HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-02, Page 5Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 1922 THEvdNGF1AM 41.1)VAISICE , The House of Quality ----- WHITECHURCH last week renewing old acquaintances.Air. nik immimone ,z,....; miss, Kate smith 0 Gait, is visiting Lueknow will have a Chinese res. *Ii• w taurant in the near future in the old • Ti the home of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew sentinel stand., It has been au re_ Or* Or. Fox. is- modelled, painted and papered and is a 4 . Miss Tena Laidlaw and Mrs, A. Clow spent the week -end at the home very attractive stand, Dr, McLeod of Ripley, was in town LA ,, Cli 1 Stores el * '''''' of Mr. and Mrs. Mason, Blyth, last week arid has rented rooms ruiri aaie 3pecials ...„ Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stanley of Tees- .above Dr. McConnell's office, where 0- ..... water, spent Sunday with Mr. and he i nt e n ds opening a dentist office, 8.- IVIrs. Duncan Kennedy, . one day a week. --idominion S a , ...... , ..... sorry to report the severe illness Born—On Sunday, Jan. =nd, Wa, ..-. of Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, during the pest to Mr, and Mrs. ,Meivin Greer, a •..... sa- Week. sa- The • Silks, Silks Underwear •Raw Silks, an mare fine quality of Raw Silk, free --sib• from dressing close even weave, 33 in. wide special ... .torr . . •#•••$1.29 Ladies white and natural Vests and white • fleee- ed Vest, drawers to match. Reg. $1.25 and • 1.50. Special. price , • . .. 89c each Blankets . 9 only all weiolasihite Blankets made from aeleci- ed long wool yarnsaextra large sizes 7i to 8i lbs, Special .per pair . .. . Sheeting Gilt Edge Taffetta • Bleached sheeting of fine quality cotton. a sine, - Special $1 69 • • • Mesealine SIM, Wash. Satins in black. white. ea• purple, grey and mauve. These are splendid qualities and •exceptional values, specially aas,• priced ,..• $1 69 ing made to stand extra wear, 78 in. wici. Cortidelli beat quality gilt edge Taffetta. ',every Special . , „ „ , , 59c. yd • ' yard stamped with maker'sguarantee, 36 in. • wile wonderful value at this law price $2 69 Laces and Insertion .at 5e. a yd. Navy.Mousafine A special lot of lacea and insertions in wide and narrow widths to clear ............. ... .. .. 5c yd. is.- -.``• A beadtifuf satin finished silk of extra wearing . • days hauling elm logs to McLean's 4-400 , quality, 36 in. wide, navy. only, reg. $3.50 , Winter Goods - :-... Mill at Wingham. aaa ,- Quite .a number from hefe attended All winter Goods, Sweaters' Coate and knitted\ r„....- the U. F. 0. concert in King's school 111., WS. daughter. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Henderson and Miss Sara McLean of Winnipeg, is visiting her sister, Mrs, W, C. children of Lucknow, spent Sunday Johnstone. here with Mrs. Hendersons parents, lVfiss Annie Murchison of 'Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. McGregor. •is visitina- her brother, Sam, Murch; Mr. Malcolm McLennan of Don- - ald's Corner's, Lanark Co., is visiting at the home of his cousin, Mr. Robt, Purdon, Mr. Peter Robinson of Toronto, is visiting with his sister, MTS. Wm. Beecroft. Mrs. Henning of Benito, Man., is Dane, of the 1.4111 con. of Howick, visiting with her sister, Mrs. Joseph which took place on Wednesday will be shocked to learn of his death Holmes, , morning of last week, following a The • young people had a surprise stroke from which he never rallied. party at Mr. John Johnston's on Fri- Deceased was one of the best known day evening. All report a good time. • Mr. Amos: Cornelius is busy these township, and highly respected residents of the The funeral was on Friday afternoon to the Gorrie cemetery, under Orange auspices. • Messrs. D Halliday, George TJnder. wood, Robt. Spotton, W. J. Gallaher, W. J. Greer of Wingham and 3. J. Hunter of Kincardine •drove •to the funeral from Wingham. Ltd The Chain Grocery Slimes of Canada Winghant Branch,' . Josephine SI. 160 n. Mrs. Reg. Barrett and children, re- • turned to London after spending a few weeks at her home here. ThlheLatr!latayhnfDir :011 of Johni Specially Priced on. Thurs., Friday and. Saturday, February 2, 3, 4. -am -0• 36 in Ducheas Satin, a rich soft material of =• beautiful lustrous finish, made of fine quality Groceries BlaTea, good quality 3 !be for Hosiery Corn Meal gold yellow 5 lbs ...$215000' all silk yarn in a good heavy weight, guaran- ck I3.19 White Beans, band picked, 4 lbs. for " Lennox Soap, speciai 5 bars for • 25c 25c Golden Corn Syrup, 10 lb. pails • ti5c. aa -'▪ 72 All Wool Cashmere Hose in plain and ribbed Golden Corn Syrup, 5 Ib. pails 45• c ....• • and heavy ribbed, all wool Hose, size 9i to Muscatels Raisins large new fruit 25e• an:•10. Reg, $1.25 and 1.50. Special 95c pr. • Corr. Standard quality, 2 cans for ... . . . .... , .25c. =is Black Duchess Underwear and Hosiery at greatly reduced prices ait: and con., Culross OA Friday evening. • Mr:- and Mrs. John Falconer spent •' teed, special the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Falconer, Bluevale. • Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and daughter Eva, are visiting this month with re- latives at Clinton, 0.- Miss Aggie Kennedy spent the week- :- end with her cousin, Mrs, Will Mc- Intosh of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin enter - tamed a tininber of their friends on • •".- Friday evening with a progressive ......• ..... A tableful of Remnants at Special Prices.s.-- t -z eue mis Liiiu Conn has been in Wing- chrparty. harn the past wek with her aunt, Mrs. ...- Sam Hutchison, who has ben very ill. r,...--. Mr. Ken Paterson and children and 4.4111 •A. ILLS ...... • :.---• 1VIis Lilian Paterson spent Sunday at ....• .....,• Mr-- the home of Mr, Fred Nixon of 0 ...AR ..41111 Lucknow. MIN ,7.-7. Mr. a.ncl. Mra. Cleeil Falcioner spent Otte Goods are the Best- Our PricesRight. • Terms, Cash. Produce Wanted lee' Sunday withfriends at Lang i e. Mr. Wrn.Hawthorrie of Brantford, ."'". spent Wednesday, of this week with his sister Mrs. Joseph Holmes. Mr.and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and children spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Hary McClenagnan, Mrs. Ropert Mitchell of Wingham, is visiting at'the home of her daugh- ter Mrs. Gordon Elliott FOUR OF A KIND And they're jolly good fellows too. Alex Crawford and his three hearty mates who played in the Owen Sound bonspeil and came within a hairsbreadth of being the, • winning rink. From left to right Dave Fortune, Jack Currie, Bill Mitchell and San- dy Crawford. The snap was taken by another goop fellow, Baggageman Bill Sneath • of the L. H. & B. • BRUSSELS Brussels, Horticultural Society el ected, the following officers at its an mial meeting held, in the public lib • rary:, Hona.rary, Presidents, Mrs.. J. D. War-Wick,'A. Strachan, D. C. Ross -and W. H.- Ken, President, Jas- Fox; ' first Vice -President, Rev: ' C. F. -Clarke; second Vice -President, Mrs. J. H. .Galbraith;Directors, Mrs. R. Thomson, Mrs. Geo. McCall, Mrs. P. Scott and G. A. Deadman; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. W. W. Harris. Arnent Bros: have had as many as • 4o teams employed in hauling logs from their bush in Morris Township • to the factory here, and a great quan- tity. of timber is always in their yards. The lawsuit of Geo. Birt against the Brussels Council over the town woodcutting contract has been set- tled by the new council paying Mr. Birt's claim, together with $125 in law costs. 1•11•1=1111•1•1•1111=1•111•11. LUCKNOW • Lucknow, Jan.aoth., 422 A good game of hockey was play- ed in Lorne rink Iasi Tuesday night when a large crowd turned out to see what was advertised to be the best e-ame to be played in this district, whent'Wingham seniors crossed sticks with the Sepoys. The teams seemed to be pretty evenly matched at the outset but the home team soon found themselves and won by a score of 9- 5. Cruikshanks was easily the best man on the visiting team and with a • couple more players like him Wing - ham might have won. Both goal Keepers stopped some good shots and let in sonie easy ones. If Luck - now can trim Wingham at home on Monday night they will win their district. A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized at the Manse at St. Helens a week ago Wednesday, when Miss Jean Scott, only daughter of Mr. F. Scott of Ashfield and Mr, McKenzie Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Webb of Wawanosh were united in wedlock, Rev. Mr. Cummings offic- iating, The young couple on a short honeymoon trip to Hamilton and on their return will reside in Wawanosh. Both the young people are well known and a large circle of friends wish them a long and happy wedded life. , A very serious accident happened to Mr, John Watson one day last week, He had been cutting wood in the country and on going to his en- gine in the, morning he found it to he frozen and he took a torch to thaw • it when the gasoline exploded and spattering over Mr. Watson, burned him severely a0out the arms and face. At present he is doing as well • as can be expected, but it will be some time before he can resume his work. Mr. McKim has sold the fountain and other ice cream fixtures out of his store here and they are being shipped to HarNton. :Logging has been so general around here this winter and the sup- ply of saw logs so plentiful that they are being refused at the mill. Mr. John Cantelon has moved to the McCoy house on station street, Mr. Melvin Reid who had his fine barn burned to the ground recently is having an auction sale and we understand intends leaving the farm. The Guild in the Presbyterian Church last Monday evening was largely attended on account of an address on aviation delivered by Capt. Henderson of Whitechurch. This 'was a splendid lecture, giving the history of aviation from its earl- iest inception until the present day, and also giving an idea", of what the flying corps did during the war. Miss Dawson also a Whitechurch gave a couple of readings in fine style and Mrs, Philip Stewart and Miss Cora Club contributed a duet. Mr. Russell Johnstone who spent the past summer in the West return- ed home on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs, W. L. McKenzie are spending a few weeks in Chicago. Mrs. F. 3, Lucas and daughter of Toronto, visited her father,Mr, S. Robertson and other friei nds n town. Robert Johnston attended County Council meeting in Walkerton last weAlf:, and Mrs. Thos. Aitchison vis- ited in 'Wingham this week, Mr. Lorne Aitchison who had beets visit- ing them for a week rettirited to his home, Mr. and Mrs. lqcteatt Johnstone have inoved into the rooms over Murdock and Cameron's store. • The L 0, 0. F. will hold a social evening in their lodge rooms on Thursday evening. Mr. Chas. Patniorc of Los. Angeles California, formerly a resident of MORRIS • Miss Annie McIntosh returned to her home in Kincardine after spend- ing the past three months in this neighborhood. • Mr, Will Casemore of Wroxeter, visited at Mr. Thomas Abram's and other friends around here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellacott of Wingham, • spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. McGee's. Mrs. Alex Ross and Miss Annie Findlater visited for a few days in Belmore last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. John McGuire. • Mr. and Mrs. II. McGuire, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse. • Mrs. John McCool of Wingham, spent a day with Mr, and Mrs. H. Hopper. ' G. B. Wray spent a few days with friends in Palmerston and Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. ' Thos. Stewart of Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Stewart. • Misses Jean and Annie Geddes en- tertained a few of their friends one evening last week. • Thynne Wray is spending a few days with friends at Bluevale. Mrs. Wrn. Bryant spent a day with her mother, Mrs. Wray. GORRIE eVe Mr. Chester Bennett has purchased Dr. Robt, Montgomery's farm on con C. Turnberry, just north of , — Wroxeter and will get possession in ea, pay,,,t"pkw,..ilfe,„Ftwmpsotk,„„ etmoutiftonsposanto~sttiglow„„ocksomitet ;, March. 4.,fteeseesoeekeeet Mr. B. Goldstein who sold out here last fall and moved to Toronto, has purchased Mr. T. Walker's residence now occupied by Mr. J. B. Austin, and will move his family back to Gorrie, Mr. Austin has purchased the residence of Mr. Robt. Bonnett who is returning to the West. We guarantee the flour we sell to give you For about a week Rev. A. McKib- I creed satisfaction. bon has not -been well although hel b has kept at work. On consultation; Dr. Whitley decided that Mr. Mc- ! QUALITY FLOUR A good blended flour for bread or biscuits, Kibbon had very- low blood pressure,$3 80 a bag 5 bags or more 3 55 a bag. : Breakfast Bacon, 3 lb. pail Pure Lard, perib. 29c 52c C61.01l1301.0=51.11=4.113 Shredded Wheat, 2 for . .; 25c 2 in 1 Polish, 2 for ... . 25c 4 -String Brooms. . . .......39c Ammonia Powder, '3 Pigs Chloride Lime 17c Rinso, 2 for ....... ... .... I5c Sani.Flush tin 30c Candies, per lb. ... . .22c K.Jlog's Corn Flakes llc Rolled Oats, 6 lbs . . .. . 24c Quaker Oats, large pkg .26c Puffed Wheat, pkg....... ..l5e Standard Oatmeal, 4 lbs ......25c P. & G., Gold, Surprise or Sunlight Soap, 10 cakes . , . 72e Castile Soap, lartoz bar, 2 for . . 31e Special blend Tea Cowans, Bakers, Speci a . lend per lb. 40c Frys Cocoa 24c Coffee, lb. —39c IM•11119110911•SMINNIR. I Finest Cali fn rn II Pure "rd, IPrunes, 2 lbs. 27c I 85c Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls Pure Jams No. 4 Shirriffs or Pure Gold tins . . . . 74c Jelly Powder, 3... 25c Sugar at the Lowest Prices. Butter and Eggs taken. 1•:`,NK4Akelwiitt•+ ";!I• r t.g ra tee 41° which had been occasioned by shockl from the explosion of the gas plant ! FIVE LILIES FLOUR A good bread flour,roade from Man- itoba Wheat, $4.00 a bag, 5 !Aga or Rev. Holmes, of Wroxeter, will give I him some help at the a. m. services for awhile and lighten his Sunday work. . Mr. and Itris-. W. D. Williams were a reduced price $3.80 a bag. called to Detroit recently where their son, Herb, underwent a critical opera- ' FIVE OSES FLOUR One of the best bread flours. -made tion, winch was quite successful. outlam...,-.5coccammoarao=waxmarces.... from Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat. more 3 75 a bag. SILVER C OWN FLOUR An all Manitoba Wheat Flour, regular price $4.00. Special While there Mr. Williams received 5 bag lots or more $4.15 a bag word of the serious illness of his father, Mr. J. R. Wiliams, formerly ! of Gorrie, at Alpena, Mich., and left e for that place. We are pleased to S report that Mr, Williams is much inn V proved- in health. After leaving Al- pena, Mr, and Mrs. Williams visited friends at Ann Arber, Mieln, return- i mg home on Thursday last, ay,a earaa~asaaaaamera,,,aes,„Naaameceemeetceitaa, d HN ISMUTH SPCCESSOR TO HOWSON 8z HOWSON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Potatoes, etc. Phones: Residence 175, Store 4o IDIMINNOMZVAXXXXXNA424,41A0MXXXXXXXYAXXXXXXXXX-M TIRE STOC 11 " So, 45, HE MAL CLEAR 41p in Mama= fforTi43.7251,t. .4.4,241.4241.9,3 41=14 44 IV q NUM 454 MatearaaXt. ea 1 441.4121419.41.11.13=1.1314.4141.11411.1111014 42 MOW= We have taken most drastic reductions to force immediate disposal of our entire stock. The lowest prices in the year is now offered, Many garments are now marked far below cost. Being an established Policy of ours, /id to carry garments from one season to another. We have left nothing undone sacrificing in our final effort to dispose of everything, in Fall and Winter Chil- dren's and Ladies Ready-to-wear. Here are only a few of the wonderful values offered. SKIRTS... DRESSES.,..= Skirtsabsolutely&ill , half price, in pleatedserges and Wonderful bargains in satin, silk, serge, tricotine tricotines and fancy plaid skirts. 13rices froin ..$2.00 ta 6,00 and flannel dresses. most of Mem -trim- med with beads and embroidery, others Childresnel'Isinpgle:tted serge skirts, Reg .$.95, now 2 00 with braid iViost of them selling less than cost. Prices ranging from .. ...... CHILDREN'S DRESSES.-- .. .... .... . .. ..... ..............$5.50 to 24.50 Children's Barges Dresses, in many different A fewjumper Dresses left, in colors navy. black' styles and coleys. Sizes from 4 to 14 yrs, and white, and all black, Reg. $4.9$, Sacrificing at..,. , , . , , ,.. $3.0o to 400 clearing at.•...,..,.......... ..... • Y. .• • 4 $2.50 CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats, wonderfully low priced, in colors, grey, brown, navy, green and bur. gandy. Some with fur collars, all warm- ly lined, good bargains, Prices from CIIILDREN'S SWEATER COATS ..., • • ri WAISTS... b' Waists in Georgette, Chepe-cleain chee atedtricol- K iotte, ernb,.oidery and lace trimmed. Reg, K S2 95 to .5.50, now selling from ...2,00 to 4.50 White We wash silk vaists, clearing at ....$1.,50 and 2,00 COATS Innavy.and white, alt wool. Rag $3 00, now HOSIERY-- Special prices now offered in the Hotery line. Vriees . 'Sets., 20, 40, 50, 70 and 81.40 ,,,,elect La R Reductions on all Woreen's end IViisses Winter Coate. Some with Beta cline shawl collar and cuffs, also Opposuin collared coats, others without fur tOParS) enlors, brown . navy and blUc. sires 36 t�42. 4 Co eadymitom . ear Lo Head Office, 448 Queen %test, Toronto,. aranchet, Witightm, Hanover and Goettith, Ont. we Ilere fel' Et few <laYb VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxAXXXXXXXXX li• : I i'''' • ., I II , 11 • A,......e fr.. 1R. ,................- . , ';%•'Etr,..41,64.",f ,,,,,,it...........„ -4',1".........'t ' Zr.".';'1.'•=gt.a...,1',.A.a.14:=4.1.1.% , 04:47, ••,:,,,,ITX)' J.,.....,=-7..=.7' .4. ,-.- r. -11141.=.,7-11t-- +1.:::'''' E....--.--.........—............... i '' • • • « t'v rt, 1.4 ,,. ,,,r f i , r,, ri ill, - 4, 1, T • Run .',.•I' 0 "IF YOU it to A. M. Ford owners A complete on hand a account„for a better job If you have vice" permit delay. Without glad to give minor repair Ford Car you ar .,, '' .'t; ' .#;., 4 want a real job Cravvford's" for miles around. stock of Genuine staff.of mechanics the reputation in less time than not yet experienced us to suggest any obligation you an estimate to a complete or Truck. in now, before ktt done on your Ford'take has become a slogan with ' Ford Farts always "raised on the Ford" we have earned of doing it usually takes, - this "better ser - that you do so without to you we will be' for anything from a overhaul of either your the Spring rush starts SI . . I 1 I i l' f.. q Wit est F Ilk A [14 i I I. . , ,... .v, , , ,,,, ot. , • ,, 1:.. i P• . A. WI C,'"'r, wford Dealer Wingbarn Ont / / . . • r ' l''''''"=".•..41,......*An .... SI Si....4.1•4A'si4".... '' .....* I, 1 1•11...,......4.1.11S., .• ' ..m. .).... Ss' r... Ai.' ar.74-A7 LUCKNOW • Lucknow, Jan.aoth., 422 A good game of hockey was play- ed in Lorne rink Iasi Tuesday night when a large crowd turned out to see what was advertised to be the best e-ame to be played in this district, whent'Wingham seniors crossed sticks with the Sepoys. The teams seemed to be pretty evenly matched at the outset but the home team soon found themselves and won by a score of 9- 5. Cruikshanks was easily the best man on the visiting team and with a • couple more players like him Wing - ham might have won. Both goal Keepers stopped some good shots and let in sonie easy ones. If Luck - now can trim Wingham at home on Monday night they will win their district. A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized at the Manse at St. Helens a week ago Wednesday, when Miss Jean Scott, only daughter of Mr. F. Scott of Ashfield and Mr, McKenzie Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Webb of Wawanosh were united in wedlock, Rev. Mr. Cummings offic- iating, The young couple on a short honeymoon trip to Hamilton and on their return will reside in Wawanosh. Both the young people are well known and a large circle of friends wish them a long and happy wedded life. , A very serious accident happened to Mr, John Watson one day last week, He had been cutting wood in the country and on going to his en- gine in the, morning he found it to he frozen and he took a torch to thaw • it when the gasoline exploded and spattering over Mr. Watson, burned him severely a0out the arms and face. At present he is doing as well • as can be expected, but it will be some time before he can resume his work. Mr. McKim has sold the fountain and other ice cream fixtures out of his store here and they are being shipped to HarNton. :Logging has been so general around here this winter and the sup- ply of saw logs so plentiful that they are being refused at the mill. Mr. John Cantelon has moved to the McCoy house on station street, Mr. Melvin Reid who had his fine barn burned to the ground recently is having an auction sale and we understand intends leaving the farm. The Guild in the Presbyterian Church last Monday evening was largely attended on account of an address on aviation delivered by Capt. Henderson of Whitechurch. This 'was a splendid lecture, giving the history of aviation from its earl- iest inception until the present day, and also giving an idea", of what the flying corps did during the war. Miss Dawson also a Whitechurch gave a couple of readings in fine style and Mrs, Philip Stewart and Miss Cora Club contributed a duet. Mr. Russell Johnstone who spent the past summer in the West return- ed home on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs, W. L. McKenzie are spending a few weeks in Chicago. Mrs. F. 3, Lucas and daughter of Toronto, visited her father,Mr, S. Robertson and other friei nds n town. Robert Johnston attended County Council meeting in Walkerton last weAlf:, and Mrs. Thos. Aitchison vis- ited in 'Wingham this week, Mr. Lorne Aitchison who had beets visit- ing them for a week rettirited to his home, Mr. and Mrs. lqcteatt Johnstone have inoved into the rooms over Murdock and Cameron's store. • The L 0, 0. F. will hold a social evening in their lodge rooms on Thursday evening. Mr. Chas. Patniorc of Los. Angeles California, formerly a resident of MORRIS • Miss Annie McIntosh returned to her home in Kincardine after spend- ing the past three months in this neighborhood. • Mr, Will Casemore of Wroxeter, visited at Mr. Thomas Abram's and other friends around here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellacott of Wingham, • spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. McGee's. Mrs. Alex Ross and Miss Annie Findlater visited for a few days in Belmore last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. John McGuire. • Mr. and Mrs. II. McGuire, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse. • Mrs. John McCool of Wingham, spent a day with Mr, and Mrs. H. Hopper. ' G. B. Wray spent a few days with friends in Palmerston and Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. ' Thos. Stewart of Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Stewart. • Misses Jean and Annie Geddes en- tertained a few of their friends one evening last week. • Thynne Wray is spending a few days with friends at Bluevale. Mrs. Wrn. Bryant spent a day with her mother, Mrs. Wray. GORRIE eVe Mr. Chester Bennett has purchased Dr. Robt, Montgomery's farm on con C. Turnberry, just north of , — Wroxeter and will get possession in ea, pay,,,t"pkw,..ilfe,„Ftwmpsotk,„„ etmoutiftonsposanto~sttiglow„„ocksomitet ;, March. 4.,fteeseesoeekeeet Mr. B. Goldstein who sold out here last fall and moved to Toronto, has purchased Mr. T. Walker's residence now occupied by Mr. J. B. Austin, and will move his family back to Gorrie, Mr. Austin has purchased the residence of Mr. Robt. Bonnett who is returning to the West. We guarantee the flour we sell to give you For about a week Rev. A. McKib- I creed satisfaction. bon has not -been well although hel b has kept at work. On consultation; Dr. Whitley decided that Mr. Mc- ! QUALITY FLOUR A good blended flour for bread or biscuits, Kibbon had very- low blood pressure,$3 80 a bag 5 bags or more 3 55 a bag. : Breakfast Bacon, 3 lb. pail Pure Lard, perib. 29c 52c C61.01l1301.0=51.11=4.113 Shredded Wheat, 2 for . .; 25c 2 in 1 Polish, 2 for ... . 25c 4 -String Brooms. . . .......39c Ammonia Powder, '3 Pigs Chloride Lime 17c Rinso, 2 for ....... ... .... I5c Sani.Flush tin 30c Candies, per lb. ... . .22c K.Jlog's Corn Flakes llc Rolled Oats, 6 lbs . . .. . 24c Quaker Oats, large pkg .26c Puffed Wheat, pkg....... ..l5e Standard Oatmeal, 4 lbs ......25c P. & G., Gold, Surprise or Sunlight Soap, 10 cakes . , . 72e Castile Soap, lartoz bar, 2 for . . 31e Special blend Tea Cowans, Bakers, Speci a . lend per lb. 40c Frys Cocoa 24c Coffee, lb. —39c IM•11119110911•SMINNIR. I Finest Cali fn rn II Pure "rd, IPrunes, 2 lbs. 27c I 85c Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls Pure Jams No. 4 Shirriffs or Pure Gold tins . . . . 74c Jelly Powder, 3... 25c Sugar at the Lowest Prices. Butter and Eggs taken. 1•:`,NK4Akelwiitt•+ ";!I• r t.g ra tee 41° which had been occasioned by shockl from the explosion of the gas plant ! FIVE LILIES FLOUR A good bread flour,roade from Man- itoba Wheat, $4.00 a bag, 5 !Aga or Rev. Holmes, of Wroxeter, will give I him some help at the a. m. services for awhile and lighten his Sunday work. . Mr. and Itris-. W. D. Williams were a reduced price $3.80 a bag. called to Detroit recently where their son, Herb, underwent a critical opera- ' FIVE OSES FLOUR One of the best bread flours. -made tion, winch was quite successful. outlam...,-.5coccammoarao=waxmarces.... from Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat. more 3 75 a bag. SILVER C OWN FLOUR An all Manitoba Wheat Flour, regular price $4.00. Special While there Mr. Williams received 5 bag lots or more $4.15 a bag word of the serious illness of his father, Mr. J. R. Wiliams, formerly ! of Gorrie, at Alpena, Mich., and left e for that place. We are pleased to S report that Mr, Williams is much inn V proved- in health. After leaving Al- pena, Mr, and Mrs. Williams visited friends at Ann Arber, Mieln, return- i mg home on Thursday last, ay,a earaa~asaaaaamera,,,aes,„Naaameceemeetceitaa, d HN ISMUTH SPCCESSOR TO HOWSON 8z HOWSON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Potatoes, etc. Phones: Residence 175, Store 4o IDIMINNOMZVAXXXXXNA424,41A0MXXXXXXXYAXXXXXXXXX-M TIRE STOC 11 " So, 45, HE MAL CLEAR 41p in Mama= fforTi43.7251,t. .4.4,241.4241.9,3 41=14 44 IV q NUM 454 MatearaaXt. ea 1 441.4121419.41.11.13=1.1314.4141.11411.1111014 42 MOW= We have taken most drastic reductions to force immediate disposal of our entire stock. The lowest prices in the year is now offered, Many garments are now marked far below cost. Being an established Policy of ours, /id to carry garments from one season to another. We have left nothing undone sacrificing in our final effort to dispose of everything, in Fall and Winter Chil- dren's and Ladies Ready-to-wear. Here are only a few of the wonderful values offered. SKIRTS... DRESSES.,..= Skirtsabsolutely&ill , half price, in pleatedserges and Wonderful bargains in satin, silk, serge, tricotine tricotines and fancy plaid skirts. 13rices froin ..$2.00 ta 6,00 and flannel dresses. most of Mem -trim- med with beads and embroidery, others Childresnel'Isinpgle:tted serge skirts, Reg .$.95, now 2 00 with braid iViost of them selling less than cost. Prices ranging from .. ...... CHILDREN'S DRESSES.-- .. .... .... . .. ..... ..............$5.50 to 24.50 Children's Barges Dresses, in many different A fewjumper Dresses left, in colors navy. black' styles and coleys. Sizes from 4 to 14 yrs, and white, and all black, Reg. $4.9$, Sacrificing at..,. , , . , , ,.. $3.0o to 400 clearing at.•...,..,.......... ..... • Y. .• • 4 $2.50 CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Coats, wonderfully low priced, in colors, grey, brown, navy, green and bur. gandy. Some with fur collars, all warm- ly lined, good bargains, Prices from CIIILDREN'S SWEATER COATS ..., • • ri WAISTS... b' Waists in Georgette, Chepe-cleain chee atedtricol- K iotte, ernb,.oidery and lace trimmed. Reg, K S2 95 to .5.50, now selling from ...2,00 to 4.50 White We wash silk vaists, clearing at ....$1.,50 and 2,00 COATS Innavy.and white, alt wool. Rag $3 00, now HOSIERY-- Special prices now offered in the Hotery line. Vriees . 'Sets., 20, 40, 50, 70 and 81.40 ,,,,elect La R Reductions on all Woreen's end IViisses Winter Coate. Some with Beta cline shawl collar and cuffs, also Opposuin collared coats, others without fur tOParS) enlors, brown . navy and blUc. sires 36 t�42. 4 Co eadymitom . ear Lo Head Office, 448 Queen %test, Toronto,. aranchet, Witightm, Hanover and Goettith, Ont. we Ilere fel' Et few <laYb VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxAXXXXXXXXX