for Crown Syrup, 5 lb. for, Crown Syrup, re- lb. for Lyles Syrup, 2 lb for , Lily Syrup, 2 lb: for.. Lily Syrup; 5 lb„ for toe 430 83e aoc .220 .500 CORN M E A L, Special 7 lbs.- • • -25c TEA • . Shirriff's Jelly POW DERS 3 for 25c n4k ij Fry .,-.-TC1.0.1(P1 51 RE ED WHEAT 1 t Ca a on, di 2 as for._ , , ,...,.....25C • . Peas, 2 tins for,......,,,., ..... 29c l'elink- Salmon, x lb, Red Salmon, I lb. tirt.„, , ,. , ..... , 0 Campbell's Soup for , 11.6 , , Kippered Herring . ,, ..1,5c' ' 4- r" 40c . ... 11 390 PALMOLTVE SOAP Zit •ROLLED OATS Sugar, by the bat ,$7. 10 1Ulit Butte and Eggs .101). r 41001 attWIP17ta941, 9 Irououg,zzahavelikftta timoto203~moz 04gogook410401P We want t tell you ab 11 - I SEE C N We hare ordered a large quantity of the most popular varicti , El , Seed Corn which will arrive here in good time for planting. ' We bought our Cern from The Wm, liennie Seed Co, One. of stile tii) 'most reliable business finns in Canada. ' Carefully Seleete C rn Great care has been exercised in the selection of this corn, Th'e Wm. Rennie Seed Co. have facilities for shelling, cleaning, grading and drying which the farmer does not possess. This seed has tested 95 to 100 per cent. Germina.tion Mr. Farmer, you cannot afford to buy anything but the, very best. We will have the very best Seed Corn obtainable, and prices v.,111 ' be satistactory. JOHN 71 , SUCCESSOR TO HO TSON & HOWSON f' Plottr, Peed, Seeds, Potatoes, eta. • Phones: Residence :75, Store ;seg. XICSII.WAXMW-..$074,7#111) X.74-474ZZANI-V4WW, r.1,4 nvv, 1,11.20:11.1,70.131not ve $150 00211111111.0.111 That means' that we will have to offer our 'entire stock at prices away down heloW M zero, Keep yonr,eye on the goods ticket- ed, black is regular price, red ink is Dollar • Day price. member Price Good tor sy Only This will be a chance of your life time th buy Diamonds, 'Watches, Clocks, Silver- ware, Cut Glia.ss, Umbrellas, Leather Goods French Ivory, Jewelery all ltinds1 N toodis without the • The Ot. atteb, le•oct an ()Pt eve fiaSh. the $eerx*. disappeareo. and in its place in letters of flatting fire :1 satv the words "No prophet hath bonOr 1111 Own country'. jumping to my feet I stumbled front the rocitti into tins street onitticle where the eocii air Soother irty ifeveritils pulse and com posing. trYst If r tt r d 1 •d titItrigh et, ',es 4,4fitaire, L11 wtote dowia the xoncvcllocs 'things had s•een and :Whichl hteve.,ittst setatcd to yoah ' 'you bxrt 1 15 1101,10.1.1111 00eidSttt 1,141.; 005111 511.410 POWers 08 the Orient.. thAra, 51011, 1.4