HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-16, Page 9r Thursday, Decernler z6t,, x926.
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Suggestions For Your Christmas Buying
at Isard's
■' suitable Gifts for the Home
'A Choice range of silk bed-
spreads, in rich colors; Rose,
Blue, Gold; also Fancy cotton
spreads in fast colors at special
Table .cloths, Table Linen,
Tops, Linen
Drapes, Curtains; Wilton, Brus-
seis and Velvet Rugs, Towels.
__Blankets -made from fine qual-
ity wool, unshrinkable, in plain
colors and checks, See these
Christmas Bargains at eo per
cent off regular price.
Handkerchiefs, sold separate-
® ly or in boxes. Fancy boxes at
III pc, 75c. and $x.00. '
Handbags in great variety.
• SCARFS—See our large range.
■ of crepe and silk crepe scarfs.
■ Allprices.
■ Big value in silk and silk and.
ri wool, and cashmere Hose. Spec
■ ial Christmas Prices . 98c, Stag
■ and x.5o. ':y}
■>' Fur Coats at Cut Prices.
■ Novelly neckwear. What
■ better than a necktie fora gift?
Sweaters make seasonable
gifts. Special value in best
Complete stock of guaranteed
silks.. Specials at $r.50, $1.89
and $2.59.
Bargains in cosy slippers,
Fancy Satin Slippers, Strap Slip-
pers, Oxfords, Moccasins, ' Gol-
New models, new shades. Big
value in all lines. See
our special at ....w..
Betty Brown Dresses, smart
and the latest word in fashion.
See them in silk, crepe, velvet
and fancy flannel, stripes and
checks inethe leading colors; al-
so knitted wool suits, coat and
skirt; silk underwear.
Best models in needlepoint,
velour marvella Fur collar
and cuffs, also children's Coats
in all sizes at 20 per cent off
Regular Prices.
A variety of styles in Dresses:
to meet every taste.
Big selection here at soc, 75c,$
■ Collar 'cases in fancy leather
■ and suede.
C New, patterns in heavy cloths,
■■ all prices.
Fancy knitted.silk and square
silk mufflers in fancy patterns.
Prices from $Loo to $3.eo.
Handkerchiefs in, great vari-
ety. Fancy silk and Initialled,
also fancy bordered.
Special, value in Men's Silk.
and silk and wool. Fancy pat-
terns at 75c. to $x.25,
Gloves for useful and season
able gifts. Special value in kid
and niocho gloves. Real value'
at $s.so and $2.00,
Many useful gifts for men and
Boys, are- Men's Kid Slippers,
Sweaters, Fancy Shirts, Cuff
Links, Rubber Boots, Soft Coll
ars, Silk Shirts, Caps, Umbrellas
Suits and Overcoats.
Good quality braces, in fancy
boxes, and sets of arm bands
and garter& ea, .
Isard & Coq Wingham
®■■/■■lAmoimumu ■mumni■•s®sponnes®®■■i none simusamossi ■■li
Mialllamrlllalll inilalllalmiiialllalllalualmitoalIIiNIaIlileill tIISIRa111aum 1e1minion.
•: •
Give The Family a Radio This
A ° Christmas_
"A Clrntinuotts Pleasul°e For . Years to Come.",
r •
up to the minute; • and represents the greatest dollar for dollar value _�
— in, the radio field. Here s Why! W I
ei FIRST -- The Company behind these products are the oldest and
1`® p y _
most firmly established Company in the business. �_
tv SECOND—Ever ietse of apparatus is full , guaranteed. RI
_ SECOND—Every5,g i
2 . THIRD—The D
• IR The 'best enineers in the World area at their gal. dis oii
g p
a ERr CARLSOIVSETS FROM Baas U? = "Peace oneaitr, goodwill to men"
iTt- Glad seraphic song
Phone x8.:, WESTINGHOUSE SETS g.00 U
� 5 $3 P" = + Why the theme of tongue and pen? .
� l
--. Why so wide in human ken,
Hold in fervorst•rnng
iii,Day and Night, give answer grand,
Eve and rising ano'.ii
Write in blood,. 0' martyr hand,
Write in gold, 0 Christian land
Christ, the ,Lord, is bore,
Glory, as a. Polar scene,
Everywhere obtains;
Carpets deep of Arctic sheen, •
Furs of white for garments green,
Where 'the cedar reigns.
Where no trail of busy feet
Mars the pathway fair ;
Where the squirrel hath warm retreat
And the sishin's lonely "tweet"
Doth tile' Frost -King dare. .
Markt the solemn, "sacred peat
Call to praise and prayer;
Songs of -joy the lips unseal,
Reverence bends in pure appeal—
The Lord of joy is there.
Why sweet carol, joyful chime,
Greeting which uplifts?
Why the wish in gilded rhyme?
Why tjie'Saint from ancient time.,
Showering countless gifts?
Tubes -- Batteries --" Chargers :--Speakers, and Apex Records '
11�IIh a 1
Tfl'l�11111IIlal Il111 I_ III lli�lllidigll�l l)SIII�IlIS1g11#f!lalli1S1111$111M1111J�1lII�III�IIIN�III�III�hl�pl�i!►1
By Grant Balfour
Ring ye, riorig the welcome bell!!
Fide not dawning ray,
Sold the swinging sound to tell
Castle cottage, cloister-celt—
• '"Cie the happy day!
rill the 'wxk1 upilsing j+
*=lasting naked feet;
Egger girl and bounding boy
Searching out the stockinged toy
And thc dainty sweet.
Li ten
s to the jingling Bells .
Sleighs are glancing by,
Sweeping far to bracing fells,
Winding, on till"& fairy dolls,
Under dazzling sky,
In 13chtiorc,, on Friday December 3rd,
o Mr.,and Mrs. WatsAbrdix
In Mortis Township, nslip, on Wednesdey,
leeenber 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. WYtr:
33rewee, a daughter,
Postrrra ter..E enrol Will Turn It Over
to Private Contractors,
Mails•( by air seem to have metwith eb taeles in the *United States,
says the Toronto Mail and Empire.
When Postmaster -General New ae-
nouneed additional air routes a year
ago he referred to the service as an
epoch la the history of the.,Aelericeu
Post Office. Bit recently he stated
that the two Government -operated
services, the transcontinental and the
over -night New York -Chicago would
be turned over to private contractors.
The latter f , understood to be the
only air mail service which pays for
the cost of operation, It is not likely
that a contractor could make su1Ti-
cient revenue from maile to cover not
only the costs of operation but also
overhead charges which are not gen-
erally taken into account in a Gov-
ernmeut service.,, In fact the Poste
master-Gteneral admits that no coni-
pany can successfully operate by ccn-
tract unless permitted to carry pas-
sengers and express matter.
La t year no less than four Boards
of inquiry presented reports ozi the
best basis for future aeronautical
development, 13ut the cost of oper-
ation appears high, The 'operatiug
statement of the Uliited States Air
Mail for.1925 shows that a total of
42.743,750 was expended on 2,601,-
555 r ;, Rowe. The success of a
Slf:Al passenger 'service seems
doubie0u,. On the route between New
Yrorlc•: and Chicago both mail planes
and army planes have come to grief
in the stubborn fogs lurking over the
Alleghenies. Transportation of ex-
press matter is more promising, but
the field has not been thoroughly in-
vestigated. The possibilities of the
air, mail service in the United States
have been over-estimated, and in
many respects it has failed to realize
the hopes of its promoters.
Eicpedition' Established New Station
at, Racia l> Peninsula.
The steamer Beothie, which sailed
from North Sydney, ler.S.,,on July 15,
to patrol the Canadian Arctic archi-
pelago and . reprovision the posts in
the district carried out the opera-
tions rapidly, and the wireless appal.
atus kept the Northwest Territories
and Yukon Branch of the Department
of the Interior in touch with -.her
movements at all points in the patrol.
After visiting Godhavn. Greenlaud,
and Pond Inlet and Dundas Harbor
the .Beothic, on July 30 touched at
Craig Harbor, and on August 2 call-
ed at Etah, Greenland. The next day
she was at Rice Strait, Ellesmere Is-
land, and, taking up the supplies tett
last year at the depot at Frain Havn,
'reached Bache Peninsula on August
6, where a new eiost was estabiisued-
Three days were spent here unloacl-
„hng supplies and assisting the de-
tachment of police in erecting bar-
racks. Bache Peninsula, 79 deg. 4'
north latitude and 76 deg, 18' west
longitude, is the farthest mirth police
post, customs tease, and post orrice
the world. •
Restoring @adarne :�iussaud's. -
One of the sights of London, thc
loss of which has been felt as a
tragedy by innumerable visitors,•is to
be restored next year. In about
twelve months' time the new Madame
Tusslttd's is to be opened to -the'
Members of the Tussaud family
are now busy n)t.king model's to r�-
phlacee those
destroyed il,, t to fir$', All
s 04.11 kv .�.telliot i be
.s- hxQ 1
_ppla.ee'aiicl ttg c�IRracter and �r�•
clitlone bt the old exhibition will be
`•'°One novel feature of the new Ma-
dame 'Tussaud's it that the Chamber
tf Horrors will ee underground, In-
stead of on the level of the streets.
The exhibition Sas a history which
stretches back to the days of the
`':each Revolution, and even before
'hat. Madame Tussaud, who estab-
lished it in London, was drawing -
mistress to the family of the ill-fated
Louis XVI.
tubber Froin llulthnrbin Trcee.
A_erican nuphorbia troche yield a
tatex from ynich rubber can be ex-
tracted .0Y a quality: comparable with
hat of Para, i lees been discovorea.
Chemleai tests ail said , to reveal a
3 pound yield per tree Vuica.nieing
appears to he quire satisfact=ory with
:his product. A company is prepar-
ing to exploit tl)r yield of 60,000,000
trees in the En n, London, South
Africa, district.. 7^he trees r:roty
plentifully in rho district,. ict, ; labor is
cheap, and the country is`free free'.
Newcomers In Alberta,
It is est tmat.•tl that over 4.00e
newcomers have tekenearmizig
central and northern Alberta. d1
the past season leost oi' these nee,
settlers have come front the trnif,,e
States and the l;xitisb Isiatl. Tbr;
are high grade ene, most of Ore:
farmers of expel irac, vhe 1
brought their nee, li'. 'i'eea. re
machinery and are :.n >t riti.wii en tri"le,
gin productive we,.e. at nee a - •r
10,000 eon. r:r rP n'w iced pee ele
prepared for next. year's ('r' p.
Hydro. in, Ontario.
Tho Ontario uo?ern,,i,i':1.;
ing $1,000,000 diming teefisral year to make hydeo-il.c ,
power available to the ;1 rer: r+
province. The troverien et p:i r
half t n coatef.preeare
, - .
$timeanue1laterPKtt,.lded it to lee+ _
cry 'leo work.
A Nototheriunt,
Tho fossil remains ofa,' notes 1'
riurn, which lived from 15,000 to 20
000 years ago., has beeen; dl; e ' • •
aniong the tertiary few. *'s of"V„ i'r
Caves to Victoria, Atistralit. It' i•'
regarded as a fine specimen, IP,xe'i',;
are of the opinion that the dipeeven
has provided additional evidenccr, ,
the erehistorie eiistenee of .eavenir::
hi the locality
'Wild. (lanae ititititereaun ,
Alberta has the hast woiicierfu1
wild game hititertend North Antet•-
lea, accardttrg to .Adolf Mtriter of
Norristown, Pa, GOO) Commissioner
fort That; State,
ustf hose lowtHilillalliittlaIIKI11 I11otuarli 1affiiIIalllawSIIIIMIIiumaloarlolllelli
(C=ontinued from ],'agcy a)
five grant providing they employ two!,l'u Hit ! 11i/ ,>Mt% Jl ICAI,,,
or more teachers,
We recommend tixat'the report of iv ° �"�TH
the Exeter high school be z•eterned for te-' Y R M STS)► E
In the matter of the London High `:.:, A Few Inexpensive Gaffs that are always
School, the pupil being a resident of
Exeter, the county is not liable.
. This report was adopted.
The Road •and Bridges Conizeitteo
then presented its report which was.
in part as follows:
Re cement culvert between concess-
1 Linen, Silk and, Lawn 5c. to
)N Boned Handkerchiefs ^5c. to
>t( $i.00.
French Cut Work in pure lin-
en, Doilies, Tray and Centre
Cloth. Extra values at z5c. 10
$4.50' �.
ions 4 and 5, Grey: on boundary of
Heron and Perth. This culvert has
been repaired and made passable and'
signs placed at end of concessions:
limiting loads to is,00 pounds, at a
cost of $16.90.
Re bridge between sixth and sev-
enth concessions, Grey boundary of
Perth and Huron counties, We agreed
that abutment was to be re -enforced
with concrete, under direction of the i
County Engineer, Mr: Patterson. The
contract was let but the work was
not done owing: to adverse weather
conditions. I
Re power bridge and the Menzies I L'
Bridge on boundary of Huron and`!
Perth- We have had these painted IN
at a cost of $67.32. I
Re Balls Bridge. We have had this r
Mercury and Venus Silk Hose
950. to $s.5o.
Silk and Wool Plain & Check
i , Hose, 95c. to $r.5o.
Wonderful Values in Fancy
Towels. A big range to choose
from 5oc. to $1.25 -
Towel sets in attractive boxes
to en5o:
Beautiful Scarfs in Silks,
Scotch Knit and Wool, in a
splendid range to select from.
$x.00 to $4.o0.
Linen Pillow Cases, plain and =
colored borders, neatly boxed in
pairs at $2•5o to $3.00 pair.`
A most acceptable gift, kid,
silk, suede and fabric. New
shades 75c. to $2,00.' �1
Wool and Silk and Wool sweat- .1
ers and pullovers for Ladies and �E
Children. At special. prices.
A gift that is appreciated. All
the new shades in creates and
silks for winter wear. Wonder-
ful values at attractive prices.
bridge painted at a cost of $192.25. I TIES AND TIE SETS
• Re Holmesville Bridge. The guard
fence recommended has been couple -i
ted, 6i
Re Benmiler Bridge, The east ap
proach total was widened and a II
guard fence built at a cost of $239.35.1 @s
Re Beainville Bridge. The east <
approach -Ts widened at a cost of
$247,44` 1[ TSt
Re Mud Creek Bridge, Only aid �° A. ;MILLS I 'G AM _i
small amount of work was done ow , 1_L ! ` Y®i
ing to weather conditions. i'11a111aliltttfiilrll1I11111alllilllaill! Simi 111 !
la ilialhaul®Ill®IllallldglHallitUlalNalllaltlaRla111L1(il
Re Turner's Bridge. A small.;
amount of stone was piled in to pre
Re Summerhill Bridge, Benmiller for children. We reeommelid that mittee and in council.
Bridge and Carey Bridge. These q g
the re uest be ranted.
were tightened up at a cost of $1g6.-
30 -
The Holmesville and several other very satisfactory report whichhas
bridges require to be straightened at been presented You committee has
the abutments with stone . We re-. made a thorough inspection of the
commend the county engineer be .em- building and find everything in ex -
power -ed to have that work done dur- cellerit condition.` The outside paint-
ing the winter months, as we feel ing is .completed and makes a great
that it can be done much cheaper improvement to the building as per
when the ice is on the river, and this
work will prevent the undermining
of the abutments.
b s.
;This report was adopted. ,,
The County Property Committee We would recommend that it would
then reported as follows:
Re report of gaoler. We u*o4ild
like to express out appreciation of the
January report- There are ten pris-
oners there at present . We would
recommend that the goaler's report
for 1926 be published in. theminri,tes.
Re motion of Dodds and Robinson be well to recommend to the rs�rn
ing council that the goaler's salary'
to place a. telephone in county clerk's
residence. We recommend that this be increased,'to $:r,000.
be done. Re vault and Surrogate Court clerk's
We inspected the registry office office, and communication of T. A
and fetind everything in first-class or- Humphries, inspector of legal offices,
der. for enlarged vault room and steel" fil-
Wevisited the. Children's shelter ing cabinets in the' Surrogate Court
and found everything in first-class clerk's office. We recommend that
condition. There are six children
there at present.
Re request from Mr. Wilson, of the
Children's Shelter, for one hundred plans be prepare&
feet of lumber for outdoor playhouse This report was adopted in corn -
a part of the late judge Dickson's
room be converted into a vault and
steel filing cabinets installed and that
County Engineer Patti- son was
'present and addressed the council with•
reference to -the work done during
the past year. On conclusion of this
address, several motions were sub-
mitted and dealt with • •
-Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Mc-
Qtaid that the Mothers' Allowance
Board of Huron County be paid $1.10.
This was carried. •
Moved by Messrs. Gieger and San-
ders that a special grant of $3,00cs,ia;e,
made the village of Hensall which'
has part of this amount to its :cred-
it. This was sent to the, Good Roads"
Moved by Messrs Beattie and Cam-
eron, that this council sincerely re-
grets, that owing to i11 health, one
of our members, Mr. Munnings, was
unable to attend the meeting and we
hope bis health will soon be restored,
Moved by Messrs. Gieger and Hen- .
neburg, that all running expenses:
in connection with the Children's.
Shelter shall be printed in the min-
utes. This carried.
The council then adjourned.
Telling the World of Canada's Wonders
Morley Robetts and Sohn itaurray Gibbon, two well-7cnown
authors, whose boobs have gone far to awaken world-wide interest
in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. This Photo was made this
year at the Trail Riders' Pow -wow,• near' Lake )Louise.
Of the countless'thousands of those
who have lifted up their eyes
unto the hills' that are in . British.
Colombia and Alberta, and have
sect' something of the majesty and
the glory that is theirs, many have
to set drawn in books
what they could of their felines -
slots and as far as their words
could to conjure up visions of Can.
sea's Rockies before the . eyes of
their readers. Thus there exists a
literature of the Canadian Rookies.
It grew slowly and has only of very
recent years begun to assume any
world-wide importance, but as ;theme
has spread a more general recogni-
tion of their place among,.the world's
scenic wonders the numbers of
Writers who have made pilgrimages
to their countless vast shrines has
steadily increased,
if we' exelude tales of pioneers
and explorers who, were the first' to
Wend `their ways through the valleys
and passes that led to the Pacific
Coast" We shall find that one of the
earliest iri' the worlds tot ly iced
*altos to fill under the i SP* Waft
Morley, Roberts, svho in 1884 or 1885
drifted that way in the course of an
almost tramp -like; journey` across
Western America. Since thenthe
world has recognized Morley Roberts
as ,one of its finer craftsmen. At
that time he worked with axe and
shovel on the titanic task of push-
ing steel of the C.P.R. through
the mountains on its way to the
"The Western A.veralus" is 'a book
in which he told the story of his
wanderings alyd something of life in
C.P.R. construction camps. Throw It
his; eyes we cam see the Rockies as
he saw thein when they were new
to Europeans. "Hare is a vast
gorge," he says, "now broad with
sloping bastions of opposing for-
tr'esses on either hand, now narrow
with steepest walls and impendin
rocks 'threatening ,the calmlake
that catch their shadows and receive
their reflections. Even as you look
do they not nod with ossible thund-
er•oue evaltarrehe, nr s :it the play
only of shadow from opposite peak
andpinnacle/ p �e How these are r=ut
and scar. d to all �eonceivable fan.
tan* of art *sad i'nconceiv�ab1m nan-
jesty of nature, how they are castled
and upheld with arch and bridge,.
and; flying buttress' This is the
aisle of the Great Cathedral of the•
Gods; this is the cave of Aeolus, the
home of the hurricane.; this is the
lofty spot most beloved by the sun-
light, for here come the first of the
day beams and here they linger last
on rosy snow covering the rock
whose mossy base lies in the under
It would require much space to
enumerate even the more outstand-
ing books that have the Rocky
Mountains as a background, but
among then the books of Ralph Con-
nor are notable, particularly "The
Patrol of the Sundance Trail," which
is a story stet in the vicinity of
The latest addition to Rocky
Mountain literature is a new novel
from the pen of John Murray Gib-
bon and no one better knows the
Canadian Rockies and loves them
more :wholeheartedly. "Eyes of a
Gypsy" is its title, and its best
scenes are laid in the elands where
everlasting' glaciers give place on the
rocky sloes to' straggling forests.
It is a tate of human emotions and
althoughpart of its action takes
piece in New York, it is Canadian in
spirit and its people are mostly the
sort of people whore Canadians will
recognize as to be met with in any
part of this country,
Reviewers ewe
rs sa
it is the best book Mr. Gibbon tale'
yet produced; it certainly holds the
attention from first to last, and if
one or two of its characters are
amazingly unlike the ordinary run
of people, that makes the book all
the more thrilling. Irl any ease it
is doing important work in helping
make Canada's scenic glories knowai
to the world,
Morley Roberts and 3. Murray
Gibbon are friendsto each other as
well as of the Rockies, Thee' spent
some e wc:'elts tot ether in` the he xnouiie
tains this year during the niinnal
meeting of the Trail Ri b
ders. Roby
erts was renewing old acquaint
antes and re -visiting scene e he had
not seen for forty years, New hooka
will jio, doubt later donle from each
it o
expected e
.1l. that ,
n the
ease of neither rias"
spoken on the Rock, M Lr word