HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-16, Page 4" """'"'"'" ":"1"0"'ree'"'"" '0""'"e"s-.."":"-e''''s...."'""'""s"''''''''''"'''''Ssrses•••••"!•••svets eress ess-sessrseersestesses e s'eressessolses"ssse•S••••••SeSetr•smsr." •••-st"."".sere "O." enet S"nes'streesesseeessess--s• - „ !rr 7,11F,7
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P'..rflu'rt,.3ciay Feb. 16t11 It•)2f4 '
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g„ weie,64,260 lq,ude, Rural Rhympa
, vocc0000000000000000000,m, ot 1SARD'S,-“qhe StOIT ItlanY PePailtiments
gu ar
A Rue Rral Valentine
Tisa rose ts red the violet blue
Valentine is inearit fel YOU...The Feb-
; ruary days are classy our good. .ree
was SOIVIET !NG that Brouglit Hope
'to the r:Poomed Mtxrderer AToss the
Tier ---thiat Stilled the Curses on His
Lips as He 'Walked, Unafraid, to the
VVaiting Gallovh
onfiai.?„ -
Was SOMETHING that Filled with
Vionde,r even the Hardened jailers wad -
Finally Bought Dein Mallo9 His
Freedom , .
• SE.L.1NG
-V c'T - ..•' 4•ll•'••r 'ZIP ,.iiihr70. ei :N1',1.li' Viril Is ss.1011
-- ,
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t 1 ,,
From the pen of H. H. VAN LOAl\J, creator of innurnenabiesUCCeSS,eS for the saeen.,
Adapted I:19 Jack Gilbert and Jules Flirtliman.' Directed bY Clarence BrCvn-urider the,
personal supervision of Mr. Tourneur. Photographed b9 Charles J. Van Elver, -wit
.. ". special'scenic effects by Floyd Mupilec.
And "Screen Snapshots" being scenes behind the scenes and at home with the farrlous stars of
'onster rogram at rega,ar prices ia,ac ari now- a .
-1, 6.scren.
r ,
Mrs- Archie- Anderson and. dough-
"' ter, Miss Fanny and Miss Gretta
Cainpbellof Atshfield,visited. last Fris
day with Mrs. Anderson's daughter,
virs. Robert Pnrdom • •
Mrs. Jas. Morrison of .DtmgantoO.,
is vlszting at the' home. of Mr. and
• Mrs. Tas, WilSort;
Miss Kate Smith who has been vis-
h1ng with Mr, and Mrs: Andrew Fox,1
returned to her home in Galt on Sat-
urday. She was accompanied by Miss
Lottie Fox.
Misses Olive and Kathleen Teriff,
are snaking an extended visit with rel-
atives in Torbnto. They went on.
Mrs. Dinsley of Wing -ham was viS-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roland "Henderson last week.
Mr. Fred Thompson, our enterpris-
. s
iiig merchant has traded his store to
Mr. and Miss - McQuoid of Ashfield
for their farm. Mr. Thompson and
his family are moving in about two
Miss Lillian Paterson is at present
visitleg with her sister, Mrs. Bushien,
of Arthur •
We received for a fact' that Mr.
Victor' Emerson has purchased the
farm. ovvned by Mrs. Tiffin on the 4th.
con. of Kinloss. • New' what's the
meanine of this unusual stir' Victor,S;
V.PA'",illt,o,VV:074,11AN Milta, ge,,,V,AMMXXXX, Messrs, Frank Vanner and Russel
„ , ' . . ' tr# Barrett „of Wingliarn, visited at the
• ': ' ' ' • '-'- 9 - holm of Mr. and Mrs, ,Tas. Cornelius,
P f,, I".1 ‘.• • 1*. on Suriday. s
.. , . . .
1)e aii s hi ar - .•
.. the VVinter School in Wingliain on
1,44, Quite a number froiri here at:tended.
y Spec:kits
Sill'6° On Dollar pat/ Tuesday, February 21.et, to the first ten customers
• 4,-O buy $5.00 worth or ores of Groceries we will. give g $3.50 three piece ri
set of Kitchen Aluminum Ware fon $1.00. These ordera Must not include
triere than $1.00 worth of Sugar. ••s
Canned Cora, 5 for..., . , 51.00 .4.%
Canned Fern, ,7 for,• ....... er, 1.00
Poakin, •Ofot.. 1,00
Ph ak Solition, large, 5 for 1-00
Latindry Soap. 14 for. 1,00
COOtlates 9 for.,1,00
Sittedded Wheat, fi'ira'n • 1.00 •
Puffed Wheat 7 for s „. - 1.00
Puffed Rhe, 6 for , - 1.00
qt, 2." ots „ - „ 1.00
12 lbs. Sugar .., .5L00'
Special blend Tea, 8-ibs .... 1.00
Lard, 11 lbs.. , 1.00
Sttorrrestio'Sborter•irsts, 9 lia ,, 1,00
Lfl,,S43tIte Md ‘ 1.00
?sintn. 12 100
P011tsder. lb tios, 4 foie 1 00
,R0,.-4t")bi',rr!;.,r Ism rest: 23r, 5 for 1.00
i Xiris Sweet nettles, regular
Felt ter end filinSe tal"en as flash .ist, Market Ptices.
with every *5.00 ointhase we will gists absolutely free, one small
"v,ra81.,og cream.,
Feb. 8th, 9th and teth.
1Vliss Flora Everitt:, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Everitt of Kincardine, was
rnarried to Mr. McIvor also of Kin-
cardine, on Jan. 25th, Miss Everitt is
a niece of Mr. Archie Clow.
Quite a number front here attended
the hockey match on tricknour ice
between St. :Helens aud lArbitetharcli.
The former wort 0 to 2,
The St. Ileleni Gnild held a splen-
did meeting' in Whitechurch Presby-
terian church on Friday evcrunrs. The
president, Mr. Harvey Webb had,the
charge of -the mecting„ after which the
stoong peofple had a splendid social
Misses Amoie Kennedy and 'Winn,
fred Eartiet and hl essrs., Joe Gaunt
and Robbie Stewart 'were delegates
from the Mell.lothet eliosch here to
t be Winter sc5oo held iri V'in ham
Methodist church last Friday aild
• Mr. sold Mrs, • 13<n. avk.Cteiagiliat
as children spent Stiedey
and Mrs. Tas, Barbour of fi'orOce.'
Mrs. Wm, Wfastin spent
ditsee days With 'relatives at Virktbatil
74r. a041 Herbert leridisse,
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs,
David 1:Perrier,' of West'
Mies Lavipn Cacrielr of Wingisam,
sorves are trot yet brassy. 'The rose is
red the lily white some couples fall in
love at sight; to bring some others in-
to line requires a saint like Valentine,
and not another month 1 wot a spiffy
saint like hirn has got. The second
month with him alonecan well for
lack of length •atone, This is the
month when lovers kiss and lie a little
too 1 wis; for each will swear, then
swear some more that •Ireither ever
loved before. The rose is fed the
chestnut green they spring some
chestnuts too I ween. But though
their vows be trite and old no whiter
lies are ever told for she tells him and
he tells her not whlat they are but
wish they were, • So let theni wander
hand in hand and heart to heart in
fairyland. I too will rise and thtimb
my lyre, 1 too will share their youth-
ful fire. Yea though mybald dorne
shinny is and though you creak with
rhettinatiz the rose is red the violet
blue still has sweets for rile and you.
. Miss G. Bush of Wroxeten; is the
• guest of her sister, -Mrs. W. 'Dane,
Glad to report that Mr. W. Under=
wood 'is improving as well as can be
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wright, have
• the sympathy of friends and
• FUR•
boors, owing to their littre sone Harry
• getting his leg brtiken. But we are
glad' to report he is getting • along
Mr. Nelsnn Gowdy is very busy
moving to his new farm. But he has
not forgotten the Horse Dealer's As-
•s'ociation as he sold a „valuable horse
to Mr. Victor Shera at Gorrie.
• A -1a.rge crowd attended the sale of
Mr. Wilbert Galloway's which was a
e great success.
Mr. Alfred 'Taylor has ,been busy
finishing the Woodework and 'also the
• papering of Mr. W. Hay's house.
Mis -and IvIrsi.G. -Daps: "are at
• present visiting friends- at Fordwich.
Miss I.onise White entertained -a
ofenwSoafttitiretfayfrieeV"ednsirtigar alasbti.riclaY party
Dr. and Mrs. Creed, of Boston,
are at present visiting the Iattr's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hastie, Gor-
rie south. Dr. and Mrs. Creed are
• both graduate' Chiropractors.
Mr, Robs Harrison of Wingham,
forrtserly a Gerrie boy, atended the
dance ip ,Gorrie on Friday evening of
last week. 'We are pleased to have. •
him with us again. •
The funeral ,of Rev. W. J. .Ashton
of -St. Thomas was held oi Tuesday
in the „Methodist Gilt Gorrie, *
the ehel:ch. be,nig filled. 1Dlecleasedita,s
well kno h h •
ig Stock.Big Value
g Dollar • Day Bargains N
'We quote below. just a few of the many Dollar Bargains awaiting •
you here on Dollar, Thesday, Vein Oset. • .• •
,•. , ..
Towelliug--•-Irisix crash . roller
Towelling, 35c valne,. 4yd wide
for $X.00S
SWEATERS --One doz. girls'
pullover sweaters, values up to
$5, bargain $2,75.
. wide . stripe,: good quality, Do1-
4, lar 'Day 5 yds. for $r.00.
lilts' SHAWLETTESs--Large size,
j brushed . wool fancy coloring
. regular $5, 'Sale $2.9o. • •
. • LACE-0-Clean.tm on lace and
insertion, a lot on sale 'Dollar
•V.1. Day at 5c. ' .
ladies' flne quality nainsook lace
•, trimmed gowns, regular 'value
AI $1.25, sale 89c.• • •
tool C$C°3oRar Corsets,
PeEtasTi ,Sas-re115es idzSoe' bet5v• a1 es make 1ir)
sireS SKIRTS -- Ladies' sizes in
blatilt or navy top skirts, a line
tt4., to pleat at $1,5o. •
s,• FURS—Buy aow at big say-
ings, 25 per cent. off Sets, Stol-
/ • es, Muffs and Coats
• APRONS -- Large coverall
An aprons in isrint of good quality -
a bargain 7qc.
COATS—Wonien's and Mis-
ses' odd coats to clear on Dol -
M, . lar Day at $.r.,95
DRESS GooT)i--4i. a big
imp saving, sec our tl-e-aring lines
' DoIlarDay at $1,00. ,
, • WAIST—A lot of broken
. es of. ladies' waists, your pick
• ror•
• .HOSE-:-.13a,gain. "Ereache• i
Hose of good quality cashmere
1 •
• (31• • HsAaNeD791.3c.kG'S—Leather hand
bags:to clear, /regular $i,00, on
- sale at oc •
V.6 '
issos BLANKETS Flannelette
tsel&o,„2 blankets, ' best quality, • Dollar
Day prictes$2a.t5ioa. best rti,akes
eks,g•SILKS—Big choice of lead
Day 20 per cent off. .
HOSE—Silk• hose on sale $
Day,all Isinds • and colors 20
per cent off
wit de along bean born. ' •
and raised in Howick,-Township, . „The '• ••• ,
ire nee .rnee ing was adjourn- ,
, ed for a couple of hours, to permit • ,..
p:r,r w :f
those who asesrobled to attend the i�
",i. '4 N
• fluidal,•• ' OA '''.`'s ''', A
s,'". „ , T.,
Mrs.A. Ballagh,. Mother -in. -law of
McKenzie,had the inisfortime oik A4%06,1% 04
to fall and break a bone in one of, •• '
her Iirhbs last ,Friday. She- is an old.
lady over' eighty years of age and an
accident of this nature causes much
suffering. . •
Mr. H. M. I-1ttnter, son' of -Afr. Jos,
Bunteroof TeeSwater, is in Brantford
• hospital,. as a result of an accident at
Brantford station a short time ago.
He is an engineer on the G. -T. R. and
when Outiliaing off the sunning board 6 d,o-s. Wash Boards- at a big saving only elee
of his engine near 111e:station Id i • Gold, P. 8s.'G. and Comfort Soap -14
SOCKS -5 doz, 1rlen's
socks, blade or grey, big value
3 pairs or :$1.00.
stock of men's and boys' boots
abnatilgsabilialses et special Doll•ar Day
' OVERALLS--xo doz. men's
'hoyeaevrayll:aafge gi.priraorofvablluaeck$2D.5e0sliornn
$ Day i1-95-
BOYS' SUITS—Big choice
all sizes, at reduced prices Dol-
lar Day, ,
' BOY,S' JERSEYS -. -Navy
•„and cardinal wool jerseys, but-
ton on shoulder, regular $2.9o, .
• bargain $ Day $1.5o... '
' • `SHIRTS—Men's„ heavy work
shirts, large „make, special
PANTS—Men's heavy 'work -
grey untearable pants; $5-.val-
• ne, sale• $3.9o. •
MEN'S „SI.TITS —Save mon-
ey and by your spring suit
'now, crit prices for 1)ollar. Day
BARGAINSrost_:\.T.0:,st:mIN07-a,GrRch0_ ,C,FEeaRl"$,E.00S
.are iv,$g1E71'eaocolue2Ao.fT000sr_202cn,..•
• save $5.00 to $io.00.
men's overcaots, buy now and
cakesN°.i Nabob Soap •
1 lb. best Raisins '
. •-' lb. can I -Saki -rig Posvdes‘
• r /le Red Rose Tea
2 tins Gem Lye
• 1 lb. Baiting Soda--
Lot2• 3'.15c.,Naolrobis:n* C._:31),oatnialarfScraYisirtilS1).' ben': :11;1.7 4
... ,
-, 2 Tapioca ' •
,... '
• co -
11)5 j:Q5-•• FigS”
tube Extraet
3 Polar White Soap
ieySavhig V410.
and broke Ins leg above the knee and
injured his artn. He will be in Brant-
ford Hospital Jar some weeks. "His 6
• friends here will be sorry to learn of rp.
his accident and wish, him a speedy
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
• the Listowel parsonage on Thursday
afternoon last when Miss Annie Hut-
chison • of Teeswater, and- Mr. Wm.
Edward Rothwell, Son. of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Rothwell, Listowek, weee •
united in holy bonds al• matronouy.
Dr. 1-Tazeii -officiated. The couple
were • unattended. "• Congratelations e
and best wishes are extended to the
happy couple. • • ,
spent the, week -end under the parental
• Mr, ond Mrs. Richard Hincle, of
Waseta, Sask., who have been visit-
ors with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Henry
last week, prior to their returning to
the West. Mr. and Mrs. Hinde* are
neighbors of Mr end Mrs- Henry's
daughter in the West. ,
Messrs. Alvin Pardon and Mac,Mc-
Clenan and Wiliam Stein visited last
Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Albert
Cameron and visited the later's brOth-
er, Mr. A. Stein of Lanes, Ashfield.
Married—On -Wednesday, Jan. 15th,
at „the ham of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Gaunt, West Wawa -
nosh, their eldest daughter; Vernarto
lrfr. Archie Aiteheson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Aitcheson, of St. Helens.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cameron and
children of Lanes, visited With their
cousin, Mr, Joseph Laidlaw on Sat-
urda.y last.
Ross .13totowls taking a course of
medical treatinelIL Wingliam, which
we trust may prove helpful to him.
Little Miss Audrey IVIc.Micliael,
:Win -gleam Junction, spent iast Week
with herr seroodparelits, Henry ad
Mrs. Bone, 3rd line of
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Ffermey, Brantford, who was tstiss
Annie Griote, formerly of FirtseSels,
died 00 Tuesday, fleceased is •a
datighter of Mrs. „folio, Grieve, of this'
locality, and sister to Mrs, Ed, Nichol,
Ches. Armstrtnas, lifloosesaw, is
here on n holiday visit with -veld iveS
arid old friends. Ile 'was Is Cosines.
Wesitir3 tb;1' "(it t.Ti'llisltarsi'riat''sti.:dr°1811f)re'ilit(lairi'dhis'e
weleorried hoe& to Lite old coinmunily
How to 1.e..tiop 1.-Xarlpy
ifecp yout- heart elesen. ' •
1<ees, yorir feee 'worry.
:Keep yons body' in contlititn.
Ont ')eOpli,...1).'s affairs,
Fletrep ori the fob, •
Lennox "Soap,5 cents each, 12 for 50 •
cents, 24 for $1 oo
POintolive Soap, 3 for' 28 cents,- 14 "
Pearlir.e, 3 pankages for 25 cents, 32 CS)
Rinsb, 4 packages for 25 cents, i6 for • $1.06
.Castileelong- bar, 18 cents each:: or .6 for , $1 00
Olive Oil and Cucumber, big cake •5 cents each or 21 for:es-se...es r,oe,
• .e.sotiese resins, s,,essuniaid). .32 •cents. tar 4 sfor., .... . . . . i.otr. •
?' Toilet paper, a cents a roll or :24 for.
.12 "dozen 'High Grade String Brooms, 75 (1C111., v-ahre, 5oc each, 2
. • „ .
Clover. Leaf Cups and Saucers,' best English 4. fo• r.
, • • , ,• ovet ea a p tes, best: English, 7 foi : . . ................. ... ... ... .. .
• Men Women Girls,
Bachelors With) w s Etc.
'Join our correspondence . Club and.
make many -interesting friends.' Get.
acquainted throughout .- the.. world
through our mediuni. Marry •Wealth,
Happiness. Fisindreds rich, attrac-
tive .and congenial, willing to • wed.
to Plitin white ('upsa.nd Saucers, .5 for • .,, . • • . x.00
x only 97 piece -flintier Set, reg. $37.50, $ 'Day only. ... •
- 20 dozen Tttniblers, reg. $1,2o per dozen, oh 'sale $ Day Only goc a doz.
10 doz. Pitchers for milk afld etc„ 75 cent value, $'Day 2 for..._._.$x.00
• 32 dozen Egg Cups, gold band on sale at. ... ,. . ......s. . ... ... .. . .. . ,.. .... .„..... ...5c, each
20 per cent .off all pitchers Clover Leaf and white plates etc.
5 per cent off all fancy ch na and cut glass, • .
gExtra special 6 doz, very fine Sugar and Cream sets i'.e. $s.00 on sale
r>er pair
Photos iree. Send 5o 'cents for. four' :41. UMINUM
months' •Subscription.. $1.00 for one et ,
200 Montagne Street, Brooklyn,
est W.
Scranton C o °
Cannell for fireplaces; Sinithing,
Soft Coal ansi Cbar'eal
Lumber of 11 kinds, dreSsed sod
• undressed, Hard and Soft Wood,
•, Slab Wood and Cedar always on
• hand, Shingles . Lath. I -lard wood,
Flooring, Sash: troorS' aud mould-
•ings on hand or made to order on
shortest ootiee, Ile;tver atid Fibre
• Board, prep:tiled, rooter and roof.
log end roofing "Saint.
Office reed Planing MiIbese-
phitte 81,, edits:Mims G,E Pe 510100,
We give careful, interested Al-
- terrion to nil order's, ,,no we rikA:kc
deliveries proloptly.
d Co
: •
a Big Ut
Re ticti
, .
Tea Pots, Potato Pots and ;di large pieces reg., $3.0o Va ne $ Day $-.98
All Enamelware Tinisrare reduced 20 per cent.••
6 dozen. to qt Dish Pans, reg. 65 cent value, 50 cents each or 2 for $1, s,
c 6 dozen so qt. Tin Pails, reg. 35 cei1tvi1ue27 cents each, or 4 for $1,
q Granite Roasters; $1,00 value, $ ,I)afTonly •, - , „ -. 69c.
Grautte Potato Pots $L25 value; " Day only ...„-...-...,,„„.....„,...........„.._
1• Galvanized Boilers, MeClary's be:st on sale at ... . . „....,,, .... ....s,„,.,_.. .. ..$1.10 each
All Fall and Winter Undervvear and' Hose for -women and n childre'
at „ . ... .. , ... ..... . per' cent off.
2 dozen Tricoletie 131ouses to clear . . .. . . . .
12 doZill Chanta‘Sette CrloVes, leg. ,si.00 to clear at Go cents per pair.
• 12 dozen black stripe and blue overalls to clear
6 dozen :Worie Shirts worth Sxo to clear at. , Liao
so doeen. Men s Hettvy Wool Sollss worth 7e cents e, Day only 390
a 12 dozen Nen's fine Heather Socks worth 6 eellt5, $ Daybflly 390
rz dozen Boy's Heavy all wool Hose Worth 75 edits $only 39c
h. 6 -dozen Men's' Fleece Lined lincierweer to clear
.12 dozen felled?. Collare at 2 .... .... .
ihere are iiioustleis of other bargains whieb wontld fill this .
entire passe. Cotue :ally and eel your share. •
siess:1: :XirsesWUFOpussssts•
, „
• .
iAzaar, W J,„
144t,ri As Cnih
, ..
, . .
. • , . :
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, , .. • ' , . ' '
..1' '• , ' •„, .t."‘ .."-• • •• ' "'• %."