HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-30, Page 6A Happy New Year !
We take this opportunity; of thanking our numerous cus-
tomers for their continued patronage during 1926, and "extend
our heartiest wishes for a ProspeFous New Year. help
you during 1927, and we can do this when youbuy your
groceries at. Dominion Stores "Where Quality Counts," and
where REAL VALUE is obtained.
Finest California Navel 49 591e`
Ctpj��q'.. 9ti FIG RS lbs. drob'c
Other Kinds 14c Tin
Table Figs 25.c lb.
Table Rzisins 5c pkt
Mibted Fats 25c 1b0
Hew Washeallrazirs 23c
Filberts ,yb
lt>rn"tS �
POWDERS 4 pkts.
Mayfield Baroid Post's2'ea11
C y���
�,, � `u.ysA_
Established 1840,
Head Office, Guelph, Ont.
Risks taken on all classes of insur-'
anteat reasonable rates,
ABNER COSEyNS, Agent, Wingham
Y if
Office in Chisholm Block,
P. 0. Box 360 Phone 240
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and
Office -Meyer Block, Wingham
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates
Winghan, - Ontario
Wingham, - Ontario
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of.,Dentistry
Office Over H. E. Isard's Store.
By Percival Christopher Wren,
"You're an authority on good form out. They were looking at it when
of .course," I said. the lights go out and when they are
Where has Beau gone?" • asked ( again turned on the sapphire has dis-
appeared.' Everyone disclaims and.
knowledge of its disappearance. Lady
Brandon gives the person who took
it until the next day to return it, but
the next day it is still missing.. Mich-
ael suddenly leaves, leaving a note for
Digby in which he jokingly claims
to be the thief. He doesn't say
where he is going.
"Thank you, David,"' said I, and
went along to the smoking -room, op-
ening the letter as I went.
AltN,ough I felt that ought to be
filled with apprehension, anxiety, and
trouble, my heart sang • for glee, and
I could have danced down the long
corridor, to the surprise and disap-
proval of the various stiff and stately
Brandons, male and female, who look-
ed down from its walls;
"This is most selfish and wrong,"
said I, and repressed a desire to sing,
whistle, and whoop, and literally
jump for joy.
"Isobel! Isobel Isobel!" sany my
heart. "Isobel loves me and I love
Isobel. : . ."
The smoking -room was empty, and
I could hear the click of balls from
.the neighbouring billiard -room, show-
ing why. Gussie was evidently at his
favourite, somewhat aimless evening
I turned up the lights, poked up
the fire, pulled up' the biggest
deepest chair, and filled. my pipe and
lit it.
Had I come . straight here from the
dining -room, and here received Dig-
by's letter, I should have snatched it,
and opened it with sinking heart and
trembling fingers.
Now, nothing seemed of much im-
portance ,compared witheart the great
was chant-
ingof which my
its paean of praise and thanks.
to God.
Love is ver \selfish I fear—but then
it i§ ;tithe very selves of two people
becoming one self. • • 's And then I read poor Digby
ter., '-It was as follows:—
"My dear John,
I now take up my pen to write you
these few lines, hoping they find you
as they won't find me. After ter,
rifle thought and mental wrestling,
which cost ,mea trouser button, I
have come to the conclusion that I
can no longer deceive you allnd let
the innocent suffer for my guilty
or sinny guilt.
I go to find my noble -hearted twin,
to kneel at his feet, and say, Bro ,
I have sinned in Thy sight' (but it was
in the dark really), and am no more
worthy to be called.anything but what
"He didn't tell me," I replied.
"Don't suppose he told anybody,"
sneered Augustus.
'Come into the drawing -room so.11,'
said Isobel, as T held the dining -room
door open for the girls to go out.
"I'm coming now," I replied. "As
soon as I' have some coffee." with
I did not want a tete-a-tete w
Augustus, and I was more than a
little disturbed in mind as to the mean-
ing of Digby's absence.
What could be the reason of his
defiance of Aunt Patricia's prohibition
of our leaving the house? Was it
possible that he knew more than he
had told me?
Perhaps he had gone to the village
telegraph -office to try to get into
communication with Michael a
of the several places to which he might' ' the underneath it. And banisters. I cam.
have gone. looked' over
It would be something important « I went to see if the wretchled thing
that would make him risk giving Aunt had come back," I said. "And it
Patricia cause : to think that he had was rather I who caught Michael than
been guilty of an ungentlemanly dis- Michael who caught me, when you
obedience to her request. turned the lights out. We were.
I drank my coffee in silence, and in both expecting to catch Gussie, and
silence departed from the .room. I caught each other." _._
could not forgive Gussie for being "And, oh Ihave been so wretch -
innocent and forcing Michael to sus- ediy unhappy," she went on, thinking
pect Claudia, Digby or me; he to sus appearances were so against you, and
pect Claudia, Digby or Michael; and yet knowing I was allowing Gussie to
Digby to suspect Claudia, Michael or remain under suspicion when I knew
me it wasn't he. . .But when it seemed
Most unjust of me, but most hum- the thing was actually stolen, I could
an, I fear. 'nt keep quiet any longer. It was
In the drawing room Isobel was at bad enough when it was only a prac-
theo playing softly to herself, tical joke, as we thought.. .And then
piano, P y to bring sus -
and Claudia sat staring into the"fire. I seemed to be helping
I strolled over to the huge piano, picion towards you when I. cleared
and sat down near it. Gussie. . "
Where can Michael be?" said Clau- She wiped away a tear.
ness-dock or prisoner's box tell the
Beak that you have always known me.
to be weak but not vicious, and that
my downfall has been due to smok-
ing cigarettes and going in for news-
paper competitions. Also that you
are sure that; if''given time, I shall re-
deem myself by hard work, earn
thirty shillings a week at least, and
return the thirty thousand pounds
out of my, savings.
Write and let me know how things
go on, as soon as I send you an ad-
dress—which you will, of course, keep
to yourself. Give my love to Iso-
Play up and don't forget you've
GOT to stand by me and make peo-
ple realize the truth that I am the
thief—or suspicion still rests on Clau-
dia, (since Isobel and Gussie are out
of it,) if we three do not provide the
criminal amongst us. And', of course,
I can't let Beau 'suffer for 'me.
Directly you hear from hiin, let him
know by wire that.I have confessed
and bolted, and that he can return to
Brandon Abbas and admit that he was'
shielding the real culprit (whom he l
knew to be ME or YOU or CLAU-1
DIA!) Give my love to Isobel,
Ever thine,
"What made you think I did?" I ask-,
ea "didn't
' so,"she
I didn t thf nkf replied with
feminine logic„ only it was you who
were against the table, John; it was
you whom Michael caught; and I saw
you go down in the night -to put it
back, as I thought."
"Saw w me?" I asked, in surprise,.
"Yes, dear. T -was awake and saw
a light go by my door. It shone
B.S., M.D., C.M.
Phone 54. P. 0. Box 113.
Dr. Hambly's practise will be takenn
over by Dr, H. W. Colborne of y
on January est.
Lr. Robt. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lord.)
Dr. Chisholm's old' stand.
Graduate of .
DR. R.
�®� University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office in Chisholm Block
Josephine Street, Phone 29.
a r., MargaretC.Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine
Office—Josephine St., two doors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones:: Office 281, Residence
Office Over John. Galbraith's Store
F. A. PA ?; KER'
All Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
Anglican Church on Centre Street.
Sundays by appointment
Hours --9 a. in. to 8 p. m.
Osteopathy Electricity
Telephone 272.
dia.. "I don't care now,' she smiled.
d Digby," added Isobel
"An "Nothing on earth matters. So long,
"I don't know," said as you love me—I don't see how ,e
"Reallyand truly?" asked Claudia. can have a care in the world. .You're
"Yes," said I. "I honestly have sure darling?"
thefaintest idea as to where ei-
not a I endeavoured to express myself
ther of them is." without the use of halting and .unflu-
"I wish they'd .come in," said Iso-
tint speech
b l When did
For a moment this drove even Iso-
bel from my mind. led
It had never occurred to me for
moment that Digby had actually ,
as Michael had done. Could it be
possible that he was speaking th'le
truth in the letter? "Blue
Could he have stolen the
Water," as she said, and had Michael's
flight and shouldering of the blame
forced his hand and compelled him, in
very shame, to confess?.
Or did he, in his heart of hearts
think that Michel was really guilty
and had fled rather than allow threeinnocent people to lie under suspici-
on with himself? Had Digby, thinking
this, fled co divert suspicon from the
guilty Michael, to - confuse the issue
and divide . the pursuit„ thus ,riving
'him a better chance to get clear away?
Probably neither. It was inucn
more likely that his idea was to help
'shield the person whom Michael
thought he was shieldng, and at the
same tine to share with,Michael the
suspicion thus diverted from the.guil-
ty person.
The moment it was known that
Michael had fled the world and: his
wife would say, "The vile young
you first love me?" ask -
"Oh, I can't bear this room," cried ed my sweet and beautiful darling,
Claudia suddenly, and 'springing ttp, when. I released her. «
I dont know," I said. I have
went out. As I opened the door for
hher, I fancied I caught a glimpse always loved you, and now I worship
tears onher half -averted face, thoughyou;, and . I always shall," and again
I was not prying. she gave me a long embrace that
A.s I closed
the door, Isobel rose
seeemd to stop the beating of my
from the piano and came towards me. heart and lift inti up and to and in -
She looked very lovely, I thought, credible heaven of ectasy and joy al -
with her misty blue eyes, misty gold- most unbeaarble.
enhair, as fine as floss silk and her The sound of footsteps and a hand
cession. How gentle and on the door brought us back to earth,
sweet expression. and when
dear she was! We sprang to our feet,a
"Johnny," she said, laying her hands David entered, Isobel was putting
on ni chest and looking up into my away her music, and I was consult
y question
neI ask'or a silly 9 in a small pocket -book with terrific
eyes, "may . g
Just once and for all? I know the abstraction from my surroundings.
answer, but I want to hear you
A. R. & F. E. IDUVAL''
Members C. A. 0.
Graduates of Canadian Chiroprac-
tic College, Toronto. Office in Craw-
ford Block, four doors north of Post
Office. m, and by
Hours 2 to 5;7to8.30p'
appointments. , Special appointments
trade for those- coming any distance.
Out of town and night calls re -
lam.' •
No one knows the shame I feel, not
even me; and by the time you -get
this, I shall be well on my way
where I am.going.
Will you please tell Aunt that Mich-
ael's noble and 'beautiful action had
wrung my'heart, and I wish he
wrung my neck. I cannot let him
take the blame for me, like this. I
slt,all write to her from Town.
When you find yourself' in the wit -
"Excuse me, sir," said David, halt -
"Certainly;. dear," said I. "Might I speak to
mg before me. g
"You won't be angry, Johnny: you sir?"
"Have I ever been angry with you "You're doing it Davids" said I.
Isobel? Could I be?" I asked. "In private sir, a moment," he ex-
forShe looked into my - eyes steadily plained. and
; a few moments. i went to the door wi h�liim,
"Did you take the 'Blue Water,' having closed it, he produced a note
Directly Digby followed hiin they
would say, "Which of 'them is the
thief?"• and no eve would be turned
enquiringly upon those who, in their.
conscious innocence, liad remained at
And whom did Michael and Digby
suspect, if they were both innocent.
Obviously Claudia or me.
And if they cotitd no• more suspect
me than I could suspect them.. .
hursday, December ;Irate, 1926
No Aerial
f r your
lamp socket
itit a,K.yw ,h,f !. s
What better investment, for that Christmas cheque than a
Rogers-Batteryless Radio! A dozen advantages combine to
make the Rogers the one set that can give you all you hoped
forin a radio. No run-down batteries to replace and;re
wlre, no mediocre reception from weak batteries, no bother,
no expense—your first investment is your last.
The next few months are the finest of the year for radio
receptiondon't miss the world of entertainment that is
open to Rogers owners.
Let us demonstrate—easy terms if desired
Prices $140 up
Wingham Utilities Commission.
About 6o invited guests gathered ant
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
wards, Howick, Saturday evening,
it being the 25th anniversary' of their
wedding. Wingham orchestral sup-
plied the music.
Those who attended the entertain-
ment .in the hall by the Presbyterian
7-12 C
sport eu ry
Phones. Office, 300, Residence 1`
John?" she asked. � and gave it to me.
"No my dear, I did not,"I replied, Mr. Digby,
" sir, He very specially
and drew her to ?tie. And then Iso-
bel instructed me to give you this in
threw her arms round my private at ten o'clock this evening,
and I kissed her the lips. Sir, thank you, sir.",
She burst into tears, and lifting her
up in my arms, I carried• her to' a ho g
sofa and sat.hugging her to my Make your
breast and covering her face with kiss-
es. It had suddenly come upon Inc
that I loved. her—that I had always
loved her. But hitherto it had been
me brighter with Del-
co Light. The dependable farm
Electric Servide. easy
Get our new low' price and
Delco Light Dealer
Giennannan Ontario'.
as a clian`ining darling playmate an
on 601. companion, and now it was as a worn•
j. A L V I N FOX t , • If the knowledge between us w erg
DRUGLESS PRACTIONER a result of the theft of the 'Blue Wa-
OPRACTIC AND ter' I was glad it had been stolen.
"Darting! Darling! Darling!" I whis-
ELECTRO -THERAPY pered as ;1 kissed her. "Do you love
Phone 1x1. me, darling Isobel?" I asked, and for
7-8 P. in. 'or by reply, she smiled starrily through. her
ours la xz a.in., ?-5, p put her arms, around rne, and
appointment. tears,
I thought my heart was stopping.
y�, ,�+r, "Love you dearest?" she asked.
D. � �� :tl You are just my
NI E� „life .1 have loved
CHIROPRACTOR Y everything you have said or done,
Y ba
CI a
'TRI was baby
l" since n
E sx
Dont cry, 1 said, ashamed of hely
A.ctjustinents given.for diseases of „ „
all' kinds, specialize in dealing with inarticulate inadehuaey<. •
cliildreti. Lady attendant. Night Calls "I'm crying for joy," she sobbed.
responded to, "Now you have told me you didn't
Off' on Scott St.,Wingham, do tt know
Phone 59
Groceries & C
Ont, • ., I 1 w you didn't."
Telephone 150, The three Geste brothers, John, Dig-
_ _ — - by and Michael are inseparable in
,,,,,lhf",ere+0 e91111,.,en„i"1,p„n,,,,t,nn,,,a,,,,fe edu,noe,: their boyhood' and youth. Michael
or "Beau" is the leader. Tltey live
l'hiattetsY Office lee, Reside% their Aunt, Lady ;Brandon in En-
= �witli�
A. J. E gland Lady Brandon owns the "Blue
ISURNiT1;TRE r nAlark
Phone 73• Lucknow, Ontario:
Money to renal On first and second
mortgages on farm and other real es-
tate properties at a reasonable rate of
interest, also on first Chattel mortga-
ges on stock and on personal notes.
A few farms on hand for sale or to
tent on easy terms.
`Water, a variable sapphire.
�. anti evening tidy Brandon, the Chaplain,
FERAL DIR Ca`FO1 R Claudia, Isobel, Michael, Augustus
Motor Equipment Brandon and John 'are together and
ONTARIO someone suggests a leak at the prec
r radon brings it
iiylll"I�! B a
$ .torts gem, Lady
Sale" conducted at reasonable rates.
Satisfactioon Guaranteed.
—Agent For*
Insure in a, Good Sound Company.
Box 267 'Wingham, Ont.
or Phone 276ra .
�- A1.iCT'IOxEtR
A thardiagh ltnawledge of Farm
1'hbrie 231, Wingbaitn —
-- s
Wishing a Happy New Year to All.
Miss Gwendolyn McLeod of New.
York, is spending Christmas holidays
with her aunt, Miss Margaret McKen-
Mr. and Mrs: Jas. England and
family ; of Kincardine spent the'' week
end with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Sabbath School enjoyed it very much. Donald Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Champion and
family of Fordyce, Mr. and Mrs. San-
Havens and •family of Lucknow,•
spent Christmas at Mark Gardner's.
Mr. Harold Stanley of Lucknow.
called on friends in the city on Sat-
Mr. Colin McKinnon and. Mr. Alex..
Gollan spent:Christmas with hist
friends Donald MacDonald.
Our teacher, Miss Annie Johnston,.
had -a very • successful Christmas con-
cert on Wednesday last with Rev. Mr.
James acting as chairman , in his us -
nal jolly way. Me. Malcom Mclnnes•
as Santa `Claus was `sure: a wonder
with all his funny actions.
Each little.tot acted his or her part
The Union Sabbath School will have
a social time in the Community Hall,
Thursday evening. Lunch served.
All welcome,
Those home for the holidays are:—
Mrs .Herd Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Abram and babe from the West, Miss
Eunice Hackney; the Misses Barbara
and Hazel Dickson, Toronto,- Miss
Annie 'Douglas.
Mrs. John Mulvey is' in Lucan with
her mother, and Gordon will spend
the winter in: Detroit.
Miss Agnes; Rutherford, Bluevale,
spent dire holiday with Roy on' the
The roads were in a' very slippery kir. Art Gaynor of London spent
condition Sunday.
One young ma +i the week end with Rapid City friends:
Mr. Wellington Nixon of Donny-
brook spent Christmas with friends in:
Rapid . City.
It dawned on me, or rather it was
stabbed into my' heart suddenly, as
with a knife, that it was'quite as
much my affair to help in prevent-
ing suspicion, just or unjust, from
falling upon Claudia; and that if they
could face obloquy, poverty, hardship,
and general wrecking of their lives
for Claudia,and me and for each oth-
er—why, so could I for them. and
that it was my duty to go too.
Moreover when Detectives and cri=1
ininal'experts got to work on the
case, they would be: quite capable of
saying that there was nothnig to pre-
vent Isobel and Augustus from being
in collusion to prove each other inno-
cent, and vtrould suspect" one or both
of them, the more.
To us, who knew hint, it was com-
pletely proven that Augustus was in -
To a detective, it would more prob-
ably be a clue to the guilty person—
the girl who produced this piece of
"evidence" which thereby proclaimed.
her own innocence.
Moreover the wretched Augustus•
had most undoubtedly been surprised
when Isobel said he hiust be i inocent
as she had been holding on to him all
the time the light was out. If this
came out, it would certainly fix the
suspicion on Isobel, and if it did not,
there was a strong probability that
her declaration concerning 'Augustus
would, as I have said, suggest cones -
ion between them.
The more reason then for me to
strengthen the obvious solittion•-that.
the thief was`'one of the Gestes.
If three people fled confessing their
guilt, that was where the collusion
would. be --=among three rascally bro-
thers who had plotted to rob .their
relative and share the spoil. I
That the oldest had weakened annot
fled. first, was to his credit, or
- admir-
according to whether you ;1,0
ed the courage or confession; buf olio,
viotts&,.'and incontestably, the blame
must lie upon these three, and noL
among those who remained at hoanc
and 'faced the music.
"But," said the voices of prudence,
(Continued next week.)
going home from Service, couldn
get any farther than the Hill, the.
get any farther than the Hill, the
horse ,of course not being sharp shied.
I ho and Coffee
'f�11119111PA1 l I�il I13911I�IIIg1111»I!1�11 i�lIIIp1111�111111I I
A representative for the
Ontario Equitable
Part or full time. Apply to Box
413, The Advance -Tittles or to
M. T, Corless, I istriti Mgr,
cliriton, +bnt.
A bee's sting is one -thirty-second
of an inch Tong. The other two
feet is imagination.
15 oz`a smeulleerd ;Raisings 15c
•Dessert m e 2
1 t 1 Z 5eed1¢ua Raisins: for 25c
L''�,Oi,<at�sea e - 1 EEL. 27c 1b.
1✓211). ;t.ixs,1 PEEL - $ 0C
Finest Currants 216 e 27c
Santa Clara Prunes 16c lb.
11:111.7iDATES 21b1 25C
Dominion Stage =fs
Fry's Breakfast
14,1h Tin 2446