HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-01-12, Page 8• WING . ' ADV T, I!. 491s, tomr.±14k. �SFa Beginning with the New Year we are remarking our stock to replacement values and are prepared to offer the public better goods at lower prices. Cash Brings Lowest Prices %Imo% Suits and.Overcoats Special. in men's and young men's Overcoats, all sizes .............. $22.50 Men's serviceable tweed and wor- sted Suits .. .... , .18.50 Stanfields' pure wool Underwear, per garment .... .... •_ :1.69 Lambsdown ,heavywool fleece Underwear 1.39 Men's heavy winter Caps, "Kling-, Klose" hands. ,.., ..... ,..... ,1.49 Winter Ready -to -Wear Furs, Coats, Suits and Dresses, 25 to 50 per cent. off All lines to be cleared. Rugs, Linoleums, coir p1ete stock of House Furnishings. Remnants, ends - of Dry Goods, ; • Silks and Staples..•..,;.,...;.:.half price Flannelettes . , , .... .. , .20c, 25,c Cotton' .19c Prints, dark and light 25c GROCERIES—Cash and Delivery Seedless Raisins Lard, 3 lbs. Currants 24c Dates, 2 for 55c Olives, stuffed 37c. .19c Tea, 3 lbs ..., .,.. .. '1.00 ........ .25c Kippered Herring 19c 15c Toaraatoes 16c Shredded Wheat, 2 for Peas, Coria 35c Mr. Joe Nixon of Lu know, spent Sen - day at the home of iV1r. len, Patterson. Miss Tana'l,aici'law and Messrs John and ,holes Laidlaw spent New Years with their sister, eats Jackson of Auburn, Mrs. J i me w a..11 .d bares . who have spent the past week with her sister, Miss Lilian Patterson, returned to their home in Detroit on friday; 1 1 11 Everyone on Itriday everting. Every East W'a"T�1C&tPtli` , good time. rofSchool; '+� v the'Red .lie Literary Soci.. t _, Et d a social evening at the home of Mr. , �.• d Mrs. Eliha Walker. Everybody 1 rep x: its splendid evening. e s a 1 We are sorry to report that Miss Belle! 't Wr;;trtman is laid up at present t tenth . }e to I �.pleurisy.W er.0 c � ..ac 1.: CC' atnick ofl� ear of of her recovry soo, I o many of Mrs. . A fCh i e . _veil will be sorry tu floor that she is. n, preg'essitig.a=s attickly as we would Iil.e. , Mr. Chas. McBurney from the Nare,st is i,.ting with his brother, Mr. Stewart 'e1a`lltlrney. ;Miss Annie and Mr Ernest Robinson apses Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.: Joe t; boiupson of St. Angustine. :i. r. and Mrs. rattles Young entertaitied 'satire number of friends and neighbors ;t Whiteehur;a1 in the Saturday morning g i trill o 3 her, - et d s 5 mot a Tena ban . , pp Mrs. . Robert IYIcC g well item was Rt The next eared; T n be ex butterflies. s ca rte p represent bu ' i 5 played ie ve 1? Archie Steele of London, is visit- Luckno.l Juniors were to have P Y ..little- Louise Laundy Mr.o, b A -cat sot Y 'r d applause. use, a broom lou PP game which received good e the 00 .g not in wasP ' eg as the is i is showed •rePorts A COLUMN FOR T[JXIS BOYS Meeting of Htxrott County Council The Council of the Corporation of the lCounty of Huron will meet in the ,Come cil Chamber, Godertch at 3 o'clock in the epee:mese of Tuesday, ,y, the 24th. day of January, 1922. All acct unts against the County must be in the hands of the C•erly not later than. Monday ?leceding the meeting of Council. Goderich, January 9th. 1922,: Guo. W. alolt,MAN, County. Clerk (Edited by the boys) A firm manufacturing safety razors once stated in an advertisement that one ad- vantage of shaving one's self rather than bei lg shaved by wbarber is that it forces a man to take a good square look at him• Smith. Policy Holders in Confederation in the mirror at least once a day. Let's take a look at ourselves. We will please' pay matured premiums at the have been organized some ten weeks now; Bank of Hamilton and will give receipt. what have we to show for it? 'A. E, Sliiw To W.born It May Concern TAKE NOTICE -1 will be absent for three months and Chas. P. Smith, man- ager of the Bank of Hamilton, will notify and collect all notes due to the said A. E. We have an enrolment of about 54looters Lose at Lucknow , members (including Traci Rangers), and a The hockey season, opened at Luck- As ste .dily increasing average attendance. As long as we can keep that word "Inereas- paw, Thursday night, ween Wingham ing" there we; sha.l have no cause for juniors played Lucknow juniors there. complaint regarding either the number of The Lucknow team won by a score of 10 members or the attendance to 3. The; Line-up: Then also we have four mentors, and Lucknow Wingham goal Joynt 'Rev: Mr. Cragg and Dr. Redmond. who l Agnew old 1 defense. .Cruickshank aresla re on theojob. ! Treleaven r defense . ..Lockeridge conducted, l It of the church service we MacDonald center : , ...... Harrison As a res last Sunday morning, we are Go➢tan..:. • •, • r win€ Morden safe in'assuming that the church, as'a Howard Agnew..1 ring • ,.. .. . , .'.Brooks whole is interested in us, and ready to; Referee F. Kelly, of Listowel. back. us up. Say fellows that service Th Re r e—F.' hockey➢Li will meet was Worth the effort, it? It did' again in Wingham on Wednesday night us all good: and the results of it will be i of this week• a big asset to our organization. ' Now what else have we got that we 1 Splendid Entertainments Thursday, Jin. 12th 1922 might include among our assets? -Those 1 Two splendid entertainments which.' we. of you who have been watching closely purposed;reporting'in our last issue blit will have noticed that, there is a constant -,which we omitted because of lack of time ly increasing spirit of good -fellowship to were t 'e cantata held in St. Andrew's be found at the meetings, and that is not Presbyterian church, Wliiham,-and the only one of the greatest essentials to our Christmas entertainment held in the town success. it is one of our successes. ;hall on New Years night, Jan. 2nd. under Then there is . at least one more asset the auspices of St; Paul's church Sunday we alight mention, and that is.a balance. School. in the treasury. 1The,/Cantata 'Light of Life" in St, When you come to look it over that Andrew's church on Thursday evening, isn't egad lineup at all, is it?, Dec.29th was decidedly a success. Mr. Dec I wonder what our stock sheet -will Hill is to he;congratulated on the splendid. look at this time next year. Can we in- quality of the entertainment He and crease that number of members from 40 Mr. T. 'Mcg, Smith' leave spared neither; to 75? Can we bring our average attend- time nor pains in practising to make this, ance up to 50 per meeting? Can we at Cantata a success. - the same time keep before us the purpose 1 After the entertainmert Mr Hill very of our organization, as expressed in"the kindly treated those who took part to an derivation of the word "Tuxis"? Can' oyster supper 10 McKay's restaurant. every one of us keep in mind that we are A large attendance was present at the really helped by helping one • another as Town Hall on Monday evening, January,. expressed in the motto of the eSearch- 2nd , to hear the annual concert of St. light" :square,-"Juvando inter nos Paul's Church Sunday School and by the juvando''. - 1laud applauding we would judge that Can we? Can a duck swim—IF I T no^e' of the audience were disappointed. as all the numbers were well worth hearing. The opening choruses were sung by the school after which a "Welcome Dialogue, 1 1 TRIES.: " Let's go boys [The young men took charge of - the sersice in the Methodist Church on Sun was well given by eight tiny girls follow- ed by and are to be congratulated ed bya song by the primary class "Little Sun - on the success of the service. Messrs. E. Feet Be byll" a recitations by "Little S. Copeland, W. H. French, Gordon L. garet Saint, a pantomime representing Stanley and Bisbee, 'Wilfred Robinson a much enjoyed "A Sewing Circle"was m J Y Harrison were on the platform with Rev. after which was a duet by little Ruth 00 . Cragg,all Mr. Pullen followed y perhaps •`Miss Dorothy took t in the serviceWilliams which brought " n]oss me W st v 0£1 La e d a Bird n train e Br a Mr. ni, Copeland gave b Mrs. Win. Purdou and M W and Mr. French and Mr. op g down the house t theeek end with their sister, llrs working of the d b h i one of the prettiest numbers on the pro grant being a ,rill by eight little girls with large wings to g vetted d re. dresses and g.. ail Y g a recitation was nexty span week-end•splendid talks:, on ,. the- wo • - a sols. • out Brussels. Chas. Riot C , I Mr. Will Forster was operated on -for u as Saturday to ,visit tier "t�ringham .FIospital; He is doing - tett on .Sa ool.y. Mrs, C1 ant. the Cook s li4r Co k, sisters in Elora, s P ere 1 ter here. °hherd an t past five months with g r t e order of the des. . Parties are h Quite a number enjoyed themselves at . Will Dawson the florae of Mr, and Mrs. Oil New Vears and at Messrs. William Taylor's and Ti,,. Macintosh's. Mr. ern visiting with his sisters, Mrs. James Par= wanosh, spent a couple of days last week n Mr," a Tuxis Squares. -Editor.] Postponed Post Match e M P Hockey MONS WANTED All accounts are now. due and as we must raise con sider` able cash we would ask __o u r customers for settlement without delay. N. WILLIS The Shoe Store ® Phone 129, Ls III: �Af,ey.cr sti�x • 0 laasaauaaao in their usual good manner, a solo by Mrs. R. S. Williams, a very pretty pan- tomine entitl. d '"Holy Night" was also - on the program' while perhaps the num- ber reserved for the last was most 'enjoy- ed by all, this v as a one -act ' comedy called "The Mouse Trap" the `principals being Miss Ileen Kennedy and Mr. Bert i week with his aunt, Mrs Jas n Wingham on Wednesday evening,but a vocal tug' this W Cornelfus. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon anti child- was odtponed until Monday, January drill by twelve of the larger g C 'dialogue P ed p Sunday with Me and Mrs. 16th. Lucknow team has already' defeat- good training as well as th g rout spent Archie Anderson of St. T3eleus: re'f fast "Accidents Will Happen", readings were _ ed Wingham and as both teams a a w the Rev. H. W. Snell ..'._`_the- Rector,.. a splendid game. as assured: Don't miss peen by Supt. of the school lie game on Monday. i and Mr. Herb JobbP .f ,.ter. and. Mrs - Jas McGee of East Wa Will St from the West, iris Ween lis a 1 dors and Mrs Wm. Pardon. at the borne of. their son, Henry d Alt James Falconer spent ,McGee., Sunday with the fa me si uncle, . Mr. iiwith his brother, M. Fred 'M4'illiatti 1+alcouer at I�angside, was visiting Mr. yn s. Mr y Thompson of Carberry, Man. Messrs, john Sdoit and Milton 'Ross of Thompson. the Miss Hazel Wock of Teeswater, is visit* Teeswater, visited last week with latter's aunt, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, 4th. Con. a tug with Mrs. Wes. Leggatt.' G' E Ti FM NEV . SVING1 --- possible effort to that end. We mean it, and are- making every p ►� We ,,, re going over our stock again and putting out different lots f • Skirls of Merchandise, and reducing the price to make them sell quicker. Dresses • a Special bargains in Tricottnes, Silks, Serges and Plannet Dresses; Prices ranging front . 1 .$1.00 to a a I ouse Drese8 • • Wen5en's House. Dresses in several different abodes regular $2,50 and aa95, sale price Abell, assisted by` Misses Doris Felts, Velma Johnston and May Allen. This splendid program closed with the sing- ing of- the National Anthem and the teachers and officers of the Sunday Sctiool as well as- the Rector are to be congratulated on the success of their en- tertainment. t� Skirts in plain serge and tricottrse, and fancy pleated plaid. Prices ranging from '1,.50 to 6.50 'rg 211,50 Also,black and grey, striped, box pleated skirts, 9,00 regular $11.50, sale price.... • , argaitts in waists, prices to stilt every pocket ���s from ..$1,00 to. 6.95 raa '•$1 25 and 2.0 xIMY,e v •* Coats as Coats In at.i wool velours,, colors, brown and blue, some with fur collars and etas, otlt- e«e with fur cams, Regular $85.00 and 5.00, salts price w , . ,o,f,f I .1,8.20.:0 and 19.50 'say tone Coats with apposurlc collars, regular, $25.00, selhntg at [w.,..w. ..» 9,50 ,o • Sweater Coats • • Special selling of children's Sweater Coats, reg ' $125 reg- ular 3.00, aaerifieing at .... , .. . b Hosiery • Good 1largaies in Hosiery" -- P rides 15c, 2 pair for , . 25c Prices 59c,'2 pair fox ... , .. , .. , ... , . w. 1.00 Prices ley 2 pair for .... , .. . 1.45 7 rire ilefaccani Ling Pep FIX, 11E UP SO'S C CAN GET my ,BREATH AND HOS. ID IT FOR. If vi `"1' 17:1E AIV iLL ROLL HOME HAPPY , 1`^\ice•, "MERRILY we rollalong, roll along, roll along; merrily we roll along o'er BANG !" Blowout ? yes sir; but he put on that extra tire that be purchased ,of us and rol- led back to Olin shop and old Doc. Vulanize made that hole disappear and made that tire reappear as good as new. Good world. Sure! ECONOMIZE by bringing your rubbers and rubber boots to. us and have then* repaired as good as new by ZIAI:::17A1: 114 77411&"14134 XX X6��,?.$7)17462471°ri,'y,''J. +t ) ri x• �y,� tk a„ f- A; c -L. 1J+. A 4G p V { �e il `a ,fa'.4 i0 •e' - 71 :tri' •'t : } Ms a.nuary Morley Savipg Values .:i t, L ,-T J., r W � ,r 11" �i • i .4R.�i n r � � x F I-+ 6 ,� rr w. A ti. t ti (wi c' W.;� t• a '4 ) i $' r, S' riF• tr � � .Ai X �, tic.{s � .:4 Id .... .;,: �, . _,a . ' >, Y On All Winter Merchandise . X r : Women's and Misses' Men's All Wool Sults ��pp Winter Coats lr��l r �. Wonderful values i n Velour, �' P1ysh and Tweed Coats, with or ®q without fur collars all sizes. ej Prices $14.50 to 29.50 XSilk, Serge and Tricotine Dresses id Special reduction on all dresses, n cut in the latest styles. Prices $12,50 to 22>50. X Furs and -Fur Coats Reduced M Every fur in the store.reduced to ✓Ji a minimum price, including coats, ril mutts, stoles and'matched sets. All reduced' 20 to 40 per cent. 1164 Blouses and Skirts k4( All the latest styles, blouses and seperate skirts are offered at, spec - 11/41 cal prices. Prices $2,95 to 8.95. Woolen's Warin Combin- ations • Warm comfortable wool and union suits. with or without sleeves including extra large sizes, some of -the 'garments are less than half price. Rasa Frice per suit $2.89, tIei Won'nen'a Vests and Drawers g�f Soft and finely woven Underwear I . o es in white and natural colors, all sizes Corduroy Pants,Buffalo �o Price per garment $1,19. , Winter Mitts, etc. ,50 Smart styles in neat pin stripes and plain colors, all sties. Prices $16 50 to 29.60 Heavy Winter Overcoats Young men's and men's warm winter coats of all wool materials • 1/ fashioned in the latest styles, �/ Prices $14.50 to 32.50. \ Boys' Suits and Overcoats eeei� q Durable fabrics, tailored in the latest stales for boys from 6 to 16 _I ye855. M Prices $6,50 to 11.50. a� Sweater Coats and. Pullovers All wool snug fitting garments with V neck and roll.collars, all sizes. Prices 51,49 to 5.00. Special Reduced Prices Men's Fur Coats Men's, Fur Collared Coate Men's Mackinaw Coats Men's Sheep lined Smocks All aeoouns now due and payment must be' made at once Iect icer, 4411 c ies 'KING 'BROS%... est, Torortto; ranches, +lingiba ii