HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-01-19, Page 5Thure daay, jail, 19th, i o22/
• 1' F •J t'.
JNOtiAM ;,n ) ANC A
tr $ rililt ll $l a tli tl ll a i«tl itl i it da ►tfl Idit1t1i61 t1 ii /1t1i16i1t /Ota 'ka k i W ag . Sh 'rIi survavad li"x onee,aatughler
... .
sem who resides in Buffalo, Her Son, ;Jas. G•
ro Anderson' died just one year ago ands e
00ds at Reduced pr„,es!"-' has bet n .e trrd for since there by" her
brother John the Funeral ere be held
on 1 ue Joh to Greenhill cemetery.
-' " - -d..-- net Lucknow, Senor ho ktev ant eau
to a good start on Friday team m
night in Kin-
cerdlne when they defeated the home
team 8 3. The gam. was a real snappy.
exhibitwn of hockey. Lucicnow had to
use two of rte jitrliors some of the seniors
being uneble to get' away but we doubt if
they could have done any better
I). D G. M, David .Robertson of
Glatitis, was prest•nt'on Friday night to
install the ofctrs of Lucknow Lodge.
No 112 I 0 0, F which he did after
seeing some 01 toe- work put on. The
I fficers ate ere lollo s: J. P. G.. Robt.
Johnston: N G . Archie Barbour; V. G.
McLean Johnston; R. S., Ernie Aitchison:
F S., Dr Paterson; .Treas.,' A1exaRossi
1. G., Chas Ct ok; 0. G Jas. Nixon;
War;, Horace Aitchison; Cone. Sal Plow -
right; R. S.• N. G., Fred Nixon; L. S. N.
G Wm, Atrn-taeng;,R S. V. G 'Wm,
Locl'art: L. s V. G., A. Orr; R ' S S.
Al :inter Hughes; L. S. S Robt, .Buchan.
en; Chap, Ross' McMillan. After instals
lati'n was ct mpleted speeches were in
order Eacn oflicrr and visitor, said a
few worth and the D. D G. M., ;o eke, at
some length ui the course` of which he
con rat ulated . Lucknow Lodge for the
very efficient manner in which their 'Work
was cane, and also remarking that
Lucks ow was the banner lodge of this
dit•trict. A oyster supper was served at
Palmer's restaurant and at which every
one did themselves justice.
'1 he fourth Chautauqua concert was
given in Can egia Hall n Saturday even -
mg by 0, apeta and Company and was of
a high class .order: but the attendance
was very small
Miss Bello Robertson has taken over
the millinery department. from Mr. Con-
nell and will irpen a store one door east of
Geo S. Robertson's. n's. Miss Robertson is
in Torot:to this week selecting her stock
and will be open about March let.
LUcknow wril have a Chinese restaurant
in the near fulure in the old Sentinel
stand It hae been r11 re -modeled, paint-
ed and papered and is a very attractive
SI nr1
t. .
..tee r.....
°° -
Our Conds are the Beat—slur F.riregRight. Terms, Cash, Produce ' an it re'
..... ee-
..0I,EIt1#IiTI11tIMMIt$91TIMYl11gYTlIi1T19iTt1 WTtl119Ryi1tIM1 ttl9Ytll.. I ., , ..ab
Sweater Coats, Knitted Goods, Caa.t.
lugs, Hosiery, Underwear, Men's
Fur Coats, Overcoats, Suits
SWEA TE'1tt' COA TS—In loin's, 1 dies' and child .
Fen's in`pullovers, tuxedo and coat styles at greatly reduced prices,
I+; .1ITTED C00295 --Scarfs, sets, carps, childrens
scarfs toquesm underskirts. mitts and gloves, and all lilies or knit ed w -
goods at popular prices, .r+•.
COATIAIGS- All wool coating in heavy materials of
heathers, silvertones and plain cloths, special ^oductions at half a "A
CUJVDE?.WEA R—Ladies' fleece Vest. while and nat-
ural union ,treats long sleeves, large sizes. Drawers to match reg.
$1,00 and 1,25 for 89c each „^ ..
BLOO E S—Grey fleece lined .bloomers, knee length este.
liO.SIER3 • All wool heavy ribbed hose; Cor ctibbed L
cashmere hose and plain fine English cashmere hose reg 1 25 and
1.50 for 95c pair.
full' bloomer style Special 89c pair.
BLA.,AKETS • All wool -Blankets made ae'iecrea long
wool yarns in 8 to 9 lbs., Special prices and genuine value,.
3 only •Russiax Log Coats made jet black whole 6 ken, quilted
lined. very servicable and, of good appearance, regular $65 ,,tedue-
ed to $44.75.
3 only Brown.Wallaby coats, full quilted lined deep ct liar,
reg. $7 , reduced to 44 75.
3 heavy Curl Coats,; extra -good quality quilted ktned. deep'
shawi artier, regular 35.00, reduced to $24 75.
NOTICE—Ail accounts are now due and must be'settied at once.
The Old Time skate field in the rink on
'Thursday night was well attended.
Mrs. Con. D.deker is'visiting her -Mother-
at Milverton.
The Women's Institute wilt hold' their
semi-Jublee••in"Februal-y/' '
Mr. N. Wint'erstein and Mr. Pryee
Naylor visited in Flint. Mich, last week.
Mrs. Mowbray and' •two 'children of
Illuevale, were visitors with hert,ist.r
Mrs.' Colin McDonald at St. Helens.
Mr. Russel Gilstorf 'has been enga>;ed
as saleman-with Cameron, Murdoch. and
Co. Mr. :Gilstorf comes from . Mount
Forest, where he had charge of the men's.
Clothing and shoe department of. R. Scott
Miss Belle Robertson purposes going to
Toronto next week,. to' select a stock of
millinery for spring and will open for
business about March the'frrst, next door
alio Mr. G. S. Robertson. .
Mrs, Williams of Buffatcr.. has . come
to take care:ot. her mother. Mar, • F •Ander-
son who
nderson'who is seriously ill.... Mrs, William. is
accompanied by her son•, Frank and
daughter Sadie.
Mr. Garfield -MacDonald 'is„ home fratn
Saskatchewan -and will spend the remain-
der of the winter.withhis parents
Misses Jean and Myrtle Ritchie of
Zion, left last week to attend business
college at Wing -ham.
Lucknow, Tan. 16th, 1922
At the last regular meeting of Old Light
e A
g F. A f on.,Rt. Woe $o D
Loa ` g o tiro. Ir.
Paterson installed the following officers
I Pt. M -N.' G. McKenzie; W. M.—T.
S Reid Se Ws—Jahn McQuaig; J W
Geo, Ste-at/art; I. G.- Robert Brown; 0.
G.— G. Moore; S. D.—R. V. McKer tie
•J D, -E. Hodgins; S. S.—E. Mfier; J.
S.—A. Hughes; D, of C —E Aitchison.
Bros Paterson is one of the oldest mem-
bers of the lodge and for years has regu-
larly installed the officers.
On Thursday last the funeral of Ken.
nett] McIver was held from his late resi-
dence, Lake Ranee,. Ashfield The late
Mr-.McIverearly , in the fall .was .ridin2.in,
an automobile when. ,the car struck an
obstacle and h was thrown agair st a rib
in the top, striki to hi's,l-wad. Fr lh that
time he complaihsd iii a pelt; in his' head,
and finally an absc'ss formed on the
brain and [or months. he had sufferedin-
tense pain and death re'ieved his suffer-
ing ' on Tuesrley. Mr. McIver was 56
years rf age and leaves a widow and one
'daughter The fu eras w's held to Kin -
tail cemetery and was in charge of Old
Light Lodge A. F & A. M. of which: the
deceased was a member.
One of Lucknow's old residents passed
away on. Sunday after a rather, lengthy
illness in the person of Mrs Joseph
Anderson. Mrs. Ander-nn was nearly
$0 years of age and she had 'resided, in
Lucknow practice lv all h r life. Her
maiden name was Frances Mc11ee and her
e rellE Y3MA' u:R a eater
"JF YOU want a-real"job done. on. your Ford:take
it to* -A.• M..Cracvford's" has recome a slogan ,with
Ford -owners for miles around. 21
A complete stock of Genuine Ford' Parts always
on. hand a staff of mechanics "raised on the .Ford"
account for the reputation we have earned of doing
a better'job in less time than it usually takes.
if you have not yet experienced this `better ser-
vice" permit us to 'suggest that,you do' - so without
delay. Without any obligation to .you we will be
glad to give you an estimate for anything from a
minor repair•,to ;a, complete overhaul ..of either your
Ford. Car pr Truck.
Run:you car in no ,•,: before the Spring rush starts
C a*ford Dealer, Win am , Chit..
Miss Mary Hamilton of London, is with
her aunts, the Muses Burgess, who are
both very ill.
Miss Gladys Rivers spent a few' weeks
with her parent," in towns
Mr. Garfield MacDonald is home from
the west having solo hie farmout there.
Mr. Gilstort is the new clerk at Camer-
on's'& Mur'doch's state. He comes from
Mt. Forest and has had several years ex-
Mr. Ed Cousins and family who re-
cently sold their house to Mr. Allan Tur-
ner, have moved into W. G. McMillan's
house on Station street. Mr. Turner, who
bought -ler Ackert share in ; Ackert and
Ratnwell silo .• etore, is moving to town.
Mr. Earl Mallough leaves this week for
Prince Albert, Sask. to resume his posi-
tion as travelling salesman. • He was home
attehdng.his . father's funeral and also
winding up the estate.
The remains of the late Mrs. Gordon who
pass d away at Rainy Rivera were brought
to,Lucknow and interment was made in
Lochalsh Cemetery on Monday. At one
time the Gordon family lived at Lochalsh
abere Mr. Gordon was the blacksmith.
The stirring story that will
never grow old. Pic-
turized from the
book by Anna
A sleigh -load from ' the 4th, Con. of
Kinloss, spent a pleasant evening at the
home of ea. and Mrs. John Falconer on
Mrs. Frank Vanner of'Winghann,spent
the week -end at the hurtle of Mr• and
Mrs. JaserCornelius.
Mr Hari is Purdon of St. Helens, visit-
ed for a couple of days last week - with
his uncle, a'1r.Wd5. Pnrtlon,
The U. Be 0. have commenced this
pastweek to ship hogs to Toronto;'
They did extra well for the first time,
Miss Nora Falconer' is spending the
week with friends and relatives around
Langside •
• Mr Fred Thompson made a busiuess
trip to Toronto hist week.
Mss Alba Fore visited last week with
her aunt, Mrs. Humphrey of St. Helens,
Mr and Mrs Roland Henderson attd
baby, Heebner, have been visiting for
the past week with their parenis, Mr..
and Mrs Thos. Henderson of the Blue -
vale Rd. -
The Young 'People had a' party at the
house of Mrs. Garton Sr. ou Tuesday
night and itt Mr. acrd Mrs, Wm. Pardon's
un Wednesday night.
--Mr, Chas Rintonl spent a day last
week at the borne of Mr. and 11rs. Will
Artstroeg of Lucknow.
Miss Bertha MacKay of .Wingbam,
spent Sundays. under the parental roof.
Mr. end Mrs. Alert. Mowbray motored
from Dungannon on Thursday and, spent
the Friday with their parents, Mx, and
Mrs. job Mowbray, '^+.,,'
Mrs, Geo' Garton and Olive are visit-
ing this week in Kitchener.
Mrs. Will Humphrey of St. Helens is
visiting with her sister, Mrs, Andrew Fox
Mr, and 11,4rs. Hawser( and daughter)
Eva, of Lonclon,Bngland, spent last week
with their cousins, lVlr. and Mrs. Jae
Mrs. Williams of Clinton, who has
been visiting with Mr, nand Mrs Joe
ifoltnes.for the past two weeks,_ returned
home on Saturday'
C:1acl to report that ,Mrs, Will \Forster is
progressing salrely,
Miss Hazel Wock of Tcevereter, who
was visiting with M't. and leis. Wesley
Leggett last week, returned ooreeoft Sat.
turkey. •
Tee U F. 0. wijl hold a social eveir.,,
idg in the Form:tees 11a11 on ''i"hutedey
evening of next • week. •7Mr. David
Andrews will ire, present tied . t til exbibit''
several slides detonstreting Agtitlll t lraa
Mr. Warr. Robinson of Goderich, visited
at the home of Mr. J. McKinrley during
the pawl week,
On the 1,01h of January, Lee lireeket-
ridge's deg caught, and killed a ground
hog across the road in Anson Thorn- an'a
field, a
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Black of Howick,
have been visiting old neighbors here in
the past weep.
Mr. Joseph McKinney entertained a
number of friends on Friday evening of
last week in honour of Mrs. G. Mitchell.
Pleased to say Mr. Andrew Grey, Sr .
15 improvi' g,
Mrs. Jos. Curtis has been visiting her
sister. Mrs. Jas Curtis for a fe,w days.
Mrs. Wm. Dulmage of'Idarriston, spent
a few days with her cousins Mrs. James
Mt ffatt and Mrs. J. Fell.
A pleasant and profitable afternoon was
spent on Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Wm. Fraser by the Women's
Institute in the neighborhood of twenty-
five being present.
Mrs 'Glady Mitchell who has been
spending the past few weeks' with her
cousin. Mrs Jos. McKinney returned to
Goderich accompanied by Messrs Wm.
and Eldon McKinney on .her return trip
to Vancouver.
Mr. Albert Hughes is spending the
winter with Mr. Jas. Peacock.
Mrs Pitba;do and baby from near'
Goo. rich. is spending a few weeks with
-her parents. Mr and Mrs. John John-
sto , 1st line of Morris. .
Mr. Harold Thompson has been visiting
Bluevale friends.
The regular 'monthly sheeting of the
Ladies Aid Society of Knox church was
held at the home of Mrs B. Geddes on
Wed, Jana 11th,, when officers were elect-
ed for the year 1922. Mrs Geddes very
kindly' served tea at the close of the
The following are the officers:
Pres.—Mrs. J Anderson.
Vice Pres Mrs A Porterfield.
Sec.—Mrs. W. J Geddes.
Treas.—Mrs lvlunro.
Organist--M"rs. Scaudrett. i.
Asst. Organist—Mrs. Miller.
Press. Sec. --Mrs. Porterfield.
Auditors—Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wray and son,
Thvnne„of Woodrow. Sask. are visiting
with the formtr's mother, Mrs. Wray.
Miss Muriel Camp'aell of Clinton, spent.
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Campbell.
Mr. Harry itorgie returned lionie after
spendingsometiase with wends at earn -
mins, New Ontario
Mr. Neil Reid of Paisley, attended
the funeral of Ma. James on Saturday.
dayA numnightb,er of the Forester members' on
the 10th. attended the. Oyster supper at
Mr Sterling Haskins, Howick. lastTues-
Mr. and Mrs. WYO. H. `Mundell attend-
ed the funeral of a friend in Brussels 'one
day last week.
Mrs. S tm Marshall spent a few days
recently with her mother, Mrs, Shoe -
bottom in Wingbam.
The community was greatly shocked
to hear of the sudden death of Mr.
Thomas P. James.. The deceased was
sixty-four years of age and had been in
good health until he received, a scratch
ou :.is band which developed into blood-
poisoning and he passed. away 'eerly
Tuesday morning. He leaves to tnourn
his loss, a widow and two sons, John at
home and Charles of the West, who have
the syvipathy of the whole community.
Mr. James was of a cheerful and jolly
disposition and was always ready to take
an active part when needed. He attend-
ed Bodies' Church and was highly e:s
teemed by a]9 who knew him The
pallbearers were: Messrs: Win. Campbell,
David Wallace, Win, Mitchell, Jana s
Porter, Wm. Chandler and Writ. Jenkins.
The remains were laid to rest in Wiag-
ham cemetery on Saturday afternoon, _
graveRev. r, Tate officiated at the hoose and
ua • • $ Is ■ wr%, an i1t► ttirq► re i
Our entire shock ablaze w l still bar its--;
Prof its forgotten during ,this big 14- days
Sale. Conte and see for yourselves. Be-
low are briefly listed only a few of the
Big Specials for Saturday next.
Men's all wool beavy Hose only .. ..39c pail”
Men's fine Heather Cashmere Hose, only :, ... . ..39c pai-
Men's Overalls and Ste -melts only 1 49
Men's heavy Work Shirrs only•, • ...... , ...1 25
Men's fleece lined Underwear only . . , ........ .75a
Men's all wool 'Underwear only.....................................1.......'5(0
Men's fancy Dress Shirts, , ... .. .1 00 each
M en's all Linen Collars, 2 tor .. 25C:
Every item Is a saving •.f about 40 to 50 per
Cent. in the L ^ dies' Dept.
20 doz ladies' Vests and Drawers, etc, worth 1.50 to MO each to
clear at ... .50c,'75c and 1.00t'
Cashmere Hose. 8ti, to 10, values worth $1, only . . , ... 49c pair
Heather Hose at a big saving.. ,. , .. 69c paitk
Boys'and twirls' heavy all wool over Stockings worth 85c. while
they last 490 pain
95c pair
half price
Tricolette Blouses, only a few lett to clear at
D. & A. Corsets a big special
Print and Towel Remnaaits at about
In the China 1- ept. So :: a Wonderf>lml Values
at 20 to 25 per cent.
Edtr..Special Ir Saturday Only
1000 cakes Palmolive Soap while the last 4 for .30c
No more or'no less to any customer
Laundry Soap, the big pound bar, 2 for .... 15r
Castile Soapbigloo bar, reg 25c, only ... 18c
Brooms at :a big saving only.:., 39c each
Spec is in Abu i.n
About MO0 pieces ouch as Tea Pots,
-large covered Saucepans and
Kettle?, values worth 13, only —1.98
Ter i'tas Strictly Cas l „. No Y o:it•ds on Approval
Ai? av , all .tiF •
Now is y,t.ur chance= -We need slue coney-..ViYo ;l need the merchan-
dise. The Select Ladies Bef.l 'y -to -We. r Co. have deelded f . ex.
tend their Sale for another week. H ndregis of people have not
seen our ire :.,i b,.asga:ails yet and we are g;ritng give you the oppor-
tunity for another week. Come, see the specials off reel to y
consider the values, taut left your sense of econo^ y guide you lin
palinal a liberal purclm -Isetl 4
a 0 Caitts p. q
Heavy wintei coats in all wool velours, silver!
tones, polos and, velours, trimmed with
fancy stitching end buttons, most of them
lined throughout, colors navy and brown.
Reg. $28.50 and 25.00, rale i.;lw s.... .' `c 50
Coats in all wool velours, with fur collars and
cuffs; reg. $$5, sale prem.. .. . ..... . . . . ..$29.00
Special Bargaips in Children's Coats, some with
fur collars, nicely lined` throughout, trim•
med with fancy stitching. 'leg. $10 and
7.50, sale price , . . , . , , , . 8.50 ans15, 00
Children's Skirts and Dress
$pecial.t'eduotlons on children's serge skirts and
• creases, Navy serge Skirts` 5 regular 3.95
sale price .
" Dresses its colours, Saxony blue, burgan'dy end
navy, reg. 5;05, sale price 4.50
-lied La
e. a SUii4S a -
A fe'w winter suits left, some fur collars, regular:
$45, sale price, . 37.50
. Dresses and Waists a
tieamine bargains in. Dresses and Waists its all.
styles and colors. Prlcea rar ging o n•
tresses from .,.. ..,.y00 -to -19.50
Priees ranging on Waists from ... , ,.1.50 to 5.95..
Blouse Dresses „,,
pen's House Dresses in several: diiierent
shades, regular $2 50 and 2,95, sale' price
..... .$1.25 and 1,98'
. " tosf ery
,Good Bargains in Hosiery—
Prices 15c 2 pair for •...25c
Prices 59c,'2 pair for. ......... .,. •.., 6.$1 00
Prices 79e, 2 pair for . , .. , .... , :... 3.45
d3rolthow ear
1--tead Nike, 448 Queen West, Toronto. Branches, Winghatn, Hammer trod Goderkch, Ont.
TA 4
A*f'-'2..e,,,- l
t,l = '
e rellE Y3MA' u:R a eater
"JF YOU want a-real"job done. on. your Ford:take
it to* -A.• M..Cracvford's" has recome a slogan ,with
Ford -owners for miles around. 21
A complete stock of Genuine Ford' Parts always
on. hand a staff of mechanics "raised on the .Ford"
account for the reputation we have earned of doing
a better'job in less time than it usually takes.
if you have not yet experienced this `better ser-
vice" permit us to 'suggest that,you do' - so without
delay. Without any obligation to .you we will be
glad to give you an estimate for anything from a
minor repair•,to ;a, complete overhaul ..of either your
Ford. Car pr Truck.
Run:you car in no ,•,: before the Spring rush starts
C a*ford Dealer, Win am , Chit..
Miss Mary Hamilton of London, is with
her aunts, the Muses Burgess, who are
both very ill.
Miss Gladys Rivers spent a few' weeks
with her parent," in towns
Mr. Garfield MacDonald is home from
the west having solo hie farmout there.
Mr. Gilstort is the new clerk at Camer-
on's'& Mur'doch's state. He comes from
Mt. Forest and has had several years ex-
Mr. Ed Cousins and family who re-
cently sold their house to Mr. Allan Tur-
ner, have moved into W. G. McMillan's
house on Station street. Mr. Turner, who
bought -ler Ackert share in ; Ackert and
Ratnwell silo .• etore, is moving to town.
Mr. Earl Mallough leaves this week for
Prince Albert, Sask. to resume his posi-
tion as travelling salesman. • He was home
attehdng.his . father's funeral and also
winding up the estate.
The remains of the late Mrs. Gordon who
pass d away at Rainy Rivera were brought
to,Lucknow and interment was made in
Lochalsh Cemetery on Monday. At one
time the Gordon family lived at Lochalsh
abere Mr. Gordon was the blacksmith.
The stirring story that will
never grow old. Pic-
turized from the
book by Anna
A sleigh -load from ' the 4th, Con. of
Kinloss, spent a pleasant evening at the
home of ea. and Mrs. John Falconer on
Mrs. Frank Vanner of'Winghann,spent
the week -end at the hurtle of Mr• and
Mrs. JaserCornelius.
Mr Hari is Purdon of St. Helens, visit-
ed for a couple of days last week - with
his uncle, a'1r.Wd5. Pnrtlon,
The U. Be 0. have commenced this
pastweek to ship hogs to Toronto;'
They did extra well for the first time,
Miss Nora Falconer' is spending the
week with friends and relatives around
Langside •
• Mr Fred Thompson made a busiuess
trip to Toronto hist week.
Mss Alba Fore visited last week with
her aunt, Mrs. Humphrey of St. Helens,
Mr and Mrs Roland Henderson attd
baby, Heebner, have been visiting for
the past week with their parenis, Mr..
and Mrs Thos. Henderson of the Blue -
vale Rd. -
The Young 'People had a' party at the
house of Mrs. Garton Sr. ou Tuesday
night and itt Mr. acrd Mrs, Wm. Pardon's
un Wednesday night.
--Mr, Chas Rintonl spent a day last
week at the borne of Mr. and 11rs. Will
Artstroeg of Lucknow.
Miss Bertha MacKay of .Wingbam,
spent Sundays. under the parental roof.
Mr. end Mrs. Alert. Mowbray motored
from Dungannon on Thursday and, spent
the Friday with their parents, Mx, and
Mrs. job Mowbray, '^+.,,'
Mrs, Geo' Garton and Olive are visit-
ing this week in Kitchener.
Mrs. Will Humphrey of St. Helens is
visiting with her sister, Mrs, Andrew Fox
Mr, and 11,4rs. Hawser( and daughter)
Eva, of Lonclon,Bngland, spent last week
with their cousins, lVlr. and Mrs. Jae
Mrs. Williams of Clinton, who has
been visiting with Mr, nand Mrs Joe
ifoltnes.for the past two weeks,_ returned
home on Saturday'
C:1acl to report that ,Mrs, Will \Forster is
progressing salrely,
Miss Hazel Wock of Tcevereter, who
was visiting with M't. and leis. Wesley
Leggett last week, returned ooreeoft Sat.
turkey. •
Tee U F. 0. wijl hold a social eveir.,,
idg in the Form:tees 11a11 on ''i"hutedey
evening of next • week. •7Mr. David
Andrews will ire, present tied . t til exbibit''
several slides detonstreting Agtitlll t lraa
Mr. Warr. Robinson of Goderich, visited
at the home of Mr. J. McKinrley during
the pawl week,
On the 1,01h of January, Lee lireeket-
ridge's deg caught, and killed a ground
hog across the road in Anson Thorn- an'a
field, a
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Black of Howick,
have been visiting old neighbors here in
the past weep.
Mr. Joseph McKinney entertained a
number of friends on Friday evening of
last week in honour of Mrs. G. Mitchell.
Pleased to say Mr. Andrew Grey, Sr .
15 improvi' g,
Mrs. Jos. Curtis has been visiting her
sister. Mrs. Jas Curtis for a fe,w days.
Mrs. Wm. Dulmage of'Idarriston, spent
a few days with her cousins Mrs. James
Mt ffatt and Mrs. J. Fell.
A pleasant and profitable afternoon was
spent on Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Wm. Fraser by the Women's
Institute in the neighborhood of twenty-
five being present.
Mrs 'Glady Mitchell who has been
spending the past few weeks' with her
cousin. Mrs Jos. McKinney returned to
Goderich accompanied by Messrs Wm.
and Eldon McKinney on .her return trip
to Vancouver.
Mr. Albert Hughes is spending the
winter with Mr. Jas. Peacock.
Mrs Pitba;do and baby from near'
Goo. rich. is spending a few weeks with
-her parents. Mr and Mrs. John John-
sto , 1st line of Morris. .
Mr. Harold Thompson has been visiting
Bluevale friends.
The regular 'monthly sheeting of the
Ladies Aid Society of Knox church was
held at the home of Mrs B. Geddes on
Wed, Jana 11th,, when officers were elect-
ed for the year 1922. Mrs Geddes very
kindly' served tea at the close of the
The following are the officers:
Pres.—Mrs. J Anderson.
Vice Pres Mrs A Porterfield.
Sec.—Mrs. W. J Geddes.
Treas.—Mrs lvlunro.
Organist--M"rs. Scaudrett. i.
Asst. Organist—Mrs. Miller.
Press. Sec. --Mrs. Porterfield.
Auditors—Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wray and son,
Thvnne„of Woodrow. Sask. are visiting
with the formtr's mother, Mrs. Wray.
Miss Muriel Camp'aell of Clinton, spent.
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Campbell.
Mr. Harry itorgie returned lionie after
spendingsometiase with wends at earn -
mins, New Ontario
Mr. Neil Reid of Paisley, attended
the funeral of Ma. James on Saturday.
dayA numnightb,er of the Forester members' on
the 10th. attended the. Oyster supper at
Mr Sterling Haskins, Howick. lastTues-
Mr. and Mrs. WYO. H. `Mundell attend-
ed the funeral of a friend in Brussels 'one
day last week.
Mrs. S tm Marshall spent a few days
recently with her mother, Mrs, Shoe -
bottom in Wingbam.
The community was greatly shocked
to hear of the sudden death of Mr.
Thomas P. James.. The deceased was
sixty-four years of age and had been in
good health until he received, a scratch
ou :.is band which developed into blood-
poisoning and he passed. away 'eerly
Tuesday morning. He leaves to tnourn
his loss, a widow and two sons, John at
home and Charles of the West, who have
the syvipathy of the whole community.
Mr. James was of a cheerful and jolly
disposition and was always ready to take
an active part when needed. He attend-
ed Bodies' Church and was highly e:s
teemed by a]9 who knew him The
pallbearers were: Messrs: Win. Campbell,
David Wallace, Win, Mitchell, Jana s
Porter, Wm. Chandler and Writ. Jenkins.
The remains were laid to rest in Wiag-
ham cemetery on Saturday afternoon, _
graveRev. r, Tate officiated at the hoose and
ua • • $ Is ■ wr%, an i1t► ttirq► re i
Our entire shock ablaze w l still bar its--;
Prof its forgotten during ,this big 14- days
Sale. Conte and see for yourselves. Be-
low are briefly listed only a few of the
Big Specials for Saturday next.
Men's all wool beavy Hose only .. ..39c pail”
Men's fine Heather Cashmere Hose, only :, ... . ..39c pai-
Men's Overalls and Ste -melts only 1 49
Men's heavy Work Shirrs only•, • ...... , ...1 25
Men's fleece lined Underwear only . . , ........ .75a
Men's all wool 'Underwear only.....................................1.......'5(0
Men's fancy Dress Shirts, , ... .. .1 00 each
M en's all Linen Collars, 2 tor .. 25C:
Every item Is a saving •.f about 40 to 50 per
Cent. in the L ^ dies' Dept.
20 doz ladies' Vests and Drawers, etc, worth 1.50 to MO each to
clear at ... .50c,'75c and 1.00t'
Cashmere Hose. 8ti, to 10, values worth $1, only . . , ... 49c pair
Heather Hose at a big saving.. ,. , .. 69c paitk
Boys'and twirls' heavy all wool over Stockings worth 85c. while
they last 490 pain
95c pair
half price
Tricolette Blouses, only a few lett to clear at
D. & A. Corsets a big special
Print and Towel Remnaaits at about
In the China 1- ept. So :: a Wonderf>lml Values
at 20 to 25 per cent.
Edtr..Special Ir Saturday Only
1000 cakes Palmolive Soap while the last 4 for .30c
No more or'no less to any customer
Laundry Soap, the big pound bar, 2 for .... 15r
Castile Soapbigloo bar, reg 25c, only ... 18c
Brooms at :a big saving only.:., 39c each
Spec is in Abu i.n
About MO0 pieces ouch as Tea Pots,
-large covered Saucepans and
Kettle?, values worth 13, only —1.98
Ter i'tas Strictly Cas l „. No Y o:it•ds on Approval
Ai? av , all .tiF •
Now is y,t.ur chance= -We need slue coney-..ViYo ;l need the merchan-
dise. The Select Ladies Bef.l 'y -to -We. r Co. have deelded f . ex.
tend their Sale for another week. H ndregis of people have not
seen our ire :.,i b,.asga:ails yet and we are g;ritng give you the oppor-
tunity for another week. Come, see the specials off reel to y
consider the values, taut left your sense of econo^ y guide you lin
palinal a liberal purclm -Isetl 4
a 0 Caitts p. q
Heavy wintei coats in all wool velours, silver!
tones, polos and, velours, trimmed with
fancy stitching end buttons, most of them
lined throughout, colors navy and brown.
Reg. $28.50 and 25.00, rale i.;lw s.... .' `c 50
Coats in all wool velours, with fur collars and
cuffs; reg. $$5, sale prem.. .. . ..... . . . . ..$29.00
Special Bargaips in Children's Coats, some with
fur collars, nicely lined` throughout, trim•
med with fancy stitching. 'leg. $10 and
7.50, sale price , . . , . , , , . 8.50 ans15, 00
Children's Skirts and Dress
$pecial.t'eduotlons on children's serge skirts and
• creases, Navy serge Skirts` 5 regular 3.95
sale price .
" Dresses its colours, Saxony blue, burgan'dy end
navy, reg. 5;05, sale price 4.50
-lied La
e. a SUii4S a -
A fe'w winter suits left, some fur collars, regular:
$45, sale price, . 37.50
. Dresses and Waists a
tieamine bargains in. Dresses and Waists its all.
styles and colors. Prlcea rar ging o n•
tresses from .,.. ..,.y00 -to -19.50
Priees ranging on Waists from ... , ,.1.50 to 5.95..
Blouse Dresses „,,
pen's House Dresses in several: diiierent
shades, regular $2 50 and 2,95, sale' price
..... .$1.25 and 1,98'
. " tosf ery
,Good Bargains in Hosiery—
Prices 15c 2 pair for •...25c
Prices 59c,'2 pair for. ......... .,. •.., 6.$1 00
Prices 79e, 2 pair for . , .. , .... , :... 3.45
d3rolthow ear
1--tead Nike, 448 Queen West, Toronto. Branches, Winghatn, Hammer trod Goderkch, Ont.