HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-01-26, Page 8ani
New Flannels
Por Jumper Dresses, scarlet, jade, Prenc4t blue,
navy and paddy
Jimited 11
New tainglliamns
In small`elieelts, stripes and plaids, Ginghama
are in fashion for this season, a5c and 35cs per pd
New Prints
50 new pieces of heavy English and Canadian
Prints, Indigos and light patterns, e5c. and 30c,
New Flannelettes
'Stoma Cloth, new patterns of Flannelettes for
pyjamias and gowns. Good qualities,s 25c. and
35c. per yd.
Twill Sheeting, unbleached Sheeting. New
ew er es
Heavy Suiting Serge, Dress Sergese„.Cbildren's
Berges, naves, plaids.
New Rippolettes
Navy stripes, pink stripes, Children's
and Rompers .. Special 225c.
Boy's Gold Socks
Heavy ribbed and worsted, plain with fancy tops,
75c. and, $1 00,
New Spring Shirts
Arrow Shirts in new designs and patterns $1..50
to 3 00, New Shirtingmaterial by the yard,
heavy madras, 50c. a lid
Maple Leaf Salmon, large tin. 49c•
Seeded Raisins, best quality , , , . , , • 24c•
Shredded Wheat, 2 for,'. 25c.
Best Canadian Cheese 24c
Red Rose Tea, red label....... „ ... ., 48c.
Clarkes' Pork and Beans large tin 19c,
Bdwardsburg Corn Syrup, 5 lb ...... . . '49c
3 lbs., good black tea $L 00
Co el
Mr. Alf. Backer, of Brussels, ship-
ped four cars hay :from here this
1 / na M week, and Mr. Brown, of Seaforth,
rocery • also shipped three,
Mr. Alex. McEwan was on side
Phoneo.Stik list for a' few days this week.
NMr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters visited
relatives at. Toronto this week.
Rev. T. W. Mills took charge of
''Or Sat-. services at Belmore and McIntosh',
last Sunday.
Mr. Geo, •Mowbray visited relatives
Cash sand, Delivery at Whitechurch this week.
�, �.�, visited he • mother, Ivies Snell for �,
S ec .� Fri.
.'Sugar 10lbs......79c. Mincemeat fresh per Ib.2 c
25c. Dass .............119c. 1$iatso, 3 for '25c.
Balt. Powder. 1 lb t:lit24c, Corn Syrup, 5 lb pail 490.
Pink Salmon, large...23c. Post Toasties ,11c.
Cisco per lh .....24c. Weare Clover Honey 5 lb 90c..
Lard, 3 llas • • .....49c. Heinz:sweet bulk fnickles5Oc.
Mrs. Chas. Coultess, of Listowel,
few days this . wee.
112r W. H. Fraser made a business
trip .to Toronto this week.
KS AN.!)
Out stock is the best in
Books, allkiuds
Fountain Pena
Wilting Pada
• 'Hymn Books
. Games
Playing Cards
"Magazines, etc.
Subscriptions taken for Maga-
zines anci, Newspapers at current
rates. •
H.B. Elliott
Books, Stationery, Magazines,
Fawn Ticket Agency Canadian
National Grand Trunk Railway,.
Ocean tickets via abi lines,
Mullett; Mrs; A, Dixon of Seaforth,
Ernest and Henry on the old home-
stead, xeth con. Hullett, John and
Richard and Albert of Morris. De-
ceased was a member of Blyth Meth-
odist Church. Rev. S. Anderson` of
Clinton, a former pastor, had charge
of the service, assisted by Rev. C. A.
Tiffin. The funeral was .held on Fri-
day from her late home, her six son -
in -laws bore her to her last resting
p, M. Minns, Sr., has been Quite
poorly lately. We hope she will
soon be better.
Miss Lila Gray and Mr. Roger
Gke were tnarried at Toronto on Sat -
.felly in glasses, reg. 18c. 2 fon`•.:.....::........29c, feedsy. r many tion s w s
19 thein a long and happy married . life,
f d iii
Mr. Mac Allen, of Wroxeter, is
staying with his aunt, Mrs. J. J.
cox, and will attend continuation
school here.
Mr, Allan Turner is selling out the
farm, ,and has"purchased a shoe busi-
ness in Lucknow. He takes charge
of 'the business the first of February.
Mrs. Geo. Allen, of Wroxeter,
spent the. first of'the week with her
sister, Mrs. J. J. Hiscox.
Nellie Olive Sillick, youngest
daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Win. Sil-
lick, of the rgth Con, Culross; pass-
ed away on Sunday after a lingering
illness following an operation, for
peritonitis last fall. Olive was, only
fourteen years bid and. was a ,love-.
able girl of' quiet disposition, and her
untimely death was a sad.' occurence
in the community: Her young friends'
and the friends of the family will
miss her and join in their sympathy
to the - bereaved parents and sisters
and brothers.
We understand that Teeswater is
dropping out of the League for the
balance of the season as they did
not get the financial support they
need to- keep ••thein going. They
went behind' last year. • Kincardine
was; 'to have played here tonight but.
we believe they have 'been advised
of the local clubs intention.
The property Committee of •the
municipal council started a gang of
nine men ort.the municipal wood lot
west of the village add the wood
pile long ssitice depleted, will soon
begin to grow again. The men need
the work, the people need the wood,
and the town. needs ,the money from
lot be-
�the wood
soav d
tr i
the sate
thereof, eo
sides heing''as asset, is also a 'bless-
s" Shortening, p lh. t iv1r. Oke has secured a good position
Extra Special
�InChocolate',PeanutPeanut clusterperlb
Fresh Roasted Peassuts,
Oranges, per doz
Lemons, per doz
Butter and Eggs taken at market prices.
at Stratford and they will take up
tg housekeeping there:
Mr, Chas. Garniss received and de-
al. livered a car oat dust this week.
At Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car
hogs to Toronto on Saturday.
Mr. jas. Masters has returned to.
• work after being on sick list the past,
few week's.
The Ladies' Missionary . Auxiliary
• gave a social Tuesday evening m the
.,grit .,nor Methodist Church.: Mrs. Greer, Mr.
�+ fibs" , and Mrs. Willis, of Whigham, as
i t di th sro ranirne' All pres-
ent report having a good time.
r When drawing freight Tuesday
1 morning from the station, Mr. Robt.
Shaw's horse cut an artery in its
foot and things looked rather serious
for a while. Finally the bieednig
stopped, and it will likely be O.K. in
a week or two again.
Mr. A. Zettler, of Wingham, visit-
' ed friends here on Tuesday.
Jas. o1 ton 'a a niers on
ha r
epwe` r ---
�. av
,,tIc., .gig
LET the vulcanizer have his little, joke ----he's
expert at that. They had a _tire in here the
an e
, 7
other day whose funeral was set for six o'clock
halt` past five' it wase reaching out for the
road: as if it never had been in' the hospital in
its life.
EC,�t�.NOMIZE by ini.ngiit! yo,, ,�r rubbers
and �� bb,n^ boots to us�and hove them
aepaied; s good as new by
Mrs, J J 1 , f P l t,
has been visiting ; Fenn fives around
• here the past week,
Messrs. Sant and Rich, Johnston of
New York; spent a feW days- with
• Postmaster Shaw.
i A progressive euchre party was
Wed -
held at the home of Mr. . and Mrs.
Robert Sharpin; Turnberry, on Wed-
nesday evening last, All report a
r good time.
Mr. Wxn. Harland, of Guelph, was
in town on business Friday.
Mrs, (Rev.) Clysdale, of Pordwich,
is visiting her mother, : Mrs. John
Mr. Robert Taylor, of Portage la
Prairie, Man., is visiting his aged
mother and other relatives in this
vicinity, cinit ,
Theannual meeting of the Agri-
cultural Society was held in Memor-
ial Hall Friday afternoon, , wit1
good attendance. Last year's officers
were re-elected by acclamation, Mr,
Walter Magill was appointed to take
Dr. Blatkail's place on the directors
staff, the latter having moved away.
Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Jas. Cunning
were appointed ' as delegates to the
/'airs convention at Toronto, Mr.
3, H. R. Elliott gave the report for
seat,• which shoved a successt fi-
Mr. Janes Ross, of Edmonton, is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Thomas
Ross, of East Wawanosh.
There entered into rest Wednesday
January t$th, Caroline l cif hair, re-
lict of the late Win. Sanderson, of
Hullett, aged So years: Deceased
was one of ttte oldest pioneer ladies
of this section. Her husband pre-
deceased her two years ago. rt chil-
dren were bornto them six daugli-
tcra and five sons, rnamel'y, IV1re. Jas.
Smith, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, of Blyth;
lutes, Shelton, of Morris; Mrs. D.`Ivic-
Donald and Mria. Wm. Derrtpsey, of
Mr. Mills, Bluevale, occupied the
pulpit in the Presbyterian Church
Sabbath .afternoon,;
Owing to the storm, the C, E.
meeting was poorly attended. Mrs -
Tom Aram am am
manumproammensogaawotoouvirwevo"........taminsinvir ^"
eseferaesseedeetheelatieleetie -11,1 'he' e'er
• II
Boots, 8
11hurs41S."r, alai . 2Gf:b 1922
In the
0 0
Queen's tel Corner Store,
Directly North of Dominionnk starting
nd the
ry 2
f ell wing week (7 d
'Days of ExceptionalValues
This will be : sell -serve sale, in ' other words, one shoe of each
pair is placed on counters or tables on which is a ticket showing
size, price, etc. ;,: You do your own selecting, try 'them on etc. and
when_suited.the salesman will give you the mate to shoe selected.
This is a sale of odds and ends and lines we are not continuity
to stock. We have not all sizes in all kinds, , but we have shoes of
all suesand in many different kinds.
While the Selection it, at It's Best..
The Shoe Store
Phone 129,
�ex�e xl�.Amx „ �lr�uw�xa�f�+x�a+�'1ll�awxxxx=1,4740.mulfieI I9
etx ear'7
y lui �
of Rea
I Fur Trimmed Skirts
b d J es Baring
were tate speakers for the night °a`astaresemsestssasaisiiiisse
Miss Asidles
taking up the college course in Tot
Rutherford., Miss
Agnes Darling and 'Wm, Mundell are
onto this 'week, i
Mr. Wm. Nichol, of Niagara Falls,
is visiting friends here.
of Wawanosh,' is
Miss Pinletter,
visiting her uncle,` Mr. Alex. Pinlet
Mrs. George Johnson and brother,
Mr. Moffatt are on a trip to merry
England to. visit friends there_
Mrs. Wendt, of Mildmay, is at,
present visiting at the home of her
son J. R. 'Wendt of town.
lviark Allan` left one day last week'
to stay for a time with his aunt at
T eeewater.
Born—On Sunday, Jan. 22, to Mr,
and Mrs, Tom 1-Ioperaft; e daugh-
The box Social and' -deuce which
was held in the hall last Friday night
was well patronized and' much en-
joyed• by biose present.
Rev. and Mrs. Holmes visited
some friends Saturday afterneort,
Rev, Mr, 1Iohnes spent a few, days
at Lucknow last week helping' the
chairman, Rev, Mr, Irwin, in special
Services. ;
'that remains in our stock, it:
offered M Dollars less than the original price, many to
nea. "It 13"`aei1Wle the one von have been look -
Event single garment dy
i ani '
500 yards—and every yard is excellent
ins t is here ata figure that will astonish you. ,We are quality, ldfast . colors, neat patterns and ..
preparing for spring goods, and itis our motto t� clear
out 'our, stock at the'end of each season regardless of cost.
.Furs greattyreduced
Muffs, Stoles and matched; Sets
Mrs. Joe Thompson and babe Alice
of St. Augustine, .spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos,
Mr and Mrs, Stewart McBurney
entertained 3 number of their :friends
and neighbors on Friday, Jan, t, ."
The evening was" spent in games and
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Campbell, of
Marnoch, spent Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1P, teecroft.
Mr, Steve Edwards is visiting at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe
Chainney, Before the war Steve was
well known in these parts and we are
all pleased to see him back again.
Mr. Pete Robinson, of Toronto, is
visiting withr his brothers, Messrs,
William and .Corn Robinson, alto
with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Beecroft.
Many of leis old friends are glad to
welcome him back home ftgain.
The ro'dng people of Calvin church
held a social evening at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, john Menzie. A good
til' is repotted. /
tad Mrs. Mark Armstrong
spent the week end with their atant,
Mrs. Will Smith, of Brussels.
of Alaska sable, Canadian Beaver;
',Lynx, Pox, Wolf, Coon and Op -
poem. Reduced 20 to 50%
Fur Collared Coats
Exclusive styles itt tine imported
cloths, with collars of Beaver,
Opposum and Beaverine, Reduc-
ed 20 to 40%.
Cloth and Plush Coats
gril Velour and heavy tweed Coats in tailored
211,1 and mannish- styles. Specially •'.priced
• $14,50 to 27.50. Plush Coats best quality
salts i'lush, lined throughout tailored in
ass very neat styles. Prices $24.50 to 55,00.
• Serge, "l'ricottne, Silk -and
Crepe Dresses
In all sizes and styles suitable ler women
and Misses, designed In the latest style, of
all wool materials. Prices $1110 to 35.00.
Our new Cash System allewti
us to sell at great savings
;iii you.
Wingbaties Cazlla Store
goo w
. 4 plybest quality sweater coat. Yarn;
all cobras
C slimere
Hose -
79c pair
Black anal brown all Wool cashmere +i
hose, sizes Si to a0,
Ilii W®ofl ".�
Dress Biro s 1 89c yd'
Colors /sleek' navy, brown, rose and
copenbageri,. staltable for child's dress?'. 3,
skirts- etc.
39e each
18 by 30 inches fancy strlped towels,
suitable for. baud or htth.towele.
Child's all wool sweaters, sizes 4 to 10A
years, colors blue, red and rose.
Dia ors ,and
li'j91 ecux
Viomen`a satitiple underwear. slightly V"
imperfect,ll sizes also combinations at
$2,89 a sct,
i 'il ow Inc yd
a to.
C t
fest quality. pillow cotton, tilt widths 'ham
re trom dressing,
i gtkaro's Cas to e
fir' game `fere e MMIPM AP QiwYypMii*
wy waox +,sire sae r�t:
ii,ea... ,�