The Wingham Advance, 1922-01-12, Page 3EMIQRATE FROM KOVINTAIN "ktViiISLK.; • Stealer in 'AlbertakndN'O e Datne de +Lourdes in Mani- toba Are Successful Swiss Colonies. The •probable loPaithig very 6110Tt1Y ef a S11k plant in Toi-onte by Swirsia capital 'as the, .1ruciletta Of an extenSive industry, to be runt up around this •fountlation, with the eStablishMent at -lip-A:ions' points in the Doniinion of cf SWiSs WarliPeeple, natura1- AUT COuditicat • Doe Huth. 4t,1et 1-A;OA.0.0•0 toil.% • There Will be, it is considered, about forty cargesis. Another departure in the export of NITatery,Illood• Aftor yourri• wttn ron, grain. thisiyer has been the ShiPuf.eOt POQIe •Chl:jul6,11(11°a'.1.i;'1g=dr.alliltr A,:rains 'of tifo. , . , frond'''. tire Paellib cOnst, had en the United States but titat the Ganadian. The. girl Whe returns home ireful of. stacked W leat Valipowl.rer tb A Japan. Ilitherto Japan has been. con,. • . _ other a ,sanguine asisipaine t)at ulti Proatict 11,3(),NY held, in high favor . • 1,11S fOrtunate'it fillet:escapes a: becatiie ti at so easilY 14 'Pi'01b4.te first War/Itilg firar,itOra era thinning blood that. must not be disregarded if her health is tp bp preserved.' A When the blood becomes thin and impure the'patient beconies Pale, nags garci and angular. She not. only tires , out,.. easily but suffe'rs froat heddatiles, palPills,tion of the heart, dizzy Spells, and a lees' of aplietite, This, cool:titian Will go from bad to. werse, if, Prompt Steps are not taken. toincrease and enrich the ispe.a supply.- TO make the ribli; red -bland that bringi the:giew of ly raises the question of the des'it'abins health no •other medleirie Can. -equal ty .0f tiltS.inountain.107Ing race. as rons Dr. Williame' Pink Pills. It. given a mutely this. •would .0onie to. pass, veils cite extensivo demand,. oosniver, IS n port :hioVeniber consignments to the Orient Qt ,euti.t tor part of the prop of the. from, the PaCific edast 'Part Prairie provinces,, 'Though, the 'first seven thouSand tons. In ,sante. shiPinent Was Made only liaSt year, mblith a shipment Of two thousand velopMents .since.,;,cha ;tact the. toliS will leave .for - whilst volume of grain in prospect .f or,Mtport shipinents ComMeneedia.st year to San. front the Pacific, „leave no,,cloubt te Fisinclecri Mills. are continuing. the' future Sta,tise' 'ef 'Ylance.i/Ver as a' The success .of initial" expert 'ship, grain shiPping pori for the, prodrmt 6-k tibias Of dadiadian grain. from Van. tite.lfrairiee . . ersayer tisalisparts the world leaves ThdlireVenkOnt Of the firat'bi?, nO• shadowh.e of doubt as. to tgreat meat of Canatilln wheat to Etirate ,N5lBse Of tlii9; Pel.t,• lying So tibliVenient '1,Vak Of the Pacific was watched - with to.. the 'Western grainaries., as an (leapt eoSigisi,:e4,b1;e" •iiiitch.eSt, and. attenthin fOr, fibithill • of their annual orbP, from illiAnY eittartersA W.as directed to fts' end the ekiebe•Ss.. shifirnent thirmiigh the Pananta canal to Europe is,toaight with to the Dominion grain .Moi-eittent. illvery year .a, ,s ., 'Certain. .aniOrtat ot 'congestion • o'Catirs 'With the eaarmenProm-tht of Pratdle Presvincee flOolling the teernin al '.elevators: and,' export 'shipping p.ainte at the .sa.me time. The•heassy .ilietenSest in .annual iproduction which. Wig Probably' contirme In greater pro- partieri, in the futiffe„ itak the e.astern ports mitlet to a yet. greateT EntOpe. . Other Shipments'. followed ,ePtteait, and .the -.success of Vancouver traModiately"npon the 'first,, and- iYy -the- shitimenta will considerably 'relieve,. eads'ot thesseae9n., sixteen. thousand' the situation. as:Well:es 'Substantially tons, et, grain 'Mostly -WhearS left 'aUgment the. inipsirtance of the Bri- :Vancouver for Europe via. the Panama' tisls Odlitrabia poet. ; reception. at tire Englieh 'part. There was general apprehension. that the stoe, builders, their properties of as- 'fair trial thetr use brings rosy cheekS, grata Nauld Suffen-Pasglng thrOugh the ineliati-ens qualities of eisizeiiship and brighteyes, a, geed appetite, and goad tropical •legion !of the Panama zone, but vrher Unloaded shiceeiS in lands ill ate , ' Dr. WilliaMs' Pink Pills have , t, 0 , ran made thousands of pale, langutd girls experts stated that grain hld riever . , . been received there. in .better coiilii- tion, Pacific coast' expOrtera -breathed and alW a :wonder -fig flit-li• re opeoled'up for the Pacific coat in shar- • ing With the ast the btisineas of car- • rying thegrain. protitiet Of the Welit to mignhton from Switzerland to the American continent has never been • relativeiY • very sUbstantial in num- bers. The little republic has• progress- ed generally in en, enviable manner, a eontented arid cenitiortiibie little cos- mos where theeet ;were ,•tew,inistanc.es of great -wealth, no appearance of great eaSe or luxury, no rich or arro- gant' arlsto.cracy, but 'with practically every head of a family,however humble in. -eireninstaliees, ,pdys:e.ssie,g, a horrie. of his. own.' efiligrating tide doesnet sPring from conditions such aS these, and, so the SwisspeoP19 • have never featured ta any large ex- tent anteng the neW efftiantet' thd eolantiless of the American' continent. The war has broUght Switzerlan.d tier share of unrest and- depression in which Europe has been plunged, and emigration id new'. fields is, ineater Savor than. formerly. , A ,siigri -syseeof Citizen. . . Canada's .experience of .the:SwisS voOple as settlers h.aS been Compara- tively 11ia0ft, but „sufficiently gratify- ing .for the ,Derninionlo• take advant- age: ef, ,-.5-1,w,eoohOniie trend ,cf. affaira w7uch wil' send to,:tfei- tYPe :9!.;iemadron OlaSs taniong lile Meet de- Sira,KS.',,gSsp,p0'• draWn.: from In the' period from 1901 to 19t oey 1717 01 th6e-Pedille CaMe to Canada, a plropurtion arriving via the (limited States. '..Canada's • Switss pagination in 1911; the Abate of isseelast censas, w S,625.„ or .09 per ant of the Dominions'people., ' IT" the , last 'flees). year ending 3.Aarell. 1921,- the to.tal0Wiss intmigration was 261 215. er,tering hy ocean ports and 46 - front th.e United States. The first Swiss ;Settler's to:.arrive• , te Clanetia Were, lir:Might out unOer tlire auspices et the COin- paiiy, by a Colonel hitiy, a natici el ' Berne,, -Who •haft.sreitt*.a. considerable time in the company's service in Cana- da. They arri,Ved on.ships.of the com- pany at York Factory in Au.gust, 1821, dad' settled 'along the Red River near Pembina. At a later period .severai • establishing this. famay name as about lett tar Minnesota, settling where St. twice as old .aestise rnaprkty et English , . Paul 4,01FT stands, .and, being tb.e first family na.mes,.-- The stronghold thie settler's there. .About. the year 1886 ' ' clan was Tiro.wen. • The name .i'llfacl,onaigh" is derived tram the given. name "Ienach," which means a''''dirlt." It• is not certain:at just what period the clan was estab- lished, but it was a branch of the an. cleat clan of tli.e O'l-larts; and it!..wite Well established in Andrnote, Chunty' acttve and strong. ,On. the first sign of FoOr., thin blotici mothers should insist' tiriontheir datighters taking it tali course of these., pills. They, will not only restclre health, but -will slate ftir- tiler dector bills. , Dr. W'lllianas Pink PilLs can be 'ob- tainecl,from any dealer in Medians or by utail at 60 cents a box or six boxes 1or.82..50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co, Sitibekviircis Olaf: 1VIrS. la the; principal of the sehool aftende.d. by . her ',daughter: "Dear Madame -s -MY daughter'info'fs fita '611a:fie:it term she' *as obliged 16' study vulgar fractions. Pjease, do not, let this happen aghiri. 1 my Ohid must study- -x-action6,, let them be as refined as poisflale." allinard's Liniment for Garget in Cows. . This. Year s.hipments' from the' • ' ' ' - Pacifie east:to,Buirope began jut as b's . . , r -LI T ;E .,,• ,,.. as- the'rriovene- mit Of .the threshed., Crops 'Loin the prairies -get un, er waj. .... . , , , . •. , 'and 'the :exptittrbuSitteeerhae beea. lities'r: sinee'ltgatstime,-' Graire.dettlers at the coast estiMatesthat disringthse preser.t season,' approxintatelY ten . tiM.68 E',„ Mili3Oli:gra#11,17;d14, 1306 thrOligh 'Si -01001i- • ver for Pi:pipe ae„le.ft laeSt.Seeheetl. TtlA wilt anoun.t,••a-coordirige to es.tinaate, to Sigma es MacK,ENNA' Varirtiqs Moisentio, tililacKanne 'IVICY•tinn,ey; Kifille')A • • riarnes.. • There 4ir.e tWO forms „of ,thls.n.arne„ or rather two seParute,nafnes Ciaelic frein- swilieb' the faintly- nanieS: thrs group ' ha.ve lie!en d&' ,ho r many -,i,t-now: ,what tha. rived, is unfdrttina6 that in 6.o- origin the name was? many ,Eartiily the lidai and the It is not,,ho,weve,r, as one might sus - English forms .shoad be se different pect frobi. the .costurne so often Woen. as to cause coP:tuslon thee transla-' by its widely known 'bearer, a High tion Of "the name from one language land nine. It' is, just a place- mine, 'into the other.' ' indicating that the original Landers Here 'is another case where you'd Caine frOM, OT dwelt inthat sectidn. , haVe sense genealegiaal record • tO, Lauder is a burgh in tii.e Cannty of make sure whether -your .anCestors Berwick, Scotland, riear.D.1,cliribtagh. wore members of that clan knewn ,as. Near it is the Castle .'Phirlestane, the. 91VfectonagAi,' which. 'played a •Nchich °leen days was., the. seat of vividsPart in the wars of .Irish rebel- the Bard of Ladderdele, - lion in the early seventeenth. ,century, Stich names as these grew up na- or of the anbieht "Mann Citelaotlia." turallY• as addition to given names at The early•-recordSet this latter clan a peried when populations; were in- , .. , , . are clear.- It was founded by a., chief- creas.-mg so rapidly that given names tain .rtamed Cin.aoth (the `meaning of were no lenges. berificiently -numerotts the given name being "without servile to indicate a man's Identity. The work") about tile year 250 A.D., thus nanne -of the Place . in which. a man dwelt or that Where he had previonsly dwelt often *as added ta his giVen iu.,.the _same comMunity of' the same tmiteA efforts'. For local supervision, nanie to distinguish...him from. others narace noltme ot time their des- a 1.-eid'allt imieniber c)f tit° Fal.iner5'' eriptive nieaning became last, and they- Were a,ccepted. inerely as the , "WO' of Alio' iladiViduals. or families, just as! the incianiiigS of given names were early lost in theethought of. the pereen whose' identity was indicated: WELL IN WINN Winter is a 'dangerous' se.ason ter' the little ones. 'rile ,claYs ate s 'change- able -A. -one bright', the net cOiCt. and Giraffe 'Disappearing. -stormy that the so:ether f 'cl. t , take ;the 'children' out for. tlus fresh air' e • DANPERINE ops Corhifig. Out; • 86.-.cenis,beys a bottle of "Danclerine" at any, drug stor.e, After one applrca- tion you can Mit anti a. Pitistiele of aaritlIstitt ,' or .a ' farlin'g hair, • Besides, be vriegfTitnielsaSik, more °and flieand*aing e°er: • . Original Slusiseard • The original Bluebeard was tile hero of a well `known story of that name, written in French by Charles Per- rault. It is claimed the charaoter in real lite was Giles De Laval, Lord of Pais, made marshal of Prance in 149. He was distinguished for military genius and intrepidity, and was very wealthy, but made himself iefamous by the murder of his wives and hie ex- traordinary impiety. He was Ben.- 115 sTarltrr. loRoPITa Caqtarets To -night • fot Liver, Bowels Kind .of Kind,' 011 Beet-7:7!EPliftils. ,Cry,'Ma 'woe If .ye,difina find yer Douro,- afore dark here's a match!" • Fair Offer. Weniane-s-"You are Certain that titia young centu.ry plant will bloom in a hundred years?" ..of it, Madam, If It doesn't, bring it back" In the Movies. • "Be careful of that tiger!" "Oh; we are not afraid of him hurt- 'ing 'anybody." "I know that. But I dont -want the comedian to maul hire to deaths Tigers coet money." Sure Ruin. "What ruined your business?" tor"s.A...,d,vertising." Ll?:e' done by my corapeti filinard,s Liniment 'for Distemper. etassihea Adverfisement3. MY girlhood days over again. Tahlac TANL,AC ERY A TO. Eath AnYthingp SleePs Child and Gabs Feelin Fite Every Morning. “I had heard se much about Taidac 1WacrteboettecciliklgarPePaotioTOinAlig6for;cir dlote, arul 1. what they say it will," Said Airs. inyt. Itobin6on, 331 ggatistone Ave., Toronto, Ont. "I simply feel like a dilfereng Li /so Since taking this, graoa. akedidne. Iror two. years I was in wretched health, anti then, to cap the climax, 1 had th.0 lbleadt mbeeeitinbe-lowreor,''eW7anttlii needed was something to build me UP, and this is exactly what Tanlac bas done "1 have a splendid aPitatite now, nothing eat give:, zee any bast altos effects, and I sleep liko a child ail night loeg,' fest so well and ha.-ppy'in the maiming that It is just like living • has certainly been a wonderful bless - BELTING FOR BALE ALL 1CINDS or NEW ,AND USED , ing to me." rl'anlac is sold by' leading arug,gists thelting: pulteys, ,saws, eatile,hose,paolting. esasys,sees. drices in''Canadas -Y013,K.BELTING Dos •etc., shipped slab:feet teatlproyal at lowest ainetion.'m Ploneer 'Deo xteinsaiss Boot on DOG DISEASES termed to be burned alive at Nantes in 1440, IVIONEY ORDERS. Buy your out -of -tan supplieswith borninion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. Th grateseems to be disappear - and exercise- tney need so much: In ing,frorn ite. native haunts in Africa. conaequence the' are 'often co.eped iip in oVerheated, badly, ventilated. rooms and are, soon seized with„ .colds or grippe. VVIiat is needed to keep the little ,eneS iS,BahY's Own Tablets. 'TheY l'egUlate" the stomach' and, -bry.Weie 'heti Ohre emit colas- ..ant1,- :their:nes Ilie"3.41eys•Wil 'be able to get , &tier; tile %Infer Oasen Waterford, as well as in. Dundalk ,and, , „ , ri.'r,rnaghsCetinstk„Managhare . , ., , LAhl,DIF..te . , • Racial .arigit's-,.e-Scottisti. 8diirde-AlVeilityt " . . „. . . .,. ' Virlio had,notilleard ,olf ,thisigiaMei.§1re, riantIOOeIl'''f'gitcijtia 'Scottl.s.-ii.'-eentli7,-„. othey:S,Wies eelonies VIrclr4 estahlished , ia EaStern issiallsola, at Alsace • Bis. - mark, liehen-Holine, and Esterlia2y, ,. all new thriving farming settlements, renowned for their rich and extensive egricultaral prod:action. • . Stettler is Thriving. Examples A further eXamPie Swiss suiccess agriculture 1,4 insstaitea,ni. in that 'rich :farming t,erritery' surrounding the, -loam of Stettler, Central Alberta, -where Sonia, syeasse,„age,S•, four s.SWissiAls.' • tanner..5 Settled., loCating .ninety front the -nearest- rall.read' at that tiine. 'With .a joint aapitdr- 'one 'hinitired dollars they introlinesni Wheat growing 'Into .this -Section: .of the west which- is ' :haw qp,d :017 Alb.ertWS• SesteProdueing afeas. • They were tile of - Many °ther, Swiss, .a.gricaluristS„. some. 'of whoM, cante fronesthe.Un.ited States, 'ISIlide's.e'ttled.alyeat them, Nyorked gently and. inanfullY, '04. hare Wen. throagli to..comforti and preSperitY. similar .his:fory, -Of ratccessful Swiss ngrtauituuI.coloaiizirfg, is that, of the e t Notre Dain:e tie '1,,Ott ides , 111 Tvitinit,cbas. • "11`lie, Swiss a,re nutter/111.1y good citi- zens at home, and? bringing With them • 'to a new country andreepeet' for la* and order fair eqaitable gate, •ernaiente and harinonians. social rela- tions, are alaneet Without etceStion. 'geed citizen's. oe.Chnaaat 'practically • , ail the Siviss ip,',danada are nathral- ised CanadiattS, assimilating,. na- anti. working far the tleY?'.,616inerrit. o the Doiniaion Along the 6 ounti.C,St ..of ocariontio cOnada, an leek Without dliquiet upon. 1aoprojeeted setilleMent !of ..induitrial t.WorkerS et, 't,he race,Witleh,Las. so Sae - (ZS agl'iCkli.ture Moronic! ' tiolted pearesser; telephoning -- atm. the departriumit.?" : 1,Ioarloyont --. 'Yea,' what .do • yeti ivan•t;', , The, 01.6f,C64er "Please. inc • where.. the neareat 'fi,re„alarill16!o/t- 6 iny..htni6O; #'00. oo, ttitt,e1, kiloW 14:0:441 *PY' •ty. The 'TabletS-ave sold bY`medicine -d.lealers Or 'by mail at 25 cents a bbx their use the baby will' be able to get Brockville, Ont. A few years ago it was quite common to encounter them in herds of 80 OT 100, bat now herds of twenty seem to 'be the average. Boys° and Girls' Club Work in New Zealand. A- little over a year ago the first boys" and girls; clubs were organized in New Zealand, and the, movement, which stairted in the Sou.tii Taranaki district, bids! fair to eitend Mr. 3. W. Deem, Field Instructor of the Department of --Agriicliltnre at Man- ganui, in an article in The New Zea- land Journal, of, Agriculture far July, gives a full aecount' of the methods ad.opted and the results of the first Contest. A coMmittee rep,resenting the Farmers'. Unien, the Agrtioultural Department, the-ducation'Board.,,and the school teachers had, the matter in charge, and the success achieved was largely due to their enthuelastic and " ' r omen jas t JL 1,7 0/71.9:k 7-7 • 1511/cLy, a ,J_.4'- a ince e er" There's a settlement in profft or loss, for nearly eVery indalgence. • Sometimes the pay day is ieng deferred, and in that case the settlement May bear compound interest, Often a payment in ill health is required the dance had with tea or coffee durirtg earlier .years. *Sometimes the cpllection cotnes in sleep- Iessness, sometimes in headaches, sometimes -41i high blood pressure, or in nervous ,indigestion- • sornetiMes in all these penalties. Nerves won't always stand the vvh tea tind coffee's drug caffeine. •P,P5s4g You've_been dancing' to tea or Coffee's,fid- dling, Why' keepon till.Pa3rtnent ;time conies? :Eg you're beginning to pay, pc:ivy, Why not cancel`tile contract? • There°s ';an easy and, pleasant 'Oar to avni4. ted'and.coffees penalties, as tllodskids' v f'iuqd svho have he.s.ded to Pstuun itt .ss a'Oelight with arlY 'ineal-rieti;.cpnifortint ari4.44:tiigfOlig • -aild it never hstitins. 'Siren thB..littie daikkett • can l-nr;Te.:471:4-eakat cup Of " feesr taiikeut t�, senSitive nerve's. . • Instead Ofpaying pen4i*s fat 3tOttr ii5I- dma dripti, 16V it pay ,b6u6 sy to you, by,.,gtving „ 11#1.1r,41-4e444,a, 41,11 .cilentte---“nrid. begiri the new, •arraUgeinerit to'ciay. , A..ny gr&oF wUl eell you, 'or pitiy gon4:teSiti,grant Will set'v-6' yoa P9SttIttl. • osturn comes in'two forms: Inifent PoSttliti titib) instantly in the dap hyt1t antlittOti-cf, Corritii ,pathadeS.of, larder, Palk, fer'qt'fail'ivha • While the,i.tie0, is being prersited9,, , „ ade by boiiiisg for 20 minutes. It Os '11 fir Flea, tiht ffr.theive's tit l.teol.sit,t).' Union, was appointed ini each. school. dietriet; the School teachers were ask - to assist, and the,writer states' that, after. a season's experience, he can . testify' to the great irepertance of the teacher's influence, as on' their atti- tude. largely depend,S the seccess or failure tot:the work, • .. The first contest ,wass, limited to the growitig.ot,,maligolds swedes.„,and 'kis. interesting to note that the two Mast successful Scho.ola had. a lady te.acher in ohozge, (yid that the cham- pion, marigald and, sWede, crops were ,grown. by giria.. Nineteen schools. 'cis. tared the competition with 140 entries for maregolds.and 62, for swedeS. The'. Department of Agrieuittire SuPPlied the seeds, the manures, a,nd the print- ed inStructions. judging the 'crop a scale, 01- polutu Was 'used: onethalf Point far each 6 cwt. of roots; Vat* 10 Points; cultivation 20 points, and records 40 points. Otiltivation and records were thus Made the .strang testture of the work, An arrangement was- made whereby the can-Oetitora leCoMplaied the lodat. isaperviecr and judge front plot to plot. In Sec:era' instanoesi during- the fUdg- ing,..the supervisortit adjoining club brel,rght,their members along: ,The op- . portunity afferded, for, compari- son aroused keen riValry, and many a campetitor who had pear pl.ot, an, seeing a gssoil one. and listening to tliiti complimentary • remarks of . the fOrlge-, repolye a to ito, 110.11. Ala it fi -6-00_ wan 0, 6 a I'S seem an 'third Prize, While each getinp WaS' awarded. three prizes fOr the three beat eitlY3 in the grows There Were slab three' championship prize -s for the threeiebeSt ciePer In...the-Whole (I:fgt.:lot, handSOnsesehallenge.shield was alSO PrOislited by a en,Siness: firm to• the solkOO1 securing the %highest o.ggregall nuinber, field' feet elubs, Calf , are tteing star .e .for, the coral -4 sea son sad are atteactirig gOOri, en, ./Socottill-0. tient; haVe ed • frbni, to ai the metiroci,s, Ottgoilldititing BOYS.' , and otitis' ta Were - cf much, aitOiStanco work New Zoftiattd. That's the Question. Freddie -"Ma, what is the baby's 'name?' • Ma -"The_ baby hasn't airy name Freddie -.`Then how did he know he belonged to ne?" • TAKE NOTICE. • We -publish simple straight testi- Menials froin well known people, not press agente' interviews. From all over America they testify to the merits of Minard"s Liniment, the best of household remedies,. • Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. Branch Factory, St. John's, Nfid. Most Sensitive Part. , It is a mistake to suppose that the -tip of the tongue is the most sensi- tive bait of the body, Those engaged in poliehing billiard balls, or any other substances that require a very high degree of Smoothness, invariably use the 'cheek -bane as their touelastone for detecting any roughness. • Tiyib tor th.p, cp.A4,at, R 716 61 SS U NO. `IL!..! -T.2. git.hetit " COARSE SALT LAN M.Ki8 A L T Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT _WORKS O. J.- CLIFF TORONTO if Bilious, Iles:daehy Get a 10 -cent box now. • and How to Feed IS/failed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. IC. may Glovet, Co.rnie..• 118 West 31st , street You're beada•chy! You have a bad _ • , , . taste in your mouth, your eyes bUrn, Your skin is yeller, yegr lips parched, ' Mother Quickf blve No wonder you feel mean. Your sys-•California Fig SyrUp tem is fall of bile net properly passed off; and what y�u 1166d is a cleaning up for Child's Bowels Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself .and those who love you, and' don't res.ort to harsh, physics that irritate' and injure. • Re- xnetaber that most- diserdess of the sfainacie 'liver and' bawilS are gone hy igorning with gentle, thorOugh pas.car- •e6.-2-theY vioris:viJille.Y*o-a aleeP. 10 -cent box Will keep year liver ,and, baiVeli cleans:: Steraaah,...vieet;. And: your head- clear for:Mentlie-.. love, to take Ca.ses.retstoo because they never gripe or sicken. CUT1CURA H S RASH ON CHIL -_ On Bod j and Face. Red and itchy. Cried For Hours. LastedaYear. "A rash started all over my 'little girl's body, and she had some on her ' face. It started•in a pimple that was full of water, end it got red and itchy. She cried for hours. This trouble. ' lasted a'year. 'Then I startedWith a free sample of Cation.= Soap arid Ointment. I bouglit rnore, -and I used font' cakes a sotip, apd three ' boaes of Ointment Widch healed her." (Signed) Mrs. Dora Langly, 1032 • Gertrude St„ Verdun, Que., August 11, 1918. •The Cutieura Toilet Trio Consisting of Soap,: Ointment and Talcum is an indispensable adjultd, of the daily toilet in maintaining ........] skin purity and skin health. , Soap 25e, Ointment 25 tiaid 50e. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Lymans, Limited, St. Paul St., biontreal. -40rOuticura Soap /alarms milticiout mug. tsnIonleetaillir_ tita•Mollrnwasfteromoval. Even a sick child loves the "fro.:17" taste. of !`Clalifornia Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, ,cross, feverish, full or cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will an or fdit' to open the bowels. In a fo-v,, hours' you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the Constipa- tion poison., sour bile earl waste from the tender little bowels and glies ,you a well, playful child again, 1Viillious .of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful' to -day saves a sick child to. morrow. Ask your druggist for gen. Wise "California. Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say ".Callifornia" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. ID 16:AIN -DISTURB - Y UR SLEEP? xuatisti can be quickly relieved pain arid torture of then- • 'by an application of Sloade Liniment, It brings warmth, ease and comfort and. lets you sleep soundly. Always havs a bottle handy and apply when you feel the first twinge.. LE penetrates without rubbing. It's splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching muscles, • sprains and - strains, stiff joints, end lame backst, For forty years pain's, enemy. Ask' your neighbor.. At all druggists -35c. 70c, $1.40. Made in CArtacki. WARNING I -"Always say Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. . Utilds-you see 'name "Bayer" on tablets you Are not getting Aspirin' at alt Why take chances? • AccePi\only, an unbroken “Sayer" package, which contains directions and dose mitirked, (kit by physitians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for, ColciS AeaClatilt Rheumatism. .4„ Tdottiatlie7: - tgettritis Lurnbago Pain Paln tiandy' of gifid; :dtaggi4b. , ,Ai'Atitit'.15, ate Ctlittk, '06tto..04•Alt4itAtithilaifyi'ot. tasior MantOtitar& Of Af.etitAtio..61iie5ei40'hi6r -of SslinpmAdla, -tvtitio It 54 aet :101iiibitati,,istroliottrttai,.,w,ittittlp,witruirreltiao,t1t.V:!.041.cAi.024,0atuttirrtytatutiso.,4,04,11tOpitictf.ttattli 1.1q.Vot C.dit+0,1,