HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-23, Page 5Thursday, December u,3t4k, =BuEi it t s• ■ I e t. 4. •■ ■ �, , 1, r. ,r :1,. :kid';' ;a. �. � ��11�! 1 sty':�.i{{ .N"p�}�i�: , , ❑ a;.i4.Etp•1. ■ ■ is ' .r 1 A. 4 if . /�� 4 ales , rlh,�3l}gtal nr }E! ■ S:'4 �'i Ytv k ('w�.�-, e. ,yrr�„ !t l r:;' a(Er ■ tt��1 : c, v"`4' 'Eiv � • ;�; - I�•� "" ¢ l l h,f '�;x.1� t,.L '4 nipsC' i ■ ... �'. rkf[5.5"1' ',`x.j-��r'c ;�:','9, M>.tS¢}t�i�'. �;+•l�l"1 1✓r-�i`�` , , a-l1aA�,,l, � t �'�\-q4,, '� I� �.'.1. ..' , !7k' ®r��� r %- -`C,R t. ',p:i�u,_::- S7;.4,:•rr,.c :i_p.. to • • ioNn . ,,,,„or ■ . is■ ,„,„v,,,,, ■ d* .,„„,,,,,„„4,1,,, ■■■0•a,h»N?. a I IIMERRY C�RISTM [Suggestjons. AS For.,Your Christmas Buying ■ ) ■, —— 9 at Isard s• a 111 ■ al ■ ■ • Suitable Gly ■ 111BEDSPREADS LINENS, RUGto for the Home ... ■ • ■ S TC. BLANKETS II 111 A Choice range of silk bed- spreads, s, in rich colors; Rose, Blue, Gold; aIso Fancy cotton spreads in fast colors at special prices. I sets and Velvet Rugs, Towels. Table .cloths, Table Linen, Napkins, Cushion Tops, ;Linen Drapes, Curtains; Wilton, Erus- ■ HANDKERCHIEFS ■ Handkerchiefs, sold separate- ly or in boxes. Fancy boxes at '■ -5oc., 75c. and $x.00. 11111 HAND BAGS ■ Handbags in great variety. ■ CARFS--See our large range tof .crepe and silk crepe scarfs. AII.,prices. GIFTS FOR • 1 Ex ■ ■ moas mm ■ ■ . J1OSIERY Big value in silk and silk and wob1, and cast Gere Hose. Spec. ial"-Christmas .'ieic,Ss 98c, $r•xg and-.if54, Fur .Coats at Cut fries,:, _..$lankets made from fine qual- ity wool, unshrinkable, in plain colors and checks. See these Christmas Bargains at zo per cent off regular price. WOMEN AND, GIRLS SWEATERS Sweaters make seasonable gifts. Special value in best makes. , SILKS Complete stock of guaranteed silks. Specials at $r.5o, $x•8g and $2.5o. SHOE DEPARTMENT Bargains in cosy slippers, Fancy Satin Slippers, Strap Slip- pers, Oxfords, Moccasins, Got- ashes. KIMONAS New models, new shades. Big value in all lines. See 4 5 0 our special at....,-. ............... • • ■ BETTY BROWN DRESSES 111 • $etty Brown Dresses, smart • acid the latest, word in fashion. ■ See them in silk, crepe, velvet, ■ ■ and fancy flannel, stripes and checks in. the leading colors; al- ■ • so knitted wool suits, coat and . ■ skirt; silk Underwear. : SALE OF WIN7'ER COATS Mr Best models in needlepoint, ■ velour marvella -- Fqr, collar : and cuffs, also children's ,Coats ■ in all sizes at 20 per cent off l♦ Regular Prices. A variety of styles in Dresses to meet every taste. GIFTS FRO1gI OUR MEN'S WEAR STORE NEC? WEAR Novelty neckwear, What better than a .necktie for a gift? Big ,selection k4e_re ai 59c, 75c, and $r.00. Collar cased `in fancy leather and suede, MUFFLERS Fancy knitted silk and square silk talufflers in fancy patterns. Prices from $x.00 to $3.5o. LOUNGING ROBES New patterns in heavy cloths; all prices. HANDKERCHIEFS MANY USEFUL GIFTS FOR 1Handkerchiefs in great vari- ety. Fancy silk and Initialled, also 'fancy bordered. SOCKS Special value in Men's Silk and silk and wool. Fancy pat- terns at 75c. to $1.25. GLOVES Gioyes for useful and 'season- able gifts. Special value in kid and mocho gloves. Real value at $1.5o and $2.00. MEN AND BOYS Many useful gifts for men and Boys, are Men's Kid Slippers, Sweaters, Fancy • Shirts, Cuff Links, Rubber Boots, Soft Coll- ars, Silt Shirts, Caps, Umbrellas Suits and Overcoats. BRACES Good quality braces, in fancy boxes, and sets of arm bands ■ • Q • • • ■ I and garters. ■ 1 BIG VALUE •IN ALL DEPARTMENTS o M , :... .... : Isard■ &Co. L. H.. ammusimmosionisiumminutinummuninsionumpuisimanne �V'in hex ■is THE FIRST CHRISTMA And the angel said unto sore afraid. And there were in the same coun- try shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over the flock by the night. And lo, the angel of the Lord them, th , gopd tidings of great joy, which 'shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ th Lord. e. or , shone about them; and they were 1 And •this shall be a sign unto you: 1 Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger And suddenly there was with the, angel a multitude -of the heavenlyhost praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men, —Luke 2:8-1.1 Little ' Lucy Dalton and Her Big Grand Daughter t the Old Tuners' Day during the Old Home Week Celebrations at North Bay, when that town grade-' rated to full-fledged eityhood, the bove model of The Lucy- Dalton, the' St Ganadiah Pacific engine which tied through North Bay, took part the prracipal procession and fin., e of ed oneor her of her gigantxoh•grthe and- tghteits, rho nowadays perforin 1 o duties once carried•. out ee labori- ioly by' Lucythetseli'. The inodel Wits cotlstrticted in the Canadian steak nos in NOr'th Bay' and, It i ta�t'ad M 11X a •, irfdt t tp� rAt � the ureic city on her Om Motive power. Thousands of old me ra11K toad Men gathered In the Baby City of Ontario for the Old 'iters' cele- ittationiti ti d utapy war. the, hair raring stories told of the day's when; half a century *go, the railroad web hut pushing rte way hough the betren wlidetneer' *high ✓wire then North, Bay+ WTNGH'.AM ADVANCE. r MES THE E_WONDERS . � E �R OF RADIO W IIT,j MEN ifN ARCTIC . WEL.. COME MESSAGES. Western ,Stations Send Messages' to • Cheer Men on Lonely Outposts' at • Canwd;la;nl lh ontlors--lyrapper's and. Fru' 'Traders Also Listen In. The little community of A„jslavik lies hidden in that great stretch of Arctic land which, while it contri- butes to the total area of Canada, 'contributes e.t the present time at least little else, observes the Toronto Mail and Empire. . It is situated, oo the almanac tells one, on the Mac- kenzie river delta, N, W,Te „ and some one has in- formation that it tis soed me ftwo thou• - sand 'miles north of Edmonton. Otherwise Little is known' of Aklavik by the average person who populates the more convenient and ,communi- cable areas of our Dominion. The name post office is given to it xriore by courtesy than by fact, for the snails reach there only' cceasionaily during the short summer, while' in the winter ut'� i er t, is cut off completely from the outside wbrld. Yet, like other settle>iients' of the Far Forth, it includes white, men ,among its Population, men who live • isolated in this far -away land sometimes talc- ing With them wives andfamc3les. Listeners -in on an Edmonton radio roadcasting station in the early nonths of the year aright in fact ave caught this name nk.lati,t an- nounced in: the middle of the even- ig mcssainefor he north made its m as a wzyyi through the lear air. to be caught by a ti tit m- usband in,the little sett lornl r. -. £ter the name chine the ennple. ords, anncemeing the 31 ;1'17' frern n E.clinonton hospital. ".A. son has een born. We regret to say the other did not recover." So byy means this new messenger of the air he ceived • the news which with luck r ;Ist have :reached hint two months to:. This is a typical instance of what dio is doing for the Canadian pic- ers across the frontiers of civill - on, To every country of the world has 'brought its blessing of greatee cial neatuet between the outlying -_ict,tiiltt the centres of popula- n, but. low;sere 'is' this plisse or virtuei •er'e strikingly denlon- ated thanFIn •l l .s sparsely peo 1, r.'1 'keen w ei•e en are still fight- tha battles les of le new land of -ease, Peening the ii'tivay into virgin est and p`I,iiu and teneeping watch the Arctic: Fibnt coast to const Canada there th tiro esi vast ex- 's of isolated- threst and plain n ni n live forty, ,sixty nd ever unfired rates from `heir' ilear'+est hhbors u.rt they are .10 i.p,Isger e As they sit in their trapi,C,re' k, tiny fermhouse er bushnlas�tt g sty tie air around aged snith es. I+oi' isle lir e lw orfty.who the 1rapp — our!era o �tne.Vis 'ins there :e dairy summary rg Ila 11 s tisz� ?Flout the Dolf> nIcii and world, the daily iectu:es 2,01 re- : !" 1=.'S Il keep them in touch with 4luestioiss of the day and the fe- es for tuning in to the gay atmo- re of the dance or concert hail, the thousand and one activities s melee up "the life of . their liatrse ts. t it is not alone to the isolated. idual o, to the tiny settlements radio has brought its blessing. are the larger centres such as ity of Dawson, which are al- as completely shut i`li, during the r months. A single telegraph guarded by men whose lonely s'are dotted at ctistan_t intervals the ant v expense, binds this polis to the outside world. Mail. tied over a stormy trail which. luck, -rimy be r n vel d in 17 'tern the Tittle railway station itehorse and a letter from Van will talo least twenty-five to roach it, destlnetirn No apers. b i are a•lowed to down the b^ of the mail car nd now 10 the r ri•1.a1 ,. ,ee :e be [or» ti . „ of r:' c''" :•73174.g tc an col:gin, cl to a tour lac,,,., paper, purchased for -five ccn t 00 in f n -thrn. Canada where conditions are not so great inrr:ed. Per801101 messages to of 111e anti death, but from ton they are included in the progio,r—broadcast .periodi- t the benefit of the dweller in r'vfh rnd h fil'ing in the e city dwell er may gather for so1v'dirrg of the romance of he Arctie Circle, Following acid arm -nue -meta of the :flee station, there is sent 1 hr e^lei ✓saneness of tlio i "r'` f''r -dly reetfr, , he North." Then comes the ":' 011 furs sent in code by ern, Iles, Company to their seri, posts, "Oranges 4.84, .13311n melons 8.44, squash '1 00, so that, throughout t va t: Territories fur dealing rrn on a uniform basis, n•see told is that of a who in the autumn of 1.925 'd with the necessity of wire' in to a hospital to 'b 11 ii t e It w a b ni of to s'1 1'0 ne ati it Its s,r "n i c fol ,a r,f P n whe ab 1,1 C 1 al n shac ehal voc ire k4�s en: '11e pert eiliti eple cad .,•11 cl coin Du iildiv that There the C most white line shack across lurid 1s ear with days r 1 at Wh ever days 1, t4:sP ,v ,gls a nt the broadc -:wet twenty S'ati isolated hit 1 `int s Frlmou special rally PO the ' 1 c,•tps (1: hcns'r li 1110 in 1 us 1'1 i it ,.. • fnc . i, ging emieeto a serious operation evhich l,e en pronounced by the only cr sural Adviser available as time Iast Coco n£ 1iC,r. The trip was accom- h,ed after me ny days, and part of '•e way by end the 'named to hist work; there)to�lwald met "len t.hetvintei closed in upon hilts, "he operation was ,lticeess:f'ul and .af- ^1' a.:.series of ✓chits$ the word was sally sent to him by'.a high-powered' nie ican stati'olt. All outposts of the Northwest' areunted Pollee are now equipped ,th receiving scuts; through which tinction: are soot out: when neces- aty from headquarters. Row much `11 ,50 tlleail to the men of that splen 1!d foree Is suggested' by the fella - ng letter received by the broadcast - 'ng 1nalttger at C,N.It Sf, Vanoouver, "born inspector Wil.sox, who coin- mands the Ellesmere 'sub-distlriet, "You will be pleased to knew"' he wt'ites, "that the programs broad cast front your station were rereivede St North i�e,(iiii]alitl, 1 wtrT during the dark and lonely months When the sun, diaappes,rit troth Nerember ttritll : Pebruatay U •la then ve fuliyi all i y'iate thein." L U. CK O N W Mrs, Duncan Boyd has returned to Chical;o after spending a week with her brother, Albert Boyd, Married at the Manse, on Friday afternoon, by the Rev, C. II, MacDon- ald, Mr, Jno. Murray, and Miss Jen- nie McLennan, boil: of Lucknow. Mrs, Gordon' and Mrs. Taylor of 'Detroit visited recently with friends here. Mrs. Johnstone has returned to St. Augustine after spending a few days with her son Dr. Johnstone. Mr. W. F, Thompson, who has be on the school staff for a couple years has resigned and is going teach in a school in Toronto. Mrs; Alex lx 112c Caroli is visiting daughter, Mrs. C. Foster in Tole Ohio. BORN —• In Lucknow, on Sund Dec: lath,' to Mr. and Mrs. J Thompson, a daughter, (Irene Ma The Lucknow Dramatics are pu w hail itiowilisu ifili poolloiliillliill maili!!ti �llitil IlII1rI IlilhAll(I jlifl�Jpltl'11 I, ,, +ice ..,. , n tii ir S'111,11' f:111l i a u THE CHRIST MAS STORE A Few Inexpensive Gins that are always appreciated HANDKERCHIEFS LINENS been - Linen, Silk and Lawn 5c, to French Cut Work in pure lin- of ▪ 750.en, Doilies, Tray and Centre- - Boxed to — Handkerchiefs 25c,. to Cloth. Extra values at a5c. to • $r.00. $4 50 her _� HOSIERY do, Mercury and Venus e us Silk j Hose Linen` Pillow Cases, plain and colored borders, neatly boxed in pairs at $2.so to $3,00 pair,'' ay, Is Silk and Wool Plain & Check GLOVES Jo Hose, 950. to $x.so. A most acceptable gift, kid', ye) silk, suede and fabric. New ing on a play here on December.28 Mr. Alf. Mitchell of Timmins, spending his vacation with his pa eitts here. The regular meeting of the Won en's Institute was held at the horn of Mrs. W. E. MacDonald, on Frida afternoon , - A committee was forme to collect magazines to send to th Victoria Hospital, London. A rea ing was given by Miss Margaret Mil er. Mrs. Jos. Agnew gave a ver interesting report of the conventio she recently attended in' Toronto. I was decided to send Christmas chee to the needy families in town. paper by Mrs. R. Robertson on, "Wha Constitutes the True Christmas Spir it," was given. The Roll Call wa answered by a gift exchange, after which light refreshments were served TOWELS tt- — th. s Wonderful Values in Fancy shades sec. to $e.00. is _ ig range to choose — from m r- ■ 5oc, to $x,25. - Towel sets in attractive boxes 1_ ▪ $x.zs to.$x.5o.. le SCARFS ✓ — Beautiful Scarfs in Silks, d i• Scotch Knit and Wool, in a • e splendid range to select from. d- $x.00 to $4.00. 1y n r A t s ' Towels. A b WROXETER SCHOOL REPORT No. on roll 24. Average attendance 22. Names arranged in order' of merit. IInd Class — Stewart Musgrove, Iia Sharpin and Eyerett Wright, equal, Merill Tait'and Mable Patterson eq- ual, Robert Hoperaft, Cameron Mc- Tavish. Ist Class --Edythe Martin and Fred Hoperaft and Allister Green equal, Rae Henning. Dorothy Henry, Mar- garet Tait, Jessie Paulin, Billie Gib- ao a , SWEATERS Wool and Silk and Wool sweat- ers and pullovers for Ladies and Children. At special prices. SILKS & CREPES A gift that is appreciated. All the new shades in cr+ silke for winter wear. Wonder- ful values at attractive prices. MEN'S WEAR SUGGESTIONS TIES AND TIE SETS HANDKERCHIEFS HOSE SCARFS SWEATERS ARM BANDS BRACES GARTERS GLOVES & MITTS BELTS HATS & CAPS SUITS OVERCOATS PYJAMAS I SHIRTS ti a J. A. 1'x/1 ILLS, .'fLNGIAM meulim®Illsileus:inemelnelulolueutanlelllellfaltieln®m®fri�uleui®al�ulsiuen � I■1110111 1 Primer -- Vera Wright, Irene Rob- insop and Agnes Durst equal, Clark Sharpin, Jack Henry, Lucille Tait, Al- lan Griffith, Minerva Higgins, Harold McTaysli: —A. G. Hastie, Teacher. Butterscotch Two cups brown sugar, one cup water, two teaspoonfuls vinegar, two tablespoonfuls butter. Stir sugar un- til dissolved in boiling water, then boil Without stirring until in cracks when tried in cold water. Pour into butter- ed pan. AlP 51 Eismse five The New FINE TUBE Westinghouse Radio Set No. 57 at $83.60 is To -day's Greatest Value in Radio Volume --Soft or Loud. Responds instantly at the turn of the knob. Tone—Sweet, rich and mellow—Clear as the original. Selectivity—Always possible to select program. your own Storage Battery Set, Single `Vertical Drun* Control, Non -Radiating. You owe it to yourself to have a Westinghouse Dealerdemonstrate this set before you buy. Price $132.0o. Tubes extra. Ask the Westinghouse Dealer to demonstrate Canadian Westinghouse Company, Limited aAMILTax SALES OFFICES IN THE PRINCIPAL CANADIAN CITIES TARIO I,t •.vas at. •„�"� Irr Westinghouse No. 57, less Radioirons --iia this refined Console Type S.111.S. Cabinet including? .Speaker, .a4y„ sot ��' The Radio Shop TUBES, BATTERIES CHARGERS, SPEAkERS Phone 1584