HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-01-19, Page 4f` !l 'W1NG!L\11 ,,,k')V1),N( E
atterson's Big Slaughter
calf Price Jewelery Sale
Saturday, Jan. .. th
We ., re overstocked and the goods must
be sold. We need the money.
$10,000. 0
Worth. of the finest and classiest
Jewelery ever manufactured
Fresh bargains brought forward every day in Diamonds, W :e,Ickes
Clocks, Jewelery, S Jvervirare, Cut Glass, Ebony, Ivory, Umbrellas,
Wai dr>9aa q#3.14 s, C a n dile & Mks, Pearl Beads,
Leather Goods, Cigarette Cases, Novelties, etc.
N0Ev isOUr chance to
at slaughter prices, we have the best
and nets eststyles, mounted in white,
1 andplatinum.
go d
What, do you think about getting in on
sone of the Pearl Beads at the sale
price. 50 strings to choose from.
This is a ,chance of your . life time to
buy hatch,
a Real �
Get -busy on the Silverware, Cut Glass,
Fancy C l o c ks and Flatware. The
early bird catches the worm.
goods must be
spot cash.
The Great W:. tela oct i 1r ants Opt:ll:mel;rist.
e�� w�� �� mei�c�� arm
la d m E S_ i x a k? iX. r off ;:r; tri xx 5•'� r� rea ma die x YiN 6�Lt � w rT�9 9tbx
t Sp�culat
Whe You Buy a Car Invest
Don't S .ec ly.to
A Car is no better tha' its engine, axles, springs dutch transmission,
bearing rr any of its numerous paras. If they are not built to GIVE service
3 rr-u have to pay to GET St rvice. The roan v hn know: nothing of t: hat he
is bus ing stint rn di iv, s a got d bargain 1 he lime has gone when a dealer
can use the pre-tige of past crnntctions or because he has been a sr tneu'hat
prominent figure in the industry, ar d gel by wirh it. The wise motorist of
to day krrnws that out of the troubles( mat. years of the past has come the
specciaiists who male perfect the a rgines. the axles;, the hearings, the best
steering rievmct"e, the hest .c'f evetylhang that runes to make the perfect autos
of to day Behind every part is the reputation of the manufacturers cf ithe
diners? t parts ` Why gamble on a motor car when you can fi d out before
hand just what is put int; the different makes
Think it over and beforepurchasing call in and let us show you what
have to offer
So s
Gray Dort Garage.
Tory Corners
5, S. No. 1, school has been dosed
during the past few days- ou :ir_count of
the ilauess of �l is;; Mel?herson Leacher.
Gall to report that Mrs Levi Galbraith
i .around again after her recent ihtie'.s.
Many farm, have changed hands
around here lately:' 4r W. Gallaway
hanged with Mr. W Hays and Mr.I
Ferguson sold to a nephew,
Mrs, W. Dodds re spending a few
weeks at Atwood with her aunt,who is
seriously in. '
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McLaughlin and
,t„�arnity of Winnipeg, are at present "vivit-
ing Mrs. McLaughlin's another Ales.
Ritchie. They will spend a couplc of
mord hs visiting friends bete and in
±'v oil se,
1 t ris at the Wroxeter barber shop
t Y slump on New Years and are still
sl own,
•51 r. . Rohl. Black, the ,• veteran eurlar,
Event dean to the rink on Saturday and
lith the first ' 'time°' over the ice,
�lW Y
i < r : t •stili * or the, rr , ester
The animal lL #., l
Mural Telephone Company will be held in
the .town halt ;in ite(teie7•day afternoon,
la rs' 3iitit ninnoe neiug at 2.311
dieissiiig 1'0013 has k•i5:n^ built at the
rink and eve, i, now in toll swing.
J bi ice 11711, in geed c, in d it iqn on Sarin-.
lay tlight and there was -s large crowd
tablet was ritiveiled In the Methodist
syy School ata 5undtay morgil it last. in
11 -
e11v k,ttlrawW:,i,.NYw'll.;lt,
memory of John Ringlet. William Hall,
Ralph Smith and Alex Rasmussen, who
fell in the Great War. The tablet was
unveiled by Mr. Robt. Stocks. who gave
a very appropriate address.
East Wawanosh
Mr. R J Scott representative for the
V. F. 0 , Belgreve, isi now taking, the
Ontario. Agricultural Courses at Wing.
Howard, the little four year old son of
Arr. aitd Mrs, Thos. Irwin who, has beau
' u 'ill and oder Dr,. f3ambl s
seriously 11
care is improving nicely again.
Mr. and Mrs.john Menziesentertain.,
ed a number of their friends and neigh -
nets to an oyster supper last Wednesday
evening, the evening was spent in music.
and games. Everyone enjoyed thet7
selves and thanked Mr, and Mrs.
Menzies for the good time they had
afternoon. Bro. Robert i, cl17urray in-
stalled the following officers: D. M. Bro.
Peter Scott;' Deupty Master. Bre, J. Rap-
son; Chaplain, Rohr. Wallace;, Rec Sec,
Bro. C Cannes; Fin. Sec., Bro . C.
Stewart; Trea urer; Bro Wm Netbery;'
D. of C., Bro. Ed. Ervin t lecturer, Bro.
Jas.,Wightnao, 2nd fecturer,lvan Rose.
Mrs. McGuire of Brussels, County 'Pre.
sident of Women's Christian Temperance
Union, will "aadress a meeting in the
Methodist church, Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Wm. Mills has been appointed
assessor for the township of Mullett.. He
will commence his duties, Feb. 1st.
Miss Verna. Bennett of Toronto, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
,An Irish and Scotch contest will be
held under the auspices of the Women's
Institute,„Feb. ist.
Mr. R. M. McKay is having a” new
Optical room built inside of the rear of his
• The annual vestry meeting or Trinity
church was held Monday evening.
The marriage was solemnized,on Tues-
day evening at the home of Mrs. John
Mills, Mr. Richard Cole of Los Angela
Cal. and Mrs. Mngridge of Clinton. The
newly wedded left for the south this
Rev.. George Morley 13, A. of Toronto,
conducted the services al the Methodist
church on Sunday.
An old and bii fhfy esteemed resident
passed to the great ''beyond Jan. '13th,
Mr, John Hain; aged '77 years. 1•lis wife
and one daughter died a number of years
ago, slneethat time he has masse his
lrt.ni : with his son. 11tex, of town. Ser-
vice,, were
ervis es'were conducted at his home Sunday
anernoon by..Rev. C fi;. Tiflin assib,ted by
Rev, George Telford. The renins wire
taken to Mitchell, Monday morning for
A master picture—
Better that the book with a
Great Horse Race and
many additional
thrills °
Miss Irene Boyle, who has been home
for a few days has returned home.
The Boyle Brothers areat present
pressing hayfor Mr. C. F. Martin at Mr.
r eal' B
John Martin's farm nee lu eval
A sleigh load from St, Helens, sp-nt
an enjoyable evening at Mr, John Jamie
son's` n Friday evening last week, itbein
4t Y b g
choirpractice night.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie of White.
church, visited at Mr, C. F. Martin's on
Sundry last.
Mr. Field of Wingham, butchered a
beef for Mr. Peter Leaver one day 'last
week, Peter, thinks Mr. Field simply
knows how to "butcher.
A few of our young juveniles attended
a party at fir. WW'ifliarn Taylor's of .Kin
good n r3 tune.
7 5: d' e son a o
. n r
e y and
Mrs, Robert Haines also daughter,
Winnie, Mrs. J. McPherson and Mrs.
Robert Snowdon and families visited at
Mr. 'William McQuill: n's one day recently.
Mr. Joseph O'Callaghan is at present
visiting- rrIatives at-Duf1'erin, with the
intention?: of going to school. in that
Miss Rush 'of 'Wingham, ' who was
piiilill at MNlr, Jam', ks se's has relttrra'
T'hc ;1�lr,rris District ' E'tratt,gc niee•taig g J Y
was held iu the lodge moo, Tuesday' 'ea belts°,
The Late Mrs. Harold Mackeee
Miss Nettie Cottle of Whitechurch, re-
ceived the sad news on Tuesday last. that
her sister, Mrs. Harold Mackay, f,eagerly
Miss Sophia Brooks, had passed away at
her home en Sunday, famie=y 8th, in
Venice, California, Mr. -and Mrs, Mac-
itaY had moved there frog Winnipeg over
a year ago, on account of Mrs. Maekay's
pear health. She was hutted in Venice
on Wed., Jan. 11th, Besides-• her hus-
band she leaves to mourn her, three sis-
ters Miss Ethel of Westfield, M ss Nellie
of Toronto, Nurse Cottle of Whitechurch,
and two brothers Messrs. Robert of 'Nee
onto formerly of Wingham, and James of
Toronto. Much sympathy isfelt in this
community for the bereaved family.
Scarlet Chapter; Elects
The Royal Scarlet Chapter, Turnberry
District L. 0. L met in the Orange Hall
Wingham, on Saturday everting and re•
elected the following officers for.the ensu-
ing year:
W. C. of C,- J. A. McDonald
E. C. of C-R. D. Mason.
Chap.-Wrn Guest.
H. at A.- Wm Sneath.
Treas.-A. G Smith.
-I Her J. Wilkinson.
Scribe -W. T. Miller.
0. Her.- F. H. Rodents. •
• Conductors -Thos. Wheeler and Percy
Euchre and Dance.
The euchre and dance which was held
under the auspices of the Wingham Curl-
ers in the town hall, on Friday even -
i g last was a huge success. There were
42 tables and there could easily have been
50 filled, Prizes weie awarded as follows:
Games. Mrs. (Dr.) Ross and Mr. Levi
Harding and for euchres, Mrs Dudley
Holmes and Dr. G. B, Smith of Tororwee
Mn,Wilfred Murchison tied withthe
doctor but the latter won out in the draw
After the lunch the younger people, and a
few of tire older, enjoyed ••the dancing,
The committee handed over to the theClub Treas-
urer of the neat sum of $73.85
after all expenses were paid. .
How Do You Stand? .
Our accounts are small, but we have a
large number of them scattered all over,
the country for .subscriptions. We ,pre-
sume that rnost of our readers havegood
intentions to pay up at some time, but
good intentions go a short way towards
-meeting drafts and settling our bills.
Most of those who are in arrears on .sub-
scriptions or owe us for job work, know
without being told, but how much more
agreeable it would be on both sides if pay-
ments were made without putting us to
the painful necessity of wilting to each.
one personally. Now we respectfully
ask each reader whether in arrears one
year or Flue to send us a remittance at
Minor .Alterations
1 n
Passenger Train
will take effect
a� 1 924
Sun.,OC�i,e q
For further particulars apply to
Ticket Agents. '
Lloyd George says:
"The taking of risk is characterizedas
a virtue in thecapitalist, but a vice in the
salary earner.'' The contrary of this
vics is thrift -Can you show any better
form of thrift than Life Insurance.
A 25 year Endowment with the Marna
Life at age 30 means a saving of 39.55 an
nualiy per thousand of Insurance carried,
std will assure comfort to aged person
who may soon be dependent upon you.
Make 1922 a year of thrift, and begin by
taking an Endowment. with
The Mutual Life Assurance .
of Canada
Cosens, W. T. Booth, Representatives
Wiughatrt, Ont.
Best D. 1. & W.
Scrant. nC o a, 1
Cannell for fireplaces, Stnithing:,
Soft Coal artd Charcoal.
Lumber of all kinds, , dressed and
undressed, Hard and Soft Wood;
Slab Wood and Cedar always, on
haul, Shingles, lArth, Hardwood,
Flooring, Sash, Doors and Mould-
ings on hand or made to order on
shortest notice, Beaver and i ibre
Board, prepared roofing and roof•
ing and hoofing paint,
Office and Planing Mill, Jose-
phine St., adjoining G.T It. staion,'
We give careful, interested 'at-
tention to all orders, and we iif'ilte
deliveries promptly.
MacLean um e
and Coal C.
Berried In Gravel Pit
John T. Rettinger a prominent farmer
of the Culross -Carrick town line, near For-
mosa, died on Friday night as a result of
injuries sustained on, Thursday afternoon,
when a gravel pit an Rettinger's farm, in
which Mra Rettinger. along with two
neighbors, Gregory and Michael Fischer,
were working, caved in
Rettinger was completer' buried under
a chunk of frozen gravel weighing several
tons and it took a team of horses to re-
move the frozen earth from his body.
Twelve ribs were broken and severely in-
jured internally. The other two men es-
caped unhurt,
The late Mr. Rettinger was 47 years of.
ageand leaves a widow and family of
small children
He was president of South Bruce Tele-
phone' Company and a directnr-of the
Formosa Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
Lucknow Won Easily
Thursday Jan, 19th 1122
N....begins on
� Saturday, December3lst..........
Bargain;; -iii all line$ of merchandise await you
at this Cut Price,Sale. .
NA junior: northern hockey fixture was
played on Wingham ice on Monday night
between Lucknow and Wingham.' result
ing in an eat;y victory for the visitors by a
score of 8 to 2 The Lucknow boys were
much heavier_then rhe locals and the game
was Somewhat r usher than usual, several
penalties being handed out to both teams..
The line up:
Lucknow-Goal. H Agnew Right De-
fence Treleaven; Left Wen( e, Heuston;
Cenire McDonald; Right Wine, Agnew;
Left Wing, Johnston; Sub. McIntyre.
Wingham G sal. Donaldson; Right Dee
fence; Cruickshanks; Left Defence, Lock-
r dge; Centre, Harrison; Right Wing. Hen-
derson; Left to ing Morden; Sub, Fixter.
Referee -Murphy. o' Mount Forest
We understand that Wingham juniors
.will withdraw as they have been playing in
hard luck and do not stand a ghost of a
show against the big Scoich•nep of the
Sepoy town, .
E. J. Mitchell's Mother Dies
MrE.'J. Mitchell returned on Mon-
day from his old home in Paisley, where
he was called owing to the serioui illness
and subsequent death of his mother, M.
William lvlitchell.
• The late Mrs, Michell was ;b-irn in
Liverpool. Eng., in l848ee cousin of the.
late, Sir Henry Stanley, .toe African ex-
plorer. While still quite young; -• her;
parents carne , to •.Amfrica, the voyage
being made in the old type pf sailing ves
sel, and required in this case almost three
months, owing to heavy storms, Fifty
years ago she was married- to her now
bereaved husband and the young `couple
decided to make their home in what was
then known as •the Queens' Bush, c -ming
by stage to Paisley !rum Guelph, as ao
railways were here at that time.
Besides her husband she is survived by
two daughters, four sons and one sister
As one.of the older residents of Paisley,
she was widely known and loved :for her
gent le CUT ist-like.character. as was shown
by the largely attended funeral despite
the heavy b izzard which raged all. Satur-
day afternoon. . ,
The funeral sereaces were conducted by
her pastor. Rev. Mr. McQuaig of the
Presbyterian churc and other resident
clergy took part in tit, service.
A Noble Life Completed
Another of the pioneers' of Huron pass-
ed to her well earned reward on Saturday
morning, Jan. '16th when Mrs qi in'ay
,.Anderson of Belgrave, answered the lfin21
summons. The deceased lady .e as been
'in delicate health for a number of years
suffering from asthma and while this was
intensified for the last week by a heavy
cold, her death which was very peaceful
and painless was quite unexpected and
came as a shoce • o all,
Mrs. Anderson 'whose maiden name
was J'ulia `Ann Naylor, was born /near
Fisher's Mills in Waterloo County nearly
eighty-two years ago. She was the second
in'a family of twelve, two of• whom . sur-
viveher, one sister, Mrs. Duncan' Ander-
son oaf Preston and one broth -r, Sydney of
Elgin, Mani•oba. When a young woman
she carne with her parents to live in East
Wawanosh where she has lived continuous-
ly since Later' she married' her now be-
reft and sorrowing husband and together
they made a home on their farrn on the
ninth concession. Of their family of tell ..
seven are left to mout'n the oss of a true
Mother; Mrs. Brooks of Centralia, Mrs.
Alex. McGowan, Blyth, Mrs Jas. Taylor
and Mrs. R. P. Scandrett -of Belgrave,
Dr. J. S. of Philadelphia, Pa., Dr B. F.
of Toledo, and Oliver G. on the old home-
stead. One son, Duncan, ar,d two
daughters, Margaret and an infant pie-
deceased her.
Mrs: Anderson was a member of the
Presbyteri on Church.Belgrave, e,
loved to attend until her failing sight made
it difficult for her to. do so. She was a
woman whose beautiful spirit of 'unself•:
ishness, kindness and patience mdde,.itself
felt to alleWho came in contact with her.
She was an ideal wife, anideal mother and
an ideal friend. 11 can be truly said of
her that she had not one ectomy. She
will be sadly missed by her husband and.
farnily for whorn the had such tender re
gard and who gathered at her borne for
''their family Christmas dinner. Pour of
risile ed�to lee with her'
' were lr
herfamily y p g.
at last.
to ndanr .
Ttheht, funeral was held Z Bra s
Cemetery on `1"u<<',day January" 17th
Her sons and daughtets wen. ail present
with the exception ,,f Dr , F., whir is at
present in San Prat'✓~cisco. Her pastor,
Rev Jones:, conducted the services at thee'
house and grave. Her two sons: and four
sons-insons-inla* bore herto her last ieri tit g
Savings' Worth While
On Fur Coats, Stoles; Muffs and Sets, Women's
ex Misses' and Children's Winter Coats,. Sweaters;
1,14 Men's and Boys' 0 ercoats and Suits, Sheep lined
Coats, Reefer and Mackinaw Coats, loots, Shoes
X and Rubbers:
syd Buys Now, and save from 25 to
35 per cent.
o -
X . '`We need the cash".
' .
X "You will need the goods".
114 Sale of ,Slip
2 dor, girls' is' slip -over sweaters to be
cleared at
50 and 5.f10
7 4.�
bigregular ` 'lu 3. .
v e
til rice�
cu �1� .�
�- a � . l:a
"` all of fine wool colors coral roe or green
'.44• Your Account Is Due --We ask for prompt par-
nient, we need the money.
Sale Price $2.95
ar. g� • 19i1Y1��11� e
o� (i1119it�
"Built In Canada"
Series 22 IG -SIX Prices:
Touring ' ..$2475
Coupe ,
Series 22 SLIALw,SI. Prices.
Roaster (2 -Passenger) $2025
Touring ... , ...20751
Club Roadster 2075
Coupe (4,Passenger) 3050
Sedan 4 . 3250
Prices reduced, effective January 7th
Touring•.. ..... $1495
Roadster (3 -Passenger) ...,1495 .
Coupe -Roadster
Sedan .,
e n 2425
AH prices f o. lb.`Wa,lkerville, Ontario
S UDlEB ` AND ''t El LA
A S T O 14 It A lit it A Et
�� I�IAAAd