HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-02-02, Page 1UMW= MIRO .1
Sinirla C.n pie _ G t
Honesty Not Dead Yet
ATurnberry township farmer lost a.
small amount of money out of . his
overalls while in town one day last
week, He gave The Advance a 25
cent want advertisement and the day
after the issue of our paper, Miss
Gertrude Newman of Lower Wing -
ham, read the advertisement, found
the money, a little over $3.00 and
had it returned to its owner.
Travellers Aid Worcs
Dr, Sarah Detwiler, a in,einber; of
the world's executive of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, and
who recently returned from England,
will give an instructive talk on "The
'T'raveller's Aid Work" in the Wing-
ham Methodist Church on Friday
evening, February.3rd, at 8 p, m. A
hearty invitation is extended to the
public. A collection will be taken
in aid of the work.
A Cash. Business
(laving carried on business
a credit
for several years we have becoirie
firmly . convinced that the principle.
as injurious to both buyer and seller,
All aur purchases are on a cash basis,
labor, freight, etc., are cash and a
business man has no more right to
be asked for credit than a' bank to
loan their money without charging
interest. Therefore we will in the
future sell, only for cash. All ac-
counts due us must be paid at once. --
J. A. McLean..
gas Agency.
A ada.
1V county; Wingham ; 8. -miles, , r!e1 rave 3
miles; 125 agree workable, 40 acres good card■
wood bush, 1.000 maple trees can be tapped
and there is an evaporator on farm; 3i acres'
orchard, 10 acres fall plowed; clay loam soil,
level; 1 well and a c'eea; stone house, 10 rooms;
bank barn, 70 x 50; No. 2, 60 x 40• driving
bongo. hog pen. hen house; school is miles;
telephone; terms arranged.
L- Wingham Representative, or Head
Office, 43 Victoria St., Box 435. Phone 174.
APPLICATIONS -will be received for the
position of secretary -treasurer for th
'yurnberry Agricultural Society up to Friday
evening, February LOth. Applicants to state
salary expected. 'Applications received by
A. G. Searn.
• i71LDING FOR SALii1-25x30, no lumber,
• rafters and joists. Prise X50, Apply to
T. A. Grass,
Box 465, Wingham
VOR SALE -Parlor heater, will burn hard
coal, soft coal or wood. Absolute heat
comfort from this stove which has been used
part of two winters. The pica is low. Apply
to W. 3, Boron.
WARM AGENCY -Anyone desiring to sell
their farm would do well to list it now
with W. T.Miller.Wingham. representative of
the E. A. Strout Farm agency as their Spring
catalogue . will be issued in February. This
agency has a large list of ready buyers for all
sizes of farms. There is no charge for listing
farms With us.
IVOR 9ALW1••-A'nice seven -roomed cottage on
Francis St. with, electric lights and town
. water, Darn EfAktILTON,
'ARP& FOR SALE -100 acres in Kinloss
township, good clay loam. about 95 acres
cleared, balance hardwood bush, spring creek,
2 wells. brink house, bank barn, straw barn,
orchard. An excellent property;- well located.
apply Box 157, Wingham, Ont.
'VOR SALE -To close Estate, - the Graeey
store JoaophtnoSt. T C. Km
won Rat,E-Five roomed' cottage, electric
light. ' lot end half, garden, town water.
Apply to Gr PAGE,
51 -Victoria SI.
MOTTOS -Township of East Wawanosh.
Applications will be received by the
undersigned up 011111000 on Monday, February,
0th for, the office of Assessor for the current
ALEX POsm;oRtrxsLD, Clerk
'+.ENDERS WANTED -For 10 cord of body
wood, beech and maple, 20 inches long,
Wood to be delivered at School House, Lower
vWiugham, March 1st. Tenders close: January
231h. GAMIN Wrrsox. See'F-Treas.
Box 201, Wingham.
ate or bulk tenders Sealed and addressed
to the undersigned and marked 'Tender for.
School." will be received until Maroh the
First al,• ten o'clock a. m. for all trades hailed.
ing Mason and Brickwork, Carpenter Work,
Painter, Plumbing and Steamheating Electric
Pump and. Compression tank required in mak-
ing additions and improvements to the Public
Scheel et Teeswater. Pians and speoifica
tions coir be seen and all information obtained
at the office of the Secretary, Teeswater, and
at theoSiee of the architect at Listowel.
Tho lowest in any tender not necessarily
W, H. Louaia, Secretary, Teeswater.
VP.�.� BINNANC�r, Architect,
ANTED -A maid for ggeneral housework,
' Apply . Mns, J. . More St, oN,
ANTED -To 'buy 10 0r 1e ac e ar
e of
with house and barn, Give location
and lowest price. Apply to
Tit. e Al 'ANOL.
Wand cleaning. Apply
,.by the day. Wa,5hing
A i to
Mits. l'litoo.nii•;, Sauter St;.
WANTED -Men and women to sell to.
women in heroes rubherlined, water-
proof Gingham aprons for use in the kitohon.
Can easily earn 414daily and more, Rapid
seller and ready demand. Send 75 cents for
sample apron and full particulars, Money
refnnded 10 sample returned.
Martin Bunnell. Co: 1'ANv,
232 McGill street, •
intend purchasing a carload of the best
• all dement, it will ayyyott to lace our
ordersu With titin oh the reduced
early B
,Aces. Apply to T. A. GhbAR,
BBox 4.05, Wingham
Phone 16 -624
:1 INCSiIpO 1ki
"lviis E. Felly of Blyth, visited with
Mrs. J, E. Fells last week.
Mr. George Day has returned home
from Saskatchewan,
Mayor Elliott made a business trip
to London oil Monday,
Mrs, Ted Elliot of Detroit is vis-
iting with her .mother, Mrs. arson.
Miss Jessie Currie is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Kennedy in Toronto.
Mr. E. R, Harrisonandson, Ross
spent the week -end with relatives in
Miss .Y E. Eckenswiller of Clif-
ford, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, W. F,
Mrs. M. R. Beckwith is visiting
in Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs.
Earl Cummins.
Miss Priscilla Torrence of Bayfield,
is visiting
her friend,
Miss Ha
Litt1e, Ross St.
Mr, Peter G. Fisher of Regina, is
spending a few days with his aunt,
Mrs, Peter Fisher.
Mr. J. A. Wallace, manager of the
Dominion Bank was in Toronto on
business this week.
Mr, and Mrs: Matt . Perrin of 'Tor-
onto, are guestsat the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T, T. Field. ,
Mr. Arthur Adams is spending a
few days at the home of his brother,
Mr. Claire Adams, Hamilton,
Mr. ,and Mrs. R, Stone of Wing -
ham, were visiting 'friends on the
6th con. last week -Ripley Express.
Mrs. R. B Jeffries returned to her
home in Toronto, after visiting at the
home of her brother, Mr. Amos, Tip -
Mr. :and Mrs, Duff and w' boys of
Dungannon, were visiting. at Mrs.
Duff's sister's, 141rs. Lott of Wing -
Mr. Leo Kelly of Blyth and Mr. B.
Harper of Belgrave, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Fitzpatrick of town one day last
Mrs. John Scott, East Wawanosh,
returned home Tuesday from a
week's visit at Mr. J. E. Fells Diag-
onal Road.
Mr. J. J. Hunter, editor of the
Kincardine Reporter was a welcome
visitor in the Advance Office on Fri-
day morning.
To the F,ditur ay Taxi ADVANCE
Deer Sur, --
'salt it the grate weather we are haviu
intoirly? Sure, the hips are 1ayin al•
ready an the sap will soon be runnin if
the sun kapes on. shinin, Tis a wondher
the Grits are not takin credit for it. T
eonliniber a winter loike it back in the
eighties whin Sir Jawn A. wus in power,
hardly aany shnow an bright sunny
days awl the toime. Twas the year whin
we had six wakes sugar makin weather
in tfhe month av March.
Well, . the lads down. in Grenville
eliekted Mishter Meighen all right, an
tis a. good jawb fer the counthry as thim
Grits will nade watchin, an we can't de-
pind on the U, P. O. bunch to do much.
In the furst place they are nearly all new
min, wid the exeipticn av Miss McPhail
who is a new wuntman. Beira new at the
game they will be loike I was the furst
year 1 was in the township council, not
av very much use. In the second place
they are moshtly Grits at nett whin it
comes to a showdown. but Mishter
Meighen is a shmart lad an may hev
thine over to the Tory soide befoor long,
so we betther not be sayin much agiu
thine, hut kape our opinyuus insoide av
our vests, so to sbpake.
Mishter. McKenzie King will hev a
hard toitne managing his crowd. Ould'
loikeRobb an Fielding an
an D. D. McKenzie, an Dr. Beland an
Gwan'an awl the others, will not loike,
to give in to a bye loike King, wtio has
not avin the expayrience :av a married
man to guide him. Shure, 'twill be aisy
fer -Meighen . in . comparison, he havin.
got rid av mucht av the ouid bunch wid
the help av the Grits an the U, F. O.
But 'tis rather a bad shtate av affairs fer
the counthry at prisint, six av the Praw-
winces -widout a Tory inimber. Me bye
that was in France says that Canada is.
the most no -tory -us country in the wur-
ruid to day. That bye will be always
aftherLipkin about the mosht.serious
matthers I belaive 'tis a way they hev
in the army.
The littleschool'Ma'am hez resoigned
an gone home to get ready fer the wed
din which is to be on the 17th av March.
We hev had some other girruls applyin
fer the place but as chairman av the
board I objected to awl av thim, an we
are just gettin along wid the woife av a
naber at prisint, who used to be a tach
er, but as she hez fore childer. she is
naded at home, so I am hopin to kape
the jawb open till e bye brings home
Mrs. R. Seymington and babe of his woife. Sure 'twould be a noice
Windsor, are visiting with her - par- slated fer the young paple if she end
ents, Mr, and Mrs. 'J. J. Johnson, bring in the tacher's salary fer a whoile.
Minnie street. Yours till nixt wake,
• TnieValre. HAY.
Mr. Robert Thomas of Toronto,
spent the wok -end with his mother
and sisters, in Bluevale before leav-
ing for England.
Mr. and Mrs. George McRoberts
and Miss Beatrice .MeQuillian of St.
Helens, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fitzpatrick on Saturday. last.
Mrs. Jas. Stapleton-ofTurnberry;
returned from Toronto, where she
has spent the past month with her.
daughter, .Mrs. F. A. Beatty.
Mrs. W. R. Dyer, who underwent
a serious operation last week in the
General Hospital, Toronto, is we are
pleased to say progressing nicely,_
Mr. E. S. Copeland left on Monday
for Toronto, in the interests of the
Fry & Blackhall Furniture : Co., and,
expects te-be out of town for a few
Sheep And Swine Judging
Everyone interested should maim
sure to be able to take in the free
course for Sheep and Swine judging
at the Wingham Agricultural Course
of Instruction on February 8th,. gth
and xoth. You will be well repaid if
you . get someone to do your chores
while you attend.
Farm Property Sold
We learn. that Mr. jas. L. Nickel,
Ihas disposed of his hundred farm an.
con., B,, Carrick, to Mr. J. Scott, of
Turnberry, taking.. iii exchange a 75
acre farm in Turnberry. Mr. Scott
will use the Carrick farm for grazing
purposes, and will not erect a barn
on it for some time at least. This
Friends of Ivir, Geo. Allen will be fa •m was formerly owned by Mr.
glad to learn that he has so far re- Peter Hakney, and the barn on it
covered from his serious operation, in was destroyed by fire last year, -
Toronto General Hospital as to be Mildmay Gazette.
able to sit up for a couple of hours Too ManyUnemployed
on. Monday,
We have been told by ae employer
Miss "lily Harrison,of LVlouci'n IL,
of labor that there were over fifty
also Mrs. Maxwell Abram and Vern on the river ready to accent'
and Miss Kate Stevenson of Ethel, jobcutting ouch loading ice.
'1'o assist those who. are out of em-
ployment in securing work The Ad-
vance will insert free of charge for
the next thirty days, all advertise-
ments in which these men and -women
advertise their services in an effort
to obtain eniployrneht---evena temp-
orary kind,
Each individual taking advantage of
this offer should state his (or her)
advertisement the different kinds of
work wanted. It is not- necessary to
publish your name, just the post office.
box or 'telephone number.
Sincere Appreciation
The promptrenewal of so meny
hundreds. of our subscribers for 0922
we take as an expression of their ap.4
proval' of the course pursued by the
editor to make The Advance a home
paper, filled with local news anti striv-
ing for social and political conditions
that will benefit the commonwealth,
elevate the moral tone and produce,
general - happiness. Just here we
ware: to express our sincere thanks
to those who stand.by us year after
year. `
Purebred Sale at Wingharti'
The annual sale of purebred stock
will be held by the. Huron County
Breeders' Association in Wingham
on i\MIarch 81le
Purchase Brussels Store
1-lensall Observer of last week says:
r• -
n n ' � ns' il's o
T. C. t ono of Ilc a
Y , A
gr essiveenerai merchants 15 this.
wek openin �' 'another, Store in Brits-
sols, • Mr. Joynt came to our town
501110 years ago and opened a Gent's
Furnishing Store, later adding Dry
Goods and 'groceries and lrc,has an
up-to-date Store carying all. the latest
styles in cliferent departmet-its in
his store, Mr. Joynt is -now eitlarg�
iris; his business byopening a store
in Brtussels, :This will,'enable hint to
1 t lo
lin pigs, quantities and a a 1 wrt.
price and his eustonrees will ',get the
benefit of this saving.
Mr. Joyrt is a son of Mrs, '.1',
Joynt of Wingham and is one :of ;the.
.many 'Witiglinni boys wile is now
making good in the, business world.
visited at the home, of Mr. and Adis,
D. K. Livingstone, this eek;
Little` Betty Walker, daughter of
"af�ezr,..and Mrs, A. J. Walker, is, we are
Teased to report, getting on nicely
since:.her operation for tonsils and
adenoids, at the \Vinghem 'Hospit'al.
Read the Lyceum Theatre Program
oir page 4.
Mrs,`..Murdison and two children
of . !Newmarket, are eisitinn• at the
honkie of the Misses Reynolds, Mr.
t u
.i'1!Iurdhson'has purchased a b srness
in Buffalo and is moving his house-
hold effects to that city.
• Miss May nuc Adams, Supt. ,of the
Wingham General hospital is on "i
business trip to Toronto, She will
visit for a few days with her brother,
Mr. Claire Adams in' Hamilton, before
-Mrs, s. Murdock, wile. of the
Ja c nv
newly appointed Canadian Minster of
.Labor, and daughter Elena, of Tor-
onto, spent over the week -end, the
guests of Mts. F, Buchanan and faun-
Mr, Alex I'orte:rlield, Clerk of .East
"W'awanosh, was it guest at a luncheon
given at Government House, last
arsday, ,ran.' 26th, by His Honor
Lieut. Governor'Cockshutt, to repre-
sentatives. from 1 -furan, Bruce, Perth
and Grey Counties.
Miss Noi'xna'VauStone spent a few
days last week at the :home of her
father, M. W. F,. ViuStone: Miss
VanStothe, has been with her sister,.
Mrs. Forester of Columbia, Tenn.,
for several months and is now return-
ing to Toronto, to. resume her posi-
Wroxeter Telephone Meeting
The annul electing of the Wrox-
eter Rural Telephone Co., was hold
on 'Wednesday, Jan. 250, The an-
nual statemeat shows a balanee on
Bauch from the years aeration even
A ileatieuxforth°poietionof 488000r Mr with day and nighL service at Stn P"the mown of Wingbare for thheyear 1622V111 be annum, ' Jas, Douglas was elceted its
coo pivedu to4 P. in, on February lith„ 102t', director to suceecd John Mulvey the-
by trhe ttnaer's!gmd,,ceased, The other members cif the
CiALnl %ils:iT.,
c#orlr, board hoeing; re-elected;
Hockey and Curling are Becoming
Popular `
"One of the fastest and cleanest
games of hockey ever played in
Wingham", is the way to rightly de-
scribe the game between Kincardine
and Wingham on Wednesday even-
ing. The first two periods were ex-
ceptionally fast and the score was
almost even, but in the last period
the Kincardine boys fell back and the
Winghamites fairly walked away with
Winghaiii- Goal, Aitchison; de-
fense, Cruikshank and Lockridge;
centre, Howson; wings, Cantelon and
Whitten; sub. Morden.
Kincardine --Goal, Sauer; defense,
Riggins and Hoeflin; centre, Bowers,
wings, Ferris and Wilkinson; sub.,
Referee Frank Kelly of Listowel,
The game in Kincardine was a tie
and this is what the Kincardine Re-
view has to say about the Wingham
"Tlie Wingham boys are a fine
lot of players, being well balanced,
young and aggressive, and show a
good line of team work in their
action: Aitcheson in goal, however
must be credited with saving them
from defeat, as the locals had three
shots to their one on the nets, but
he proved a veritable stone wall at
all turns,"
The game on Monday evening at
Wingham with Lucknow wasnot
however of the fast and clean quality,
It was one of the dirtest games ever
witnessed and this was all 'because of
the slackness on the part of the ref-
eree, B. Whitmore of Harriston. Al-
though he adorned the fence with
several players we believe that Kelly
of Listowel and others, would have
made the boys play hockey. " In a fit
of anger one of the Lucknow boys
jumped on the referee and later when
told to go. off for two minutes, swore
at the referee. If' he had not been
more good natured than the average
man, Mr. Player would have been out
of the game for the rest of the sea-
The game ended a tie 5 to 5 and the
players wisely decided to play the tie
off another night.
We understand that the play off of
the tie between Kincardine and
Wingham will be played in Kincar-
dine some night very soon and it is
very- likely that a special train will
be run. The brand of hockey put on
here on Thursday night is the kind
that elevates this popular winter
sport in the eyes of the public,
The local curling bonspiel was
wound up on -Saturday when Mr. Les.
Young's rink won from Mr, Porter's
rink by two shots. The genie was
close and interesting.
Another draw has been made for
the second local bonspiel and it has
already started, The draw is as fol-
W. Dawson J. McCracken,
H. Mitchell G. Irwin
E. Harrison A. Hardie
J. Carr, skip J. Mason, skip
A. Tipling
. Hanna
JR. Williaii
A. Porter, skip
Dr, Ii'wiir
W. Herren
J. Wallace
L. Young, skip
W. Colgate T. Fells
3, Mitchell W. VanWyck
A. G. Smith C. P. Smith
W. Mitchell; skip C, Elliott, skip
C. Anderson H. Aitcheson
A. _Carruthers A. Fothergill
E. Nash C. Judson
E. Small, skip, 6 . A. C rawford,sk. 12
E. Pettigrew F. Carter
T. Taylor T. Bennett
0. 'Thompson H. Shane
A. Stewart, skip J. Murray, skip
G. Brackenbury , G. McLean
A.. Wilson T. King
D. Rae I. Pattison
L. Kennedy, skip D. Fortune, skip
H: Sherbondy J. Gibbons
W. Boyce C. Crawford
J. McGillivray E. Peterman
W. Hatinilton, skipT. Hardie, skip
B. Elliott R. -Stone
W. Booth
R; Currie
W. Monk F. Davidson
NV, Stewart, 'skip J, Cnrrie, skip
Substantial reductions in Boot and
Shoe repairing. Our, prices are as
low as the lowest and the quality of
-work equal to the best city shops.-
Prompt service --W. 11. tiVillis.
Orange Lodge Meetings
1.. O. L. 'No. 794, Wingham will
hold their regular meeting on Friday*
evening of this week and the Courcy
Lodge of North Huron wil meet at
Wingham on Tuesday afternon next,
Wiitgham's Population 2,454
Mr. T. J, McL ean, asessor, informs
us that the census returns as given
out _ by the Ottawa Census Bureau
al's not correct t acordiing to tlhe
asessnncnt roll; the population is
angle The increase in ten years is
Motor Show At Winnipeg
Mt. C x:.';jucisau and ,Nin. 1.. Ken
nods; are on their way to Winnipeg
to attend the Wiliiiipcg Motor Show
where they will have an attractive
display of Acro Cushion Inner. Tires:
This i's" it step. to preteetc sales: in the
Wes ert:territory of the ie 'Domrniot
where this company will , doubtless:
find considerable; busine; s, • they now
have patents covering; the entire
Dominion. They expect to return by
way of Chicago where they will visit
the American factories.
Enthusiastic Director Are Out To
Make It a Success
The Winglianh Fall Fair is about
one hundred dollars better off than
they were one year ago. The annual
meeting of the society was held on
Friday afternoon last in the Wing -
ham town hall with only a fair at-
tendance. The fair was very success-
ful from point of attendance and the
prize money paid this year was larger
than in former years. Owing to
pressure of his own business the
secretary -treasurer asked to be reliev-
ed of his duties and applications are
now being asked for the position of
The following officers and directors
were elected, •
Hon, -Pres, --J. J. Moffatt
Hon. Vice -Pres. -H, T. Perdue
President -l. J, Wright
est, ice Pre ,-R. Williams
2nd Vice -Pres. -G. N. Underwood
Directors -W. J. Greer, F. Henry,
Hugh Gilmour, R. Wilton, John Gil-
lespie, W. A. McGill, Adam Robert-
son, C. G. Campbell and A. G. Smith.
Associate Directors -W. J. Currie,
J. A. Brandon, Amos. Tipling, 0.
Campbell, J. E. Smith, Alex McDon-
ald, Robt. ,Coultes, Thos, Taylor
Stewart McNaughton and George
Lady Directors -Wives of the offi-
cers and directors.
Auditors -J, A, McLean and Robt.
The date was set for the 1922 fair
for Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 25th
and 26th.
It was decided to again enter the
Combined Standing Field Crop and
Threshed Grain Competition in O. A.
C. Oats No. 72.
Mr. Wright and Mr. Wilton were
appointed delegates to the Ontario
Fairs' Association Convention in Tor-
onto on February 7th and 8th.
The Society have purchased one of
the lots adjoining their new grounds
and with good weather will likely
make a success of the fair on their
new grounds.
The Treasurer's statement of re-
ceipts and expenditures for the year
was as follows:
Legislative Grant
Municipal Grants
Membership Fees
Cash donations
Retained members
$ 25.36
Entrance to Fair...._............. _ _.._ 499.60
Seed Oats Sold ............ ,. 3o6,8o
Privileges ..
Concert Privileges .....
Money Borrowed ......... . ,...
Advertising in List..-
Paid in `Prizes W 740.60
Paid for Seed Oats_ 3o6.6o
School Fair 036.00
Delegate to Fairs' Association 04.00
Paid Judges „... 42.0o
Help at Fair, Salary, etc.., 165.5o
Music, etc 44.25.
Freight and Cartage .. 47,55
Rent of Tent and put up Fence 78.50
Grounds 70.00
Printing, Advertising Postage 164.20
Money paid on Loan 1287.24
Outstanding Cheques 5.25
Ilalanee 118.01
'I'lhe next meeting of the directors
will be held in The Advance Office
on Friday evening;, Feb. Toth, when
the report of the delegates to the
Fairs' Association will be given.
Let everyone boost for the 19.42
Wingham Fair. Rumor has it that
a couple of other fairs in this locality
are closing up. Don't let this happen
at Wingham. Prizes for Agricultural
goods assist in tate betterment of the
products of the farm and anything
that helps Agriculturalists, helps the
Curlers At Harriston
Two rinks of curlers are in the
bonspiel at Harriston, Alex Craw -
ford's pink having -won the first
Successful' Piano Pupils
Miss Pearl Gi leo was successful
with her five Pian
pupils in con-
nection with the London, England,
Advanced Intermediate Pass Mary
r\. Advanced
Wingham; Gladys (,rain -
ger, L ondcsboro; Janette Poplestone,
Intermediate -Honours, Elizabeth
Mills, Blyth; First Class Pass, Ro-
berta Sa derson, T3lyth.
Entertainment In Lower Wingham
The Lower" Wingham Far'mer's
Club held a splendid' entertainment in
the school house on 1Veclnesday even-
ing of last -week. The school was
packed with people and no person
had reason to feel at all disappointed,
as the entertainment was excellent.
Mr. Robert Groves was the chairman
and his Trish wit and humor added
r . 1 • the success of the..eve Jin. �•.
greatly y to c t r �,
Readings were delivered by Mr. Wil-
fred McGregor, Mr. Gavin Wilson,
Mr, Wm: Austin, Mr. Charlie. Dcyell,
Miss Jennie Ardc, Miss I>Motbyr
Pullen, Mr: J. E. Stoakley, and Miss
Hazel Wilson and Vise Mildred
Phippen, i'isirumentals by Miss
Laura Sntrttt, d,nighter of Mr. and
kirs. Ed. Smith, who for a • little girl
is 'a wonderful musician; Mt'. James
Gibson, Messrs. 'Cruikshanks and
Curdrill. A 'short address
hy Mi.
I).: A, Andrews, Assistant eagrieulttir:.
al Representative, and a dialogue,
"The , and .1, Girl" r
. ht T:Talcer^ h< t n 1. Mr
C'enclair •i'ltiplhe-,l alnd Piss _Teen Or -
vie. The pleasant tine. ' 'nded with
the •singing of the National 1nthein.
Subser.iptionsw 532.09 per ye r
AGA"`s'AV0.'t; E...7friMUCI,STOR es -*
rh •fir'" ` .>tor
QA"5 �H"AV7gI.'i:'�Gro.lJ f."a STS R C
There is ` ' in
A genuine strength and
Per Bottle
1.2 5
Every otUle x,.1.1., rant
Wingham, Ont.
on's Drug Store
The Flexon Druggist
-' E_ARE..ti£.RE TO SrrftVe "(00 'frit
Phone 35
Valentine Day, February 14th.
isApril Good Friday on Ap 4th and
Easter Sunday on the 16th.
A sermon to women will. be deiiver-
ed.next Sunday evening at the Bap-
tist Church.
Buy your C. P. R. Tickets from
G. L. Baker, Dominion Express
Office. Phone 47. •
Maitland Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. are
holding a progressive euchre in their
lodge rooms an Friday evening of
this week.
Substantial reductions in Boot and
Shoe repairing. Our prices are as
low as the lowest and the quality of
work .equal to the best city shops.
Prompt service -W. H. Wilis.
A few years ago a man was 1 sus-
picious character if he had a little
German in hint; now lie is a suspic-
ious character if he has a little Scotch
in him.
Jas. A. Lewis of Elderslie, was el-
ected Warden of Bruce County and
N. W. Trewartha of Goderich town-
ship was elected 'Warden of Huron
Do not believe stories which are
being circulated that The Advance
does not club with all the dailies.
Grit or Tory papers are all handled
without partiality.
Try us for massage and' violet ray
treatment. Our new violet ray is
giving perfect satisfaction, every cus- 1
toner is a booster. Give us a trial. -
Gordon Cruikshanks.
Substantial reductions in Boot and]
Shoe repairing. Our prices are as
low as the lowest and the quality of
work equal to the best city ehops-
T'rompt service -W. H. Willis.
Everyone is invited to attend the
meeting of St. Pools A. Y. P. A. on
Monday everiing, Feb. 6th„ at eight 1
o'clock and enjoy the "Scotch and
Irish Contest" to be given by the
members. Lunch will be. served.'
Adniission.05 cents.
Germans are certainly out for bus-
iness. Most of the newspaper men in
this part of . Ontario have received a
circular from a firm in Dusseldorf,
offering special reduced rates on
platen printing machinery. Twenty
live per cent of the price to be paid 1
its Canadian currency.
Ladies Hospital Tea
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Gen-
eral Hospital will have their second
tea at the home of Mrs. John McLean.
on Thursday afternoon, Feb. end.
Also the regular monthly meeting of
the Auxiliary will be held in the,
Firemen's Hall on Monday afternoon,
Feb. 6th., at 3.45 p. M. All ladies
cordially invited to both meetings.
Agricultural Course Literary
The regular Literary Meeting of
the Wingham Agricultural College's
was held in the Council Chamber, cit
Thursday, Jan., 26111., at ix a. ni
Miss Marie Pilon, Vice President,
ocupied the chair. The programme
opened with a debate "Resolved that
it is advantageous for the organized
Fanners to enter Politics," The
affirmative was taken by Graham
Campbell and Lena Chamney, while
the negative was upheld by Harris
Pardon and Eccles Beecroft, The
readings were given by Kathleen
Kerr and P, eV. H. W. Snell, B. A.
The journal was read by the editor,.
Clifford Hetherington and the judges.
of the debate, Messrs, D. A. Andrew,.
James Hardie and Alvin Smith gave
their decision in favor of the affirm-
ative. Mr. Snell submitted the critics
remarks. The meeting closed by-
ysinging the National Anthem'
thodist Ch rch
Rev. Chas. Ea, Cragg, B. D., Pastor
SUN.. F.E7PR UA' 3i 5
Monday -"The Young People's '.
11 a. m. -"What the Church may
learn from Christian Science".
_ $0 p. m. -Missionary Day in the
Sunday School
p. m. -"How can you account
for so many Good Men outside the
Christian Church"
Tuesday -Boy's Tuxis Square
will meet.
Wednesday -Mid -Week Service. `
Boots an
'We have a few lines of Men's, Women's
and Children's Shoes in which the sizes
aye broken.
' dear
- .? .,l i .?
We have decided to out these lines,
artd if
will do it they Will n t (ast long.
Come early---Sec111•C' your ,lure: of the
You're. invited, We, haive our size.
it T,r. Et '.1.x