HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-01-19, Page 7Ti #
c6,ose Et Seine: ree'ellie:
"tientr. far', the 'neW year .and,. Of conree;,
inebided among the
ran Your new teat saMe br 1't1
•oatirtesieen of everyday Ufa that We eall
FeW Pekjootis Watip to hate good
ticpi•Attat the.sithea haying hexl
•o,iee the.gatisteetiOn.of 1.O.tl1O#Ing tat
• .1thek" -are' 'better. bred then their neigh'
..bors, What we do Want tO have. geode
nuannere tar:10so that We'may.lie.roare
toOesieful; -so. that we MasY have ..bet -
'ter and More • f riends, and so' that We
• may 'MOP OtitOr4 hpier im lanOWing
Reeently 1 asked, sortie' •aCtitutint"
,a-neee. :oi rntne each .ot !whom has
achieved. '!',$'0111Q.'1.1'-a,j,ip?1o erteeees-,
as -to IOW greet*,exterit he or 'she its-,
, ,cribed this, sudeesisle geed inainters.
•• that le. •to doing tile right thingait the
• right ,time! All of, them --though Seiner
' rather,- reltiatantlyd-eadmitted . that' *:'ati
ratherlarge Measure , of ecce ss had
•conte,its a reatilt of: the cOneCiOU,S etuUy•
•,ot geed ina,nners.. The•SucceSsful doe-
tar 'hag' to d'o,' more than- to: ineetee the
is.idienee'oCineddi•elite 'and alirger.y.
kunst have ,a Manner that: iniepireecone
ftdenCe 'and love ia his Patients, and
' often. the difference between a sue-
icessfal end •an.'uneticoeestul doctor is
:More a matter Of differenee in manner
that differenee Aniiactuai akin.
Well, F asked elach of My successful
..."triende, to give the bri.eflyai reSolution
•Ire.goed.,tnannerstitoewhich they- them,
Wee , a Wed SaMe.;at , the in suec des and
whioh Might. bee' helpful 1 to others.'
•:I-Iere are the .resaintimis:
Tina Was 'groin tlie poiitiCiati, Maar.
' ter ,the art of • .making introductiOna
. ;and of meting..persone, iniNdneed, to
you by others.' 'Let thes.correet. form
'in 'this matter -biecOnte. Secondanature,
to yen:. Never: fall to recognize peg-
- :sons who haveepateltitrodueed and
• istrive to rennenalier.th4ir nainee: Here
;are rithene •
• Tia.f Vci4.;,exr1aer. that irPT.10, e.f the quick.-
WaYs ail revealing good or bad
breeding iof in table maniieee. Never
May eratien.
:as to, lapse into careless. Manners. of
. ' • .
To remember that you often make a
IffelengTittnieisionlay'Yoniqnanner tol
--Stranger:Over. t.he Aelephene !.
TOM p6i tlael-etiquette eid1 oe. the
'etelephone,.-"and::to s1id1w.-Inivariable
•"irincteisf•1-wheir imingthat instinflient.
:••-•:•p putiaious in 1ie acknewiedg.
•',tient-Of-ail" gifts, intitations and other
-Nevereto Let a s-ecia,I letter go more
!than a Week unanSWered,'
You C4n Never T11;
''5rou never c.n ie4 when i/131,4- s,•eitt a
• . Ward,de‘ •'
•- Like an .arrow shot from a bow
Ey an archer blind—he it mate' or
kind, 1. •• *
3sLwh&retwiilnhines to. ger
ti May pierce:,the breast at your dear-
. •
. • . •
Tipped with itte poison •or bahni ,
To & etranger'e heart 'in life'e great
Mart ,
thaYecarryip,..p,ain. or its 'calm
You never can telt 'when veil do an act. -
t ,what thereenIt'wiLT. be;
But$1"witli. every deed you are sowing
• a seed, ,
l'hottgb. Rs har,vest you may not seta
:Each kindly net is'. an acorn dropped
xi God's Prodactive soil;
Thoughy.ou, may not know, •• yet the
• - tree, shall:grow
, And shelter the -brOWSthat toil
Yoe :never can tell what your thoughts
will do
• In -bringing You:,liate or love;
" For thoughtare &laze, and. their airy
- thanecarrer, dioves. 7
They fell* the Ilaw.of the •uni'Verse---
ga"Ohethilag innet',Creitteeits hind;. . •
And theyeapeed.ta'er the track to bring
Youback •
Whatever :went:out from your mind.
L -Ella Wheeler. Wilcox.
Cat Aids Science,
To Newtanleeapp-le and Watt's tea
..s . , „ •
kettle no* is, ticirhe added Pineen's cat
as- arhunable coadjutor in the work ot
beitegting enteriltinde says „•a ,C.Open-,
ehagen, despatch, It has just been, re-
vealed in • connection 'With. a Ir insen
celebratiOn ,Itat 'the sliastitute here that
• •the dsooverer: of the famous curatiVe
. .
ray got' his. first idea' froth watching
:hi oat .watinelterseif 'in.: the sum He
•„” observed :that as the sleadow crept up
•, the. Of Matted- biti; so etc lbo: aliaye keep'
ag Mitch .40. poigsibe tn, the direct
• 40B:eying Etta*, .tile .1anditha1'S' luetinet
. linnet have ft that the rays- were belie-
ficiaL Dr, Filien . deolde,t1 to study the
reneetiOn:, seleatifioally,' and hi dis-
thO. rOSPILS .
Dr„ Niels' Ryber.g. inen was a Dan-
ish PhO'1dPia4,- taldnOla.,for hls *)0204-.
- titan. 'af' 'Solar aha:'1616tria hayea to ilia
• cure ,at. *eases, of ..the:alcin, eepeciel-
&Alga* Hertablislied manWorhs
'rit ,theosabjett, of ;light ,Cnres, In 1903
.heereeeiVed.' the Nobel prize: in Medi -
pamd6,Islattele; on* December' 16;1860,
anicl•died af,Oepenhagen on'.Septeinber
.•.•ThoUghtleseness Checked,
• ."Olitt.'after' haul.* i,gata, hey?" said
lie father • -
.late,"• replied.,the
• '".r:
""*61,/-, .go'it:once td, YOu,r Poolla; ei•to
OOlt Yourself in and bring, Me the keY.
•, This thoUghtlealtea,•,nnYSt' be' ablealt".
latish said ti
taittSrdk1 lbe teriteated
vt,d3bing: wiPh
1114.d BitY-4-• nrimrs,- Prigi-hf
Eyes and osy Cheeks.
• The girl who returns home tram
School Or fie= werk thoroughly tired
out will be fortaxiate if she es•ca,p•es
Physical breakdown, because •this get-
ting tired so easily is proTaably the
first warning- symptom of a 'thinalin'g•
blond that Must not be dieregarden
her health is to be preserved.
When •the bioo.EL becoMeo thin and.
impure the patient becomes Palo. She
not only tires oat easily. but often suf-
fers from headaches, palpitation of the
heart, ditzY spelta and a lase et aPPei.
• In this con.ditio-n. Dr. Williame' Pink
• Pills will be tonal to have a heneficial
action on the biped. • Miss Delima ,La.
freniere; St. Ambrose, Mane .has
proved this in her down ce.Se and ad-
vises- others to use these pills, She
sa.,vs: "Before I began the use of Dr.
^Williams' 'Pink Pills I felt like a cone
Plete wreck of, my former -Self. My
blood was poor and thin- 1 uffered,
• from faint and dizzy spellee ,and had
baekaches and hea,daches alnioSt every
day:. idecitled to •give Dr. :Virgil:Mays'
,Pink Pills a trial, and by the -time I
had used threeboxes felt much bet-
ter, and.,Isteentinued taking^:the pilis
until: I felt as.Vvell as I eVer).d. For
what the.yedid in my Case 1.4t011Ot re-
commend theee pills. too ,lilighly."
• - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills caa be obe
taimedf fro -m. any dealer -in medicindepr
by mail at 50 cents a boxor Slar-b*oxes
fin:42,60 from The, Dr,Wittia)As•!.i iviedi.-
;cine;Co,•-,' Brockville; Onte,
Five Pairs of Brothers.,
• Among the 42 names on the relit of
honor .unvelled. at Butibridge •Churehe
1 near Go,dallning„ Begland, :are ,five
paire elf"br&theat", inaiditigipt-Weretnie
Dun g'
He SpOr4 a BeigrhOlti
HogYid y BeforoiSotting,00
(tio the- 'Rip to India*
• Neweedespateb.ee bali of the etrentl-
otid effielal visit to India el the prince
of Walee, They do not tell, berwever,
of -the strain under wbiali. 'the Prince
la.bous on. trips Of stape:Nor do they
iriferin the public of the rigid train-
ing he,ines,t undergo te keep fit. A
rbyal visit to India always is' trying.
The pretent trip is probably; the most
trying yet undertaloeu by the imperial
For this reason. the aura ot romance
*blieh sl,u'retintds,. the yating naan who
is barely ''seeing- it through is intensi-
-led :rather than dimirtigherl • by• this
great ambitesationial adventure. Even
the oadinary perstins _who in ordinary.
circumstances visits. India ,Can hardly
return from that'land of Princes, pa-
'gantry- and purple ;skies :without be-
ing .11asvelitedrl'inethe mind .04 'the stay
at horce:With asuspicion 9pitis glara-
491u7.,, wia,p4y, thoPaqe pr ,wales re-'
tarns he will be to the popular inind
In Britain a more romantic figure -than
e -ver.
Preparing. for India.
• But aIthoUgh he Is not obseseedwith
the „netien OPIViag it, the Subject
certainly ha§ a 'Comfortable- ehare- of.
his. thoughts, eThisewaSed'emonstrated,
daring hfs.1*."#fl.P. §OPI4,P•*44tioni
which uneXPectedly afforded me, an ,op-
portunity Of erudite:4.116 xmwts R,
leaserfroin the oal'es of gate. 'he went
diawri'4O-Briglitiall;11the''thetrepolis of
'the Sdutla. •cot, Witere,-•in%a .quint
and' quiet o1if1gSlarg1an Manor 'toupee,
he found: welcome freedom itroin the
werriee inoidental, to, thn solem.n. busi-.
neis 'of • Underatudy,ing a- king.
•IReyelties- often .'eatoosle • SeVerely;
of Lady Victoria Rowe and twiaibrAthee.
gegina. Pat;;S:tilgt.:4tajoi GrO+er.,
M.O.,. who faintly perfortnell the un.
veiling,ceremorey; •
".droppeclInto,collid• Water.
nardra:.• ril le,40:11is temper.
11154'11131' t*i*rILIAD OTItt
•ettrei ,,,enfo,liced, otherwiee, By d.
bacli'rtom of one cif the
half., doges or so vililad . that' overloolt The winter .seaSen 'is a ball
.nlanOir hcse. gi'nen' ono '0041411 the baby. He le:mere er iess •con$14tid.
watch belted: AgilYeLT tostafty,badly ventilated Monis- It
bent' to :0 tkl,St li4wn: nlowIngi,' CO" la 14.0 ,often••stormy" that.' the. Mother,
etepsPineete--,wipe, . (lase net 'get out" in- the" treett
. .
Variations—Sta'nley, Stanleigh, Stan -
Stanton, Stainthh, Stanlaw,
Racial Oril—Argo-Saxon:
Source --Localities.
Here is another group of Anglo-Sax-
on place names whieh hive become
faitily names. The foregoing varia--.
tions, hoWever, are -by no means, inch:,
sive of all the "stan" names,
. Thera are:inatty.variations of `,sta.r.."
in English names. • Itseems, as there
are variations. of "smith"; perhaps
mare, though there are not sod ina.ni-
families bearing them:
The "stilige" !!..staiia" in -these names
Ls eimplyethe Anglo-Saxon t,or "steno."
Thusthe -family name of Stanford has
situ** been .derived froml. place,
which, •if weie 'naming; it to -day,.
we'd probably eall "Stoney -Ford." .
Stanleigh Stanlay, when the lat-
ter'is not an AngliCized form of the
Polish gleien naive ''of Stainislaws or
Stanielaus, _Meant !originally a ston.ey
meadowlands Stanfield is' easiikY Seen
aa stoney field. • The "ten". in. Stanton
is the old Anglo-Saxon "tun," 'front
which. our word "town" has come. • It
meant an enclioeure.
FinUalY, Stanlaw eorees. from "stan"
and "lavve,": "Inavet'oor
the et nalo-Saxon, simpled a - amaiS
h• ULl'Ateri. -At the ,period , When family
n.atries began to farmi'netnee 'of -Owns
and •Plaoes sach as MOB Were -Used to
designate Persians- who forme-rly. lived
in theme -not -these who, lived in 'them
at the time, far inethat .eaSe the name
wOuld. lose its 'valitte as an identlficad,
then; for there would be no reasda why
it Shaitld borne:by one resident any
more. than another. :
, Origin. -E rig lista,
,Source -e -An• acaupation& •
Thereseteme, to .be an .almost nevete.
ending. souree'dof eurnameS the. ec--
eupatient England, net-
Withitandigig the fact that in 'those
daYS' the 'number, of ;occupations and',
prefFssions _was moreelimited than in
ear! highly PPeeiallieed industrial and
cammereial organization to -day. .
• Draper, is 'ogle of these, the Eng-.
lishinali the:: acture ot this; tanaily
nartie presents in.ystei7; for the
word -is atili everyday •trade nee in
Itis eayeetaye But though the same
-trade exists in Canada, -the trade name
is seldom met with.
, The, “draperr is a dry ,goods mer -
'chant, And he was back in the Mid-
dle -Ages, at the period' when popula-
tione began to expand go rapidly that
iii the individual communities •there
were not en.ough given names ,fiti go
around,. and a man's neighbors and
acqUalitteatOe*la Spee,king to, •lidna took
tO „the mention; iog odenpatrien or his
parentage . to dietingtiieh him from
• some Other'who' bore till same given
Theta. thefamily name of Draper was
originally descriptive the Mercane
tile calling. of „itS,,heareial; aptly was.
Preceded by "le," meaning "tlie.l,".
The' prefik, hci*evet, in later. gene -
•rations, Was, drolMed aS useless after
„the...name became a, family one and
ceased to be merely' descrip,tive. '
A "balanced diet". may sound
confusing- to m ny peopie
• The facts, exPlainefi
• here, are simple:.
Thesecretnf a "balanced diet" is to have food
containing all the elements needed for proper
nutrition. Th eae elements are protein, to nourish
the tissues; srarChund sugar tie furnish energy;
fat to supply -heat; and mineral salts to provide
the niaterial ;necessary for building nerves, krain,
and tooth and bone strticture.
. Grape -Nuts, the nourishing cereal made of
whole Wheat flour and malted barley; served with
cream or milk, is.a.e'on106te food for' yootig and
old alike.
Go to your grocer today and. get a package of
Grape -NOS.- Eat'. it with, unlit or 'cream
• breakfait; or with Stewed fruit, jelly or js.tro, as a
delicious dessert..forneh,
Every' rtifillabertheigmilwill,)e,Estk tri
palatableand nourishiriVfood-=-
uts the'Etody Btliitde
'4111here's a Reason
ivmd bY cAttodittu ,P4stuti'04fdo, LW" 'n Ot„
14 face with •lathe bundirerchipf. I as often as she should. /-1e catches
That VMS the Prince of Walee getting colds which melt brie liltia eyeteron tits
tte n el 1 b wel gat ut qf rde1!
fit foreIne.a. _tie ear ca oza Lam so
the tonFiline evealr morning and 'MOM; and Je becomee peevith and croas,
afternoons. There was no doubt about To guard against quz the mother
his taking the job serri•ous1;,r, • stbuld Iceep a box of Baby's Own Tab -
His daily regimen was, ilmt of the lets in the house. They regulate the
eensible holiday Maker rather than etonlaCh and bowels and break up
that of the ,gPt•fit math eathuziast. colds, They are sold by medicine
RelaXation wee :Its- keynote, a mall dealers or by mall at 25 cents a boX
balance of strennousnels being sup- from The Dr. Wi11tams1 Medicine 00.,
plied by the moWing,^ 13rockvillei Out,
Izt the morning garbed. in rough
•tweed% he motored to the e.eae neee, ' Got film to
Published reports lad it that he con.- It was time for baby -girl to he put
SistentlY carried aft gil the bona. As to bed, • but no amount of coaxing
a golfer, hnweVer, the Prince did not eculdetake her. At last her father of -
and dnes not distinguish himself, Un- fered to lie on the bed until elle fell
like some other ro3ralties one mold asleep.
name, he doee not expect t -win be -
Cause he is wile 4c is.. .He was vever-
al times saundly ,beat -en at I -love, and
cheerfully admitted the fact..
• Returning at noon, lie would shed
Ms coat and get to work on. the lawn.
la this connection he said jocularly
ta tbe gardener i "I'll send you my bill
when I get back. It'll be ff
pretty sti
---labor's gone up, you know!" He
further' observed on another occasion
• i
Oft she went, "pick -a -back," and the
tired =titer leaned back in her chair
with a sigh of eenteht, ready fer
hard -darned rest.
Ten miautes-, twentY, half an hour,
and she was wondering when father
would be down, when Ail at onoe she
heard a soft, stealthy "pit -a -pat"
Nearer came the steps, and then a
little white -robed figure, with a tiny
finger on her lip, stood in the doer -
hush, marver," she saidt
"I's got farver to sleep,"
h"at a ma,n must penal) re if he' t
s. o
keep ,fit.'`" A Prince who believes in
Perapiration must,eurely be an inepira7
lien! .
Fellolving lunch came another spell
of mewing, and then a aeries of ganlee
'of Olbekr. gait, • of Which the, Prince
n'eveii" tired.' Sea bathing figured hills
Pragre,Mine an two, cooasioise a hun-
dred 'yards r sprint preceding them.
The. contestants Were. the Prince,. the
.Duke*tif Yerk add their 'two equerries,
and' the. Prince won by a matter, of
'yards each time. He shapes better in
rarreeitg events than in almost any
other form of athletics, except those
Free from Caces of State.
A favorite -evening diversion was a
walk ailing the premenade, -when the
best knowri • 'young Man. in Europe
mingled ^ ae, freely with his ':father's
subjeete. as '-"anY 'lattliciay- ;making 'clerk
or• shop assistant: • Outside • the
groun•da of the house he enjOyeds pare,
doxieally enough, his greatest freedom
among the crowds that packed the
promenade, and piers, Wh•ere 110-01326
WOttld have mistaken him for any one
but ad ordinary- holiday making young
num, enjoying the heat and the crush
and his solitude, particularly his eoli-
tude, ftso the mi.
• Bedtime was rarely after II o'clock,
• the hour. before which was mostly
possekin listening to the gramophone.
The Prince readno hooka and very.
fee:, newsPaPers cinring hie va.cation,
NTvhereemoatY ravtutmare; IansadIV liniSttieeah/orlisne:-
terest; saw signs of a. novel any-
Yo-ung M. an has, it seems,
a lively interest in music. He can
i:lay the piano moderately well, but is
a be.tter audience • than •executant
Even street music interests him, as
witness the following:
One morning • a barrel organist
brought his instrtunent to a standatill
near ,the house and began his reper-
toire of sadly ha.cloneyed refrains. Ex-
cept for a sun-tanned young man in a
blue shirt, apen at the throat, leaning
over some rusty railings, Close to the
road, and some urchins playing noisily
on• the pavement, the scene was de-
serted. In fact, from the business
point of view a -worse pitch for a
street musician could hardly be found.
• Presently the instrumentalist came
to his lest air—"Bubbles." The tune
-sot the ur•chins la -la -tag lustily, while
the hlu.e-slairted young fellOw started
tia whistle gayly When the lest note
•sounded with a thump and a rumble,
the organ grinder, who had thus
iehieved diertinetion without knowing
it, p,aused expectantly a moment, then
swung awayup the road and so out of
sight, 'while lildwand Prince of, Wales,
still whistling blithely, sauntered back
to resume his- mowing.
The result of my quizzing. has lett
me with the distinct and passibly
satisfying impreasion. that, here is a
young man who, having foun,d that the
rates haVe cheated him of the ordin-
ary young nran'e heritage, has, never-
theless, resolved to faoe his destiny
cheerfully and dutifigly.
• An average young man, bora Prince
of Wales and bearing the responsi-
bility more manfully that meat of us
Would bear it-- this is how I would
sum the heir to Britain's kingstitla
the course of a few days it will turn
Plant Sense.
something like intelligence is often
exhibited by plants. If, during a dry
season, a bucket of water be placed.
near a growing • pumpkin or melon, in
front its course, and get at least one
of its leaves In the water.
f/ ---
Fun is the cheapest and
• best medicine in the world
for your children as, well as
-for yourself. • Give it to
• them. M good large doses. It
will not only sae you doc-
tPre 'bu I,Ii1.,f4s0
help to Make your ellildten
happier, and will' improve
tliefr chanees in fl, ., We
• athtild , not need half so
,many prisons y irisane asy-
lums,, antl'alnishouSes'if. all
Very Unlucky.
'Why dran't You Marry?",
"Ito very unluoky! Zvery tina
Meet a fanillY 1 woad Ake bona
into 1 find they have no. daughter.'
• Gracefully Pleased,
A British railway official teas of a
tourist In Ireland who left the traia
at every station and went ahead to the
luggage van to ask if hits trunk was
safe. After the sixth time tile exas-
perated guard replied:
"Begorra, 1 wish the'Lord had Wade
Iye an elephant instead an aSs, and
then, you.'d* always have yestr trunk itt
trent of you,"
• •
Certainly N,ots
Two neighbors were., cluitting over
the fence when Mre. Bailey passed.
"Pretty wi-man, Mrs. Bailey!" re-
tina:Need done. "Who :-was ale?"
"I have forgettah, Here's hen little
boy, I'll ask him.. Frank, who was
your mother before she IV= married?"
Frank regarded his questioner
I gravely. "She wasn't my inothee be-
fore She was married," he replied
The safe way to send Money by niail
is -by Dominion Express Money Order.
• Obliging.
A custareer'(after the shop assistant
bas pulled down •eirery:thing, even to
the- .last pa,chageof hairpins)—"You
don't' aPPeat to 'hare any gumPti.on at
all; my man.",
The assiatant' (p6life1y1 -- "No
ma'am.. But we shall be pleased to
procure it 'far your ma.'ams."]
Chicago, 111,
On y a medicine of truly wonder-
ful merit could have done what Tailatt*
did for me and there is nothing halt ,
good- enough' for me t) say about
severely. „ eaid Miss Frances "Nrewman
The Ruling Passion.
A number of darkeys were unload:
ing a boat with a cargo of airellin. tor
which they received two cents • for
each anvil carried ashore.
Jose---"Cap'n, if I carry two anvils
at a -time how much do I get?"
• Calr'n--"Two cents each, boy."
Jose started dowh the plaak when
it broke and he fell in to the river
with the:two heavy anvils. When he*
came' to the, surface, he cried: "Cap-
tain! if youlli, (103. -et throw me a rope
ree"gwire t' ditcp these bare anvils an'
Minarcls Liniment:for arget In Covva lose float to' •cents "
Bavaria has a suspension bridge
with but one tower, the table -s, at the
CIA ihed-AdVertise
Hirsch St., Chi -cage -
don t think anybody ever suffered
any more from indigeatien than -I did
and, for Over a year 1 was in wretched
health. I had smothering spells and
my heart palpitated so violently t
thought 1 had heart trouble, , but
know now it was all caused from my
"Since taking Tanlae I feel and leak
like a different person. I have a epleca
did appetite and my digestion is just
perfect. I sleep otot oy nine hears
every night and get no 1 .the mora-
ing, feeling fresh and happy. Mr
,:friends tell me I'ra always smiling not
and I certainly ought to he, fax I'm en.
3oymg hie again,
Tanlac is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Advt.
• rock lahiff.
'tither • enici being anchored in high• ,
' • 1,'OltiOW,"101111'elVs,l'Oa'0% eery ee'•kri;be the country?
1hy le it that• when the IraTidaya
.„•At,r, 151-ariPq-.19:t".", ;-1e01,..."•!., AN -9 vefeler-'..eateeke1 ,atonimt, moat city folk ars
beeeeteeeporevata iowee
luttbrlears Ploueer 1:110e* Moni`soden
Book- on
and How to Feed
Alailed Free to liny Ad-
dress by the Author.
It. Ora•Y"G1o*er 06.43trto.
118 West Slot 'Street
New York U.S
snir,,peo :se
• lificos tri-Oannak:"TORK etereriero 0.01e
115 YORK, streEtiT, TORONTO,
• "Cascarets" if Sick
Mous, Headachy
• From the Boweb
Mothor Clean
Child's Bowels With
California Fig -Syrup
Even a sick child loves the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the
little tongue is coated, or it your child
is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
or hae oOlic, give a teaspoonful to
cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few
hours you can sae 'for yourself how
thoroughly it works all the constipa-
tion poison, sour bile and waste out of
the bowels-, and you have a well, play-
ful child again,
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
spoonful to -day saves a sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for
genuine "California Fig Syrup" which
has directions fax babies and children
of all ages printed' on bottle. Mather!
You must say "California" or you may
get an imitation fig syrup.
theprevention of pains
after eatiratflatulence,
headaches,bilioneness, con.
stipation and other disagree-
able forms of
no remedy is so justly -famed rs ,y$
Mother Seigel's Syrup, the
stomach and liver tonicwith 44,
50 yeareirepuEtaRtiot•
• ivani.
• Get a 10 -cent box now.
You men and women who can't get
feeling right --who have headache,
coated tongue, had taste and fail
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are
eisa, nerv-aus aud upset, bothered With
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have a baclecald. Aro you lzeeping your
bowels clean with Cascarete, or mere-
ly forcing a pas.sageway every few
days with salts, cathartic pills or CM -
tor oil? Cas,carets work while you
sleep; oleans-e the stomach, of Saar, fer-
menting food and foul gases; take the
'excess bile from liver and carry out of
the system all the, canstipated poison
in the bowels, A Casca.ret physic to-
night will straidebtea y -on thit by morn-
FORhas been the .squickeit relief for
forty years Sloan's Liniment
neuralgia., sciatica and rheuma-
tism, tired muscles, lame backs, spaticta
and strains aches and pains.
i i
Keep Sloan's handy and apply freely,
without rubbing; at the first twinge.
It cases and brins comfort: surely
and readily. You'ilbfind It clean and
non -skin -staining.
Sloan's Liniment is paiihes enemy-.
Ask your neighbor.
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
1 Made in Canada. 9
WARSTING! Say "Bayer', when you buy Aspjrin,.
unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting Aspirin at all, Why take chalices?
'Accept otily an "unbroken package" Of "13ayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose tidiked ciut"by
•'physicians during 22 year and proved sato by millions for
Colds •Headache' Rhetinlatism,
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache •Lumbago • Pain, Pain
Handy '4ta7er" bOxes of 12 tablets--Altio bottles of 24 and 100,--4)ruggisto.
Antitrint tap tract() niailc (registered in Canaan) ot neyer Manufacture of Nfanc.
acotioaciaroter*t Salicyllonclit, • Willie It is well hnown that Aspirin tnearqs 13nyer.
tatulufneturs„tetr,sstat the ouutic xigaltat liuttattono, tixi, Tabiots et Beyer teitnpatiy
*Il-tio Lotattriod 1:tta their goterai trtvta nte.r1r, the "Sayer Cress,"
LAN bi SA L -T
Bulk Carliots
Lumberman's Friend;
The Original and Only Genuine
"Danderine" cos -i
only 35 cents a bottle.
One application ends all
dandruff, stops itching
and falling lair, and
in a few moments,
snou have doubled the
beauty of your hale.
It will appear a mass
so soft, lustrous, and
easy to do up. But what
will please you most
will be after a feW
weeks use, when you see
new hair—fine and
downy at first---yes--
but really new ;hair.
growing, all -over the scalp. "Dander -
'me" is to the, hair 'batfresh showers
of rain -and sunshine are- ta vegetation.
It gscigkIs to the foots, invigorates
and strengthena them, This delightful,
stimulating tonic hel13 thin, lifelearn
faded, hair to grow lone.t think heavy
and 1-antriant.
Clatitura:For 111
Skilot Jrzitatlions
Bathe with Cuticura (36ap abcl hot water
.to free the pores of traperitica and folloW
with a gerttle appllostioa of Outicura plat.;
meld to soothe mid heals ' Tbey arc Meat.
for the to:let, ae b alSoCuVottial'alcutrt
;for perfuming,
Sozlid, 0lotoolit2haillilio.lAloitoar... SOIsI
• tliroughouttlioPoinititua, cantidiattiootion
• IL tit NjAixifted, 344 St. Pahl St, W.,88eattettl...
11 , Latisteaf8orote•olitivos wiltN:int toot.
ISSUri [44, ft --40.