HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-01-12, Page 1li
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i li;ie Copies Four Gents
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Died S'xdde&.y at 'Ft esw..a.ter
!Many ,friends of , Mr. Jerry' Itiscox
Were shocked ecohearof, his sudden pass
"ting at his home in Teeswater on Monday
morning. Deceased was Belt Telephone
Supt, at Teaswater.
M4ho`alt °t Church
Rev Chas. E. Cragg, B.p,,Pastor
eine AnveNel4 ,L.i'3 its readers to rxiake
theee eointi ee their own to rho ascent oY e.'n-
tribuGi•+g ttoriie.! and personal. item which ere
of interest. IC • ou have rli�inde vtsieme you,
Gtaer�, ie no %iiat7'. o rnruli�nairt Yo r cdn uay your
(gueNts;Yhar9 to Qako the Uruublo to sea Nhat
t heir namee are. mentioned in your tonal - ie we -
paper. (lee at o,: „ho'r0 l`gn ADVANCE, our
number i r el,,oi pend, by mail
Mr. Clare Crawford was in Toronto
last week.
Mrs. J. J. Elliott spent last
ING.H.AM9 ONT.9 ��l e a y JANUARY
•• ...mow,
Off To a Good Ste t l'oi The Work
Of 1922
The inaugural meeting of the town
d according to statute in
council vJas held
that behalf on Monday last at' 11 o'clock.
Alf' the Members were present. On_
motion of Coun Fothergill the corn
or; are the same as last year with the p.
��•�� �`� y, ,• t on the board
Win Frorri St. Thomas in All Night
Three rinks of St. Thomas Curlers
'Ninetieth for the Elgin Trophy
challenged g
and for the Owen Sound Shield and were
expected to reach Wingham at noon on
tttT'"Ft Ci -1 il9oei ori. „2 ,N,.. -r.
Vital Statistics of the town of Wingham
for the year ending, Dec., 31st. 1921,
show 48 births, 22 marriages, and 40
ns in Men's and
Sweeping Reductions 1 .
Boy's Suits and overcoats at Isard's
January Sale
committees Friday bus missed train connection and We are verypleased to learn' that Mr.
exec l were not ab e to get here ,until 8 o'clockand
in the evening. The next day being Sat -'Chas S. Blackhall' is able to be aro
urdayand the fact: that several' of the again after his severe illness.
a. id and
curlers were business men and had to_be The great battle between David
at their ,daces of business for Saturday Goliath"' wilt be the topic at the Baptist
atternoonand evening, the games had to Church next Sunday evening.
Property and Fire Committee - W. H. be played. at night and were no6f all finish
week with
ion of Mr Fells who as no
Ag m.-Mnrnine Wort3hifr, • lvlrs J. Linklater, Teeswater.
t this year, They are therefore:
Jas. ewers' and, SideNa /vents om-
mittee-Reeve Tipling.'W. J. Greer and
Lae in charge of;Service. i son
inerly of Wingtiarri'isvisitmg with Mild- •Raney, S Bennett and -- •ed until nearly train time next morning.
rrnay relative's'
The Rev, Mr. Holmes' ex-Presi .3 Miss Tot Whitting of Harriston, spin Street. Sewers ll C
dent of the Newfoundland Confer- , e$� a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs:
ens will preach. The pastor' will it Gibson.
Miss Nettie Weiler of Toronto, and for -
A Fothergill
1.30 p. m. - Sunday School a n d
Bible Classes 4
p.ra _ Eiverling Servicei,sar t off•
Subject ' The ,importance of the �yq
Disarmament Conference 'et the ;.
far, East or. The Tide of Affairs 'in
„Anis." The pastor will preach. e
Monday -"The Young People's' ,.
Meeting." The Literary Com- a,
rnittee in charge. ,
Tuesday -Boy s Tuxis Square is
wilt meet. ,.
Wednesday--Mid-Week Service•
ine este en n oeenne nsn tar tans pie 'e
itinN FOW SALE -361;51 good lumber and
timber. warn, er parii -Ware from
Phone Brussels 15-).5
gredAt. rote s et -When you want the beet
and prompt. delivery inede anyVvitz-eres 1100 tsr:ee°°e.k
vitt, W. T. Killer. %Thigh:so. reprelsieant
the Strout Farm Agency as theiraSprIgg
.catalogue. wili be leaned in February. This
ageney has a levee list of ready buyers for an
Alince of farms. There is no cherge for listing
farms wittk us.
s A.LE-500 goud dry cedar vests' au 25
cents each. FRANK IIENR•st;
olny., eh, lady's waech. Owner would do
Phoree 415-14.
IRO nice seven -roomed cottage on
Francis SD. with eleet,ric' lights end toWn
It„ EL WARDS at present becein
the meeker, to buy ra fure, beef hides,
hored hides, 'ealf hides, .eoose 'feathers, duck
YOU have elways be n given a square deel by
Barry and pee will de well to give him enoeher
chance. Phone 210. Reverse tee eharge on
HINDNIRS 'rho undersigned has reeeived
ilustructiens from We County engineer' • to
ask for teeders for from.5 to 25 cor 1 of stone to
be delivered' on the west side of We end
ceiyed up till Menday, Januar, eeth. by
V. 11" VeNNoleikeeN,
White hurch.
Miss Tena Campbell of Windsor, is
visiting at. the home of her mother Mrs
Duucan Campbell, Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Weir of Grand
Forks, B. C., are visiting with the form-
er's sister. Mrs, W. F. VanStone.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Armitage and little
son, have returned fr 'm visiting with
friends in Wallaceburg.
Mr. Thos. Foster,• president of.the
Central Business College, spent the `vac-
ation at his home near Glamis.
Mra Peter Fisher and son, Peter,
Mrs. P. S. Fisher at the Post Office. a grant to assist in their wi rk this year. R Emslie, sk
meeting, N. Braghner ,
Finance Committee -dd. J GreerY Reeve The visitors came to town expecting' to
Tipling and carry away the trophies but were des
Cemetery Committee -S. ' Bennett; A. I appointed. However they are a lot of.
Fothergill. and A. E Lloyd. !jolly good fellows and the games were en
Executive• Committee-tVIaY er Elliott, joyed y all the players and the spec
Reeve Tipting and W. J. Greer. tators, a few of whom remained until the
The first named in each case to be the
I All the members took the di darationi Curlers.
I of office and the meeting adjourned until ; The playing for the Elgin Trophy was
11 were present again. as o ows.
a' hours. Lunch was served at
McKay's restaurant by the Wingham
The clerk read the annual report of the St homes
Huron County Children's Aid and Hamstead
S i t in which they thanked. Hatch
Toronto, are visiting at the home of the cou cil for past favours and ,sked for Chantler.
The letter was left over until the nent M Sears
Mr. Wm. A. Shakletun returned to his
horne in Komoka. after spend na a s The council suhscrthed for nine cop es .
vacation at the home of his brother, Mr.
of the Municipal World . Bristow, sk ....12 J. mume, sk ..2
, 1 By-law Nm 875 1922 a by-law to pro- N. Laughlin 1 W. Stewart
Clarence Shakleton, Minnie St.
IvIre. John Reid also Mrs. Richard -
J. Carr
J. Mason
12 C. Elliott, sk
D Fortune
T Hardy
W. Mitchell
No credit given at Patterson's je.welery
sale, we need the money.
Tanlac is appetizing, invigorating and
strengthening. Try it and be convinced.
Sold at J. W. McKibbon's.
Progressive Euchre"' and Dance under
the auspices of the Wingham Curlers, on
Friday evening of this week, in the Town
Mr. Jas. Dodds, who was recently elect-
ed Reeve of Blyth. over Dr. IVIilne, is a
brother of Mrs Wm. Robertson, Diagon-
al Road.
to of anymerchant
We are in,,he best posttt n
ou'eerviue. We handle a full line of the famous
q r abo nal Sthck FoOdS arid ,e>t edleS
&1��� >Yt
l Purple Stock SpeCl CS
oirA�7�. �
Herbagel k
n thus vicinity ti' (eve
Keep your eye open for Hilliard's big
fire sale. which starts Saturday next,
9 January 14th. Entire store a baze with
$1000 00 worth of high class jewelety
to be slaughtered at Patterson% jewelery
salAe.sk for a Neal Calendar large plain fig:.
uree the kind you like. Free at Mitchells
3 Drug Store
Mr. Harold Buchanan has severed his
43 connection with T T. Field & Co. The
partnership will now be T. T. Field
Clark and Miss Edna, who were visiting ordinary current exPendittue of the town, F. Sullivan
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro t. Dey- from the Bank of Hamilton at 6 per cent Lameron, sk
ell have returhed to their hame Dungan -
was read three times and paesed We
would not like our readers to, think that
DV- Agents for Wingham and vicinity of the famous "S
SHOT" Sot and Worm Remover. The only real remover of "Bote"
the market.
Stock Specials . .
5 lbs, Cattle Salts 25c
$3.75 pail of Internationa'1,Smck Food $2.50
Your own "Condition Powders" mized carefully and at pricen
as first quality will warrant.
Also "Poultry Foods" Hess, Pratte, International, Royal Purple, Herbageum
g St re
The Resta!! Druggist
'Whighatn, Ont.
Phone 53
The Maple Leaf Sewing Circle of Hockey Match
public dance given by them in 1315'th wil-11 I aptlr:ttolnteHir gaanmde Wofi nhgolc\tarney
Isti•yth. invite you and your friends to a ,
memorial bail on Friday evening, San 20, wing
1922. Dancing to commence at
ern counties High Schoals League. Ad -
o'clock sharp Luncheon at eleven
25 cents. Skating after tee
thirty. Blackstone & Buckley orchestra mission
will supply 'the music. game
this is actually an expenditure of $20,000,
Co.,_Toronto, was in town last week in it is just the yearly by-law to procure Cameron, sk......13 Crawford, sic • • 10 & Alf Leckridge. W. R. Cruickshank is in Montreal- Lewis Herold Dead
Mr. Wm. McKee of the Massey Harris
J. Murray
16 Crawford, sls -1
For the Owen Sound Shield
his capacity as inspector of agencies. He whateyer money is needed at times during Emslie, sk ........10 Curri& sk......14 .
The teachers and officers of St Paul's Miss Annie IVIorrison, who resides in
J Jobb wit i
aft ANNuki, ME OT1NG--Of the Vying-
-will be held in We Ceunet1 Ceambee on Mon -
'day evening. Januery '23rd. at p. m.
menibme aod the public are cordielly invited.
BeallleieSTRIS-Stop thaw "eold. wind'
arid deist teem getting in ehrough' your
Pettioelars from G.; H. ORV1S.
WILL TAKE .011,11fla-For week With
w Circular Saw for calling wood: also out -
it for culling corn and 'chopping gr :in.
^ 2nd line of Morris.
was accompanied by D. D. Sanderson of the year until the taxa come in next fall Word was received in Wingharn of the
o a .. . 0 a .. • . • • • • 30 church Sunday School presented Mr. H. Turnberra, while returning from service death in Montreal of Lewis Herold ,
. nd whatever amount of this is, borrowed
Mr. Cameron is an energetic player and , • h a s lver mounted suitcase 1 in the -church of the Sacred Heart on former G. T. R. Station agent at W ng -
W K Cameron, K. C., the St. Thomas will be paid as soon as possible and the
we be ieve e enj y i d as his : umbiella is a token of esteem. t Friday, fell on the icy sidewalk and broke
Miss Morrison was he left Wingham about 14 years ago -
ham. Deceased was in his 57th year and
team in the recent cnallenge game against money. daughter, Mrs J. A. Wallace is not al The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew s Pres- a bone in her ankle
At the time of his death he Vas Supt of
Barrister, who skipped the St. Thomas interest is only payable on borrowed
A..M. Crawford's rinks, spent the week- By-law No.e876-1922- appointing the resident of Wirigham. He was heard to byterian Church intend holding their taken. to the Wingham General Hospital,
the Traffic Dept. of the G. T R. at Mont -
end in Wingham the guest of his daughter, following official&and fixing their salaries remark "I de like playing with Sandy annual St. Patrick% Entertairunent on the where the bone was set and where she will
real. He was a member of the Mannic
Mts. J. A Wallace. Crawford, for whether winning or losing 17th. of March. Please leeep this in mina. be a patient for some weeks. .
The citizens of Wingharn 0111 regret to At the annual meeting of S. S. No, 11. Order. The funeral wan held to Strait -
learn that Mr. and Mrs. R. M. VanNor- Lower Wingham, Mr. Robert Deyell vsas ford cernetery on Friday afternoon Dur -
was also passed. They are as follows:
Ed: Lewis, nightwatclarnan $700.
Geo. Allen, chief et police $560; the
Utilities Commission al o pay a portion
Sat Mr. Allen's salary aad he receives. fees
for other duties.
W. A. Galbraith, clerk and: treasurer
Robert pound -keeper, fees
Thos. Deans and Johe Anderson. fence -
F R. Hciwson was appointed to the
High School Board for a term of three
years to succeecl his father, Mr. W. I.
Trlowson, who aseed to be relieved.
G. L. Brackenbury was appointed to
the Public Library Board for a term of
three years to sticceed Rev. H. W. Snell,
Who has been inected to the Public School
Board and therefore cannot retain both
Dr. R. L Stewart was re -appointed
Medical Officer ef Health ' at a salary of
$150 per annual.
A. H. Mesgrove and T. R Beimett
were appointed auditors at a salary of $50
Virsk.NTIDDL-Repreeentative for this
ience not nece,sary, will teech you and give ou
every assistance.) We wani, a man whose
amhition is beyond his present plate). You
might find more oo genial employment With ue
and at the seine time dopble your ineenne w e
require a man Of elehte, Mutramer, sound in
-mind and body. and ot strong pers natily who
groWing condom where' fadustry would be re -
Welded with ler eboVe average earninga
Married masa preferred. Some four Lhomand
already With thie orgenization 1,1 two years
time. Apply
ROOM 4, Gordon Block,
Stratton), Ont.
he is the same happy chap, in fact Wing -
If you once give Tanlac an honest trial,
you will add your voice to tne thousands
of others who 'ere praising it. -J. W.
We kern with regret that Mr. William
Austia, B, Turnberry, fell on the ice
one day recenny and fractured his collar
bone. Here's trusting he may make a
speedy recovery.
Keep your eye on Patterson's big
slaunhter half price jewelery. Sale com-
mencing, Jan. 7fh. ending Jen. 28th
man and family intend returning to their elected to the board for the next three big his.residence in Wingharn he lost a
little six year old daughter with diphtheria:
former home in Manitoba and will leave years. The board for this year will be
town in the course of a couple of weeks. Walter Walsh Them Finnen and Robert in
We trust our readers will bear with us
stalled New Intertype
We regret the loss of this estirnable family aDpepyoei !flat ecdh a ctramr eatna iterJosa.ndBaiGleayvinLasiNibiseoenni
from tovvn. wee agaie appointed minister of finance. 1 this week if they are unable to fial as
much news ae awe, We .are very bastr
positive guarantee to give perfeCt satie- A progressive Euchre and Dance will be
Intertype installed in our office, We will,
Tanlac Vegetable Pills are sold on a with job printing and are having a new
held under the auspices of the Curling ,
be delighted to find the remelts you have Club in the council charfiber of the Wing- '
, hometprint paper very soon. At present
faction. Try them tonight and' you will iprornite to have a much improved all
Dr. and Mrs Geo. Joynt have returned ham town hall on Friday evening, Jury
13th. Cards from 8.30 to 11,30 and
to their home in Toronto after spending a dancing from 12 to 2 o'clock. Admis•
printed with plate matter which eas set
few days with the former's mother, Mrs. sion only 50 cents.
The Department of Agriculture under ' •
Mr. Paul E. Van Ness has returned. to
Torontn, after spending the past few weeks
with his family in town.
ham curlers are all good sports."
One of the first acts of the city council
of London for 1922 ,Mayor -elect Wilson
state% will be to revive the propoal for
the electrification ot 'the London Huron
ne increase of approxonalmy es per cent, On
'a.11 water rates will be pet intD effect 1rom
This tem -ease s round nocessery becauel of
long mei:31181one which do not re leen suffireeno
reveene to pey the debentures he they fell du-.
, as it is nereeeary to have all watermains
Bret o age condition.
Tee fleet querterly ratee will be due on Feb -
allowed for prompt payment.
cellected in one aim reel pavmebt hereef ter.
claimed that if Premier Drury does not
interefere the municipalities to be benefit-
ed are willing to go ahead with the re-
habilitation of the road as a Hydro -radial.
in the first game of Group Two of the
Northern League played in Wingbam
Bots in horses. This is the best season
to treat them. A safe and sure remedy
has been discovered 'Stir -Shot Bot and
Worm Remover." Sold only at Mitchell's
Corner Drug Store.
Mr. W. E. Mahood, formerly of Wing-
hamhas purchased the planing mill busi-
ness outright from his partner, R D.
Farley at Kincardine. Mr. Mahood is
certainly making well in ,the lakeside
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Wingham
General Hospital will hold a tea at the
home of Mrs. R. vanstone Ore Tuesday
afternoon, Jan'y 17th, at 3.30. A cordial
invitation is extended to all the women
to be present.
Prof. Henry G. Bell Director of Sohl
and Crop Improvement Bureau, Toronto,
gave an interesting discourse at the Short
Course on the advantages and use's.. of
Fertilizers, sh;ewing very clearly that they
are a necessity to the ground..
While out snowshoeing . one afternoon
last week Miss Louise Hanna had the mis-
fortune to dislocate her knee while get-
ting over a fence. She was brought to
town in Mr. AmbroseGibbons'. cutter
and is still .unable to use her knee.
It is to be regretted that the Canadian.
National Railways have decided to cut
off one of the freight treks on the Lon-
don, Huron & Bruce. Winghain wilt
now have only one freight from London
every other day.
The regular monthly meeting of the W.
M S. of St Andrew's Church will be
held Wednesday. Jan. 18th.; at 3 o'clock.
The Secretary's .annual report will be
given. A cordial invitations to all ladies
of the congregation
Mr. Cecil Merlrley, who is engaged in
the Paige garage at London spent a
The office now occupied by Mr. J. C. couple of days at his home in town. His
Stewart will be enlarged by moving -the brother, Mn Percy Merkley, will leave'.
partition forward about twelve feet and this week for London, where he will spend
the firemen will have this room. There '' ���^"ia'' ^f the winter in city garage
will be a stairway leading from the ladies'
rest ronin to the lavatory below and a
the direction of Mr S. B. Stothers have
a moving picture display in. Mr. A M.
Crawford's garage window. The pictures
are shown with a view to assisting in the
campaign to get farmers to keep the
better Class of cattle and eliminate the
Mr F. M Moffatt, managing director
of Gunns Limited, was in town Thursday
looking over the ground with a view to
establishing a creamery in conneetion
with their present produce business, on
Notiee is hereby given that a By-law was
puered the Municipal Councitef the Town
ot Wingham on the Mull day of November,
11121e peovielIng toe the issue of debOM,111•08 1;0
tho atnonne of $1,0 0, for the purposei of paying
foe extret work and Meterlal need in ani cot -
ion 'With the neer dem, role thee Mich by-law
WAS regisleree in the regisery office at (lode.
eich in the County of Huron on tee 21th tlae or
December leet.
Any ntobion to quash or eet asiee the same
aue leen thereof meet be made within three
notice, and cabeet be made thereetter.
,Detekel and pahashea for the fleet Lithe, Dee.
1AT. A.. GAI,ERAtTn, Clerk,
day of July, 920. peov die ne for toe Isf,tiO
re etteriel te the Ilegietre Wilco or,,the Ceenete etrOebleg front of the C. P. In. while '•
gtrattir, tenet Q64."1,ch " the,' cl" gbine; h01111.. freak Iii/mghom, the teairt The cotmcil started the New Year right
at' tias TO et lir.-ntic,ot struck his automobile anti mashed it iri when they decided to Wild a public lay-
( t to •Ilotv them to wetch for their
, Misses Viola Forger and Rosie Williams
have returned to Toronto after visiting- at
their homes here
Mr. Fred Manuel has returned to
Detroit after visting with his mother ,
each, their duties will cereinenee et mem.
Mrs. Manuel, John St
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Turnberry
Agricultural Society will be held in the
Firemen's Hall, Wingham, on Friday
afternoon, January 27th., 1922 at 2
o'clock sharp. Election of officers and
directors for 1922, the hearing of the
directors' reports and the treaserer's
statement and other business to be trans-
1. J. Wright, President.
A, G, Smith, Secy-Treas.
The people of this vicinity were once
aggin reminded of the sudden death of
eaathly beings, when on Tuesday they
flour and feed 'store for the purpose of
heard of the demise of Thomas P. James
arking automobiles, The price paid
of Turnberry. On Friday, Mr. James
had butchered a pig and in some way
scratched his hand, blood -poisoning set
in and a very short illness termineted
fatally, His sorrowing widow was
formerjy ie iss Lizzie Robinson, daughter
of the late Mrs. Robinson, formerly of
Shiner St., and she will have the syMpathy
of everyone. Several yeare ago Mr. and
Mrs. Jaime lost four of their children
within a week or so with diphtheria. Mr.
jarnes went to the West a year ago and
brought his son john home because of
AllOthef 80n, Charles teeidee in the West,
and, is expected horne for the funeral ,
Which Will be held on Saturday to Wing- 1f sOnlething Mild be done to relieve the
ham cemetery. unemployment of several men in town.
' About a year ago, while Mr. James was He said that some families were really in
T fireman's hall will De used as
neeitelte Ittett,: the flie'.V eicheri`i3;'itdon,"'ii)e naVeg teim but be escaped with oMy,a bad shalt,. awry,
s„„,,,, mg up, ene etas et great reader end aeon, 'a lade 8 teSt, room, with the windows in
It was decided to pay the same, salary
as last year, vi& $275 with an allowance
of $8 for postage for assessor and the clerk
was instructed to advertise for applica-
Mr. George Allen who has been under
the weather for the past few weeks has
not resumed work but we are Pleased to
teem that he expects to be back on the
job in the course of a few day&
The date of the nomination meeting to
fill the vacancy on the council board was
set for Wednesday, January 18th, at 2
o'clock, an if an elettion is necessary it
will be held on Wednesday. January 25th.
The council were unanimous irr the
decision to buy Mr. R M. VanNorman's
lot at the rear of Mr. J. E. Homuth's
rink on Monday evening, Jan, 9th., Wing -
ham defeated their old rivals, Teeswater,
by a seore of -4 to 2. Line-up:
Vningham- Aitchison goal; Telfer and
Lockeridge, defence; Howson centre;
Cantelon and Cruickshank, wings, Mor-
den, sub.
Teeswater-Friendship. goal; McDon-
ald arid Jacnson, defence; .Gallahert cen-
tre; Booty and Patterson. wings.
The ice was very ' heavy and slushy
making the game a poor specimen of
hockey. Shovels would have been of
rnore use than hockey sticks.
was $150. This lot will be gravelled and
put in proper shape for this use.
Mr. Dudley Holmes was appointed
town solicitor at a salary of'$100 per
year. He has been solicitor but just re-
ceived fees
eceivrdfees for itis work, The;law costs
amounted last year to $152. ,Of course
the salary only`pays the ordinary muni-.
cipal litigation „a
Mr Lloyd thought the town eotinc l
should not leave off too long the purchase
of bulbs or seeds from the Horticultural
Society if they wish to beautify the' town
this summer.
Mr. 'Geo. Roberson asked the council
Died in Hainilten
An old and respected gentleman, who
formerly lived in Wingham, died in Ham-
ilton ordSunday, January 8th. itt the per-
son of William Moor& He had reached
the ripe old age of 81 year& While the
fam ly were residenits of Wingham, his
wife predeceased him several years ago.
The Surviving tnemloers of his family are:
John, who was present at the , funeral
from Detroit, W. Elmer of Edmonton,
Chakes of Toronto, (Pearl) Mrs. McT)oug-
all and (May) Mrs Morten of Harnilton.
Mr& F. H. Roderus of Wingham, is a sis-
ter _of the deceased, The funeral was
held to VVingham cemetery one Tuesday
afternoon and was under the auspices of
the Winghern Orange Lodge No. 794, of
which the deceasedwas a former mem-
ber. Services were conducted in St.
Pauls Church by Rev. H. W. Snell, B. A.
The pallbearers were: Bro& j. F. Groves,
Wm. Guest, Jos. Guest, Amos, Tipling,
A H. Musgrove and Chas. 13arber
elites- •
lid hn they aro ready t6e
up in a city office months ago.
District C range Lodge
District of Turriberry L. 0. L. held
their annual meeting in Blueetale on Tues-
day. The following officers were elected
District Master- Joe Cards.
Deputy Master -W. T Miller,
Chaplain -Rebt. Shaw.
Treas.-Jas. Peacock.
the corner of Alfred and Jane street& Lecturers -Anson Thornton, ,
We would all welcome anew industry to 1Groves.
Clean up Sale of Men's, Women s and
Cosey Slippers
Mrs. Robert Breen of Wingham. tele-,
side entrarice from the allee will lead brated her 8Sth birtladae with her delight
the thea's lavalore. W°r1' will be c°111- ter, Mrs. 5, E. Fortune, Sault St& IVtarie,
the council Ont, she was the recipient of several
lavatory completed before the end of this relatives at different Pointe of Canada
month. The council are to be commend- and United States. Tali. ADV
ed„ On this, one of their fruit moves, in wishes to eXtend corigratulatioes and
good wishes (et many happY reterns,
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