HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-01-19, Page 8TAILOR E
�a Turnberry Council
40 sample Overcoats 'tailored by Lowndes, all Is oo'l fleece
Freize,Ulster and loose back models. Formerly sold
cloths, Irish -
up to $60.00, special
Canada Pure Lard,:3 lbs. for 49c
Edwardsbul g Corn Syrup, r 5 lb tin 45c
Canada Cheese 24c lb
Magic Baking Powder, 16 oz. .:....33c
Icing Sugar, 2 lbs • ..22c
Red Rose Tea You ,r,
Minutes of touneil rneetipg held in,,
Bluevale, Jan. 9th, 1922 Nlernh ry .toil
present viz. J 1?orter, Reeve, W. A.
;a,7 1
+ NItn4'$, J A... ,",VA dt'1%Weil n, i, ... .a".-. d
J J. Nloffatt coencolors, Each signed
his declaration of office. NI mutes of last
meeting and also result of nominations
were read arta approved on motion of J.
J. Moffatt and W A. Mines On motion
of A Wheeler and :J L MaeEvwen by -
taws were passed "mucking the tollowing
dfipointments: Nb 1, the' whole council
Rad Commissioners; ' No. 2. Geo. Y.<
Cruikshank and Allan MacEwen, Audit-
ors; No. 3• W. S. King, assessor and No.
4, Jas Moffatt. member of Board of
On motion, of A. . Wheeler and J. J.
Moffatt the petition presented by .resid-
ents of Btuevale asking for estimates on
Hydro Electric Light, be accepted and
forwarded to commission for considers.
tion Moved by J. L. MacEwen and W.
A. Mines that a grant of 525.00 be divivd-
ed among 'Ttlrrtberry students, who ob-
tain the highest standing in' tare .itfferent
blanches of the Agricultural. Short Course,
Wingham 1022. On motion'of A. Wheel-
er and
heeler'and W. A= -Mines. the auditors•were
notified to meet Jan. 19th, 1022 at 10 a.
f,xxxxxxieope Nuc mpo
:114 . . Rude Rural Rhymes
op elancl.sover. farmer uits
. We vtecv. the with alarm because
Phe ®. $9 he won't stayonthe farm' " He moves to I
Auto Markers
Having been appointed by
the Motor Vehicles Branch
of the Department of 'Pub-
lic Highways to issue
1922 Auto Licensee
1respectfully solicit you
W1oees,-,, Wingham is so
The Local curlers are running off a local
bo spiel this wt ek and the rinks are rade
up as follows. The. few who have played
are niirk c1 with their scores,
G., Irwin
0. thompson
J . Mu ray skip
W. G Colgate
A. Carruthers
F. Davidson
W. Stewart skip 13
A. J Irwin
J, Mitchell..>
A. G. Smith
C. E. Elliott skip
W. J• Boyce
C. Judson
J Currie skip
F. Carter
W. Hurren.
W. Monk
T. Hardie skip
H. Sherbondy
J. Wallace
R. Williams
A. Porter skip
E. Pettigrew
W. Booth)
H. Shane
Ed. Small skip
G. MacLean
W. R Hamilton
J Carr skip
W. Dawson
T. R. Bennett
T. Taylor.
L. Kennedy kip 'b
R. Stone
C. P. Smith , ,
I, I?attison
L. Young ship
B. Elliott
W. VanWyck
J. ,McGillivray'
• A. M. Crawford skip
T Fells ;
• A. Fothergill
E. Nash
9 D fortune skip 6
J. McCracken
T King '
D. Rae a,
W. Mil chell skip
A. Wilson
.J. Hanna
A. Hardie . .
7 J. ;Mason skip ' 14
. Harrison
Stewart. skip
Thursda,', Jan 19th 1922
.e .'Wo*
Mostly every man who has outside work to do.
has an old pair of long leather boots on which the
bottoms are worn'out while the tops are almost
as good as ,.new.
In former days it was the custom to burn them.
up or throw or them away but now things are differ-
ent in that we can put new Rubber Bottoms on the
old tops whereby- a• clear, saving is made of from
$2.00 to $4.00 pair.
Before throwing away 'bring them to us and if
they are "fixable" our expert mechanics : will take
pleasure .in showilig you how you can economize.
g rg.
situated as to be more con
Armies! Meeting I ® The St®rte
venient to this section of ""'
the country "than anyoth
er point where markers are
sold.. Promptness will be
our watchword
The Annual Meeting of .the Turnberry .�, 41' - ' nn 'Ili! r, L. a
,Agricultural Society Firemen's Elall; _will be held `in_the `! rnonle 14 ' VT aiagrtIaLa,.
afternoon, January 27th., 1922 at 2
o'clock sharp. Election ,of 27th.,.
directors for. 1922, ..the, hearing. oft e
directors' reports •and .the treasurer's
statement and other business. to.be ;trans- t.4,j(+4tMlrst/+rI'M AIMMY'�e�1�
Boxd'�a VVin�hatst, Ont.; • ,..#4.,,,,...._ 0..
acted.)),..),:11-.),))):.),:•.[.,,,, . ,,
LI,wa-d•�.°a"�sr °""'r -a' '), i'"'� t3 i t 'President:
A. G. Smith, Secy.Treas:
;; .soma for Fri. ' and Sat.
These prices save you money.
Cornflakes, 2 for
.23c Puffed Rice ., •:
Grapenute 17c Puffed Wbest. ' this and that to answer if he felt no shame,
Extra Special in spite of youth and stalwart frame to
town and there he lives who a re a
yon his flivver flivs, and city,: papers won- (Correct up till
der why fee thus neglects t.ur food supply:
How can he tear himself away from smells Eggs ,-.• • , •
of flowers and new mown hay? t tracked Hoge' liveweight
one rustic to his•flat and begged of him by
out thus cod ea g g •
". uothe ` bydtng and dang, I
Cornmeal, 6 lbs 25o Lima Beans, 2i lbs 25c gek er not a single pang. . The crops I sold
-Oatmeal, 61bs .. 25c White Beans 4 lbs r... , • • .25c I went cheap as dirt, '1 needed cash for
Extra Special
ay � h `
k' F"g 2 lbs 25c „Jelly Powders, 2 for
Gran !fated Snar,id Abs
25c : a,
ao hang , s
Fresh Prones 2 lbs . , ... , 33c Brunswick. Sardines:.. 8c {A
t.* -
Extra � ei��J,.,."�0� Tea 43c '
Pure Lard .... .... ....20c jam, 4 Ib sins
Domestic Sbortning ....19c H. P. Sauce... ..
Extra Special
L undry Soap, 1S Bars,; $2.00
. ,. :llc
Toilet' Paper, 5 rolls ... _ , .. ,25c Lux, 2 for .. ; .
Pearline . 9c Starch-, per lb .
Sunkist Navel Aa^p
9.Orange Special
Butter and Eggs gs ake
at market et r
ACV 11...1. ROLL
"MERRILY we roil along, roll along, t*oll
along; merrily we roll along o'er the:
BANG 1" Blowout ? yes sir; but .he put on
that extra tire that he purchased of us `and
led back back to our shop and old 'Doc. Vulanize
bade that hole' disappear .and ena,de that tire
reappear as good as new. Good workt t Sure 1
ECONOMIZE b brfkgi:n $ your rubbers
and. rubber ilMaiIs 1, s and have them
repaired as goo' a new by
Wednesday' noon)
;28 to a 34
• . _ 40 to . 45
. 10 50 to 100 75
to 36
The Late H. V. Armstrong
The residents of this place were surpris-
ed-tohear of the death of Mr. H. Vernon
Armstrong which took place following a
short illness on Thursday morning last.
baby's shirt, and for my wife's—that is to Vernon was a, young man who was well
say - though South Sea belles wear suits liked by the cornnity ity and many old as -
of hay, my woman hates to ' dress that sociates of this village regret his untimely
way." "But Bill" says I ''all men are taking off in the prime of life. He was of
brothers, you farmers ought to feed the a very genial and obliging disposition and
others," "The'world can feed itself" he had many friends. The deceased was the
said, and tiiew ins out upon my .head. i manager of the Corrie Drug Store up to
he for me to fight, and any way the dine he. enlisted in thb great war Ile
Too husky g tri
the cuss was right • Long laboring hours went overseas with the 71st Battalion in
Triounn.SPEEES- At.the, home of Wm:
McQuarrie. ,Brussels, :on Jan'y 4th,
Miss Luella Barbara Speirs, sister ill
of Mrs. McQuarrie toMr. Frederick'
Nelson Thuell, eon,eef Wm. and Mrs.
Thuell, Morris Township. The happy
couple will -reside at"Eston, Sask.
RounHAN—WILLON—ln , St. Ambrose
.Church; Brussels, by Rev. Fr. Fallon,
on;January 5th., 1922, Mr. J. Frank
Rouhan, Detroit, to Miss Alice Eliza-
beth, third daughter of ex -reeve S. Wil-
ton. Flora Street, Brussels.
�ge tle
FoRESTiLR--!tlARC-IIt�AV'N7 At 1 p
sonage, Fordwich, on .Thursday, Jan.
5th, 1922, by the Rev. E: E. Clysdale,
Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Genrge;Hargrave,.to Berice Start) ! �.
and meager gain this rural exodus explain, H d 11 1
oua. Erich
arrly *
Phone your order early to either. the
store or house.
Flour, Feed, Seeds, Potatoes, etc. Phones:•Residence :. 175,: Store 4o,
the spring of :916. a serve continually , ley Forester: son of Mr.;and Mrs. Thos:' oP, �,u �;
from that time to the end of4the war, re- i Forester ter fourth Cor of Howick' ° �' °* ~a
turning home in June 1919. ' On his re
Miss Lavine Ding of Turuberry is at turn he again resumed his position in the
present visiting at Mr. ,Stewart Mcilur- ! Gorrie Drums Store which he held until the
ney's for a few days. - • time of his death. The funeral took
T uckuoty bur-
heon S t
ill :Reid, t•dines a
Mr. rfather'srest
M . '4V his
place from
I -aa'
man. Dame out to our bnrg to deliver the day afternoon. A: very tmpresetve service
fla fe but
not knowing :
much abou
climate' he brought out his auto, + was conducted by Rev. A. Laing, pastor
our a g t floral tributes were
which .only for the kindness of Goad • of deceased. The' foo
Samaritan Ed.ia.ines might be adorning bearttfttl, among them. beiwg one from
r ad'in front of W. M. ; Ohatnpion's.
the o , the young people of this village and one
Next time you visit our line kr, Baker, t
you had better bring your ' noble steed, i from the business men" Those who at -
for atter .all they are more to be trusted tended the funeral from 'a distance were
than an auto. : i deceased's brother, J. Garnet Armstrong,.
C. F, Martin has brought his hay press 1 ofToronto, and formerly of Lucknow;
for Jack P2aztiu.his
home from Turnberry and is pressing lisT uncle, Mr. A. Armstrong of Bayfield; Miss
Bert > Iollinsnead of Arthur, visited . at Minnie Armstrong of London . and Mrs.
Peter Leaver's over Sunday. Jas. Scott ' of Blyth. The remains were
Gled to be able .to report that Thomas laid to rest in the family plot in Gorrie
Taylor who has not been well is improv-' cemetery. The 5yrupathy of the com-
ing. • ' muuity is extended to the bereaved.—
Mr. Webb is at present cutting wood at Corrie llidette.
E. Naylor's.
t lwiiT L`' cE..1.:,L. raw l'ITSL,5'.« l' n4
7 � s
x n.w
p (
n. r:
nC .. •:•f t::
:rn•"^3 �y�'.:..;.:.i.,.. , . : i:. ,te. :` .` w v,:o� •' i., •�>:u,:.:::::r.�:ii:.z'."r '3 d.i
0. s;t. •t
1 t r r
A a9
� i w
, 1>i '^4, �I tyF. t,y �- A•..I 'F�'i ' ,. . t,. .�,� -�� t w'�: -t 'i s�•. L Wr W`�M ate..
S� i .: t . r : ,,,s....-• ,. ""..•.,`.c,.-'°�.�.._ �>. it`d •`•n '� . ,.
Fors and Clothin.
Sweeping Reductions on
All Winter Merchandise
Ladies' Wear at Money Savin
• :Men's Wear at Money Saving
... Prices ..
MMen's suits
Men's smart serge and worsted suits, of imported
suitings and good workmanship Prices
ti .,•,. .. .. $14.75 to 24.50
Fur Coats
• 20 only men's China Dog and Korean Beaver Coats,
mom, all sizes, this week only at less than tzelf-
id; price 29.50
Smocks and Mackinaws
Men's sheep lined smocks and heavy all wool mack-
N�� maws, also heavy,lined denim smocks.
,�'wd Prices. , , ... .4,19,, 9:75 and 11.50
Odd Pants
.XVlen's trousers, well tailored from selected mater'-.
m „fah; of worsted tweed and corduroy. Prices
$2,50 to 4.75
Sticks and Underwear
Fine, medium and heavy weight, all garments from
the best raanufactuiets
MSocks .. , .. ..25o, 35e, 5irb, '5c and 1.00
Ciriderwt tki 89e, 1,39, 2.00 and 3.50
AIS@ ..m......:,..'-; o.m.mtl,oYuwNmuew,wrouokd..mwmarn.,s��aeYmevucn
"1' ie famous star of 'Alias Jimmy Valentine'' slid the `'Right of Way" comes to
the Lyceum Theatre nett Monday, Tuesday ani Wedneaday i1l.11is greatesti comedy
achievement ' The Misleading Lady '.
"The Misleading Lady" is a famous stage ane esa by Goddard & tirolrcy and
will be reitember•ed by tatty who saw it played by :the `Murtess'Players" in'the local
ope`a til se two yetis art;. The pay was a decided hitt the picture is a bigger nue,
Our entire stook of furs at prices that mean big
saving to. you. Stoles, muffs and matched sets of Alaska
'Sable, Beaver. Fox, Lynx, Wolf, Oppose ni and Coon at
prices regardless of coat.
Women's Coats
Offers exceptional, in stylish winter models, with
-or without fut' collars, in materials of all
wool velour. Salts' Plush and ' Heather
Tweeds. Prices. .14.50 to 29,50
Dresses,' Skirts and Blouses
Special clearing lines in ready-to-wear which rep-
resent wonderful savings in this season's
geode. Price reductions ..:.....20 to 40 per cent
Hosiery and Underwear
Vests and drawers . • 1.19.
Combination Suits 2 81
iosiery • . , .. . .75c, 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00
C` g r' 1,`73 TOwting to :he fact ghat akl manttfuctnirers anal wholesalers, are demandingnrottafat
paaytnents from us for taeir goods, vire are obliged to a, Cash Business. T herefore commencing Jan. •1st., 1022, wa
will do rt,casb business, this will enable us to sell tn)rdhsndise at the Closest possible price. All accounts owing King
Erbil. twist be paid in full at once,
VV—C a store
six, i Li..• x:'u M I I _..., .I• ed.,ntk 5
1 ghat`t':s Cosh ff
XX 4