HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-02, Page 3puih Boats a< French Malin--; fr o • g es ti; ; WELL IN %MVP 'late lattallieg boat is, the latest tug- on n mproaeci imm aof wat trenspertatioa, That Uovel, proje the invention let An official t an Freneheecentile mariae, ie design to take the placeaa tif tug and also thieMetor pottiest of a stelapropellii barge; consists of a powerfal m or boat, Walt on Glee same lines es t barge Or cargo boat axed shaped in ti frere barb like a wedge., The car boats are to he' atalt with a corr pontitig stem perndat et. V shape, an Watch the etera. of the motor boat w Tonga* fit When in that position th two—cat-go boat and motor boat have the appearaace .of ene. boat, an they Move as one' ,' Wheeethe carg e boat Imre been laid aacingaitla e ene Waal to tood discharge the motor bo becks out and picks up another carg boat, Mae motor beat being, it is eat siutlicieet teaepap eaego boats vdoaka::',Hell,i4tia./,i4i aavtng red nee et' • ea 4 at, he Winter is a dangerout Seeman or ed the littee. ones. The days ere so of changeable—one 'clay bright, the next la cold and stormy, that the mother is ot- Wattle to take the chilaren dat for the he fresh air and exorcise they need SP le snuck. coneequence thea are Often gb ' eeoped up in ores -boated, easily venti- ee- Wn ed one and are soon seized with to colds 'or grippe. What is needed to vea ill keep the little ones l is Baby's Own e Tablets, They will, regulate the sbdtn- - eels and bowels and drive eut colds, d 'a*. by their use the baby Sail' be able • to' get over the Winter season in, 'ae.a feet safety,aiThe Tabletil are ,sold by au medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts, o a box from The Dr, Williaits' Medi- c. eine 0o., Brockville, Ont, cost sad jjr.05t 'Div,' maintenance' re lativelyate‘boats pecevided with thei own aeo.pelling engines. Thage "pushersi" are tobe regards not .ad'andepetidenteboata 'but as de eachable portiont of the cargo boats, I 'which portions. the rantaast;power lo catedla The ugh:, eeegoing "qualitiesa eltihnect four thete': baatat 'their Plao woulteeeni to be on theanland water Way'ea • a' That lar a COW. • Cultitation. 'Of the Soy'aean bas de 'reamed in China to such an exteat that itnnoW represents the Principal agericuatteral industry of that country Immense areas • of the greet plains of Southern Maieghuila are devoted to this crap. The asoold's demand for eoy beans fa; siteacliiiy increasing, and Chin,ats- export 'of them bale fair soon „ Pt' Answer.r. A MOtortet who Wateiteuringaiit Ire- land one day met at tattiWha was d driving a donkey and carte,Titakifig s he would have a little fun at his ex - n 1381180,, he begaae 'Whatis theSdiffeeettee; Pat,' be- tvasen.. your turban -'and mine?" 6 •.• The ,native looked at: tae questioner s - a •ininitte or so :and that retitled: . "Not esti:eat' deal. Theadenkey's in the shafts in the one, and on the seat in the othea" z Mr.M.emMMMmmM,MMMm.mmmm,...m.M.—MmmmMm. Cveit E4,6;qa5t.Of ItYPTIlskiata.tn. karcioned 156'F 'if' Air. While repairing, single -headed, the , top of ,a steaketthela'126 ft. 'above Us retie of a 0-ft4sighs banding 'in .th Plant' of the American Bridge -Coil pante .aialesent tee workmen Let drep theline" Which woe lits only insane at returning to the rope, and thence to the ground, There Was no poestibillty cii Conaelyiag a thee to that height with any appliance In' the, plant, end so ea - peal wee' made for help from the fire department whih I= „a aime-throwtag gun in aPpeserevee exactly like a mile tail- rifle, for use in such an etruerg- eameri Several 'futileattempts; ware made to fire the line within reach et the, Marooned werlanan, and finally this mettadtotrescue had te be abate- detael -Tortunately, am the etack 'had Doe 'beau 'in use, it was oval, and' final - a fella* wetarbeen, climbed, trete the leael of the reek up the :arse po of the ein:sidee of ,t,h;e, stack,, to, which height it lined with asbestos, a a -ins steel 'ring', oratithe top- Ot the oust b eitose the reeMeet stoocla watt ata lege astride Ole" stieek., .Itt • the', riteaintine genre aclage• weoteen'efonantli that had been cut tted.cirelliea foi.teMt states, at meeti Lxru allastritoteeaaaverk„, were ea. -paned amla amaed lie 'pushed upward, ...first °ate of :thetas .casstl.ingr, te,the.:tepaot willoh"a /bee was matatetfaet, Mal to thebattens' of that Saantlitig he atte'eteda With, the itica,..ef • ti:ie 'holes., another, and so, on, Canning, after emending, uatilab,e top• the. Came within reach of the street& d eiterkinan. Tate not.lie-ppen, un - The motorist asked no Mere 001111.11.- '0 - drums, ' .• e ill the poor .fellow had spent tour ours in his perilous' persittena 150 ft. hove ground, in the freety Deeember tannsphere. 'Once he grasped the end t MONEY ORDEeS. • h . - Send a Dominion Express Moifey a Order, Five Dollars costs three cents. • al to eurpass in velea that ot its silk out. • -• put. There are mote that 1600 varie- ties of soy. b.eons, from Which an ex- periment etatioe. at Kung-chu-ling, in Southern Manchuria, has chosen one as the beet of all.. It es. nearly spheri- cal, Yellow in color and of the bigness of a small pea. A, yield out 22 per cent, of oil is , obtained from it. The soy bean yield's milk and butter' (or pro- ducts equivalent for table use), as w,eli as a giteat variety of -ether edibles, in cIath:og a famous 'glance. Taken all in tea., the five-ounc.e bean is one of our most versatile vegetables. - Test Your Breathing. How long can you hold your breath?. Two French (lactate have been Mak- lag experiment -a, and they have dis- covered that the period during 'which a normal person can hold his breath is net more than from forty to tarty -five seconds 'ire a state of rest and a little lounger» when lying down. The most important result of these experiments is the discovery that the capacity of holding the beehth is af- fected by, diseases of the air passages or heart, In the eaae of chronic bron- chitis the patieteaistrarely able to hold his breath for more than twenty seconds; while in oases of lung disease this time is reduced ta fifteen seconds, British Statesmen a.nd Forestry. Great Britain, 'having beea areesed during the wh,r te the need of adequate timber suppace within the Empire, is &earn-a:awl net to permit things to drop back into the old rut. nest she called an Empire forestry e,onteaence, at which Canada was' represented., and took stock of the situation; next, she entered upon a definite, planting pro- gramme, in the Britieh Tele% calling upon Canada, through the Dominion Forestry Branch, to oecure about a ton and e half of tree seed per annum for this purpose; and lastly, to keep up the week and give People information on this most beapertant 'subject, she has established. an Empire Forestry' Asisociattet with headquarters in Lone • don, which will link up the work of Dominion cessociatienst lithe the Cam- • den Forestry A,sataciation, and, as Lord -L.ovat exardiesed it, "pool the resources a their . knowledge." It is expected 'twa• that omeventiots, Wilt be held in tilt- ierent parte of' the Empire and that Ltanada Witt be one of the first Do- minions! to be thus, honored. • blew Forts for. la. Field work the Petatv'atva forest experiment -station and the other sta- tions, carried on by the Forestry Branch but the Department of the In- terior Ceased about 'the. middle of De - gambols*, and the officene have returned . to' Ottawa to Make a. record of the work at tae field. Neaten jute ae the farm ealterimeata statione have aided agriculture .by ,Idis.coreetring new meth- ods of eseeering 'plants- anti indicating tae best 'varieties, sue the fieriest expera Meta atatiota are assisting for -es -fry end lumbering by studying and putting au reeardethe best method:ea. harvest - ng ores) and also of hand- otteeover or burned -over areas: hi atter Is get (anew- crop started con- tainieg the beet species ottreasi The forest is Canada's Second Meet anima' taut Mita -tea tesatirodand whateaer,ate Mete tae doiretai*out uttilaie dot . of alas• great' apeoutee 'as of fax- portanee etrary Gatattiatie Fag tit es e/i'ais iseeeanposetled 'pars Helm eserseneela for !clientioaa atalyalsi bet- nOne tii;o togrii.auarlp.041.to the lunge of tii0,8,6 breathing. theenissa, ,1,1 An Enda* harri iaaaaileliag.:ta giant Monoplane 46r.' It *beta ,u0itfr. 4.-04'6,ar Of Igo T#itites en 6otre,, oviiig•or,i5i6itfa a 400 feetanci a.altayleig.eabitioio 1'50'satiteingers, ZbsPlestiteediatleireatable "le Magda 'ie :Nrafir4r Yttait aro litoon id the n‘it. • Sure of IL Mrs, Jonas was entertai,alng some of t her eon's little friends, "Willie," she said, addreaseng a Mx -year-old, who was enjoying a plate of cold beef, "are you sure you can cut your own meat?" e The child, whe was' snaking desper- ate efforts. with his knife and fork, re - "Yee theist i t en toughas this, at home." t the line, it was a matter of only a eat minutes, before he had hitched it to the top of the stack, and slid down o safety. Johnny Spills the Beans. Johnny was eategaaining his sister's alter and said, "Helen told, ma yester- ay you were a born politician" "Indeed!" said the young roan, leased as he could be. "Why close he think that?" •,n , I've t had it as "Th.at's just what ma wanted to know, and Helen said We becaute you ecu do so much talking without com- Minard's Linirnent for Disterimer. mining Yourself." Surna es and Their Origin ARBUCKLE Variations—Buckler, Bucksmith, Racial Origin—English Source—An occupation. Theoretically, it would be possible to build up a good argument connect- ing the faraily name of Arbuckle with the contrivance known as a buckle, and assume that the first Arbuckles, or Bucklers, were makers of these con-, travartees. A study of those histerloal lists in which so many of the names of the middle ages have. been preserved (both those which already had become hereditary and those which were still merely descriptive) shows that this view'wortild be in error. True, one who made or eold buckles might naturally'. have. been called a 'buckler." 'But for the mostparthe wasn't, The records show that it was the maker of "bucklers" who was first, a. "buclerer," shortened later into "hauler" or "bake -Lee." "Buckler is a word almost obsolete to -day, It meant a shield. It has been hown itt preceding ar- ticles how Just the air" of "arrow" is contained in the name of Arrenith. The same is the once in Arbuckle. The "ar- bucler" mode a certain type of shield designed to ward off arrows, and in the course of time the name has be- come shortened from "Arbuckler" to "Arbuckle." "Bud:smith" was "bucler- smith." BLYTHE Racial Origin—English. Source—A personal characteristic.. This family name is also found- in the odder forms of Jaiyehman and Brahman. And its meaning really is what you might hesitate' to- suepeet, "cheerful" or "happy." It belongs to that classification of family' names which were originally descriptive of some personal clacrea- teristic, in this case a characteristic of temperament. Some people find it difficult to see how such apparently "silly" nicknames were so common or so well thougfot of that they later developed into renter • family names The fact remains, how- ever, that they did No lees, a person- age than Joan, sister of King Henry VIII. of England, when sthe became be - teethed to the Scottish monarch, there- by ending war between the two. corm - tries, was named "Joan Ma,ke-Peace" by the Scott, and the old records are full of' such descriptive surnames as "Goode," "Merry," "Gay," "Blythe," "Make -Bliss" and the like. In an old Wardrobe Accotent there appears "1297, December 26. To Maud Make - Joy, for dancing before Edward, Prince of Wales, at Ip,swich, two, shilling," The Norman tendency with such de- scriptivesuilmnaes as this was to use the definite attiele, 9e," with them. But as the Saxon element began again 11 to gain dominance in English speech a the article came to be dispensed with more often than nee er----7--neemerenteetee-nereesaa CAN YOU‘ WidT2 ONE? Thirteen Priles to he Awarded In a Letter Writing Competitien. Some' years ,ceete the Dr, aTedidine Co., of „Brookville, Opt.5 ct' fered a eeries of prizen to residents of the Province of Ontario ter the best lettert 'describing:' thelasaieflts delayed irons the use Of' Dr."'vv.04nts' Pink Pills, either in the. casc. at the writer tof the letter,, cer sae, member of the writer'. faintly, Hundeeda. of. letters were submitted in.hiscompetition, and yet there must have been theuee aside of otb,er meta of the 'pills who .ata ,theigNelves of the' op- •Imettintty 'fcavvin a; Pates. 'To- alltlieee another letter -writing aanlaatWant'ts .offered,' sTaere, 'th'ousands wae 'etave ;maiefietteetl, page, :benefit from the-suae--.of sDe. Wtliliame Pink Pills,', WhaSe eases -have never.been reported, : These Wall furnish the' material for the 7Iettees 'toe' be wiatten art this coatest There it no deinanct apea the iiitaginae MD; everielettier mutt deal with fads end facts only.,. The Prizes.. ,The Williams! IVIedieine ,Co.; Heeekvflie, Ont., willaWand a prize $25.00 for the beet letter received on or before the,,15th day of February, 1922.; teem resideries of the Province ,of Ontario on the 'subject: "Why I Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." 'A' prize of $10.00 will be awarded for, the second best letter received; a prize of $5'.00 forthe third best letter of Of and ten prizes of $2,00 each for the next best ten letters, The Conditions, If you are deecribing the benefits you have derived in your ewst case, or that of some other member of your family, the symptoms of the illness should be fully described, and the let- ter &ivied with the full nameaand cor- rect -post office address of the person, sending it'inr If the case relates to SOMA person other than the writer of the letter, it must also be signed by the person whose oase is described, as a guarantee of the truth of the state- ments made. The writer of each letter must give the name and .date of the paper in which he or she saw this announce- ment. • Fine writing will not wino, Prize un- less you have a good eaee to describe. The strength of the recommendation and not the style of the letter will be the basis ottlee award. It is understood that The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine aka shall have the right to publish any letter entered in this contest, if they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. This contest will class on February 15, 1922, and the prizes will be award- ed es soon as possible thereafter. Do not delay. Write your letter new. Ob- serve the above conditions carefully or your letter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Letter Contest Department, Gigantic Armored Mammal of Past Ages. Surely the strangest mammal that ever hived was the "glypteclon," which carried. its' house with it, being en- cased in a mighty shell somewhat re- sembling that of a turtle but far more massive. The carapace, furthermore, was almost dome-shaped, and all parts of- the creature's body, including even the tall, were heavily armored. This remarkable animal seems to ave been exctusevely American, and atil recently- none of its amen re- mains has been discovered north of the Rio Grande, barring a few frag- ments' of bones. A big one was dug up recently, however, not far from -Tucson, Ariz, by Dr. Gidley, a palaeon- tologist of the United States National Museum. It is a complete skeleton, representing is specimen which in life must have weighed about half a ton. The glyptoden was so sluggish that a mile a month must have been just about its best racing speed, It fed en herbage, presumably, and. possessing no weapon of defense, would have been easy prey for carnivorous ene- mies if its arm -or had not afforded ade- quate protection. When attacked it bad only to withdraw its head, which was covered by a heavy bony sheath, cad to retract its legs beneath the shell, in oodles- to become invulnerable. The assailant might as well tackle a boulder. The specimenx found in Arizona prob- ably livea not less. than 1,000,000 years ago. Its tribe (contemporary with the megatheriera or gient sloth) has no desceatia,nts to -day, but is- repeesented In a way by the Modern armadillo, which as likeWiee (it armored niummal and one of the curiosities et nature, Might Have Beeh Worse, Yo ouldln't put on hobt,)les to rwi a foot .7r ce Then why load up on handicaps for the day's work? A good deal of food, unwisely chosen, does weigh the body down and clog the digestion, and dull the brain. Why put on the hobbles? errape-Nuts' is a breakfast or lunch- time dish for those who vvant food ePar- olency„ and mind and body efficiency, C.trape-Nuts satisfies and nourishes. It delights the taste. It is ready to serve whenever you are ready to eat. , And it digests easily, quicidy and completely— leaving no handicap or heaviness and drowsiness. ape -Nuts is the food for health and action. so 'There s a easoh" Mad by 'Canadian Posts nt Cereal Coa Ltd., Windaole tams Sad ygoo4 ipoeciwooir*ordt • An. Irishman mined Pat (mecommon mutate, that) was malting a wood pig - stye, When hei' masted a Dan and hit hit thumb, arealciag it, After having it wrapped up he inst. 011e of hail friends., Wise naturally asked • hint what he had been deilla I'Sara," Said Pea. 9 'hat me thumb . With a haltiner, Ws had !rata, 'bat I'd had' no thumb 'left' at MI' 'if lad beet strut -tag With betif lekilictse" Health is ii jewel, the Moat Woniciee- fut beetatifier known teen -eat, Guard it; ateent.i it, liOk),e i4elstirsie withantit, it'iele is the dreariest, erueleist'gift you eten, RtM J'-';\, The Floor Held. "Did your watch stop When it drop - pea on tam poor?" asked bus .tripe las friend. ,waS the reply,e Did you thank it would go through?" The Only Time. "What is a lionemeou, Pa?" ael honeymoon, ray son,,i$ in a Man's lift when his -wife is really supplied with all she wants to wear." , The Yoeng,Genias. Mother—"Willia, how is it that no matter ,how quiet and peaceful things are; as spen ea, you appear on the , mete tamable begins?" IatIlie—" I great it's just a gift, mazer.' , Must be Dr. Cepid, . , . "I don't like your heart action," said the dbietor, applying his stethascoae. "You've had emus, trouble with an- gina pectoris', haven't- you?" "You're peetly ragat, doe," answered the young man, eheepiehly. "Only that ain't her name." Corrected. "James, have you whispered ttadaY, without permission?" "Only Wunst." 'Seery; should James have said wunet?" "No'n-i; he should have said twice" At the Laundry. Launarearean--"I'm. sorry, but one of your shirts is lost." Customer ---"But I paid for having it laundered." Laundryman --"That's all right. We did it up before welost it." , Truth Will Out Ethel (to her dearest friend—"I put my foot in it so dreadfully when Ed- win proposed. I meant to say, 'This is SO sudden!' you know, but I was so flu -stored that instead I exclaimed, 'At last.' " Always Supplied. The son of a well-known phyeacian loves to "play doctor." • The little fellow makes the rounds of neighboring houses, inquiring as to the health of the inmates,. Usually he has with him an, assortment of dolls— his "patients" in lieu of larger ones. Recently he caked at a home and, asked, "Anybody sick here?" , • He wasauswere,d in the negative. "Oh, well," he said with professional nonchalance, producing two of his d,olla "guess, I'll leave ,a couple of babies, anyway!" "Cascarets" To -night for Liver, Bowels You're bilious! You are headachy, constipated, your eyes burn, skin is erellow; your stomach is sour, gassy, upset. No wonder you feel miserable. You need a thorough physic with "Cascarets" to -night to eleanse the stomach of sour, fermenting food and' foul gases; take the excess bile from thOliver and carry out of the system all' the constipated poison in, the bowels, Get a 10 -cent box now and let "Cascarets" straighten you out by morning. rS— r=s — r-------,---, ii Plain Pacts for el kornach Sufferers 1 1,1 invariably weak and ailing. All Digested food makes us strong, vigorous, healthy. Dyspeptics are DIthey need to. make them strong mand well is the power to digest stomach, liver anbdobttoiewselisn.t..iudgo ma food, and that is just what Mother _ Seigel's Syrup gives. It helps the 1 their work efficiently. Sold in - ffl stores. $1.00 yeameamtmomMriMmetM1MMAMMOM11MMOMMIMMMII Jiteredit . , Our' apish forebeare elute totreee, la times far aatedatita these-- saeep wodild elir,i& with hands ana They wore 11,0 Isiah heeled pump no hose— SO Darwia nays—I guess he knows, If they had lost their hold, ,you see, And toppled down from out thole tree, Wild animale Were all armed ' To grab Case. when they hit the. • ground, , With teeth all primed and set to gnash .Through cutlet, steak or fresh ape hash— Careers were ended with a crash! . • . But these who wakened with a start Did not become Ape is la carte, They locked their toes in tighter hold— The fit surviaors, we are told, Lived to become both gray and old We d..eam of felling, whale in bed; We waken with a start anatead. The bietinet„that ou,r forebears knew Is' heeded dawn to me and We might have miseed the whole Big ,Show If Grandpa, Ape, so lorg ago Had not waked just in time, you blow. —Violet McDougal. fienard's Liairnent for Garget In Cows, A short temper and a long bead rarely go together. • Every discord may be regarded ae a part of the 'great endeavor to adjust one's self to the 'beauty of the uni- verse. ACHES AND PARS-. LO !S GETS 'EM AVOID the misery of racking pair!. Have a bottle of .Sloan's lane - merit handy and apply when you first feel the ache or pain, It quickly eases the pain and sends a feeling of warnath through the aching part. Sloan s innonent penetrates without rubbing. I Fine, too, for rheumatism, neurqgia, ' sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints, fame back and sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70,c, $1.40. ' mAtie in Canat.is. strataisaiimazuwa, Mother! Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Your little one will love the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish,, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never 'fails to cleanse the liver atid bowels: In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, playful child again. Million's of ;slathers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" Which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed. on bottle. Mother!. You must say "California" or you may vet an imitation fig syrup. COARSE' SALT LAN I. Bulk Carlots JC7CeLiTIFOF .. SALT WORKS rORONTO miseallammfmmumMOMM,ImmOmMIMMemmernmommammamemimm.mmamm. cmk.mmtinIMMMOmmmeMbearimMina America's inolteev Dog Beausillem Book on DOG DISEASES and Hew to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. SE. Clay Glover Co,, nn, 118 West list Street New York, U.S.A. roeccoramxkininuasasrarelmaininzawaranzzonanwslo WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin -I.Jfiless you see the naine "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all, Why take chances? :Accept only aft "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 -years and proved safe by millions fot ,Cos Headache Rheumatism Too Iliadic Neuralgia, Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Efelindy "flayer!' boke0 of 4 atabletsa-Alsa bottles- d kii4 IOA.1-4Srttgaliti, ASPI'rin is the trade‘inark (regligered In CILDIVIIt) of Bayer alaitafaraire rut atones atelleacetester et aeitamossia, Vane it is wen areara teat aseitte hteeres IlaYer thethteeture, to osslet th'e public against ifultations, the Tablets ot Bayer eottrtPt4iet will be Stempeel with their 'camel male ntargto the elasysr Cress." PATRICK J. RALEY, S7raeuse, N.Y. "I'm feeling like a new man since Tan.lac soothed and toned up my Stom- ach. and for -the first tithe in forty years can eat a hearty meal and suffer no distresz afterwards," was the re- markable ttatement of Patrick S. Haley, 107 Prospect Aye, Syracuse, N.Y., a well-known iron and steel work - "Only those who have had' stomach trouble in a bad form can know what 1 suffered during all those yea. was almost a nervous wreck, too, and, for years I didn't know what it was to get a good sound sleep at might. "I got new life and energy from each dose of Tanlac and now I'm a well and happy than instead of a sick and. miserable one, as I was for so mane years. I'll vouch for the merit of Tan - lac at any time." Tattle° is sold by leading druggists everywhere, Advt. • Classified AdvertiaernentL ,ANADIAN MATRIIKONIAL PAPER. • 25c. No other tee. .A. McCreery, Luathazn, Out, BELTING FOR SALE KINDS OE rata AND USE° bolting, pulleys, saws, cable.hose.backing, .e.to., shipped subject to approval at lowest prices in Canada. YORK BELTING CO.,. TORE, -STREET, TORONTO. - One of the best known guide.s Nova Scotia gives this testimonial of ItIfNARD'S LINIMENT: Ilave used Minardes Liniment in nry home, hunting and lumber camps for years, and consider it the best white liniment on the market I find that it gives quick relief to minor ailments, such as sprains, bruises and. all kinds of wounds. Also it is a great remedy for coughs, colds, etc. which one is liable to catch whea log driving and cruising during the winter and spring months. I would not be without 1\111WARD'S LINIMENT and cannot re- commend it too highly. (Signed) Ellison Gray, ..... 0tle THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT I "Dancierine" ..coe: 4 only 85 cents a bottle. One application. ends all dandruff, stops itching and falling hem, and, in a few moments, lou have doubled the beauty of your hale. It will appear a mass, so 'soft, lustrous, and t easy to do up. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks use, when you see new hair—fine andt downy at first—yes— but really new hair growing all over tare scalp. ,'Dan'der. in -a" is to the hair what fresh ,sbowere of rain and sunshine are to vegetation, It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This delightful„ stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to grow long' thick, heart!' and luxuriant, 'to soothing 'and cooling 'for babrn tender dtia aIter a btatn. with Cutio.tra goat). Oin4ettiAgjiita1,64, Sold titatepealnioaCeevidiatiDeeoh mit elitisd, 344 at. rtilglft, ,,, tiOetelreel, titleek% Seat:volitive* ttleatt orate suit No.