The Wingham Advance, 1922-01-26, Page 7•
•The Man Who Gets t e
motor youlig•Inen, and weinen owe
life' to the ,taet that
theyahaa their feet, plentea tirmat oi
'that' ladder a tat at ,:iessultessi
theivability to wtite r bettmatettatiet
appliCatton fetatt Situation thee any oa
theitstestls tearable Peat ta •
arst place, your letter, While
giviag the neeeseetry intommatieri
tabeltt Yeltraelf, elioula , be ass shot
paaptale, It you receive a teply to
- Your oppiteation, it will, net, as a ritle,,
'be one appeinting y�' to the posttsnit
one aialting Yoe to Call for a Peraessal
intereletv, All you peed put in year
• letter, theretare, ia just enatigh te in-
terest the enstilaYeal,nffloientlY to ji
Yall out Dor aatinteritew.
Be careful not olo, ask sympathy. To
anggost•aeythtng, Of the kind ie to eon -
fess that yo,ursabititiee are; not suf-
fteient .th.thema,eves to s,ecuria you the
est, • 'S
,It yen are askedate sitate -what wagea
YOU require, ale. not be: 'a,fraicl to ask
for what you knee- you are worth.
sThe letter of appaication ,should slate
brieily and oen.cisely- the fellowlig
faate; Who you are; what you, can do;
and bow y•cur trainieg and experience
• fit yea for the,position offered.• •
,Whea writing: our letters, da not
•etart with the hackneyed aparase, "In.
eetily to your actvertiessment in to -day's
," etc. To omit -Mist phras,e,
stiake,your.apphc.ation a 1ittje different
teem- theaothera—for almost everyone
who apenee ter a situation uses it—
and that will be something in your
Use paper of
envelope that awiglt"addinCIAI:littliYeanledn
witheutstolding it mote than twice. A
initch-folded lettet &les not' look well
wheat it is opened out. ,
GarilicHas Wonderful hjgPowers.
Moat of thear.eastes,t ineentions• of
to -clay aTe adiaptatians or improve-
ments; the mainfacts were known
thouastude .otayeare. ago, but in mast
eaSes the Tett inventoes had no idea
' of• apPly:teem to practical uses.
Garlic 'Lisa been Used 'ae a medicinal
herb, for untold oenturiest
Greek and Roman doctors knew tha
it had great virtues, bu.t they could see
no away of getting over its objection
able taste and smell.
tel English cloaca' has made a dis
• covery which may lead,to the stamp
leg out of many of the WOrSt disdasa,s
He has discovered an.aneis-eptio which
may be used internally as well as ex
• tem -salty.
We have known for a long time that
• diseases affe,eang the outside lee the
beda- could be cured rapidly by means
of clisinfeetantse but hitherto it has
been impossible to treat diseases of
the inner parts inthe same way. Anti-
septics strong enough to kill these in-
• threat des:eases caul(' tuot be adraints-
• tared beesais,e of their pals,oneus ea
. fect,s,
But new ,?.11 antiseptic - has been
• foetid which can. be ta•keinlike-ordin-
. ary medicine. It is powerful enough
to kilathe dis,eas,e, bat it lias• no harm-
ful,aettort: on tlieehutuaa,body, e • .
Ot what Is this, wonderful new--ituff
made? Galata Just the simple oom-
taen, gatlie Whose healing powera our
rereate am -data -len knew.
Modes ' spience- • has- aiseoeered a
• means- of extrattieg "fram garlic the
• es,seatial healing titles's, and of rid-
ding them of their offensive taste: and
adore ,It is elainted that by Means, of
tivaiieW drug we'•alialt he able suecesse
fully, to treat"- such aPpalling cliseas•es
as celasamptiaa and, catteer• • , tee
• The-- a.ntieeptie derived from gal -lie
• attachaed, conquer them without,
doing .the least harna to the delicate
tissues of, the:rest of theatedy.
Short eepers.
Many ,notable inatances ape on re-
cord 'of early rrisens among greatenen,
althesugit Strangely enough, thie.excelt
• leat 'habit Seems. to be going out of
• favor. ,
M, Clemeneeau ie at his -diedk eery
morning 'while meet of his tellow-conn-
Mallen 'are' still hi. the -land of Nod
and the same may be said' of Eclieee
•wallet .whenin the throes of a me,chana
cal problem, fiads, two, or :three haers'
Sleep sitincient for his steeds:
• Napoteon could stay up late and get
• , •
up early, a gift poesesse•d by Mr, Lloyd
Ge,orge, :who is said to be able to go
to sleep' alitteee at once.
Liard Reading, when at the Bar, was
never in bed afterti a.m., while at one
time Lord Haldane allowed hintself
• only four hours' steep.
Cond!tion 'Due •Entirely 'to
Poor Watery Blood. ,
aestaee girl who teturas horses faam
'anhoOlaor froaa worts thorouglitY %red
out will be' fortunate if ehe escapara
l?hYsieal arealtcloana, beaanee this get-
ting tired so easily Is prebabitt
first Warning erupts= ,of a thin/ling
•blood that "initat*iattbe- dieregarded If
her health is tease Presetveaea'"'
Meta Use tileatiabecentes 'lain and
thapuresthe patient beeoratas pale, hag-
gard aitcl angu11ret1$11e net only tires
out eat* but :seiftere from beadtehes,
palpitation of the heart, dizzy spells
and a lees of appetite. This omen -
tion will go from bad to Worae, if
prompt ateps are not takentto inerease
and :enrich the blood supply a,,Testnalle
, the • rich, red aloo•d •t•hat.; brings , the,
go* of health, ee other misdi,eine ean
equal Dr. Wiallains' Pink: Pitts; ' •If
given a fair trial that use brings roey
cheeks, bright eyes, a geed appetite
and good ,spirits. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills have made thousands of pale,
languid girls aetive and stregg.: On
the first ,sign of aeor, tate. blood
• mothers ,. ob.oulds , insist upon. • their •
• dasigliters taking atfair comae of these
'pills. • They will net may restore
health, but will save further dector
, • -, ' 's
Dr, WilIissens' Pink Pills can be ob-
tained from any dealer in inedicine or
by mail at 50 cents a box oe six boxes
for $2.50 from The • Dr. Williains'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out.
Who rises every -time he falls will
sometime rise to stay.—William Mor-
Falnercre Liniment for caret hiCovis.
• 0 the Ship s T�p,.
Otte Morning, writaatelfxt • (J; E.
Gollidebury in t'Iteartatantnteo' i3st
Stesaawaytaa Wats :sent Matt' to tinter'
• thesiestins 'royals I Weletettatt aboutath
oases •oes aketaaattets,,seestaelhinge, that
Seatttedthe :tatted sianyas to the Yard
wasen theasoyaitaracsaiyao suddenly tet
g9iieent the deelt, and -di Yard swung
froth, under Me, and I was throiwnspeit
testiectively I threat eat my arms.
My left band came in content with We
royaa State ancl.I wan brought up Wath
a jerlt. Making a desperate, clutch
with the ether hand, I managed teget
another hold en the stay and hungers.,
Deadest in inklair, einety feet trent the
To get my legs round the stay sasaa
an easy matter, and then I was slate to
.matittain my position in cempa,r,ative
security. •
,.•• Wondering; who ,eontsdeltave been •so
Mad se totheive letsgo the rape With -
oat wariv4ngnasa00-sel5 aciwiti: There;
bleats to the'belaykag ptn; With the end,
of the brace stial in one lima stood
the chief IrlWte looking up at ine. t1510
face was as pale as a sheet, and there
tva,a herror and contrition stampedon
every feature. ale was too much, aga
toted to speak; but teaks ioana
vineednnettliat the act:that had almost
aliaaneed totettaateTeible death.liacl' not
been in•spited by any evil motive. a.
Nove,,on board a merdhant vessel ht
these• • 'days it s•,eopsiderect jaetille
.:„ s • wa, ,
•abless•fo,r anyantansatheaealfeshad been
enainaered by the .clumainess or. tha
negleet.ot anethee, no mattet what: his
rank'might be, tn give full expreeieleat
to •hiseanger and,,:hiaignatien. In ose
dinette' cireunistancea 1 should no
doubt have aye:lied myself of that pri-
vilege, but, seeing the mate so pain-
fully' moved, I resolved—especially
sine no one else had witnesised the in-
cident—to say nothing ab,ont it. ,Slid-
ing down the stay, I readied the deck
• Lease allaassisIetea Ctliata
;tail. ttegter.
Varlations—Gerretson,• Garrett, Fitz-
Racai Origene-English.
Variationsa-Charter, Cartwright,
Racial Orien—AngloatIcamatt.
t Source—A given name. Here is a family .name which has
I,It is peeenne, bet net very likely. come down toes from a word now
-1 that in some -instances the family obsolete, but whielt is curieusly tied
name ot C-arrison may take its origin, up, with a number o1 modern words.
- from the word. tgarrison,' ineaniag And lest th4 reader be misled by the
• a military post, for this word' was in varietton of Charter, let it be stated
. its° toward the end of the period in that the family name has no cannec-
niedieval-times in family names tion with the word "charter," denoting
There is a maps. of historical record, ing a: map or table of statistics.
- were being formed.' ' e • a legal document, nor ached," mean-
however, from which at entirely die- The wards to Which it is related are
ferent origin of the name is shown. •"clhariot," "cart" and "ear," It is not
• One of the given names which was generally realized, but these three
quite generally in use in taeee day e words are really the same, being all
but which since has disappeared is derived from the old Merman form
`'Ctaaa.e.ttat or as itewas more likely to. "Cha,ret," which in the early ltlicldle
be ,spelleal in those days, "Garet." It Ages usually signified a vehicle oe
is a given name not at all uncommon much spleedor, and not the chariot of
in the Norman ;records, ancient military use.
There is one entry, .for instance, of It was recaTded et lielianore, whe
"Garett laitzga,Tett," 'the ,"fites" . 0.5 was ,brought ever tr,onx. France in 1394
courseabeirig the Nalmanaltrench cor- to .be the bride '.05 Riqhard of England,
tuption. of the Latin "elliusa' meaning that "she was "full searslyaviit yere of
"gime" tae pereen referred ta was age, but she 'brought oute of Frauns
simply, "Gaeet.t tate eon, Of Caret,', or ail charm ful oe ladles and damieelles."
as the Saxon element of the popula- The 1611 version of the English Bible
tion of medieval England would have uses the word "charet."
put it, "Caarett Garettscin." , "ChareteT," "Calretter" and; "Car -
The sturrieg of Garetteon: into Ga,r- Teter" were simply various spellings of
ris,on ,is aquite a, natural development the word which meant ohariettnaker.
through a period of several centuries, ".,`Cartwright" , indicated the same.
as are the doubling of t'r's" andt"t's." They must have ranked with the
Such family manes as Garrett are in- manufacturers of expensive autceno-
stances afawhe•re . the final "atm"- has bileeeet ,olta, (lay, for there, is record a
been dropped again, bringing the payment of. ..,E1,000. ($5000) • to one.
family name hack to virtually the "John le , Charer" for malting a• cer-
same farm as the given name from tain chariot "tor the use and beho,of
. . .
which It was developed. of Lady Eleartorathe king's Sister.a
The Easiee Job.
• ."What are, yen going to be wbe.n you
grew p, jenailela • •
"I'm goingatot be an old maid,"
. "Austad ,Maid, 'dear, whyta'
" 'Cause I don't think I'd like te kiet
t a Man a hundred times and tells. Min
11,anclaeitid e'very' molt, •1 do gib.01.,
I'd rather `earn money and buy
,thltigs far myself."
Mattier how bad a,,
• ila0.,rdaygeerti tp.1tlieV'e -
is a better SIM 'Within hhn
,.,,NoltatitenhOw lovir he ma,y
• ho# Stmlc oKirauy; therele
se,31.1ethirik„ absolutely 'sip'
leSS.Withiti Mtn, soinothing
' ontirehedand ca n neVer
• the -divinity within-lifrit.
.'ultittely be
endot ,and '
your "Good Morning"
it. ckiji?
. Easy to stall ,from the breakfast table with
zest and entlmsiasm, but how easy is it to
keep on? Does ambition last, or lag, as the day
The afteeneenetslump" is a factor to be count-
ed tipotin business or social life.
Usually, there's a reason.
Nerves whipped by tea or coffee won't keep
on running, and they won't stand constant
Many a rnan or woman who has wished the
afternoon would be as bright as the morning has
simply, been wishing that the nerves wouldn't
have to pay the natural penalty for being whipped
with the caffeine drug,•
Ppstum gives a ,breakfast .cap of _comfort and
cheer, without anypenalties.afterward. There'a
na "letting demr,n7- from; Posium.-t, no inidday
. drowsiness to rnake:uplor Inidnight.wa1tefu1neR4.
no headaches;, no nervous indigestion; no increase
of blood pressure,
Think it over. There's full satisfaction in
Postern cup of comfort for anybody (the
children included), 6.2l4r
Yon ,cao get' poitom. frorn' Yont' griker
yoUr waiter todtiV„and prbtb1 YOU'll' begin t,t)
have,hetter tornorrotiva, SO many thOnsand
have had, ho have tuede .the 'change froin tea
and coffee:to Postotn. „
:Posture cc:MI.66U tevollOrtnar:titRitailt, PAgibeiri(n,' dile)
made instantly in filo cup bY,tbe eddition of boiling mrater.
P:detutn Daketai ort paokAglieOf3ItitgOOsiilk,fd thoge rirktri
prefer to Malca the dtink w1Ue. the meal fe bell* prepared)
made by boiling or 20 Minutes. Sod by out atocoto.
l'ostlink tot° Hea1th-
.!'',r1(0411,646 ia.,040xko
• ,So long as, you pradiate
clolibt and discouragement,
' you will be a failure. If you
want• to get away froni
• poverty, you must keep
Your 'mind
• creative condition. In or-
• der to do this you must
think confident cheerful
creative thoughts. The
model must' pneeede the
statue. You must see a
new world before you can
live in ft. •
and resumed the
played 1.
• When• the watch n was relieved the
mate dent toe me and, after a,seerteia-
ifig that I could read and write, told
me -that 5 was to owes to him every
day when he was "taking the sun," for
he wiehed to 'teach me navigatiati. I
gladly accepted the Invitation, and by
the tinth we reached Buenos Ayres I
was -able to take stghte and keep a
dead reekeninge
When are Shad Ibeen: about a week in
port the mate left the ship; but before
goinghe presented me with a sextant
and his nautleal bootee and, telling me
he took a strong interest in my future
welfare, begged me to continue my
stedies., 'Then, Shaking bands, with me,
he walked °Yea' the side, That was
the laat I saw of him.
On our return pa.ssage the cook ask-
ed me whether I knew' wihy the mate
had been, ao kind to met "Yes, I do,"
I ansare,ra,a, but adeleethat I did not
care to talk abotit ake,matter.
"Ah," e,aid. he, "you meet think it
was because he threw you off the main
royal yard, ,and you said nothing about
it? But that was not all. Last voyage
be threw a boy off in the sameway,
and the poor lad was smashed to
work,I led been em -
5 rovreflurt
Our Canadian -winters are exceed-
ingly hara on the health of little ones.
The weather is often so severe that
the mother cannot take the little one
out for an airing. The consequence
is that baby is confined to overheated,
badly ventilated roams; takes cold
and becoines cress and peevish. Baby's
Own Tablets should be given to keep
the little ane healthy. They are a
mild laxative which regulate the
stomach and bowels and thus prevent
colds. • The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers Or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brookville, Ont.
A Dark -Shin Game.
One ingenious if dishonest native of
India turned his dark skin te excellent
ancount. One of the European ex -
amblers of Calcutta, University, says
Load PretleTie Hamilton in, his book,
"Days•Before YesterclaY," told me that
there had been a great steal of trouble
-about the examination papers; by
seane means or other the native stu
dents always managed to obtain what
we may term "advance" copies of his
papers. My informant had according-
ly devised a schem.e th stop the leak-
age. Instead of .having the papers
printed in the ueual fashion he called
In the ,services et a single white print -
mon wit= he oould rely, The white
printer received the papers early on
the morning of the day designated foe
the examination and duly set them up
on a hand press inside the building. He
had bee assistant, a caolie who was
dad only in loin plata and turban; by
xs� poesiblity could he conceal any
papers about his ttemen.
• In spite ot those precautions, how -
11 soon became clear at the ex-
amination that some of the students
had a previous knowledge of the quess
tions, How had they managed it?
Eventually it appeared that the collie,
taking advantage of the momentary
absence 'of the -white printer, had
whiPped off his loitm cloth, sat down on
the "form" and then replaced hes, soli-
tary garment •When he war obliged
th'stelp on going out the, printing ink
dicfnet stow on, his dark skin; and all
that he had to do was to sit down on a
large sheet• or white paper for the
questions to be printed off on it. Then
with the aid of a mirror the students
could easily read ttem. The Oriental
mind is subtle.
• 4
His Helpful Maxim. ,
"My motto is, 'Live and let live,' "
said Sir James Cantale, the famous
British surgeon, the other day. "It
appeare to me that it opera more
ground than any otasr. For instance,
it ine,ans health, •physical fitness, a.nd
• efficiency, and social well-being, and a
• dietermination to see that iny neigh-
bor enjoys like advantages Incident•
ally,* it abollshes, war, But it ts not
• only- a maxim oe toleratlon and lee
manita, • but, applied to Per physieal
Welabeing, it repte.sents tlie •ultinaate
aim and end of all remedial seise:0e."
--_—........-ta...... ,
Out of QOM%
DfoltY tied (Marne Were tola by their
mother not,t0, play at the hack of the
rialtos)1 building, where there was a
swollen streatli and plenty et nand
Whee -thea reternea bonne at notelet
• Ave o'clock Matt evening their sba,eg
were -covered with erect,
The teethe), said,.'
• "(Mettle, I clO not kettal how your I
1 1 - Is - , '' t th ' I. -
Cease taste le you go to e s ream
after promdsing inoth'er that you Weald
not go,"
Chataie atistedredi
"I expect my conscieiMe sn,
working just right to -day; mother!"
Hiefier Plane.
• Father of the Fainily—aYou glee
are always talking about dresses. Can't
you find a higher plane' et contrensa-
• "Yes, pa, Now we are going tO talk
Omit bats,"
Vieitor (in public gardens, intereett-
et in botany)—"Do you 'happen .to
'knew to What family that plant be
lenge?!' „ • 1,.
Park-keeper—"I happen ta know it
don't belong to no family.. That plant
belongs to the municipal council,
Oross•Eyea. •
Man who had an affliction ef the eye-
lid that caused it to twitch visited
Toronto, and stopped a native on
Yonge Street.
• "Can Yee direct me to a good drug
store?" asited the visitor.
The native tools a look at aim, azid
responded promptly: "You're talking
to one right now." ..
• A. Substitute.
The old gentleman tucked away his
baggageeand then turned to his hosts
pretty daughte,r who had motored him
and his son to the station,
"Good-bye, my dear," said he, beam-
ing upon her. "I• won't kiss you; I
have such a cold!" •
The son ahot a sidelong glance at
the girl,
' "I say," he said, "ea:n I do anything
for you, f tl .
Couldn't Hold It.
The station master, hearing a crash
on the platform, ran out of his• room
just in tune th see the exaress, disap-
pearing around the curve an•d a dis-
heveled young man sprawled amid
several ,overturned milk cans and the
contents •of his traveling bag
"Was he traing to catch the train?"
asked the station master of a small
boy who stood by admiring the scene.
"He did catch it," said the boy hap-
pily, "but it got away again:"
Neatly Put,
Williams and Wilkins were talking
of a mutual friend, Weaker, when Wil-
liams observed:
"Now, Walker is civil enough, but,
to my mind, there's nothing solid in
his politeness." .
"Nor is there anything seldld in an
"Cascarets" if Sick
Bilious, Ilieadachy
• From the Bowels
Get a 10 -cent box now.
You men and women who can't get
eeeling right—who have headache,
coated tongue, bad baste and foul
breath, dizziness,, can't sleep, are bili-
ous, nervous and upset, bothered with
a sick,' gasey, disordered stomach, or
have a bad cold. Are you keeping your
bowels clean with Cascarets, or mere-
ly forcing a passageway every few
days with salts, cathartic pills ar cas-
tor oil? • Cascarets work wbile you
sleep; cleanse the stomach of sour,
fermenting food and foul gases; take
the excess bile from liver and •carry
out of the eystem all the constipated
poison in the bowels. A Cascaret
physic to -night will straighter you out
by morning.
and other Lung. Diseases
Claims many Victims. in Canada ,and
should be guarded dgainst
is a great preventative, being one of
the oldest remedles used. Minard's
Liniment has relieved thousands eases
of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat,
Asthma and kindred. diseases. It an
enemy to germs. Thousands of bottles
being, used every day, For eale by
all druggists and general dealers.
ininartea Liniment Co., Ltd.,
• Troanontli, S.
iataWiliinna" 1,11'ed "bid
you meet contase that it setallee
jolts wonderfellar"
An Obviptie Niokname,
• The laatlowing is'ad/414mo fYet'wee
tilot1i@rA4 eon.;
o f 1:‘,Ath4::71:1Y:lh'e?-41;:',at:11:::tilleraers,:ti,:171%°' 6'4 .1.11:1:7:1C :njW73 Is it?"
e 4111. 0:::L'd; ,ukrz;11:1:114::
ra,e,y0iii"5it 10 ot, a aleivaaaae on ate,
count 'of 14 titlela • '
"What is libo title?"
"Hee a knight of the bath,"
Regular; Otistomer.
The druggist Itad stopped -in the raids
ale, of ,,putting up a difficult preserlit-
tion, and deftly removed front the •Wo-
man's eye the ffinder tbet had poen
oaosing her great pain,
-'"Ah, thank -eau so mach!" she gush-
ed, •"atow muca is it?" •,
• ."Nothing at all," he replied emir-.
teously. ,
"'Ohs but you should let me pay you
something—you really elhould! • I'm
sere it would be only right to pay you
for your time. It took all of five min-
utee, though of course it wasn't really
fio long—and if your time is worth $8
a day—and really I think druggists
should make that nauell, though of
course they do not -work so hard as
carpenters, or paintera—why • that
would came to—let me see, why, near-
ly ten cents—or at least we will call
it ten cents, though it would really be
only about eight cents, wouldn't it?"
"No,' madam," the druggist replied
firmly. "We are glad ta do these lit-
tle services for our customera-, and.' I
recall distinctly that you have bought
most of your ear -stage atamps here for
a long while.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
There is a great difference between
con,tentment and a. dead ambition.
Mother! Clean
Child's Bowels ith '
California Fig Syrup
Even a sick child loves the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the
little tongue is coated, or if your child
is listless, erase. feverish, full of cold,
or has colic, give a teaspoonful 10
cleanse the liver and bowels. In a
few hours you can see for yourself
how thoroughly it works all the consti-
pation. poison. sour bile and waste out
of the bowels., and you have a well,
playful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy, They know a tea -
Spoonful to -day saves a sick child. to-
morrow. Ask your druggist far genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which has di -
resinous far babies and children of all
ages printed on. bottle. Monier! You
must say "California" or you may get
an imitation fig syrup.
In terrible rash on face which made
skin sore and inflamed. Irritated
face by scratching and was disfigured.
Could not sleep well and made feel
unpleasant. Trouble lasted, 4 months
before used Cuticura and after using
2 cakes of Soap and 1 box of Oint-
ment was completely healed.
From signed statement of Miss
Gladys Neabel,R.R.3,13russels,Ont..
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tat -
cum promote and maintain skin
purity, skin comfort and skin health
often when all else falls.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and Soc. Sold
throoghouttheDommion, CanadianDepot:
leyesans, Linutod. St. Peaul St., IViontratd.
;Wcr'Cuticuta Soap shaves without ream
WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not geiting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?
Accelit Only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years ancl proved safe by millions for
Colds Peadache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
• Earache Lumbago Pan, Pain
Handy "Bever" boxes of 12 tableik-°-
Aapiria is the trade mare (registerra la Caelairs) asetet. :it. meats 'Baser
neeticatidoster of, ealleytioactd. Valle ItjklisIlls:cli)Q1 v'is'ii.if:1;ttof-s:m4t."::71.pqina.n.c°—:"De.-r4)07:8trlt5if::"
mama:mature, to asiest the pubes. agalast Imitations, the ettblets ot isayet
will be etampett WU( their general trade mark, the 'Payee Omar°
Went for )0);97$ With at
ing and Even, ,*ght 9f
at Times Made Hint Sick.
"1 certainly um glAil 1 stuck to To'
ac and -gave 'it a fairlosa, for stage
tatting it I'm eating better, sleePtug"
better and teeling better than I ilaVe
it years," said Henry Teach, wells
itaown citizen, • residing at 755 Pape
Ave., Toronto, cant-
' "Ever einee I had a spell ot grippe
sortie live years ago, r-ve been haviag
attacks' of indigestion and other trot -
bias that gave me no end of worry. te
used t ge tor days at a time withal -lit
eating scereely aaythieg, and even the
sight of food just made inc want, to
Leave the table. Even. ahat little
did eat seemed to do me ao good,
Nights I pease bloated with gas utitil
my heart acted so queerly I dared not
try to lie on ray left side. Marev time
I got ao dizzy it looked like I would
ferrety fah. 1 had terrible headaches,
and dilfl pains all tarough my body. 1 ,
got searcely any sleep and always felt
tired and dull.
"At last my wife persuaded me te
try Taialae. I took three- battles be-
fore it seetned to help me the leaat
bit, hut after that I improved •arondee
fully and now I'M a well man, and I
mean to say by that I haven't an acae
or pain of any kind. I sleep like a log
every hight, and am alwaye ready fox' •
a hearty breakfast in the morning a.nd
a big day's work. 'There's certainty
nothing like this wonderful mettle -Ina
Taniae." •
Tanlae is sold by leading dreggesta
everywhere. ••• Advt.
If there ite goad n what I wrought, -
11-ty hand compelled it, Master '
Where 1 have tailed to meet Thzt
know, through Thee, the blame ;1 -
mine. —Rudyard;,
EViinard's Liniment flor Distemper.
.13efore eondemning the hen, make
the same regular and thoughtful vis -
15s to tile poultry bouse that you haVe
been niaking• to the hog pan.
Classified Advertisemeob,
A.LI; KINDS 05' KEW' ANT) us.8n,
betting, puueyia, saves, cable,hose,paolting.
etc., srapped 131.11,ject to approval at lowest
prices in Canada- YORK BELTING CO,.
.11.5 YORK. STRETIT, ToptoNTo.
• Bulk Carlots
Stops Hafr Coming Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
35 -cents buys a bottle otlatinderitie"
at any drug store. Atter one applica-
tion you can not find a particle 01
dandruff or a falling heir. 13ealdea,
every hair shows new lite, vigor,
brightness, more color and abundance.
Staneetoees zeiontsee Daft named/on
• Beitit,
and Hew, to reed ,
Malted aaatzt,to :any Ad.
dross by the Auttor.
at. enay atlovet Co., tett
118 West alst Stteet
Olf can't do your best when
yout back and every ;muscle
aches with fatigue.
I Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with.
out tab&ing, and entoy a penetrative
glow of warmth and comfort.
Ceed for., rheumatism, ,rteuralOa,
, c 41164 pi
434 citttpsaattRasol,
the after effects of weather et:pesetas
ts roe forty years pain's enemy. Aik
your neighbors &eat Stomata haStata,,
'At all, druggtste-35c, 70c, $1.40.
Melo In Clinittia,