HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-16, Page 11'Tlkiursday, Decernibere'iteth, a 26.
The Gift Season ms'bere--We have nu t'ePs lent nflp•st►i'table
items at moderate cost.
THE GOOD LUCK LINE contains articles asuilalike /for all at
Ipsiioes from ,roc. Goodegnods in dainty boxes
Our Stationery, Cho bates
Perfumes and Toilets
Comprise many ofethe very latest and best put etp in 'boxes that'
are erwork of art.
Our usual complete stock of Cigars, Manicure Sets, Pipes, Iv-
orytGoods, Ebony Goods,eetc, was never more complete :nndaprices
We have added 'a lime of Dutch Silver The prices will =Wise
you. Come in and see it.
I cKibbora's Drug Store
The ouetel.eco Sabine ,
Wiueham. Ont. Phone -53
You save with safety,at your Rexali Drug Store
.UCTION SALE—Farre Stock and
Implements at Lot 2o, Con :14, W.
Wawanosh, on Tuesday, December
2,t;st, commencing at x o'clock -Gee.
A. Webb, Pro. John Purvis, . Auc-
AUCTION SALE — Household Household, Fur-
niture, at the residence of the late
William Gunn, Francis. St., Wing -
ham,' on Saturday, December . i8 i;
commencing at •2,3o •p.m, See bills
for list of valuable articles. -- Thos.
Fells,- Auctioneer.
vance -Times. •
FOR SALE — Quebec Heater, large
size, nearly new. A snap for quick
sale - R: R; Mooney. Cases, Suit Cases, Travelling Bags
Ete, Suitalil9 for Christmas presents,
_._.. c, l—Tholrlase w
FOR SALE -- A g good cutter. 'Apply Kew:
20th, a good comfortable dwelling.
All conveniences, low rent, easily
heated, very convenient. $1o.00 per
month. —
to H. T,Thomson..
H. T. Thomson.
Special Christmas music ni St. An-
drew's Presbyterian church twe' See -
day evening.
Briar Pipes with amber stems. Reg-
ular $3.eo and $5.00. For $2.49 at
Mciibbon's Drug Store,
I3uy your Railway Tickets at the
Town f, Ritchie Block: Picone
47. G. L. Baiter, Agt. C. F. R. y
We have a nice assortment ,of Hat
to W. Gannett.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Sl ot•ch
Collie, 6 months old.- Apply to
Advance -Times.
FOR SALE Farm of loo acres,
close to Wingham, Brick Dwelling
Bank Barn, with cement stables, al-
so driving house. Watered by wells
and ,a spring creek. Good fen-
ces, land underdrained with tile. For
• further particulars apply to Abner
Cosens, Insurance & Real Estate.,
FOR SALE — Two thoroughbred
African Geese and one gander, also
two gray geese and one gander.—
Arnold Dennis, Lower Wingham.
FOR SALE — Second hand set of
sleighs, -, Apply W.' C. Armstrong,
�' Blacksmith.:
WANTED -- Live Salesmen, to sell
new Automatic Damper. Specially
for furnaces and stoves 'Exclusive
territory. Extra good money—Aut'o-
matic Damper Co., 6e Adelaide .St.,
East, Toronto, Ont.
lends . of soft and hardwood' logs
delivered at our:..saw mill McLean
.Lumber & Coal Co,
at a moderate cost, .,just bring the
''head of the machine., Shuttles, bob-
bins and bands for New Raymond
and 'any other modern make, Need-
les for any make Thirty Cents a
dozen, „New Heine, and Ideal
Machines sold. A, W. Webster,
1,'he Tailor Upstairs over The Ad-
vance -Times Office.
FOR SALE -- One Portland cutter,•
newly paintedand in good condi-
tion. Apply to T. A, Currie.
FOUND — A new tare chain. Owner
may have same by calling at The
Advance-Tirnes and paying as cents.,
Send along your pattern and we will
make pulper knives to stilt any toot
ptiipor at Whighan Machine Shop—
W. A, Carrie:.
A Box SocitJ and Concert will 'be
held at S. S. No. 3, Ctilross, Alps, on
Tuesday,. December 2lst, Admission
io cents. Everyhody welcome.
Huron'Regiinent dance will be held
in the Winghain Armouries on the
evening of Thursday, December 16th.
Dancing. from 9 p.m. to r am. Music
by Arthue's Famous Radio Orches-
tra. Admission: Couple $1,00. Lad-
ies 5o cents.
Buy your lady friend a hat case or
a club .bag. A Christmas present
which she will appreciate. - Thos.
Now is the time to ship .your Xmas
parcels, For prompt service call the
Canadian Pacific Express. We also
handle Canhdian Pacific Railway
Tickets and Telegraph. Steamship
Reservations for all lines, Phone 4e,.
—G, L. Baker,' Agt,
For better duality Personal Greet-
ing Christmas Cards at a saving in
price, otie cannot do better than call
at The Advance-Tiines .office and see
our beautiful assortment, All .who
have seen thein are loud in their
Mrs. Wm. Wade was in Belgrave
for several days last week visiting her
'son, Clarence, Who haP• been I11 for two
or three weeks with the shingles, and
is still far from being, well, Wm.
Wade, `Win. Hamilton and son, Harr.
old, -were in 13elgrave Saturday, and
Miss . Beatrice Wade ,intends • going
this week to assist : in her brother's
store for the Christmas trade—Ford-
with Record.
Miss Helen, Notten, Ii. N., of Min-
nesota, has been the guest of the Al-
cock families and with friends at Strat-
ford and other points.
Strong —In Fordwich, oil Monday,
Dec, 12th, Mrs. George Strong, in
her 78th year.
manse, Goderich, Doc. 4th, by Rey,
Mr. McDiarinid, Sydney Ferguson.
of Lanes,. Ashfield, tie Miss Ruby
ouv'sairs " GtC P ' moor.
Itkpdee .f hoaar .Becop,es Btehop Or
Once again Canada has reason to
be proud .of one of her Rhodes'
sehoiara. The .eareer of the Very
.+reverend .Dean, Sherman, whose.
1t,hodes'" achalarship dates hack ouly
to the year .1909, has recently Clai-
n:ivated .in his ',election to the
Biehopri,e of :Calgary, an important
diocese in western Canada. Ile will
be Canatia,s ,youngest bishop, as lie
is only .forty years, of age,
Par a .short' time he was Dean ot
Quebec and rector of the beautiful
bid historical cathedral in Canada's
city of. romance. Before that he was
rector of Holy :Trinity Church, is 'fo-,
rotate for eight,years, and it was witu
genuine regret that Toronto saw aim
.:iopart to his .new field. His brief
;7.•.'iod of work in Quebec has had—
:A) •says ,Quebec—great results in
vitalizing the .church life there. Dean
Sherman possesses some sort of
:eagle touch that 'Brings new lite to
everything he undertakes, and nis
popularity is easily understood ny
..ay one salici lkno,ws him. •
He was }coin. in Fredericton, N.B.,
and the tale runs .that •when he was
on. years old he announced to a!i
and sundry that he was going to !e,
2 bishop, He graduated from .lice
University of New 'l3runswic'k, then
%Tens to Lennoxville, ; and from thea..
to .Oxford as a Rhodes seliolar. iu
Oxford he took Ms degree with thec-
logieal honors; and was ordained
,;he ''Bishop of London.. .After a cur-
acy at the Christ Church Oxio a
sign he organized, under the dtrce,
authority of the Bishep of London
the New College Mission at Notting
Hill, London`—a real Beat London
mission. Later he returned to Hol;
Trinity Church at St. „tees, N.B., as
rector, and in 1917 he•wvent to one a4
Toronto's oldest and most interesting
churches — the Chtarch of the Hol.;
Now,•from ancient Quebae, he goo:
to the new country of Alberta, and.
head of the diocese of Calgary. .The
praphecy of the four-year-old boy
came true,' and Dean Sherahan wil
make good in the west, for he is s
very human personwith a great zest
for life and for his fellow -men. His
meteoric career is exactly what one
.w6exld expect frons him, but he him-
self receives every - new honor that is
offered him with great surprise. "But
there are such a lot of other men-"
is his -invariable remark,
Canada's Rayon Industry.
Canada is moving forward in the
rayon industry, or the making of ar-
tificial silk, and her future is bright
with .promise; bearing in mind hei
vast .resources of 'timber that form
the raw material of the fabric: .a
report issued by the Natural Re-
sources Intelligence Service of the
Department of the Interior shows
much progress In recent years. As,
per example, Oourtiends Limited,
the largest manufacturers of the pro,•
duct: in the United Kingdom, have a
$2,500,000 plant in Cornwall. The
Celanese Limited, a $7,000,000 con-
cern, is constructing "a large plant
at Drummondvilleni, Que. The How-
ard Smith Paper Mills have formed
a subsidiary company called the
Canadian Cellulose Co. to be operat-
ed in Cornwall, Ont., :and the B. C.
Pulp & Paper Company is carrying
pn chemical research into the use of
hemlock,' with good results to date;
Other ei,neevfl are reported to be,
making yes towards
'fancieraegee Castle.
Tanderagee Castle, County Ar-
magh, Ireland, around which there
]las been a halo of a Ofaithe0 ;ter L.wo
centuries, wits recently` the scene of e
seven days' auction sale of the $ajtiSe-
hold affects of the Duke Of Man-
cheste}}.t Thorn all over Miter people
Caine in all mantlliY bi vehicles, from
Rolls 'Royces to donkey -carts. 'the
castle contained gorgeous subterran
eau Turkish baths, to 'enter which
one passes through real marble halls.
The baths cost 250,000. There were
100 rooms, with nurseries so arrang•
..d as to make children shoutwith
joy. The libraries were tilled with
the choicest books; therewere gal
leries of pictures, many by old mas-
ters, and furniture and carvings of
great beauty.
Quebec Logging Corporation.
Large lumber properties in the
eilanlcouagala river are to be develop-
ed jointly by the Anglo -Canadian
Pulp & Paper Mills Limited and the
Ontario 'Paper Company, according to
an announceinont made by F. W.
Clark, president of the former com-
pany. By the terms of the agree-
ment a new company is being formed
called the Quebec Logging Corpor-
ation. The new town to arise on the
site of the industry, alobgn the liana
collagen river, will be named Tasch-
ereau, in honor of the Premier of
heeding Ducks In Manitoba.
In an effort to increase the butte
bens of ducks and muskrats in the
uorthern:area of Manitoba by provid-
ing additional sustenance, the Pre.
vincial pepartment of Agriculture liar
sent' north sacks of :wild rice to la
Sown by: airplane over the vast duels
marsh known as Moose Lake ane
Cedar Lake, `.Chis vast marsh, , 20
miles wide by: 00 ellea long, is Po
largest duck` marsh on the continent,.
and also constitutes the largest ininrti•
rat harborage.
England's , I+ ttdI-iligged Ships,
1+u11- rigged sailing ships in Enr°
land now number only four. 'Recent,
ly a.iifth, the Menksbarn, was sot;
to a• Norwegian whaling company
She hadi just returned after en "..•
settee of three and a half years, 'Th
°rising of the Moiik:abax'n from sneer
red ensign is mourned not on'
by the shelibacke, but by many ri ;
-ere of great liners who, gradual.,:
aboard her before "taking steam."
Fish 'it xpoi"t5.
Fish exports from Canada eon
tinue to increase. to ,the twelve
months ending.A.tigust, 1026, the tc.
tal value of fish sbitimettts front Or.
Dominion was $315,802,462, as corn.
Pared with $g84,06.1,000 in the twelrc:
mouths tndln August, 102
Wi2+16",ieflAM ADVANC,E.TINIE$
A,'cant.ate entitled, "Grandma's Christ -
s Guard," will be given by the
young people of the 2resbyterian
Church, Tililevale, in the Forester's
Hall on December 2�rnL Admission
-,,q;?anid 15 cents. Everybody welcome.
Died in East Wavvanosh
An esteemed old lady was Mrs, Dun-
can ,Robertson, who passed away on
Tuesday at the•horne of .her son, Mr,
Wei. Robertson, Lot 39, \Con. 9, East
Wawanosh, in her 76th ;rear: Her
husband predeceased her some years
ago, The remains will ,be interred
in Brandon cemetery this tOI'hursday)
wedding was solemnized on Tuesday,
Dec..xeth, in St, John's Church, Brus-
sels, When Mary Elizabeth Alcock was
marrie2l to Samuel Jacob Ovington,
by the :rector, Rev. F. L. Lewin. They
were•, stapported by Earl and Mrs.
Bernard and Sam Alcock, brother of
the bride. 'The wedding and the sub-
sequent celebrations were quiet, as
the bride 'has recently undergone an
operation for appendicitis. The bade
is the daughter of R. B. aiid Mrs. Al-
cock, and is well-known: and poptilar
in Morris, and the groom came from
Woodfield, County Wicklow, Ireial..
The best wishes on the community go
with this young couple, who will:
make theie home on the 5th line, Mor-
Milk, Cream Etc. delivered to
any part of Wingham every
Phone 6o2-6.
illI}'I* 11'IIIail.11H1!1IUI$IlinIIw sU!ltl!!iI
4 i
i Cbri$tiW! = ii!l
. _____ Phone 59
ii Groceries & Chinaware =
For -
■ �hrYst,��s =
1 s9
;_ Groceries s
If yu get them at Christie's,
A you'll have real satisfaction. i
•Christie's Special Coffee. R
Christie's Own Tea.
hristie's Genuine Cocoa. !
China Ware from England,
Scotland, Japan, France, and t
✓ other countries of the world.
Visit our Picture Gallery
Oranges, Lemons ,Apples] !�
Grapes, Celery, Cabbage, ban-
dies galore, Bon Bons, Eating Fei
:rigs, Cranberries ets. etc.
We've got thousand's of Art a
ticles to choose from. Our tables
are loaded with appropriate
▪ TheTea and Coffee Stara
1! iIfIMI11NlIimia11111illlsllltsl!119110 m mf 1Ii11111sm
W �b+l�oa W 4bbr..oas.oamaoseuot
A representative for the'
Ontario Equitable
• Lite
Part or full time, Apply to Box
473, The Advance -Times or to
M. T. Carless, District Mgr.
Clinton, Ont.
Free Shampoo
and Marcel
For the remainder of December
with a Reset.,
Ali for 50 cents. it
The Beauty Parlor Par
1 lllsl11MMMMIIIMMl1IM!iMURIM IIMIihMiliMil!AMtli'
neRACIIINGI If lf37,S WO 13M%
Croydon Firm Have jt<e., heavers 1
the Art-
A.ttUntil quite recently the 'carillons
of bells that are familiar features of
Dutch and Belgian churches were the
beat -toned in the woi'.iifi.
The secret of their l,Lre note dieli.
with the old Pleua.ish masters wiz
cast them over three centuries ago.
Lately, however, scientists of tee
Oroydon tit= of 'bell.rounders anu
elockmakers, Messrs. txi.uet and
.Johnston, have rediscovered the art:
A, carillon, which costs anything
time 22,000 to £20,000, consiste ni
a set of belle ranging in numbers
from twenty-three, wiiicii embrace
two octaves, to fifty-three, with a
compass of four and a half octaves.
The bells' notes are at semi -tone in-
tervals up the musical scale, and it
is,possibie to produce on a carillon,.
which is played by one man at an
instrument similar in arrangement to
a piano, except that hand and foot.
Ievers take the . place of the ivory
keys, all the chords and arpeggios 01
a•church organ,
One .of the biggest jobs in bell -
founding tackled by this firpi was a
recent order of John: D. Rockefeller,
Jr,, for fifty-three bells to be installed
as a memorial to his mother in a
New York church. The heaviest, bell,
the Bourdon, has a weight of 9 ate
tons, while at the other end of the,
scale the . treble bell weighs hs about .15
pounds. T]ie weight of the combined.
set is 54 tons!
During a recent, visit to the Croy-
don works i' learnedfrom Mr. .Cyril
Johnston the complete process of
casting a bell, writes a Tit -Bits man,
5implY,, it is thie:
Within a metal case a loam mould
is made of the exterior of the bell,
on which any inscription or ornamen-
tation is raised; on a metal base a
second mould is built to the shape
of the bell's interior. The metal
ease is then lifted over the shaped
mould, and into the narrow space be-
tween the molten alloy of 'copper and
tin is poured. The complete appar-
atus is then left to cool; in the case
of a big bell this may take a week.
When the metal has thoroughly set
the outer casing 18 lifted away, the
eore removed from the interior, and
the bell is ready for tuning..
Ater testing, the bell is placed
mouth upwards on a revolving base
and a fine tool is run round the inner
surface. A few shavings thus remov-
ed correct any fault in the bell's note.
When the tone of the bell is finally
,approved by tuning experts, the bell
is passed into a sandblast, where it
ieeeives a dull gloks. No bells are
ever painted.
The power of certain bells is enor-
"Watch this," said Mr. Johnston.
Taking a win
e lass he
it with
his 'knuckle and placed it on a low
stool. Then he moved to a large bell
standing near. "This bell emits ex-
actly the sante note as the wineglass.
That is to say, when struck, they
both vibrate at the same rate per
secand. Now watch!"
Taking a padded mallet he struck
the bell a hard blow. A,, volume of
rich sound bellowed forth, followed
immediately by the tinkling of glass.
The wineglass, a yard away, was
"It is all a matter of resonance,"
Mr, ohnston explained; "The sound
waves travel from the bell and are
picked up by the glass, which vibrates
in sympathy; but the waves are so
powerful that the glass is not elas-
tic enough to permit the necessary
'play:' You see the result!"
Geese as Sentries.
When visiting a ftoi'ip Viitivnt sta-
bles at. Canning Teevn, LllTid.on, Ilrig.,
an official of the People's Dispensary
for Sick Animals of the Poor found
his Way barred by two large geese,
which guarded the approach. All his
efforts to pass were unavailing, and
the two "sentries" ultimately chased
him away, biting hina on the legs as
he fled.
When the owner arrived the geese
became as quiet as doves. "I've had
them for 17 years," she explained,
"and they have saved me the price
of many ' a dog license. :Besides,
Biddy still goes on laying—and you
couldn't get eggs from a bulldog."'
Improving Nora Scotia Apples.
Apple growers and shippers in. the
,Annapolis Valley are uniting in an
effort to improve the status of the
apple :industry. To this end the,,
have formed an organization known
as the Associate Committee on Apple
Growing and Marketing, which is to
be a section of the Advisory Develop-
ment Council acting . in conjunction
with the Provincial Department of
Natural Resources and Development,
The new group is to begin at once a
study' or how to improve the keeping:
qualities of apples in warehouse or
storage and so forth.
Agricultural Colleges In Canacaa.
Scientific •agriculture is making
headway, there being now thirteen.
agricultural colleges in Canada, as
compared with two in pre-war days.
President Reynolds of the Ontario
Agricultural. College of Guelph esti
mates the value of scientific instruc
tion to graduates of his college in to
past eighteen years at $134,000,000.
Selective breeding'llas done mnnti s<t
Improve the strains of wheat, oats ani
barley—to itientioli one leading activ-
ity 01 the college.
teaska,tchewan Egg Pool.
Therecently organized egg and
poultry pool in Saskatchewan hap
17,000 uicinbers, according to iii;
Canadian .Government lnforuiatioe'
Bureau, Egg production in that pro-
vince is 83,672,263' doeen ;ready
while as a poultry raising province,
Saskateliewan' is now Second only to
R ewittt'ee lI3ays ; Cowan's:.
The claw'wan Choealate Company or
Toronto is reported to have been pun
chased by the world -renown filtlgil.,it
cocoa, chocolate and confectionery'
firm of Rowntree & Co. It is said
that a sum totalling a million and a
half or more is involved in thqtrans•-
The foreign trade experts alit of
B. hare 'risen 400 ler
stent, he the Pet AVEt. rear
▪ Thus., Fri. and Sat., Dec., 9, 10,
Neil Hamilton and Shirley
—IN -
and 11.
Mon., Tues., Wednes:, Dec 13, 14, 15,
Still was the night in. Bethlehem—
Fragrant and still
And under the shag of a little hill
That sheltered theme
Drowsy and warm lay the huddled sheep,
While the sheep -boys beside them, half asleep,.
Stirred, uneasy, and seemed to keep
Watch for they not what good or ill.
Oh, still was the night in Bethlehem—
Holy and still!
Then through the dusk of the darkling night'
Through the brooding gloom,
There broke a flare, the sudden bloom
Of ineffable light;
A mighty noise -as of rushing wiugs;
And all through the dazzle and thunderings
A deep strange thrill of unspeakable things
That on earth could scarce find room:
Oh, full was the night in Bethlehem
Of glory and light!
Surprised and dazzled and sore distraught
The sheep -boys lay,
In a radiance greater than any day,
Which they fathomed not,
And they seemed to hear from a choiring throng
The rhythm of some celestial song,
Through the aethers lifted and borne along
From the deepest deeps to the faraway.
Oh, glad was the night in Bethlehem
For tile corning day!
"Glory and glory!" the voices sang,
"Glory and peace!
In a dream of unearthly harmonies
The anthem rang.
"This . night is born to the souls of men
A light that can never go out again,
Whatever tumults or woes they ken;
For this is the guerdon of Man's release!"
Oh, glory there was in Bethlehem—
Glory and peace!
Think not the evangel 'given us;
Could forfeit be,
Nor the .promise become to humanity
Less glorious;
For that peace of God is qur`heritage.
Down the centuries comes the gage,—
Freedom and power to every' age,
Beyond all dreams of mortality:
And the light shines ever from Bethlehem
—Julia P. Dabney.
Rich, Soft Tones Of A Brantford Roof
Brantford Asphalt Slates harmonize with any style of a r '-
a chz
texture* and their rich, soft tones blend with their surrotu2dingi
at all times of the year.
They last for years; are fire resistant and give perfect protection from
all weather conditions; 13
rautfott? ,,Roofingetat tmii$ ! preritforai, Ontario
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
on Brantford Roofing :rendered by
Rae •. Thompson, VI/Ingham.
R. H. Carson, ry Gr�;��ra��
Thos. Stewart, " "" B1 evade