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enough to pf.,:esupprose that, sofneone
has a grievarnOe. aglaintat Miss Mol.sal
Po" the General, and that s'omeone took
adZartage, at • the; extmoirclinary
cuanstainces ta•steaa ShoIto, land if v'M-
sible prevent lvjyra getting her eight
hack. Oh, it,'S 'boo rifT1C,L2'=!"
"We have ta remenot;er," Myeolta-
puffin, sugested, `1`that our unknown
quantity not only knel,v t -list the do'g
CL Iliad 'arrived, 'irid• would
aa1gUife a very -ten7lii,,"13
was Wind, lett aloe knew that .1 was
Probably experinve.nf on the beast. It
urgency that
'the disappeared with:a 'an:hour
ertiE . ''
T F T , or twine' of ray enrivi-il. From all that'
.. .. . .,
- ' •IrlY& ' ' ''''i NT 11F ' i ' . ---
4 I, ceduce what
postailble motIve, • The dog wa.',. sto...e.a
seems to file the only
• , • ,
Brightening, Old Hats.
Soft. Telt hats 'can 'be cleaned by
Waehling a mixture of one :tablei-
spectinitil ;of hous,eltold "ammonia and
'Itwie tables,20,onfarls of borax to levery
gaTeen. lot water. Mix the ammonia,
biY .tiflie Mat who made .Miss• Mol_ccd borax., .ated .ailOctit one tablespoon ,ot
sleep jelly, with 'the water when qu'ite
"IV1a,die her I ',cried. "Yon hot, but 'krt.. e06,1 until tukewarni be-
. -don't seirmeeey mean that you -thiati). icnie using. Einee in water 'of the same
By lArilheliell Le QUeltlX someone --some fiend of he.117-deliber- temptirait.iine,
, For White fele hats michell' or-Innc't
Synopsis qf l'reeeding ChaPters- aghast, "you won't leave rte‘. s like that. "Not delilferately," my comic- ••''
e wa..., cid, e w ite p,owdeled DA,,ig-
The outbreak of war sends Ronald We hoped for so much from your rePaed. "But I believe it was through
fiancee Myra, MoLeod On the train "My clear ichte,p," said my eempane Sons we -,:e amtrons -that IVIls.: M, soc fingers, than, thoroughly the way of
he inee/s Hilderman, who calls hiraSelf ion,. cutting me short vital a laugh, Gbould, remain blir,din case we should, the nap ond rub -brush, ;or light
an American and a stranger in thQse "it ars SUSIt because I do realize that in the lprocesP ''of 1ree•oVeling her sight brown 'hats; oatmeal oT Fuller's earth
but later Ronald finds tlmt he nly presence here may be dangerous hit upon the 'cinie of her losing it."' is us,ed in tee earue way- For ,aray
hes built a hut on a cliff above the to Mise MoI.:eod that I propose to In silenze I eat fer a few anoments, F,14. -1.„ 4. t, ' ''' ' ' ' t'
fails" oPposite 'General McLeod's lodg, leave," thlnadng over this extraordinary new '''''''`-' -"''' '-'1'm is used'
While B.sihing in the river Ma Is "Dangerous to her?" I gasped.i•Donet,nlinoliosh. itirLeintsotrneien'ig't.ainly wire for When 'clean:leg velvet ihat8 ';4PL/ISCh
thoroughly the aviay of• the nap and
light. The physician advises eonsult- The whoile worki seemed to have taken I 'Mr. Garnesk. '' 1 raid presently, rub the same way with a cloth dipped
suddenly blinded by a flash of green "What on earth de Tiou nii&an. Dewy,
IJandon oculist. Gen. 1111dLeod leave ,6f &N seTiem end 1, neeptedey I "you ere baenging a very terriblo in 'ammonia ,cr bine.
S ately hex?"
Tlaie is sprinkled on the hat
wart at a -Wang London barrister, to visit, You can't reaalize man, what it some human agency that she was
neJta and is robbed in. a little with the
the Highlands to say good-bye o e may mean o—to us • II You see---' hinde . I ti -ons some person er per_ a
vowed that 'should wire for Dennas
• . .1 , • ..
charge against seine huinaut Mot -ester ' FlOWers and feathers. may have
• • whom we have- Net to .clieuever. But
tells Ewart of EV" curler s • experaenc
at the Chemist's Rook. At the statio4
they me'et, „II.ilderfnan, who is very
=lolls as to the cause Of IVI.yra's
blindness. The General telegraphs'',
that Shaba:is blind. 'rive London doc-
tor th.CaidiSi oiut no hope ivi,nd Ewalt, after
taleipg Myra home„, goes to Glasgow
end brings Dr. GAeriesle back with him..
Sitol:to is chloroformed and stolen.
Th chemiges,Rock.
By the time we gave up our hunt
for Sholto that night. end 'save Hile`
derman into the Baltii-nore II. at the
their tcoloi•s. amnewedtby Ideppmg auto
a Sol -Olen •of 'oil, Pigiklit 0,114,,g40(104.
Talhes. a,. paiint may be bought at, any
LO 215__113 art .otr, paint store, for ten cents. The
- "Yes," he nmeed; tieat le what we
, , .. - ., • "Oue "great (1.4fteullty inerneeltang Lae
to dissolve it and the floWers age dip- • . • ' ' • - '. -i • -ii,' ' f_,e,'"i_i_.,..i. fly,
fulVAlj aciriPvlallve Pluff°111d9aakte111344pitPeteh...°u• gh,t- must 41iP°11;S''.11." • '' . er i., ' 'Sid, 'In:'6 %lie' nliiitnie. Tte anted:it •WIllIP..e..11-...,..19fg'`'....1:::•Pee.Tptee•!:-.1s .
"I Was' the pause of the dog's Ms; "le''''• ''' I °S4'1'Ir.11e3' 1"en . e- .-.:4,,, 9'-1, 'IA' cite' 'end, 'on 'the size 1,61- OPt#PFle, Cif , 4'1,1#,Vts i'n''Yv10..ini0er thl5
I.Dernien•th. the barrel tarel hail is lonteide.
lbe head and bottom May he TeTrimod.,
or a •hoile eau.' be 'cot in the loot,tom
littile larg'er than the portion •ott the
pit 'belfie,atili." the ,caletc.' The head or
edver fa,reintionvedi 'while the hain's are
being hung 'upon the croieseetieles. The
'erces-stick rest upon two erossehars'
anacte to inaisis hoileSi bared
the•,sides of the cash. The head is. then:
uipau the 'cask and covered •with
moist •sacks. L'O Ci011ialIe the eineke. Tha.
flee is .put into the pit .ortside the c ask
and may be regulated by a piece cT
ti'n which. may be removed 'when mare
fuel put 'on.
ride .and 'other 'strong wonclisi .should
not be-teSed .it obaste in, the
meat.. torencrollo.s, harivrood "chips or I
fine (brush allay be used evitie safety
and .they 'vetll make a geed, ornititaige,
be the Stars Move?
People often wonder 'Pier they seo
no change t,he arnangemeeat of
C)NP wanted ID, each' cri t. You bright stare whoa te vitteer nights
are le 'aihe 'to oeilet from: $,..e,aceo. to $4,00 come rotind again. •
annual net return if kou ilutve 'the arabl- -----
Oen to manage' a saleo branch fnr our - . .
fire,- ,2-i,,,,,,J, .,,ii,,,,-., n yaur district... Exeaut...' all these .star.s,ape rneving , tester therm
We e are told by the that
.F.,i'Ve 'Pale. A.rtiole 'well 'advertised. „ 14 0 auyi expeope train so 6 -eve than am,.
'competition. You ratty appoint your Own -. - ?, . , .
clealore arid, sub -agents, 'Phis being at aore'Plane—fastea:. indeed: than irray,
• reveat bumln°8-s..Y°11 "17e( '.411' enisY P'"731'. thing ' is.' over likely to 'do on tire earth
anent bu.einess once established. 132,4 Oe
If Youe Child Stameiers.
That Stagirrierinte is a -mental fault
rs.,•een. ,eatteect by fear, imitation .or
first thing an the •mornang. improper. speech training is the claim
"I' Say that because ther dog h I must 'stir/lit that Imo_ seem to have 'of Dr. Fretler:r1 Martitt; editaes.-•
been drugged land taken *ay" logic. on your side It remains for me tional exper't. l!vitecit of it ,could bet
'But' fool of a pole:Cher w4S- t9 ills'eover whte theze
$4,00 0 and mere Yoar can bo eai-51LY ,—ant Yet they sip aqt appear to have
made by local distriet agenta In anY eilifb0a 0 hair's -breadth from the place
'they oecieplee twenty—nay, even fifty
--years ago; as long ago, in feet, as
the very oldo-sit, .-pericia caa ra
Mysterious! Not at all: The secret
is 'euninted up in one single word -e
distance.' ' ' •
It is all a matter of di.staipte, The
familiar -form -o'f Vie seven, stars,
known 'as the qr.eat, Bear, or the Dip.
per, remains Unaltered, b ecaus e ale •
stars are, so far tc.WvaY. 'it is with
the stars which go to make up the
other' welleicnoWn figtires, in the sky.
If they were as' near to. us as, say,
the bright.planet Jupiter, or Venus., or
Mart --i± they Were merely millions
of miles -away intsiteutt bilritoriq,., then
we should very, quickly .S'ele Chaalgei
in their Torm,'even trent one night to
the next. '
As it is, however, though an average
s•tar 17,04111d.' 'cover a distance of fifty
miles in two and a half seconds, none
has apteared to, the naked ,eye to have 0111110....,:
'thoved' during the past 5,0t9b years or 1'
more. in' all -that tiine 'the forms of
the ''stargrorups'. have. remained un-
changed to the casual observer. ,
What -makes this cireninstance-niere
s.tupend.oue ifilf is the fact ,that,• in. -ad-
dition to the -tar inoving at such an
.appalling speed our •owit1,•star,
we knOr as, the', suM, iS;-,tracelling- at .
'the reSpeetable• fate of about twelve •
• 'inil•es, a Fiedohtl.,:ori• 'moire Man' a :million
day. '
• It is journeying (luckily. taking the,
earth with it) ' towards Certiii
recognized. stars, but the ,suppemely
• - ,
imPress'ive factets" ,tha ,af ter qn: this
t4020 1110Eit he 'an interval, of
at least fa iity'• or fifty, thetisaufdi- Years
' blot& star-pgures will iiave op
altered their appearance as. to ibe no-
ticeable' to the naked eye.
The very eatliest• man,, if ho cduld •
retUrn to thiis ‘rimellArbUbled--World,
,Take: ? • would be riblcl to notice a difference -in
--5Datirlit-,7a.iallLaite;r:-.,theitrthiblie,-' that -Crime eTtPiciPer:ts',1,717e-911± brtilhlelang'tisa,t'
' • North ja resolute heart „and. elge,orPu-i? whion,--with his; starry belt; is .so- pro-
otAd.,0- -your- fiem the 3.,i•giat mineat . the -Ecntliern- pity -during
country town or terming diotaict• o
at veritable ,gold 'mine, tor ono- man
in tach locality, who Is alive to 111.1 op-
portunity, Ilitra,C have o„t„least at Coeitede
of hundred' doilarS• capital to illtanee
himSeit and -carry, SMall local otocit on
hand: Oar %%leo Manager will anrange
an interview .with you -bY wire and will
code and see- you, ,,A.8,..1),eforp- goi0g
into the proposition 'with you, he 'will -
ask, you to prove to him that you have
aliffieWiltr capital, do not write unless
'you havO imore ready cash,Ambitiouo men' Wile :have the • rieqUired
funds are: heat•tily invited to cbrreppond
In otrict c,onncleuce with SaAes 1Vianageri
13' Yonge- Stteet,- WOroMiPi.
,correctet1 -blab •scheol
responsible for that!" I cried. there , More
Vault is. 'Taxed ,with enatigh.lgase me cl'arixas... • ,
00110113C0n he said quietly • net ta*In'galY • • • v •• • • • ohltdetO. ,Olitc;roV ttlie defebt• 'A chit&
aPPq aeja Nyhi' at ,.you,re* -1• .. "Yes," lie 1,9--11d. thine theearlittle .clirpped. tilange. Tthhie'
said: "YOU pretended to steal that:leg be -fairer tot Yee' ••le,tielt .1 . A., tr.b.e ,:mia.y• he eequese, .•.grng cteeper,
acioiisspme hbeattsiee yen Weie' ,afrairl Myra- wefaildf,thilll, IP,
a•-‘,,h0-:natoebtire Should; , USt'
inake •overWatelreing lobjections to Xllipr. liclOker the el.e.Sitred color '1'3`. 'SPeeelt,hich yroull4
t Were, the Cense' knorWee and.
lier•%.ight.•' tg'i-Vg Y'99 -.111Y rilW•`)3'qr•s•acle4..
ate peeler ems
to do. Of course, now I see yett...WOUld give UP ease. 011i lYliss.MCLe155512- -
ed re
the floWers.:.When drY• With
Vivisecting him:, or whatever you weitt athitke 3"o1-1:: Mr. Ewarti s PI
• the' defect °:,e2.eireictecit " when. . it. ':filie4'
,or tipted, two, or. mare )eal.iorEL: ,, , :1Stairioi. '' The •Lteacher:. eau t'P'rel'e 'the
Ileneteeeeeede. fi,owers.'aret.easellytneaue
e geentesthelp by, prey:anti*. the ittOetl, i
useki. a , •great deal not 'only tin , hati '11°P '':s4' netiPing' arilY 't4niblitig.' 1
.Petailis, out 'out in:166es of 'Salk abOut. elle ''E'lle'l?tlIc.14,'gT1t-l'Y "e41,* ' :ie 0 .• with
arld. re atways pretty. 4.0ses ,are -eieeelian,he_ati,,ne,', . -ite Melts ...first, Staltes.e
but.' .iiF6 ,oln ..diresses, rgci r-.thake :the: 'Ptutteillnig., Or he"3103110Y 111' 'Te4tait1003'; '
Onit'attiadtingtfie. 4if,enti6ii, e'the' fe'et
-ef blie;.thes.‘,4nia, help him ante -a more
deliberate 'arid' l5etter ,ertictilated triode,
Of- expreiSion. •AI'Connierin naiStalee in
faark&rn..ith,P6tiastalitidian: .6eurtjee:-:-',s4t.tibia-iit jninaLtwerinia.k..-ii4-t;
lie, • - - ' t -r-• Alootioforria,.. But .0•11 '
I alelinvli---s"sare the harvest -moon 1-ia
splashed the, niounba,in-•side.vrith, pat -1
' even then I don't 'See What You mean 1-- s'hirY0' lc lianas' with 'nun vv'arrnlYe-
eless a oilker in reck.1W-., Tri111131.0,1?, by ..,,,e.. e.a..eng that ‘ your 1,17,e,enee them "Thank_ yen," I said.,,,.. as 'I, noticed
' /I the eagenlio•ok ,on has. keen, handsome
face. 'Thank . you from, ,the bottom
of any heart. - To-mcirrow I hope ..I
shall firiel the man WISE, knew ,Sheilito,
But we were in ne moodier .aes e •
We 'applied the Moonlight to' mere
praetioal purposes.
"Sim*, me the river, Mr: Eveart,".
said, Garner -A. as we tarrtied away Irani.
the Shore. Accordingly I took him up
stream till we came to Dead. Man's
"What clo you make „ things
novel" I aoleted, aswe -Walked along.
can't -make anything of_the steal-
Cbveted it and has 217W gort it. Oanl50112 'of a 1-1-11Piess ihe wants verY flat-
emitradietiori. You are looking at thdiS
ing 01 a ;dog except tha som
you?" Affair t.
, • '
"No," I •ansWered thottgletfudly, "I — -rem ;PerS In°1 peugt a view
caret. But it's .ant embraordinary coin-
cidence, att the least; and: who on
earth coti.lcl have stolen him? You see,
no "one -round here would dream of
taking!' Ainytkking that belonged- to
' MeLy -cit And thoueh Sholto is
WOuld , .dlantgertoug_tp. Mass. IVICLeo •
"Tleat'Si•ta".VerY.:irigeniciais Construce.
titan to put on my words, my dear
fellow," - „he Said; "but.* my I.
woe, 'relyjne cai you to eV:erred= MY
patient'S' Objeetions.. arty 'experi-
ments that might be deemed 'advisable
ore heir dog. I. nieant. something much
mbreeeerious. than that. I.have known
7011 )apity a few hours, Mr. E'werte but
nobody. need tell Me yen' are anything
--land no wonder, either. But al -you
were not go worried abent your fian-
cee your brain would have igimaisetl
my point at once. That is why I want
"you to send for la friend."
"I will," Lpromised ..selernnity. Na
tell me—what did you raleati.?"
Wes' !blind.' •
"I-' etnitY IMO* of, one out,side the
.Generaft'a household," he,,,,answerect.'
• "But • I don't even knew tthatfl.'!. I
cried, fortgetting Dennis for the me-
tnerit. As Tote Olviery; he had .gene
clean mit of .rey. mind. "Who de you
Mean.?". • ,
"The American," 'said my compare -
(To be' continued.)
inierted. Centre's maybe made by
two three inches square; told±
diagonally tiarrid gather iaround the two
straight edges. Pull up to make petal
and fasten 'on a small piece of buck-.
ram Or scid4;:. The size`land number of
petals denerels en the .sme that you before „spea,kine; eaebi
wish to have your finiehecl rose. For,
a a0410,:s rase a Tow eT smaller pawls that bother. him. When 'he ts thus.
can be placed just inside the outer made ko eteP ;and linnatural'154' t*e
. . .
circle -of petale and tihea the centre 117°a13.11 this m'alls- t° his minal'ilat 416
is 'unable to speak -as the other
Basuto 19:-„ndildtgtvaeol:1):1010.1tvgiaricce ineete.erlh:30:; 'ilcitlirnegns4w134hreiht isstaa' nfunit exPle°rrse need,4alirir1
I end two inches ,sele., „ nermal subconscious control Stant-
. , .
roundings bave nauch, to be tlaa.nktul ' ng • 151.1 inerers can and
We people who live in civilized sur-
far, although Perbaias we may not the re'm Yirn'T e 6;- 'Ti ' -C 1
14 -ell enough. bred, he's never 'been, 1.0 engi rev gvea. er ung power
throrugh tbe centre., The,:a gather `all
ecl,ges exeept the folded one,e pull up
Life's 'Jewels.
"These ere my -jewele!"7-itiens she
nobly spake .
Of her dear ,s1oais4 —the Reiman
mother,. fond,_
Compared' with -diadem ete costliest
- Make,
In. value infinitely fare beyond!
leTor ever yielded .(ocean de -Piths, -nor
lake, •
'Aught, half so. rieh----not e'en the
diamentl! .
Thus sloth .mother'sr heart "to
. her respond:
".Y.e.:are..the jewels!—treasures. truly
It Our. girls, for example, en= .
a shave, and haze no reputation. I can't "When .I. f4ita Ivia the eanse ef realize -
make it 'out!, 'the dog's dasaplibarance, I Meant that PY e• freedom which might 'well be the
verer EloTTY haPPented just if I hadn't arrivedr on the sceue the en -TY ,of the Maidens of othea• )ands.
ree,w,e saki the emaist. w,a, heves dog would •nrever have been touehed: -Take the Basuto girl. In. her cese
than spealemg.
Cancer; 'the .1Vice,tlic0
-. MadboaL.1131513
ailyeays.• atclies.o. suffer-
ers from, eanCer: Itai.e...promap,t • re-,
deurge tfie. Sairgebn when ib•ee first
Symptom et( 60110,d2 .aive;dirG.: It -na:aY
be 9.niere wart 'that slic*s. elgps,'ef
groveirig; it na.ay be nothing anurethan
a little' .sWelling, er a. laard•.lurep„ be-
neath the. Shin with redriese ,sureo•unde
flag it., A person inegue,ha, case should
lose no time in Iseeking need-real'adirlie,
The trouble may- be ,e4i,nO inuPortance;
but, if ;be' a. e•Oinnieheing cancer,. ths.
otiely, hope liee, in its iretutediate remove
al •. •
, Pensons• 'suffering
frona. candiere Ctionunoteiy conceal': the
'fact, 'as •if tile affliction were sharriefel.
Too often, the victims , have rOoTt. ts
=Strums' advetritiemd Jaye: unienttPuleuS
takers who Offer ,a '`eure Without. the
lcnife.," thus postponing an • Operation
until it to -o late.' .
A canber is' usually .1coll,a,nd
h t b eveeeeneeeeeiree• ,on the animal' The deg;Wasi... taken, by soMeone who slue its not allerWed by eastern,: to. ;have
I conIel tonne the girl. But et any rate 1 ,. .
that is beyoaael .grie.vi-rag about now. Is would, experiment on ham, (I
an- wh'e husband:. Wb.at usually happens. as
this the place?"' this: The dusky male Sees' a maiden
Pool, That dim white shape there. is who pleases hina, and he goes to the
"Yes," 1 veld, "this is Dead Man's
-' Cl-,. il i< .1", - Ito.elc. It Was there that girl's father aled states his desire for
marriage.- After this the Matter is
talten up by the bleadsi of ,.11-e family
and' rel,ations, the girl heraelebeinig, in
ignorance •of What is actually haPpen-
k w wee 'blind who knew that I ,anything to do withethe cholce Of .a
wasedetermiareelte get there first.
"But," eeteldimed, "that,' Would be
carrying professionall- jealouisk .a bit
too Mar that'S,What Yon mean!"
eit would be carrying at so far that
bbues MeL ocli het her sight, end here
tha,c the G-earietral had: his extraorelme
ary ,experienee. It 'leeks berate:mint and
peaceful encutgit," I added, with a
"The General was ve.ry lucky --very
lucky indeed!" -murmured my convert- lerin; you smell the same yourseef.. I
blincl, because he. knew he was -----
0:142k01110a 1100n1 above the coadlOcuse,
and he stele in: filen), there. poach-
er Would heore gone 112 'tile kimnefl, and
found it emptY----aand! that would have
bean tile end ef that. But the man
who knew the deg 'Vvas in a gaecial
room must have known why he was
there; and seems to• me that the
man who .steals` a blind dog steals
him bedanthe, fon.- ,some reason or other,
he wants a Oalind degethat.veccy one,
probably. Haire yona 'got me?"
we ician rule at out' of otert, he mos-
everect. "So tivats-what' I don't anion.
Let's go baelc.' ,aiitayie 'the oeteur,-
renee. I. say the dog was not -Stoll*.
by poachers, beea.uSe of the ehlorde
S2-3 that the. thief lerteiv 'the dog 'was
"'Why?" I asked:
"Tee was cloWri here lo.oking• at the
rook, and he saw -sicane sort & vision;
Miss. McLeod, was up, at the rack 'look-
ing doyen at the' Pool, and she logt her
sight. The General, might have been
looking this way iresteed of that, 10
-Obi& case we might have had another
cage on our laancis." • •
_ "Then you think the 'two adventeares
are' different aspects of the same
thing? .only we knew where•*olto
was it might gave us even rnoye to go
"Have you ',any tobacco?" he asked
abruptly. "I've got a, pipe, but Ilett
my tobacco ia my room'
We were in evening dress, and my
pouch and ,pipe Were in the hoiese; so
I left him there while I ran in to.
fetch. them, When: I rebUrneel he was
nowhere •ho be Zieemi, f or a moment
1 half .sustpected some navy' tragedy;
but as I looked round" 1 caught the
gleam of the antoonlight on his shirt -
;front, found .hira kneeling on the
Chemist's Rectic, looking out to sea.
"Many thanks, 31r. :Evart," he sold,
as he handed' me back my pouch and
took the lig,ht offered him. "Ahl
glad to este you smoke real tobacce.
By the way," he added, "liore Yea a
friend—a Teal friend,.—you. eat trust?"
"I have, thank 'God!' I replied f er-
venttly. "Why?"
"I should like yea to sendi for him.
Do 'anything you ca,n ito get him here
at once. Go (and. drag him here,
you like--onlry get Iltim there!"
"13tet why this iurgenieY?''' aalced
"Yes,' said,. "I follow you so far.
Go on." Ana I was Psurpritsed to find
.how relieved I 17J19.6 et this suggested.
cemplicatien. 1 telt that it we multi
only 0444:Rite th6e.iamazit'g. wee.k
mysteries to some lninnan .agent I
sileounel be 'able to grapple with it.
"Now I come to AnY main Point,"
Ga,ruesk continned, "and 'it's this: The
men who wanted Sholte because he
was blind wanted hint tio eacperianent
on. But no professional man would
do a thing like that, even suppoising
there to . be one about. That motive
again ruled! out of court, 'Dhere
remains one possible solution-----"
"Welt?" I asked: breathlessly, for
even now I failed: to grasp: the con-
clusien nary- scientific iconapanien could
be coming to, "Go on!"
"If this thief ditt net want Shaine
to experiment len himself, st,ole the
dog in order to pn:event me tram ex-
perimenting on hint." „.
laughed aloud from sheer excite-
ment and the relief ore finding 5,015The
taingilYie thing to go on for the ocul-
ag.ain. "I admit that we ihaVe istls angunient stsmck Me as vary
very horrible natural phenonteria to I nearly petifeet.
deal with; but, apart from the fact "YOU 'ought to be at Scetland Yard,"
that some wretched (reacher has stolen I said. "Yon s'eem to have hit the
' 'I n the
"The two calling etre very elosely
allied," he skid medesiilY. "Detectives
deal with munlererg end thieves', and
1 with nil:Wes and tissue& It as all
a, question of diagnibisilS."
"I must slay 1 think yOu've diagnose
ed this tease Very' well, Mr. Garnesk,"
said, "though We ere just at the be-
ginning of Our imottbles, Th,e first
thing to' do
"To find rthe man who stele the
deg," tont
"To find the meal Wilt know bilk dog
waig he eornelettid, ,g.tytisat
id0aM *0 May Come to the inn who•
. .
The principal point for discussion is
the dolay, which usually takes the
form. of Cattle, to be banded by is
prospective bridegroom to' bis prespec-
tive father-in-law. °nee thie as ate
ranged, theoustoan IS to pay. a deposit
of •do many beasts, the balance being
handed over a -t the -time of marriage,
iVleanwhile, the gtri le,informed who
leer husband is to be, and no matter
whether he be young or old, good-
looking or ugly, the girl has to do as
Mr father bitlectier.
This custom, however, does not ap-
ply rigidly threughout Bastutalantl,, for
those natives who are liVing near the
borders of civilization have discarded
the doirry part of the business', mu&
to the- bride's, father's disgust.
In these CaSeGi, the, wediding-party
wear Eluropeam. clothes, and • return
from the church by wagon to the
bride's father's hut, there to feast on
freshly -killed .steep and drink Much
leadr beer. As a gener,a1 rule, the
feasting and merryma,king lasts for
two days,
Automatic Caleulator.
An automatic calculating device has
been invented to figure the preseure
required in, metal stamping,
a dog, Iva, have no finnan eternent bo
fear, tioit't see rhoW- ihe can help,
rand 'he might run' a risk himeelf.'t
"Never mantle -fetch' him or Send for
hire. If .you etruld: harm seen yourself
start when you. returned to the pOol
yonder to fltd aniesing, you Would
.' realize that your e alervetici 'System
*Otild be 'the better for little eon.
eraal eorripanionehip. Frankly, Mr,
;Wert, I don't like the idea Of. ''Yen
•Iiiing left, alone hove during'the next
:few days ..with,a !giel and weld
'tdan—if pardon: Ine 6otr
se blunt." •
"131.4 you'll be bete," 1 slaid.; "and I
hope you evill 'hoc semething to soy
to us that .0,kilit0 pot neenree clityt of the
inealon whoa. you lose examined
Garmeolt to:,,o to 111$ feet. and n
...f.riendly- band on niy,
"As eolen. "03 . oectu -what, this,
;place tooks.lflee. sib a cluarterliast' four
to a geort1014.14 ..Ave in the nfter,
116011, 1. 241141i.' ,
"Blot- -14:ipA '10,Alvetiv Mari!" 1 ceteel too f'veitteettlrie tokat 44044r: Itt ie•
.0b+.03 dog; then we 'IndY;,,r:ige.t'
•reathen, tient big' own ff 'are
exceptiOnally klieloy„ But, .1.. taboy I
own. supplY !hie
"1'51 van?" oried. . "Leta heav
"'You've thought ,e4t ono yourself,' of
'conate?" eigked, '
"The -lathe' motive 1 ean 'think ol!
The miracles of. ervIliza-
tion. have been performed
by men and women of kreat
,self-confidenee, .1`..liho had un-
wavering faith in their
power to accomplish- the
taSkS they undertook. The
race 'would have been cen-
turies behind what it is to-
day had it not been for
their grit, their determina-
tion, their 'persistence in
making real the thing they
mentally saw arid believed
in, things which the world.
often denounood as chimeri-
cal or impossible, '
,MY . chil, dren-gerns!7--briglit' pearls
, both pUre and fair!
Gh, Father, May I rightly -estimate
Their 'priceless worth and (guide
, their Minds .with .-Cape, ' . •
That they may nll with Virrthe -What-
. e'er state '
Thou rnayst appoint! And, Th,vlien.
their:life iSe o'er; ' rial-to •Starelwitle, 1 L-ater 011' if . it be not,
,. Oh,ertatay :theybe tile je-Wels of Thy reinoved.)., its' drstsased :cells find their
.stetrel'i • . ;way • th..rough the !aloudstneam •er 1
, . ....._...e.- . lymph ementriels to the liver 02 some.
Caring for the Family Meat Supply. other- vital cirgalle infecting, it, . and
A ill:4NY recommended:, method of de-a-th, falihnvs... • -----
pica -kit ,ailiatthis tanial ishat114ers peeper- pare of the many theories regarding ,
he cause of `cancer is that It ii8, attri-
atory to ,strooking Mclaades,.the use of
to ant undiscovered germ, molasses.. Tye four qufarts of pone salt
car -
and , two elerneee. lof pulvetriied isedt. 'lied by thebedbug er seine caber in-
petre, acid sufficient molasses
, , to anake ,seict:' If 'that were lbenteet'the'd.iset-944e,
would surely be more prevalent among'
a Pasty anixtere. The,hams• and shoid-
the ' slum-dweRing -' poor 'thae. among
dors having been arra dry, 000l plaice .
well -to -de, people 'who -enjoy the bone -
n:, 1111.3,„,:e,,to,"b'eft,rteicorv,'ediraLs:aj'affte,ovvea.c.trtilbljni.....,,.1. fit a sari -Maw surroundings. Brit smelt
le not the cage; e:ancer is as, common
the,nixture,,,ntorre thickly on the flesh among 'the rich: a,s'in. 'the tenieenent and
side, end 'laid skin elorwn. tor three cr
'peeler quartet's. of our cities..
four days. ,: , '
. ' '
In the ).rieftritime ania.ke La pickle of t
the following propertionsi, the quan-
utons raria Nuts'
tities here named ibeirig%, far one hurt- The luadority of the buttiox,xs.'we wear
.dred Pound,s,, of nitedti Oearse salt, are' not made of hone sr born. Most
seven pounds;- .saltpetre, -Wild ounces; of the.rn are of vegetable 'ivory,'
peta,* half ,.40, ourtele; ,stdt wateir, four inueli ,of it is .ebtained from the T, agua
, gallons. Heat galadefollry; and as the •paint. ' . .,
i cum rides renieve tit, When seam Thc,8 palm grows, wild hi vose,geeeee
ceasee Ito rist; allOvv- the pleklie to !cool. in Panama and Coltuala. The dins,.
INThen the hams ' have comained the tars of its ,nuto;lookbng like coecr.nuts;.
proper time in this , 'pasty Mixture, EtTee eUt, green from the tree and ciria
cleriver the bettotin of at tleant sweet in long ,open, sheds, After some .Weeks
barrel with salt about 11521f en incile drying, the inside -of the out,. whichls '
tdee.rpti• pack hi the meat as closely as tuiiity in the green state, grows' almedt
,possIble, cover it with the pickle, end hard. Then the Cuter cleating of Ore
.pleee over ,i,t a lontoWer with weight is,' stripped •off, and iliSide there ' ap-
10 keep, the tweet lc:town. • :, - peans, a, gl•iisteilIng Valliant White' stub-.
pinall'.haims end ,thouldtera should, Amaze Which drie.s ad hniq .as ivory.
'remain 'itt tive plitIcle ler five ititelo Zio striPped nutS are. then shipped to
larger ' opleo,:.;will require six or tight maradaetairers. , :
weeks,, ttip).topering 4».83.,./.*. Arta they Atthcr
ttatetorY theY are out by swift.-
00614 fliejalldwed- to' dr3r, well 'before ly .revolvitng , 841/WO, lat. rough dist%
strnekiintg, . . - ' ' , whieh in tura are put,iitto.the%,1:atqate0
• The 'filliAt should -"he c4nlattliteti, 'in a. 1104 ts4aPO4 iq.-.114031411`011* Iga6114101I
orniel ',1y4ilidtiig . is:1E15031e ter 'the por-, too,: dr9tis them, reeved theind ,00turiter-
,ptiSle One. Wilitleh le, as ,near fair -tight sin'Ird- tiiid. niclved thorn,' „And .ntailteS
.a9' P10,Ssfitblie ' i0 -.tile hest, lis no Inert [Welt), frito a, iior,,rtk 6,t sliali6i'.6,1111,§00-.
wa,,,,ha. tholiad 41:6 „nista& wain le. •ilee 00,‘ Twleies;etifilliotnas oft 'it til,dielvTaiet'ult .P0Atliniii,tbmea-
grsraolting a'.. '8 -Malt quantity of Dioces, w,b_teh exp ' dr,00 and Inot4.0f1.
,4000 jti.t., atoilor.v14eit,,e0,41,0,1!ort,lbelticilLEt :q1,a;,72,1apili acilliodnelryJ'011:15,4,:littnnizItectera bit6oL,0i.e,t4diy.y.u:btiytrai '
.. ,
pit' thould 10 dtt, ,auti 'a Ws stelle 'ea catoil, and pelc tliie.in ready i.',dr ItAe.,,
piliteed '101'o8o it,' upon. Vvhieh the adge,
d 'the tsamite uilitt resit:. Ilall the p11118
Be a Gd Listener.
If you wish otheks td 10
interested in you, you must
he a 'good' listener. Listen-
-ing, itself, is a fine art.
'There no-bhing inore flat-
tering to -a parson than to
feel that you are interested
hi what hissaying. To be
a good lis.:beiiiev neXt to
'being a .0(21:d' talker. gut if
you seera indifferent,' if
' your eyes 'wander about the
room- And", - Yon seem, bared'
when. others are talking.,
'ttuy wilt loset. interest in
you. It: is, -not absoldtely,
ne.oessary be.-. a . great
t(:)?-1oe- popu-
-14r, lOyecesp47;t0,:be
a good, lisfeher. If, Yon...-wilr
jut rnake tip your: mind
that there
terreatig,,in ,e7eTy-9.4`. you
meet,. and that ''yon,/ are go.
ing to' find it,: ydu Will '
Suiiied -bd. see- ?itha-t'.` f a-
cility .siOeeeh Will} ae:-
daY the winter months.
With a craven' son' and Dea;rfull
Olt, a trouble's a ton, or at trouble's an
Or a trouble is wilat you,make it, -
...eend 51 isn't the fact taat you're hurt
that counts, ,„
But enly, leivrdid you take ler'
The Dipper stales, readers may care „
110 ,enoive are mosti-y' travelling 'in the
same direction. 'The one at the tap of
the handle, and.' the on , of 'tte two
"pointers" nearest le 11M. Pole Star,
are rnieving 111 exactly the opposite 51-
vect54. from the otlier five. Despite
this fact, the form ef. the Dipper (or
FUT Bearer's -VttnieLca, Or'at Bear) will Lill be reecgnIzed
40,000 years hence,
- The muSkrat; termerly held i•n small
The "pointers,' it shauld be 'explain -
esteem; is today Teeegnizat. as the ed, are so -named because they "point".
iirost ireportant, .Actreri-can fur -hear-,
to the Pole
ing 1 tc,s• e e,it, -having become' Star.fteehionable, conEnlands an. ever-iti.
. Ed148ttand1!ri)T..a11ce
I.eeby,heheuiof the lttle Tliea:ae!mryteo 1ailiyde!p.s; at
becet „
tagebeenstitainitted,. with .the re-, ed. aud 'imeueneiae enemie,s. of 'human
Slilt," that • itai' numbers, nearly every- happiness and hurnae order--ig-ne2'-
w4e're• aluct'self.shiness,,
minerri's Linimert'for COlds, etc. Thiase d°,-PT''ertY Inuerbs "•\11- the
age that is, dene itt theewcableand the,y
Le are the....al-WaYs.. Present obstacles to im-
. Wireless oerateee ' all tralv-el at -cue
ows,s.p,eed, regarole,e, theft, separ_ proving the eonelitIon ot mankind..
a,teIt is •the.prov-ince of' atutellectual eclat-
Tlje. o.nto .1. osottni . tor incur?
., New Xprit CIty,
nirerti 2, three years' (!auf-ge Of, Train-
tO. '74115**Ohl2or vs.
trod, e1iibat5n, nncl ,der...ffene''0±
oetrator, ntirites.. I-Iosidtpl. • Kan
ad'Opted, ths•sitlit,,,thettr,•Arateritil, •
xiseivitils • o and'frOm teW iletrls, .,ror ,
urther ArkkorroktiOn the
nerinteriaelit. •
Arery hen should
Make yours pay in
eggs fpr ,the feed
you give thew.
- Get -eggbydiding.,io their
feed 6,10xe0 egg -making
tonk found' In -•
Pntitgi Regalsior
FRED. Ten titt
iTOD • CO., Or
aet-Zi.APA, 3441: siVrbo
TC161110' ,
tainarci°4 L i&ii5U2tdby Vo.wo.allei
Lift Off with
r-catiod-te addre.sS. its.elrto the, tfirst of
'these, and, it is,the task of mei:al edu-
cation to,:desal With the 'otlir. -
' If me,lf.st eyed oonld only bt really
ofiened to-an:understanding of how the
civilisation of the world has 'been won;
if they certild be -brought 'te, :Oa the
signideance of esoli Step; tpis how-
ever iong„ agov :en:tile utt>wid.-Path ot
:-.14,,n;ei,:dieftliiiipiteenit ;':',if :AiroVeitilittrre- •
Cogniz.e.that;theinerplexitiest of -"to -day
are ;duir'. ol4efly,,,if nee entireily.,: to• lack.
4.aottsimexe,heOeeit the ruling prin-
elplea Which are attwerlt in liti4an life
and the circumstances Of the anoment, •
:and, hot -to ' the, imperfection- of- unwie,
&nil, of those 'principles they woal•d be
Ohio to PasS, juster and ielget judg-
, menthe' upon the questiene ..subniitted-
poi arbit'ation'tO, till* as cipiens,
-If Men Could onlY be led- )10:0,ppreci.
ate the distinction. hetween-velli,shness
and self -hood. to; s be: the richneest.eind ...
fulness of nature,Which come from We'r-
Vieter,; and to. reatiie that the highest
exPreiStion, and.' the greatest caul:mask
which. at .irtinnan, personality 'Can attain .
is, through 'findling• Its, ideals. hod its
satisfaCtionskin promoting the halimi-
neSie 'and the intereSts Of lbs. kind, the
• task uf governinent would he easy
deed.- .
tl..:-. . ..
PerSia. -has no . old maids,
Debstit 'hurt a, bit! Drop alittle
"FreeMnrie" Oft an aching corn, i.nstant,:
ty that' cern stops lihrting, then, sh.ort,
ly you lift ft right off With fingers,
Your aruggut sells a tiny 'bottle of
"Freezerie" ,ter a few OtatS, eralicient, 1liver, but. diotiarpee rvartb
Diutch. th'ildien are ,dtessed in, ekaet-
, „ , , •
ly the staine stylei • as thdir parents,.
Bread! the'. daily „food of less. than
ote-thitfi'o po,Pulation.
.Faris charwomen lieve. foran.ed s-
apd edepted 'a wagee scala aaad
neW conditione of work,
,ItimPers enade .of .yroven Weol end
l'aaed 11.1) the frOrlt Were r'Oili,blY (w{?",
Men many, Centurle$ ago., , •
TIle'Most • 'treacherous animals to
*al *Ith• -eaPt,iieity are eaid to he
;jaguars .and, z.bletek',pantheree
• Do- you 'try' to be AS 'gcod as your
tIlilIren,ththk you are? •''
, ono pound of phosphorus ie eats CI -
cleat to, tip ii.,(iP0,000 'Matches'
Q-tVinell,y, ..dar61. wag , a glee. a.e,-
eempined by. .a
:The reg'i-ou, ,gre,ateSt obld Tlear
'Vetlehoyan*, in'S'11*/on the 'Yam%
to remove o;c4i.li• lteta 001'11, tioti. hoween 41Wr,"
er cern bot!tv,:esii, the t;oee, and the CO,1' :i0„ata, 14 510g, SIa11b 0
tvith9nt eeteneGe or irritation. tirde. A 10tupo115±i.,„s,,, 'deg, t,olft.tyY
me hal' 'been
lbU No. ...a,