HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-23, Page 4/ _" ., ..1 ,. ; wren -- � « it ii
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- . ,� •. , ,�r,. ,.. _ _ _ : 'i15iI:NGRAM ADVANCE-TIMRS
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1� I I -11-1 I I . �� ,V. I 1� III: 1111111111�440 I � III: I .1 � .
«,M.w^»� y c l?rto� sz�xna�. 1�1� ��� /fir r:
,� .. is ::BQanic.e.Sha,w rs•^:r4a- c, � „ x �, � m��� 1
,z; ,:8.lYf . �rar �k., M'
, P ���
-Agd.,' r. Fl.•i r Blacks lrf °n Iu s- - 1`b n ndls
p�yy . +ung• ,, , t e $ Ase. Retired $tXv'etar
-m— as jI . Ch -4 " �t , .:.ci a r . FY. r�za�ee Y'ublio A xo rex 1 � .
?_. ay.. #tq.nooat. fpr'. White ager,• Sas]*, I ■1
! to ,cattbrad .the ;funeral �f , Vtrs as h ty ® r
t l J T two hort3 f tile
Hop�� t� s b o ze .NiagaraL I
,- L1�tli 1U17xlas - l�etu�een Huff �a
'. ��
} Rix: . yvho , 1?ai.�s:4'd,.a?iay. Tf�,ri 'iwere' i 314 and Fort ,t-rie a . ,-- ,
r ,Y
TiYzli'ed Nth steel on Oct. 7 6tli; `
"Ik4e ¢zfeasQ#Y;.1rCr8-� foietaVe Elltmerctu5 i&9efg11, suitable si"��. r+wt= .;« ,«..,«..;«»,dr,« 41aY, When i'h8 ends
of the Peace' Brluge
itemat moderate east, .,-,- -.
:BaltimDrQ recently celebrated the R ' m t, I ',],here was n° ceremony, tn� ■ t
lUtieth; al4niverp r of .,TdQR._.IrS event' being witnessed only by work t�
a Y the Joh,na Thurs., F'.11d� as d Siat.p PA& -y „�ir�i� !kC�:"�i�o
"THE RkL3h t3N7DrGOLD uaeia wino saw a Anal step fn a' joti, ? n„ ,am ., ,, ,,..:, ■
aOPIkine JJniversity, wkziclr, ,.together ..Miss,Th N
' onis.,of �lui?Wzn.sppntA.'If0w Cud_newspapermen who saw it as crau r
IkEIE Gt' a� I.TtG'I LINE contains articles suinhde €or all at with its ,twin the of Johns '.day with, her fri d Mi s Li cti1fainatiou of � uu A pp (" , -
art , . _. S u•.. zcae fox, a pxolect advocatcc 7Li1►RY ■
J u .Hopkins' r i
pric kfrom 5oc• Oood,; ds in dainty foxes Hospital. ,ha,s an international farce : Cqult:ei last ;week: r a generation. �
that has been well earned, ,Amon . o-
of the bridge wir, 1N-- ,..�
I The total eosf .
h Mr. end, Mrs. Jere IlxgeleiL,of• del. be'about $4,000,0'00 including a'out
E� fts.11ving:alumni are 'no fewer than a g U 66 : e �■
6✓0 '; liftY-four ,college presidents, .testi- grave; Spent. $inday.;at.l y.,'ANncan' ;.4800"a.'day in interest during tht '0 R
g The ,prairie .�i�ate ;S
� �J! � �� � Mony to the.gualitY of the werk[`done Caxxx bell's: 4J ;construction period. • .
j by
the professors who have been p 'rbe:"cliar•tez: of the company r° N
erfumes axed Toilets' NX •. G,pdelch.;'ozi vi'des'tliat when the bonds have been �0��-^BU06 I�p�1$ WU.00� l� ,
{. .sem �
{ (� �R. carrying Out the plans of l:lze .some'= Jack. Gxay,;was kn '
1 what eeeentric Quaker who :fa iz� del. the .jpry, last wee>�. , ' retired,' the holders thereof. dxawin{1 � , II
I (Comprise nlaxry:af tlaetvery latest aaraa3.best put a in boxesrthat the two 4nsiitutions, Johns 33opbiils i\Zx. ,;end; Mz's.• Char?ie : ii,igtt ;spent seYen as}d eight per ant.' anoan 'le
p w€ha ® £ t
(` 4M a, w•tr* of art. was a nrtaember_of an English' :Quaker Su,ztday.at George'•DQy's• the ,bridge' shall beco�rue ;public pro- Moil. Trues. Wed ek,)Dec.
._.;,__.._; _. ,_ ,,,, family that,sattled in Maryland, and petty. It "has been. estimated Thai
A7, 28� 29.
Oar,usual corn Tete shack of Ci a at the time of ,bis birth xn'x79.fi tlae, a. aaaimber of the, chi,ldrerx, are, Quare
ti, P g rs, �.anfcure''Sets, �peaz, il�v- ", • � 6;0.'00, cars• an hour can be liaudlec e f
d , most distinguished and prosperous Jaid uP,W.it the,vVhoopiazg,Fqugli . ower the bridge, as it is intended to EUGENE ® 'BRI
rY Caaorie,.Hbon3&, et.levas never mrur$e complete member of the family lyes one iliraru
l provide nine .distinct runways Dix
right 'Hopkins, a m'ea;ehant In Baltitnoro , eaoh side fbr customs. iinmigra• ® —IN—
tie used to visit itis humbler ac61a , r" , tion Purposes, The directors of th..
"' H ;
ti b On their Xarm and was impress company x4us hope to avei•t'the con- Li S1 ® Jester,"
:�'�'� �I�. � Y e latelligence and energy oF, {1 Merry 1Chlistmas. d ;a "Happy gestion which prevails, at the Niagara N N
' Young Johne, ,Be.4sked tnat "he,boy'i �
.Fabs, bridges; where the terminal ra- o
be sent to hint in Zialtfznore, an ra,''and I . .-s?lerqus ,New :year ;to The 611fies,are;vfi`tual.l non -ext eaY— ® 1C1A� O��cox .
Y ant. • ... Corn ,
We ha a„ added a iirte , f rl+ich Silver 'ire ,prices will surpd e ` xnised $o make ,hist -class rae $ t t zzt Advance-.� trues and ,all its xead.ers• l t is' g iaebted .that the bridge e will ■ a
You Come rxx.and see it ;, 24g ® 1 NERT WEEK-. ,N
of him. Johne�ezx¢ to Ius uncle and i : _Mc.:t�kex ;13airtl.t#f Flint, i a be formatly,opened on May next,N.
'^ as time went ox 84fAwed that coati , thio nr although it •;may be in use a short
a}s viStng :wkh ,#xierrds here< tixne'earlxer, ® SY•CHAPLAIN
I, deuce in him had not been misplaced• : W, M. •German T .C.,
When he MI
wars b,ut ,tli.neteen �reF s ! cG1Mx:.R be> t ,Aitken £oxzrkerJy ., pf: i ice -President, ,and F. 'B, Baird, Pres- ■ ®;
fold he got .his first ,o.pportunity to, enann. ,has .been,renewing,gld,ac darft•Qf the„bjid�e company ,recently _41a-
N. rl
c bow s Orin Store
1prove his mettle- Hlsaiarrrle was call- ccyua#zttariQ;es an ;tli's vicinity were in (5ttawa with• a,viow to rnvit- L j� !f N.
.' to an Ohio tovi a o 1p,?eslde over a jr',iR�ukeax Ap leby:sP,ent last,weelt Ing the Priaace,of Wales to ofticx<tte N The M n on The Box.” ■. .r
27k. U, .B' zXr�eting of Quakers and'lbefore going at the; dbilic`atilpn. It `i's planned also
Winarha m, Ont. Phone 53 °n what was then a loaig and pro-, > artto ,anal attended ,the ,United to :have Presiiient Coolidge >at 'the ,® Ni
i �� More Fun Tha11
n '. Charley's Aunt."
traeted journey, Ile soletnrxly confided ITaaxaxaer's a;Cgnvention, ceremony, r=';
''ott save+ith assiety �� yot¢s Ftexal'fl Drc�'.t®re Jays ibueineas to his r�ephe4sr's hands. Tlie bridge ,,.anal approaelies air,
Xr, ,Herman '�1'letCalfe ,1e#t for .De-
about,40,0 ,feet ao
Ha •signed five hundred tkje nes anti alr There are an.' ®�S■OtER14ME tl®®®®■®®®�®®®�li�EEM: � K � I
told the youth to cash, theal as .re- trot where :lie will :spend .the ;wan steel arch. spans d,i;.d one truss span.'
sluirell. 'He was to buy and sell tg ter. `.['he stxu;t,trir,e at ,the' Buffalo end i:,
the lbeat advantage and loolt;,after l t: Mrs. " lTkronaas yVe'r v's' ed a X05 feet"above the•,level of the Btacit'
Mall cousins. 'It was a seriotau eom;- r } ^ l it`e, 'lash Lnttmilj.f llnlllnlllniIIdlll11110i11milloilloilia111®IID]11111 iiimiiinllllihltll®IllM[lbl IIS P
ia•ft6, •Cisel , ,lrermitting the -large,+ t 1 ,1•I 111mlll•ly
mission for a young man, especially week with friends .at :1Vltagref ell and' lalte vessels to =
� paps under it. The �
as the Umited Statgs was th�rx at war Harrist". . descent:io.the Cana,ellan shcre is twc = ' .�. _
° � tafit and the British Mx. David Breen shad .a successful' and a •hal^f -pe,r' cent._ ,11.1 A; arches = . j
with area£ Bri
L J�. f]
R IG were abo,�t to 'capture' Washington. auction sal.c l"est Trtpsclay,. are segments o'f the same circle, so
S •
'�' ��A� F
�v,w Johns was n that the•effect, while not symmetrical, - • `, {� to z =
rAe�� great distress for it Mr. and Mrs: Royastzng anti' rs not<displeasing.' _ �.
Sr seemed certaizr that the enhm I
children v"asi
I 11 `- +r "� such•. indeed oras the Britislayarr ted •at klie home of 11Ios.: _ ■ 1 d,i 1
g Blind - `Watchmalters.. 1 d a ` _
t Z- regarded by these fordigners•-would Hatt h last S mg,6,da a �
., ! ; arrive in Baltimore. Johns had not BlWd people. -those who-hgve been
moi l ( only his,, uncle's propert to Mr. and Mass.. Ws sten Wzllits ar•,d ■ , .
y protect born blind ---are exceedingly clever =
but his uncle's children, His mind children, were accent 'visitot•>s :at Will. with their $ngers, but it is not .often � � -
was torn by conflicting claims. He IT. Marshall's. that wE hear of a watchmaker -who = '
felt it his duty to remain- at the stere was borxi blind•, 9.nd yet -there +have ® - �,
end equally his duty o convoy the -been instances of the kind' e
_ ci,ildreri to a safe place. Fortunately SCHOOL REPORT A famous blind tiyatchnralCer livedt s`
`" for his peace of mind the British ad- at Holbeach, Lincolnshire England. . ; I u
ante was checked and Johns could. The following is the report of thte Iiia name was 3?ippi�t, ,and, although `;® i',s' � ��� Fop
— cOneent 3;te his mind on his mer- completely blind; he 'pould take to 'T +• '1 � I I
I T_����-- — - - - chandiz ng. pupils star : zg in S S. No. 3, West. is
FOARI�ERS WANTED :Apply Ad- SLATS DIARY When his uncle came home he was 4 ,cites and put together again watches ail =
WaWanosh •f r he months of Novein- of moat' delicate constructio7a vaith
vanes-Tirile , I delighted. to learn that Johns even in bei and Decesi>�er, ,Y3onours 75%, the greatest ease, and in quicker time Last
f ` 6 , those difficult, conditions diad contriv- pass 6o%, than most watchmakers who have Ainute Buyeps mi IWAiaiTED Live Salesmen, to sell+ FFzday well us fellows has got a ed to increase his business. lie con- the advantage of good eyesf 7rt. _�"
good 7oak„ An 13iist> rs, He est Elsy gtatulat d him warmly and rase t Sr. 4th Donalrla McDonald 6y, .
- , .
On one occasion some of the 'tiny,
new Autom11 .atic DamPe:F, Specially hiari wit a large rosy apple. When Florence Cronstgn 6Q. wheels and screws. used in =°
for furnaces and stoves t° go canewing with � Y pp his trade
:,el}rsive I I•• hirci this evnin R J°hue was twgnty-four years old his Jr. 4th ` - John I u 6 Willie wero stolen from him but r =
territory extra good money tanto., g
uncle a@Ited him if he wo ld not like J Q' was captured with the rover thre- _ ' A�� �Cile 'O�iei] 'liriEs O Our ii'�E
nratzc llam r• aha Sed well mebby she. to gQ into p Purdon 6q, Harold F9,w f. 50, 'Char]- his property ty on = z+, �,
Pc, (4x (V Adelgide, t, ._ J?uainesa3 p his 9wn ac- person, and Rfppin identified ® Chit stiiaS � tOck at
Eas §' a 'c Sh0 sed to him Lunt. He skirl that, indeed it was ie Durnfn 46. them by touch..
To pn p, O E rf mite. like. _••. Y $'800 saved Jr. end -Joe Iletin A Barnstaple wet':
t rr • . , .11 •_ �r� 6' ut that h liid or �1 ■
55.. eh and clock mak
•, to try &kiss' i11.Q up aha1� e1e � said .hat he need er brought �u his blind son to his
Will + t• Sr. 2nd -Jean Pardon 62. trade, and on •more : than - ar :in Price. =7.
you proinis to nog sot. R' 1� tL>2 --- -, 1. him- t none .oeca-
HIGHEST PRICES 'PAID for all "� " Q Sr. ist ' Isla Fowler; Robert �ti•- sion he detected faults in: time ie
a lot of the fellows do self MI A e } gxaa o`te� as t _ -
Ir.'nds of soft and Hardwood logs $ P ccs ,c "x;
nov+ daps. So Blisters ward f hie fa, �rieils j_hisigeg.; Allister,' Ernest Rurnin.i which other tradesmen had failed to C ,. "�
Orscover. ,
delivered at our saw mill- McLean alis w a err . -` NOt lin
prcmised. But when A.q oh' Yrs ent Full attetl(lsr?ce-Donald Ivlcl'on-I ACs'
Lumber & Coal Co. into tl;e •EholesXji roceNy bu@si ks• aid . ® i b makes -g nzorp acceptable ■1
the time cum why she He a �rlf••d _sel� s„0 diligen..fly' anti At' Lonsdale Itonrance, ® git t�t�ti' jR?a1' (D£ SjlpperS.
went with Pu Stevens. fuel LOT _-.1 in�_�h n Roll zi, Ocie is 'a romantic sto = / "- _ W,
el FOR SALE,- Several hundred bush- get year hetle (),. story, remem-
el of oats; either cash or time as, & cum to find out about sold 200,i3pportli " ggggds. $S' Archie T. IVIcIinney, b9r&.d pP,rhaps by very few, connected = ■
,.8�2 rer.usinesa had gro-tvn so that Teacher. avith thQ wonderful dinner set of ® FA . '
A. Stewart, Lot 2, Con a, Turnberry, 4 it why Pug woodcut- John . - •^._ ,,Make .your .choia •,flrt tv the St les ■
_ a .. .4 take t o 91 his brothers - w, �W„ Sevres chi#4 „at Lowther Castle:, It
Y — r
promise enny such a info the firma "" - , �:Olde On our tab S t�] *E'
ti <tld y 1 h ad been sjU;Lezj in Paris during the - 9•�van�'. j E i110St _
FOUND - A gold wedding sing on f - thing. So the loak was d- sgiebt a sueci=ss $ a, whole Ill�lllflll�iil�iil�ili®III�Illf1411.1, 1i)®III®III�IIiII® evolution, ani subsequentl' ■ '
I 11s pttr- - ;811 V, active prices. �!'
Winghara Fair Grounds on Fair on Ted after all was sale giocery business, as then s'eombd I! ® sed by tie sc;poA I ,Earl; of Lons- .0 M.
Possible. He had siso saves con- C h l4 ® d �gand athea; gf tll.z �re`sent
' day,Owner may have seine by. call- sed and done. siderable sum. Vhereafter is life = X ea 1.
. I r
ing at Advance -Times. 5terday Ant Einmy says she enteYea u�oxn, another phase. Johns - ■ �kler were thra pieces wanting, ® ' A A'� !j)U1' �$trOl1S aClE� r 'l9tL'tIC1S I
be afrade to get Ora z of those there became a money lender, but of a ,e an$ �'$14 earl soarched .for =
FOR SALE - Three singer canar- l oarticulaily benevolent kind. it be- _■ y y®era wt# oat auceeaia. At last ® We WlSda A Merry C�]rls tri $,
fairy boats like they have on the riv came his habit to seek out people in _ t •a _a
les. first class birds -Apply Al- ers at New York and ect. becuz she ;"hose capacity he had confidence 'n Phone 59 � ,ris awe was $Q� .��xs�br '� at they
vin Orvis. j and who needed only capital to' sue- ® were atald@'u�e9 "ii, s" 0 on, - - =
cud never tell which was the front = _ -
Groceries & Chrnarnrare � aeni a �1 ' 11A to nti• _ —
teed. F_>e would endorse for them -
a~ OR SALE Dual , _ - ;„ 9
end or the back end of them. Mr. Gill- : ■
pur ose Short- -. »-
p n ■ _and,e?n$ very fegJl axte ,� e
i em sa ,; then tike hie modest prF�ikt when = side in his brougham, rhe mrssin 0=�/t�/r ��
]lora GOVI'S and lleiferS in cajfr 9i1e ys that is .easy. The end where cu0 %sxness� �rrned out well, • - _ g ♦. o to e
ixlost o the folks is st4ndin- the ivil yi?ai• he gFavfded credit - faiecea werg purchased, Lord 'Lons- .
wztta heifer calf at foot. Hero of g is the T ..,. = dale took 1,., silt home- and died that ■I.
foZ '*nDorisi out.ezn mei chants _ ni ht,
.1 I'ten to choose from. Also two' front end, Then •the other end is an��*-�$� �e ?I year of his life, � _o g _�_� Good Shoe Store.
The =
young bulls. Approved mote the 13acic end of the boat, �'` honey Ita4ric dim f ra, 1041 krait ALast - G7fea �r. �_�1� ate• ■I . "e^ " �� "_ ter Va:MO`t1ver B• lldi- r U irl®IIII�Ii ®III®III®111:1111®IIIaccepted-C, Cx, Carrs bell, Ii Ai No, Sunday, The Sunday skool teach• X611 said Phflladelpjria� It V,*,g Jieixd- - t�. ,s� �� >l?, I_ mill illoilivilinfllmllimilimilloi110111®IlloillalllmllloilI 1lil#Illilll�ilt _ -
' d,E Win hs,irt y a, . grve .,6r a letter #k1t >: ,. ..y Hopkins g up
fi e t est f91{e to
{ >+ ed orf from a}ti re b Clrea 61 atibouve rs buxldin
" i 1 1 - Ns.pidly, Bufrdin ermits .for the -- - _ _......
x� ,''< 1 ward witch means wickedness. ale 8 e h nded who p etad his credit , g
J net ` 'aftei' tr or vn '1 dagger, Fetter and more 'Ver- first three-qu,aridre• of the. current
. _ _ , I sed }ae .ltr6ohE nSer it if site would als,Is ' as - i' .1 r_ -
t% 1 p � �h� YL „e - ied than ever before is our ! year show construction, running fifty:
t o fCii+ 7tori£flr of the Cf 1 1liai: tt Cdroe meet- Per cent. atiead of the same period
tell 1ifr1 tvethef she iltetrt a Vertickle
xn Christmas Line o£ Gifts. An �' last year, with the host marked 'ac-
it d lodge who lived In i !> i rSifxoiitle. w I ov bl0i�he '�� �� ich later = y- tivity in the city of Vancouver proper. ' F - .�
irea }t rpt Sydririy, Aust alfa, rnaaa l luunday-I was asting pa what the i n: g� tdfi rohna fi°p- w way come in and See one- Total permits for the period in goes-
` on in Iris will ¢ar, i e creation t y ifxns Uhi�ersi�t� �•and hospital. He was ■ tion were 2 " t
ment when the s _ $ 2,606,061 as against "°t
i' a trust,for the payaizetit bf dowries ` y Peak of Auto Sig lnv�it2d t� i�il;'e rat he house of Rob THURSDAY & FRIDAY = $14,824,462', for the same months of 1i e
t'apQut £10 to �vtible,� oho answer i gestion. He sed it was what made art L ett fend meet George Pea- ft .
he following �liaii e`ationa: � l boap, the '°great merchant, tvho like '� 1825. Vancouver oity shows some-
"' I hint go shed and by a 2nd handed pih?sel h w .thing more than a doubling up with41,
T11eY must be long -Beaded, not : ad invested heavily in Gov- in the
roaxii•headed th t ,- 1 ford a topple yrs. ago whirr rna sip. -1 inriient i-;- 44 iti B i - year, the permits f r the pies-
, e r a r must be
loade, their eyes blue or grey,.`and,
gested it. -. '
r es, us ness,was the
main topic but gradually Peabody be-
weir skirl white; they must be pbyst-1
Tuesday -]butt bAbi cum p,,;; V
hen to talk of his early struggle, As
�,_ 11y healthy, the, rnan' at least 6 xeet
near, l etting inartyl d a cupplt rno.
he proceeded Hopkins was amazed=
'lo lsins set out
: p r t t0 be i1r•Irrrat•illr r;,:
' inches high and the woman 5 feet
to find how :parallel their careers bac!
inches. .1
? ago he was telliltg pa He
been. Peabody had also been born
:It a child of these parents sa'tiefies
? sed he was proposeing o his girl
poor, and had been taken up and
Ropkit% has' decid .,
ed, as soon tta t.h,
necessary arrangements can be tnatlF�, .
teeral of the sa"ne requirements it
'Which's name was Elizabeth and just
a it dual a
. ,,; c, : d ro,ble (neral►,#e in;14rw
,. . ,
y Vr o
to do tent W
061ves 95 o.n at;taining the age oft
,, , ,
with th'A rude a;te , o, , f ,,
g 'w rlt ,tri; txM,r
had becomeba very wealth Y
Ire atnd another f.6 when it is Java,
when lac was in the interestingest
man. Then he proceeded to say hoty
1 part of the Proposal why lie called
much pleasure he had found in giving
A11 MI tl,�S�.iia�WM7111„!UI YII� ,�..
'1'he 73trtler"s MLstu,ke.
her Irene. So drat was the end of
his money away: to worthy causes.
An amusing story is beta told s,
- it as fur as lie was concerned
Like Hopkins he was a bachelor but
ant year being $14,039,52;x! as against va.uri[m
FN $6,578,038.folr the three-quarter
m stretch -in 9 2;
Ono# 'more we reach a ,gnvcr post, `
W Western Industries, Upon life's brood highway I
The manufacturing.industries con- to keep,a tryst with Father rims 1
tinue to make progress In western Who Comae with greetings ga r,
Canada, according to a recent return Leave Dare and trouble to therriselires
0 of the Dominion 'Bureau of Statistics. "11111 I. t
Between 1923 and 924 17' P Let leatJure ho ''
■ , $ ,584, P lJ full. away,
928 was added to the capital' invested Ktark to the laughter and the root#,
a in 'Manitoba industries, $377,712 Iii +•
= Sasltatchewan, $6,cJ0.6 674; fzr Alberta All hail to Christmas Day.
0 y had learned how a baoh9I r a .,quc- and 34 43.1 907 ii ,
evit.-col, Cyril Jr'oley regarding his ;'..-Wensda , a:ss can live forever though his fam- ■ r $ , z Br•itlsh 'ColuIll .
y -- Iia was reeding about a g t 5 The�old finks and the' yours#iters foie
crook a former it die." Ile said that there wore. ii � bis., 'Aho net. value Of production in : J\ .
c c, Lnrd. North} , ncty utdor,r. t,+rr1F ball witch has ben y py I70N T FORGET do ,rotay.dnd merry feat,.
fcroyoFIndia. two memorials that would live for- ,= g Manitoba in'.I 4 was '$43,21:6:250; m"• e
On his return Lord Northbrook In-, envented that will oney travel a few ,.,vt>.r, a university and a hos ital for ■ = in Saskatchewan, $614,1314,784; in \ Or in the singing' o the $
P Mixed. Nuts Broken Rock-- f on#+
-ed some gentlemen of color to. din- : ft, He says that aint nuthin neva there would always be = X11 Alberta, ,$?6,142,386 incl. in British That old folks love t
g people seek- ■Mixed Candies -Creams -Choc- Columbia, $G,361,982, f he beat, j
i ft r 'thi was n0 sign. of them ''lit ]lass been bying those kind of golf Ing instruction and certainly there = N - _ • Becaueo the mem''ride that the I
tg after tl or hour~ l,te had , would always bo. slck people, N olates---Peanuts. _ - r y brie# I
ted his butler 1f anyor'ttr had calIr;cl, t balls; ever Bence lie begun to try to The next day Johns Hopkins callod = 1, R 14I,.initoba s 'Unused F,,%ad. > Are lidce a golden ra#
o, my'lord, raid the. bui:lrtr.; "only ,Play g•xlf. his '1.aw er and 1 F EAT rClrere are dire; 'Lum2asin' all,the
., g o the - RATING FIGS & NAPES a and a half iniillnr. , 8 f.appy hours
rte nigger rnanstrels, but I srvrnt { Thirsda - Mrs. Mrs. Gillerra. ast me & ;'Uns• which aWere tonO t: Into ■ - ar;rosof unused land In Mani That y truly, hxrrx rob i; pie- a t crowd the Ghriatmas Day..
rrn altollt thr:lr: bustil arls," IIF, Iiad ; Itappil for the zest of ]lis i , �r ` Oran ea --Crag a Mrdiug to rho Survey stn •t r ,
3tak0a tlir: di;rnfflc,,d not brut cWs• J?k<e t° go to the tram and meet her y 1 Et and, ,., ■ g xb rues, Celery = y t F,d ;u I...
a i ., for -suliAn an.(nidtal'ing monunxentaftrr. - ■ tixacken Government, and mz)cln till I
Etc'Etc. , . , I. ,. ; .
irt-rtjrlE-lrl'tekr:rl stroc,t afni c;rs! uncle witch is t ontcini, to visit hI"'• 'Cis death, W •itin 1n:th t from reports sent ill b t ire: r
.,...::,�:,..-..,M.. _ _ ..-..., y g e Ne'ry i'or 1. _ n Y , I : � tr .ra,., -. ^ .. .
," le we wvooc]cnt , fztle;:i Harold Walker says that thr = rnunacipalitrcas. The unit }ed arcrra sill 'a,
lel -
ihe l4L t;r;st 31st,. + no Mian. Ii11e sed Ile a , Ta rte Johns "Flopjdns laves to -da as = ttuestion etirnprise .unused la )ds 'b i- o
We 5rd we was attar
molts like t,ai y Ili t cior). or o ze: ; :. • . a
'11e ';,r°ricl's l irr „r,.rt t z:sst`l, iT linter rilir;h in the hospital and. the medlerti _ w ga t tt td ritoryand inclizdc
OO. xe .t in• letlz.*,tb, will lrta I t t Vey imagc of his brut}ler that dyed a ehlrryl ay it dost a a1i'laird which. dotes not -o -
rz.lt. },y lit tint. iltxivtyzAriy• !4g �i l , 6 �f � f am art. in 14
rI de iahilrbull,ling firatl If present few yrs,. ago. %;� pawl &'n+rxr sty tr;ny restrictinsls ii ser; 0 tegrir.l part of a regular•: hirm enter- �I
■ 1ri�a .: hN, y
mtiollS are atl}�:c rod to. Ther Earth•• ».� ., Mo truster� of the liltivorslty, but lit: 191111t111181111�1I111111101111101I101IOfIlli lli�lllloll11t1111 a ::: I� -
at1rili r'tOw ailc,;r,t, tltc lVlajcasl.ic, is � t;r,net:rad that 1;ht: hospital, to l,. "`-"""''•""'-"'-^-u'� � �•"°° ,� •
I T1,N'I'H LINK: ,iYCS C>tr'IC a) tuna 1 - _ _._.._._- ........ ........_-,.,.,... .
+'r)c;t in lrcntstlt, ,lull tltr) Aqui true.itria and rytiiafXunc•nf r�rm• A a(+' M. � .
tho b1rKirrt, 110a't Icetrnebod on
t lvde;, Irk 806 .t('c"t_ The river had
aril Mrs ,Thos, Strong and baby.
:,araablrf to tho best elthtr "here rar.'
tbrorad,"'' Tlv) ,interr:.at on his nrfrnc,, .
,o wirlfined to accommodate tile,
spent Sunda y afternoon wadi Mr. sntl
flta,d 1.o be a11ov7etl to riceilnrirlato ii:,!
.ii 11389 to:tnark(+ possilrle`th.. carr-
-» -- - :
Mrs. Wirt. Craig,
119 out of his orders. Although Jrv:" • '
m1c0th o • '
1 i ;i17K�fi ,�ers:lnnif,
Mrs, -
s Reuben. �Iarcling is not. cttjoy
'lo lsins set out
: p r t t0 be i1r•Irrrat•illr r;,:
v Zealand's wealth has been
reared at $3,5004000y000, 'repxe-
Ling the best of health as liar rainy
, nstifrrtloa for rosearch lid gradxatt�,
work, Ii a sa had a e011090 of at�;